#angelina the draft thoma
andr0nap · 9 months
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all right i had this all typed out as an essay but because tumblr can’t automatically save a goddamned draft i’m going to take the lazy way out and just type the majority in lists.
disclaimer: it’s been a hot second since i’ve read the harry potter books so some of my information may be a bit off but i’ll try. i also don’t have all the information on hogwarts mystery because i’ve only gotten to chapter eleven of year five.
so something i love about hogwarts mystery is that it does what jk rowling failed to do in terms of diversity. correct me if i’m wrong, but there’s only four explicitly stated poc characters, all black, and maybe three others that can be deduced as non-white considering last names and all. (and when considering canonical movie appearances, i believe those seven are the only poc characters.)
dean thomas, black — described as being a tall black boy in the books. very little importance in the actual storyline. muggle-born boy who’s really only important because he is muggle-born and that’s the kind of people voldemort wants to get rid of.
angelina johnson, black — described as being a tall black girl in the books. no importance whatsoever. only mentioned because she’s a part of the quidditch team.
kingsley shacklebolt, black — described as being a tall black wizard in the books. biggest importance is probably because it was his patronus who warned the people at the wedding of the death eaters, and also because he assumed the position of minister of magic for a bit.
blaise zabini, black — described as being a tall black boy in the books. literally only mentioned because he occasionally hung out with draco.
cho chang, presumably asian — chinese in the movies, not confirmed in the books. deductibly chinese considering her last name, though that’s conflicting considering her first name is a traditional korean surname. her only real importance is being harry’s first love interest so he wouldnt end up marrying the girl he’s always loved, i guess; i dont know. also the one who a.) in the books, brought the friend who blabbed to umbridge to the da, or b.) in the movies, the one who blabbed to umbridge herself.
parvati and padma patil, presumably indian — indian in the movies, unconfirmed in the books. deductibly indian considering their last name. zero importance throughout the series, aside from when they were harry’s and ron’s dates to the yule ball (but even then, they only were because harry and ron were out of options).
in conclusion, jk rowling’s characters aren’t all white, true, but her non-white characters are either poorly written or have little importance. she had the potential to even cast poc actors as characters, but the majority were white. what all with her big hair, she even had the perfect set up for hermione being black — and with natural hair too! but alas (and don’t get me wrong; i love emma watson), a white actor was cast.
but then you simply have to open your friendships log in hogwarts mystery and there’s diversity all around!!! not even just in race, but religion too!!!
rowan khanna, presumably indian — definitely dark-skinned, deductibly indian from their last name. they’re one of the most main characters and plays the role of mc’s best friend. super smart kid who dreams of being a hogwarts professor! you go, you spunky little indian kid.
andre egwu, black — deductibly nigerian from his last name. not extremely important in the main story line, but plays bigger roles in side quests. and this man is a fashionable athlete! not only is he non-white, but he totally breaks gender roles too!
talbott winger, dark-skinned — it’s hard to tell specifically where his ancestors may be from but he’s for sure dark-skinned. he doesn’t play much of a role in the main storyline, buf he’s vvvv important in two different side quests. he’s also just a very well-written character and it makes me go aldhskehdjnd
jae kim, presumably korean — considering his last name, it’s quite likely he’s korean. he’s fairly important if you choose him to accompany you to knockturn alley. but he’s also important in the sense that he keeps mc company in detention.
badeea ali, presumably arabic — MUSLIM GIRL!!!!!! A HIJABI!!!!!!! AT HOGWARTS!!!!!!!! ALSHSKAJAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im pretty sure she plays a pretty important role later on in year five but i’m not 100% sure on what it is exactly (i at least try to avoid spoilers). but she’s an amazing artist!! her name even means creative!!! i love her
liz tuttle, black — like talbott, im not sure totally where specifically her ancestors are from, but she’s still black. and she’s absolutely incredible. she saves mc’s life when they have a run-in with a chimaera, for one thing. she’s also a vegan activist and i love her for it
diego caplan, presumably spanish? — judging by his first name, it’s likely he has spanish origins, but nevertheless he’s definitely not white. but on top of that, caplan is a jewish last name!! a jewish character, AND a muslim character. i’m in love.
angelica cole, black — gryffindor prefect. quite a bit important if you’re in gryffindor, less important but still so if you’re not in gryffindor and have to sneak into the common room.
madam villanelle, black — worker at flourish & blotts. gave mc information on jacob as well as mundungus fletcher. skilled linguist.
on top of all them, there’s also just a bunch of nameless extras who are non-white. not sure how many extras in harry potter were non-white, but i still thought i’d mention it.
so yeah, here’s my long-ass post that no one will read but ah well.
EDIT: i never actually posted this?? what a dumbass. but ive gotten a lot further in the game now; im just too lazy to fully edit
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maeskia · 5 years
Lace Lounge Blogroll
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Below is a list of those in the guild Lace Lounge, please give the blogs a follow.  We would love for you to roleplay with us!
Send questions, prompts, and more.  Many of us will follow you back and do the same.  18 years or older only please as this is an R-rated guild.   Be respectful and do not follow if you are younger.
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Name: Eliceyn Kestavin
Name: Eliceyn Kestavin
Title: Madam of 'The Lace Lounge'
Other hobbies:  Cooking, Reading, Magic Practice
Race: Afflicted Human
Name in game: Elïceyn (ALT Code: Alt 0239)
FC: Kate Beckinsale
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Name: Alexander Thomas Kestavin
Title: Lord, Co-Owner of the Lace Lounge, Captain of the Sudden Storm
Other Hobbies:  Blacksmithing, working out, and baking
Race: Ateraci Human
Name in game: Andèrson - Alliance
FC: Michiel Huisman / Santiago Cabrera
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Name: Maeskia Duskwhisper
Title: Lace Lounge investor, Lady, Researcher, Published writer
Other hobbies: Writing, spell crafting, experimenting, investing in several businesses, singing
Race: Ren’dorei
Name in game: Maeskiia - Alliance  Maeskia - horde (toon is onlyrp on alliance atm)
FC: Angelina Jolie
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Name: Sefinora Grimlocke
Title: Bartender & Muscle/Occasional Escort
Other Hobbies: Cooking, Leatherworking, Hunting
Race: Afflicted Gilnean
Name In-Game: Sefinora
FC: Lauren Cohan (The Walking Dead)
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Name: Rayam Silvershade
Title: Escort for the Lace Lounge
Other hobbies: Flirting, fucking annnd flirting again
Race: Ren’dorei
Name in game: Silversahde - Alliance
FC: Jude Law
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Name: Lady Vellanaris Silversheen
Title: Seamstress for the Lace Lounge
Other hobbies:  Animal care, Sewing, Training
Race: Sin'dorei
Name in game: Vellanaris - Horde
FC: Amanda Seyfried
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Name: Aisla Montgomery
Title: TLL Bar Manager
Other hobbies: Singing, playing guitar, writing music, fucking Darren
Race: Human
Gender: Female
FC: Emmy Rossum 
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Name: Atreyu Silverwing
Title: TLL - kinda does everything
Other hobbies: Botany, piano, singing
Race: Sin'dorei
Gender: Male
FC: Tyler Hoechlin
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Name: Tasca Leafshredder
Title:  Physician 
Other hobbies:  Drinking, drinking, rum love
Race: Appears Kaldorei
Name in game: Nortanu
FC: Ashley Graham
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Name: Leon E. Ambroce
Title: Proprietor of the Cookbook, escort for the Lace Lounge
Other hobbies:  Leatherworking, Cooking
Race: Gilnean Human (afflicted)
Name in game: Cambor - Alliance
FC: Joseph Fiennes / Derek Yates (body only)
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Name: Bel'sharia Drath
Title: Muscle
Other hobbies: Reading, writing, working out, cigars
Race: Kaldoeri
Name in game: Belsharia
FC:  Kobra Paige
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Name: Lochlan Almash
Title: Muscle, Bodyguard, Blacksmith, general handyman, sellsword
Other hobbies: smithing, drinking to excess, sarcasm (yeah its a hobby), working out, practicing his sword work. 
Race: Cursed Human (Worgen)
Name in game: Almash
FC:  Luke Evans 
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 Name: Leona Davos
Title: Poledancer
Other Hobbies: Dancing, drawing
Race: Kul'Tiran Human
Name in Game: Leonå
FC: Alexandra Daddario
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Name: Syvan Kylar Clare
Title:  Entertainer - Musician
Other hobbies:  Writing poetry, drinking, revenge
Race: Appears Kul Tiran
Name in game: Sæwine
FC: Aaron Ashmore
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Name: Amaranu "Ranu" Stillsnow
Title: Security
Other hobbies: Botanical genetics
Race: Kaldorei Illidari
Name in game: Amaranu
FC: Manish Dayal
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Name: Alysri Blackmoon
Title: Escort
Other Hobbies: Animals, People.
Race: Kaldorei
Name in Game: Alysri
Please note this is not all of our current employees and guildmates.  I created this on my spare time and used what was sent to me!  I have a draft saved of this and will update/add more as we grow.
@thelaceloungewra @wraconnect
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teleindiscreta · 6 years
El futuro de Isaiah en los Lakers dependerá de LeBron y George
Isaiah Thomas despide la temporada previa a la agencia libre en la que debería haberse hecho con un máximo contrato habiendo disputado apenas 32 partidos y tras haber sido traspasado hasta en dos ocasiones. Hace un año por estas fechas el base sonaba (aunque con mínimas opciones) en las quinielas para el MVP tras haber disputado su segundo All Star Game. En agosto, Celtics y Cavaliers llegaron a un inesperado acuerdo (el desembarco de Kyrie Irving a Boston) que se prolongó más de lo previsto por los problemas en la cadera del propio Thomas. Unas molestias que aparecieron en los playoffs 2017 y que le llevan martirizando desde entonces.
A pesar de que los Lakers, el equipo al que llegó este mes de febrero tras no cuajar en Cleveland, no lo han confirmado, la artroscopia en la cadera derecha a la que el base se someterá este jueves en Nueva York supone el punto final al curso para él. Tras un procedimiento mínimamente invasivo, “se estima un extenso periodo de recuperación“, adelanta la ESPN.
En el mismo artículo firmado por Adrian Wojnarowski también se menciona el futuro del que fuera número 60 del draft 2011. Los Lakers siguen mostrando un interés a la hora de explorar fórmulas para renovarle a partir del próximo 1 de julio. Ahora bien, llegados a este punto, entran en juego los intereses de ambas partes. Los grandes objetivos para la franquicia angelina en el próximo mercado es hacerse con dos súperestrellas de la talla de LeBron James y Paul George. Para ello cuentan con margen salarial más que suficiente. En el caso de que fallen en ambas o en una de estas operaciones, las opciones de Thomas para continuar aumentarían. Eso sí, y siempre y cuando no surjan nuevos reparos al respecto de su salud, lo que le ofrecerían sería un contrato por un año de cara a mantener intactas sus opciones para la free agency 2019.
Dada la pérdida de su caché y un verano en el que los millones de dólares de los contratos van a experimentar una caída importante respecto a las ventanas de 2016 y 2017, el propio Thomas vería bien explorar esta última opción. Firmar por un año y aprovechar la oportunidad para aumentar su valor y perseguir en 2019 el ansiado gran contrato. A sus 29 años, Isaiah nunca se ha embolsado más de siete millones en una temporada.
Ante esta coyuntura (y según parece, a expensas de los resultados obtenidos por los de púrpura y oro con los peces gordos del mercado), no es descartable que el ex de los Celtics siga vistiendo la camiseta de los Lakers en el curso 2018-19. Tal y como detallan las fuentes de la ESPN, tanto la dirección deportiva como Luke Walton están satisfechos con el trabajo y la actitud del base a lo largo de este mes y medio. Todo a pesar de tener que partir desde el banquillo cuando el jugador preferiría contar con un rol como titular.
Fuente: AS
La entrada El futuro de Isaiah en los Lakers dependerá de LeBron y George se publicó primero en Teleindiscreta.
from El futuro de Isaiah en los Lakers dependerá de LeBron y George
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stag28 · 6 years
"Pace and space, 3s, slash-and-kicks, high screens, foul shots, more 3s. That’s basketball in 2017. Years of trial and error nudged us here: an advanced metrics revolution, better playmaking, superior long-range shooting, big men drifting farther away from the paint, a collective realization that spacing could trump size and a league that wanted this to happen. Would you rather have 129–119 or 66–64?" [..] "The 2017 Warriors look for 3s on breaks and thrive whenever the game becomes chaotic. You forgot to mark a shooter? You forgot to stay near Steph for that extra split second? You didn’t see that sneaky midcourt pick coming? Boom … here’s another 3. Instead of Showtime, the Warriors created Help!!!!Time. And their equally superb half-court offense features spectacular shooting, precise spacing, unusual unselfishness and the mere threat of 3s (which opens the floor for everything else). Twelve months from now, after Durant is fully acclimated, they will produce the most unstoppable offense we’ve ever seen. " [..] "basketball is simply better now. There’s more going on. And it’s opened the door for more impact players." [..] "2017’s superstars belong only to the “creates offense through playmaking and spacing” category. " [..] "Evolution always wins." [..] "the Celtics have a puncher’s chance of making the Finals with a franchise player who … A. Was picked 60th in the 2011 draft B. Was squandered by two other NBA teams C. Was stolen before 2015’s trade deadline for an expiring contract and a late first-rounder D. Earns $6.75 million per year (he’s the NBA’s 149th-highest-paid player) E. Plays at the same height as Angelina Jolie and Tom Cruise. " [..] " only nine NBA players have ever been shorter than Thomas. Like, in 71 years." [..] "Remember the gawd-awful 2004 Olympics and two years of Pistons-Pacers playoff rock fights? Remember how laborious the 2005 Finals were (save for the Horry Game)? Remember when the NBA clumsily tinkered with hand-check rules and zone defenses, seeming more desperate than Chris Christie these past few years? Remember Wade barreling to the line over and over again in the 2006 Finals as Mark Cuban turned maroon? Remember that dreadful 2007 Finals mismatch between the Spurs and LeBron’s D-League team? That 2007 season sucked so much that I actually voted for “The Fans” for MVP. Who was more valuable than us? We endured six months of absolute crap and kept coming back, right? Ten years later, NBA fans have been complaining that Round 2’s games weren’t close enough. Our collective bar rose THAT high. We know LeBron is making the Finals for the seventh straight time, and we know the Warriors will be waiting in Ali’s Manila trunks. A trilogy! What’s better than that? We’re also headed for a future in which every season it’ll become easier for teams to stumble into a franchise guy. Curry, Giannis, Thomas, Booker, Kawhi, Butler, George, Jokic … these were NOT top-five lottery picks." [..] "Remember when we complained that LeBron should post up more? How he wasn’t overpowering smaller defenders or using his quickness to embarrass bigger ones? In 2017, we complain that nobody can stop LeBron downhill when he’s surrounded by quality shooters. If you think LeBron didn’t learn on the fly from Mike D’Antoni unleashing James Harden this season, you’re crazy. This is LeBron." [..] "How do you stop the queen of the chessboard when he’s working with a bigger board?" [..] " In 2017, every elite offense hopes to create an everlasting Ezeli Dilemma. We’re spreading the floor for our best guy, and we’ll keep setting him screens until he lands the matchup he likes. GOOD LUCK. Every remaining playoff team features a playmaker who thrives in this scenario; Golden State and Cleveland have been blessed with two.““
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junker-town · 7 years
Can LaVar Ball and Kim Kardashian’s trainer co-exist as Lakers?
Good morning. We have that and more in Thursday’s NBA newsletter.
The Los Angeles Lakers have had massive staff turnover in recent months, including on the training staff. The team needed a new strength and endurance coach, so they hired ... a trainer to the stars, Gunnar Peterson. Among his current and former clients, according to reports: Kim Kardashian, Hugh Jackman, Jennifer Lopez, Russell Wilson, Sofia Vergara, Bruce Willis, Angelina Jolie, and more. A quarter of a million people follow him on Instagram, which is where the photo above is from.
He's ... basically perfect for the Lakers.
Here's the rub, though: assuming the Lakers keep their No. 2 draft pick and select Lonzo Ball, the new trainer with a large celebrity profile and client list might have Young Zo do things differently than Smartest Man in the World LaVar Ball would. What a clash of personalities that might be!
Let's all celebrate the Lakers fully leaning into their brand by hiring Kim Kardashian's trainer to run strength and endurance, and let's prepare for the coming LaVarpocalypse, wherever it may land.
The Cavaliers are back in Boston for Game 5 against the Celtics on Thursday (8:30 p.m. ET, TNT). Cleveland leads 3-1. The C's have been way more competitive of late. Will it hold?
I wrote about why the Celtics should plan to keep and re-sign Isaiah Thomas: he's the perfect complement to Boston's youth movement.
Zito Madu on how Kyrie Irving is LeBron's perfect co-star.
Those Chris Paul-Spurs rumors are beginning to percolate. I'll have more on this soon.
The NBA is in quite a pickle. The league pulled the 2017 All-Star Weekend out of Charlotte after North Carolina passed HB 2, which essentially legalized discrimination against transgender people in the state. The NBA was one of many businesses who took events and money out of North Carolina as a protest. The state recently replaced HB 2 with a new law that critics suggest is pretty much no different. Now LGBT groups are criticizing the NBA for announcing it will hold the 2019 All-Star Game in Charlotte. The NBA's original decision to take a stand in N.C. was admirable. But the league is going to take a lot of heat now for essentially granting North Carolina's legislature absolution. We'll see how it plays out and whether the NBA eventually reverses course again.
UNC has its first one-and-done player in almost a decade: Tony Bradley, who will stay in the draft. The decision has huge ramification for Tar Heels basketball.
One player not staying in the draft: Hamidou Diallo, the Kentucky commit who hasn't actually played any college ball but was draft-eligible.
Ben Falk with a thoughtful look at how we consider and rate coaches.
After demanding a female TV sports journalist "stay in her lane" when she critiqued him, LaVar Ball is now selling "Stay In Yo Lane" t-shirts, which if nothing else self-identifies those who wear them as people you should absolutely avoid at all costs.
Kevin O'Connor on the 3-and-D archetype, and why the draft is where to grab one.
Scottie Pippen says LeBron has not passed Kobe Bryant, which is hilarious.
Travis Schlenk from the Warriors will be the Hawks' new general manager! People love them some Travis Schlenk.
Brandon Sneed writes that it's time to rethink what coaches wear on the sidelines. As long as we don't end up with Billy Donovan borrowing clothes from Russell Westbrook ...
Diana Moskovitz breaks down the NBA's new policy on domestic violence, sexual assault, and child abuse and finds that while it incorporates much of what leading experts wanted, some cases will still fall through the cracks and leaving the league in a tough spot. Zach Lowe described one such case last week.
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andr0nap · 8 months
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traveling on thomaback 🪶
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andr0nap · 7 months
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with angie and buddy bc i LOVE them sm
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andr0nap · 9 months
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cowboy au but i commit to the lack of horses on no mans land
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