#andrew huberman how to get in shape
sac-bestsupplements · 2 months
The ONLY Fat Loss Video You'll Ever Need to Watch: In this video, we unveil with the help of Dr. Andrew Huberman, a renowned neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University, the science behind effective fat loss.
Dr. Huberman takes us through a comprehensive journey into the mechanisms of weight loss, debunking common myths and spotlighting evidence-based strategies that promise lasting results. L-lysine is a supplement renowned for its ability to help with weight loss.
Watch a video about its benefits here: https://youtu.be/g8JIGHHT2x8
If you want to learn more about Omega 3 EPA, watch our Algae Oil playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSFGiF-1NaB4c0Jb98oGmMEzIduKsmh23
#fatloss #fatlosssecrets #andrewhuberman
Hello Achiever Fam! Ready to transform your body and boost your health?
Today, we're diving deep into the world of fat loss, unmasking the myths and revealing the truths with "The ONLY Fat Loss Video You'll Ever Need to Watch!" 🏋️‍♂️💥 First off, let’s talk about weighing yourself. To avoid the emotional rollercoaster of daily weight fluctuations, weigh yourself every morning after using the bathroom and take the weekly average. This method provides a more stable and accurate reflection of your progress. 📉 Here's the deal with calories: If you eat more than you burn, you gain weight; eat less, and you lose weight. Simple, right? But there’s more to it than just calories in and out. Let’s break down some game-changing factors: Sleep: Poor sleep can spike stress hormones like cortisol, which not only makes losing fat harder but also encourages your body to store fat, especially around your belly. Aim for consistent, quality sleep to keep your weight loss goals on track. 🌙✨ Fats: Don’t fear fats! Especially omega-3 fatty acids like EPA, which help regulate your metabolism and may even curb your appetite. Aim for at least 1,000 milligrams per day from sources like fatty fish or supplements. 🐟🥑 Sugar Cravings: These are often linked to what’s happening in your gut. Feeding your body essential nutrients can help stave off those cravings. Amino acids and essential fats are your allies here. 🍬➡️🥗 Thyroid Health: Your thyroid, which helps regulate metabolism, needs nutrients like iodine and selenium.
Boost your selenium with Brazil nuts and get iodine from seafood or iodized salt. 🦐🥜 Movement: Small movements throughout the day, like fidgeting, can increase your calorie burn. Embrace those little activities to boost your overall energy expenditure. 🏃‍♂️ Cold Exposure: Utilize the power of the cold to boost fat burning. Short, controlled exposure to cold can help enhance your metabolism and increase fat loss. ❄️🧊 Fasting: Integrating fasting with your sleep cycle can enhance its effects. Delaying breakfast or dining earlier can extend your natural fasting period, aiding in weight loss. ⏲️🍽️ Exercise: Incorporate a mix of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), sprint interval training (SIT), and moderate-intensity continuous training (MICT) to maximize fat burning and improve your physical health. Each has its benefits, so find the right mix that fits your lifestyle and goals. 🚴‍♂️🏋️‍♀️
So, that's a wrap on cutting through the fat loss confusion! How many of these strategies are you already using, or plan to try? Drop your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. 📝 Stay tuned and subscribe for more insights and comparisons on natural supplements and health strategies. Catch you in the next video, Achiever Fam! Bye! 👋💪
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althuberistically · 2 months
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TL;DR The adultery may have been a protocol of Huberman’s. What would a sufficient reason to have gone through with it look like?
> be me, be andrew D huberman
> life is good, post-doc complete, headed to professorship at stanford. 
> walk into my empty living space. do toe touches, sip health hipster tea.
>  article comes out, it’s 2016, a schizophrenic college dropout known as "Donor 9623" apparently sired dozens of children - forging documents to say he was a 160iq neuroscientist who spoke four languages. 
> damn, im who people pretend to be, in their wild fantasies
> realize most of ghengis khan’s ~1000 spawn died in infancy and most probably didn’t have children or grandchildren — but 9623’s children, who all carry the behavioral encoding to either 1) donate to sperm banks  (if male, from their dad), 2) get pregnant off a random guy’s sperm (if female, from their mom), will each be healthy IVF babies from upper middle class parents and grow up to have more kids – possibly in inordinate number like their father via sperm banks, while ensuring the reproductive landscape favors women indifferent to or with a preference for such means via their mother.
> ugh.
> whatever it’s just biofoam on a cold space rock, I’m a scientist, I know. 
> but if suburban man plants a few seeds with his 2.3 children, a regular sperm donor drives a plow. and the irregular sperm donors could be as influential as kudzu or some invasive species.
> Moreover, accounting for the interaction between low birthrates and low infant mortality, this is quite possibly the highest leverage window to enforce a genetic overdetermination regime _ever_. 
> The future shape of the human race stakes itself on the sperm bank bottleneck. Civilization is no more than a summation of the contours of the individual, and History is converging into a rhyme of one person.
> snap out of it, slap myself. am I actually cucking to people slightly more motivated to fuck a plastic cup once a week?
> grim determination sets in. 
> …
> I take a break from not doing research and not being at my lab to look up how to donate to sperm banks. It turns out there are quite strict sperm donation requirements.
> open a pdf, slightly enervated. check the list, one by one. crime requirement doesn’t apply to me, *sigh of relief*. HPV test can be tricked because I’m a world class wet lab biologist. *phew*. page cuts off at “height requirement is” and it takes a second to load and my heart skips a beat and my mouth has opened to breathe.
> it loads and…
> it’s 5’9…
> I pass. 
> *ten seconds of physiological sigh* and oooh, baby, I’m back. 
> check a few more local banks 
> security measures aren’t good. a eunuch could donate to these by going in with someone else’s premeditated sperm.
> seriously, Donor 9623’s mistakes were amateur.
> even so, his genes will propagate. you can’t take back a baby.
> According to a back-of-the-envelope estimate, I find that I could plausibly father two hundred children in a decade, which when scaled must be equal to the influence of two Genghis Khans in comparison to the average guy or even sperm donor. I’m not perfect, but someone will win and no one else who meets the bar can. 
> no…no, fuck that. »»growth mindset««. I visualize myself as the glory of this race. Would it matter, for what reason I do this?  The morality of the quest is the outcome. If the risk is mediocrity, then me and my legitimate height are all that stands in its way.
> I run preliminary tests, quite a blessing to have a home microscope. My sperm count is okay, but it varies within a 10% range by week, where, on a weekly donation schedule, some samples would probably get rejected every month. Quite a waste of limited time. I implement a protocol to improve sperm count, and soon I’ve passed the entrance exam for a sperm bank.
> milestone: first donation: popped and locked in the cryochamber!
> I shall yoke the human lamb, and moisten its grazing land with my water of life, like that Mesopotanian guy who’s everyone’s grand dad in the Sumerian myth.
> weekly donations become routine…
> first kid is born - I see a picture, via email, and shed a tear. 
> no! fuck! - paternal neural pathways will activate and fuck with my progesterone levels.
> close the tab and pop a zinc tablet. repeat my downregulation mantra.
> I see an apple news report released of a dutch guy who had 500 kids in six years…possibly not an outlier, either. 
> I’m currently at a half-a-dozen kids.
> oh fuck. 
> I have ten more years of peak virility, and at this rate of progress, five Huberspawn might be born annually - but that’s nowhere close to enough. 
> fuck, fuck, fuck… I had been so huberistic
> im losing the future to some idiot whose sex drive was sublimated to making love with a sample collection cup, which at any other point in history would be some degenerate behavior that got you banished, unless you were a sumerian god.
> a solution comes to mind: multiple banks.
> okay, but sperm needs time to regenerate - how can I meet the weekly donation quality requirement more than once?
> mull this over, then I recall: """The Coolidge effect: mate to satiety; the point where further arousal is impossible but replace the female w/a novel one & the male immediately regains vigor & arousal. It has also been shown for females; introducing a novel male restores arousal. The mechanism is dopamine dependent."""
> this is a promising way out. does it improve sperm health? okay, yes it does. my Coolidge coefficient is zero. I need to bang chicks systematically, in addition to plastic cups.
> talk to a girl for the first time since high school. 
> no attraction. supplement aphrodisiacs.
> implement a sex regiment, which causes a momentary dip in sperm count that quickly recovers once I add a second girl.
> grit my teeth, pass the exam at multiple banks, and become a regular donor. 
> life becomes: donate, swap to `Sarah`, donate, swap to `Sally`, donate again – hardest thing I’ve ever done, but it works.
> trial more, at about ten cc (coolidge count), I start to lose track of things and sperm count plummets – but it seems six is an equilibrium.
> I’ve saturated a few banks now, and set up fake profiles at other ones. 
> an old grant and some finagling gives me access to the data of a few sperm bank databases, and I compile statistical models of outliers – it seems dutch guy was way ahead of everyone else, though since his removal no new inseminations with his sperm have occured. 
> I set up an attack, first modifying online data on `megadonors` (meaning those who are poised to have more than 30 kids) to set-up a series of clues they might be felons, which I subtly hint at in emails to encourage bank employees to investigate. 
> One by one, they lose their donor cards.
> Hubremacy.
> go on a podcast, explain a method to increase sperm and general wellness, but make a few minor errors – not factual errors, but the kind where implementing what I say would lower libido while improving everything else on net.
> podcast goes uberviral. I’m told to start my own. 
> I ramp up production, make the most successful breakout podcast of the 2020s to fill the time my sperm regenerates and Coolidge effect can’t be used.
> Sperm donors, particularly megadonors, are an easy audience to find and market to, healthy and conscientious men with a inline superiority complex. 
> And, I see a distinct decrease in the sperm count per donation of potential megadonors, many of their samples are discarded, and cards expired for the ostensible impotency. 
> closing in on 10^3 Huberspawn 
> A hit piece is published on my optimal cc. A perfect distraction from the true purpose of the protocol. I play mind games.
> pay a few asian eunuchs 10,000 dollars each to put mailed samples of the Water of Huber in Korean and Japanese banks. (They can’t discretely swap samples with their own sperm.)
> set up trip wires to drive those who are competent enough to reveal the Spawning insane – once triggered, they target investigative journalists with ads from a shell corp that gives them inversions of good therapy advice, systematically baits the males into dates with fake tinder profiles (ai images make this straightforward), then ghosts them – if I ever were to get a woman and a man assailing me, i would cross reference their dating patterns to make them ghost _each other_ in unattractive ways to discount the dopamine bonus from flakiness, effectively nullifying collaborative efforts to find me.
> net millions off of green dust juice mix fine-tuned to my chromosomal profile, and engineered to fuck up the digestion of those unlike me, to ensure that the Spawn in later years will thrive without competition.
> get a dna sample through a podcast ad from a suspected megadonor, then selectively leak modified respiratory viruses evolved to impair their descendents. It’s laughable. Almost too easy, no one could put it together that the short term effects they’re seeing now, will become long term and permanent excisions from the portions of the world least compatible with my plan for it.
> …
> …
> …
> My days are long, and I am weary. I have collated and then statistically modeled as many sperm bank children as I can, and it seems I’ve won. No others, in the narrow window I have been acting, had my advantages or insight. 
> My donations are listed under different names, and my knowledge of the Python programming language allows me to continue updating fake LinkedIn profiles for promotions and other signals of good genes so that mothers do not suspect they work for a shell corporation – (I respond to emails to the fake email addresses with a  “Thanks for emailing me. I won’t be able to respond. The office is currently trialing a new email triage system to improve our deep work. – Here is a 30% coupon for Athletic Greens: ” I also have each mother’s name on a spreadsheet with a status indication of which fake identity they believe is mine – currently no clear investigative efforts have emailed, nor tests where a mother emails to the wrong fake donor …) – while a little counter in the left corner of my desktop allows me to see the gross number of Huberspawn beside a `paperclip gray` graph that turns red if the rate of progress goes down. 
> At the moment, I have donated enough sperm to reach my ten year goal of 10^4 Huberspawn (by measure of how often the Huberwater samples are optioned) though it will take some time for the donations to be used. 
> …
> I’ve become old but I’m still ripped and microdosing TRTs. 
> I’ve been caught, and am about to be apprehended. The door is reinforced, which buys me a minute – I scramble, login to the secret computer in my wardrobe, and press a button that runs a `database input sanitization script` to rewrite the records of all the Huberspawn and a select few other bank children.
> A quarter of the Huberspawn are informed they have high genetic distance from the others, encouraging them to mate with their kin so they may recursively amplify me. Another quarter’s records are erased – the other half will soon find out and colonize other ethnicities out of incest fears. A few prodigal bank children that are not mine have been identified, and their records are rewritten to inform them they are direct-line Huberspawn, under the one legitimate profile I kept at each bank. 
> The most promising Huberspawn have already been alerted, tacitly, and entrusted with my will. They have made plans to continue the Spawning. 
> The door bursts. A police man comes in, and arrests me. He handcuffs me, and leans in close. His breath smells of green tea extract and Yerba Mate.
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heyitsjughead · 8 months
The Ultimate Guide to Unleashing Your Creativity
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Hey there! Paul here, back once again with some game-changing advice for all you creatives out there. Today, we’re going to delve into the fascinating realm of creativity and, more importantly, how you can spark it on-demand. 
This is based on the insightful work of Andrew Huberman, and it’s about to revolutionize the way you approach your creative projects.
Dive into the Flow State 
The flow state – also known as being “in the zone” – is a potent mental phase where your performance peaks, and you’re completely engrossed in a task. It strikes when your skills impeccably match the task’s complexities, steering clear of boredom (if it’s too easy) and frustration (if it’s too hard).
So how do you tap into this? Start by eliminating all distractions. Concentrate on the journey, not the endpoint. This means relishing every moment of the present task and deriving profound pleasure from it. Time seems to zoom past when you’re in flow, so make sure not to confine yourself with time limits when feasible.
Embrace a Ritual 
As the wise William Somerset Maugham once put it: “I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately, it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp.” This underlines the significance of a daily routine or ritual in stimulating creativity.
Successful creatives like Stephen King have a dedicated routine they follow religiously to get their work done. They don’t depend on erratic sparks of inspiration but have established a system to work consistently on their craft. Find a ritual that suits you – it could be visualizing, meditating, affirmations, or just savoring a coffee at the same time daily. Consistency is vital, so even if you feel uninspired or stuck, just show up and do something; regular practice will eventually lead to progress.
Harness the Power of Limitations 
While human creativity is theoretically limitless, setting boundaries for your creative process can actually enhance creativity, not suppress it. Acclaimed author Stephen Kotler champions meticulous planning and setting boundaries as a catalyst for creativity.
Even Pablo Picasso utilized self-imposed limitations during his Cubist phase, restricting himself to geometric shapes and a specific color palette, ultimately revolutionizing 20th-century art. Similarly, during his Blue Period, Picasso deliberately confined his color palette to different shades of blue to express specific emotions.
By setting limitations in your creative work, you can enhance focus, generate unique ideas, and alleviate the burden of endless possibilities. This strategy will unlock your creative potential and empower you to create genuinely remarkable work.
In conclusion, by adopting these three habits - diving into the flow state, embracing a ritual, and harnessing limitations - you can supercharge your creative process and consistently generate original work. If you have any quirky habits from your favorite artists or tips of your own, feel free to share them in the comments!
And if you’re still contemplating whether to embark on your creative journey or are struggling with motivation, check out my video on how to boost motivation.
Until next time, Paul
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atundratoadstool · 7 years
Do you have any reading suggestions for information about Victorian mental hospitals?
Andrew Scull seems to be the go to guy it seems for asylum history, and a lot of my knowledge comes from reading his The Most Solitary of Afflictions straight through. He has a bit of a weird gripe with Michel Foucault and his Madness and Civilization, which I sort of recommend if you’re going deep into asylum discourse but also caution to take with a heavy grain of salt when it comes to Foucault’s historical facts as opposed to his big thoughts regarding institutionalization. I also had a lot of my views on how not completely awful asylums could be shaped by Charlotte MacKenzie’s Psychiatry for the Rich, which is a case study of an (admittedly atypical) private asylum catering to wealthy clients. Lastly, I’ve read a few academic books relating to French nineteenth-century asylums, but I’m a little hesitant to recommend them, as none of them focus on asylum history specifically. Nevertheless, if you want a fascinating look into the relationship between psychology and photography, Georges Didi-Huberman’s The Invention of Hysteria is quite a trip.
This isn’t by any means a comprehensive list, and while I feel I’m pretty knowledgeable about a lot of asylum history after having read them, I still wouldn’t consider myself an expert, so there may be other very very useful titles I’ve overlooked. Also, I should mention that these texts are academic monographs not designed for a lay audience, and they can be a bit dense. For somebody just wanting to get a rough idea of asylums in the era, I’d recommend starting with Scull and going in with an expectation that you’re allowed to do a great deal of skipping around.
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