#and you thought plants were the good guys during AP biology in high school
lord-dusk · 5 years
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Jurassic Emblem-Chapter 10
Scales are quite tricky to draw. Anyhow, there’s the second boss of the game!
 Nifl was a cold, desolate land of snow,bones,ice,and blood. Frozen blood. It wasn’t quite the Kirby-esque happy place you’d thought it would be, after the Nifl-Muspell incident where Askran forces killed off warped versions of video-game protagonists and The elder Nifl princess Guunthra being roasted alive like some yummy Barbie-Cute pork. And the situation got particularly better when the sun-dragon Helios was frozen solid, condemning the whole area into everlasting night.
At least the stars and moon looked very charming and exquisite, white stellar bodies illuminating the aqua-blue sky.
Blue and Lucina were marching through the snow, huddling each other for thermal radiation. Blue, having grown up on a tropical island for much of her life, had borrowed Lucina’s scarf and cape for extra warmth(don’t get into that frappucino debate on feathers please). Lucina, having grown up in a desert country with enough rainfall to sustain a 15m-tall scythe-wielding flesh golem, found it rather uncomfortable trekking through the snow. Ryukami the mosasaurus had stayed behind at the ice-floes to catch up on some Nisioisin novels.
The raptors were marching onwards to the north of Nifl, sometimes passing by some shrubs and frost-covered rocks. Just when Lucina thought things were getting rather monotonous, she saw something rustle out of the bushes. Blue took notice as well and saw what appeared to be a penguin-like bird with white spots on its face waddling in a panicked manner before a fox-squirrel thing pounced on it and tore apart its head from its socket, crimson blood and pieces of esophagus and vocal cord spilling out unto the snow and dying it red. Blue and Lucina were eyeing the fox-squirrel as it dug heavy mitten-like foreclaws into the bird’s torso and stringy pink intestines splooged out. Lucina decided to look away and went on her way. Blue paid no attention to the carnage after that as well.
“That was a Repenomamus devouring a Great Auk,” Blue explained. “The world where I from, InGen didn’t simply revived dinosaurs, they brought back Paleozoic and Cenozoic fauna as well. Although if I were you, I wouldn’t dare pet a reppy.”
“Why? Are they dangerous?” Lucina asked. Blue can easily tell right off the bat that humans like Lucina had a profound desire to prod and hold small,furry mammals.
“Oh yes. Reppies are one mammal you do NOT want to pet; despite looking like a Pomeranian with mole-claws, they WILL try to eviscerate you; for a mammal from the Mesozoic they are quite big enough to eat small dinosaurs.”
“Hmm? I assumed mammals evolved after the demise of the giant lizards.”
“Actually, they co-existed with the dinosaurs, though they were bit characters in a world dominated by reptiles bursting with presence and charisma. Repenomamus was the biggest furry during its time, but most of its kin were barely any bigger than an Amiibo figure.”
“And that penguin-looking bird?”
“Uh-huh. That great auk was NOT a penguin-it’s actually more closely related to puffins than to the famous diving birds south of the Equator. Although, it was the the only auk that converted its flight power to swimming power completely, and those damn humans wiped its existence off the face of the Earth.”
“You know quite a lot about animals before the dawn of man, don’t you?” Lucina commented.
“I’m a creature from before man myself, though I wouldn’t be too surprised if InGen resurrected species routed by humanity, like the dodo and the gastric mouth-brooding frog.” Blue replied.
“Come to think of it, isn’t it harder to clone a mammal than say, a reptile or a fish?”
“Yes, Henry Wu of InGen has cloned mammals occasionally, but found it quite tedious because mammalian red cells do not have nuclei, where the DNA are located. You would need to find white cells, which are much less common than their red counterparts in a ratio of 2 to 12.”
“Reptiles and birds, on the other hand, have nuclei within their red blood cells, and Henry Wu is a genius when it comes to manipulating DNA.” Blue explained, frowning.
“Who is this Henry Wu that you speak of ?”
“Why, as a human being, Dr.Henry Wu is a tacky SOB who creates red-eyed, mangled-toothed fatherfuckers and is considered a most dangerous man with the most dangerous technology in the sad history of humanity. He attempted to use my blood to create a line of Indoraptors to sell off for military purposes.”
Seems Wu sounds a LOT like that sperm-slurper Validar, Lucina grimly thought.
 The two of them chatted like this for the entirely of their walk until they reached Nifl Castle.
 Blue and Lucina had arrived at the castle of Nifl, but they were no guards to greet them. Well they were guards present-but they were frozen solid, and clusters of repenomamuses were busily gnawing away at the frozen body cavities.
 I guess a species changes its behavior accordingly to the environment, Blue though as she and her partner pushed the gates open. They went inside the interior and up the stairs.
“Something tells me the weather outside isn’t the reason those soldiers were icicles,” Lucina said, walking behind Blue.”Would it be a bad idea to go into the kitchen wing and grab some potions for the upcoming boss fight?”
The charcoal velociraptor sniffed the solid,icy air. It stinged her nose. “I don’t see why not,” she answered. “though if you see some ANY creature, reppy or not, attacking you, don’t hesitate to knock their heads off.”
Blue waited at the second floor while Lucina brisky walked to the the kitchen downstairs. A few minutes later, she was back.
“Are you ready for certain? During the boss-fight there will be no pee-pee breaks, and no daddy in white shining armor with a shotgun and a motorbike crashing through the windows to save either of us. Understood?” Blue interviewed.
“No need for any of that,” Lucina replied. “Let’s get this over with. I feel as though my body is becoming a gelato cone.”
 “Good. If my nose knows, she is just around the corner. Follow me.” the raptors headed to the corridor on the right and came across a door that read “Hrid’s Room: Out for Lunch”. They entered.
“Ugh. That was the fifth time someone has stepped in without my consent,” an icy voice hissed. “Do any of you thin-telligent organisms register the concept of knocking?”
 A woman was lounging on an oblong bed spotted with various books. But not a regular woman. Her lower half was that of a boa’s, turquoise-green with purple stripes, and covered with icicles.Her hair-piece were icicles as well, and her Victorian-style corset colored electric blue and black made the entire “cool” effect perfect,considering her expressions suggested otherwise.
“What do you bipeds want?” The snake woman demanded. “Did you interrupt my inspirational reading just so you can become like those popsicles outside?”
“We just want to talk,” Lucina answered.
The snake snorted. “Don’t be honest with me, be honest with you. What you really came here for is my bloody limp body that you can use to nail onto this country’s gates like a crooked Christmas decoration. Is that it, O Exalted Princess?
“Why did you freeze the sun-god? Do you recognize the biblical effects the entire world will face?” Blue questioned, her face contorting in defense for her friend.
“Let me tell you this,” the Victorian boa began. “I am the future best-selling novelist Basilice, and I sincerely have no desire to kill you. But my mistress Sha’Rad Yuwi denied my request and forced to to sacrifice my writing skills for combative means. My writing may be on hold, but my mind is certainly not. Exalted Princess, have you ever actually considered the misery of your foes that killed them because you desired to make “everyone happy”?”
“.....You can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs,” Lucina replied.
“ ‘I want everyone to be happy,’ ‘let’s end all suffering in the world,’ those are lines that make me want to vomit out the Niflites I ate yesterday. Those are the shallow,one-dimensional philosophies of idiotic eukaryotes who do not face reality.” Basilice sputtered out. “The light is full of lies, lies! People willingly bask in the glory of light so they never again have to experience the truth of the darkness below! Light is harmful, harmful! And not just the fact that overdosing on UV light promotes cancer on light skin. Do any of you bipeds know anything at all about plants other than the vascular system in high-school?”
“When plants grow, they break down soil to suit their roots for sufficient nutrient intake,” Blue raised her hand in reply.
“Precisely! Around 400 million years ago, during the Devonian period, mosses and ferns were starting to grow onto rocks near the coastlines, and inevitably, these early pioneers of the new world crumbled the rock into fine soil which washed out into the sea over thousand of years, and do you know what happened? Vertebrates started choking! Fishes here and there had no idea how to cope with this influx of mud particles from the land, their gills clogged with minerals. This, combined with volcanic eruptions, consumed all the available oxygen in the water and there were massive, massive, casualties everywhere! Because fishes and run-off from terrestrial photosynthesis do not go well together! This catastrophe makes your petty carnage across Jurassic Park and Fire Emblem look like a squabble between toddlers in comparison. And you little humans use the opportunity to view more serious issues as a excuse to lounge in your chairs eating chicken nuggets.”
“So I killed him! I killed that sick son of a bitch Helios because he’s a major liar, and I’m going to teach everyone that people deserve bad endings, everyone!” Basilice took out her Dragonstone. “And if you girls are truly good character down to the nRNA sequence, you might be spared and see everyone in the world smothered in the darkness that is free of any lies! No more pain, no more sadness!”
Blue and Lucina prepared their weapons. “Let’s fight!” 
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2ugars · 5 years
ੈ♡˳ having a crush on hyuck, part one.
an au of the high school senior!hyuck au.
you met your best friend, dahyun, when you were in seventh grade
after the little science experiment mishap during the second half of the year that involved bubbles and the weird smell of pee,
you and dahyun were almost inseparable!
you loved her lots
especially when she made you cry from laughter instead of crying over some boy who pushed you over during a field trip
you knew everything about her
she’d hiccup when she’d get scared,
she likes the color blue the most and absolutely despises hot pink,
dahyun’s nickname is duckie,
and finally, she was an only child!
cue:                                                                      donghyuck
you: “have you heard of lee donghyuck? the one who face-planted in the mud while looking for soil samples for ms. berklee’s science class? i heard he’s a bit strange…”
dahyun, laughing nervously: “yeah… that’s.         he’s my twin brother”
you: “i’m sorry what”
but yeah not the best way to be Informed that there are actually two (2) of your best friend,
just .
one is a little . . . . . . .. 
and louder
than the first one
turns out dahyun’s the oldest twin by three minutes
and apparently those three minutes was enough time for dahyun to absorb Mental Older Sibling Energy
there were plenty of situations where you found yourself having to endure a bickering session between (literally and figuratively) the two
donghyuck’s salty that he’s the younger one and dahyun uses those three minutes to her advantage for the better
and for the worse
frankly, it was a little awkward between you and donghyuck at first because you didn’t know how to act around your best friend’s . twin brother. . . …. . ..
like one day when you were in eighth grade you went to the lee household
and it turned out dahyun was still off somewhere running errands for mama lee
so the one who accompanied you until dahyun arrived,
was none other than donghyuck !
(thereafter, mama lee would always force him to accompany you if ever that happened again)
(it was only until you guys started being okay w each other that he accompanied you without mama lee asking)
you were in the living room with a sort of tense, awkward silence between you two.
but maybe it was just you being paranoid!!!!!
because there hyuck was, in all his thirteen-year-old boy glory,
playing slither io with an ice cream power cap dangling from the corner of his mouth,
completely ignoring you as you scrolled through social media.
he didn’t turn to talk to you at all throughout the hour dahyun was away
and when she finally arrived,
he looked up,
spotted her,
then gathered his belongings,
before going straight to his room.
you: “bro does your brother hate me”
dahyun: “??????no??????i’ll beat him up if he does?????why???”
you: “idk, it just feels like he does…”
dahyun: “look, honestly, if he doesn’t talk to you, it actually means he’s pretty comfy. not that comfortable, obviously, but comfortable enough. you know?”
you: “ .       huh”
dahyun: “it’s weird. he’s weird. you’re fine.”
after dahyun’s constant reassurances that “everything was fine” and that he was pretty ~~~chill~~~
you forced yourself to started regularly treating donghyuck like you would a good or close friend
by the time you did so, the three of you were in junior year
and it all began w Food
you would offer the boy a bite of your food every now and then and at first, he would politely say no
a month later into the school year, you’d offer and he would agree
three months in, he started to ask if he could have a bite
six months in, he would come over if you had food, wordlessly take a bite, and waddle away while muffling out what sounded like a “thanks”
in senior year (currently),
once everything between you and hyuck settled into place,
he would quietly stand beside you until you would offer
and he would lean over and take a huge bite
that one would result in a Very Violent kick to the Butt
it’s all fun and games!!!!!11!!
donghyuck started teasing you and making fun of you
like you had your hair up in a bun once, okay
you were walking down the school hallways, minding your own business
then you hear someone running up behind you
and suddenly grabbing hold of your bun and using it as if it was a shifter with Vroom Vroom noises to finish!!!
u look up,,,,,,, ,, , ,
to see hyuck smiling at u very cheekily
(he’s so h*ckin annoygin.   god .)
and you’ve whacked him so much to the point he’d flinch
and cover his stomach every time you’d move your hand towards him
(you apologized profusely the first time you noticed and he, of course, played victim even if he wasn’t at all bothered)
you’d exchange fondly exasperated looks with dahyun
w ur Best Friend Telepathy
ur ……. Palepathy. if u will .
i’ll stop now i PROMISE
whenever hyuck would do somethig stupid
which was all the time
it’s a wonder how your eyes aren’t stuck to the back of your head with how much you rolled your eyes at him
things were fine!
fine and dandy!
until he starts seeming like . not a good friend
soon he starts seeming like a b*y
a very C*te one at that
a C*te B*y
and so what do u do w this newfound information?
well u panic of course!
and it went a little smth like this:
donghyuck approaches you after school one day, having just come from his chinese class,
while you start to place your books and laptop in your bag.
when you see him, you find it odd, knowing that he doesn’t really visit you at your locker (especially if dahyun wasn’t there)
but you nonetheless beam up at him when he walks up to you.
“tired?” you ask him, noticing that his usually bright eyes have a dull, sleepy glaze to them.
he nods, smiling at you slightly. “liu laoshi had us do a writing exam for the first hour of class. i spent half that time looking outside.”
“there’s not much of a view outside, though,” you say, an amused smile playing on your lips.
“eh, the sky’s gray enough for me to be entertained.” he gently gives a knock on dahyun’s locker door. “did she get the chocolates?”
“yup, it’s still there,” you say, opening her locker (dahyun never used the lock) and revealing the surprisingly organized interior — which is a contrast to your messy locker with old assignments pushed to the back and books precariously piled atop each other.
one square of chocolate sits neatly on dahyun’s ap biology book.
donghyuck snorts. “god, she really had to leave it for an after-school snack, huh??”
“you know your sister.” you respond laughingly. “how’d you know that someone put chocolate in her locker anyways??”
the boy squints at you.
“oh, it was you??”
“obviously. who else?? no one in this school likes dahyun enough to get her chocolate. psh.”
you whack his chest. “you say that as if she wasn’t nominated, and won, class president of senior year.”
donghyuck grins widely, cackling as he backs up a step to avoid your hit. when the both of you settle down, he leans forward to peek into your locker. you follow his line of sight, suddenly getting embarrassed from the chaos within your locker.
“i was gonna give you one too, but i didn’t want to place it on your—“
“my papers? don’t worry, it’s a mess in there anyways—“
“no, your little blanket.”
he briefly picks up said your blanket — a lap blanket;
one that’s a very pale lilac with cute white hearts embroidered onto the fluffy cloth, one that’s mostly to chase the classroom chill away during classes with dr. grace, and one that’s being held by donghyuck right now. he rubs the material between his fingers, seemingly entertained by the softness.
“you can use it if ever you want to take a nap during study hall,” you say.
he contemplates for a moment then throws the thing back inside, closing your locker door. “nah. unlike you, i actually do work during my study hall.” he quips, then straightens, looking down at you with an air of importance.
“shut up,” you say, pushing at his bicep in retaliation.
then you spot a stray eyelash on his cheek while he’s talking, and you’re humming to show that you’re listening to him rant about soccer, and on impulse, you reach up,
and brush it away.
it’s a minuscule moment.
it’s fleeting.
and you don’t think too much of it, because it’s over and done with in literally a second.
but when you get it off of him, you don’t notice that hyuck is looking at you very intently.
more people start exiting classrooms and heading to their lockers and with this, you absentmindedly return to packing up your bag. you look up to see hyuck standing there, his gaze elsewhere.
“i’ll see you later?”
hyuck’s eyes meet yours and he smiles. “yeah. maybe sooner, actually, since you basically live at our house now.”
“your parents love me is why.”
he gags.
“go away,” you laugh, pushing him away. he giggles then leaves with a small skip in his step, and you see him tackle jeno just as the poor boy steps foot from his honors algebra class.
you shake your head fondly and close your locker door after retrieving your scarf, leaning on the door as you wait for dahyun.
it doesn’t take long for you to recall the situation at hand just minutes ago,
and when you lean your head back to close your eyes to ease a short dizzy spell……
a jarring thought enters your mind.
i never realized there was a mole under hyuck’s eye. was it a mole? a freckle? trick of the light? fleck of stardust, perhaps?
what the heck.
you raise your head so quickly you see stars, some of which, you realize in frustration, closely resemble the moles on hyuck’s neck.
dahyun appears next to you with a bright smile and a heavy backpack and gives you a strange look as she opens her locker.
“you good there?” she asks, popping the chocolate into her mouth while beginning to take some unneeded books from her bag to lighten the load.
you laugh sheepishly. “uh…yeah.”
“alright. you coming over later?”
“don’t think so,” you say after thinking about it.
“yeah,” you smile as the both of you start walking out of the building, “i have some research to do.”
google search: wht do u do if u start likign ur best friend’s twin brotheaaaAAAA NO
you close your laptop lid with a firm thud and move it away from you, hugging your legs to your chest
you Don’t knwo what the HEK TO DO!!!!!!!!!!
because here you are, unsure if you have feelings for your best friend’s brother and oh no, you’re really hoping donghyuck didn’t think you were some type of weirdo for keeping a little blanket in your locker, it’s just that dr. grace’s classroom is so damn cold and—
When Did This Ever Both er y you
you fall backwards onto your bed, looking at the ceiling, mind discombobulated
in the following few weeks, as you battle with your emotions and what’s left of your sanity
(thanks, senioritis!)
you start noticing things you’ve never noticed about you and hyuck that happens so frequently,
with so much ease,
and nonchalance .
you always knew that he was fine with sharing food, that was for sure, but has he always been so tall that he needed to actually bend over a little to take a bite from your croissant?
the answer is yes.
and what is with boys (donghyuck, mostly) and their tendency to crack thumb knuckles????? (yours, specifically)
it was only until recently that you noticed how at ease and how gentle hyuck is when he takes your hand in his, 
that oftentimes you don’t pay mind to him, your attention more focused on people you’re talk to or your work,
and the only time you’d entertain his knuckle-cracking ministrations would be when he’d look at you to gauge your reaction
and you’d give him an enthusiastic nod as a good job, you have relieved the arthritis in my thumb!!!!! my savior!!!!!
and every time you’d forget your jacket or cardigan at home, you’d simply walk up to him and look at him a certain way and he’d sigh and take his hoodie from his locker and chuck it at you
hyuck: “you’re doing this on purpose aren’t you”
you: “no i swear this’ll be the last time i’ll ask you for your hoodie—“
hyuck: “the last time you said ‘last time’ was FOUR DAYS AGO”
you: “but—“
you: “???????but—???”
you: “i mean…you could say no if it bothered you that muc—“
hyuck: “OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!! i swear it’s like pavlov’s dog all over again…”
you: “what…what’s the correlation…”
hyuck: “bro .   Bro. every time you’re within a two-step radius, i catch myself taking my hoodie off.”
you: “that isn’t???? that isn’t remotely related to—????????”
hyuck: “this is borderline SEXUAL HARASSMENT.”
you: “!??!?!??!?!?!?!??!?!?!??!”
coincidentally, hyuck would have a brief five minute break during a class at the same time you would have a study hall
on days he’d feel tired or bored, he’d come and visit you in the library where you would be working or reading
all he would do is flop on the chairs across from you, complain about the assignments, maybe doze a little, and then head on his way back to class
on the days he’d feel a little more human thanks to the wonderful invention that is Hot Bean Juice (…….coffee….)
he’d linger behind you while you’re seated on the chair,
hands placed on the backboard of said chair and on either side of your frame
and literally. hovering over you.
so that if you looked up, the tip of your nose would poke at his chest
on the days that he’d feel clingier, he’d flop down next to you, especially if you were on a couch, and lean against you briefly to take a look at what you’re working on
and the thing is!!!
THE THING IS!!!!!!!!
his class is on the other side of the building!!!!!!and two floors up!!!!!!!
so he has to RUN!!!!!!to get back to class sometimes!!!!!!
and when you realized this!!!!!! !!cue heart malfunction goodbye, y/n
you try not to overthink it
you really do
but it’s hard
even still, you try not to distance yourself too much with donghyuck
because you know that it’s not fair for him to feel confused even if you feel confused
so you act as if everything is fine!
which, really, it is, for the most part
you still walk with the lee twins upstairs to your lockers before school starts and downstairs to your buses after school
if dahyun is running late or has to go somewhere to do something, donghyuck and you still go ahead and walk together
you still punch him when he makes fun of you or when he scares you
he still makes you shriek from laughter and snort out milk from your nostrils
“i might as well be a quarter in love with your brother,” you jokingly said to dahyun in sophomore year, and she gagged in response before throwing her head back, laughing.
you’d said this right after donghyuck tried to trip renjun while renjun was skipping down the hallways. donghyuck ended up being choked.
but he was laughing hysterically, hiccuping in between giggles, and the scene had made you squeal softly and your heart do a weird spasm thing.
everything was the same.
the only difference was that you were probably a little more than a quarter in love with donghyuck, at this point
maybe two-thirds?
it’ll fade away soon, you tell yourself.
winter break is coming soon.
three weeks is enough time for your crush on your best friend’s twin brother to fade away, right???
(hint:      no.)
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