#and why shouldn't a guy scoop out his own eye without a second thought just to get smarter?
randomnerd737 · 1 month
mmmmmm Norse mythology
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Good Girl, Bad Boy (Pt. 07 of 15)
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove X Reader
Word count: 1.6 K
Summary: You're the extreme opposite of Billy Hargrove. The good girl, with perfect grades, the child every mother wants to have. And you don't want to have nothing to do with his kind. Ignoring Billy – and his constant, lingering stare – became an habit. But after you're put together for a special school program, you'll have no choice but to get along with him. And soon enough you'll find out that Billy is so much more than just Hawkins' bad boy.
<-Previous part (06)
Next part (08) ->
{Stranger Things Masterlist}
{Dacre Montgomery Masterlist}
Don't Go
Billy did threw the keychain away when he got home. It was on the trash can he has in his bedroom, beside the desk. It remained there, among a few school papers for half an hour before he took it again.
It went right back to it's previous place at the nightstand.
Billy is deliberately skipping class. It's the fourth day now, and he doesn't feel like he'll be returning tomorrow.
He leaves everyday at the same time he would for school, and returns after. But he drives to lonely places where he thinks he can run away from his own mind. But it is everywhere he goes.
She is everywhere he goes.
Billy Hargrove did considered going back to his old ways. He even managed to make his way to the phone, ready to call Stacy again. But when he picked up the phone, he caught himself halfway through her number. The number that belongs to the girl he can't stop thinking about. To the girl he can't ruin. Whose life he can't destroy.
She's too good for him, and he knows that. An angel, as stupid as it may sound coming from a asshole like him. Because that's what Billy thinks he is. He'd live a thousand lifetimes and never deserve (Y/N). Her smile, her laughter, her blushing cheeks. Her amazing, sweet scent, that shine in her eyes when she looks at him.
What does that even mean?
Billy is looking at Hawkins, parked on this cliff. (Y/N) would like it, and he wonders if she ever came here. Probably not, since the only people who know this place are those who come here for a hook up. There are a lot of places Billy would like to show her, some of them would take an hour drive through the woods, but it's worth it. He found them soon after getting into town, because he couldn't handle to stay still, so he drove. Pretty much as he's doing now, constantly running away from something that's inside of him.
Sighing, he pushes the car door close. At this time, he should be leaving school, going to her place as always. Today they'd go over the Biology class, if he's not mistaken. (Y/N) loves it, mostly when it's about animals. She loves birds. She didn't had to tell him that, he got it from the way she smiled as the teacher spoke.
These little things, the small details, as silly as they may be, are making him fall harder.
But he can't.
Well, he can.
But not her. Billy knows who he was. Or who he still is. So he knows what people will say about her. They'll call (Y/N) mean names, say she's just another of his sluts. And that's something he can't do, not to her.
But despite knowing this is the right thing to do, it hurts. It hurts that he has to step away from her, for good this time. Billy doesn't know how he'll live from now on without their daily meetings. Without her soft voice, her sweet scent inebriating him every damn time.
He has it bad.
It's only worse because he remembers it clearly, that day at that stupid parlor, how she said they could try. They could wait and see what happens.
That was a chance. A small one, that probably would lead to nothing, but still, a chance. Something he never thought he'd get. Not with (Y/N). But now, he won't even try anymore.
This might be love, he thinks. Putting someone else's well being before his own.
It's a hard thing to acknowledge, but when it's real, there's no way to run from it.
Sighing, Billy starts the car, putting the daisy keychain on the passenger seat. For a moment he sees her image, looking at him and smiling. On the next second, it's gone.
With a weight on his chest, he maneuvers the car, heading back to the hell on Earth he calls home.
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“I don't know, Nan. He just... He disappeared. Like smoke in the air and I don't know why.” Sitting shotgun in Nancy's car, you let your heart out. Billy didn't show up at school last week, and not today either. It's been five days already, and he doesn't even answer your calls.
“You know Billy Hargrove, (Y/N). I'm not impressed with this sudden change and neither should you.”
“No, Nan...” Running a hand through your hair, you sigh. “Trust me, Billy... He's not like that. Not with me at least and I know what you'll say. That he lies to get girls but... I've seen how he treats them and so have you. He... He never yelled at me, or called me bad names, he...” You're defending him. The idiot fled with no explanation and still, you're defending him.
“(Y/N), I trust your judgment.” She stops by your place, turning her body towards you. “If what you're saying it true, go after him.”
“Look, I get that you don't want to talk about it because you're scared of having feelings for the bad boy, and I'll wait until you're ready, but honestly, I think you know what you feel.”
Looking down at your hands, you blush. “I really like to be around him, Nancy.” Your voice is low and weak, as you admit it to her and to yourself at the same time. “And I miss him.”
“Don't call him, then. Go after him.” She touches your shoulder, smiling. “...Just don't let Steve know Billy is making you sad because you know he'll freak out.”
“God, no!” Giggling, you reach for your bag on the backseat. Steve looks out for you, even now, and it's good to know he has your back. But you definitely don't need the two guys having a fight over some misunderstanding. “Tell him I'm fine. Because I am. I'll... I'll fix things. And if Billy does want to stay away from me for whatever reason... I'll be alright.”
“Good luck and call me if you need anything.”
“I will. Thank you, Nan.” Giving her a hug, you step out of the car, heading inside. “Mom! I'm home!”
“Hi, darling!” She shouts from upstairs. Taking the chance, you run to the phone, quickly dialing Billy's number. It's not the first time you call, and whenever he picks up, you say ‘hello’ and the call is cut. It breaks your heart every time.
“Who's this?” A female voice answers, slightly pissed.
Relieved, you breathe out. “Hi, Max. It's (Y/N).”
“AKA the reason why the shitface has been locked in his bedroom like a jerk.” She speaks fast, and you furrow your eyebrows and giggle. “I think Billy is in love with you or something.”
“What?” Max says as if it's no big deal, as if she didn't made your heart start beating insanely fast, neck and cheeks heating up. “I-I don't think–”
“Billy never gets upset over a girl so...” Her voice fades, and you hear something in the back, wondering if it's Billy. “He has your keychain, by the way. A daisy flower.”
“Keychain?” You don't remember any keychains, so you just sigh, pacing around. “Max, can you do me a favor? I'm going there so don't let Billy go anywhere. And when I ring the door bell, let him answer it, please.”
“Alright. But don't take too long. Neil will be back around eight.”
“I'm going now. Thanks.” And you hang up, heading to the front door. “Mom, I'm going to get Billy!”
“Alright!” Good thing she doens't ask much questions, God bless her for that.
You try not to drive too fast, and you try to tell yourself this is no big deal. But you don't know what will happen. Preparing yourself for a heartbreak sounds good, so you decide to expect the worse.
So when you're parking on the sidewalk in front of Bill'y house, you know what you'll do. You'll put a finger on his face and ask what the hell he's thinking skipping class like that.
When you reach the front door, you realize you've never been here. Well, Billy did dropped his sister a few times before driving back to your place. And then, you're whole act drops. “Damn it.” Pressing the door bell, you wonder if you'd have enough time to just run back to the car and leave. There's a discussion inside the house, with Billy telling Max to get the door, and she refusing. You would have time to run, but you decide to be brave. So you stand your ground, pressing the bell again.
“Damn you, Maxine.” Billy groans, and on the next second the door is violently pulled open.
You freeze, watching as Billy's face drops. “Hi.” You mutter, looking down at your hands, blushing. You shouldn't be here. This is stupid. Whatever Billy said at Scoops Ahoy, it's over. But still, you want to try. To break through him, even if it means you'll be pushed further away. “C-can we talk?”
There's silence, several seconds of silence. And you curse yourself. Billy would never like you. He's the bad boy Nancy warns you about, that girls like you should avoid. Biting your lip, you feel your throat burning, tears wanting to make their way to your eyes.
“Nevermind, I shouldn't have come.” Pushing the words out, you turn on your heels to leave. But Billy grabs your arm, forcing you to stop. “Let go.” You beg, looking back at him. Your heart is breaking and you don't even know why. You just need to be away from Billy right now, and from all these feelings boiling inside you.
“No, please, just... Don't go.” His grip gets loose, and his hand slides from your forearm to your hand, and he holds it, pulling you inside. “Come in.”
Taking a deep breath, you weakly nod, letting him pull you into the house.
@multific @clockworkballerina @tina1938 @graciehams @moatsnow @all-the-stars-on-your-skin @captain039 @rebelemilu @vivian-likes-frogs @prettyinpunk85
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rowyn-writes · 3 years
Cinnamon and Sugar
Chapter Three
Warnings: language, fluff, mentions of a toxic relationship, small angst
Characters: Dean, Reader, Benny Lafitte (mentioned only)
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
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Dean let you sit in his car until the rain let up a bit. "God, I hate the rain." He grumbled.
"I love it." You whisper, your eyes wandering the parking lot. "When I was younger, and there was a thunderstorm, me and my siblings would make a fort and huddle underneath it together. We loved it when the power would go out. We would light candles and grab flashlights and play board games in the dark. Sometimes Andrew would read to us. But uh - it would be scary stories," You smiled. "He would scare the ever living crap out of us. Lena and Josh would would cuddle into my side, no matter how much I hated it, they would still do it."
"You really love your siblings." Dean noted, swallowing hard, memories of Sam flooding his head.
"I do." You nodded. "They're all I have. Sure, I have my parents, but it's not the same, you know? Growing up, my siblings and I fought like dogs and cats, but we knew each other better than anyone, even our parents. Even when I go months without seeing them, when we all get together, it's like we're still little kids, ya know? We goof around, we argue, we joke. It's like none of us ever grew up."
Dean stayed silent for a moment, and you weren't sure if your message was getting across. "Look, I know we don't know each other very well, but what I'm trying to say is, call your brother. I don't know what happened between you two, but it's obvious that you love him. You shouldn't waste all your time worrying about whether you should contact him first or if he's angry with you. Time is a precious thing and people often waste it."
"Damn, you're wise." Dean gave a quiet chuckle. "But you're right. I will call him soon, I'm just not ready yet." And with that, the Impala was enveloped in silence again. That is, until Dean's stomach let out a loud rumble. "Sorry," He apologized with a sheepish grin.
"Don't worry about it." You shrugged. "It looks like the rains letting up. Do you want to come inside and I can fix you some food?"
"Oh, I don't want to impose." He shook his head.
"Nonsense. You gave me a ride home, this is the least I can do."
Dean silently debated whether or not he should take you up on the offer, but ultimately agreed, seeing as he was starving. By the time you were under cover, you were both soaked.
As soon as you opened the door to your apartment, you were met with a warm blast of heat. A pleasant shiver ran down your spine.
You began to click your tongue, calling out for your moody cat. "Storm, c'mere buddy." Your cat glared at you stubbornly from his place on the window seal. You rolled your eyes, slipping off your jacket and hanging it over the back of the chair.
"Sorry," You apologized to Dean. "My cat's being a little bitch." The man let out a laugh at your comment. "I gave him a bath and clipped his claws yesterday; now he's pissed at me."
"How in the hell do you cut a cat's nails?" He questioned, his eyebrows furrowed.
"Very carefully." You noticed that Dean was shivering. "Let me grab you a towel. I think I have some of my exes clothes. You're about the same size."
He was going to object when you silenced him with a look. You went to your room and began rummaging around in your draws, eventually finding a pair of black sweat pants and a grey hoodie.
"Try this," You said, handing Dean the clothes. "They should fit. You can change in the bathroom; it's the first door on the right."
While Dean went to change, you did the same. You exited your bedroom dressed in a pair of black leggings and a UK sweatshirt.
You noticed that Dean still wasn't out yet, so you went to start some food. You contemplated on what you should cook before ultimately deciding that mac and cheese would do. It was a comfort food, after all.
It would take a bit longer than usual, since you were making it from scratch, but Dean had said earlier that he had nowhere to be.
"Smells good in here." Dean noted when he walked out of the bathroom. Seeing him in Michael's clothes made your heart stop for a second, and not in a good way.
Dean and Michael had many similarities, the hair color, height, demeanor, etc. And you didn't want to be reminded of that man.
"Thanks," You said nonchalantly. "It's nothing special, but I thought you'd like it."
"So," Dean started, leaning against the counter. "This is a nice little set up you've got here."
"It's not much, but it's home." You shrugged as you stir the pot of noodles. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Storm sneaking around the corner of the kitchen, hoping for some food or a treat.
"How long have you lived here?" Dean asked.
"About five years." You informed him. "Ever since I turned eighteen I've been living on my own."
"How come?"
"You know the thing parents always say? 'As long as you live in my house, you follow my rules'? Well, I didn't like their rules so I got myself this apartment and I've lived here ever since."
Dean snorted. "Yeah, my old man was like that too. I actually did the same thing as you did. 'Cept I came back 'bout a week later." He laughed. "I was too dependent on my dad and brother. I have never lived alone before then; and to be honest, I hate living by myself. I still do."
"You never got roommates?"
"I had a few. There was Mick and Cas. Of course, I can't forget Benny." He grinned. "But they're all gone now."
"Benny?" You mumbled. "As in Benny Lafitte?"
"Yeah, why? You know him?"
"Do I?" You rolled your eyes. "That idiot's my cousin."
"Really?" Dean said excitedly. "I haven't heard from him in ages, how's he doing?"
"He's loving by the coast, and the last I heard, he met some girl named Andrea and he is head over heels in love."
"That's great." Dean smiled. "I really happy for him."
"Yeah, I expect to get an invitation to his wedding so enough. The way he talks about her, you would think he's known her his entire life."
"That's sweet. Benny seems like the guy that falls hard after one date."
"Oh yeah, he definitely is." You giggle. "He calls me after one date and says, 'Y/N, I think I'm in love. If I sent you a picture of a wedding ring, would you look at it and tell me what you think?'"
"No way!" Dean laughed.
"Yes! I had to talk him down from buying an engagement ring! I told him to wait for a year and a half, and then revisit the subject of marriage. Times almost up and he's still fawning over her. But I'm happy for him, he definitely deserves this."
You sprinkled bread crumbs on top of the Mac and cheese before popping it in the oven for a few minutes.
"You put break crumbs on your mac and cheese?" Dean questioned.
"You don't?"
"Never tried it." He shook his head.
"You caveman." You sighed. "I will just have to train you." Dean gave a harmonious laugh, which, in turn, made you laugh as well.
You grabbed a towel and pulled the mac and cheese out of the oven. You scooped some onto a plate and handed it to Dean. Both of you sat down at your small kitchen table and began to dig in.
"Oh my god." Dean said, his mouth full with food. "That is the best mac and cheese I've ever had."
"See? Told you it would be good."
"I'll never doubt you again." He mumbled as he shoveled more into his face.
You ate in a comfortable silence until there was a knock at your door. "I'll be right back." You told Dean as you opened the door.
"Mr. Pierce." You said nervously. "What can I help you with?" You knew what he wanted. And you sure as hell didn't have it.
"You're behind on rent, Y/N. I need the money, or I'll have no choice but to evict you." You felt your heart drop to your stomach.
"I-I don't have it right now. My hours have been cut and I-"
"I'm sorry, Y/N. You're a good girl, but I need someone who will lay rent on time every month. I really hate to do this, but I want you out in two weeks."
"I-It's okay, Mr. Pierce," You assured him shakily. "I understand." And with that, he was gone. You gave a shaky breath as you leaned on the door.
"Y/N?" Dean called, approaching the living room. "What's going on? Are you okay?"
"I will be." You nodded.
"What happened?" Dean questioned gently.
"I just got my eviction notice." You deadpanned. Dean's mouth popped open in shock. "I have to be out in two weeks."
"Crap, sweetheart. I'm sorry. What are you going to do?"
"Couch surf for a while, maybe? I know Jo will let me stay with her for a couple of days, but if her landlord catches me there, he'll throw her out too."
"What about your parents?"
You gave a cold laugh. "No, they'll never let me come home. I would stay with my older brother, but he's overseas right now. So honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do."
Dean stayed silent for a moment before speaking up. "You could come live with me." He suggested.
"Dean, I really appreciate the offer, but I can't impose on you like that."
"It's okay," He assured you. "I have an extra bedroom. And it's not imposing if I'm asking. Besides, like I said before, I hate living on my own."
"Dean, we barely know each other." You tried to reason.
"Hi, my name is Dean Winchester, I'm an Aquarius, I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women." You let out a loud laugh. "There, now you know more about me."
"Just think about it. If you can't find anywhere else to live, my door's always open. I have to go, but here's my number," He said, writing down his phone number on a sticky note. "If you need anything, call me." Dean gave you a small smile before he walked out the door.
You flopped on the couch, staring up at  ceiling. Storm jumped up on your chest, purring loudly. You gently scratched his back. "What should I do, Storm?" You asked. "Would you want to live wYou flopped on the couch, staring up at  ceiling. Storm jumped up on your chest, purring loudly. You gently scratched his back. "What should I do, Storm?" You asked. "Would you want to live with Dean? You seemed to like him." Storm gave a tiny meow, his eyes closing shut. "Real big help there, buddy."ith Dean? You seemed to like him." Storm gave a tiny meow, his eyes closing shut. "Real big help there, buddy."
Tag List:
Cinnamon and Sugar Tags
@vicmc624 @lovememisha @supernatural-jackles @laycblack
Dean Tags:
And if anyone else wants to be added to any tag list, let me know!
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authorofdanger · 5 years
Genre:Angst with slight fluff at the end
Poly/Hybrid Skz AU
Humans: Chan, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Changbin
Dog Hybrids Felix and Y/N, cat hybrid Minho, Fennic Fox hybrid Jeongin, and Chipmunk hybrid Jisung.
(I'm sorry but Woojin has a few mentions and a small appearance)
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It started slow, his typical sweet and gentle nature shifting into a violent and destructive one. The warm glow in his eyes dulling and his smile transforming into a scowl. His open and inviting hands became fists that would swing without second thought.
I was the first to notice these changes after he stopped playing with me and shoved me away when I came up for cuddles by the fireplace and hugs in the kitchen when he was trying to help cook. The other hybrids noticed soon after I did, one by one as they lost their friend. The humans on the other hand wanted to push it off as his upcoming heat or his grief after Woojin left, maybe even both. Inside I just knew it couldnt be the case, there has to be more.
These shifts would continue for nearly three weeks until one day the worst would happen. It was early on a Tuesday morning, a quiet day for the most part for us hybrids. Chan and Changbin were at the gym they owned, Hyunjin at his dance studio, and Seungmin at his cafe, leaving the rest of us to do as we will in our new house we just recently got.
I was bundled under the blankets in the living room with Minho as cartoons flashed across the screen but not holding either one of our attention. He was more occupied with his phone while I kept an ear out on Jisung and Jeongin, who decided to try and play video games with Felix to cheer him up. All seemed well until I heard a loud thud and an ear piercing shriek that followed with pure chaos.
Chunking the blankets off of me and leaping off the couch, I raced down the hall and nearly tripped over Jeongin whom was balled up in the floor. Minho checked on the younger for injury as I burst into the demolished bedroom to find Felix hovering over Jisung, snapping his teeth at his upper arm. Jisung's face was bruised and he was crying out in pain and fear since he was powerless in the dog hybrid's trap.
"Felix stop," I cried before going to pry him off and yanked him to the ground with his back against my chest, getting harshly in the wrist as a result. He fought hard against me, clawing at my arms and thighs while trying to bite me more. "Minho! Call for help," I begged as I bared the pain Felix was forcing on me. My eyes never left Jisung as he writhed in pain and grabbed at his now bleeding side that I didnt notice earlier.
"Felix please! STOP," I barked as the pain was starting to be too much for me but I still held on. I had to protect my pack, I was the only one who could! With Felix and I being the only two dog breeds we could both easily kill the other hybrids and from the way Felix was fighting me I could tell it was a possibility if I were to let go.
It took Changbin and Chan nearly ten agonizing minutes before they arrived to me nearly having to give up and the others locking themselves in the bathroom as Minho tried to patch Jisung to the best of his abilities. Blood was all over my body from all the scratches and bites Felix had been inflicting and my face was stained with tears. Changbin yanked Felix away from me and Chan scooped up my body to be cleaned and examined. His face held so many emotions but I could see anger was seething through the most. Setting me in the bathtub next to Jisung I screamed in pain as the soapy water stung my wounds.
"Holy shit," Seungmin gasped as he ran in, "what happened?" Minho shook his head but continued to clean Jisung as he shakily said "I dont know. Y/N and I were on the couch when it started! It's never been this bad!" I laid my head onto Jisung's shoulder while Chan lathered my skin and examined every bite and scratch, trying to calm my nerves with his scent. "They need to go to the vet. There isnt much we can do here and the injuries are deep. Look at her thigh," Chan groaned as he stood up and asked Jeongin to go get towels and clean clothes for us.
The bathwater was tinted a dark pink from our mixed blood but the towels Jeongin retrieved would be stained just as bad as Seungmin and Chan helped dry us off. "Shit he got her pretty bad," Seungmin whispered to Chan. The towel only added to the pain and I tried to shove Chan off of me put his grip was just tight enough to hold me in place. "Look what you did," Changbin boomed as he pulled Felix in by his ear. Jisung immediately curled into Seungmin and I fought to get in front of the three of them to keep Felix away. Minho stepped in front of Jeongin and slowly made them back away protectively but his ears pinned down in fear.
My body immediatly tensed up and a low but loud growl ruptured through my chest with my teeth bared, stopping everyone in the room. I never growl at them, hell Chan has never heard me growl at all! Even when first meeting the other hybrids I only showed pure joy and love. "Y/N what the hell," Chan asked while reaching out for me. "Get him out," I barked as my growls grew louder and more threatening. Felix's eyes skimmed my body and his initial anger quickly shifted into guilt and saddness, tail hanging low and limp. "Lock him in the guest room until I get back. Seungmin help me get them dressed so Changbin and I can get them to the vet," Chan ordered, "I need everyone to stay away from Felix until I say otherwise.
"Thank you," Jisung stammered as we pulled into our street, "for helping me. I didnt stand a chance against him and you got hurt and-" I placed my hand on his cheek and hushed him quietly before sighing "Its okay Sungie. I'd do it again if I had to. You guys are my pack and I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe, even if it hurts a little."
"You guys shouldn't be fighting at all," Chan grunted, "now I need to know what happened." Jisung shook his head and placed his head in his hands, body trembling from oncoming anxiety. "I dont even know! We were just playing Just Dance and he lost the round and then got aggressive. He was about to go after Jeongin for winning but I got in the way and he lashed out!" I gently rubbed his back as a few sobs escaped his lips and turned to look at Chan as he parked in the driveway. "I kept saying something was wrong but you guys wouldn't listen. He needs help Channie." Chan was eerily quiet as he got out of the car while Changbin stayed close to us while we limped towards the house. My legs were both insanely sore and Jisung's side hurt with every step but we refused to be weak and lean on eachother, knowing to keep the house as calm as we could, we had to keep our composure.
"Are they okay," I heard Jeongin cry as the front door opened. "I'm fine," I called out. "Alive," Jisung added. I was nearly tackled to the floor by the youngest as soon as I entered the living room and Minho was close behind but more careful with our injuries. I could hear the humans talking about something but for once chose not to eavesdrop, deciding if it was so important to keep quiet then maybe it should stay that way.
"Yeah when I got here Felix was locked in the guest bedroom and there was blood all over your room! What the hell happened," Hyunjin asked, "cause frankly it seems the rest of us dont know shit!" "I dont know okay," Chan snapped, "he has never been like this! Even when I first found him he was never fucking aggressive, just scared! On his heats he can be a bit temperamental but nothing at this rate. The closest he has ever been to this was when I first got Y/N but never to the point of fighting! Hell he was fine that same night!"
"Chan could this be a dominance thing," Changbin asked, "I mean Woojin just left and our dynamic in the house had altered because of it you know? Maybe he is trying to assert more dominance on himself." I eyed the other hybrids carefully as we all thought about it. It really could be what's going on. I've noticed between the hybrids in the house we have had to alter duties in the home and other various romantic situations but dominance hasn't changed! I've always been head of the hybrids while Chan was big man of the humans and never had there been a single complaint! Even Minho was fine with me having charge and the man radiates dominance.
"Maybe I should talk to him," Chan groaned. "No," I said lowly, "if he were to lash out at one of you guys like he did Jisung and I you would get mauled! Atleast by the time Binnie got to him I had been dealing with him for atleast ten minutes. Let me go in, he isnt likely to injure me more right now." The room erupted with arguments but I did notice something extremely odd, there was not a single sound coming from the guest bedroom he was locked in. Creeping my way down the hall I felt a breeze from under the doorframe and could smell the outside air and only a faint one of Felix.
"Guys," I called out, "Felix jumped out the window again. He got out." "Fuck again," Minho growled. Recently Felix has had a knack for escaping through windows, a detail the others probably forgot about while I was gone. "Okay Changbin you go check the parks, Seungmin and Jeongin check the neighborhood, Minho and Hyunjin go check the cafe's and our shops, I'll go check the pounds. You two stay here and call if he comes home before we do," Chan ordered while fiddling with his keys.
One by one the others arrived home between eleven and midnight, not a sign of Felix anywhere. My heart was racing, what if he was taken or attacked? What if he just ran away? Why would he leave us? Doesnt he love us? "Y/N why dont you come on to bed? He'll show up," Chan suggested. The others were already in bed and asleep but Chan wanted to wait for me. "Just a bit longer. You go on ahead though, I wont be long." Placing a kiss to my forehead and hugging me for a couple of minutes he slipped on to bed, leaving me waiting all alone.
Sitting in silence gave me time to think back on recent events and little warning signs of Felix's personality change. Felix seemed to challenge my authority more now that I think about it. As Chan would take on both of Woojin's positions, momma and cook of the house, and taking on an extra job at a local daycare I noticed that during Chan's absence Felix tried to take control. When I would remind him that I was in charge when he was gone Felix would argue that he was in Chan's life first and is the strongest in the house. He would also mention how dominant he was in most relationships in the house despite his hybrid features and it was ridiculous that a switch as sub oriented as I was had such a dominant role over all of the hybrids and some of the humans. "Felix it's just how it ended up and you arent stable enough to be in Chan or I's spots." "Technically Chan took over Woojin's spot and you took over his! How is that fair that you get all this power?"
I guess in a way he was right, maybe I should have listened to him and stepped down a bit. "Felix if you dont quit your yelling-" "You'll what Chan? Punish me? Funny how you punish us for things Y/N gets away with," Felix boomed. "Y/N only yells when she has to," Chan argued, "and I do punish Y/N when she does something wrong let me remind you." "But we cant! Because she is head over us like you are! You both get to take alpha roles and for what? Why does Y/N get any power over us and not just you?"
Just then the door creaked open and Felix was dragged in by Woojin, whom had a dissapointed scowl on his face. "He came to my house. Tell Chan to call me in the morning," he sighed before leaving as quick as he came. Felix stood there for a moment, analyzing my body and every bandage. "I'm sorry," we both said at the same time before looking at eachother in confusion. "I'll let Chan be the only one in control. I'm pretty sure that's why you've been upset right?"
Nodding his head and looking to the floor I could see a flood of emotions on his face. "You remember when you spent your first night with us in my bed? How you curled against me and acted so small with us? What changed when we moved here? What made you act so dominant over me, taking what little control I had?" "I dont know," I admitted, "Felix I never tried to hurt you. I just felt like I had to be so strong when we moved and got in this massive relationship. I had to learn a new language from scratch, I had to be so strong! Maybe it changed me but I honestly dont know."
Tears rolled down my cheeks and i buried my face in my hands. "I didnt want to seem as weak as i was when you guys found me." I felt a strong grip around my shoulders and his cheek against my head. "I'll stop trying to be so tuff if you stop being so aggressive." "Okay," he whispered, "can we just lay down in here? I know if I wake up Chan I'm going to be bent over the bed and end up with a bruised ass and I dont want to deal with that just yet."
"If anyone deserves a bruised ass its me," I chuckled through my sobs. "That can be arranged later. Let's just sleep."
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sativaaaaaaa · 4 years
Just Us Two || Sarah Paulson
Part One 🔽
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15: "I'm so so sorry."
16: "This is all your fault!"
|Reader's name is Gina and the baby's name is Ava. Time skip : 2 years later||
These past two years have been eventful to say the least. I found out that my daughter ended up having non verbal Autism. To any other parent that would be heartbreaking or something hard to deal with but I've managed to balance her and my job. Well... the job I did have. I've had too many scares with Ava's asthma so I ultimately had to quit to take care of her full time.
It gets a little hard.. Dealing with her on my own. I mean, I have family and friends and they do the best they can but when the sun sets and its just me and her in the apartment, things just aren't the same.
Since I don't have a job I can't afford Ava's therapy sessions so today was her last session for a while, just until I got some more money. She was making great progress though; we found out that music was a really helpful tool in having her interact and it was helping her make sounds and let loose. So in honor of her progress we decided to go get ice cream.
Everything was going smoothly until we ran into someone...
Zarlengo's Italian Ice and Ice Cream
"What do you want princess? Do you want strawberry or fruit punch?" As I was asking Ava what she wanted I held up one finger for strawberry and two fingers or fruit punch. Since she doesn't speak I've found ways and tricks to use when she has to decide between two things.
She looked at me for a while before holding up two fingers. I smiled and her before placing a small kiss on her nose as we moved up in the line. Once I made it to the front of the line I began to place my order.
"Hi can I have one scoop of fruit punch Italian ice and one small Arctic Cooler with strawberry Italian ice?" I shifted Ava on my hip while grabbing a $10 bill out of my pocket.
The cashier rang us up and handed me my change before we stepped to the side. There was some music playing lightly which made Ava kick her feet in excitement. Another smile appeared on my face as I began to dance with her in my arms while playfully nudging her nose with mine.
She let out a laugh before placing her hands on my cheeks and kissing my forehead.
"Thank you Avacado. Mommy loves her avocado's kisses!" I softly cooed at her.
The bell at the door rung catching my attention. I glanced over my shoulder just curious to see who it was but was immediately shocked when I saw Sarah walk in with her new girlfriend, Holland Taylor.
I quickly whipped around and thankfully my number was called. I walked up to the counter and I grabbed Ava and I's Italian ice before retreating to the back of the parlor so Sarah wouldn't notice me.
Seeing her made a bunch of old feelings, good and bad, bubble to the surface. Ava was the only thing keeping me grounded at the moment so I just decided to enjoy my time with her instead of worrying about who was around me.
Soon we were done and I grabbed some baby wipes out of my purse and cleaned Ava before collecting our trash and standing up.
"Come on Avacado, its time to go home." I picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek but as I started walking to the door Sarah looked over at me briefly making eye contact with me.
I cursed in my head seeing her walk over towards me. I wanted to bolt out of the door but I stood there with Ava in my arms as she got closer.
"Gina? Oh my goodness. Um, how are you?" She stammered over her words seeming a little nervous and a little shocked.
"I'm as good as I can be. How are you?" My voice lacked emotion and my stare was blank. I was trying really hard to keep my cool but memories of her leaving and me going through labor by myself kept flashing in my head making me upset. But I concealer my feelings for the sake of Ava; I didn't want to frighten her and make her have a behavioral episode.
"Umm I've been. I've been okay I supposed. Who's this little cutie?" Oh.. So she wanted to act dumb.
"This is Ava, my daughter. She's 2." I gently tickled Ava's side to get her attention. She squealed and tried to grab my hand which eased my anger some - but not all the way.
"Well hi Ava." Sarah gave her a little wave and Ava gave her the same before laying her head on my shoulder. Sarah looked confused for a second before glancing at me for an explanation on why Ava didn't speak.
"She had non verbal Autism. Today was her last day of therapy for a while." I muttered trying to keep my cool. Talking about her struggles always made me upset. Not at her but at the fact that everyone basically left me at the first sight of trouble; Sarah included.
"Oh my goodness. I'm so so sorry. Why was this her last therapy session? Shouldn't she been in therapy until she speaks or something?" Sarah rambled on in a low voice trying not to cause a scene or draw attention to us.
"I can't afford it. So we'll keep doing what we can at home until I come up on some money to pay for her sessions." I shifted on my feet realizing that my anger was slowly growing by the second. It almost bursted to the top because she touched me... She grabbed my arm and tried to soothe me. Like really?
I stepped back from her as soon as her fingers grazed my arms. My eyes held fire but I kept my voice calm as I looked her dead in the eye.
"Don't. Touch. Me."
"Gina don't be like that. I can explain everything." She bargained with me. She reached out to touch me again but I moved away before she could.
"There is no explanation in this world that could vindicate what you left me to endure by myself. You just left without a warning, blocked me on everything possible without a second thought. Your careless and selfish decision made our friends feel like that had to choose and guess who got chosen. Certainly wasn't me obviously because if it was I wouldn't be saving everything I could possibly get my hands in to provide for the child that you wanted and left me with and now I can barely provide for her because the person who vowed to have my back through thick and thin decided to leave me when life got a little too heavy hitting for her liking. There is nothing you can say or do to ever get me to forgive you. This is all your fault." 
Hot tears were streaming down my face but my voice never wavered in volume or emotion. Her face read nothing but pure guilt. She had nothing else to say. She just stared down at her shoes leaving nothing but silence between us.
I scoffed and wiped my face with my free hand turning around and walking away from her and out of the parlor. I tried to hold my emotions in as Ava and I walked home but the tears just kept flowing but I wiped them every time they fell.
I had to be strong; for myself and for Ava. I was all we had. No one else had our backs. It was just us two......
word count : 1314
|| Sorry if us this is a little trash. I just got off of work and decided to write this since I had a bit of energy left. But I digress. Avacado is Ava and avocado put together 𝒐𝒃𝒗𝒊𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒍𝒚, Zarlengo's is a real ice cream and Italian ice place where Im from so yeahhh. And an Arctic Cooler is half vanilla ice cream half flavored Italian Ice. Its really good guys 😭 But that is all for now. |
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