#and when i use trans sonya for pride month
Come crush imposter syndrome! Or just win a cool book?
I’m autistic, I’m bi, I’m trans, I’m ace, I’m an abuse survivor... so as you can imagine, I’m real fucking tired of the message that my life doesn’t matter. That everything I am is less-than. That I’m inherently, somehow, not valuable to society -- or just to the people around me.
If you get treated that way enough, you internalize it. 
It seems like an awful lot of us walk around all day feeling like we’re not good enough. That our social skills, or our writing skills, or the work we do, aren’t really ever going to be good enough. That people are going to see through the façade, and realize that we’re the sort of person they think is trash. 
That’s imposter syndrome. 
I’m done living my life under its thumb. I’m done believing that I’m somehow ranked below the entire rest of humanity. I’m done always feeling anxious, second-guessing everything I say or do, and just being afraid of people in general.
And I’m co-creating a website, with my (amazing, autistic, intersex, intergender, freaking glitter-encrusted deity of a) partner, to help other people start crushing it too. 
And it’s finally ready to launch!!!!!!!! so we’re doing a giveaway to celebrate: 
Tumblr media
You would think that you’d be able to click on this picture and enter. But no. Because Tumblr hates the internet and refuses to play nice with it. Instead, you can click here! 
Only 8 people have entered so far! (they each have a whole bunch of entries, so it looks like more) So the odds are pretty good right now. 
It’s also a great contest for Pride month, because Jeffrey Marsh -- author of the one on the far left, How To Be You -- is nonbinary trans, and Sonya Renee Taylor -- author of the one on the far right, The Body Is Not An Apology -- is a queer Black woman. 
We’ll talk to the winners to see which book they want, and see if we can get everyone something they love. 
And if you’re interested in the whole crushing-imposter-syndrome thing, you can sign up for our newsletter to get an invite to our free intro course when we finish it. It’s like a bonus prize! (Sign up for it through the contest if you want extra entries! Or just through our website if you’re not entering)
[Image description, for accessibility: two hands clasping, in support, one with golden brown skin and one with medium brown skin, against an aqua starburst background, with the headline "Enter to win a life-changing book! Brought to you by Powerfully Vulnerable." Three books are pictured as prizes: "How to Be You" by Jeffrey Marsh, "Design the Life You Love" by Ayse Birsel, and "The Body is Not an Apology" by Sonya Renee Taylor".]
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