#and whatever shitty problems you're having and projecting instead of taking a hard look at yourself in the mirror
trashycosmos · 1 year
#as a nb person i deal with transphobia not irregularly but even so i often have a fear of identifying as trans#bc i don't want people to think i'm faking but also bc i v much can benefit from male privilege bc i'm misgendered/viewed as such a lot#and even though i put not an insignificant amount of effort into maintaining an androgynous appearance i don't have any desire#for either any kind of surgery or hrt to any degree#like i'm content with my body and the things i want to change aren't really based in dysphoria#but rather in just wanting to be happy and look the way that makes me feel that#i've had a dream where i was seen as a trans woman and it stressed me out enough to wake up bc all i could think was “that's not who i am”#there's also no real way to describe the feeling/emotion of rightness that comes with being called they/them and seen as essentially#having no gender whatsoever like gdi i just wanna be and be happy and fall in love you know?#Falling Apart And Coming Together#Edited#and ik you don't have to want or get surgery or hrt to be valid#and i don't think anyone who doesn't want those things is any less of their gender#i think i just have some internalized shit to work through and have to stop being so doubtful#bc tbh people are gonna assume wrong no matter what and that's their fucking problem not mine#but when you assume that makes an ass out of u which leaves me to deal with it#and whatever shitty problems you're having and projecting instead of taking a hard look at yourself in the mirror
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Kinda worried that Jensen will let the confession go off without addressing or reciprocation in romantic terms. That's where the hurt started in the first place. Letting go is fine, but first he has to understand why it hurts so much and what it all meant for him and him only. I hope Jensen goes the distance for that.
I genuinely want to punch this ask in the face and I usually love your submissions. I mean you literally sent it a few hours after I made this post (x)
This is straight up fandom brain damage causing this take. This is like. brainrot from osmosis from pat and kelios arguing nonsensical shit.
Jensen just carefully crafted an entire ass fucking studio with some of the most famous and power queer rep advocacy people running the fucking acquisition process and any representation or disputes while hiring back and in queer authors.
Even if someone's psyched you into believing he hates it (he fucking doesn't, he's in the trashbin, and that's not a parasocial fucking statement, and I'm about to break out a fucking drill and take it to people's skulls until they understand that), but even IF you imagined that shit, he's not gonna fucking career seppuku over this shit and burn everything down just to make a point on behalf of some frazzy haired incest hag or some irrelevant douchecanoe looking for attention.
Jesus. Stop it. Read the new thing at the top of my bio.
it's whispering, rumoring, catastrophizing, and people don't realize they're doing it but it's innocent but no less infuriating to watch happen over and over because despite your best interests it genuinely reads like aggressive concern trolling at this point.
we've all taken trauma but there's a certain point people are just trauma dumping and trauma sharing instead of discussing actual forward progress, and I'm drawing a firm boundary on that being near my blog. We're not gonna give a perfectly good new fandom anxiety because grown adults still haven't stopped spiraling 2 years later to see clearly.
much less like. maybe you haven't been following the news. and I'm not gonna repeat it for glory or attention. But genuinely this entire take gives me an eyetick probably as primal and gut gripping as the years berens spent tolerating being accused of queerbait while trying to run the ball.
Catch a clue on the energy and read the room on what I've been posting.
these weird fucking days where the gays feel compelled to talk quietly about their shit is over and we're ending that right now and talking about what's real and true without fucking apology now and if people don't believe it they can get out until they do, because I don't have time for that energy in my life anymore.
defeatist attitudes are the problem. sorry. we didn't get this and here by anyone giving up or being cynical or stopping fighting because uwu they're not sure what someone thinks.
Fandom needs to stop cracking to incester dogwhistles and learn what this representation battle actually looks like and takes.
There shouldn't have only been 2 participants left standing in the project by the end. So before anyone judges anyone's value, know that of thousands of fans starting on wayward, only 2 fought till the end for Winchesters and this queer production setup, and these people judge how hard the authors and actors they judge fight.
genuinely waiting for the day people care at least if not more for the actual queer creatives and systems supporting them as they cared about fear of their own discontentment.
maybe it's not fucking clicked with you yet because the wincels got their shitty low rent finale and you're still salty or whatever, but that's it, that's all they get that. From here, the whole universe belongs to the gays. Start getting used to it, and talking about it from the right angle.
They're still fighting, and they're winning. Ya'll are... idk, catastrophizing on tumblr from unaddressed trauma you need to unpack, and honestly most people stopped actually fighting and fell into self pity. Stop it.
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bewitchingfanfiction · 11 months
TPN (2019/09/03)
The wind blew their hair and clothes around, Emma's skirt nearly flying up too high. Norman stared down at the water with dull eyes.
This was it. This was when they would die, at midnight when no one was around.
"Are you sure about this?" Emma asked hesitantly, eyes watering and voice cracking.
She had arrived at the bridge to see this boy climbing over to the other side of the railing. He had expected her to stop him, to yell and beg and cry and try to grab him.
Instead, she calmly asked if he wanted company, so that he didn't feel so alone when he jumped. Because she was going to jump too, and she didn't want to be alone.
They exchanged, but not reasons. What would be the point? They didn't need to know why the other had given up on life, that wasn't important. 
All that mattered now was jumping.
"I am...you?" Norman asked hesitantly, eyes bloodshot from crying a few minutes ago.
Emma shut her eyes tightly, tears dripping off her chin. "Let's do it."
"Before you guys do that, think we could talk for a sec?" Emma and Norman froze where they stood, holding hands and holding onto the railing with one hand each, and hesitantly turned their heads to stare at the boy on the other side of the railing. He looked to be their age and had his hands in his pockets. "Yo." He greeted.
"W-Wha...don't move, we WILL jump!" Emma snapped with wide eyes, she was trembling badly and so was Norman.
The boy shrugged and tilted his head slightly, allowing Emma and Norman to see the big purple bruise on his cheek. "I wasn't going to. Relax, I don't really care if you jump or not, that's your buisness. But if you're gonna die anyways, mind letting me vent? I have things I want to tell people but I can't, you gotta take this to the grave." He explained.
Norman and Emma looked at each other hesitantly and shrugged. "What's your name?" Norman asked.
"Ray. You?"
"Norman, and this is Emma." Norman greeted slowly.
The boy smiled a little. "Hm, okay Norman, Emma, remember, these secrets can't leave us three okay? Shouldn't be a problem right? Let's see...my mom beats the shit out of me all the time, and I can't do anything about it. I'm bullied at school cause I'm a quiet kid, I'm pretty skinny cause I don't like eating, it's a time waster...oh, and my arms are basically a craft project gone wrong." Ray rolled up his sleeves to reveal dozens of angry red scars, all self inflicted.
Emma sniffed a little and hiccuped. She didn't like seeing others suffer, she never has.
"My dad left because he fell for some other girl, so it's just me and my mother. So, what has you two around here?" Ray asked casually, leaning against the railing.
Norman bit his lip and spoke up hesitantly. "My girlfriend was cheating on me and using me for whatever she wanted, including sexual acts I was uncomfortable with...my parents are getting divorced and neither of them want me...and my pet dog died...it just feels like everyone is leaving me...and I can't stand being alone anymore..." His voice cracked as he told his story, and his grip on Emma's hand tightened.
Emma swallowed hard. "...My mom wants me to be the perfect lady...I have to act calm and collected, never raise my voice, starve myself to be skinny, wear tons of makeup and dresses, get perfect grades and marry a man that she chooses for me. She wants our family to be picture perfect, but my dad hits her and sometimes hits me, and he's always drinking...the pressure of trying to be perfect when our family is so messed up is getting to me...and...once I tried to cut, but my mom found the scar on my wrist. She was horrified that I had damaged my perfect skin and rubbed so much makeup on the scar that I was sobbing from pain...it had been a fresh scar..." She cried, hiccuping more as she covered her mouth with her hand, finally letting go of Norman's hand.
"Sounds like you live in some pretty shitty situations, I get that. Well, I said what I wanted to, go ahead and jump." Ray smiled.
Emma and Norman stared at him in silence for a moment, and slowly lowered their heads to look down, doubt on their faces.
"What's wrong? That's what you wanted right? To die?" He asked.
"...It is but..." Emma's eyes were shut tightly as she cried. "...I don't want to die..." She sniffed.
Norman teared up a little, his bottom lip wobbling. "Me neither..."
Ray sighed. "Nobody wants to die. They just want to escape the pain, so they pick death. So listen up," He snapped, making them both look up at him in surprise.
"You can die anywhere, it doesn't have to be here, so why not just do whatever you want and see how long you last?" Ray smirked a little.
Emma sighed sadly. "Impossible. My mother will want me back home...besides, staying alive will just cause more pain..."
"Who the hell cares what your mom wants? You're literally planning to die right now, you could rob a bank and it wouldn't matter, cause you're ready to die. You guys don't have to go back to your shitty lives alright? Come with me, let's run away, the three of us, and go find a life we can be happy with." Norman and Emma's eyes widened, and for the first time in forever there was a hint of sparkle in them.
Emma and Norman took Ray's hands and he helped them over the railing, and he would prove to be right about what he said.
Five years later they were living together as adults, happy and healthy and having fun, leaving their horrible pasts behind them.
Still...it never occurred to them to ask, they never even realized.
Just what was Ray doing at that bridge in the middle of the night?
...Perhaps it doesn't really matter.
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lovelytarou · 3 years
you make me go uwu
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pairing: midoriya izuku x reader
genre: fluff, angst
tags: inspired by the song uwu by chevy
a/n: i'm just projecting my izuku feels and me literally going soft whenever i see his chubby face in the manga ang going uwu over it, also i still have a christmas hangover so sorry if you don't celebrate that or not fond of it! hearts, reblogs & feedbacks are greatly appreciated 💗
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midoriya izuku is a lot of things.
he's one of the best students at UA and was quite known to be a reckless person who never thinks twice about helping someone. his knack for breaking his bones was a testament to that fact.
he's no doubt going to be one of the best pro heroes out there soon, with a big heart, a kind soul, and a courageous spirit.
midoriya izuku is a lot of things and possessing such cute, squishable cheeks is one of them. or more likely, being cute is one of them.
this thought occured to you when he offered to help you in one of the classes you're having trouble with. being at such close proximity made you aware of just how green his eyes are and when the sunlight hits them just right, they look like beautiful gems. or how he always seem to mutter under his breath when he's thinking too hard, or how his right leg would unconsciously shift to you like he wanted to get closer.
but one of the things you noticed the most, is his cheeks while he puffs them out of frustration.
he's gonna give me a heart attack one of these days with how cute he is
incident #1
you were currently at the cafeteria, sitting at a table with the dekusquad (kaminari came up with it, izuku claimed their little group don't have a name) which consists of ochaco, shouto, tenya, and izuku.
everything is going well, the group had already bought their food and are now digging in after a collective, “itadakimasu!”
you just had the most fortunate opportunity to sit in front if izuku, of all people, who is too busy eating.
he paused for a moment to answer iida's question who's beside him and it made his cheeks bloated with the food inside.
you choked on your drink because you just felt your heart swell with how cute he looks. it almost reminded you of a hamster.
shouto who is sitting on your left, gave you a concerned look and offered you his water.
“are you okay, l/n-san?” his question made izuku turn to you both, you felt your cheeks heat up when he looked at you while looking like that.
“i-i'm fine, thanks.” you took the water from him and gulped it down to clear your throat, and cool your nerves.
“you should chew your food properly when eating or else you'll choke!” iida scolded, waving his hands in a chopping motion you all grew to be familiar with.
“s-sorry...” you can't help but scratch at your nape in embarrassment.
incident #2
“midoriya, you're up.” aizawa called one afternoon on another day of training.
the rest of class 1-a stood back while izuku stepped in front. this was another one of aizawa's endurance training and one of the challenges was to beat a bunch of the robots from the entrance exam once again. how he can call this endurance training, you don't know.
“SMAAAAASH!” you heard izuku yell, tearing through what was once a robot and turning it into scraps of metal.
he did this to the other robots and he landed on his feet with a very serious look that instead of making him look intimidating, it actually made him look more adorable.
“he's like an angry bunny–” you cut yourself off with a hand on your mouth as you laughed quietly, another flush blossoming on your cheeks.
“i know right?! look how cute he is, but he's scary when he shows how strong he is like that.” mina added, looking at izuku who's walking towards the both of you now.
you immediately composed yourself when his eyes landed on you.
“y/n! are you okay? your face is all red! are you sick? do you need to go to recovery girl? shall i take you to her? what if you're overheating?! it's so hot out and your hero costume's probably too heavy–” he began to ramble and you can only stare at him with wide eyes as he continued with his wild thoughts.
quickly dismissing him with a hand on his mouth as everyone started to look at the two of you, izuku stared down at it and felt flustered at how soft your hand felt on his lips.
he's practially kissing your palm, do you even register what you're doing to him?!
“shh! i'm fine! it's just...you're so–” you were about to tell him that he's just so damn cute but you were called by aizawa.
“uh, i gotta go! see ya later!” you scrambled away from him, heart beating fast inside your chest.
that was close.
incident #3
“hey, y/n? can i ask you a favor?” you looked up from your phone when izuku approached you on the dorm's common room.
worry is written all over his face as he fumbled with his fingers, thinking about you being too busy even though you're literally on your phone all day.
there he goes again.
before he can overthink more, you smiled at him warmly and stood up from your seat.
“sure, what's up?”
izuku gulped, “well, uh, i was thinking of a gift to give to someone but i, um, don't know if they'll like it? i kinda, um, need your opinion on it, if that's okay?”
he stared at you with big doe eyes and you can't help but swoon when he looks at you like that. of course, how can you say no to that face? he looks like he'd cry any moment if you denied him.
“alright! what gift did you get for this particular someone?” you teased, nudging his side.
he led the two of you to his room, which isn't the first time since it became a usual thing for the two of you to study together there or simply hang out and talk about your problems, about what you did that day, rambling about your favorite heroes...basically this has became your second room. and your's his.
“um, i got them this,” he opened his bedside drawer and pulled out a small box. inside it, he revealed a beautiful necklace with a letter D as a pendant.
“it's for ‘deku’ which sounds kind of cheesy since it's my hero name, but i just thought that if i gave it to them then that means i'm with them wherever they are,” he reached for something inside his shirt, showing you an identical looking necklace with a familiar letter on it.
you don't want to assume things, but whoever is this particular someone that izuku is going to give the necklace to, they sure are one lucky person. not only is he kind, thoughtful, caring, and not to mention cute, but they'd be lucky to have someone like izuku fall for them.
ignoring the sudden pang of hurt in your chest, you forced a smile on your mouth and cooed at him.
“aww, that is so cute, izu! i'm sure they would love that very much. i know i would! if they don't, you can just always give it to me,” you joked, laughing to mask your hurt.
“r-really? you think so?” when you nodded in response, izuku heaved a big sigh of relief, “well, i trust you, y/n. i'm sure they would love this.”
after that, you excused yourself out of his room and proceeded to go to yours. sleep didn't come to you easily that night, thinking about the special someone that izuku was talking about and how much it would hurt once you saw them together.
over the years you spent being his friend, you never thought you would harbor such deep, intense feelings for the green-haired boy. you don't doubt he has great things ahead of him, and because of that, you started to like him for how strong he is and how he continues to be a better hero, and an overall a great person. that awe soon turn to adoration. and before you knew it, you're falling hard for izuku.
last incident
it's christmas, and the day before, aizawa had made all of you draw lots for your secret santas. your heart stopped when you saw izuku's name on the paper you pulled from the bowl.
you didn't think too much of it and decided to give him something all might-related and called it a day, still a little sour over izuku falling for someone else.
when the dreaded day came, everybody was so chaotic and high on their holiday spirits. even bakugou, which they convinced to wear a santa hat and haul the gifts in a bag. although, he still had a big scowl on his face and basically threw the gifts to their designated owners.
“shitty hair!” bakugou barked, pulling out a gift from the bag. kirishima hopped over to where bakugou was sitting and accepted the gift with a big smile on his face.
“whoa, bakugou! you're my secret santa?!” he asked in shock, eyes shining.
“it does says my name there, doesn't it, idiot? now hurry up and open your gift already,” kirishima did just that and bursted into tears when his gift was a crimson riot themed crocs. he thanked bakugou over and over while the latter hid his smile poorly with a cough.
“whatever. dunce face! you're next!” he practically threw kaminari's gift to him which the boy almost failed to catch, earning him a snigger from the explosive boy.
“man, why do you gotta be the santa for christmas? you're cruel!” kaminari pouted, turning around to go back to where he was squished in between sero and mineta.
“you got a problem with that, dunce face?!” he growled, his palms crackling with his quirk. kirishima tried to diffuse his anger.
when everything is calm, bakugou proceeded to dig into the bag for gifts.
“here, you shitty nerd.” he tossed your gift to izuku, you almost yelped a ‘be careful!’ but izuku had great reflexes and caught your gift swiftly. his eyes widened when he read who his secret santa was. your eyes met each other but was abruptly cut off when bakugou called your name.
“y/n! here's yours,” he was oddly calm when handing you your gift, albeit a little bored.
that received a lot of complaints from your other classmates and you can only shake your head while chuckling at their antics.
deciding to get some time for yourself, you went to the balcony for some air and sat down on one of the steps at the entrance.
placing the gift on your lap, you read the tag attached to it. it was wrapped in a simple green wrapper with red ribbon that finished the look.
to: y/n
happy holidays!
from: D
the name made you curious and even if you hated yourself for it, lit a sparkle of hope inside yourself. what if it was him who gave you the gift?
you had no time to dwell much on the thought and opened the gift instead. your breath hitched in your throat as you recognized the familiar box. lifting the lid with shaky hands, you felt your eyes sting as you looked down at your gift.
it was the necklace that izuku showed you before. you were such an idiot for thinking it was for someone special and did not think it was for the secret santa.
you carefully lifted it in your fingers and the light from the inside catched the D attached to it. it was beautiful. izuku's words echoed inside your head.
“i just thought that if i gave it to them then that means i'm with them wherever they are,”
“did you...not like it?” the boy in question appeared beside you and upon noticing your tears on your face, he immediately thought it gave a negative effect.
gasping, you quickly wiped away your tears and shook your head wildly at him.
“izu, no! i-i love it! actually, it's kinda funny...”
“funny?” he tilted his head in confusion, concern still etched onto his face.
“i was sad that you care a lot about someone else to give them this wonderful gift. i didn't realize that you would give something like this...to me,” you laughed through your tears, sniffling a bit.
“why would you think that?” his voice is so soft and genuinely confused that you can't help but feel your heart beat even more, and fall for him harder than you should.
“because,” you think of a way to word your feelings better but instead what came out was, “you're you and i'm...me,”
it was stupid, but with the overflowing emotions you're feeling right now, it's hard to voice your emotions.
izuku huffed, his cheeks puffing up once again because of the action.
“what do you mean by that? i mean, you're the most amazing person i've ever met! and you're always there for me when i'm sad, and happy and-and...whenever i'm with you, i always feel this...this...warmth! it's like, when you come home after a long day and you just felt safe and comforted. or-or when my mom cooks my favorite food it just makes me feel fuzzy inside! it's like when i watch my favorite video of all might over and over again and i never get tired of it,” he sighed after his long speech, eyebrows furrowing into a frown as he stared at you with determination.
“what i'm getting at is...i care a lot about you, y/n.” he let out in one breath. he stared up at you with big eyes, those damn eyes that never failed to make your heart jump and stomach do flips.
chuckling at yourself, you raised both of your hands and squeezed his cheeks with all your might making him yelp in pain.
“ow! y/n...” he whined.
“sorry, sorry! i've always wanted to do that!” you snorted.
“i care a lot about you, too, izu–” he suddenly kissed the corner of your mouth, making you shut up in shock. he had a smirk on his lips, amused by your reaction.
“i've always wanted to do that,” he threw your words back at you. feeling your whole face heat up, you turned your back towards him and held out your hand holding the necklace.
“whatever! just help me put this on, will you?” you felt his hands take the necklace from your grasp. you shivered when you felt the cold metal touch your skin but it was quickly replaced by his warm hands.
“there.” he mumbled, voice far too close to your ear. before you can thank him, you felt his lips brush your nape where the lock was and squealed from the contact.
the idiot only laughed at this and ushered you to stand up, helping you to your feet.
“let's go back inside, i heard they prepared a lot of food today.”
without thinking, izuku grabbed your hand and led you inside the dorm. you could only let him drag you as you stared at your joined hands, playing with the necklace hanging on your neck before staring back up at izuku who's smiling at you.
he's the best gift that you could ever ask for.
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spooky-somewhere · 3 years
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women posting their w's
click for better quality, note under the cut
every day i get a little more gay and i think it's thanks to these two.
kate's a little short and sam is drawn to look older so i do want to specify, kate is 24, sam is 28, kate is just a) an alien that lives longer and thus might look more 20 than 24, and b) short for her species which is actually a lot of complicated lore that i am going to ramble about because THIS IS MY BLOG GODDAMNIT
big tw, discussion of themes of eugenics, death, abuse, and murder.
so kate is like, an alien, right. and she comes from this planet where you're ranked from birth. when you're around, like, three, you get put into a category, and kate, being a scrawny child with a lot of health issues and a couple defects, was essentially cast as the lowest class of person. she'd be used for whatever was needed of her until she died, or, in other words, she was considered human livestock. until a woman with a lot of power looked at her and was like "yeah i can work with that".
she turned kate into a scout, which was only really a step above human livestock but hey it's better than being completely disposable and an embarrassment to her family. scouts are meant to go to planets (advanced alien civilization dontcha know) to scout (roll credits) out planets that could be colonized.
she got put on a ship with an ai named Thea and essentially her only contact with her family was a shitty communications device. Thea was pretty much her only friend throughout that entire time, acting as a rational source of information to contrast herself, who happened to be highly emotional, anxious, and impulsive. as is cliche with stories like this, the planet she was going to was earth. problem, Thea didn't know how to land, as she wasn't actually meant to land planes, only fly them, which meant the ship had to crash into a forest.
the ship was damaged almost beyond repair. kate did what she was told to do in her handbook and sought out shelter or any lifeform, carrying a few rations. she'd never really seen rain before, so the rainpour that night was something she remembered for the rest of her time on earth. kate found an abandoned warehouse, and obviously, being impulsive, she opened the door.
what she didn't expect was to find someone living there, an engineer and mechanic that said her name was sam. she noticed kate was shivering, and brought her inside. she didn't have much for other people, but she did have a couple throw blankets and an extra order of fries from her dinner, and kate was more than comfortable sleeping in a chair that night, because she hadn't been around other people for a very long time, much longer for people who cared about her well being. sure, she had thea, but thea couldn't wrap her in a blanket and give her fries.
the two of them spent a lot of time together after that. they discussed marriage a lot, but kate was the one to ask the question. she couldn't afford a ring, but she could afford dinner at a restaurant by a river, by candlelight. sam still remembered what she said - "we don't have a lot, but i just want to be with you, i want to stay here forever, i never want to leave you, i couldn't get a ring and im sorry but if i work really hard i promise i'll get you the biggest wedding ring i can get and we'll live a good life". many tears were shed that night.
kate managed to get a job at the local bar, getting paid under the table. (the only issue with that is that the bartender happens to be sam's college ex and they both hate each other.) she took up a baking hobby, started selling baked goods online, while sam worked extra hours at her mechanic job, even taking up jobs outside of work hours for things the company she worked for couldn't do, wouldn't do, or would charge too much for. they'd been engaged for a year when they finally had the money to get a house and have a wedding.
before they had the chance to move out, thea had warned kate of what would happen. by then, thea had been given a body by sam, and kate's commander, her boss, knew something had to be wrong. she was planning on going herself, to check on kate. after all, kate was more of a... pet project to her instead of a genuine endeavor.
kate doesn't remember what happened that day. she doesn't like talking about it. she doesn't really like visiting her ship anymore, either.
the following months were spent looking for houses, until they found a two bed, two bath in the kind of neighborhood where there are enough trees to where you can hear birds in the morning. kate decorated pretty much everything, sam just did all the heavy lifting (and painting, and plumbing). kate helped as much as she could, but watching her wife carry heavy boxes was, like, probably more important.
kate eventually left the job at the bar, but she stayed friends with the bartender. (she might be into thea, but she won't tell kate.) she catered events, mostly weddings, with the things she baked, and when she had the time, she'd drop something off at the bar for the bartender to sell.
sam kept working as a mechanic, mostly working on cars but sometimes helping with other things if someone emailed her asking for help. she left her job at the first auto body shop, and found another one closer to their house. sometimes, she gets dragged along to kate's events, and has to wear something fancy, but if it means she gets free food she'll take it.
GOD i rambled on for entirely too long okay im going to BED goodNIGHT this is entirely too long, im so glad i figured out how to do the read more thing SAUKGHDSK
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