#and the force comes from the HB flashback
idlenight · 10 months
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I found a different Sidestep profile with more details in the depths of my files and trough the magic of googling also traced back the source!
I've updated it to River's current stats and spruced it up a lil to share.
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tocomplainfriend · 2 months
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I came back to or HB and I got run over with the lack of Female character content. Specially in the queer area!
We got Millie, who gets the lowest attention. See doesn't have and actual episode about her as a person. Unhappy Campers it's not an actual episode about her- it's mainly Moxxie and her dealing with it. We don't get any flashbacks in comparison to Blitz, Moxxie, and Loona. Even when Chaz it's her ex, we only get the Moxxie's part of the story. We get an episode with full focus on Bllitz, Stolas and Moxxie perspective of things in an episode, but we never follow Millie alone her self.
What we got about Millie: Good at killing (Melee weapons), supportive, Country girl, anger? Moxxie's Wife
Unhappy campers tries to give her attention but not actually doing it. She gets everyone to love her and show she can do an endless amount of tricks. But the episode concentrates in Moxxie getting insecure again. The fact they barely want to write her shows in just giving her long fighting scenes instead.
What does she do? Like, does she have her group of friends outside of her job or no? How does that make her feel? Being in your mid 20's and not really having many friends, it's quite a thing to explore. Or does she have actual friends outside of Blitz, and her husband.
How does she feel about Blitz stalking them? Cause in the pilot she just laughs it off a lot! Why? She didn't say anything about Blitz coming to Ozzies to see them. Does she actually dislike Loona or the fact she is a hellhound? Does she feel like a normal Joe underlooked, cause maybe her family with multiple kids didn't give her top attention and recognition? Probably not because they didn't write that- I imagined that, just know. Apparently she just had a 'boring' good family and that's why we don't see anything of that.
I just fill in the spaces where the is nothing to say regarding Millie with Headcanons, basically...
Loona gets written kind of back and forward. She was so nice by the end of season 1- to then beat the shit off Blitz in season 2, episode 2. And She was given the reason of "blitz did something that hurt her" when she was in the wrong for being awful to the customers in the first place and try to guilt-trip her dad. In that same episode, we get Loona's backstory for getting adopted, but from Blitz Perspective. I loved how she was with Octavia. But she backtracks into being mean to everyone. Hopefully she gets to interact with her by the end of the season!
Verosika... Where is my girl? Haven't seen her! She gets to have genuine frustrations towards Blitz, I'm happy for that. I hope they don't write her into had being the bad one for blitz to look better.
Stella, she gets written as the worst to elevate Stolas as the least bad person to justify him and Stolitz. Her view of also getting forced to marry someone as a child is never given, she gets the least out of it to- she doesn't get any book or power- she sticks to her family. I think writing her as "stupid" and also the "I love tormenting you" is so shallow. Her power as an antagonist gets killed in order to put her brother as the main danger instead.
One thing in writting I don't think it's intentional is her treatment of Striker. It does call my attention that Stolas call Blitz an Imp, and imp based names- same with disregarding Millie and Moxxie- Meanwhile Stella treats her assistant like shit and says shit if "plebeian blabla" but when she gets in the Phone with Striker to cancel the killing. She is polite and calls him darling. Which is different!
I love that Octavia gets attention, but I know she is written to also elevate Stolas as a character. -And the writting fill force her into forgiving him. Also... her relationship with her Mom? Someone? Can we explore what she thinks of imps or hellhounds compared to her parents?
Sallie May? 2 Lines in 1 episode.
Barbie? Her story dealing with her mom dying got pushed in the BG due to her deleted content. uh... get drugs from being sexual as a +30 woman to a 19 yr human. Doesn't want to deal with Blitz cool! Fizz gets more backstory with Blitz than with her...
Glitz and Glam. They show up and act like assholes to Fizz (to make him seem more vunerable and dealing with a lot). For some reason, the concept of Mammon being abusive to Fizz only matter if it towards him. Because he just let Glitz and Glam take his place, even if they were being bitches to him- that doesn't make them have to endure Mammon's treatment too. They are also over villainized as if Blitz or wasn't an ass to everyone too.
Bee is there probably for one episode due to wall Kesha and shit. She is a contradiction on her self "gluttony - over indulgance" to then "Loona your dad is drinking to much and it worries me" ??? She is there to be a party girl and tell Loona what to do.
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Overall she also only get Queer content out of the male characters. There is not a single WLW thing going on anywhere here. Meanwhile most the teasing of ships and jokes is MLM (blitzXmoxxie,blitzXstriker, blitzXstolas, blitzXchaz, blitzXfizz, moxxieXstriker, moxxieXchaz, fizzXasmodeous)
The only possible WLW joke is Bee and Loona. That's it!
For a show that gets to praised for representation of the trans woman character, It's less of a secondary character just yet. And no non-binary character anywhere.
(DO NOT SAY oh but in the BG, NO I'm TALKING ACTUAL CHARACTERS IN THE SHOW-not the bg succubus or the art team putting random stuff around!)
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
As a HH/HB fan, I have a confession about Stolitz: I fell out of the ship. I like some of the fanart, but at the same time...it irks me a bit? Idek. I just don't like it anymore. And the EPISODES. Oh God lemme just—
Seeing Stars was cute...but Helluva Boss ain't supposed to be cute: don't get me wrong, loved the Loona and Octavia interaction, but the whole episode lacked...something. (also I'm going to bring up the fact the the Harvest Moon Festival is actually bad, like fr...) tbh, I wanted to see more potential out of the latest episode than what we received. Like... not all HB fans want a Stolitz plot/drama/overturn for a majority of the series.
I, for one, don't want the Stolitz content yet. Well-written relationships/character growth is more important than forcing a toxic relationship upon us. Plus, it [Stolitz] doesn't have to be sexual!! It can work up to a better thing, or hell, I wouldn't oppose to them ending up as just friends, in the end! A bit of pining, but friends nonetheless. (watch the Stolitz stans come after me LMAO)
Plus: the childhood lovers thing in The Circus. It was...kinda weird? I watched it with my family, and they thought it was, like Seeing Stars, cute...but it just didn't fit. My dad said that it got a little weird after a few more minutes of the childhood flashback; which I understand completely! It made me feel weird too.
Overall...yeah I'm not enjoying this as much as I should LMAO
TL;DR: criticism against Stolitz, the episodes, etc., etc..
Hope this is okay (: love your critiques on HH and HB!! It's refreshing to see content addressing the flaws, problems, and more. (And I apologize on behalf of some of the fans that don't take criticism!)
-Samantha ✨
All I can say is:
1. Your Dad has a good conscience.
The episode literally had Blitz taken from his home, being told to rob the royal family, and trying to use this to show them as “great childhood freind’s” to try to guilt trip you into. being ok with the show making “love” merch of said relationship current time showing the complete opposite of what the show is trying to say. Not questioning Stolas’s classism in the slightest and trying to show them as “end game” on top of it. Ew… :(
2. Falling out is completely understandable.
Ive seen people who like the fanon version, but then get turned off by the toxic fandom.
So understandable.
3. The problem isn’t really it being “cute”, but throwing itself off from the main story so much, and in such a out of touch way too.
(Just realized that the term “tone deaf” gives ableist vibes, so i’ll try not to use that from now on.)
4. Despite what the fandom says, it’s ok if you don’t enjoy it as much, its ok to not 100% like something that you enjoy.
5. They could have easily had them grow naturally. Instead, they used that one scene in “The Circus” as a substitute for chemistry in their relationship. They didn’t put the effort into actual chemistry, and barely, if not almost never hold said toxic relationship accountable or actually encourage change. It felt so forced, still does, especially for Seeing Stars.
So overall- completely understandable as to why you feel this way. Hope that you and your family had fun watching the show! 😄
Goodnight! :)
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marithlizard · 2 years
Thoughts on Helluva Boss S2E2, “Seeing Stars”
To be clear, I love this show, it's blown me away since the pilot with the writing and characters and music and voice acting and in particular the impeccable comedic timing.  And I am on the Stolitz train all the way to the end of the line. But this particular episode mostly did not do it for me, especially after the powerhouses that were 6, 7 and S2E1.
The new writer (Adam Neylan) has done a predictable by-the-numbers plot that could have been lifted from any American television sitcom from 1980 onward, and quite possibly was.  I could see each plot beat coming a mile away and I could have recited the dialogue ahead of time. 
HB has always been full of deranged "I can't believe they SAID that / I can't believe they DID that" energy, and then swerving from that into genuinely moving and well-grounded character moments.   None of that is here.  The characters don't sound like themselves to me. Blitzo's colorful trademark rants are missing, most obviously, and so is Stolas's ludicrous inappropriate dirty talk, but everyone else is at least subtly off.
Continuity is also lacking.  At the end of the last episode Stolas miserably realized that Blitzo sees their relationship as a transaction, and not always one he enjoys. He also stood up to his physically and verbally abusive wife for the first time.   Now suddenly he's casually sniping at her and comfortably sassing Blitzo.  The lines are funny but they don't make sense!  (Have we ever seen Stolas criticize Blitzo before, ever, even in jest?) 
We did need a lighter tone for this episode, and it makes sense to have Blitzo and Stolas avoid the dreaded Feelings Talk and/or set it aside to collaborate on finding Octavia.  It just wasn't done very well.
The voice acting also felt off to me, particularly for Millie and Octavia. I love Octavia's hoarse voice and accent, and Millie's southern drawl, and they were gone here.
The forced-to-act-in-a-sitcom plot is hard for me to assess because I really don't like that particular kind of humor. Watching Blitzo and the audience suffer just made me pray for violence that did not come soon enough.  And if I started in on the gaping logic holes I'd be here all day, so I won't.
Things I did like, even if they mostly weren't well executed:  Human Stolas being gorgeous, with red sunglasses on his forehead to mimic his upper eyes. The magical-girl transformation sequence. Moxxie following up on his hallucination-resolution to be more assertive. Blitzo seemingly taking Moxxie's advice and support.  Octavia accidentally killing the real whatsisname-actor when she arrived.  Moxxie being an enthusiastic patron of the arts.  The Loona flashback,  AUGH, that was actually affecting, I hadn't guessed her situation was so horrible.  Stolas getting Blitzo's name right.  And of course Loona and Octavia bonding, we've all been wanting that.
The conversation between Stolas and Octavia at the end of the Loo Loo Land episode, and the one between Blitzo and Stolas after Ozzie's, are how you do messy emotional situations right.  They're brilliant scenes.   I want more of that and more zany murder shenanigans.  Hopefully they haven't let this guy write any more episodes on his own and we'll get them.
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xj-16 · 2 years
Hey!! Did you hear about the recent announcement from the Helluva Boss Twitter account? They gave an update on not only S2, and a release date, it'll be released this summer on July 30th. But, also on episode 8, and apparently this whole time, we've been waiting on an episode that concludes NOTHING To the main story and is just filler and a waste of time pretty much. And it's pretty much been revealed that Episode 7 was pretty much the season finale and episode 8 is just a filler episode, with pretty visuals.
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(Oh, they also thrown in a small sneak peak for S2, which is Baby Stolas. And I have a feeling, they're gonna show a flashback of Stolas, to make us feel and have sympathy for him even more, like this show has been doing and making up hate and just have the fandom have hatred towards Stella even more. And possibly the upcoming character, who is Stolas's Peacock Brother in law, they'll probably have Stolas be this sympathetic character, even tho he's awful, he's a bad father and just isn't a good character.)
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This made me so annoyed and upset, and just thought this all wasted our time!! And it's a slap to the face and I don't really know what to say, because I don't have the energy to really get angry and upset, I don't understand why Viv hyped this up and says this is gonna be the best episode ever, if it's just gonna be filled with filler!! S1 Was Nothing BUT FILLER, So why did we need more of it, it's pointless and there's just no point getting hyped or really watching episode 8 or really S2, because they're nothing to get excited or look forward to. Plus, this show has had many issues, along with shoving a toxic and unhealthy pairing like Stolitz in our faces and just being forced overall, Ect. Honestly, I'm just waiting for Hazbin's release at this point and hope that it's AT LEAST decent and watchable, and just not as messy as HB is, overall..once Hazbin is released I'll be done with Helluva and move on, I just don't find myself interested in the show anymore and just don't find myself getting excited or even caring, there's honestly not much to look forward to, IMO.
(Along with that, some Fans and people who work with Viv are basically telling some who are angry and annoyed by Viv's actions and basically how she hyped this episode up, and just messed up, are telling us to stop be untiled and to STFU, Ect. It's like we're not allowed to be upset and express our annoyance and anger, and just opinions in general, especially in The HB/HH fandom. My gosh, this fandom..thank god I left it, and moved on, because it can be toxic, especially when it comes to criticism and shipping. NOT everyone in the fandom is bad, I'm just pointing to the toxic ones in the fanbase and the ones who just can't handle hearing any Criticisms and problems people have with the show. But overall, I feel bad for the animators because they pretty much wasted their time, and besides..Filler should be in the middle, and the story should come first. You know what I'm saying? Like, Viv really shouldn't be overworking herself, it's not good for her or her team, both mentally and physically and plus, it's especially not good on Viv's health, since she's working on two shows at the exact same time!! But, has probably been mostly working on a spinoff to a show, that's not even released yet and only has a pilot right now.)
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Ok, first things first. I indeed have seen the posts and they bring more questions than answers (which is no surprise to anyone since Viv and co are messy and inconsistent when it comes to planning.) I still don't understand why the fandom hypes these episodes as if they're telling some breathtaking story. They're nothing more than filler and fanservice of the fandom's favorite characters. The characters constantly switch personalities to fit whatever situation they're in, the worldbuilding is all over the place, and the "comedy" is just middle school level immature and unfunny. The most it'll get out of me is a snicker. The fans are either easily impressed or they're just as unaware when it comes to writing a decent story.
Also, Stolas was a baby? So does that make him Hellborn? I hope they're not trying to use cuteness to make me pity him, cause it's gonna take a lot more than that Viv. At least for once we finally have a date for Season 2 instead of "Coming Soon 😈". I'm assuming that there were some legal issues when it came to Ep 8's production which may explain the delay.
And last but not least, will the stans grow the fuck up? It doesn't matter how hard Viv and her crew worked on Helluva Boss, that's not a get out of jail free card. And because it was "done for free" is the most dumbest reason to dodge criticism. Nobody told your asses to help produce Helluva Boss, you willingly accepted the offer, and you're mad cause you didn't get the results you wanted? When you put something out in the public, people are allowed to point out the both the pros and cons. This isn't a one way street. These people act as if nobody is allowed to talk about Hazbin Hotel or Helluva Boss without it being praise and giving Viv more credit than she really deserves. Viv clearly doesn't understand that and it applies to the toxic fans as well who can't tell the difference between Hate and Constructive Criticism.
Viv can do either of two things, ignore it and go about her day or hear out the criticism and attempt to improve instead of taking it as a personal attack. I can tell that just by how she handles negative opinions that she's been lied to by everyone about her own skills. Granted, she's a good artist, but a godawful story teller and she should atleast awknowledge that not everything she makes is perfect.
Also, who the hell is harassing Viv? Cause last time I checked it was the fans (the toxic ones) going out of their way to harass and doxx people over stupid ass fictional ships or for not thinking so highly of Viv and her shows. It's people like that, that are doing Vivziepop the greatest disservice by lying to her, making her believe that everything she touches turns to gold, not calling her out for bullying smaller artists, getting pissed at people for redesigning her characters (which I can only assume she does out of spite and jealousy over better takes of her own characters, unless she says otherwise).
It won't be just Viv's stubborness and ignorance that'll be her own downfall, but the fandom (toxic ones) actively encouraging her to believe that she's entitled to nothing more than praise, not being honest about the flaws and toxic behavior that both Hazbin and Helluva push, and treating her like a machine rather than a person (hence making her overwork and overstress herself in order to appease their ungrateful asses.) To which I'm still not over them giving Viv shit over Angel Dust simply getting a new VA.
Overall, there's not much left I can say. I wanna believe there's hope for Viv but she surrounds herself with yes men like Sam and Raph who do nothing but make her believe that there's nothing wrong with how she presents herself.
And now that Hazbin is in the works, I'm even more afraid for her because the REAL Critics will not hold back. Saberspark and the rest of those self proclaimed "cartoon critics" who act as if their verdicts are the end all be all, will not be able to protect the show's image no matter what they say.
But only time will tell how this will all end.
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uzumaki-rebellion · 3 years
Beyonce’s HB Article
She really confirmed a lot of what I suspected about her life, and I am so happy that she has Solange as a guiding sister force. One day I hope they have a sit down sibling talk together on a platform or a magazine and talk about the impact of their recent art on Black women creatives. The article is a nice bookend to Solange’s magazine piece last summer that I found so amazing. 
They literally could do a filmed artist sit-down chat. I feel like Beyonce has finally become her authentic self, but it came at a steep price. I think that Solange was blessed to have been able to nurture her whole self in way her sister never has been able to because of the business. Bey (like so many Black folks) stressed over perfection and the white gaze judging her, and Solange was lucky to have said “IDGAF, I’ma be me from jump.” A lot of that comes from her being so much younger and also being raised in the shine of her sister’s success and bearing witness to the b.s. in the industry and having the luxury of resources to bypass so much harmful stuff.
Side note. Her new Ivy Park line is giving me House of Dereon Texas flashbacks. And if y’all know anything about Black Texas cowboy fashion, they are here for the extra.
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eddycurrents · 5 years
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BPRD: Being Human - “The Dead Remembered”
Story: Mike Mignola & Scott Allie | Pencils: Karl Moline | Inks: Andy Owens | Colours: Dave Stewart | Letters: Clem Robins
Originally published by Dark Horse in BPRD: The Dead Remembered #1-3 | April-June 2011
Collected in BPRD: Being Human
Plot Summary:
In 1976, Professor Bruttenholm takes Liz with him to investigate a haunting in Massachusetts that may have ties to the witch trials. While there, Liz experiences her first real crush, trying to come to terms with her powers and the ghosts that haunt her, both from the past and the present.
Reading Notes:
(Note: Pagination is in reference to the chapter itself and is not indicative of anything found in the issues or collections.)
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pg. 1 - Interesting cold open, on the confrontation of a “witch” by a mob threatening to do her ill. The terror in her eyes is aptly captured by Karl Moline, Andy Owens, and Dave Stewart here in the art.
It’s also interesting in that in our current understanding and hindsight, witches as envisioned by witch hunters, priests, and such during the height of the Salem Witch Trials don’t exist. These women were generally falsely accused out of politics, jealousy, spite, etc. or in the rare case where they exhibited some natural or scientific knowledge. No magic powers. No communion with the devil. So, in general, we often find stories in which these women are accused, the women are given a sympathetic outlook, because we don’t believe they’re actually “witches”.
In a world like Hellboy though, magic witches and demons do exist. The women can actually be what the people accuse them of. As such, it adds a certain level of doubt as to the veracity of the claims that otherwise wouldn’t be there. So you wonder, is she really a witch? And, if so, is she a good witch or a bad witch?
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pg. 2 - And we’re into the present of the story in 1976. I absolutely love Hellboy and Bruttenholm here interacting as adults. It’s an interesting dynamic, also when it comes to Bruttenholm getting nostalgic about young Hellboy. It is funny to see a kind of inversion of HB wanting to go on a trip.
pg. 3 - It’s also great to see Hellboy acting like a big brother.
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pg. 5 - One hell of a nightmare to carry around with you as baggage. Compared to the somewhat neutral palette (other than the vibrant reds), it’s interesting to see this explosion of bright colour for Liz’s memory from Stewart. It gives a very nice impact to how overwhelming it can be to Liz.
Also, there’s an idea put forward here that her “minders” are terrified of her. That’s got to do one hell of a number on a kid.
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pg. 7 - Hellboy’s probably the most human and humane of any person at the Bureau. You really get the impression that he wants Liz to succeed and be “normal” (whatever that normal may be).
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pg. 8 - I hate this car game. I have a few friends who do it still, and I always see it as a kind of gatekeeping and flouting of knowledge rather than the sharing of information that I know at least one of them means it as. I’m probably guilty of it in some regards as well.
The song is “Loves Me Like a Rock”, by the way. Which is kind of interesting since it involves the devil and being fooled.
Though Liz’s response of ultimately diving into reading is the perfect teenager reaction, regardless of time period.
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pg. 9 - The Father’s dilapidated house is interesting. Who puts a priest out to pasture in the middle of nowhere?
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pg. 11 - The incorporation again of Henry Hood is nice, as is the possible ties to the Whittier family we met earlier in The Whittier Legacy. That gives further credence that Anne perhaps actually is a witch.
I like the simple purple wash Stewart uses for the flashback.
pg. 13 - I like that the priest is building the possibility here of Anne’s innocence throughout the terrible ordeal. It sets up the idea that this could be a revenge haunting.
pg. 14 - It’s somewhat funny that the witch, or whatever it is at this point, would use fire to spook Liz. It feels like something intentional that a spirit would utilize in order to sew doubt in Bruttenholm.
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pg. 15 - Which seems to have worked. You get the impression that Bruttenholm thinks that Liz caused the fire.
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pg. 18 - Why is it always smudging? There are other ways to cleanse and purify an area, especially when you consider that Bruttenholm is a stodgy Brit (even if he has been living in America for at least 30 years at this point).
pg. 19 - Liz is also downright mean to Teddy here. I mean, it’s understandable given what just happened with the professor, but wrong target.
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pg. 22 - Now that’s just creepy. The bullet hole in the back of her head just makes it even more terrifying.
pg. 24 - You’d think that this happening in the woods would clue the professor and the priest that it’s not necessarily the house that’s the problem, but no.
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pg. 25 - It’s also kind of sad that Liz is effectively being unheard, disbelieved, and denied here. It would only further her feelings of alienation.
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pg. 28 - It ultimately didn’t seem to stop Teddy, though...
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pg. 30 - Teddy emphasizes that it always does seem to be the kids who know the truth. Also, that adults tend not to believe the kids.
pg. 31 - There’s something about those shell wind chimes.
pg. 33 - I think it’s kind of weird that Bruttenholm is still pursuing the ghost as if it’s in the house and not tied somewhere else. Sure, there are manifestations within the house, but his previous attempt at purification didn’t even get a little bit of cupboard rattling.
pg. 34 - Being concerned about occult methods now is a weird quirk.
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pg. 36 - It would have to be scary to find out that you’re developing pyrokinetic powers. Add that to the usual problems that any adolescent goes through and this is just a recipe for a firebomb.
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pg. 39 - It’s a wonder that Liz didn’t go into a permanent state of shock from this. Actually seeing the full flashover event that caused the death of her family, friends, and more is just horrifying.
pg. 40 - Also the guilt from knowing that her mother knew about her lie is clearly eating at her.
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pg. 42 - Awkward...
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pg. 43 - More about those wind chimes. Also, regardless of whether Anne Caldwell was guilty or not, the mob “justice” is just nasty. 
pg. 44 - The repetition of “Behold, I am against thee, saith the lord of hosts.” is interesting.
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pg. 46 - I like the seeds of doubt planted as to who or what the ghost is, though Bruttenholm still seems to be looking in the wrong direction.
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pg. 47 - This has got to be hard for a kid to understand. Also, Bruttenholm really isn’t great at interpersonal skills. He does at least seem to be trying.
pg. 48 - Third time’s the charm, right?
pg. 49 - It is good, though, that Bruttenholm seems to have finally clued in on what Liz really needs. Locking her up and treating her like a feral animal definitely isn’t good for her.
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pg. 51 - I do like that the kids are taking the approach ultimately that the witch was the wronged party here.
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pg. 52 - Or maybe she is evil.
Also, if this was what happened the first time I ever tried a cigarette, I’d never smoke. Ever. (I don’t and never have, but you get my point).
pg. 53 - The increasing severity of the storm is wonderfully depicted.
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pg. 54 - Definitely evil.
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pg. 55 - Just great art from Moline, Owens, and Stewart. The horror feel is intense.
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pg. 58 - Liz being forced through the stages of Anne’s death in the present is very weird. It gives the impression that the witch wants her to experience something, 
pg. 60 - There’s an interesting line here about power. Giving you the impression that maybe Anne wants Liz as a vessel.
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pg. 62 - That’s an impressive column of fire.
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pg. 64 - Poor kid.
pg. 66 - Good on them. This is sweet.
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Final Thoughts:
Liz is probably my favourite character outside of Hellboy himself. For a character who was going to die because Mike Mignola didn’t know what to do with her, she’s come very far, suffered a lot of adversity, come to terms with her own agency, and become the fire. This origin story, delving further into what happened regarding the death of her parents and also some of the formative events that clearly imprinted on who she became, paints a complicated picture out of fear, self-doubt, and building an abrasive personality in response to it.
It’s also really nice to see more art from Karl Moline. His art on the Liz-centric issue of War on Frogs was wonderful and he, with inks here from Andy Owens, was the perfect choice to come back to flesh out this period in her life. Also, his witches are creepy fantastic.
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d. emerson eddy does not want to burn the witch.
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twtd11 · 6 years
Your fics are amazing, I’m in love with your writing! A Magic All On It’s Own has to be one of the greatest fanfics I’ve ever read, I’m probably a bit of a Royalist, so a Royal AU was right up my street. Can you give us ‘the directors cut’ on your planning for the story and your inspiration behind it?
So it started literally with the thought, “What if Hecate was royalty?” If I’m remembering correctly, originally she was supposed to be something like a queen of the magical world but I dropped that thought really quickly. Then it was well if Hecate’s the queen, how does everyone else fit in? Everyone being Pippa and Mildred. Mildred obviously had to have some sort of substantial role in it so she needed to be tied to Hecate somehow. She couldn’t be Hecate’s direct descendant without that getting really messy. I think she was originally supposed to be a cousin but niece worked out better because of the closer relationship. If Hecate had a sister it would have been really obvious that she was pregnant, so Hecate had to have a brother, which worked well with the irresponsible prince stereotype. Killing him gave the story a nice catalyst. (an aside: I’m working on two separate stories that start with someone dying, so I guess that’s going to be a theme of my work now)  
Coming up with a place for Pippa was much harder. I wanted to keep the school friends aspect of their relationship but I aged it up where they were in university because I wanted the paparazzi storyline parallels and it’s hard for a young teenager to betray someone to the press. Originally it was going to be Hecate and Pippa’s relationship that got outed to the press and not Mildred’s existence but once I got about halfway through the story that changed because Mildred’s story needed more of a climax. Anyway, there were supposed to be stronger parallels and the picture of Hecate and Pippa almost kissing was supposed to resurface but it didn’t work in practice. 
So I had Pippa and Hecate being friends and then I needed to figure out how to bring Pippa back into Hecate’s life. I don’t know where the tutor idea came from. Probably some movie I’ve seen or book I’ve read along the same theme. Anyway, they needed a reason to be forced to interact and that was the best I could come up with. It felt like a really thin excuse for the first couple of chapters but eventually, I just embraced it and decided everyone would just have to suspend their disbelief. 
No lie, somewhere in the early planning process, I watch The Princess Diaries and ripped off as many of the tutoring scenes as I possibly could and made them fit an eleven-year-old instead of a fifteen-year-old. Finding things Pippa and Millie could do together without it getting boring/repetitive was something I had to really think hard about. 
Other than that, the planning went really fast. I probably came up with a fairly comprehensive outline in a night of furious typing because everything was just working. 
I have about 1800 words of notes/outlines (there were two outlines) that rereading I realize now I used maybe half of because things changed so much while I was writing the story. The outline is more in line with what I actually wrote than the notes because I updated the outline as I went. Mildred, Maud, and Enid were supposed to be active matchmakers in the first conception of the story but that didn’t work out. And there were supposed to be more university flashbacks until I realized I didn’t really need them. 
Favorite cut line: "Please don’t have me beheaded,“ Pippa murmurs as she leans in and presses her lips to HB’s. 
Hopefully, that’s enough info to sate your curiosity. 
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