#as well as Chens relationship being @ 90 ish
idlenight · 10 months
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I found a different Sidestep profile with more details in the depths of my files and trough the magic of googling also traced back the source!
I've updated it to River's current stats and spruced it up a lil to share.
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tasteofshapes · 4 years
Tagged by @shealwaysreads and @buttertyrant, thank you for the tag, friends!
favourite colour: the blue of lan xichen’s sect robes as he walks through the cloud recesses.
last song listened to: i’m currently listening to a spotify playlist, so the last song keeps changing, but it’s pretty much all the same sort of lo-fi stuff that’s prefect background music to work to.
favourite musician: i have so many faves it’s ridiculous. my tastes are varied, so it’s sad indie-ish music like tori amos and sufjan stevens and bon iver and broken social scene, but there’s also 90s alternative like the smashing pumpkins and third eye blind, and also japanese jazz-hip hop (honestly, i don’t even know how to classify this genre), but lately i’ve been in the mood for chinese music, so jay chou’s always a staple. 
last film I watched: husband and i are in the middle of watching infernal affairs 2, and oh my gosh, how did we never realise how many famous actors starred in this series? TWO of the four Heavenly Kings are in it! Plus a baby Edison Chen before his sex scandal rightfully kicked him straight out of the industry. 
last TV show I watched: what else? THE UNTAMED!!! I’m watching the Special Edition, which is the show condensed into 20 episodes that’s supposed to focus more on Wuxian and Wangji’s relationship, and oh, the feelings. i have everything i want in one show: disgruntled acquaintances to friends to lovers to soulmates, slow burn, mutual pining, dense gay disasters, hurt and comfort, EMOTiONAL hurt and comfort, major character death with a happy ending, boys being honest with their feelings, found families, jiang siblings, murder mysteries  - look, the list goes on, and i’m well aware that i will probably never leave this pit.
favourite character: because i’ve been in an Untamed pit of *feelings*, it’s Lan Wanji and his gay panic; Wuxian and his determination to walk his single log bridge even if that means going at it alone, just because it’s the right thing to do; and Lan Sizhui because he is the Best Boy and made me weep my eyes out at the reunion scenes. basically the entire lan-wei-wen found family clan. 
sweet, spicy, or savoury: savoury!
sparkling water, tea, or coffee: tea for days when i’m not that tired, and coffee for days when i’m a walking zombie. 
pets: none, but i do want to get a cat! 
I’m pretty sure almost everyone I know has been tagged in this, but I’m going to go ahead and tag @prolix-, @xanthippe74, @triggerlil, @jovialobservationanchor, @tackytigerfic, @tedahfromtayla, @bonesliketambourines - feel free to play along if you want!
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gadamers-cat · 5 years
Rant about artistic gymnastics
I am just slowly picking up what I have left off, and I am not very happy.
Okay, I admit it -- I was a fan of the Chinese team, both MAG and WAG. But in recent years they had been so many dramas and problems and other crazy stuff, man, iunno anymore.
I don’t really pay attention to retired gymnasts (usually), but reading what happened to some of the best Chinese gymnasts (and gymnasts I used to like) really make me want to claw my eyes out. In Chinese, 贵圈真乱.
From how terrible and asshole-ish Chen Yibing actually is (the rumours of how he cheated in multiple relationships), but especially how he dealt with his relationship with He Wenna, to the rumours of Jiang Yuyuan being a b!tch who ruins other’s marriage, and Zhou Shixiong being a player (actually being the “prize” of the fight between Yang Yilin and Jiang Yuyuan) and rumoured to be a predator (wanting to date 16yo female gymnasts)... dear lord.
Well, I guess it is good, that Chen Yibing finally settled down and looks like he wouldn’t cheat anymore? But the way he treated the issue of He Wenna (whom I inclined to believe is the victim) is plain terrible -- selfish, inconsiderate, narcissistic -- he just keeps playing the victim and blamed everything on her, forcing her to make an open clarification on social media, but for those cheating “evidence” where He and netizens caught him for, he had never come up with a sound explanation. He just blamed everything on He, on how difficult it is to be with her or maintain the relationship, how “forceful” is her personality, etc, when what He did was to support him in competitions even when she knew he was cheating, and she had never said anything bad about him, until he started spewing shit about her. That’s it, I really can no longer be his fan.
Zhou Shixiong is another real character. There are no details on whom he dated first (Yang Yilin or Jiang Yuyuan), but the friendship between the two girls are ruined, probably because of him. Yang Yilin also said something on her social media that was very close to accusing him as a player and she was only one of his girls. And the rumour in the Chinese gymnastics circle, that Zhou was going for younger, 16yo gymnasts... my god.  Shouldn’t the national team take care of this? Oh right. Zhou Shixiong is no longer with them, I think.
Jiang Yuyuan is a curious case. Despite all the insane stuff flying around those Chinese websites and social media, I couldn’t tell if they are true. It feels like people are trying very hard to ruin her instead; there are some illogical details, and one of the photos looked photoshopped, but who am I to judge. You can never know what is reliable on Chinese websites. The wife of Jiang’s rumoured lover said she is taking this to court, and to this day we have no updates. To be honest, I wouldn’t be surprised if the accusation turns out to be true, but it will be a good relief if these are false.
The national team situation is also a mess. There might be political reasons for coaching reshuffling and gymnasts reassignment -- or simply being forced into retirement. Girls report on each other and some of the girls are nastier than the others (heard Yao Jinnan is one of those). Coaches pushing for the greatest difficulty and high scores disregarding gymnasts’ health. And I don’t know with their training and conditioning, everyone always seems to be injured or out of form when they go to important competitions (Worlds and Olympics). Even if they are not injured or out of form, they never have the consistency and mental toughness to carry through. The floor situation is unsurprising; their acrobatics are extremely predictable since 2009, with all the twistings and double pikes / tucks. Execution is never guaranteed. When a rare bird managed to pull a full-twisting double something, or god forbid, DLO, she will definitely get injured before Worlds or Olympics. Remember in the 90s when the Chinese were pulling multiple DLOs and full-ins? The current UB situation is just bleak, with almost everyone having the same type of routine since 2010. It is getting really boring to watch even when their execution is excellent, because who wouldn’t get tired after seeing the copy-paste bars set 8 times in a row? China used to be the innovators on bars. Now it is the Europeans who could design unique routines -- just need to be cleaner and have better rhythm. Thank goodness Chinese beam is still watchable, and they are still very good with beam choreography. Vault? I gave up long time ago.
They are also really obsessed with the AA medals for a very long time -- but after 2008, I guess that can’t be helped due to the team final format. They, though, seem to have some mental block with this, despite it is not impossible -- just look at Murakami Mai or Morgan Hurd or Kara Eaker. Maybe they should do something with their system. Maybe Chow Liang will change something (and hopefully he will help with the blatant scoring bias).
Okay, Imma go fangirling Sanne Wevers and Nina Derwael. Maybe some Seitz too. Or maybe I should just stick to watching the oldies, or MAG like Zou Jingyuan. Thank goodness Deng Linlin and He Kexin are not problematic.
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