#and the award goes to jamie
sunshineddie · 2 years
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Stranger Things men + Jimmy Fallon Edition
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'So … did you cry? All of Us Strangers has finally been released in the UK after leaving cinemagoers in the US, and at various film festivals, in floods. It’s won seven gongs at the British Independent Film awards and is up for six Baftas, but no Oscars – whatever. For me, the film’s achievement is the way it’s managed to talk about love, grief and loneliness in such a powerful and original way. I first saw it at the end of September when it hit me like a ton of bricks, and I can honestly say that I’ve thought about it every single day since.
When I interviewed writer-director Andrew Haigh before Christmas, he told me that while he had designed the film to be increasingly dreamlike as it went on, the plot underneath was logical. Nonetheless, he said that he was open to other interpretations. So let’s dig into them, shall we?
When did Harry die?
At the end of All of Us Strangers, Adam (Andrew Scott) returns to his flat after meeting the ghosts of his parents for the final time. He goes to Harry (Paul Mescal)’s apartment, which he’s never entered before, and is knocked back by the smell of a decomposing body. Then Harry’s ghost appears, holding the empty bottle of whisky he was drinking when he came to Adam’s door looking for late night company at the start of the film.
It seems reasonable to assume that after being rejected by Adam, Harry went back to his flat, finished the whisky, took ketamine (Adam finds a baggie) and died of a drug and alcohol overdose, meaning that as well as reuniting with his parents who are ghosts, Adam has been having a love affair with one too.
So, about those sex scenes …
Adam is only able to let his guard down enough start his relationship with Harry once he confronts his past and meets the ghosts of his parents – after he’s first come back from Croydon, he gets together with Harry after their discussion about the terms “gay” and “queer”.
After Adam has come out to his mum (Claire Foy) back in Croydon, he has sex for the second time with Harry, who has encouraged him to take a bath because he’s feverish. It’s never made explicit in the film, but Haigh told me that Adam starts to feel unwell after his mum mentions Aids, and in the bath he tells Harry (who has no such hangups) that for years he had been too frightened of the disease to have sex with anyone. Later on in the film, as Adam runs through the tube train tunnels looking for Harry, there are old public information posters about Aids on the walls. In order to break out of his repression and fall in love, Adam has to lay to rest his terror of catching HIV.
What happens in the club?
Shot in the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in London, one of Haigh’s old haunts, this is the only big musical moment that isn’t set to an 80s hit – the soundtrack to Adam’s ketamine trip is Blur’s woozy Death of a Party, from 1997. Haigh told me that there’s a subplot buried within All of Us Strangers in which Adam manages to break out of his loneliness and live as a happily out gay man – so perhaps this is the way he would have gone out partying in his early 20s, in the 90s. While he’s high, Adam imagines himself and Harry having the long-term relationship he has yearned for – though sadly it doesn’t seem to last, with Harry gliding past him in the club after locking eyes with someone else, before Adam wakes up screaming.
What’s going on in the diner?
All of Us Strangers takes place in a mysteriously unpopulated world – a metaphor for Adam’s isolation. He and Harry appear to be the sole residents of their tower block, and Adam and his parents are the only guests in the diner where they have their last encounter, a childhood outing Adam never got to experience. The only other person is the waitress: presumably she can’t see Adam’s mum and dad, since she wonders whether he’ll be able to finish the family meal he’s just ordered.
Adam’s mum asks him whether she and Adam’s dad died quickly after their car crash – he tells her that they did, even though we know that his mum took days to die, a white lie that I felt was Adam kindly parenting his parents, shielding them from harsh truths they didn’t need to know in a moment of mature understanding.
The line that really got to me, though, was the part when Adam’s dad (Jamie Bell) tells him that he’s proud of him, and when Adam asks why, given that he hasn’t done anything, his dad replies, “Well you’ve survived. It can’t have been easy.” Finally, his parents recognise his sadness and pain, and the effort it’s cost him to keep going, even if he doesn’t have a wife, kids, a successful career or any of the other trappings of heterosexual manhood to show for it.
And what the hell is the ending about?
In the last scene of All of Us Strangers, Adam and Harry cuddle up together on a bed. Harry asks Adam to put on a record, and without him doing so, The Power of Love by Frankie Goes to Hollywood comes on – Adam was watching an old Top of the Pops performance of it from 1984 when Harry came knocking at the beginning of the film. The song contains the deeply romantic declaration “I’ll protect you from the Hooded Claw / Keep the vampires from your door”; in a (to him, unconscious) allusion to the lyrics, Harry had told Adam, as the older man turned him away, “there’s vampires outside my door”.
Now Adam and Harry can truly love, console, protect and care for each other, but it’s a brutally bittersweet image as it’s happening in some kind of supernatural realm, not real life. As the camera gets further and further away from the spooning lovers, it depicts them as one of a constellation of stars in a night sky, perhaps the other lonely strangers of the film’s title.
So is Adam also dead? I don’t think Haigh means us to think that he is. I think the image says that love is strong enough to smash the boundary between life and death, and that it’s our only defence against the infinite darkness that surrounds us, something Adam has come to understand after spending a lifetime running away from his own desperate need for human connection. Now, I think I may have something in my eye …'
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stars4anakin · 1 year
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“jaaaack!” you squealed, your excitement very prominent.
“can you do this tiktok trend with me?”
he squinted his eyes, tilting his head to the side, “what trend?”
you crawled onto the bed he was on, scrolling through your phone and once you found the video you shoved the phone in his face, smiling like a kid.
“y/nnn, you want to come out publicly?”
“would it be so bad?”
he grinned, dropping your phone and kissed you, “i would love to.”
you kissed him again before grabbing your red lipstick. you rounded the bed, sitting in his lap, legs on each side of his thighs. you quickly applied the lipstick, kissing his lips, then his cheek. smiling as you kissed his forehead.
you kissed his jaw, then the bridge of his nose. you kept kissing him until his face was absolutely adorned by kiss marks. “okay alllllmooost done.”
you reapplied lipstick and kisses his lips again, and again.
you reached for your phone, bringing up the audio. you purposely smeared the lipstick, his hand reaching for your lips and wiped it away, the camera panned to his face covered in kisses.
“can we make one for my account?” he asked.
your eyes lit up. you placed your phone down, “we’ll post them at the same time.”
you grabbed his phone quickly unlocking it, searching up the audio. “ok, okay. are you ready?”
me nodded his smile wide. when the camera was on him this time he grabbed your cheek and brought you into a kiss, then the audio ended.
you smiled into his lips, “okay, champion.” once he opened his eyes, he looked into yours. “i can’t wait.”
he grabbed his phone and quickly posted the video, no hashtags, no caption. just an innocent video of him and his girlfriend.
you quickly captioned the video and tagged jack, then exited the app.
once you looked back up at him he smiled, “i can’t wait for the texts from mason and jamie.”
“me personally, cannot wait for trinitys reaction.”
“mmm, she’s gonna be so happy.”
he wrapped his arms around you and fell back onto the bed ignoring the notifications from your phones.
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user1: I KNEW IT!!!
devynnekodaa: finally!
user3: the cutest couple award goes to…
championsgf: y/n and jack making their relationship public with that audio is so real.
🔃 1,379 retweets, 12k likes
y/nismylover: y/n fans, how are we feeling after that post?
🔃 382 retweets, 10k likes
user1: not okay.
user2: they’re such a pretty couple.
user3: now they’re gonna be on hiatus until their next premiere 😭💕
user4: notice how no one is hating on their relationship? 😭 goals. it’s proven that they’re the cutest.
🔃 30 retweets, 705 likes
user5: might also be from the fact that everyone thought they were already public with how they acted in interviews.
user6: i didn’t know they weren’t public until twitter went crazy, tbh.
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enderwiggin · 1 year
Every time Jamie Lee Curtis wins an award that could've gone to Stephanie Hsu a white person goes to hell.
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Jamie Tartt will become one of the most iconic football players in history and he’s gonna walk around with his grumpy husband, football legend Roy Kent, and he’s gonna drag him to events he says he doesn’t want to go to but then he’ll smile whenever Jamie is praised or when he receives an award and then they’ll go home, drunk off their asses and they’ll cuddle all night and then whenever someone asks Roy about Jamie he’ll say “He’s a bitch” and everyone will know that goes hand in hand with “and I love him so much” and then Jamie and Phoebe will bond and Phoebe will insist that he also needs to be celebrated on Uncle’s day and—
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marnerparty · 1 year
stupid islander
Mat Barzal x Crosby!reader platonic!Trevor Zegras x Crosby!reader platonic!Jamie Drysdale x Crosby!reader
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Liked by barzal97, jakenbake20 and 17,992 others
yncrosby love watching this loser with these losers (don’t ask about the ring) (but someone please tell the old man to get instagram)
Tagged trevorzegras and jamie.drysdale
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jamie.drysdale I don’t even know about the ring
yncrosby I’ll tell you later
alexnylander we’ve been trying to tell him. never works
yncrosby he’s so stubborn
user1 crosby siblings > anyone else
tysmith_6 I think you should give it up
yncrosby ty how could you
kletang_58 best sister award goes to yn
yncrosby damn right
user2 anyone notice mat barzal liked?
yncrosby who?
barzal97 ouch
trevorzegras does the kid like me again
yncrosby not sure Trev. not sure
trevorzegras wow thanks for the reassurance yn
yncrosby 🫶🏻
penguins what a game tonight!
ny_islanders just wait for Wednesday 😈
tysmith_6 first mat, now the islanders?
trevorzegras 🤨
jamie.drysdale care to explain?
yncrosby it was one date
barzal97 oh yeah?
tysmith_6 get out of here
alexnylander I’m telling Sid
barzal97 shit
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Liked by mitchmarner, user2, and 21,544 others
yncrosby this barzal guy kept getting in the way of all of my pictures. asshole
Tagged barzal97
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barzal97 right because your camera definitely wasn’t looking for me
yncrosby watch it 13
barzal97 ok babe, I see how it is
tysmith_6 hahaha, babe? thought it was one date
yncrosby 1 date … 2 dates … 7 dates, I don’t really know
alexnylander 7!? WITH THE ENEMY!?
yncrosby yours not mine 🤷🏼‍♀️
user1 probably using him for money
barzal97 other way around tbh
alexnylander just showed this to Sid and he says, and I quote “my sister will not downgrade her last name, he can become a Crosby”
yncrosby Sid acting like he didn’t know
barzal97 did he know?????
yncrosby of course, he’s my brother
barzal97 babe he’s gonna beat me up what the hell
jamie.drysdale who knew barzal was whiney
yncrosby me. I knew.
trevorzegras why do I not hate this
yncrosby and this trev is why you’ve always been my favorite 🫶🏻
user2 I bet she’s the best girlfriend
penguins but yn, think about the rivalry🤦🏼‍♀️
tysmith_6 damn these penguins moderators really enjoy the drama
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barzal97 God I love this girl
Tagged yncrosby
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yncrosby love you most matty ❤️
barzal97 impossible love
jamie.drysdale 🤢
trevorzegras jamie get tf out
jamie.drysdale you’re on HER side!?
trevorzegras uh, yeah. made that very clear
alexnylander thank god Sid can’t see this
yncrosby oh stop
user1 I hate this
trevorzegras hey that’s my kitchen
barzal97 it’s a good kitchen
tysmith_6 can we keep it pg?
yncrosby we literally kissed?
tysmith_6 too much for the kids (jamie)
jamie.drysdale rude
yncrosby oh we love you jim jam 🫶🏻
user2 yn’s nicknames >>>>>
Liked by yncrosby
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Liked by trevorzegras, user1 and 22,448 others
yncrosby someone tell me this wasn’t a bad idea. I just can’t say no to him 🤦🏼‍♀️
Tagged barzal97
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barzal97 don’t even pretend you didn’t want him too
yncrosby I did! but I don’t think it was smart!
barzal97 but who cares! we have a son!
alexnylander mmmm not quite
yncrosby OKAY
alexnylander what does Sid think?
barzal97 he’s literally here playing with him
kletang_58 Barzal has balls when he knows Sid can’t see this eh?
yncrosby back it up kristopher
jamie.drysdale now I can’t hate Mat
yncrosby because of the puppy?
jamie.drysdale yes! he made me an uncle
barzal97 hey whatever works
user1 does this puppy have a name??
yncrosby Captain!
nhl welcome the newest Penguins/Islanders fan!
Liked by barzal97
tysmith_6 dang this is getting serious
yncrosby as a heart attack
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Liked by jamie.drysdale, ty_smith6 and 22,499 others
yncrosby happy one year to my literal heart and soul. I love you forever Mathew ❤️
Tagged barzal97
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withahappyrefrain · 7 months
Nah see Jake Seresin would meet his future wife at a bar, where she and him were going after the same girl
Abby, you deserve JAIL TIME for this!!! Now I’m left to just IMAGINE IT?!?!!? How could you be this cruel 😔?
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See, the whole fucking night Jake has his eyes set on the cute redhead. He's doing his usual, award-winning moves; a wink across the room, sending a drink her way, strutting up to her finally to ask if the beverage was to her liking.
Jake thinks he has it in the bag as he goes to the bar to get another drink.
So imagine when he turns around and to his shock, is the future Mrs. Seresin, with her lips trailing across the redhead's jawline.
"Sweetie, men like him are all talk, no action," he hears her say, voice smooth as honey.
"M'am, I can assure you, I'm more action than you'll ever need," Jake says curtly, all but slamming the drinks onto the table.
It doesn't deter her, no. Instead, a wicked grin appears on her face, her hands playing with the soft skin of Jenna's (or was it Jamie?) thighs.
"Sorry Blondie, early bird catches the worm."
Jake is too impressed with how she's turned the redhead into putty so quickly to be mad. It stirs something-he doesn't know what-inside him, seeing a woman so secure and unabashed in herself and her sexuality.
Jake can't put a name to what he's feeling until she walks up to him later on, the redhead waiting for her at the door to the bar.
"Y'know, it's almost a shame I saw her first. For you. My thing for men in uniform is almost as big as my thing for redheads," she says with a wink before walking away.
That's when it hits him.
That's his fucking future wife.
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svechnikovvv · 1 year
ever since toronto (2)
series masterlist: here
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liked by jamie.drysdale and others
y/n.drysdale everyone give an official welcome to thor
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jamie.drysdale i know that side profile…
y/n.drysdale no you don’t
jamie.drysdale are you gaslighting me?
y/n.drysdale it’s only gaslight if you believe it is
jamie.drysdale i’m telling mom
y/n.drysdale you don’t scare me
jamie.drysdale i should
trevorzegras thor is my new favorite drysdale
y/n.drysdale 🤨
trevorzegras you’re right. y/n, you’ll always be my favorite drysdale 🙏
jamie.drysdale your stuff is on our doorstep trevorzegras 😊
masonmctavish23 thor kinda looks like trevor
y/n.drysdale don’t insult my dog like that
masonmctavish23 are you talking about thor or trevor?
y/n.drysdale thor
user1 that side profile looks like a certain hughes…
user2 calling it now, it’s quinn
user3 thor woke up in a new bugatti
liked by y/n.drysdale
user4 thor hughes because we ALL know that that’s quinn
jackhughes my favorite nephew
y/n.drysdale and your ONLY one
lhughes_06 cute dog 😉
y/n.drysdale this is why nobody shares secrets with you 🤦‍♀️
lhughes_06 i’ll hard launch you two rn
jamie.drysdale DO IT AND I’LL PAY YOU
y/n.drysdale jamie, go home
_quinnhughes what’s the dog doing 😧
y/n.drysdale driving, obviously 🙄
_quinnhughes is that sass, drysdale?
y/n.drysdale i don’t know. is it, hughes?
lhughes_06 yes quinn, it’s sass. y/n, stop acting clueless in your own comment section. it’s embarrassing 🙄
y/n.drysdale least favorite hughes award goes to luke!
jackhughes does that mean i’m your favorite now?
y/n.drysdale not quite, jacklynn. that title will always belong to my queen ellen 🤞
elblue6 can’t wait for you to bring thor around one day
y/n.drysdale i might come visit this weekend, so probably then!
user5 y/n, girl, we all know it’s quinn. no need to be secretive anymore
user6 soft launch, question mark
user7 y/n and quinn flirting in her comments 🫣
colecaufield i’m stealing him.
y/n.drysdale you steal my dog, i slash your tires
colecaufield jokes on you, i arrived via razor scooter
anaheimducks welcome to the fam, thor!
liked by y/n.drysdale
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liked by _quinnhughes and others
y/n.drysdale quinn hughes, my heart holds a special place for you <3
tagged: _quinnhughes
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_quinnhughes you’re my favorite person. i love you so much 💙💚
y/n.drysdale 💙💚
jamie.drysdale OH MY GOD IT’S QUINN
jamie.drysdale EVERYBODY STAY CALM
y/n.drysdale you’re literally the only person freaking out right now
y/n.drysdale now i see why trevor doesn’t let you in the house before the street lights come on
trevorzegras QUINN IS WHO YOU WONT LEAVE ME FOR??? i’m okay with this
y/n.drysdale okay z 😭
jackhughes FINALLY. i can sleep peacefully now
y/n.drysdale you’re no better than my brother 🙄
jamie.drysdale THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER y/n.drysdale
user8 QUINN & Y/N >>>
user10 crossover? 😭
user11 who needs the royal couple when you have y/n & quinn
masonmctavish23 they grow up so fast
y/n.drysdale did jamie make you comment this?
masonmctavish23 no comment.
trevorzegras yes he did. he said, “comment this so my sister doesn’t message me about being too dramatic again” y/n.drysdale
jamie.drysdale IM KICKING YOU OUT AND STARVING YOU trevorzegras
anaheimducks our favorite honorary duck and her canuck!
liked by y/n.drysdale
canucks our huggy found his match 💙💚
liked by y/n.drysdale
user13 i love this relationship
elblue6 you two are the cutest ❤️
y/n.drysdale thanks mama hughes 🫶🏻
colecaufield the cat’s out of the bag
y/n.drysdale HOW DID YOU FIND OUT??
colecaufield …LUKE DID IT
lhughes_06 thank you for making my big brother happy
y/n.drysdale you can’t sweet-talk your way out of this, little hughes
lhughes_06 watch me.
y/n.drysdale this is why ethan is my favorite
edwards.73 THANKS MOM y/n.drysdale
_alexturcotte i’ve been waiting for this one, TURN IT UP
y/n.drysdale you’ve been listening to lizzo again, haven’t you?
_alexturcotte she just gets me
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a/n: 🤭
tags: @jackhues @jackhughesily @nowandkei @starsandhughes @jhughesl0v3r @babydollmarauders @marsmcgroarty @oh-my-ladymay @whenmypartysover @hockeybabe87 @lvrzegras @calermakar
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lunar-years · 15 days
I LOVE thinking about royjamiekeeley's future home together and how all three of their styles would come together to create a living space that is so very them :)
I think it's especially important to Jamie because he's never really had a space of his own as an adult that he's actually considered home before. Like, he bought his place in Manchester when he was just coming into having actual money--and a lot of it--for the first time, and he was spending it not just on himself but also on updates and renovations to Mummy's place and eventually on a home for his dad as well. So for himself he bought his car and a house but then didn't quite know what to do with the rest of it. As a result, for years his home there is just sort of an un-curated mix of the random shit he bought on a whim because he suddenly had the money to do so. Like the painting he walks past everyday and thinks "do I actually like that?" and the foosball table and the garish furniture he picked out because it looked dead cool in the showroom but really doesn't go together at all in his house.
Then when he moved to Richmond, he didn't really want to be there anyway, did he, so it was easier to just hire someone to furnish it for him. And he was on the outs with mummy, so even having family photos up made him feel weird and sad, and there were a couple of things he slowly acquired (like his balloon dog and his lavish headboard), mostly when shopping with Keeley, that he does love, but the house itself is sleek and modern and sterile, and it never really feels quite like his. By the time he comes to think of Richmond as home, he's spending most of his time at Keeley's or Roy's anyway, so he never bothers to make it more his own.
Then they all buy a house together, and Jamie is thrilled but also so overwhelmed, because he's never felt like he had such free reign before in a space since he was hanging up those posters in his childhood bedroom. Thus: his grand idea, presented with great enthusiasm and pride, of framing up his and Roy's England kits side by side in the living room, to which Keeley says absolutely fucking not. But then Keeley brings in her pink chandelier and her neon wall art from the moving van and Roy says absolutely fucking not, and Roy tries to hog all the shelves in the bookcase for his mystery/thriller paperbacks, to which Jamie and Keeley are both like, absolutely fucking not!! Eventually the living room (where they spend most of their time) becomes the perfect mashup of all of them. The furniture is neutral enough for Roy, but accessorized with a ton of throw pillows courtesy of Keeley, and one of Jamie's transformers is next to Roy's books and Keeley's knick-knacks on the shelves, and they've got a gallery wall with photos and framed bits and pieces of all of them.
They have a two-floor home but the main bedroom is of course on the first floor (Roy can't do stairs), and a giant ensuite with a spa tub for Keeley (and for Roy when his knee is acting up), and a shower big enough so that Jamie rarely has to shower alone, if he doesn't want to. Then there's Roy's office and a media room for all of Jamie's gaming consoles and for the boys to watch match tapes that's filled up with all of their medals/trophies/awards. Keeley rarely goes in there, but when she wins like, Boss Ass Bitch of the Year or something (a real award TO ME), Roy and Jamie insist it goes up right alongside their premier league medals, and ceremoniously place it there in a way that has Keeley giggling kicking her feet in love with them <3
Roy's more set in his ways from years of living on his own, so Jamie and Keeley distract him as they decorate the rest of the house by giving him full control of the kitchen, because he's the one who's going to be using it most often, anyway. He gets all the appliances and everything configured, top-grade, with Simon's helpful input. And most importantly, he also makes sure there's a big island he can work at with stools for Keeley and Jamie to sit in and sip their wine prettily or "help" him by aimlessly chopping vegetables as he goes about all the hard work of actually cooking their meals. This is secretly his favorite part of being in the kitchen. He makes sure the stools are very comfortable for them. Also, the fridge is always covered in Phoebe's report cards and drawings and homemade cards :)
Then the upstairs is used for the guest bedrooms for when any of their parents or friends come to stay, plus Phoebe's bedroom/bathroom and Keeley & Jamie's overflow closet and Keeley's home office (she likes to be a floor above to help drown out the noise and help her stay focused when Roy and Jamie are home and screaming at the television about sports on the main floor, or else shagging each other senseless in their bedroom while Keeley still has emails to attend to, thank you.)
And there's a half pitch in the backyard because of course there is, when you're that rich you've got to have a least one thing that lavish. And a garden that Roy really takes to tending, surprisingly, and loungers for Keeley and Jamie to suntan as Roy hovers over them menacingly with a bottle of sun cream.
Ultimately it's theirs and it's home and it's wonderful and even though they all keep a hold of their former houses for financial and media purposes, they rarely ever go back to them. ❤️
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Richmond weird/funny interview idea.
I was going to write this as a fic but then realised I would have to try to figure out how y'all do awards shows and what they are called and gave right up.
So in AFL (Australian football), we have this awards night for the best player in the league that year and most of the other big awards (called the brownlow). It basically means all the biggest players in the league come together to this award ceremony. And on the red carpet, they do interviews and stuff for radio and tv. Pretty normal stuff. Most the time, it's what are you wearing, how do you think your year has been, who do you think will win blah blah. But there is this one segment a radio station came up with entitled 'sh*t brownlow questions', and the interviewer just asks completely random and stupid questions for fun. And it's hilarious because these players are just so out of depth with the random questions.
Now I cant get a Richmond version out of my head.
Like they go to an awards show, all dressed to the nines and there is some interviewer there who decides to ask random questions for entertainemnt on his channel, when all the guys are expecting the usual questions and it starts of pretty well and funny
Interviewer: Hey Dani, just a quick question. Would you rather fight 1 Isaac McAdoo sized duck or 100 duck sized Isaac McAdoo's?
Dani in his chipper demeanour: oh I wouldn't want to fight any version of Issac at all he is such a great guy, and I love him....
Dani suddenly going serious and grabbing the mic and looking straight down the camera: But if I had to chose, I would go 1 duck sized Isaac because 100 tiny Isaac's would be too many Isaac's, they would completly overwhelm you and tear you apart!
Interviewer: Hey Colin, just wondering do you do your tax returns as soon as you can or wait until just before the cut off date?
Colin going pale: oh no. When are the tax returns due? I don't know when the last time I did my taxes was......
Interviewer asking like this is going to be a football question: Hey Sam, we are getting to the serious end of the season now so I was was just wondering, who do you think will win..... this seasons Lust Conquers All?
Sam with his serious face at the beggining of the question laughing by the end: Oh Janet for sure but I think I would be a amiss if I didn't mention Jamie was robbed last season.
Interviewer: Hey Roy, just wondering.....
Roy barley glancing at him as he walks past: Nope not doing it, f**k off.
Interviewer: Hey Richard, so the big one is coming up, Wembley Stadium, 90 000 people, just wondering........ did you manage to get Taylor Swift tickets?
Richard without blinking: Yes, yes I did.
Any question asked of Ted, Ted is just ecstatic, takes it 100% seriously, and is generally happy to answer.
The interviewer joking pulls out a cross word from the paper and asks for some help from Beard. Two minutes later, he has a completed crossword, and he just looks at it in astonishment.
Then the interview goes off the rails a little.
The Interviewer asks Jamie a random queation about history but instead of stumping him Jamie lights up and peoceeds to give an in-depth answer with alarming detail and the interview now knows more than he ever needed to on the subject. (This makes Roy even more unhappy because Jamie is now going to 100% talk his ear off about this for the rest of the night, just info dumping on him. Let be real he secretly loves it)
Interviewer: Hey Moe, just wondering if you had an opinion on the election in (insert random country here, most people wouldn't know about the elections of).
Moe: automatically goes into lecture mode about democracy and the evil's of government  and gets so passionate and loud aftet 5 minutes of it Issac needs to come and save the reporter who eyes are as wide as saucers and is questiong everything.
Like, I can just imagine the chaos of the AFC and their personalities in a segment like this. The fans would go crazy for it, too
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writeroutoftime · 9 months
hi!! can i request a jamie one shot- with introducing the reader to the coaches and making it a big deal
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words: 690
a/n: okay, I just love the idea of ted and all the coaches being such an important part of jamie's life that introducing his s/o to them is such a big step!! hopefully this is what you were looking for, sorry for the wait, but please enjoy!
"Babe, don't you think I should be the one who's more nervous here?" you teased, watching your boyfriend of two months psych himself up inside his car for the third time in the past ten minutes.
"I know, I know." Jamie tried to reassure himself. "You shouldn't be nervous at all. It's just their opinion means a lot to me."
Your heart melted slightly at Jamie's confession. Of course, this was an important step in your relationship to him. There weren't many positive, male figures in Jamie's life, and you were happy he had found some in his coaches.
"Well," you began slowly. "I'm really excited to meet them. And it means a lot to me that you even want to introduce me."
"'Course I wanna introduce you, babe. Gotta show everyone how lucky I am." Jamie smirked, coming back to his usual self.
A laugh bubbled past your lips, and you leaned over to interlock your fingers with Jamie's, pressing a reassuring kiss to his knuckles. "Lead the way, then."
Once you got Jamie out of the car, it didn't take him long to drag you through the dog track and towards the gaffer's office. From afar, you could see four men huddled together, and you suddenly felt your heart begin to race. If Jamie had been feeling nervous, you were ten times more nervous to meet some of his role models.
"Jamie Tartt!" Ted's voice called out, alerting everyone to your presence before you could run away. "To what do we owe the pleasure?"
"Well, uh, just wanted to stop by and introduce my partner here." he said, gesturing towards you as if presenting an award.
Beard and Ted shared a knowing look before turning their attention back to you and Jamie. Ted reached forward, grinning from ear to ear with his arm outstretched. "Well, howdy there. It's a real pleasure to meet the person Jamie's been jabbering on about. I'm Ted."
"Oh, of course I know who you are, Coach Lasso. It's an honor to meet you, all of you, in fact." you admitted, slightly bashful.
"None of that Coach business. Just Ted is fine." he insisted. "And, uh, this here is Beard, Nate the Great, and I'm sure you also know Mr. Roy Kent himself." Ted explained, suddenly leaning in towards you. "I promise he ain't as scary as he looks."
You couldn't help but let out a giggle, suddenly feeling much more comfortable in Ted's presence. Eventually, you and Jamie leant against the wall, getting to know four of the people who inspired such positive change in your boyfriend.
At one point, Jamie left to take a call, leaving you alone with his coaches. A comfortable silence fell over the group before Ted looked up at you with a comforting smile, words of wisdom ready to pour from his lips.
"I gotta say, it's been real nice to meet ya, y/n. I wasn't joking when I said Jamie's always mentioning you. And, now I don't mean to lecture, and I'm sure it goes without saying, but Jamie's a really special person. I know his past might be a bit dicey, but he's really put in the work to be his authentic self. And I think I speak for all of us when I say to take care of him, okay?" Ted asked, with Bread, Nate, and Roy all nodding their heads in agreement.
Tears began to prick at your eyes, so you bit your lip and nodded your head in agreement. "I promise." you whispered, so happy to be apart of Jamie's team.
Seconds later, the man in question popped his head back in the office and took note of the change in tone. "Everything all good in here?" he questioned a bit wearily.
"It's perfect." you reassured, reaching out to grab his hand once more.
And so, you said your goodbyes, promised to stop by for the next home game, and walked out with Jamie the same way you walked in - hand in hand. This time, feeling a little closer to the man you loved and who you were grateful to know.
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denimbex1986 · 4 months
'When Andrew Haigh was shooting his new film, All of Us Strangers, in his parents’ old house in Croydon, something strange began to happen. “I started getting eczema again, and I’d not had eczema since I was a kid,” says the director, who is now 50. “It was coming up in the exact same places. I thought, ‘What the fuck is happening to me?’ I feel there is a sense that your body remembers trauma. Somehow things get almost embedded in your DNA, and they find ways to leak out.”
In All of Us Strangers, this leakage happens to Adam, a 46-year-old gay man exquisitely played by Andrew Scott. He’s a blocked, depressed screenwriter whose parents died in a car crash when he was 12, and who lives in a mysteriously empty tower block in London. One night after a fire alarm, a younger man called Harry, played by Paul Mescal, drunkenly comes to his door. Although Adam initially rejects him, the pair later embark on the love affair he has always yearned for – and Mescal and Scott are explosively convincing as a couple. “Casting is like running a dating agency,” says Haigh. “I have to be careful to pick the people who will be good together.” When Adam decides to return to the house he grew up in, he discovers that his mum and dad – played by Jamie Bell and Claire Foy – are still living there, the same age they were when they died, in a perpetual 1987.
The film – which won best film and best director at the British Independent Film awards in December – somehow blends a love story, a ghost story, and a time-flipped coming-of-age narrative. The result is a masterful exploration of loneliness and grief, the relationship between children and their parents, and a demonstration of the fact that time, far from healing, can bring childhood trauma rearing up stronger than ever in middle age. But it’s also a tender, aching expression of the insatiable human need for love and connection, which Haigh depicts as being so powerful that it can annihilate the border between life and death. “All the people in the film are longing for something – to be understood, to be known,” Haigh says.
All of Us Strangers is a “very free” adaptation of a Japanese novel called Strangers by Taichi Yamada (who died last month aged 89), which the film-maker wrote during the pandemic while living in Los Angeles. “There’s a pandemic emotion at the heart of it,” he says. “We all spent a lot of time staring out of the window, didn’t we?” Sitting in a Soho hotel suite, Haigh – whose previous films include Weekend and 45 Years, and who also made the TV series Looking and The North Water – was keen to make the film “as personal as I could. It’s about someone having a reunion with their own past so it made sense that I had to do the same thing. As I was writing about the home Adam goes back to, I started thinking about my own childhood home, and when we were talking about where to shoot I thought, ‘I’ll just go down and see if it’s still there.’ I couldn’t remember where it was on the street because I left there when I was nine or 10” – when his parents divorced – “but I had the photo that Adam lifts up in the film, with Claire Foy put in instead of my mum.”
Haigh found the house and the owner agreed to let him film there. “It was a strange choice, emotionally, because I knew it wouldn’t be the easiest place to be. But I wanted the film to have a certain honesty and vulnerability, to feel grounded in some kind of reality. The only way was to make it my own reality, as a way to make it specific in the hope that it would speak to all those details of life that end up feeling universal.”
The reality he’s talking about is that of a middle-aged gay man who was a young teenager at the end of the 80s, when the Aids crisis unleashed a wave of savage homophobia (a survey in 1987 discovered that 75% of the UK thought homosexuality was “always” or “mostly” wrong). “I wanted it to be very specific about a certain generation of gay person, which was our generation,” Haigh says when I tell him I’m also gay, and a year younger than him. “It wasn’t an easy time. Growing up, I felt, ‘If I’m going to become a gay person I’m not going to have a future, and the only other alternative is not to be gay’ – which of course you can’t not be. So I wanted to tell that story.”
All of Us Strangers depicts someone struggling with the lasting effects of a childhood disfigured not only by bereavement, but also by prejudice and hatred. “There’s a generation of queer people grieving for the childhood they never had,” Haigh says. “I think there’s a sense of nostalgia for something we never got, because we were so tormented. It feels close to grief. It dissipates, but it’s always there. It’s like a knot in your stomach.”
Much of All of Us Strangers’ emotional power comes from the brutally repressed Adam attempting to dispel his feelings of shame and isolation in order to be seen and loved for the person he truly is. To this end, he takes the opportunity, denied to him by their death, to come out to his mum and dad, separately. His mum is shocked – “Isn’t it a very lonely life?” – and worried about Aids. His dad, not unkindly, says: “We always knew you were a bit tutti-frutti.” Says Haigh: “The coming-out scenes are about the importance of being known. It’s very hard to move through life if you feel you’re not understood. And if you’re not understood, you feel you’re alone.”
Adam asks his father why he would never come into his room to comfort him when he was crying after being bullied at school – something else Haigh suffered. “I was about nine, and the kids around me knew something was different about me before I really did,” he says. “So you’re like, ‘I don’t understand why you’re calling me these names.’ But they could feel it somehow. When my mum saw the film, she was like, ‘Is this what happened to you?’ And I was like, ‘Yes.’ If you’re a queer kid, you don’t want to tell your parents you’re being bullied, because they’re going to think you’re different, and that’s the last thing you want. It’s the hardest thing, sometimes, about being queer within a family – you’re not like your parents and you have a secret.”
Haigh came out to his parents in his mid-20s. His father now has dementia, and went into a care home during the making of All of Us Strangers. Visiting him one weekend, the film-maker discovered his dad no longer remembered his son was gay. “He was like, ‘Are you married? Have you got a wife?’ I’ve been out to my dad for a very long time and he’s been beautifully accepting, and it had completely gone from his mind. I found myself suddenly having the same fear I had when I was in my 20s, of having to come out to him again. And I realised I couldn’t do it because I didn’t want to upset him. But in the end he was quiet for a while and then he said, ‘Well, as long as you have found love.’ It felt like such a beautiful thing for my dad to say. He just understood what was the important thing, and in so many ways it spoke so much to what the film is about. And then I had to come down again and shoot that scene with Jamie and Andrew in my old lounge, so it was emotionally complicated.”
The film also draws on Haigh’s relationship with his own children, who are 10 and 12. “They don’t live with me full-time, but when I’m with them and I’m their parent, I’m always worried. Am I doing the right thing? Am I saying the right thing? Am I helping them? As I’ve got older I’ve realised you don’t need a parent to give advice, necessarily. You don’t need them to solve things because sometimes you can only solve it yourself.”
Beyond fulfilling the needs of a child, there is something about being a queer parent that makes one wonder how you and your children will fit into broader society. “It’s like, ‘Are we different?” Haigh asks. “Do we have a new way of being? Do we have a different way that our families can exist, because we don’t have a model? I know a lot of queer people who have kids and they’re all trying to navigate that. Are we trying to be like our parents were to us, or are we trying to be something else?”
All of Us Strangers is particularly acute in its use of 80s hits such as The Power of Love by Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Johnny Come Home by Fine Young Cannibals and Build by the Housemartins, all of which Adam listens to while mulling over his childhood, and which then becomes part of the supernatural world he visits (he and his parents joyfully put up festive decorations to Pet Shop Boys’ Always on my Mind, Christmas No 1 in 1987). To young gay boys denied role models – especially when section 28 made it illegal for schools and local authorities to offer positive representations of homosexuality – and who were too terrified to disclose our queerness to our dads, gay pop stars like Neil Tennant and Holly Johnson, and also gentle straight frontmen such as Roland Gift and Paul Heaton, were the only people who seemed to point the way to how we might be able to live as grown men.
“Paul Heaton and Roland Gift aren’t queer artists, but they so spoke to me,” Haigh agrees. “I’m sure my political viewpoints are based on listening to the Housemartins” – who were avowedly socialist at the time of the Thatcher government. “Pop music was so important – it gave me hope as a kid. I used to sing The Power of Love to myself in my bedroom, not really understanding anything about myself at that point, but knowing that it was longing for something, and believing that something could be possible. When I put this song in the film, I was thinking that my childhood self would have been so amazed that I’m doing what I’m doing now – able to tell a story about queerness for other people to see, and not be terrified.”
“I never dreamed that I would get to be / The creature that I always meant to be,” as Pet Shop Boys put it in Being Boring? “Don’t!” Haigh says, who is a diehard fan. “I can’t even listen to that line – it makes me want to burst into tears.”
As he comes out to her, Adam explains to his mother that things are much better for gay people now, and his relationship with Harry, a northerner in his 20s, allows Haigh to explore the personal effects of those changes – and whether they have really gone as far as one might think. For instance, Harry identifies as queer, and when Adam says he uses the term gay, Harry tells him the word was a ubiquitous insult when he was at school: “Your haircut’s gay. Your schoolbag’s gay.” Harry says his family are relaxed about his sexuality, but their focus is on his heterosexual siblings and their children, not the tache-wearing, whisky-swigging black sheep of the family.
Is Haigh saying that to be gay is to be alienated? “I don’t think so,” he says. “I know a lot of young gay people who do not feel alienation. I imagine some of them will watch this film and be like, ‘Why are they all complaining? There’s nothing to moan about, life is absolutely fine.’ But I also know people close to me, younger than me, who’ve found it very difficult. So I don’t want to pretend that everything is all great either. But also, it’s important to me that both characters are not lonely because they’re gay – they are lonely because the world has made them feel different. Harry has moved to London, which can be a very alienating place. There are lots of reasons why you can slip gently into aloneness and if you cannot find something to get you out of that, you can stop caring about yourself, which is Harry’s problem.”
Like Weekend, All of Us Strangers is frank about drug use. In a moment of gay inter-generational misunderstanding, Harry gives Adam white powder on a key, which Adam lustily sniffs thinking it’s cocaine – but it’s ketamine. “To pretend that drug use isn’t part of the gay scene is just an absolute lie,” Haigh says. “I think I’ve always tried not to glorify drug-taking, but to be honest – drugs can feel wonderful and also make you feel paranoid and afraid and alone. You can slip away, you can lose your grounding. I’m certainly not saying that everyone should go out and take drugs!”
As its narcotic, dreamlike feel sets in, All of Us Strangers increasingly wrongfoots the audience. “I saw the film as a spiral, and it kept getting woozier and stranger,” Haigh says. Adam starts to get feverish, which is unexplained in the film, though Haigh points out that it happens after his mother mentions Aids. “I think all of us gay men of that generation know that every time we had a bit of a sweat if we were having sex with other people, we were suddenly terrified that we were going to have HIV,” Haigh says. “A swollen gland was not just a swollen gland. I wanted to have that trickling under the surface, that Aids is another fear that Adam has buried. I’m telling a ghost story – what are the things that haunt him?”
The film’s more surreal moments include a trippy, time-warping scene set to Blur’s Death of a Party and filmed at gay pub the Royal Vauxhall Tavern in London, where Haigh used to go to the club night Duckie; and a setpiece in which the adult Adam, wearing his childhood pyjamas, gets in bed between his parents. “However old you are, you feel like a kid,” Haigh believes. “You can’t escape that feeling of wanting to be with your parents again and have them look after you. I loved the idea that these pyjamas didn’t fit, because we want to go back to our childhood, but of course it doesn’t fit.”
Towards the end of the film, Adam’s parents take him to a deserted diner in the Whitgift shopping centre in Croydon, Haigh’s childhood haunt (“at Fairfield Hall next door I saw Bucks Fizz, which was the first concert I went to, which may be the gayest thing anybody’s ever done”). In this tacky, mundane setting, something painfully bittersweet occurs. Then there’s the film’s conclusion, which can either be read as romantic and hopeful, or a vision of overwhelming sadness. “More than anything, I wanted you to leave the cinema and have the film continue on within you,” Haigh says. “45 Years was the same, and even Weekend.”
This month, the LA Times named All of Us Strangers as the best film of 2023; at the New York film festival, the critic Mark Harris said the cinema was awash. The consensus so far appears to be not only that it is a masterpiece, but a profoundly moving one. Haigh is relieved: “When you make something personal, you’re putting it out into the world, and if the world turns round and says, ‘I don’t like that and I don’t care about it’, you can’t help but think, ‘OK, you basically don’t care about me.’”
Although the film has a particular, queer point of view, he believes its universal themes make it accessible to everyone. “All of us are children, a lot of us are parents, a lot of us are in a relationship or not finding love. Look, I want 15-year-olds to see this movie, not just people our age. If I had seen this film when I was 15, it would probably have made a big difference to me.”'
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hearts4hughes · 10 months
national girlfriend day | jamie drysdale
the lucky one au
a/n: i know national girlfriend day was two days ago, but who cares? <3
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liked by y/nzegras, _quinnhughes, and more
jamie.drysdale happy national girlfriend day to the best girlfriend ever!! love you forever!
tagged: y/nzegras
view all comments
y/nzegras AHHHH I LOVE YOU
y/nzegras this is so cute :((((
jamie.drysdale you are so cute :(((
trevorzegras wow just so cute that i almost threw up…🤢
y/nzegras yk if you didn’t have a new girlfriend every week, you would be able to post someone to this!!
trevorzegras that was low.
trevorzegras fine, i’ll admit you two are KINDA cute…
jamie.drysdale very appreciated
y/nzegras character development????
user16 they are so cute together!!
user26 lucky is so pretty ❤️❤️
anaheimducks best nhl couple award goes to…👀
liked by jamie.drysdale
jackhughes glad to say i’ve known about this relationship the longest🙌
y/nzegras keep talking and you’ll never know anymore of my secrets
lhughes_06 actually quinn and i knew way before you
jackhughes HWAT
jackhughes WHAT
_quinnhughes it’s true…
y/nzegras you’re a blabber mouth, jackson🤷‍♀️
jackhughes :,(
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slvthrs · 1 year
Omg can you write a blurb abt vinnie fucking y/n in a closet at a party during like 7 mins of heaven?
i combined this w another request so reader is also a famous actress and they fuck in a bathroom instead <3
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If people had to describe you in one word, it was revolutionary. You had changed the face of the acting industry forever, your stellar performances along with your enchanting beauty had people wrapped around your finger and awards practically thrown at you from the whole world.
And all that leads you to some shitty party in North Hollywood. Your assistant and best friend, Jamie, had suggested it for you to have some fun and a form of escape from your cramped schedule.
Usually you would be happy to go, you were the life of the party after all. But this wasn't some high profile party full of interesting faces, this was some shitty TikTok party you were supposed to make 'connections at'.
Jamie just wanted to get drunk at a frat boy-esque party and drag you along.
So that's exactly why you were shuffling along the crowded hall with a Corona in hand to the nearest escape, and that happened to be a door at the end of the hall.
You enter the room and shut the door behind me before you hear the dreaded call of your name,
Shit this room isn't empty.
"Ahh this is who I was talking about!" Jamie states before dragging you to the group where everyones in a circle.
"Holy shit your y/n right?" A blonde boy with piercing blue eyes asks you
"Yeah that's me" You respond simply
Jamie explains their playing truth or dare and you make small talk with the boy who you quickly learned is named Jack, catching the eye of someone else who walks into the room, he's a brunette wearing a black wife beater and black pants with some nice shoes. His outfit is adorned with a Vivienne Westwood necklace and rings covering his fingers.
He's dressed far too well for a guy.
His umber eyes meet yours and he sits directly across from you and it feels like the whole room goes quiet.
But it doesn't.
Your friend quickly snaps you back into reality as the game begins. It's calm at first, take your shirt off, do a dumb dance, tell everyone who your crush is, easy stuff.
But Jack's eyes twinkle with a dumb idea and when it's your turn to do a dare her eyes meet the brunette boy before the two of you,
"Hey y/nnnn" He draws out,
"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Vinnie." He announced to the room while pointing at the boy who caught your attention earlier.
"Huh what?" Vinnie questions, he zoned out long ago so he doesn't really realize what's happening until Jack is pulling him up and Jessie is pulling you up, shoving both of you into a bathroom.
What the…
You get shoved into a cramped bathroom with the brunette and both of you stand at opposite ends just registering what's happening.
He rushes up to the door to open it but it quickly gets slammed on his face as he starts banging on it begging his friends to let him out, tugging on the door handle.
Whilst you, instead of helping, can’t stop staring at the way the boy’s arms flex across the door and how his hands basically engulf the handle.
Being famous has its perks but having relationships exposed to the public and therefore not being able to date or hook up without fears that it's for publicity is definitely not one of them.
But with this boy it’s different, he’s hotter than most of your co stars and definitely worth the risk.
After he surrenders to his fate he leans back against the wall opposing where you stand, against the sink.
His eyes rake over your body as he takes in your dress, its black and pink with no straps as is sheer in the middle with a tiny pink bow tying it all together.
You watch in interest and confusion as he basically eye fucks you with his head tilted to the side and hands deep in his pocket.
The room is filled with a tense fog until you finally break the silence, “So um what are we supposed to do in here?”
His eyebrow twitches up while looking at your addictive eyes, “Well usually people are supposed to have sex in here but we just met so I’m not gonna say that.” He ends his sentence with a chuckle.
“Yeah I dunno, tell me about yourself.” I ask but in reality I just want to hear him talk more to hear his voice 
He trails off explaining to me what he does and simply things like that but instead my eyes trail down to his lips and before you know it he realizes and shuts up, much to your dismay, and pulls you close near his face.
You can feel the heat rising to your cheeks as he brushes his thumb over your lips. Before you know it, you're kissing him, your hands tangled in his hair. The world around you fades away as you lose yourself in the moment.
At first, you're hesitant, unsure of what to do. But as Vinnie deepens the kiss, you feel yourself giving in to the moment. His hands wrap around your waist, pulling you in closer as your tongues fight for dominance in each other's mouths.
The heat between you and Vinnie intensifies as the minutes tick by, and before you know it,  Vinnie’s mouth and yours keep locking as you continue the make out session before Vinnie comes up with a stupidly hot idea.
His lips move downward to the crook of your neck as he sucks as you continue to whine and squirm under him,
His breathes are heavy and laced with Hennessy before he asks you, “Hey baby, can I fuck you?”
If you were acting smart you would say no, in fact you wouldn’t be doing all of this but you really aren’t that smart are you?
“Yeah,” You breath out before continuing, “But you only have seven minutes.”
"Seven minutes, huh?" he says, leaning in close. "That's not a lot of time."
“It’s a challenge, are you sure you're up to it?” You tease
“I should be asking you that, for the way I'm gonna make a total mess out of you by the end of this.” He laughs lifting you up to the sink counter and kissing you again as his hands ride up your thighs, bunching up your dress at your waist.
He moves closer to you rubbing his clothed cock all over your cunt watching you squirm and pull at his shirt in an attempt for him to understand to take his shirt off.
He gets the hint and pulls it off over his head and spins you around so he can press your stomach down into the cold tile of the sink counter.
He makes sure everything goes fast. Your friends are gonna be here as soon as the 7, now 6, minutes drain.
He’s pounding into you at a ruthless pace whilst you try your hardest not to say too much. He grips into your hair so he can look at the tears well into your eyes and he leans down to suck into your neck wine colored bruises.
His hands trail down to your clit making you jerk your hip as they make contact, he makes figure 8’s on them as your legs tremble, his hands work in a sweet symphony with his dick, providing you the most pleasure possible as you suppress your moans with a shit mouth.
His thrusts slow for a moment before slamming into you and before you realise your coming undone right before him in, 5 fucking minutes.
“Yeah good job, you did so well pretty.” He states pressing a kiss to the back of your neck as he cums inside of you.
Fuck hopefully he doesn’t have an STD.
Both of you detach and fix your outfits before a pounding is heard on the outside of the door and your respective friends pull you two out.
“Y’know y/n I knew you were trouble, but I didn’t think you were ‘getting fucked in the bathroom by a stranger trouble.’” Vinnie states while leaning down to you and leaving with a wink.
You have a gut feeling this isn’t the last you're gonna see of him.
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hollywoodfamerp · 17 days
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Hollywood Fame is heading to the most magical place on earth!
Pack your bags for Walt Disney World, a place where dreams come true and a little pixie dust goes a long way! We will be staying at Disney's Animal Kingdom Lodge, which features exotic animals, dazzling pools, award-winning dining, and more. Who knows? You may even meet a new friend right outside your window! Under the cut, you will find the roommates list for the trip. The roommates were arranged by a RANDOM generator. Unless we got a message from you telling us you wanted to be with a specific person or your FC was listed on the ships list, you were included in the generator.  As we get more people into the roleplay, we will update the list. If you do not see your characters name on this list, please message us POLITELY and let us know! Mistakes happen, and the generator isn't perfect. Hopefully, everyone is accounted for - if not, we’ll fix it! As stated before, as we accept new apps before AND during the event, this list will be updated. This is also applicable if FCs are unfollowed/leave the group, so please understand that this list is subject to change. So, that being said - please LIKE THIS POST so you can not only keep track of this list but also so we know you saw this notice.
Akanishi Jin and Lee Sunmi
Ana de Armas and Louis Tomlinson
Andrew Garfield and Lily James
Anne Hathaway and Jade Thirlwall
Ariana DeBose and Ariana Grande
Awsten Knight and Miley Cyrus
Bella Hadid and Thomas Doherty
Billie Lourd and Dylan O'Brien
Cari Fletcher and Victoria de Angelis
Cha Eunwoo and Choi Soobin
Chloe Bailey and Gareth Southgate
Choi Minho and Kim Ahyoung (Yura)
Chris Evans and Naomi Scott
Colby Lopez (Seth Rollins) and Rebecca Quin (Becky Lynch)
Dakota Johnson and Sam Heughan
Danielle Campbell and Joe Burrow
Danny Amendola and Olivia Culpo
David Tennant and Harry Kane
Demi Bennett (Rhea Ripley) and Ashley Fliehr (Charlotte Flair)
Dove Cameron and Aaron Tveit
Dua Lipa and Joseph Quinn
Emilia Clarke and Park Seonghwa
Emily Blunt and John Krasinski
Emma D’Arcy and Hailee Steinfeld
Erin Moriarty and Fryea Allan
Ethan Torchio and Damiano David
Florence Pugh and Cillian Murphy
Georgia Tennant and Jason Sudeikis
Glen Powell and Meryl Streep
Hailey Baldwin and Luke Hemmings
Harry Styles and Ashton Irwin
Hwang Hyunjin and Bang Chan
Jackson Wang and Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (Ten)
Jamie Campbell Bower and Tate McRae
Jenna Ortega and Halle Bailey
Jeon Jungkook and Choi San
Jessica Chastain and Claudia Jessie
Jonathan Bailey and Simone Ashley
Jordyn Woods and Bae Joohyun (Irene)
Josephine Skriver and Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Josh O'Connor and Troye Sivan
Joshua Hong (Hong Jisoo) and Olivia O'Brien
Jung Wooyoung and Brittany Baker (Britt Baker)
Jung Yoonoh (Jaehyun) and Lee Taeyong
Kang Seulgi and Byn Baekhyun
Kelsea Ballerini and Joe Keery
Kim Hongjoong and Diamanté Quiava Valentin Harper (Saweetie)
Kim Jisoo and Christian Yu
Kim Mingyu and Sana Minatozaki
Kim Taehyung and Chou Tzuyu
Kit Connor and Michael Evans Behling
Kylie Jenner and Billie Eilish
Lauren Jauregui and Bill Skarsgard
Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin
Lee Know (Minho) and Lee Felix
Lee Taemin and Kim Jongin
Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Emma Stone
Lucas Wong and Kim Jungwoo
Lupita Nyong'o and Tessa Thompson
Madelyn Cline and Anya Taylor-Joy
Maia Mitchell and Alycia Debnam-Carey
Maika Monroe and Sydney Sweeney
Mark Lee and Lee Donghyuck (Haechan)
Matt Smith and Jonathan Good (Jon Moxley)
Maxence Danet-Fauvel and Hunter Schafer
Mazz Murray and Jang Gyuri
Min Yoongi and Kim Namjoon
Nicholas Galitzine and Taylor Zakhar Perez
Nick Robinson and Jake Gyllenhaal
Nicola Coughlan and Liam Hemsworth
Olivia Cooke and Austin Butler
Olivia Rodrigo and Isabela Merced
Pamela Martinez (Bayley) and Mercedes Justine Varnado (Sasha
Pedro Pascal and Kendall Jenner
Renee Paquette (Renee Young) and Niall Horan
Renee Rapp and Barbara Palvin
Robyn (Rihanna) Fenty and Drew Starkey
Romee Strijd and Elizabeth Lail
Ryan Gosling and Gigi Hadid
Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively
Sabrina Carpenter and Hannah Waddingham
Sam Claflin and Chris Pine
Samantha Gibb and Megan Jovon Ruth Pete (Megan Thee Stallion)
Saoirse Ronan and Jack Lowden
Sebastian Stan and Margot Robbie
Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas
Shawn Mendes and Jeon Wonwoo
Sophie Turner and Logan Lerman
Taylor York and Hayley Williams
Tom Hardy and Perrie Edwards
Tom Holland and Natalia Dyer
Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift
Troian Bellisario and Lucy Hale
Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron
Vanessa Merrell and Solana Rowe (SZA)
Veronica Merrell and Rylee Arnold
Walton Goggins and Ella Purnell
Wong Kunhang and Mason Mount
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun) and Yoo Jimin (Karina)
Xu Minghao and Jennie Kim
Yoo Siah (Yooa) and Kim Minjeong (Winter)
Zendaya Coleman and Paul Mescal
Zoë Kravitz and Lili Reinhart
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nsfwflint · 1 year
Big Titty Idol Tierlist
Okay first off, I had trouble getting all the pictures to actually load so I feel like I might have missed a couple, and if I did, I apologize but I'm tired of fucking with this thing lol. Also once again thanks to @friskyriskywhisky for the initial idea!
So without further ado:
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There's a few special reasonings that I would like to give for a couple of my choices, but other than those I'll just give a basic explanation for each tier along. Each list will be in order from left to right to help identify the pictures. Could have used better pictures for a few and some got cut off, but whatever.
S tier- (KARD Somin, Hyomin, Momo, Eunbi, Hyosung, Karina, Jihyo, Leeseul, Seol Ha Yoon, Kang Mina, Park Min Young): The best of the best, no explanation necessary for the most part. The only side note here is that I might have put Mina in A tier, except that black dress from her semi-recent award show appearance revealed that she has a beauty mark on one of her breasts, and those are super hot to me so S tier she goes.
A tier- (Tiffany, Sejeong, Sunny, Habin, Episode Yeji, Gahyeon, Seoyul/ESO, Qri, SNSD Yuri, Cheng Xiao, Rui, Bomi, Rainbow Seungah, Yujeong, Oh Hayoung, Chanmi, Johyun, Woohee): A tier is for those that are amazing, but fall just shy of matching up the S tiers. These are mainly ones that are my favorite, but I know they're not the same level as Jihyo, Eunbi, etc.
B+ tier- (Sohee, Sowon, Soyou, Seungyeon, Sua, Gong Seungyeon, LE, Ahin, Bibi, Saebom, Jisun, Yeri, CL, Nancy, Hyewon): Better than the ones in B tier, but just not quite enough to push them into A-tier for me. Also some are in here while being smaller than some of the others because they know how to use them effectively (Sua and Seungyeon mostly). Also, Hyewon was a misclick, she should be in A-tier.
B tier- (Shuhua, Chungha, Somi, Hyolyn, Sana, Jeongyeon, Choa, Saeorum, Jaekyung, Sunmi, Joy, Jessi, Jamie Park): Good, and bigger than the average idol but don't do much for me personally.
C tier- (Seolhyun, Itzy Yeji, Sakura, Yura, Jessica, Yooa): Idols that I can understand why some people might think they qualify as big titty idols, but I personally don't consider them that and aside from Yura and Yeji, none of them really do anything for me.
And that's my tier list. Now that I've typed this all out it seems kinda boring, so sorry about that. Hope you enjoy my personal opinion on this.
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