#and seeing the parallels and things I get so much inspiration for vids and stuff to make
ladyofthelake · 5 months
Daegal: Did I do something good?
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templeofshame · 4 years
Dreams of the Future: An Amalgamation of All Things Weird!Phil
-Starts off with a Silver Button-style moral interactivity bit; by watching the video, you’re disobeying its very first lines. (Read that analysis for more; it’s largely relevant here as well.) More on this later.
-There’s a hint of flirty early Phil in “I don’t know if I told you already but you look really beautiful today.” It gets a creepy edge from the perspective of the end, when we know he’s stealing our soul with the camera. It also establishes us having prior interaction with him, before the start of the vid.
-”I must’ve figured out a way to talk to the past” presents his power as both accidental (he’s assuming rather than knowing what happened) and within his agency (”figured out”). I want to say he figures it out in the future’s future, but then how is he using it before then? Maybe he’s trying to present himself as less powerful than he is so we don’t suspect...
- Set in 2047 (when Phil will be 60). Future Phil dresses normally and films a video diary in the same bedroom even though they sleep in cryogenic chambers every night. (Foreshadowing bedroom-as-set? ha.) I guess this would slow aging? And potentially eliminate dying in one’s sleep.
-Robots everywhere. Of course, we have particular associations with WALL-E through phan goggles; this vid was between pinof and them watching WALL-E together in Dec. 
-Sparkles when he likes something. Could be an Edward Cullen reference? And playing with effects, of course.
-Secret he immediately tells you in evil/distorted voice: he’s not actually human
-Phil with markings warns us against watching, listening to "normal” Phil with the camera and tell us he isn’t as he seems.(I swear we’ve seen similar markings in another vid, but the ones I’m thinking of look fairly different.)
-Phil has the ability to show us the inside of his head, an idea that gets a much less weird but still v. cool treatment in A Tour of My Brain years later.
-This ability in turn gives him time traveling abilities; definitely a theme. Traveling into the past to “warn you,” just as Sebastian does to Phil in Sebastian: Defender of the Universe. It seems equally ineffective because we, like Phil in that vid, ignored him at the beginning of this vid.
-Phil as Creator: He takes us to the beginning, “time to create something.” One Phil has “been on this planet for thousands of years” and another specifies “2047″; is time measured from his arrival? Also, we see The Basket in here; shout-out to that anon who saw Phil as Creator in that vid! I’m fairly convinced.
-That classic Daniel Ninoa music! This highlights The Basket connection, but also appears in a bunch of other Phil vids around this time.
-Phil as destroyer: Phil has collected our souls with his camera for the final plan to destroy everything. Things (e.g., Wall-e, the world) getting consumed by the garbage bag continues the thread of strong Basket connections. Phil-as-destroyer is, I think, broadly connected to his theme of responsibility for mass destruction. But the audience is to blame for watching, as in The Silver Button, and we don’t get remorse from Phil about it (which aligns it more with If I Ruled the Internet and less with The Basket). 
-”Like dreams, not all stories have a happy ending.” Makes me wonder if Phil had a lot of nightmares. We hear about wacky dreams from him, but this also makes me wonder how much of his weird! content was inspired by his actual dreams.
-Earth gets consumed and then the eye opening parallels the shape. It feels like a reemergence, a sort of rebirth.
-Riff on “it was all a dream” ending, but it doesn’t fully allow for a sense of relief that it wasn’t real. He wants to wake up, and he seems to, but it ends abruptly and the surreal creepiness of it remains and in that way, it doesn’t undercut his story the way “it was all a dream” often does. We don’t actually know if everything’s okay or what the state of the world is.
-I want to talk about visual effects, but I don’t really know stuff. It’s a vid full of such striking visuals and weaving of classic/repeated Phil strategies (sharpie on himself, color changes, stop motiony things, and the snow effect we see in other vids, and voice distortion but that’s not visual) with ones that I’m not sure we see anywhere else in weird!Phil. The “seeing inside my mind” visual effect feels different, and his experimentation with ripping a garbage bag and stretching it over his face also isn’t ringing a bell for me with any other vids. (Actually, the face thing reminds me of a number of different visual effects in movies, but none that are clicking for me as a point of inspiration for Phil.) Not sure about the pouring things into a glass; it feels familiar from another vid maybe?
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htommo · 6 years
anyway i cant believe there are still people out there who dont think zayn and liam are in a relationship when:
zayn has been in love with liam since i can even remember 
he knows liam’s entire music history
liam was in in love with zayn too but it took him a while before he figured it out (see tattoo section for more)
x, x
this masterpost
the vegas fight happened..... which led to the beginning of their relationship where we can see them being all loved up:
itunes x, x, x
germany x, x, trying to walk and early bird gets the worm was about zayn and liam, not louis and harry, x, x, :) :), x, x (germany is even more painful than the yougeneration video)
just as many ziam vids have been deleted as larry vids (e.g. x) 
it’s you before she happened
zayn titled his his entire album in alternating capitals just to disguise the sHe 
zayn whispered brave???? when he wasn’t even meant to be describing liam???? this isnt the only time they’ve fawned over each other either/showed how in love they are:
zayn’s always been there helping liam out
liam had a speech dedicated to zayn’s singing basically every night in the tmh tour 
they call each other babe
they’re literally attached at the hip
liam is little spoon
the soft waist touching??? x, x
liam is zayn’s teddy bear???
they influence each other :( and have the same interests :(
they inspire each other :( 
i need to stop (pls note the lap sitting) 
flirting galore
what is this
this wasnt even meant for public consumption he just wanted to tell zayn he loved him :(, and zayn did the same another time :( 
kisses? jealousy? liam only letting zayn touch his head???
larry AND ziam mirroring and again, and again
more body language!!!
:) :) :) (see section u in particular - liam can’t get comfortable) 
they get jealous too  
they love each other
ok boys
i hate them
subtle 1d day things
liam looked distraught every time the z*rrie “engagement” was brought up (and shook his head when someone asked zayn if he was sure: x)
liam said thank you when someone congratulated zayn on his engagement 
this happened??
all this happened too (including liam saying the rings are gonna get lost) 
see i like your skirt mary’s vids for more 
but zayn and liam are probably most definitely engaged if not married:
:) :)
zayn gave liam a cartier love bracelet
they both have rings
liam’s ring (x) which he replaced with a ‘4′ tattoo which represents an angel aka zayn
zayn’s ring which he replaced with the tattoo below:
zayn has a mandala tattoo which pakistani brides get aka they are marRIED (and a follow up post)
liam’s already married :) :) :) (to zayn if u hadn’t caught my drift)
whilst we’re on the topic of tattoos:
we are the quiet ones is about zayn and liam 
zayn literally has liam’s name tattooed on him
zayn literally has liam’s outline tattooed on him?? dont @ ME 
roses are very important to the boys (liam even got them tattooed TWICE and they mean ‘i love you’) 
‘i figured it out’ and you and i 
liam figured out that he’s in love with zayn and you and i is their song - it’s so important to him that liam got the lyrics tattooed :) (from x)
liam always sings this song to zayn too (x, x) and zayn sings it back
their tattoos match :)
both have constantly made reference to having beards (see: zouiam beardy boys, zouiam ‘progression of beards’ (go to 4 mins in), zouis ‘you grew a beard’ ‘i do have one actually’ ‘so do i’)
(some of this section is only available on mobile)
liam... literally had........ beard..... auditions......
p*yzer 1.0 is shady as fuck and p*yzer 2.0 is definitely fake
z*rrie is fake
also the niall/s*phia weirdness
s*phiam is fake as fuck and rbb predicted the breakup with a 5 day countdown
do i even need to explain why ch*am and z*gi are fake 
z*gi and z*rrie are the same relationship
all the stunts follow the same storyline 
rbb predicted bg with ch*ryl aka colgate 
also zouiam avoiding girl questions led by liam 
“c’mon then, c’mon” is a thing (i.e. a literal confirmed ziam kiss)
also the toothpaste kiss!! 
:) (from x)
they constantly share/match clothes (esp on red carpets) 
x, x, x, x, zayn’s pocket square literally matches liam’s shirt??, x, matching bracelets
their family loves BOTH of them
they all hang out :)
zayn’s aunt constantly likes ziam posts on ig
their friends love them too
they have pets together (x) 
liam does not have a baby :)
that’s a post in itself so tl;dr liam shaded and predicted bg by calling a doll thrown on stage a fake baby multiple times, along with louis 
they both support the lgbtq+ community
liam cowrote on home and end of the day which are lgbtq+ anthems e.g. :) 
x, x
they are still!! together!! (because zayn leaving was a stunt and all 5 boys are still friends, x !!, x !!)
liam’s constant positive talk about zayn since zayn left 1d (x, x)
he even said i love you zayn during the ot4 history performance on txf (don’t @ me it happened) 
sure sounds like they’re on bad terms!!!! 
they still love ziams news :) wonder why :) 
they! are! together!
they communicate through their clothing
liam wants to collab with zayn
ziam linkage in the media
lyric parallels (get low and fdtd)
???? niall?????????
sharing even in 2018 :)
liam brings up zayn at any given opportunity and is always up-to-date with his zayn facts and he can still do zayn’s accent spot on despite the fact that they’ve not publicly seen/spoken to each other in 3 years 
do they even have separate wardrobes at this point?
ziam love roses 
zayn is liam’s protector
zayn confesses his love for the 1023923490234823th time in let me and i am not ok
this needs a point all on its own
they kissed at an award’s show
fighting the closet
ziam being extra x100
everything in this tag
ziam in comparison with larry?
why louis and harry’s closeting didn’t work, but zayn and liam’s did
they ARE TOGETher
this is definitely not an extensive list (there has definitely been more stuff but this is already long and i can’t include everything because there’s too much) but if u wanna add something feel free (if u want more ziam content, u can check out my ziam tag!)
see also my liam is not straight post
also look at i like your skirt mary’s videos 
tl;dr they are in love; always have been, and always will be 
credit to the ziam gc (in particular @softestziam, @ziam-is-golden, @xxsincerely-insanityxx, and @marvelsziam) for helping me massively 
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gffa · 7 years
This week I decided to do something a little different–video recs instead of fic recs! Which will return next week, but today I wanted to cry over STAR WARS videos for awhile and, sure, there’s some absolutely hilarious vids or really exciting, awesome vids, too! But there’s also a bunch of them that totally put tears in my eyes because why are you like this, Star Wars? Long post under the cut!  (Categories:  Humor, The Sads, Shipper, Meta, Awesome, Serious Fanvids) (Last updated:  2017.06.28) STAR WARS - HUMOR VIDS:
✦ Fuck This Shit, sequel trilogy   I thought, okay, I’m going to rewatch this one to write a quick rec, I’m not going to laugh this time. I STILL BURST OUT LAUGHING, even knowing it was coming. ✦ Firework, sequel trilogy/cast    I laugh every single time I watch this video, this is it, this is me as a Star Wars fan. It’s one of those that takes a serious moment and puts a fun song over it and the result is magic. ✦ Turn Down For What, prequel trilogy    I will rewatch Satine’s epic speech with dramatic background music every time. ✦ Palpatine Shooting Stars + Shooting Star, prequel trilogy, original trilogy, sequel trilogy    I love this song more and more every time I see these videos, they’re hilarious. It’s kind of the epitome of meme culture but goddamn if it doesn’t make me genuinely laugh. ✦ BLOCKED, prequel trilogy    Never has this been so accurate. 
✦ Fireball, prequel trilgy    The only video to successfully make me not have the sads while watching the ROTS duel. It’s also amazingly well edited and just incredibly fun. ✦ Real Housewives of Vine, prequel trilogy    All three versions are beautiful. ✦ Imperial March Replacement: One and Two, original trilogy    The Imperial March replaced with various songs and it gets funnier with every one of these I see. “Hello Bitches” is a personal favorite, it works so much better than it possibly should. ✦ Rogue One Hallway Scene Replacement: One, Two, Three, Four, and Five,    Not mentioning which songs are on which vid because sometimes the surprise is half the fun. But they are ALL HILARIOUS. ✦ If Chewbacca Had a Human Voice, original trilogy    IT FITS SO WELL BUT ALSO I LAUGHED REALLY HARD. ✦ We’re Number One, prequel trilogy    Vader’s path to the side of evil! It’s hilarious every time I watch it, but also, MAN, THAT SONG IS CATCHY. ✦ I Gotta Go My Own Way, prequel trilogy    ….but that pretty much is exactly what happened. ✦ I have no idea what I’m doing- , prequel trilogy    A collection of short videos (5 to 20 seconds at most), some music vids, some lip synching, all hilarious. The Parks and Rec one at the beginning gets me every time, it’s too accurate. ✦ Star Wars/Parks and Rec, original trilogy    Luke and Leia replaced by Jean-Ralphio and Mona Lisa from Parks and Rec and it’s AMAZING. ✦ My Heart Will Go On, prequel trilogy    The music in the Mustafar duel ending replaced with My Heart Will Go On. I still want to cry, but at least I’m laughing while I’m crying. ✦ How It Should Have Ended: The Phantom Menace / Attack of the Clones / Revenge of the Sith, prequel trilogy    Sometimes HISHE videos have to ignore the plot reasons certain things happen, so you do have to roll with that instead of wanting to point out the logic of what happened in canon, but I shut that part of my brain off and found that I really enjoyed each of these, that by the halfway point they’d picked up steam and I laughed out loud at least once per video. They do have a great sense of humor and it’s not mean-spirited at all, I had a great time with these. (Qui-Gon’s funeral had me in stitches.) STAR WARS - THE SADS VIDS: ✦ Obi-Wan Remembers The Truth, prequel trilogy/original trilogy    [Also on YouTube] This is, bar none, my favorite video in this genre. Obi-Wan’s conversation with Luke in ANH, with that sad music, interspersed with clips from the prequels. It’s gorgeous and utterly wrecks me every time. ✦ Ain’t No Grave, prequel trilogy    Beautifully edited and sad and haunting. The use of clips interspersed with the heavy song really has a good impact. ✦ Control, prequel trilogy    Another beautifully edited fanvid that has heavy, sad themes about Anakin Skywalker. Like, it’s just pure pain in a really lovely way. ✦ Krwlng, prequel trilogy    And like I wasn’t sad enough about Anakin Skywalker, NOW HAVE SOME MORE SAD FEELINGS, with more really beautiful editing. ✦ Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith - Modern Trailer, prequel trilogy    This is a really excellent remixed trailer that looks fantastic and would hold up today even! It got across so much of the emotion of what happened, there was a real weight and impact to it, and it was beautifully edited. There’s also modern trailers for The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones, but my favorite is the ROTS one. ✦ Bad Blood, prequel trilogy    I really love the editing of this one, the colors and effects look really gorgeous and the clips are chosen well, but also OH SHIT SO MANY FEELINGS, it’s really, really well done. ✦ See You Again, obi-wan & anakin    I got a little teary-eyed by the end of this one, it did a wonderful job at showing the sheer scope of their relationship, it really made me feel the weight of just how long they waited to see each other again. By the time the OT stuff started showing up in the vid, I was just laying on my bed in a pool of feelings. ✦ The Chosen One, prequel trilogy, anakin    Combined with the sads from the previous video, this one had me actually wiping tears from the corner of my eyes because I love Anakin Skywalker as a character so much, he inspires so many feelings in me, and this beautifully edited video that shows the tragedy of his entire life, from young child to his death, really, really well. One of my favorites of my vid trawling. ✦ When the violence causes silence , prequel trilogy, anakin    Another sad Anakin vid with some very nicely chosen clips and editing, that combine to really make me feel the tragedy of his character, how unstable and angry he was, how sad I am for his character. /has feelings again ✦ 7 years, prequel trilogy, anakin    I’m on a roll with Sadakin vids apparently and this one made me feel so many feelings all over again, for the sheer scope of sadness that is Anakin’s life. There’s especially some great use of TPM Anakin, too. ;__; ✦ Fight Inside, prequel trilogy, anakin    I’m not usually a fan of songs in this vein, but I thought this video did really well with it, how much of a storm Anakin’s entire character was and the clips/song reflected that. ✦ You’re the Chosen One ; I’m a Jedi like my father before me,    Prequels footage plus original trilogy footage, to show the connections and parallels and story of Anakin and Luke, very nicely done and gave me a whole lot of feelings while it was at it. ✦ Before The Dark Times, prequel trilogy, original trilogy    Another video where prequels footage is interspersed with Obi-Wan’s conversations with Luke about the past and it gave me so many sad feelings exactly as it was supposed to. ✦ The animal he has become, prequel trilogy, original trilogy    This video is all about how out of control of himself Anakin is (and Vader as well, to a degree), that he’s helpless against the tide of his own fall, and he’s a raging storm of feelings as it all comes crashing down. ✦ Hurt, prequel trilogy, original trilogy    A Vader vid set to Johnny Cash’s Hurt is entirely appropriate, there are some really great clip choices that gave me feelings, and made me sad for Anakin Skywalker all over again. Everything I could have asked for from this vid! ✦ Shout, prequel trilogy, original trilogy, rogue one    Another Vader video that’s half montage and half music vid, yet all feelings, as it shows the journey of his life, the things that have come back around again, and how much tragedy there is for everyone here. The ending of the vid is especially well done as it reaches the climax and there’s just so much here to these characters. ✦ Brothers, prequel trilogy, original trilogy    A beautifully edited video summary of Obi-Wan and Anakin, starting with Old Ben’s conversation with Luke to flashing back to the past, to their fight on Mustafar and the sheer amount of tragedy between two people who loved each other. Ugh, feelings. STAR WARS - SHIPPER VIDS: ✦ I FOUND LOVE, obi-wan/anakin fantasy au    Plus bonus graphic! I would watch this movie and it would be beautiful. ✦ take your time, obi-wan/anakin, modern au    Modern AU vids for something like Star Wars can be tricky, but I really liked this one, it’s another movie I would totally watch. ✦ They’re a team. They’re the team. , obi-wan & anakin    Okay, maybe not precisely shippy, but definitely about the sheer weight of shit they’ve gone through together and it’s gorgeous, I had so many feelings over this. Perfect choice of song, it even works great as an action vid, and I’d have watched an hour of this, for real. ✦ t o x i c, obi-wan/anakin    The song is a slower version of the one you’re thinking of and this was a nice shipper vid set to it! ✦ beautiful crime, obi-wan/anakin    I’m a sucker for sad vids about these two and the way this one looks is really beautiful. ✦ Tessellate, obi-wan & anakin    Another really beautifully edited video with a collection of clips that will break your heart all over again. ✦ a thing that swallows you, sith!obi-wan/anakin    Holy hell, this video had some great moments and really captured the feeling of Sith!Obi-Wan seducing Anakin, like I could watch this and believe he was absolutely going to take that young man to bed and fuck him senseless. It was a really solidly good vid and appealed to my id like whoa. ✦ the devil within, dark!obi-wan&anakin    This one strides the line between Obi-Wan&Anakin vs Obikin, but it works either way, and it’s a nicely edited video about the sheer depth of how deeply they get under each others’ skin, how intertwined they are, and the heavy weight of that. ✦ bang bang, obi-wan/anakin    Okay, this one was just fun! “You need a good boy to blow your mind.” indeed. ✦ Brothers (Carry Me), obi-wan & anakin    Not precisely a shipper vid, but it’s all about their friendship and the tragic weight of it and it had some really solid editing and pacing to go along with it. STAR WARS - META VIDS: ✦ How the prequel trilogy mirrored and rhymed the original, original trilogy/prequel trilogy    This is an absolutely beautiful video that shows the mirroring themes and the sheer amount of thought and care that went into them. ✦ Star Wars Limbs Removed, original trilogy/prequel trilogy    Who’s removed the most limbs via lightsaber in the course of Star Wars? It’s exactly who you think it is. I laugh like a maniac every time the buzzer sounds, too. ✦ Everything Great About Star Wars, prequel trilogy/rogue one/sequel trilogy    [The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones, Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, The Force Awakens] I don’t 100% agree with everything here, but the sheer amount of enthusiasm for the movies is incredibly infectious, it’s so great to see something that’s just absolutely having fun and pointing out awesomethings. STAR WARS - AWESOME VIDS: ✦ Guardians of the Galaxy Style: Prequel Trilogy / Rogue One / Original Trilogy / The Clone Wars, prequel trilogy/rogue one    The Rogue One version is super fun and very well edited, and the Clone Wars one is amazing fun and reminds me of why I love it so much, it’s the perfect kind of trailer that showcases how great the show really can be. But, holy shit, the prequel one is the best, the comedic timing is fantastic, it has a great sense of humor, it picked great choices, the character intros are amazing, and I cackled right out loud at least twice! Super, super fun remixed trailers! ✦ star wars - timelines, prequel trilogy/original trilogy/sequel trilogy    A really beautiful editing job to show visual echoes and reflections in all three trilogies! ✦ “The Big Bang” animated scene, prequel trilogy    This is a brief fan animated clip (only seven seconds) but it’s pure joy as Obi-Wan is so annoyed and the conversation looks super neat animated! ✦ Rogue One spliced with A New Hope, rogue one & original trilogy    This is a really awesome look at smoothing the transition between the two movies, I loved it! ✦ Eye of the Tiger, prequels trilogy & original trilogy    This is an older video, so it’s not quite as polished or bright as some newer ones, but it was sheer fun and had a great selection of clips and a good pace to it, so I had a good time watching the entire thing! ✦ OBI-WAN, prequel trilogy, original trilogy    A very nicely edited Obi-Wan Kenobi fan trailer that, as always, gave me a lot of feelings about just how much Obi-Wan has been through, the sheer scope of his life. STAR WARS - SERIOUS VIDS: ✦ Straight to Hell,    I’m not usually into b&w vids, but this one has some really pretty splashes of color and the editing was really good, so I wound up enjoying it a lot! ✦ heaven, prequels trilogy, sequel trilogy    A short (less than a minute, sadly) but beautifully edited video paralleling Anakin and Kylo, with some really vibrant colors and excellently chosen clips. It’s a gorgeous watch. ✦ Star Wars: The Last Sith - Darth Vader Trailer (Fan Trailer), prequels trilogy, original trilogy    A fan-made trailer for a theoretical Darth Vader movie, using footage from various sources to show the scope and story of Vader, it’s a really cool video!
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piamii · 5 years
Maybe I, I can never fly 저기 저 꽃잎들처럼 날갤 단 것처럼은 안 돼 Maybe I, I can’t touch the sky 그래도 손 뻗고 싶어 달려보고 싶어 조금 더이 어둠 속을 그냥 걷고 또 걷고 있어 행복했던 시간들이 내게 물었어 너 넌 정말 괜찮은 거냐고 Oh no 난 대답했어 아니 나는 너무 무서워 그래도 여섯 송이 꽃을 손에 꼭 쥐고 나 난 걷고 있을 뿐이라고 Oh no But it’s my fate It’s my fate 그래도 발버둥치고 싶어
Maybe I, I can never fly I can’t fly like the flower petals over there Or as though I have wings Maybe I, I can’t touch the sky Still, I want to stretch my hand out I want to run, just a bit more
I’m just walking and walking, among this darkness My happy times asked me this question You, are you really okay, it asked me Oh no I replied, no, I’m so afraid Still, I hold the 6 flowers tightly in my hands I, I’m just walking, I said Oh no
But it’s my fate It’s my fate Still, I want to struggle and fight
this song has made me cry many times... i’m still astounded that jin was able to tell part of his story through this song.. the fact that he was able to give voice to his struggle is amazing and it inspires me every day these thoughts about jin have been a few weeks in the making and i think i need to process this in order to move forward into postdoc properly. because i feel like jin is no longer who he was when Awake came out, even though his feelings were very real and will always be a part of his story. i will always cherish Awake in a special way even though i really like all the members and all the different eras of BTS. in the same way, the feelings that plague me now about this new year will not be around forever, they will eventually fade as i continue to choose to struggle and conquer each coming day, and be a beautiful part of the narrative that fell upon me as postdoc in my overall arc of growth and becoming an adult
because im a new bts fan, ive been trying to catch up with all the content from 6 years and trying as best i can to go in order so i can understand the progression, i’m still in 2013 hip hop era when jimin was the cutest mushroom alive and jin was pretty much in the background of everything. like in AHL he didn’t really get much chance to improve his singing or dancing other than in Jenny Kita’s challenge when hoseok taught him. im a much more sensitive person than most but i think anyone would be bothered being highlighted as the worst dancer over and over again anyways, before i listened to awake, i was like: who is this jin guy? why does he keep calling himself handsome? does he even do anything?
after i heard this song, i got mad because i started listening to all the bts songs i knew and rewatching the MV’s and realized that jin had very little lines. i found myself asking myself - hmm, why does jungkook/jimin always get the opening/catchiest parts of the song? (i understand, they are the best at singing+dancing simultaneously, etc). taehyung as well but less so. i started listening to jin’s lines a lot and trying to analyze whether he had a good voice, etc etc.  i can undrstand in 2013 when bts had a much more harsh, hip hop vibe, jin’s voice didn’t suit their sound at all... plus he honestly did not know how to dance. JK+JM+V could all belt to suit the BTS sound at the time. i haven’t gotten too much farther than 2013 era yet so i dont know how their sound evolved to the way it is now. i’ve listened to a good portion of the bts world soundtrack and it’s kinda crazy that they’ve gotten to this point soundwise it definitely seems like jin has gotten much more recognition lately, i don’t follow the fandom closely so i don’t really know if it’s equivalent to the other members now HOWEVER i think if we zero in on the period of time in which awake came out, we find jin in this very painful section of his life. it’s clear that he loves being around his groupmates very much and yet he is constantly struggling In many of the earlier vids, jin is definitely silly whenever he gets a chance and continues to take care of everyone (e.g., cooking, etc), but he doesn’t seem carefree or happy like some of the others. it’s interesting to watch 2013 stuff because even suga/jimin/v all seem much more hyper and giggly and cute than the few things i’ve seen from more recent. mostly the recognition he gets on the earlier shows and such is getting called out for being a bad dancer. [which is why i was happy that Jenny Kita praised him for improving so much in the dance challenge] i think the reason why i love jin so much is because, first, i really like all the members of bangtan. namjoon and suga, lyrical geniuses with very cute and quirky personalities, i could continue but this rant is about jin. jimin, my gateway drug into BTS, just amazing in every sense of being an artist. jungkook, excelling at every part of what he does since day 1 of BTS, all while being simultaneously innocent, unassuming, and confident at the same time. V, sultry voice impulsive cute boy who is incredibly silly, bright, and talented. and hoseok, the light of the group, well-rounded as hell, bringing the energy and the smiles and just an incredible dancer. i like jin because it was really hard to tell what jin was about from the beginning. i have yet to unravel the narrative that bts’ journey has painted about jin since i’m taking my time getting through the content, but listening to jin’s live solo performances & some of their more recent performances with substantial jin parts like dimple, i can see how much he’s IMPROVED. on youtube comments for jin’s live performances, people have said that jin has the most stable voice out of the vocal line. and i absolutely agree at this point. i’m remembering his voice during the Rookie King karaoke room; his voice was incredibly sweet and had so much potential back then, and it seemed like noone really saw it, because his voice was very unpolished and quiet. also, i think that, jin being the oldest in BTS didn’t quite match with the image his vocals projected of being sweet and pure as compared to JK + V’s deeper and more soulful vocals. however, it was that sweet and bright quality that Awake and his cover I Love You make me instantly cry, combined with his increased strength and precision with his voice that he’s gained over time. JK+JM+V have incredibly strong vocals but i feel that they’re not quite as precise as jin’s vocals are now. like when JK does his cover of Charlie Puth’s song, i was a little disappointed because he doesn’t execute the same level of precision as Charlie Puth. JK is an INCREDIBLE vocalist and his live vocals knock me out dead, but i think he, too, has his strengths and weaknesses. i actually think that Jin’s voice suits a song like We Don’t Talk Anymore much better than JK’s. also, like i said, jimin was the member who originally got me into BTS. i think songs like serendipity just show how masterful he is as an artist and how much he’s grown as well, from little mushroom boy to seductive dance master. at face value i think jimin is much more immediately likeable than jin when you factor in vocals, dance, and stage presence.
BUT ... i love jin because of his growth as an artist. I haven’t gotten to learn much about his personality/character development yet, but as far as i can see, he has improved immensely as an artist. like M tells me sometimes, he thinks that although i’m smol in a lot of ways, he thinks that my ceiling of growth as a person is very high. i guess, because i can see aspects of myself in jin, his story is inspiring to me. because he struggled endlessly with things that he had no experience in, he can now look back and see how far he has come, and his fanbase also sees that as well. he’s not just a handsome face. i know his growth as a singer and dancer is just one piece of him, but it is a piece that speaks to me, and it is a piece that is undoubtedly very important to his story as a person. i think this growth is encompassed in the story of Awake and Epiphany. 6 YEARS IN THE MAKING SO FAR. even more so when you think about their time as trainees and such. and he is undoubtedly a different person than he was back then, a different person even when BTS came out with Wings. as i am starting postdoc and actually terrified out of my mind, i keep thinking back to who i was when i started grad school, which is incidentally right around the period of time in which i’m currently watching BTS content. it’s kind of a nice parallel to observe jin (and others) in their previous dynamic, almost exactly 5 years ago, when i started grad school. when i started graduate school, i was 100% a smol bean. terrified by any social situation but too prideful and unaware to admit it, terrified by the prospect of doing clinical work, not really even sure if i wanted to be in grad school but it seemed like the natural step. when i think about the recurring theme of dreams that comes up in BTS songs, i don’t think i’ve ever had a dream. maybe singing or art at one point, but I think i always knew my personality would be a hindrance to doing anything seriously in those realms.  when i think about who i was in 2014 compared to now, i’ve grown into a titan. i look at the 2014 me and think a lot of negative thoughts about who i was back then, undoubtedly like probably anyone would when they look at themselves from 5-6 years ago. like how could you have been that scared and inexperienced? how could you have been so behind compared to others? why didn’t you put yourself out there more? all the while on the outside, wow, i’m in grad school, i made it, i’m doing good! i like to think that based on the narrative that bts has painted that they would maybe look back at themselves from 5-6 years ago and maybe think somewhat of the same. i feel kind of lame thinking that because 3 of them are so much younger than me, but i know it’s definitely not out of the realm of possibility. i dont know if jin ever had any thoughts like this, but i feel like i would have been comparing myself to the maknaes, thinking, why am i like this when i’m so much older than them. i don’t know how he kept working hard after all this time and became the amazing singer he is now. his effort is obvious now when you hear him sing. he’s not just my favorite BTS member because he works hard. all of them work hard. he’s my favorite because he worked hard and he finally succeeded, even when he started from somewhere behind the starting line compared to the other members. i think of myself in this way somewhat too, being introverted and socially anxious and HSP, i fight myself through every day to keep going, wondering why i am trying so hard for something i’m not naturally good at.  I think the reason why i love jin is because, of all the members, he makes me think, “if he can do it, i can do it, too.” 
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christarango · 4 years
The George Zupp Interview
Off a dusty road, in desolate West Texas, there’s a small structure that is noticeably different from other places in the tiny desert town. Maybe different from any other place, anywhere else for that matter. The aluminum siding has random art & words scrawled across it. The property is littered with unusual sculptures, Natty Lite cans & remnants of various creative projects. This is the studio space for George Zupp.
George is a well known artist whose work seems to sway back & forth between his lifestyle & his wild imagination. He has been the subject of several other artist’s paintings & I can’t help but notice reflections of George in his own work. Whether direct or indirect, his distinctive artwork seems to portray an ongoing narrative that blurs the line between George’s reality & a bizarre parallel universe. This is the George Zupp interview.
CT: Hi George.  It’s George right?  I’ve heard a couple of different nicknames too.
GZ: Yep, several.. they are all the same, Chicken Bones George, Chicken George. The nickname was given to me a long time ago from selling chicken paintings. My friends were making fun of me, so i went with the name.
CT: You come off as a Texas boy.. that would be my guess.. Where are you from?
GZ: South houston area. I went to Alvin junior college.
CT: I’ve been a big fan of your work for some years now.  You seem to be very consistent in your art.  Did you grow up doing creative stuff?
GZ: Yep, it was my hobby in high school. I saw painting more like  doing copies of Fangoria and cheap girlie mags a combo. My art skills were horrible back in the day, 1986-1991.
CT: Nice.  How did your work evolve after high school?  Any formal training or schooling?
GZ: Well they don’t do much training in school. You’re more or less gauging your art production with others . I was a psych major the majority of time, but wanted to graduate and went the art direction. I was always painting. Plus I got to know Sergio Rodriguez. “This guy!”, I thought, “Fuck if he can make it, why can’t I?” He is a great painter.
CT: Damn.  I hadn’t seen his work until now.   Abstract & texture heavy.  Extra delicious for the palette.
CT: I’ve heard you describe your own work as Folk Art.  I can’t help but notice recurring things in your paintings: animals, raw meat, cowboy hats, nudity, etc.  Where do you get your inspiration? 
GZ: It comes from sketches, coffee, something funny i might think of, or see going on in current events. A lot of it is just my ideas morphing.
CT: Your studio in rural west Texas is very interesting.  It’s kind of a work of art in itself with the design & decorations & such.  What’s a typical day like out there?
GZ: Wake up, make coffee , paint,  then eat breakfast, then go get something or work outside till it gets too hot. Then hang out till 4pm or so.. get beer , listen to music, paint some more, eat catfish and soup after the buzz. But i can’t drink anymore because of this diabetes crap. Need to lose weight.
CT: What's the soundtrack for a day like that?
GZ: Jon spencer or techno. I have also been getting into country teasers.
CT: Your pieces from the Rural Elements exhibit in 2019 were rad.  You painted on Fast Food boxes, wrappers and other surfaces.  I've seen some of your other work similar to that too.  Can you tell me a little about it?
GZ: I like the shape of the box folded out & it being that tan color. The tabs make good places to write notes in & the boxes themselves could have a message to them. Fried chicken boxes especially. I like Krispy Krunch chicken boxes.
CT: Food also seems to be a recurring theme in your work.  I love the How-To video you made with the hotdog sculpture covered in nacho cheese.  What was that all about?
GZ: That was based off a drama on YouTube. My buddy out there was messing around with my ruby lonestar so i made a hotdog head of him, which floated around in the videos.
CT: Did I also see a chicken bone sculpture you did somewhere?
GZ: I made a trojan horse out of chicken bones.
CT: Did you eat all the chicken off those bones?
GZ: Yep, had parties & collected the bones.
CT: Any upcoming projects or exhibitions?  I know COVID-19 has changed everything for most people.
GZ: Not off hand, I am shooting a more serious vid, it’s more fiction where i hang myself with my own guts,. Other than that, my YouTube videos.
CT: Sounds fantastic.  I can’t wait to check it out. I appreciate your time.  Where can people find your work and possibly buy stuff?  Also Any closing words?
GZ: Sub on Instagram is the best way, to buy and watch. Parting words: Artists and Magicians are about the same, one questions whether the one is real, so not to be tricked.
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