#and its impossible to choose a headcanon here because there's so many equally plausible possibilities
transvoxman · 3 years
Reading your laserblast post reminded me, my server once had got a chance to have an interview with dave alegre, one of the boarders. Someone asked about venomous, and dave's reply was like, whenever he wrote ven, trauma induced selfishness was always at his core, and being one of the only people who didnt have powers in a world full of superheroes really messed him up and clouded his ability to see the forest for the trees. He mentioned his headcanon that ven did use point as a means for an end without realizing how much they actually meant to him. He also told us that fink is pretty much an indellible part of ven's character, "...she is his salvation - like, she's the only part of venomous' life that isn't a selfish thing. Fink is proof that venomous isn't absolute evil."
Dave also mentioned that he pitched ven snubbing fink at the end of ko vs fink and the room "howled in anger" at him.
An interview with one of the boarders?? That’s so neat! Thank you so much for sharing this info!! I’m fascinated by the phrase “trauma induced selfishness”, I feel like there’s potentially a lot to unpack about what that means. And the idea that Fink is the only part of his life that isn’t selfish... :’( I can see that, especially before he became partners with boxman. This is such a cool insight into Venomous’s character, it makes me wanna start writing fics again!
And yEAH, I kinda get it because he was exhausted from being shadowy figure earlier, but it was still so sad to see him turn down fink’s cupcake request
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