#and it's from eotd alone
nightmanatee · 1 year
"is it that obvious?" well
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+ 1 bonus back (i swear there's MORE in this ep alone)
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oodlyenough · 2 years
anyway here's some power of the doctor thoughts from someone who phased in and out of thirteen's era very casually and only saw like a cumulative 10 episodes of it, maybe
honestly i enjoyed it more-or-less/more than i expected, lol, maybe because i had no particular expectations riding on it i just wanted to see what would happen. i don't think it was the tightest or most coherent script but no showrunner's finale ever has been LMAO so... it is what it is.
the master's entire plan seemed overly convoluted and i don't entirely follow why we had half the plot elements we had, but i'm also always willing to accept the master doing fuckshit for reasons that don't really go beyond wanting to ruin the doctor's day and get their attention. so like. sure. i can roll w that lmfao. the daleks and cyberman stuff seemed totally superfluous too but... whatever idc
dhawan's master isn't my fave master but he's enjoyable to watch, imo. the most bonkers one of the 3 modern i think? which considering the competition is a high bar, lol.
i think a bigger crit, for me, of 13-era master is more on jodie's end, where i don't get as much conflict and whatnot from her, which in turn makes it a less interesting dynamic than the other modern master+doctor combos. the push-pull mutual obsession is what makes them fun! i don't believe 13 would cradle his body sobbing and begging him to regenerate after he tortured her for a year, so really, what's the point
it was nice seeing ace and tegan. i think i maybe once saw a serial with each but it was so long ago, so i won't pretend any kind of authority in terms of how they were written. but i liked having them around lol
i think it was a bit of an odd choice to have dhawan 'take over' the doctor's body or ...whatever... in jodie's very last episode. it would've been a better showcase for jodie whittaker, and accomplished the same basic plan, if somehow HE regenerated into HER, and jodie got to play both the doctor and the master. ah well, because...
i really liked the old doctor cameos! I was not spoiled for it at all and i thought it was very sweet, especially giving five+tegan and seven+ace their moments together.i'm sure the actors appreciated a chance to be together too. just nice :) and i love my man eight lmao... king
also the mishmash outfit of all the past doctor outfits was cute
i thought the "tag you're it" line was a cute ending line! (although it would've been better if she regenerated into ncuti ...lol. i'm sure it was written and acted long before they settled on the 60th plans so i guess it can't be helped.)
the big downside to me was: yaz and thasmin
thasmin isn't a ship i'm invested in personally but i did start watching again after they canonized yaz's feelings in EOTD because i was like oh, how far will the show go with this? and the answer is apparently "nowhere". LOTSD felt totally unresolved and then we just never brought it up again. i can live without a kiss or a happily ever after, but when you've spent nearly a year patting yourselves on the back for a queer doctor/companion relationship, only to not do the barest minimum to address it, that's fucked up. why canonize your accidental-by-admission subtext if you're not going to DO ANYTHING? sorry to the shippers who really got jerked around by this show for no reason.
and then, even setting aside that irritation, the most egregious thing of all...
yaz's exit. just absolutely flabbergasted they did yaz/mandip so dirty that they didn't even TRY to come up with and articulate a reason for her to leave. ludicrous!!! she spends her whole time swallowing her feelings for the doctor's comfort and that extends all the way to leaving because the doctor kicked her out with nary a hug? what the fuck? one of the longest running companions ever and this is the sendoff she gets, kicked out because the doctor decides, sans explanation, she "needs to be alone" to regenerate despite having regenerated with many companions prior? lmao... yaz sweetie i'm so sorry. she doesn't even get to give the speech to the companion support group. my god. martha jones you need to call her up immediately
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pitynostars · 2 years
"just because they didn't kiss doesn't mean thasmin is queerbaiting" no. But they still weren't communicating (the thing prev brought up as their main tension + what they said wld CHANGE (I want to tell you everything)). They don't get to really be together much thru the EP. Their feelings aren't mentioned. If u watched that EP without EotD/LotSD u wldnt know they were anything other than normal Doc/companio in dynamic. Yaz just leaves at the end as though their feelings don't mean anything, for no apparent reason apart from the doctor wants to die alone.
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quantumshade · 2 years
There was honestly just zero intimacy with Yaz in any shape or form. 13 never confided in Yaz let alone told her anything about herself. And it wasn't to protect her or herself, it just felt cuz she didn't feel like it. And Yaz liked the Doctor she idolized, not the actual person. You literally need them to be close in order for us to believe they care about each other, but 13 seem to feel the same way about Yaz as she did Graham and Ryan and Dan. The Doctor closest companions have a form of mutual attachment and understanding, and if you don't have that, you aren't going to he able to get a good romance out of it. Alsp doesn't help that they just... straight up didn't resolve it. Like I couldn't tell from the special they're were any feelings between either of them here
yeah i mean. i'm not getting into shipwars on my tumblr blog in 2022 because i'm an adult with a job and a life but like it IS really disappointing how they're handled. i've articulated this here and also my friend @butchthirteen has written some really good meta about them. but like the show never lets them grow into what they should have been. in s11 yaz, like, hero worships the doctor, because at that point they weren't planning a romance. and then they don't try to make them equals till flux and even then it doesn't really work because they don't give yaz enough autonomy or enough to do.
i love what fans have done with them. i love the art and the fic that my friends make. i love how invested the actors were. but the writing just did not put in the work that it needed to, and it makes me really sad.
i hated the ending. i hated how potd didn't acknowledge it at all, pretending like lotsd was at all a satisfying resolution to what eotd set up. i hated how passive yaz was throughout the whole thing. i never really got into this ship in the first place, though, and there's a reason for that!
i wish they had done something more like. yaz realizing her attraction to women through the doctor, and coming to terms with it to be comfortable with herself, and then in lotsd and potd, realizing that the doctor cannot give her what she wants in a relationship, and then choosing to leave martha-style, because she's realized she deserves better. because she does!! yaz deserved better from the writers, she really, really did.
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regenderate-fic · 2 years
To Flee What Can't Be Fixed
Fandom: Doctor Who Ships: Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan Rating: General Word Count: 1,192 Other Tags: Angst, Regeneration, Hurt No Comfort
Read on AO3
Summary: The Doctor is out of time.
She doesn't want Yaz to know.
NOTES: this was written pre-potd as a prediction for how yaz would leave. i came up with it like a year ago and pretty much stopped believing it after eotd but i needed to write it just in case. honestly though i didn't like how it actually ended so. i wish i'd been right!
title is from antigone but creatively translated to fit thirteen's vibe
The Doctor felt it.
The tell-tale tingling at the tips of her fingers. The seed of a burning pain radiating from just between her hearts. 
She was regenerating.
Which— if she could get her brain work long enough to think about it— posed a problem. 
The regeneration wasn’t the problem. It was Yaz.
Yaz wasn’t the problem either. Yaz could never be a problem.
The problem was—
Oh, she was losing her train of thought.
She was alone in the TARDIS now, but of course Yaz was just behind. They had split up to save the day. The Doctor never liked splitting up. But she always did it anyway. There were lots of things she did that she didn’t like, after all. Splitting up was one of a long list.
She was getting off track. What was the problem? Right. Yaz. Or, specifically, Yaz, and regeneration. Yaz didn’t know about regeneration. Yaz had spent years of her life with this Doctor. And the Doctor liked being this Doctor, when it came to Yaz. So— 
So, she needed to figure out how not to regenerate. 
Regeneration was her birthright, it turned out— not something given to her at the point of graduation from the Time Lord academy. It was infinite, inevitable. Ineffable. Her birthright, but she didn’t understand it. And, most importantly, didn’t know how to stop it.
She was out of time.
The door eased open, and Yaz stepped inside. The Doctor tried to perk up, put on her usual smile, her joy at having saved the day: mentally, she willed the golden light to retract back into her fingers. She could figure something out. She wouldn’t have to change. Surely, knowing about her origin— that would help, wouldn’t it? Give her some control over the whole thing, where she hadn’t had it before?
But— Yaz was moving slowly. Keeping her distance. The Doctor tried to focus, tried to force her dying neurons into some sort of order. Yaz looked— she looked different. Not happy. Sad, maybe? No. It was one of those other things. More complicated than sad. The Doctor— this Doctor, the dying Doctor— had never been good at reading expressions. She couldn’t get all those little nuances, all the little in-between states. 
“Doctor,” Yaz said, and the words echoed in the TARDIS, or maybe they were just echoing in the Doctor’s mind. The world was starting to go fuzzy, and she blinked, reestablishing her dominance over her own perception.
“Yaz,” she managed. 
“I’ve been thinking,” Yaz began, and the Doctor’s remaining neurons sent up an alarm. Thinking , at least in this context, was never a good thing. She scrambled for something to say, but she couldn’t reach it, and then she’d missed her chance. Yaz was talking again. “I think—” 
There was a long pause. The Doctor struggled to hold on, to keep herself waiting for Yaz’s next words. She leaned against the console, shoved her hands deep in her pockets.
“I have to leave,” Yaz said finally. The Doctor’s hearts dropped in her chest. Whether it was from Yaz’s words or her impending regeneration, she didn’t know. Maybe it didn’t matter. She didn’t have time to think it through: Yaz was still talking. “This— traveling with you— it’s been—” She took a deep breath. “I never could’ve dreamed of anything like this. But—” There was another pause. The Doctor’s breaths were shortening, becoming shallow. She wouldn’t be able to hide for much longer.
She wasn’t sure she would have to.
“You’re brilliant,” Yaz was saying. “You really are.” She’d stepped forward, closer to the Doctor, and the Doctor tried to even out her breaths, tried to unclench her jaw. “But if I’m going to be with someone— in any sense of the word— I need someone who can talk to me.”
“I talk,” the Doctor protested. The words came out weak. She swallowed. She needed to do better, if she was going to convince Yaz she wasn’t dying. 
Yaz shook her head. “You know what I mean, Doctor.” 
Did she? She didn’t seem to know much of anything, right now. She made a desperate grab at the frayed edges of her memories, willing them to hold together for another moment. She— well. She had to admit, from the vague scraps of memories she was managing to snatch, that she had not always been good to Yaz. She had tried to talk— but it had felt like there was something in her throat, something stopping the words from coming out. She tried to talk now, but the thing in her throat was on fire: another painful reminder that she would not be her for very much longer. 
“I’m sorry,” Yaz said. “I—” She swallowed, and the Doctor could make out blurry tears running down her face. “I’m going to miss you. A lot.”
“So don’t go,” the Doctor tried. She thought there might be tears running down her own face. It was hard to tell, with everything else she was feeling. Hard to pick apart one sensation from the next.
“I have to—” Yaz closed her eyes. “I have to take care of myself. First.” 
“I can talk to you,” the Doctor offered.  She nearly choked on the fire in her throat. “I can tell you everything. I can—”
“No,” Yaz said. “You can’t.” Her words rang, their finality ricocheting around the burning cavern that once had been the Doctor’s mind. “I’m sorry, Doctor.” She leaned forward, placing a single, gentle kiss against the Doctor’s lips. “I love you.” 
The Doctor’s mouth hung open, the burning on her lips completely unrelated to the burning in her mind, her skin, her chest. She scrambled, trying to gather up a few more neurons, trying to push through the blaze that threatened to break out of her at any moment— but— Yaz only lingered for another second, her eyes on the Doctor’s, an impossible, invisible thread passing between them. 
Yaz turned, and the thread broke. The Doctor watched, helpless, as she eased open the TARDIS door and slipped out, into the open world. 
“I love you too,” she breathed, and with the breath came a cloud of golden light. She closed her eyes. Gold was all she could see, flooding her eyelids, taking her over. “Right,” she muttered, opening her eyes again. “Let’s get this over with.” 
She’d been holding the energy in, stopping it from breaking away. But— there was no reason to hold it back now. She released the energy with a snap , and it flooded her in a second, overtaking her, overwhelming her. She held out her hands, watching as they overflowed with light, and then she stepped away from the console, standing unsupported at the edge of the space. The burning in her mind was spilling over, filling every part of her— 
She flung out her arms, or rather, her arms flung themselves out, thrust into involuntary motion by the force of her regeneration energy. The burning intensified until it was unbearable, until it all blended together into a blaring white-gold inside her mind.
Yaz’s tear-stained face was the last thing she saw before she slipped away.
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heyangel-archive · 7 years
me and @audreil talking about mitam and how it was written for the fans (and themselves)
syeda » i was gonna do that w iwwyas but its too sad
me » literally i was off of tumblr for a good 20 minutes trying to sleep & then two ghosts came on & i started thinking & sobbing
syeda » so anytime i’m gone you can listen to my voice and sing along WHAT THE FUCK THEY SAID THAT ! TO US !!!!!
me » I KNOW i saw the post u rbd abt it sidjdkdmdm i’m literally in so much pain
syeda » they played me so hard with that song the first time i heard it i couldny stop crying that lyric was the one thats always stood out to me like,,,,, fuck
me » it’s so underrated too like wat the duck
syeda » so much of mitam is just a big ode to the fans
me » also can we talking abt witw especially eotd
syeda » ok but walking in the wind drag me down? history? walking in the wind? end of the day? fuck yes talk im listen
me » “i know we’ll be alright child just close ur eyes & seeE i’ll be by your side anytime you’re needing me” i want that tattooed on the inside of my eyelids
syeda » stop that song makes me sob its heartbreak wrapped in a pretty melody and i die every time “and as we raised our glasses up to make a toast i realized u were missin” FUCK
me » “you’ll will find me in places that we’ve never been for reasons we don’t understand walking in the wind”
syeda » and ppl still judge 1d by uan lyrics
me » places we’ve never been = alone on their own before; on stage, doing interviews, etc.
syeda » SHUT THE FUCK UP “fact that we can sit right here and say goodbye means we’ve already won………..” FUCK
me » “the necessity for an apology between you and me baby there is none” i’m sobbing
syeda » “goodbyes are bittersweet but its not the end” im! sobbing! :))))))))
me » let’s history ok so like
syeda » no pls stop i cant
me » harry’s & niall’s verses are like from the perspective of the fans
syeda » history fucks me up so bad fuck
me » “you’ve got to help me I’m losing my mind keep getting the feeling that you want to leave this all the behind i thought we were good with strong i thought we were holding on aren’t we? no they don’t teach you this in school but now my hearts breaking and I don’t know what to do”
syeda » tahts literally us talking to them
me » that’s the fans being upset by the hiatus
syeda » fuk fuck fuxk
me » like “why we’re gonna miss you :( i thought you guys loved it” then liam & louis verses is them to us
syeda » im literallly fuckign sobbinn
me » “all of the rumors all of the fights but we always find a way to make it out alive”
syeda » i kno the verses hoe stop im lsitening to the song rn and im dying
me » “mini bars expensive cars hotel rooms in new tattoos the good champagne and private planes but they don’t mean anything because the truth is out I realize that without you here life is just a lie this is not the end this is not the end we can make it you know it” they love us so much 1D is saying ‘we’re not going anywhere because with out you guys we’d be nothing’
syeda » every time i remember that louis wrote it i fuckif die
me » “you have me go whole lotta history we can be the greatest him that the world has ever seen you and me got a whole lotta history so don’t let it go we can make some more we can live forever” again they’re saying 'we’ve grown up together so you’re not going any where we’re not going anywhere we’ll be right back’
syeda » bich im not goin anywhere either im gonna wait for ur asses
me » honestly mood
syeda » im tired of this break enough is enough we didnt talk abt this A.M.
me » SHIT SHROP listen tho
me » A.M. is their promise to Themselves that they’ll be back
syeda » Y ES S
me » history is the promise to us, am is to each other i’m dying
syeda » AND THATS THE LAST SONG??? fuck me up i want to Die
me » ITS NOT
syeda » SHIT
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recessanger91-blog · 5 years
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette Swatches, Review + EOTD | The Vault Collection
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Yet again Morphe and Jaclyn Hill have teamed up to release four new eyeshadow palettes. These palettes are said to be from “The Vault” of eyeshadows that Jaclyn said she liked, but that just did not make it into her original Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow Palette.
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
As with last time there is a lot of drama surrounding this launch. I couldn’t even give a small run-down of it all even if we both had all of the time in the world. If you’ve landed on this post, I’m sure you’ve heard of most of it.
Originally I wasn’t sure if I even wanted to bother with this launch. I liked and still use the original Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow Palette but the chatter I was hearing and seeing on the quality control regarding The Vault palettes and everything else gave me pause.
On launch day I decided to suck it up and order the Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette. The colors of this palette spoke to me the most and seemed the most unlike anything I had here. The shade Diversion was also a major selling point for me.
Plus…. you know I always like to see for myself how a palette performs vs. listening to the masses!
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
what is it
The Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette is part of the recently released Vault Collection. The Vault is a group of four 10-pan eyeshadow palettes in Armed & Gorgeous, Bling Boss, Ring the Alarm and Dark Magic.
Each eyeshadow in the Dark Magic palette is described as having “beyond-creamy color” as well as being “highly pigmented and super bendable”.
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
Ten eyeshadow shades are available in the Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette and rather than just giving a listing, description of each and general overview of my thoughts I wanted to break down this palette by shade (which is something I also did with ABH Subculture).
For lid colors I always used a MAC 239 (old versions) and for blenders I alternated between Morphe, IT Cosmetics, Wayne Goss and Stilazzi. For brushes the Morphe ones performed the worst but overall most of the shadows couldn’t be helped even with the expensive and very soft Wayne Goss brand.
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
Poof (matte cream). This is one of the best shades in the palette. It’s got a nice, even pigment and wears well.
Power Cut (metallic silver). This is on the sheer side and really doesn’t do much for me unless it’s used wet. Once you dampen your brush you can build up a nice pewter shade.
Shhh (matte dusty taupe). If you use a super soft blending brush for this it’s the perfect transition shade for just about any look you’d create with this palette. If you use a scratchy brush it’s going to apply patchy so make sure you’ve got good ones ready to go!
Trickery (sparkling emerald). This was patchy to swatch and even worse packed on the lid. I couldn’t even get color to transfer to a blending brush without breaking it up and trying to dab the brush in that way. Even then no color at all transferred to my eye via the brush. I’ve never seen anything like it. If you apply Trickery over Inside Job the resulting shade it a beautiful metallic evergreen, but that is a color that definitely isn’t unique itself.
Diversion (shimmering gunmetal). This applies dry, but its very dull looking. To get the full beauty of this shade it’s best to apply it using pressing motions with a damp brush. It’s stunning alone or over-top of other shades.
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
Potion (matte avocado green). I have extremely sad feelings about this shade. The color in the pan is perfection. On the lid, regardless of the base, it turns a lot more brown toned. If you’re just packing it on the lid you can build it to look even (it’ll take a few passes) but blending is a struggle and patchy no matter what brushes and technique you use. Afterward, no matter the primer, it creases terrible. Like completely GONE in the crease but still there on the lid and above the crease. I can’t say terrible enough.
Busted (matte ocean blue). I expected the worst from this shade but it packed on the lid well and blended out in the crease nicely. Oddly, trying to blend other shades into it didn’t seem to ever work well… there was always a visible color-line which was so bizarre to me. There was some fallout when using this shade.
Inside Job (matte dark jade). I really disliked the performance of this shadow which honestly didn’t surprise me because I had a terrible time trying to swatch it evenly. Using a very good and firm brush I pressed this color onto the lid. It was on the sheer side for how dark it’s supposed to be and the color needs to be pressed on quite a bit to build evenly. Do not even attempt to blend with this, it’s not going to work out well. I experienced quite a bit of fallout also.
Mojo (matte smoked hickory). This shade blended nicely and worked well. I found it to be beautiful on the eye and even to apply.
Temptress (glinting pitch black). Packed on the lid this shade looked great. With a blender it has some issues with patchiness but was buildable and fixable. Other shades blended into it seamlessly. The slight glitter you see in the pan is all but non-existant on the eye.
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
The shades that stained quite a bit were Trickery, Potion, Busted, Inside Job, Mojo, Temptress and even Diversion.
In a nutshell you need to work with the Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette to get it to do what you want. The right brushes, the right technique. I really only liked four shades (Poof, Shhh, Mojo & Diversion) and was indifferent about another three (Busted, Temptress & Power Cut). At the end of the day it’s not great and if I had to grade it I’d say C-…. and that’s being generous.
I ended up wanting to do at least 5 looks with this palette to share with you but at the end of the day I was really only happy with how two of them came out (out of I can’t even tell you how many tries). Which is a damn shame.
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
The Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette is swatched below dry and on bare skin (no primers):
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review + swatches
get the look
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
FACE | Too Faced Primed & Peachy Matte Primer; IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Breakout in Light; Dior Fix It Colour in Apricot; YSL Touche Éclat Neutralizer in Green; IT Cosmetics Bye Bye Undereye Concealing Pot in Medium; First Aid Beauty Bendy Avocado Concealer in 2; Estee Lauder Double Wear Nude in 3N1; Estee Lauder Double Wear Powder in 3N1; Too Faced Peach Perfect Mattifying Setting Powder; Charlotte Tilbury Cheek to Chic Blusher in Sex On Fire; Too Faced Chocolate Soleil Matte Bronzer
EYES | Karity Pre-Shadow; MAC Pro Longwear Paint Pot in Painterly; Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray (to wet brush for Diversion); Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette – Poof (all over from lid to brow), Shhh (transition color & to blend out the crease), Mojo (all over lid except inner corner & to deepen crease), Diversion (used wet all over the inner 2/3 of the lid), Power Cut (dry, inner corners at the lower lash line), Mojo & Diversion (mixed to smudge under lower lash line); Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow Palette – Beam (inner corners of the eye); Chanel Stylo Yeux in Agape; NARS Climax Mascara
BROWS | Benefit High Brow; Benefit Gimme Brow+ in 03; Kat Von D Precision Brow Pencil in Medium Brown; Benefit 24hr Brow Setter
LIPS | Charlotte Tilbury Lip Cheat in Pillowtalk; Jouer Sheer Pigment Lip Gloss in Diamond Walk
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
EYES | Karity Pre-Shadow; MAC Pro Longwear Paint Pot in Painterly; Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray (to wet brush for Diversion); Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette – Poof (all over from lid to brow), Shhh (transition color & crease blended up toward brow + smudged under lower lash line), Inside Job (all over lid), Diversion (used wet all over lid); Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Eyeshadow Palette – Beam (inner corners of the eye); Charlotte Tilbury Feline Flick Pen in Panther (top liner); Urban Decay 24/7 Glide-On Eye Pencil in Stash (lower waterline); NARS Climax Mascara
BROWS | Benefit High Brow; Benefit Gimme Brow+ in 03; Kat Von D Precision Brow Pencil in Medium Brown
Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette | The Vault Collection – an honest review
The Morphe x Jaclyn Hill Dark Magic Eyeshadow Palette and Vault Collection are able to be purchased at ULTA Beauty and morphebrushes.com. The Vault (buying all 4 in a group) is exclusive to Morphe.
At ULTA Beauty people have been able to use the $3.50 off coupon in store, I’m unsure about online. This will bring the individual palette from $15 down to $11.50 + tax. It’s also much easier to return the palette to ULTA if you’re disappointed in it’s performance.
DIRECT LINKS >>> Armed & Gorgeous | Bling Boss | Dark Magic | Ring the Alarm
Influencer codes are able to be used at Morphe. If you’re not wanting to support certain ones you can search for Morphe reviews on YouTube and take one from the smaller influencer that pops up there. I used BABSBEAUTY for 10% off when I purchased mine. These codes will bring the individual palette from $15 down to $13.50 + tax. (I know. I’d have waited but they weren’t available straight away on ULTA and at that time there was not a straight answer on if the palettes would be available at ULTA or not).
Some products are sold out but if we’ve learned anything about anything I’m sure more stock is on the way. Jaclyn herself has said that there will be one more restock with her latest brush set and then that will be it. She seems to be 50/50 on being truthful when saying that with any of her brand collabs so be sure to keep checking back on those websites because the email notifications tend to show up hours later when things are already sold back out.
Source: https://blushingnoir.com/2018/08/morphe-x-jaclyn-hill-dark-magic-eyeshadow-palette-swatches-review-eotd-the-vault-collection/
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jakegalvez · 7 years
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From now on you will never be alone, you will always have someone by your side, and you will always be loved no matter what. The most heartfelt congratulations to Bride @divinemlee 👰🏽 and Groom @blake_go 🤵🏼 ! Thank you for the wonderful weekend 😘💗 #finalleeshesaidgo Makeup • @jakegalvez Hair • @buernrodriguez Wedding Gown • @rajolaurel Photo • @iamfperez #makeupbyjakegalvez #chinitabeauty #chinita #makeup #makeupartist #beauty #motd #eotd #lotd #mlbb #bridal #bride #jakegalvezbride #wedding #weddings #weddingphilippines #bridalmakeup #bridalmakeupph (at Cebu City, Philippines)
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fashionbelleamor · 7 years
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Repost from this beauty wearing Burgundy Dream liquid matte lipstick from the Belleamor Cosmetics line 😚 @makeupbyangie86 - ✨Happy Wednesday my loves!! I've missed you beauties . I've been so sick lately that it's been hard to get up , let alone even put makeup on . Somehow I managed to do this quick look. Wanted to do something different , makeup deets below ⬇️ ✨ ... ... @belleamorcosmetics Burgundy Dream liquid lipstick @shopvioletvoss HolyGrail Palette @anastasiabeverlyhills DipBrow & Brow Wiz in chocolate @hudabeauty @shophudabeauty Scarlett Lashes ... More of this look later . Hope everyone is having a great day so far 💕 ... ... #makeup#violetvoss#cosmetic#makeuplover#eyeshadow#lipstick#mua#makeupartist#motd#likeforlike#mascara#norvina#eyeliner#dipbrow#lashes#glowkit#lash#crease#hudabeauty#l4l#eyebrows#beauty#eotd#ilovemakeup#abhbrows#mnyitlook#anastasiabeverlyhills#makeupoftheday#maquillaje#makeupaddict
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