#and if any of this needs explaining i'll gladly elaborate if asked
hikayunas · 5 months
there's something to be said about the (most likely unintentional) parallels between yuna and actual, real life man-eating tigers.
man-eating tigers typically only resort to preying on humans once they've suffered some sort of injury and are in chronic pain because of it -- in the case of the most prolific man-eater to date, it was dental injuries from a gunshot, but i believe porcupine encounters can also be a cause (don't remember my source though, so maybe take this with a grain of salt). the pain and the injuries render them unable to hunt their usual prey, and so, they eventually resort to preying on humans, growing out of their instinctive fear of us.
yuna resorted to 'preying' on the kamihama girls once she was also robbed of her ability to hunt her usual prey -- witches -- and was left in severe pain, though in this case, more emotional than physical.
(the most prolific man-eater is sometimes even referred to as the 'demon of champawat' or otherwise likened to a demon due to her ferocity, and james corbett described the (typical) tiger as 'large-hearted', which sounds awfully familiar...)
it may not be what f4 was going for, but it is something i like to think about a lot.
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worriedvision · 1 year
Carving (Part 2) - Tighnari
Gender neutral reader, part 1 here. Reader is in danger in this part, Tighnari comes to save them.
How did you get here?
Well, you got an urgent letter from the adventurer's guild. Apparently, someone inexperienced decided to venture into the more difficult parts of the rainforest. Specifically, they were fixated on exploring caves, and for some reason they hadn't returned within the past few days.
You found them easily enough, simply stranded at the bottom of a cave because they forgot they needed to have a way out as well as a way in.
After creating an exit route using some vines, the adventurer scrambles to get climbing. When they reach the top, you're at the midpoint, and because of their scrambling you land up getting tangled up in the makeshift ladder. You hear a snap, and you hit the ground quite hard considering your limbs were now restricted. The adventurer, like the coward they are, runs away home instead of getting help. Your dusk bird, of course, was the one to find out, and after realising you couldn't safely get out of the vine trap you were now in, flies off to get help the moment it realises its beak can't tear open the vines. Even if it could, it wasn't like you didn't have any damage, and your dusk bird learned to act off its own instinct instead of your word.
Tighnari was in the middle of his report for the day, assigning various tasks, when he feels something nipping at the top of his head. Looking up, he spots a dusk bird. After getting his attention, the dusk bird flies towards the cave you're stuck in, only to realise he isn't following along. Flying back, it starts to actively nip at his arm.
"Argh! Don't make me cook you." Tighnari huffs, swatting it away as he watches it, once again, fly in the same direction it previously did. "Wait here. Those of you who have tasks, I trust you can get on with those." Tighnari states, following the bird out of intrigue. Usually, dusk birds were known for being messengers, delivering letters. This one piqued his curiosity, and he would rather follow this bird since it seemed to be seeking some sort of assistance.
Reaching the cave, the bird hovers above you before starting to descend, causing Tighnari to finally spot you. You landed up losing consciousness, the adrenaline from hitting the ground work off. Tighnari makes his way down, chipping at an escape route before picking you up. The dusk bird starts making noise in Tighnaris ear loudly, making him flinch.
"I'm going to treat your owner." Tighnari reassures the bird. When the bird yanks lightly at his ear, he groans out before he shakes the bird off. "Don't make me change my mind."
You finally woke up, in a familiar bed, and your bird is sitting on your lap. Reaching out, you give it a reassuring pet that it did the right job, and your dusk bird gladly leans into it, before Tighnari enters the room. The bird starts to spread its wings out, cawing at Tighnari to stay away from you.
"Don't worry, he's someone you can trust." You explain, the bird reluctantly standing down before resting in your lap.
"Why were you down there, _? You're known for helping get people out of a difficult spot." Tighnari asks.
"Well, I have this letter from the adventurer's guild."
"Was this that inexperienced adventurer again?"
"Yes." You elaborate. "I made a ladder out of the vines I could see, and I was making my way up and the vine snapped."
"Bad man! Cowsrd!" Your bird parrots out.
"I'll have to take legal action against that person. On a few occasions, we have had to spend considerable time saving them." He tuts out.
You get up, but Tighnari pushes you down.
"No, you need to rest." Tighnari stops you.
"I can do that at home. Besides, I'm not exactly allowed in the forest after the carving incident."
"I know that was your ex boyfriend." Tighnari sighs out. "I was hoping I could come across you one day to apologise for accusing you, but I never saw you."
"Well, yeah. That letter you delivered that forbade me from being in the forest made it clear." You roll your eyes, crossing your arms.
"I've missed seeing you, you know." Tighnari admits, the bird slowly turning to glare at him. "Uh, what happened with your dusk bird?"
"Well this little guy was rescued by myself. After discovering the bird was going to be put down due to failure to follow orders, I took care of him. Now, he's my companion."
"Why is it so aggressive?" Tighnari asks.
"Well, he's seen the early days of me being banned from being around you." You explain. "He probably doesn't trust you..."
"Well, I'm sure he can learn." Tighnari shrugs his shoulders. "Your bird has a mean peck, you know that?"
After you did recover, Tighnari walked you home. His excuse was you needed someone to escort you, but you knew he just wanted to spend more time with you. Your dusk bird seems adamant that Tighnari should see the letters you never sent, making noise by the letters you couldn't burn, and Tighnari promises to take them home.
Upon returning home, he goes through the heartache of seeing how your emotions progressively got worse. He could pinpoint the day your boyfriend became your ex. Your penmanship got worse towards the end when you made your way through half a word, trailing off after realising you weren't allowed to contact him.
Pulling out his paper, Tighnari begins to write an apology letter, as well as inviting you to have dinner with him whenever you are available (of course, allowing your dusk bird to come along).
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venomous-ragno · 1 year
Writing advice...
... About military things by a soldier:)
You wanna write a story with a militaristic setting, like CoD or R6S? You wanna create  XXXXX, but you don't know where to start?
Well, lucky for you or not I know what that feels like and I've also got the combat / real life experience to help ya out!
Feel free to hop in my askbox or dm's and ask questions. I'll gladly elaborate and do my best to answer in full and plenty.
Disclaimer: My experiences and knowledge are mostly based on the German military, the Bundeswehr. They may differ from those of other countries.
Happy writing y'all :)
Pt. 9 / ?: Blood, blood types, blood loss
What is blood?
Stupid question, I know. It's that red juice in our veins that keeps our organs running, that gets oxygen and carbon dioxide to our tissue and it's also got different types that you need to know cause if you prepare a blood transfusion of the wrong type you might possibly kill someone- Well. Looks like blood isn't as simple of a topic as one may think at first.
To give you a more scientific answer: Blood is a body fluid that, with the support of the cardiovascular system, ensures the functionality of the various body tissues via a variety of transport and linking functions. Blood is called ‘liquid tissue’, sometimes also called ‘liquid organ’.
You may have heard at one point that loosing too much of it can be fatal, but getting too much of it can also be fatal. To further understrand the intricacies of blood types, how they interact with each other, what blood loss is and how deadly (or not) it can be, to how our body works with and produces blood - I'll be explaining it all in this post, so saddle up.
Blood types
There's four different blood types: A, B, AB and O.
A blood type depends by those little red guys that work so hard to carry oxygen through your body, the haemoglobin (aka red blood cells). Within these haemeglobins, the presence or absence of certain things determines your blood type. How? Antigens: Substances that can trigger an immune response if they are foreign to the body.
Blood types also have this neat little thing called a rhesus factor, plus and minus. The rhesus factor is determind by the presence or absence of a certain protein on the haemoglobin. If your blood type is postive, you have this protein, and if it's negative, you don't.
Blood loss (haemorrhage)
Blood loss means nothing other than blood that's escaping from the circulatory system through damaged blood vessels. It can occur because of a multitude of reasons, such as organ damage, cancer, or knife and gunshot wounds.
Serious blood loss may make you feel:
• Cool when someone touches your skin
• Dizzy
• Tired
• Nauseous
• Short of breath
• Weak
If severe hemorrhage is left untreated, you may experience:
• Chest pain
• Confusion
• Faster breathing or heart rate
• Organ failure
• Seizures
• Shock
• Coma or death
Most adults can lose up to 14 percent of their blood without experiencing any major side effects or changes in vital signs. Some, however, may feel lightheaded or dizzy if this amount is lost quickly. You’ll start to feel mild side effects, such as nausea, when blood loss reaches 15 to 30 percent of total blood volume. This amount of loss increases your heart and respiratory rates. Your urine output and blood pressure will be decreased. You may feel anxious or uneasy. When blood loss nears 30 to 40 percent of total blood volume, your body will have a traumatic reaction. Your blood pressure will drop down even further, and your heart rate will further increase.Your body can’t compensate for much longer on its own in a blood volume loss over 40 percent. At this stage, your heart can’t properly maintain blood pressure, pumping, or circulation. Your organs may begin to fail without adequate blood and fluid. You’ll likely pass out and slip into a coma.
Blood transfusions
As part of the CoD fandom you've probably heard of or even seen the military issued dog tags soldiers wear. You've probably also either heard of or headcannoned that one act of love where lovers exchange their dog tags. Now that we've learnt all the above though, we can safely say that doing so is not a great idea; dog tags carry important information about a soldier, such as their blood type. In other words, it's information that may be vital to the survival of a soldier - should a medic (or any other medical personnel, really) stumble upon a soldier unknown to them, see the dog tag and prepare a blood transfusion of the wrong blood type... Well. Let's just say it's not good.
Your immune system can usually tell its own blood cells from those of another person. If you receive blood that is not compatible with your blood, your body produces antibodies to destroy the donor's blood cells. This process causes a transfusion reaction: The so called hemolytic transfusion reaction. Blood that you receive in a transfusion must be compatible with your own blood. This means that your body does not have antibodies against the blood you receive.
If an emergency blood transfusion is needed and the recipient's blood type is not known, anyone can receive type O negative blood. Type Oneg blood (which has no antigen on its surface) will not react with antibodies in the recipient's plasma. Anyone with type Oneg blood is called a universal donor - however, people with type Oneg blood can only receive 0neg blood as a transfusion. It also happens that this blood type is one of the rarest ones world wide (if not second rarest one, after ABneg) hence why I, a type Oneg, regularly donate blood. Those with type AB blood (which has no antibodies) are called universal recipients, because their plasma will not react with donated blood. Most of the time, a blood transfusion between compatible groups (such as O+ to O+) does not cause a problem. Blood transfusions between incompatible groups (such as A+ to Oneg) cause an immune response. This can lead to a serious transfusion reaction. The immune system attacks the donated blood cells, causing them to burst.
Possible symptoms of a transfusion reaction:
• Fever
• Flank pain
• Red / brown urine
• Chills
• Hypotension
• Renal failure (kidneys stop working, cannot remove waste & water from blood or keep bodily chemicals in balance)
• Back pain
• Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) - abnormal blood clotting in vessels
Possible outcomes of a transfusion reaction:
• Hypotension (low blood pressure)
• Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
• Renal failure
• Death
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rosenongrata · 17 days
solitary solidarity – i
Summary: A selection of writings that explore the early days of the odd relationship between Doctor Veritas Ratio and Missus Kagome Ikeda.
A/N: need a break from the chapter 2 smut, so i'm writing this a bit here and there >.< enjoy?? idk anyway, Dr. Ratio be a massive bitch fr
c.w/s: varies on what part, but i'll make sure to mark each addition with the proper tags in the a/n. OC-insert.
w.c: ~700
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“Ah, it’s you, the…” A semi-muffled yet deep voice rings behind the tall woman – who had been minding her business, walking down the long hall with a stack of papers in hand, “…Copycat, is it?”
She only stopped in her tracks for a mere moment before resuming her initial task – which is approaching her office door, shuffling for her keys, and then promptly dropping them onto the floor. She finds herself on the verge of sighing as she stares down at her keys for a long, quiet moment – but she snatches the chain of one too many keys before the person behind her can say anything.
“We have not met before now – so, allow me, Mrs. Kagome Ikeda,” The man resumes – he refuses to let the alleged fellow prodigy in front of him get away so quickly, “I am Doctor Veritas Ratio, I am a—”
“I know…” The woman mutters, “…I already looked at the entire list of staff members from across all schools.” She still hasn’t given him a single glance – even after she pops open her office door and flips on the light.
She steps inside, setting her stack of papers upon papers on her well-organized desk. His eye twitches underneath the plaster sculpture on his head – maybe it’s a good thing she hasn’t looked at him yet.
“Well, it is nice to know that you do your research.” He nearly grumbles, feigning a pleasant demeanor for now. “I have a query.” He adds.
And she silently wishes he’d go away already – does she have to chase him with a broom to get him to leave?
When she finally turns to him, he nearly sighs in relief to capture her full attention. But the next words out of her mouth immediately mute that desire of his to sigh,
“I do too.” She blinks, her eyes painted with exhaustion – the dark circles surrounding her silverine gaze left uncovered despite the makeup on her face elsewhere. “What’s with…” She trails off, threatening to spill her thoughts about how ridiculous and stupid it looks, but she barely refrains, “What’s with the plaster head?”
“Hardly important—”
“I beg to differ.”
“Oh? Do elaborate.”
“If you are going to speak to me, I would enjoy at least an ounce of respect from one of my new coworkers.” She answers, but her tired, dull expression gives no sway to any emotion she might be feeling. “Or are you just…shy?” She inquires emotionlessly.
“I am not shy.” He hisses, “I will take it off should you answer my question.” He firmly crosses his arms.
“Okay.” She shrugs.
(She’s bored already? Hmph.) He ponders briefly, “Why are you called the “Copycat”, exactly?” He presses.
She looks away, staring out the nearby window instead and staying silent.
“…How disappointing.” He scoffs, “I’ll have you know that should you plagiarize–”
“I’m not called that because of plagiarism.” She sighs, glancing over at him, “It’s…too difficult to explain to someone who doesn’t have enough knowledge about my homeworld… That’s all.” She shakes her head.
“Is that so?” He hums, “Where are you from, then? I will gladly do the research myself.”
“…Don’t bother. I looked to see if there’s any records of my homeworld here, there aren’t.” She toys with her gloved fingers, picking at fabric and rubbing the tops of her hands.
“Why is that—”
“You’ve asked your maximum amount of questions for the day. Please come back tomorrow.” She says robotically, turning away from him to begin pulling out a shelf to her filing cabinet, “And close the door all the way when you leave, please. Thank you for dropping by.”
“Tsk,” He scowls underneath the plaster, “…If you have any problems with settling in,” He turns away, one hand on the knob of the door, “Find someone else to help you.” He doesn’t leave quite yet, wanting to hear her final response.
“Thank you, I will keep that in mind, Doctor.”
His eye twitches again before shutting the door behind him and striding away from the office. His fists clench at his sides and his teeth grit, he’s less than satisfied with that interaction – which isn’t particularly unusual for him, but… Something is different about her – maybe it’s because she’s branded as a prodigy of some sort or because of the mysterious “Copycat” moniker. He’s not sure which, but either way – it’s frustrating him.
(She’d make an awful professor – having a “max amount of questions per day”. What kind of ridiculous rule is that!?)
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kingofdarkness00 · 4 months
WIP Wednesday
Thank you very much for the tag, @anewkindofme! 💙
It was a bit of a tough decision to make on which of my thousands of WIPs to choose from lmao, but here's a sneak peek of the next installment of A Bright Life:
A worried frown marred Gil's face as he watched Malcolm from his office window.
The consultant sat at his desk, working on the last of his paperwork from the Tatiana case, and looking far more exhausted than what was normal for Malcolm. If Gil were being honest with himself, the kid looked terrible. His usually lively, shimmering blue eyes were dull and glazed over, and if the pink flush on his cheeks and the light sheen of sweat that clung to his forehead was anything to go by, he was likely suffering from a fever. It also didn't escape Gil's notice how Malcolm would grimace in obvious pain whenever he put too much pressure on the palm of his bandaged hand. When Gil had asked him about it, Malcolm just said he accidentally cut himself on some broken glass and (like always) had refused to elaborate any further than that. It was unfortunately becoming abundantly clear to Gil that Malcolm may have not been caring for the wound in the way he should have been.
Gil peered down at his watch to check the time. They still had two hours of their shift left to go, but Gil had already gotten done with his paperwork, and he highly doubted Malcolm was even going to have enough energy or strength to finish his own. There wouldn't be any harm in leaving a couple of hours early.
With his mind made up, Gil gathered his paperwork into a neat stack before pushing himself away from his desk and standing. He grabbed his long, grey coat from where it hung on the back of his chair and slid it on. The lieutenant then picked up the stack of papers before snagging his son's own coat off the couch on his way towards the door. However, when he opened it, he was met by one of his detectives–who wore a worried expression similar to his own.
"Hey, Dani," he greeted. "I was just going to go drag Malcolm away from his desk and head out a bit early for the night. Did you need something, though?"
"Well, he's actually what I came to talk to you about. JT was going to go on a coffee run, so I went to go ask Bright if he wanted anything, but before I could even get close enough to ask, he bolted towards the bathrooms."
Gil turned his head to look through the blinds of the window once more. Sure enough, Malcolm was nowhere in sight.
"He really didn't look well, Gil. He hasn't all evening." Dani sighed. "I'm worried. He looked fine this morning, but it's like a switch flipped once the sun went down, and he suddenly looked like death rolled over."
Gil looked back at her and said, "Yeah, I noticed that, too. I'm pretty sure he's had a fever since the nightclub."
The kid may have been able to act like everything was fine during Joey and Axel's arrest–like he wasn't overheating in his coat and swaying on his feet after the fact–but Gil knew better. There was almost nothing his son could hide from him, especially when it came to his health.
"He did look pretty sweaty after we got back. And the temp outside isn't exactly scorching."
"I have a feeling he hasn't been taking proper care of that cut on his hand and now might have an infection. It would definitely explain the fever and what I'm not assuming the nausea." Gil exhaled a deep, heavy sigh. "I thought about just taking him back home with me and cleaning his cut myself and giving him some ibuprofen, but I'm starting to think a trip to Urgent Care would be a safer bet."
"Here, let me take those for you–" Dani gestured for him to hand over the stack of papers in the crook of his arm, which he gladly did–"Go take care of Bright."
"Thank you." Gil gave her a small but grateful smile. "I promise I'll keep you posted on his condition," he added, already knowing the answer to the question she didn't voice out loud.
"I would appreciate that. Thanks," she replied, returning his smile before turning and walking away to turn his reports in.
Gil quickly made his way in the opposite direction of the men's room, trying not let his mind conjure up worse case scenarios of what he might find when he got there. No matter what condition or state of mind he found his kid in, Gil had to keep a level head and not allow his worries to pull him from the here and now.
Without a second of hesitation, the lieutenant pushed the bathroom door in once he finally arrived. He looked over at the stalls, gaze immediately zoning in on the only stall door that was partially closed. Setting his son's coat down on a dry section of the sink's counter, Gil walked over to the stall.
"Malcolm?" Gil softly called out as he drew closer, not wanting to startle the younger man or make him think he was someone else.
The only response he received was a groan from inside the stall.
Tagging (if ya wanna): @angelique-of-the-volturi-guard, @thegoeticcleric and @snarkythewoecrow
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