#and i wanna cry from frustration but i gotta get shit done 😭😭😭
cowboykeery · 6 months
mercury retrograde is literally kicking my fucking ass in the few days it’s been here
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bbykeijis · 3 years
omfg i love you and your writings. i’m so sorry but i’m going to start bothering you know. btw tysm for writing my previous asks. could i get class 1-a with a fem!british!black reader cs that’s honestly me, please? she’s got mean humour. swears a lot. bullies bakugou that he cries himself to sleep every day at 8pm. jaffa cakes and biscoff crunchy spread. is aizawa’s fav bc i say so. understands what aoyama says in french and laughs her ass off when he mocks people. new cook in the dorms. bye <3.
“KATSUKi’S A BELLEND” | blackbritish!reader
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summary: when y/n, the new student from the uk, joins class 1a <3 (blackbritish!reader) (fem!reader)
author’s note: don’t even with the crunchy biscoff spread because that shit is SO GOOD??? i had so much fun writing this one,, so glad there’s black brit in my tumblr space bc we gotta stick together 💀
genre & warnings: comedy ! fluff ! monoma ! language !
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the moment you walked through that door mina claimed you as her bestfriend as she mf should,, the class fell in love with your accent and at least one bitch had to pull the “it’s chewsday innit!” bullshit
it was monoma. kicked him in the balls. as you mf should.
aizawa is literally frightened impressed with the amount of curses that can come out of your mouth in one sentence
everyone is confused when you start using british slang. you called bakugou a ‘twat’ for calling jaffa cakes gross once. he’s never forgiven you since </3
he also dissed the texture of biscoff crunchy spread,,, you don’t wanna know what kinda war that started…
i can see sero, denki, mina, and jiro getting into grime & the mental image of them rapping along to stormzy makes me laugh my ass off
denki + dizzee rascal = gold
& watch denki try and pull up to class tryna spud up aizawa and calling him his ‘g’ because you dared him too. detention for the both of you ig
aoyoma slips some french into conversations with you to see if you’re worthy enough and when you reply back he literally celebrates. everyone’s like ??? and you tell them you took gcse french and they just nod…
they still confused but who cares? you & aoyama don’t, you can talk shit about them and never get caught 😌
“hey deku, don’t let that bellend get to you, yeah?” “lmaoooo bakugou is a what?”
the best thing about humbling katsuki is he can never understand half of what you’re bloody saying. bakugou doesn’t sleep early because he’s a good student. man is just overwhelmed and needs to cry his frustrations away 😭
yh anyways!
you make the class jerk chicken ONE TIME and suddenly you’re the new chef of the dorm room. you feed them well & it’s never any of that soggy fish & chips bullshit
nandos style dinner? DONE. jollof rice? DONE. shoto is sliding notes under your door asking for the recipe <33
bakugou’s bitter you’re a better cook than him but as soon as he bites into your food he’ll be begging for another plate smh
you show your love through insults & good food <3
“iida, you remind me of someone-” “nonono, don’t call me bo-” “boris johnson,,,, yeah <3”
if you expose the class to the sidemen get ready for them to fucking quote them everyday and for aizawa to HATE you
you make it up to him by introducing cbeebies to eri though :) balamory is her shit
overall you’re a star & ua is lucky to have someone as amazing as you 💀
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