#and i got a reply :D
givemeureyes · 2 years
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sinlizards · 1 month
dmed u on twitter but realized u said ur twt dms dont work so i just wanna go on here and say thank u for the doyoon food ❤️❤️
THANK UU Do-yoon is probably my fave to draw despite Gyu-hyuk being my favorite character from the game overall (gyu's hair vexes me....) so im glad people enjoy me drawing him >_o
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reineydraws · 23 days
Okay, so I know the last time you mentioned/said anything about your hockey au was months ago, but I was bored at work and started thinking about it.
100% when the Straw Hat Pirates got a goal, Zoro skated too fast to the plexiglass and fell through (not in a shattering way, but in a 'the glass/plastic wasn't sealed correctly') and just continued his celebration from his seat on the ground
Smoker is definitely a referee because that man is Done. Referees basically have to corral grown men who get into fights like kids, so the dislike is usually mutual. Smoker absolutely despises the Pirates, but Luffy sometimes would poke him with his stick and go "hey sorry for yelling earlier 🥺" (an actual thing between a ref and, of course, a Canadian). This causes Smoker to have mixed feelings about these idiots. He will not let a single person know that he's a little soft around them.
(Poor Tashigi is that one ref that all the hockey players skate into or something. Fans are usually alright with her so when she makes a call, they all just accept it because she's been knocked down already.)
And I don't know how far into the manga/anime you are, but the part with Koby and Helmeppo makes me think about how one of them notices something suspicious within the hockey (or even Olympics, which might be more plausible) world, so they go into a form of investigative sports news
I had way more on my mind, but I have no idea where you are in the series (either through hard, truthful labor or through One Piece info osmosis)
omg i love that ur thinking abt this. 😭💖 i have a lot of projects on my plate rn but rest assured i have a note for the au that just keeps getting longer abt more stuff to draw. 😂
i love all these! i also love how hockey fans find my au and tell me these lil hockey anecdotes; they're so fun. :') i was so charmed by the apology thing that i looked it up and then drew it aha.
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aw, tashigi 😂 and yes about koby and helmeppo!!! i was thinking about them doing exactly that with the olympics, and that there would be some corruption there at the top.
re: spoilers, i don't mind them! i'm kind of all over the place 'cuz i just read whatever fic, google liberally, watch the anime as it comes out with my brother, and i just started properly reading the manga too. 😂 so just send those hc's over if you want to! i'm happy to read 'em.
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oc-center · 6 months
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Welcome to OC-Center's BIRTHDAY PARTY! 🎉
One year of sharing people's OCs to give them visibility, one year of a growing community, one year down with many to go ♥ Below I will share the OC-Center Wrapped, to see everything about this year in stats! 🙌
In the meantime, what better way to celebrate than showing off your own OC in this big party photo?
All your OCs are cordially invited to join in the festivities - add them to the picture in a reblog with a short tidbit introducing them to everyone; that's the best way to make friends at a party!
Will you accept OC-Center's invitation? 🥳
OC-Center Wrapped:
Anniversary: 11th of December Posts: 3,331 Followers: 866 'Needs Love' (posts with 10 notes or below): 41 Most popular original post: Bubble Web post
Number of OCs shared: 3233 'humanoid' OCs: 2261 'anthro' OCs: 646 'creature' OCs: 403 Submissions shared: 226
What a wonderful year! Thank you everyone, and here's to the next one ♥
Ressources used for stats:
Tumblr Stats: https://jetblackcode.com/TumblrStats Tag Counter: https://drunkonschadenfreude.com/
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mari-lair · 25 days
How many times will you bring insanity (rare pairs/"crackships") into the world, opening my virgin eyes to a whole new universe (the brainrot) I was so readily unprepared for and drag me down into the depths of hell where I can make sense of those twisted visions too???/lh/pos
Seriously, I never knew I needed Teruaoikane in my life. I never knew how fun Natsukane could be. They both make so much sense when you share your thoughts. So much so that I can't stop thinking about them either. You have opened my eyes time and time again and by GOD I cannot close them. Please tell us more about your ideas op
iughyoiuguyfgtuft thank you! Spreading my madness is a passion of mine, I'm happy you appreciate it Anon.
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Here are some crumbs of terukaneaoi and natsukane!
terukaneaoi first:
When Teru says he wants to date the Aois, that's what he means, he has minimal experience with friendships and zero with romance, is all new and exciting and interesting. Aoikane on the other hand are very serious about romance, if they accept to date someone is because they expect a lifelong love, a marriage, which has always been more connected to politics than love to Teru. So when Teru accepts dating them, he is unaware he proposed/accepted their proposal.
Aoi can't do her hair well with her numb hand, and Teru is the one to always offer to help, usually giving her twin tails like he does with Tiara and other simple styles. Akane is the one Aoi goes to when she wants something fancy, cause he spends hours learning and perfecting complicated hairstyles for her.
Teru likes to call every hang-out a date, cause it gives him an excuse to dress up, and he rarely gets opportunities to use his nice yet very unprofessional clothes.
They are all weak to combo attacks. If Aoi and Teru want the same thing, Akane will cave in, if Akane and Teru want the same thing Aoi will cave in, and if Akane and Aoi want the same thing Teru will cave in.
Aoi has problems saying "I love you", it feels too heavy no matter how many times it's said to her, or how confident she is that her feelings are returned. She finds it easier to say "We love you"
Natsuhiko would be stuck in one-sided pining hell for a while and be completely caught off guard when Akane started getting attached. Akane won't even notice his behavior is changing, but Natsuhiko is VERY aware Akane's dismissive "shut up, get out of my sign" turn into him rolling his eyes but actually paying attention to everything he says, and making fun of pickup lines from months ago or teh way Akane doesn't react when Natsuhiko wraps an arm around his shoulder or act clingy either. Natsuhiko is very visibly delighted and emboldened by this.
Natsuhiko is okay with a lot of things frowned upon, like trespassing, flirting with many people at once, hurting people, drinking alcohool underage, and such. He tries to be a 'cool bad guy' to impress Akane but he just gets disgust for his efforts, which turns into worried lectures once they are closer and Akane start caring about his well being
Natsuhiko thinks they are dating way before they are actually dating.
Natsuhiko is very self-centered, his 'perfect' dates and romantic gestures involve things he personally likes and he rarely thinks about his date preferences, but he is not picky about affection, he loves being loved and spoiled above it all. So he'll be shocked when Akane want to go somewhere he knows Natsuhiko loves, absolutely smitten about it.
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dragontamerhiccup · 10 months
You guys have been showing me your dragons so now you all have to look at my dragon.
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That’s his “wants to play fetch with my prosthetic” face.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 day
🙍🏽‍♀️🐷🪷 (i scrolled and picked three random emojis pls enjoy)
“You wanna run that by me one more time?”
On the other end of the line, Patience lets out a long-suffering sigh — as though Dean’s the one making unexpected phone calls at quarter past three in the morning — and says it again. The words don’t make any more sense than they did the first time.
“In fourteen hours and — now seventeen minutes — a pig in Lotus, Illinois is going to die, and unless you save her life, she’s taking everyone in a 50 mile radius with her. And yeah, before you ask me to say it a third time, I am acutely aware of how stupid this sounds.”
“And when you say pig, are we talkin’ Babe, or—?“
“My visions aren’t symbolic, Dean. It’s an actual pig. Her name is Princess.”
“Right. Just… wanted to be sure before we started trailing all the cops in uh, where’d you say? Lotus?”
“Yeah, you wouldn’t find one there anyway. Internet says it’s an unincorporated community — looks like there’s maybe three farms there, total.”
“Looks like?”
“Satellite images,” she says.
“Right. Hey, hold on a sec.”
Rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm, Dean pushes the rest of the way out of bed and throws on the same jeans he took off two hours ago. Switches out the ratty t-shirt he’d been almost-sleeping in for a fresh one, and yanks on his boots.
For once, he’d been planning on sleeping a solid seven hours. He was going to make maple bacon with blueberry waffles in the morning. Jack was going to help him mix the batter.
Depending on how things shake out with Patience’s vision, he might never be able to enjoy bacon again. Or for a few months, at least.
Fully dressed and heading out into the hall, he puts his phone back to his ear.
“I’m back,” he says, making his way toward the kitchen. He thumps twice on Sam’s door as he passes it, barking out a gruff hunt in response to Sam’s bleary huh? “Please tell me you’ve got some idea of how exactly Peppa’s gettin’ popped so we can try to do something about it.”
“I have no clue.”
“And you didn’t see anything else? Any details at all. A barn, a farmer, anything? Because this is…”
“Impossible. I know. But that’s all I’ve got. The pig just keels over, then bursts in a blinding flash of light, and ten seconds later Illinois has a brand new crater the size of New Jersey.”
“Okay, well — that’s something.”
“The light. What color is it?”
“White, mostly,” Patience says, then hums a little to herself. “But… huh, actually, there is a bit of purple. Right in the center. Right before it goes supernova.”
“Purple light usually means witchcraft,” Dean says, approaching the kitchen. He can see the light on; can hear the telltale sound of Cas stirring sugar into coffee. “Maybe the pig is the final ingredient in some kind of magic bomb?”
“Could be,” Patience agrees. “But hey, listen, I gotta try and get a couple more hours sleep — huge test in the morning. But if anything else comes to me I’ll call you, okay?”
“Yeah, sounds good. And uh— thanks. And good luck.”
“You too.”
The line goes dead just as Dean steps into the kitchen, and Cas looks up at him from the table, where he’s reading an article in one of the Men of Letters’ old issues of The Farmer’s Almanac. He frowns at the sight of the phone in Dean’s hand. Frowns harder still when Dean heads directly for the coffee machine with nothing but a brief brush of a hand over his shoulder.
“Is something wrong?”
“It’s a day ending in Y,” Dean says with a sigh, pouring a cup from the thankfully still-hot jug. “You up for a road trip?”
“Of course. Where are we going?”
"Illinois," Dean tells him, leaning back against the counter as Sam arrives, his hair sticking so far out to one side that Dean suspects it’s generating its own electric charge.
He eyes it over his mug and has the grim thought that all that static electricity might be the thing to light Miss Piggy's fuse. Oblivious to Dean's train of thought, Sam lets out an explosive yawn. Dean bites back the kind of mildly-hysterical laugh that can only come when sleep-deprived and preparing to drive toward impending danger.
"What's in Illinois?" Cas prompts him, and Sam yawns again as he waves a hand for Dean to explain, and Dean takes a long sip of his coffee as he searches for a better way to put it than Patience had managed on her first try.
He's not sure that he succeeds where clarity of substance is concerned, but as far as style goes? He thinks he's nailed it.
“Short version? Royal rescue mission, but the Princess is a pig."
Cas squints at him.
“I think,” he says, looking over at Sam, who is blinking slowly as he tries to parse Dean’s words, “We’re going to need the long version.”
[written for this prompt game] [find me on ao3 as imogenbynight 💚]
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dizziiedaikon · 2 years
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Hey Ace can you eat p-
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pacifistcowboy · 5 months
Found Charmy's Christmas present. Vector and Espio had to work double time to save up for these bad boys.
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charmy has the best christmas ever :D the many laborious hours were worth it for the joy on his face <3
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daydreamingtomatos · 7 months
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sharky857 · 9 months
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Kenli: "That big doggo absolutely obliterated muh preshush garden & Eshe is all pissy. Pls fix dis for meh. :("
H00man: "Say no more~"
*five minutes later*
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H00man, secretly part of the "eat-the-rich" society: "Tau... WHO'S A GOODBOI? 😂💖🙌"
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(Tau has learned "absolutely nothing" because there was absolutely nothing bad in his behaviour right from the start. 😤)
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mad-hunts · 1 month
jokethur asked: ❝ that's not the worst thing i've ever heard but it's certainly up there. ❞
one might argue that the way barton huffed through his nostrils in a wry sense of disbelief at what he heard come out of the other's mouth, rather than at the terrible thing that was just said through his own lips without an ounce of shame, told you everything you needed to know about him; that he was a brutal and very unfeeling person. but honestly, even if those things were the least bit true, barton thought... he was only saying what everyone would be thinking in their heads if they knew what was really going on behind the scenes. they just wouldn't want to say it aloud for one reason or another, whether that was due to the fear of being ostracized by their peers, or frowned down upon by society as a whole. kind of like how he was currently by the man standing beside him.
barton took a long drag out of his cigarette and averted his gaze from one of the big, bright displays that decorated the skyline to meet the others eyes. the displays were showcasing what looked like the latest news: and that was what barton seemingly was making a comment on, as the death of a cop that was rather infamous for being a ' pinnacle of kindness and care to their community ' was the main headline for that day. except that man was everything but in reality. it was just so rich to be seeing him regarded as some fantastic guy, when barton knew for a fact that he was a sleazeball who he had seen hanging around his old boss, as he was secretly in their pocket and doing their dirty work. and if there was one person that barton held contempt for more than anything... it was the man who used to treat him like he was something less than human. or, less than dirt, actually.
but of course, barton would never tell the gcpd of his corruption because he knew that rainer (you have to put a face to the name for these people) would realize that it was him who'd sold him out. and besides... since when did he have faith in the gcpd, or even like the police? they were all a bunch of pigs to him. so, barton let him continue on with his little game of playing the role of the well-beloved police officer while he was helping people get killed on the side. he rolled his eyes then, ❝ well, if i had known that you were such a big fan of the police, then i likely wouldn't have said anything. but i rest my case: a lot of people do deserve to die, stranger, and he was one of them. so i don't feel sorry for him or his family at all. ❞
barton stated this all in a very matter-of-fact manner, blowing smoke out through his nose from his cigarette before he continued, ❝ i mean, where was this guy if he was so good whenever the city got flooded? i didn't see him among the people who were helping other's whenever everything went to shit. in fact, i bet he was probably sitting in some place really safe and warm whenever it happened, because i knew the real kind of person that he was. a total prick who certainly wasn't the golden boy that the news is trying to make him out to be, ❞ he flicked his cigarette down on the ground and smushed it underneath his boot, successfully putting out the fire on its other end. barton turned to face arthur completely with an unamused look in his eyes.
❝ now, are you done preaching to me about how wrong it is that i said that? you don't really know the first thing about the pig after all. but i do. though you didn't hear that from me, alright? ❞
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mitamicah · 11 months
For the follower appreciation prompt
Käärijä in the pink bolero and the green accessories in whatever style you fancy, because MYyyyy GOD!!!!!!! Do you need another reason?!
(It’s feral4käärijässquat here, can’t send an ask from my sideblog)
Oh heck yesssss 👀💗
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Did I technically have time to draw this? No 😶
Did I do it anyways? ... yeah 🤣
Thank you so much for the amazing prompt @feral4kaarijasquat x'D we love our little pink princess 🥹💗👑
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dennydraws · 4 months
That recent comic you did with Julius was superb. It gave me so much joy to see the forgotten side that is the real Julius is still there.
Oh gosh, I didn't expect that anyone remembers FE4 when I posted that comic :D;; What a pleasant surprise! Hello, thank you for stopping by!!
I started FEH recently and I was so sad to see my favorites have no alts (safe for Lyon, I'm glad the goodest boi gets much deserved love!) but at least that made me collect them very quickly :D;;; ( I'm ... seriously baffled Lehran has only 1 seasonal version!?)
I hope we'll see non-possessed/real Julius some day. From his voice lines it feels like he is still there, even if barely. I see he is often portrayed as weak, very guilt ridden (potentially post possession) even if he was in no control ... but I kind of want to imagine him as angry and standing up to Loptous and trying to look more stoic and strong like his father and trying to silently make amends while Julia and Seliph both kind of remind him - it's okay, it wasn't you. I'm so very weak for the sibling dynamics u_u;
I wish FEH would give him the Lyon treatment where we get some happy closure in Askr :') let me inhale that copium and imagine that. Until then, all I can offer is the idea that he is still in there, occasionally emerging as a persistent headache.
Bonus quality time with dad!
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ruelin024 · 2 months
This isn't a request, I just wanted to say thank you for answering the request I previously had with that ABSOLUTLY BEAUTIFUL ART, seriously, its my background now. Also the art of my oc was so cute like what the heck- 😭😭😭
(❁´◡`❁) You're absolutely welcome! I like taking up requests. I'm happy you're happy with it!
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I enjoyed my time drawing him. 👀 Especially "those" drawings *ahem-cough-cough* 😀
And when I saw/read you had an OC you loved, I was like "Should I draw Ivy as well? Sure, why not." After I saw this post, you made:
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I ended up drawing them together last minute. BTW She's beautiful!
Have you posted stuff about her backstory or lore yet? ✪ ω ✪
✨ Also, once again, I'm glad my work was satisfactory. ✨
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halfagone · 1 year
Got it, thank you! What’s been on my mind lately is the whole Danny x Kara thing (honestly surprised it got as many votes as it did tbh). I’d love to see someone expand on this idea in the future with its own story or something along those lines, as I got the inspiration for the idea from seeing you doing Danny x Cass in your Lex Luthor story. So I suppose my full prompt would be a story where Kara actually meets Ellie first, as I think those two could have a lot in common with being in the shadow of another hero from their family. Maybe Kara can even act like an older sister to Ellie. Then, it eventually leads to Kara meeting Danny though Ellie, whether it be due to Ellie destabilizing and calling Danny for help or even having Ellie play matchmaker and purposely introduce the two, the romance starting from there. I think it would be fun to see!
Ooh, yes~! What fun! I've been watching different animated versions/renditions of Kara in preparation for an upcoming scene... That shall be the most I share on that subject. Hehehe~
(Now, this isn't super refined or edited, or put into my regular prose, but I hope you like it anyways.)
I can imagine many possibilities for how Ellie and Kara could meet up or run into each other. I've always imagined that Kara takes care of more intergalactic threats, but Earth is still her new home, and she doesn't want to be away from it for long if she can help it. Not to mention she does have a civilian life she has to keep up.
So much like her cousin, Kara takes care to settle and assist in domestic issues, like wrangling forest fires or assisting natural disaster relief efforts, maybe even taking care of the occasional megalomaniac, as any good Super does. She's fairly popular, and the public might always be happy to see a fresh face, but it's hard to push out the occasional remark from the crowd that she can't help but overhear about how they prefer Clark or one of the Superboys. If there's anything Kara has to say about Earth it's that she's not fond of the misogyny. But she doesn't let that deter her, although sometimes she finds she just needs to stretch her legs and take a flight around the planet before she ends up punching some creep who's gawking at her legs a little too much to be brushed off as a mistake.
And it's here that she starts running into a younger girl with bright white hair and illuminating green eyes. Kara is of course startled when she first spots her, it's always a surprise to see someone outside of the hero community flying around, for business or pleasure. Kara tries to approach, cautious as always, but the girl seems to startle at that too. So Kara tries to back off a little, and just waves at her in a friendly manner. The girl waves back, shy and unsure, and she quickly zips away again. Kara doesn't chase after her, but she does mentally log the instance. The girl didn't act hostile in any way, and while Kara doesn't know who she is, she also doesn't know every hero or meta in the world. She resolves to keep the instance in mind for the future, but she mostly brushes it off in the meantime.
But their run-ins keep happening, either as Kara is rushing to another rescue or even taking a lovely little flight as the sun sets. They never actually introduce themselves, but she finds that their waves of greeting become warmer and warmer over time, with the white-haired girl often eagerly waving at her first. Kara is always happy to wave back, a smile on her face. She finds her run-ins with the strange girl to be some of her favorite parts of any flight, and she occasionally gets disappointed when they don't bump into each other.
One day Kara is sitting on a seastack out in some archipelago she unfortunately doesn't remember the name of, and the other girl hesitantly approaches her, face burrow slightly in the collar of the hoodie thrown over a hazmat suit design. The girl introduces herself as Ellie, and Kara returns the greeting with her own name. (She knows better than to give her civilian name, even though that name has far less meaning to her than her birth name.)
They talk. A lot. Often times about absolutely nothing and sometimes about quintessential 'girl' stuff as some of the girls in her class would call it. Kara doesn't really get it entirely, but she has to admit there are just some experiences that she would never share with clark even if she'd blabber all about it to the wonderful Ma Kent. Whenever they bump into each other now, they always make sure to stop and chat. Unless Kara is rushing off to an emergency, of course.
At some point, Ellie tells Kara about her brother. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that they have a complicated relationship. But the most that Kara can carefully needle out of Ellie is that there's a few years age gap between them that usually wouldn't be a problem for most families, but Ellie's family definitely isn't like most families. She speaks highly of her brother, even if it's in that begruding, whiny way that she'll hear Tim or Damian complain about their siblings to Kal's kids.
They're close, but their living situations mean they don't get to see each other face to face very often, and they find themselves communicating primarily over the phone. Kara figures it's not ideal, but there are plenty children from divorced parents that often have the same struggles. Kara only ever hears about a father figure, a pretty damn bad one too, and she doesn't really feel like she has the right to ask about the mother.
She learns that Ellie has many powers, although she gets to see very few of them in action. (The question of why Ellie has no heartbeat is always on Kara's tongue, but she refrains from asking every time.) Ellie isn't really interested in being a hero, and Kara always tells her that she's not wrong for not wanting that. Being a hero is a lot of work and responsibility, no one should have to carry that weight on their shoulders if they don't want to.
Ellie always looks at Kara with stars in her eyes, and Kara tries not to preen with pride. Ellie's compliments have always felt different, more personal, than any accolades she receives from the adoring public.
Eventually, Kara has to inform Ellie that she has an upcoming mission in space, so they won't be able to meet up for a while. When Ellie learns of this, she instantly blabbers about her brother's love for space and astronomy and "You two should totally meet! He'd love to hear you talk anything about space!"
Somehow Kara gets roped into doing just that. She doesn't know what compels her to agree to a meeting with Ellie's brother, Danny. But there's no going back now, and she wonders if she should feel more self-conscious about what this means for her relationship with Ellie. But then Ellie shows up at their meeting spot, brother in tow, and everything settles.
Kara wouldn't call it an instant click, not like the romcoms and romantic Earth fairytales would describe it, but it- settles. That's perhaps the only way Kara can describe the way she slowly eases into conversation. There are some awkward bumps, and the occasional uncertain silence, but Danny is eager and curious and snarky, and well. He's pretty cute too.
So if she tucks some hair behind her ear and laughs at some joke Danny says then that's nobody's business but her own.
Ellie had been so excited for two of her favorite people in the world to meet. But then she started to notice the blushes on their faces and she realizes with dawning horror that she might have just created a monster.
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