#and he's actually very Online. and. Present. for being an older gentleman. Alright he's not that old.
lovesour · 11 months
musings below
#I would love to write fic. the ethics of RPF are convoluted but I don't bother with convoluted#I mean look. I don't know these guys so. In essence when you write fic about them you're only toying with an _idea_ of them. Not really the#Although admittedly it would be jarring to have your likeness used for fangirly wetdream daydream written in the purplest prose#the purplest prose youve ever seen and slapped onto archive of our own#The other problem is I'm not good at writing#and the Other other problem is that I actually have incredible respect for Carlos hes something of a personal hero for me#musically. theatrically. and stylistically as well. Adore that guy#and he's actually very Online. and. Present. for being an older gentleman. Alright he's not that old.#Lots of political commentary. I love to read his newsletters as well. He is actually a very warm man. Something a lot of people don't know#because they were never able to get over his theatrics and sense of style. found him arrogant or pretentious.#And he is pretentious but I say this in a strictly loving way#Anyway. Let me tell you a secret#Carlos actually has a tumblr. Yeah. And well#Frankly the idea of him being on the same platform as me horrifies me to no end. Imagine if he saw what I was doing#PFSSHSHHS. I think at the precise moment Carlos ever opened my blog. wherever i was#and whatever i was doing the flesh in which i inhabit would instantly initiate self destruct#because i couldnt live after that NYAHAHAHA#And he is so accesible by virtue of being very authentic genuine. but i can never ever interact with him online becaaause#I have a personal guideline I must always strongly adhere to. NEVER. MEET. YOUR HEROES.#So yeah. That's my musing for tonight. It's 3 AM and I'm unhinged. Like maximum of seven people will ever read this. Whatever
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mcwriting · 3 years
sweet home alabama (2)
Hi all! Between marriage project and some one shots, I decided to upload this chapter!
Reminder: Characters have strong southern accents (save for Tom in the present).
Word Count: 2618
Warnings: slight injury mention
∆ present ∆
The weekend came and went, allowing Tom some time to get a new wardrobe for farmwork and acquire a pair of boots, as his last pair had been passed down and worn out by Sam years ago.
Tom had been enjoying a peaceful rest when he was jolted awake by two hands forcefully shaking him.
“What the- Sam! What are you doing?” Tom exclaimed, sitting up.
“You gotta go to Mel’s today, right? Sun rises in an hour. Better get up and eat ‘fore you head over there,” the younger brother explained. Tom tossed back his head and groaned.
“Fine. I’ll get up,” he replied, tossing off his quilt and sheet.
With the money Tom had made in recent years, he had been able to send some home every so often, which helped fund a much needed expansion of the family home. Unfortunately, they hadn’t added enough bathrooms for each brother to get their own.
“Tom! What in God’s name is taking you so long! You’re gonna be working cotton not modeling it!” Harry yelled, pounding on the door.
“Alright alright! It’s all yours!” Tom exclaimed as he opened up the door. Harry couldn’t help but laugh at his brother.
Though Tom had dressed in a button up, jeans, and boots, he had also made sure to style his hair until every wisp sat straight.
“You know you’re gonna sweat that gel off in ten minutes, right? Especially if you wear a hat.”
Tom rolled his eyes.
“Harry, you know me. There’s always a camera somewhere. Gotta be ready for anything. And it’s pomade, not gel.”
The other young twin just rolled his eyes back and slammed the door shut.
A few minutes down the road, y/n was getting ready to start her own day. She rose at dawn like always, stretching a bit and hopping out of bed.
Though she was living a country life, she still took the time to do a full skincare routine, being especially attentive to the products she used and how much sunscreen she applied.
Since she wouldn’t be at any farms in the morning, y/n put on leggings and tshirt and headed out the door, a granola bar in hand. She only had to drive a mile away to get to the “s.h.e.d.”
As usual, she was the first one there, so she keyed in and turned on all the lights. She took in a deep breath of the smells of the soil and chemicals around her as she tossed on her lab coat.
You didn’t think she was any ordinary farm girl, did you?
In reality, she had actually gone to UCLA, getting degrees in both chemistry and environmental engineering. Now she had spent the last year doing research thanks to a grant to improve the agricultural health of her hometown so she could eventually receive a master’s degree.
But we’ll talk more on that later.
Now that the sun was finally peeking above the horizon, her two lab assistants finally showed up.
Her assistants, Ciara and Jacob, were students at a community college in the town 45 minutes away. They were bright and the three always enjoyed working together, as they played fun music and conversed while recording research.
“Hey! Glad y’all could finally make it! Y’all know that last week I collected more samples from Mel’s, so today I want to prepare a gram from each jar in solution so we can run samples and start looking at what nutrients need supplementing and where so I can put a fertilizer together for tomorrow.”
The two were happy to follow their boss’s instruction, and y/n couldn’t help but smile as she scanned over her lab, remembering where she started.
∆ 16 years old ∆
Y/n had always been good at school.
A straight A student, never one to act out or deliberately miss work. Everyone knew she was bright, and she continued to prove that as she aged.
By sophomore year of high school, she was already an above-average scorer on the ACT and was taking courses above her grade level to keep from boring herself.
But in a town as small as hers, one could only get so advanced in high school alone.
Thankfully once she was a junior, the community college Ciara and Jacob were now attending allowed students to enroll in some basic online classes and receive credit, so long as they had good enough internet connection.
Because she was ahead, y/n had a free period where she could mooch off of the school’s wifi in an empty classroom. However, she didn’t have the same luxury at home, and had to go to Tom’s to complete any assignments after school.
By this point, Tom had been going to small auditions for a couple years, picking up the occasional commercial role and making a few bucks here and there, enough to get his family better TV and internet, anyways.
“Hey, y/n?” Tom asked one day, late in the fall. He laid back on the bed, tossing a foam basketball above his head while y/n worked on her college math class from the floor. She hummed in response, holding a pencil between her teeth.
“What are you plannin’ to do with all this college stuff anyways?” he asked. His accent was still as strong as ever. He hadn’t taught himself to let it go yet.
“I’on know. Maybe git a degree and move out of this town for a while. Find a real job that ain’t baling hay or planting stuff. You know I really love science,” she replied. She knew she had a lot of options, she was only a couple points away from that perfect ACT score by now.
There was a pause as she continued to tap numbers into a calculator and record them.
“I got another audition ‘fore thanksgiving,'' Tom announced after a while. Y/n didn’t look up.
“Oh yeah? What for, toothpaste ad or somethin’?”
“Uh, no actually. This one’s for a movie. A real movie.”
Y/n dropped the pencil and looked up at Tom, pushing up from the ground to sit on her knees as he sat up straight.
“Really? You’re serious? You ain’t pulling my leg or something?”
Tom smiled big and nodded.
“I mean it. I really got this audition coming up.”
“Oh my gosh, TOM!”
Y/n quickly stood up, tackling her best friend in a hug, practically ending up on his lap. They stayed that way for a while.
“Tom, this is seriously incredible. You’re gonna be in a movie!”
He pulled back quickly.
“Don’t be too quick, now. This is only an audition, there’s no way to say I’ll actually get the part-” he started, but y/n got off him and kneeled on the floor, so that her eyes were level with his and she could grab his upper arms to look at him directly.
“You’re gonna get that part,” she smiled, unable to contain her excitement. “You’re gonna nail that audition, and you’re getting that part. This is gonna be your big break, I just know it.”
“Thanks for believin’ in me. Hopefully I won’t prove you a liar this time,” he replied, pulling her up into another hug.
She ended up being right, too, because after his first audition, he got a callback during Christmas break and secured the role which he’d film the summer between junior and senior year.
The pair knew they were really starting to grow up, but didn’t let their different pursuits come between them just yet.
Tom was the one who drove her to her final ACT where she got her perfect score (since she didn’t have a car yet), and the movie filmed a few hours away in the Birmingham area (where y/n drove Tom’s truck in his absence since he was still too young to live there alone).
It worked, for the most part.
∆ present ∆
Tom drew in a sharp breath and winced, limping through the barn and plopping onto a hay bale as he gulped down some water. He had been walking up and down the rows watering the plants, as the four-wheeler Melanie’s dad typically used to water was broken.
“How’s it looking, Mr. Carmichael?” he asked, dabbing away the sweat on his forehead with a towel as he rehydrated.
The older gentleman stood up and looked at Tom.
“Well, son. I’ve almost got this thing here fixed, but you ain’t looking too good,” he pointed out.
“What do you mean, sir?” Tom asked. He may have lost his accent, but didn’t forget his manners.
“Looks like you’ve been ridin’ horses the way you’re walkin’. New boots? Not to mention that sunburn you’re startin’ to nurse. Why don’t you run up to the house and have Mel fix those up. I’m sure her momma fixed some lunch for ya, too.”
“A- are you sure, sir? I’ve only got about 10 more rows before I’m done.”
“No, no. It’s alright, boy. Run along and fix yourself up. I’ll handle the rest.”
Tom thanked the man and slowly got up, immediately remembering the pain in his feet and now aware of the stinging on his cheeks.
He’d forgotten that boots don’t really break themselves in and he hadn’t worn very thick socks. He also had somehow neglected that the sun beats just as hard in the farmlands as it does in Malibu.
He waddled up to the house, where Melanie was on the porch reading a book.
“Well by God, Tom. You’re walkin’ like you just got your back blown out for the first time,” she laughed, causing his cheeks to redden more.
“They’re new boots, alright? Now could you help me out? Your dad said you might know of something?”
She looked past him towards the barn, then closed her book and nodded her head towards the door, standing.
“Come on. Momma made you a sandwich if you want it. You can leave your boots by the door.”
They headed inside, a large living room on the right and the kitchen to the left. Tom wiggled his shoes and socks off in the entryway as Melanie ducked into a hallway to grab a few things.
“Oh Tom! I’m glad you came in! Are you hungry? I’ve got lunch for ya,” Mrs. Carmichael said as she appeared from the kitchen.
“That would be really nice, Mrs. Carmichael. Thank you,” he replied as she sat him down at the kitchen table, placing a plate with a turkey sandwich and some chips in front of him along with a glass of sweet tea.
He dug into the meal, immediately realizing just how hungry he really was. By the time he’d finished the sandwich (which really didn’t take that long), Melanie appeared with a laundry basket full of stuff. Tom washed down his meal with some tea before speaking.
“Jesus, Mel, how much does it take to patch up some blisters?” he asked.
“First off, don’t be takin’ the Lord’s name in vain in this house,” she commanded, pointing her head towards her mother in the living room, to which Tom covered his mouth and shot a thumbs up. “And second, I figured it best just to grab all my stuff than dig through it.”
She plopped the basket on the table and herself into the seat next to Tom, stealing a chip from his plate. It crunched in her mouth as she began pulling out random things like a stethoscope, a blood pressure cuff, and meds.
“What’s that all for?” Tom asked, brows furrowed. Melanie gave back an equally confused look and went back to digging.
“What do you mean? They’re just medical supplies.”
“Well, yeah, but I mean why do you have a stethoscope and stuff?”
She paused what she was doing and looked back up at Tom.
“You do know I’m a nurse, right?” she asked. She immediately knew he didn’t by the way his eyes popped open.
After high school, Melanie had been able to go off and get her nursing degree, now working in the closest hospital which was, you guessed it, 45 minutes away.
She usually worked 12 hour shifts at the hospital Tuesday through Thursday, spending her other days at home so she could respond to small needs around town, especially on weekends when people liked to get drunk and be reckless.
“Oh, wow. I didn’t realize that. Good for you,” Tom replied, unsure of what else to say.
“It’s alright. You’ve been gone quite a while and we all know you ain’t checking in on what happens ‘round these parts no more. Now take this and let me grab the aloe from the fridge,” she said, dropping two advil on his plate and getting up.
Tom did as told, feeling the weight of what she had dismissively said. He really hadn’t checked in since leaving. Sure, his brothers and Harrison sometimes kept him in the loop. At least, he thought so.
He was trying to remember what the last big piece of news he had heard about home was, but came up short. He couldn’t even remember the last time he had seen anything on social media about home, since he’d unfollowed most of the people back home after his career took off.
They all reminded him of y/n anyways.
“You mind if I put some of this on your face?” Melanie asked, snapping him out of his thoughts. He obliged and she spread some of the cool aloe gel over his sunburn.
“Feel better?” she asked, to which he nodded. “Good, now let’s take a look at those blisters.”
She cringed when she saw how beat up his feet were. She pulled out a bit of numbing gel, hydrocolloid bandages, and fabric tape. Soon enough, she had his blisters all covered up and was handing him some more bandages and tape.
“Now I want you to leave these on as long as possible, alright? When they fall off or the spot in the middle gets too big, you’ll switch ‘em out for new. You should be in ship shape here in a few days. And you best not forget sunscreen from now on.”
“Will do. Thanks again, Mel. Hard to believe I’ve been gone long enough for you to become a nurse and all, huh?” Tom asked, half joking. Melanie nodded.
“Yeah, well. ‘Lot’s changed around here, even if it don’t look like it. You’d be surprised… Now before I forget...” Melanie quickly got up and left the room, returning with two wood and metal contraptions. “Here’s some boot stretchers to put in your shoes when you get home. Should help stretch ‘em out and I’m sure the boys would lend you some leather conditioner.”
With that, Tom put his boots back on and thanked Mrs. Carmichael for the meal, heading back outside. He found Mr. Carmichael sitting on the now-functioning four wheeler.
“Well, boy, you all good?” the older man asked.
“Yes sir. Melanie got me all taped up and your wife made a great lunch. So what else do you need me to do?”
Mr. Carmichael looked around for a moment, staring at a few things, then back at Tom.
“Well I got the rest all watered and y/n won’t be around with fertilizer till tomorrow so why don’t you go home and rest up those feet, eh?”
Tom tried to object, as it was still quite early in the day, but the old man wouldn’t have it. He eventually conceded and gave one last thank you, hopping into his old truck and heading home, pondering why y/n would be bringing fertilizer in the coming day.
A/N: hope you guys are liking this story so far! I really love the time jumping, and the progression of it in future chapters is really cool!
Send a message or ask if you’d like to be added to my permanent or series taglists so I can verify you’ve been added!
Tag list: @jackiehollanderr, @one-big-fangirl, @l0lmk, @primadonnasdream, @bookworm06, @thenoddingbunny-blog, @agentnataliahofferson, @spider-babe, @stxfxniexreads, @mortallythoughtfulgurl, @onebigolemess, @justafangirlduh,
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32flavasshoetique · 4 years
thai mailorder brides
If you are searching for a Thai girl for relationship, you need to begin your searchfor a Thai bride listed below. Meet Oriental gals and also females coming from the Thai, Cebu Metropolitan Area. Meet manies Cebu ladies dating en route to Cebu City as well as find your Thai bride.
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Thai ladies for marriage
Thai women (Filipinas) are certainly not similar to Main International females. Too big are actually the variations. Equal rights between women and also guys, as we understand them listed here, carries out certainly not exist in the Thai.
Are the clichés regarding Thai females remedy?
The cliché about Thai women for relationship states that a Filipina regularly carefully touches her hubby; they regularly take excellent treatment of their other half or even partner. They are actually taken into consideration warmhearted, loving, good mommies as well as loyal better halves. Additionally, thai mailorder brides are diligent and also adjustable.
Thai females are seeking safety in the connection; they prefer a companion who takes care of other half and household. When a Thai lady has actually discovered the man she enjoys, she will certainly attempt to read the partner’ s every desire as well as produce his lifestyle as comfy as possible.
Is that all right? You absolutely may not shuffle all Thai girls for marital relationship on a comb. However the overall task appropriation differs rather from that of our birthplace. That a Thai cares muchmore regarding the youngsters, the family and the family is actually surely a simple fact. As well as, obviously, a foreigner is counted on to handle his Thai partner.
This care concept is also really essential for lots of thai mailorder brides. A lot of Filipinas stem from bad households, and also the ” wealthy ” immigrant might delight to the Thai girl from these scenarios. It usually performs certainly not matter if the foreign partner is a few years or even years older than his Filipina, as well as perhaps carries out certainly not also resemble a goal male.
As for the age variation: when in Europe an aged gentleman strolls in love witha young lady, then he could be certain of several crucial glimpses. Not so in the Thai: There it is ordinary as well as allowed that a person, if he can manage it, possesses a muchyounger girlfriend. Certainly not just foreigners, however likewise Thais. You commonly listen to: grow older is merely a variety.
Argument: The youthful attractive Thai female is simply along withhim due to the fact that he possesses loan. Is this right?
Cannot be combined. And can certainly not the very same occur at home?
There are actually a lot of examples where partnerships in between a Thai and an immigrant job very well, but there are likewise loads of examples of where partnerships have actually neglected eventually. Where is the variation to property? Likewise, there suffice instances where man has dropped a bunchof money in the connection or termination of such. It just suggests: carry out not be as well innocent, safe on your own & hellip; as well as look around the country a bit, learn more about the people better, obtain recommendations coming from other deportees & hellip;
Cultural differences are there, as well as one is consistently startled, just how the Thai partner in some cases incomprehensible reaction. If you are actually along witha Thai girl for marriage, know to become client. Every now and then, it will certainly take you to incandescence, for example if there is actually a problem, you intend to speak withher, and your Thai partner disregards you for a day. Carry out not fret about it, you can not alter it. Have determination, delay, the upcoming time every little thing is actually alright again, and also she will definitely coincide caring companion again as in the past. Easy mentioned (and I have certainly not regularly been actually easy on that), yet possessing a delighted partnership along witha Filipina also means being actually enlightened!
Thai mail order bride-to-be: The family of the companion
Anyone that lives or is married to a Thailand will soon learn that the family here operates in a different way than in the home in Europe. In the Thai there is actually no pension device like ours; listed here the children possess the duty to maintain their parents. Now that your Thai partner is actually withan immigrant, who naturally is actually ” wealthy, ” and she is instantly rich, she is counted on to take responsibility for assisting her moms and dads, grandparents, siblings, etc.
Even thoughthe Thai partner comprehends that you possess a toughtime working for your amount of money and also are not rich, she is often put under a bunchof tension coming from her household to sustain the household. What can receive your companion right into a difficult situation?
How to manage it? Everybody needs to choose on their own. It’ s definitely fine if you give your partner some money, so that she sometimes delivers some presents to her family members, or maybe pays her power expense, if they can certainly not spend once again. Yet you ought to likewise take care not to be manipulated. If the family of your Thai receives everything she desires, she is going to like you, but typically simply so long as they acquire one thing.
And if you give your household a certain quantity of casheachmonth, that does certainly not suggest they have additional cash. This commonly indicates that they operate muchless, since they may depend on your loan. A specific amount of parasitical behavior can be seen from time to time.
Get to understand Thai ladies for marriage
The terrific ladies coming from Thailand are really demanded due to the men. They develop a relaxing home for their partner and also look after him. For instance, they make sure when they are sick. Especially to be highlighted is her major heart. Additional realities about the appeal, character, teasing pointers or where guys may learn more about Thai females are actually explained in the following short article.
Thai Girls: Learn more about the appeal of the Thai ladies
Thai women are highly in demanded by Western males as well as they locate all of them extremely attractive. For instance, their charming smile is extremely eye-catching. Her lengthy, black and glossy hair, the tanned skin tone, the black, sizable eyes and the slimmer figure are actually typical, also in to seniority, as they eat well.
Her appeal is clean and also the style of apparel is actually good. Thai ladies for marital relationship emit womanhood as well as consequently several men like to get to know Thai ladies. The thai mailorder brides always intend to be actually eye-catching and also hot for the partner.
What is the personality as well as way of thinking of Thai girls for relationship?
In general, the Thai ladies are actually really organic, respectful, but at the start somewhat booked. Other great highqualities that are thus effectively obtained throughwestern men are actually the highstatus of the household, loyalty, carefulness, virtue and also down-to-earthiness.
These values are actually already sent in learning. After overcoming a Thai female, she will always observe the loved ones as the most significant aspect as well as fight for it. In great as well as bad times you may rely on them. She offers a bunchof love, is passionate and understanding.
Thai females wed –- what should be actually appreciated?
In Thailand, it is traditional to ” trigger ” the Thai woman for marital relationship along withher moms and dads against a certain total of funds prior to a wedding. The ” bride-to-be funds ” relies on the state of the household within the society. For a poor, country female, between 20,000 as well as 50,000 baht, as well as for richer family members the sum could be approximately millions of baht. If the wedding ceremony is actually to happen in Europe, the Fiancé visa is needed for the Thai lady. It generally secures 3 months; an extension of another 3 months is additionally achievable in Europe. This moment has to also be actually used, because a time period of 6 to 8 full weeks ought to be actually included for refining the files. So she may get in Europe and wed however the tourist visa is actually inadequate. The papers required to issue the visa are actually nearly the like the necessary marriage forms:
Single certificate
healthinsurance policy
house paper
If the files are full, you can get wed without registering at a registry office. If the bride and groom now plans to live in Europe, a visa withthe reason of ” loved ones reunification ” is required.
What carries out a Thai mail order better half get out of her companion?
Mainly Thai girls intend to begin a family members and also possess children. Nevertheless, financial security is additionally significant to them because specific areas in Thailand are impacted by poverty. A thai mailorder brides wants to really feel shielded and also looked after. She appreciates being actually a guy if he is loyal, eager, reputable and tireless. Of the Thai males, they are somewhat made use of to negative. The Thai women are actually quite sensitive to edge neglecting, they nearly never ever forgive, as well as they as if to retaliate or upset.
What is there to recognize when acquiring accustomed witha Thai girl?
The man need to constantly get on, sincere and also open withthe Thai girl. Presents are actually terrific for Thai ladies, like attractive blossoms. It is additionally useful to talk Englishor perhaps better Thai. The Thai girls are rather scheduled. If they are actually not at the 1st meeting, this may be as a result of numerous contacts withmen.
Where can you satisfy Thai ladies for relationship?
In major cities, in particular Thai bistros or special massage therapy workshops, the chance of learning more about Thai females is actually higher. A muchbetter variant is the World wide web, including Facebook or even identical. More success can be expected from a courting firm. These organizations reachbeautiful thai mailorder brides that are interested in a partnership as well as they mean top quality.
from 32flavas https://ift.tt/39pkHgq via IFTTT
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