#and fleas little floaty hair bits
fle4floves · 8 months
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AA AA WHAT!!!!!!! /POS
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tempest-toss · 1 year
Tempest Little Mister blurbs #3 (21-30)
Mr. Hunt The first of the new generation, Mr. Hunt was made for an action-packed beginning. Love of cryptids exploded when he was made, and so he was designed to help track down and hunt these creatures of urban legend, from bigfoot to the chupacabra to Mothman. He has recently suffered an attack that has left him unable to use an eye and has filled him with a massive mistrust towards people, especially if they were patches with a red white and black circular pattern.
Ms. Lake Ms. Lake is one of the more tragic Little Misters. Originally, she was made for edutainment. She had nice blue clothes, and her long hair swooped around and formed a small pond to house smaller aquatic specimens. Unfortunately while in service she stumbled upon a murderous couple dumping a body. Even though she didn’t know this, the couple lured her to the water edge and proceeded to drown and attack her, leaving her body seemingly permanently disfigured. *
Mr. Shadow  There exists a sign that is periodically found around the Factory floor. “Feeling a bit drained? Don’t forget to check for lurkers in your shadow!” This was made to remind workers of Mr. Shadow. Mr. Shadow is one of the few Little Misters to have an almost/complete lack of human features, and that is because he is 2D. Mr. Shadow is his namesake, and can travel from shadow to shadow. Can’t find him but still feel fine? Maybe keep an ear out for his low, sinister laughter.
Little Mr. Bone When Three left Little Mr. Halloween was feeling very lonely, for there was no one that could celebrate the spooky season with him. Enter Little Mr. Bone, A small skeleton that likes to play and receive lots of sweets! He is oddly well-versed in first aid, and will always be up for a fun game. Just don’t play hide and seek in a haunted house attraction, since he can dim his golden hues to blend in with the props.
Little Ms. Ghost  Scared of spectres? Phobia of phantoms? Little Ms. Ghost is right for you if you wish to get over that fear of yours. Despite her small appearance and her translucent nature, she was created as a personal guardian, and she will do whatever it takes to make sure you are protected by everything that may go bump in the night. Just make sure you never extinguish her lantern.
Mx. Clockwork  According to rumors, a human worked the clocktower of the old factory and got crushed. Since they were such a key worker, Dr. Wondertainment made them into Mx. Clockwork. Dr. Wondertainment has gone on record to deny this, and does not tolerate the spreading of this rumor. Mx. Clockwork bears a unique design, with a human “shell” that houses a wide assortment of gears inside that are constantly turning. It appears they are the inspiration of the Troupe of Shadow’s sideshow member “Gears”
Mx. Helium Lighter than air, the floaty Mx. Helium is always up for a good time. Usually not seen without their three large heart balloons or a weight strapped to their waist, you should normally find Mx. Helium hanging around the factory’s hangar space or Party Practice Room. They’re the most ditzy out of the Little Misters, and is often found stuck to the ceiling for misplacing their weights. Considering how much they bump into the ceiling, it’s amazing how their pristine white clothing is not dirtied up.
Mr. Silent  Sometimes one needs some time to vent to others about all their troubles in the world, and Mr. Silent would love to help you. Plain dressed, friendly body language and the inability to speak in any regard. Rumors of the workers say that his permanent silence is to hide a sonic scream that can absolutely shatter walls. This has by no means been proven, but it does seem like an interesting thing to think about, no?
Ms. Mouse Did you know that fleas are actually what spread the plague, and they rode on the rats? Well, not a lot of people know this, and blame the scampering squeakers. Not only that, but mice are viewed as vermin anyway, so how must this problem be solved? How about a person that has mouse ears? Ms. Mouse will be here to save the day! With a quick song you’ll see the mice follow after her like the Pied Piper. There’s totally nothing else about her…right?
10. Mr. Nurse War is constantly happening. People suffer from the outside world, and people take their anger or selfishness out on the Little Misters. Mr. Nurse was made to help both. With tired eyes and an equally tired expression, Mr. Nurse is often bustling around, tending to wounds on battlefields, civil unrest, and various other tragedies. He has endured much more than the average person or Little Mister. Scratch his messy grey hair, he needs some relax time.
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savagenutella46 · 4 years
Jasonette~ Hogwarts AU
To Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Amortentia smells like baking on a snowy day, or the warm feeling in between your fingers and palms when they latch onto a hot mug of chamomile tea. It’s the smell of the underlying scent of mint immediately hitting her senses when she walks into her home for Christmas break.
The aroma of this ethereal substance is calming, soft, like the fuzziness of a brand new blanket you get from a flea market, or the soft, wispy fur of her purring Maine Coon. Amortentia is everywhere she wants to be and anything she has ever wanted to experience.
Except, she’s never fully subjected her mind to the possibility that, oh, love can be stored in a person, rather than a sentimental object or activity.
Marinette wafts another cloud of the potion from the tiny vial towards her nose, trying to identify the new, but not unwelcomed smell.
“Still can’t believe you stole that.” Jason, her dearest friend, who loves to craft things with his own hands and plays as a wonderful Beater in Quidditch, leans forward from across the table. They’re in the Great Hall, supposed to be studying. Instead, they joke around and idly flip random pages of their textbook, something Madam Kyle, the librarian, would definitely throw them out for.
That’s why they aren’t in the library.
She flicks her eyes upwards to stare at him. “I still can’t figure it out.” Jason rolls his eyes and reaches for the vial to snatch it out of her hands, the slim cork slipping into the opening with a small hiss.
“Tell me what it smells like out of memory.” She ponders for a moment, fiddling with her fingers as she recalls the new aroma stuck to the walls of her nose.
“It’s... sort of like, gunpowder. Broomstick oil? It’s definitely not a new smell, but something I wouldn’t associate with myself.” Her eyes trace the dark wooden lining of the table unconsciously as she wracks her brain for a possible origin. Jason coughs, and she snaps her eyes back to him.
He looks a little flustered. A light pink tints the tops of his cheekbones, his pupils are abnormally dilated, and she almost can’t see the beautiful blue in them.
“Marinette, don’t you think it might be someone else, rather than an object?” Someone? She had briefly thought of the possibility, but no one could come to mind fast enough for her to keep pondering on the topic.
“No?” Jason sighs, and the pop of the cork sounds again, meaning he’s opened the vial. She watches as he smells it himself, and looks at him questioningly.
“The immediate smell that hits your nose after you open an old book, the tingly feeling your hand gets when that someone else slips theirs into yours, the floaty feeling you get when Madam Kyle kicks you out of the library for causing a ruckus.” Marinette giggles a little bit, and Jason continues to list off his favorite feelings.
“Oh, and that time you knitted me a sweater. I still wear it, you know. It used to smell like you after you wandered down to the common room with damp hair.” She blinks in surprise, but he keeps taking.
“You, in general, Marinette.” Jason slides the small bottle back across the table to her, to which she reaches for it with numb fingers. “Because, I-I, um, you’re my comfort, what I smell.” Jason’s eyes are burning into hers with a fiery determination she’s never seen on him before.
“You’re what I’m reminded of on a boring day, what reminds me to do my homework, because we have a Charms exam the next day. I think of you every time I lay in bed, because you’re memory helps me sleep.” Marinette gapes at him, and he reaches over to squeeze her limp hand.
“You—you’re my smell.” She says, realizing, under the soft glow of the Great Hall’s floating candle, she knows. Jason Todd is her hearts desire, amongst the baked goods and spicy, warm smells of plants. She loves to see Jason oiling his broom, watching him play against other houses, cherishes the moment the game is over and he rushes over to hug and twirl her around, loves to hear him gush about his latest book read, how he analyzes every characters dynamic and the story’s plot.
And she is Jason’s.
Jason stares at her, smiling so widely she thought his mouth might break. The blush on his cheeks are intensified and run down his neck, past his deep red Gryffindor tie. She realizes that in that moment, Jason Todd might be more than her best friend.
She smiled back with matching intensity and squeezes his hand, hard.
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slimetoad67 · 5 years
I am the meanest dog owner EVER.
FIRST OFF, Silly was getting on my nerves, so I drowned him.
THEN TWooie was getting on my nerves, so I drowned him too.
Drowned him DEAD!  And waited until his stiff bloated corpse washed back up onto the sand.  And then I LAUGHED!
Then I said MEAN things to Maisie about her parents, like ‘Your mama was a Golden Retriever,” and made her SAD.
Then I started a DOGFIGHTING operation!  With dogs that can FLY!
Or, you know, I took everyone swimming at the slough because it was 8 million degrees outside today and got hotter by 17 degrees each time I thought to myself “wow is it ever hot.”  It’s so hot that I wore SHORTS today.  You may not know this about me, but I **loathe** shorts.  I think they’re an insult to fashion (and I have no fashion sense!).  But I wanted to go into the water too, so I wore boy’s board shorts.  The top half of me is brown as a berry, but the bottom half is white, like TWooie’s corpse.
We like this new swimming place, because there’s usually nobody there except us, and it’s got a sandy beach, and Silly isn’t smart enough to find the path back up to the walkway and run halfway to Alberta before I notice he’s missing.  Win win all around!
Silly is actually getting a lot better about sticking around; we’ve worked really hard on recalls and lots of rewards and he’s finding it more fun to hang out with us than it is to run off to do whatever it is he does when he runs off.  He leaves for his new forever home this weekend, and I am actually going to miss the little (okay, ENORMOUS) booger quite a bit.  Also I am jealous of his new upcoming life in frickin’ BELIZE.
That will leave just Crazy Miss Maisie to find a home for.  Maisie, who has decided to become less and less border collie every day, for some reason.  She remains a super high octane doggie with an NO STOP ONLY GO attitude toward life, but physically she has decided to bulk out like The Hulk and become some kind of mystery mix.
She’s still super cute though.  And lots of fun, though still a challenge!  She is pretty independent minded and sometimes I’ll, say, call her to come and she’ll stand and eyeball me and weigh her choices before deciding whether to come get a cookie or saunter off and find her own reward.  You can actually SEE the wheels crankin’ along in her cranium while she conveyor-belts her options through the decision-making process.  She’s going to make someone laugh a lot in their life together!
And speaking of independent-minded … Mr. Woo has become rather cranky in his old age.  Tonight I asked him to come out of his hidey-hole under my chair to I could put his flea treatment on and he, while staring me bald-faced in the eyeball, refused to come out.  So when I reached under to grab his collar, he decided to snap off two or three of my fingers.  Asshole.  Maybe he’s still ashamed of his sad little penis-tail … which is growing hair and now covered in a very thin and sad little layer of peach fuzz.
He doesn’t have the same enthusiasm for swimming he did in his younger, oranger years, but he can still be convinced to go in for a paddle for his Wootie Toy(tm), provided there’s a cookie at the end of his swim.
I even convinced* his brother to go in for a dip today
(*lured him out to floating depth with a cookie and then gave him a light push, like a floaty toy, and he bobbed away further into the water before figuring out how to steer himself back to shore)
and this is how he repaid me.  He is still, 7 hours later, holding onto about 81 lbs of sand which he intends to shed onto my bed this evening, I’m sure.
Peetie + water = diving.  I should really try dock diving with Slender Dog.
Although I’m not really sure I understand what’s happening in this photo.
I feel confident she too will miss Silly, based on the expression on her face in this photo.
I plunked both Spring and Fae into the water for a swim as well, but since both of them splashed so frantically fast back to shore and I was using a long lens, I have no photographic proof of it.
My neighbour Wendy showed us this to place for swimming a couple of weeks ago.  She has a super cute Kelpie puppy, who doesn’t steal everyone else’s water toys and hoard them on the beach (I’m looking at you, Maisie)
I didn’t get any photos of Dexter today, but this one from a couple of weeks ago is a pretty accurate representation of all swimming outings with Dexter.
And then there is Miss Pants, who is allergic to raindrops, but magnetically attracted to large bodies of water.  She remains a 2D enigma.
In other news, I’ve been invited to photograph dock diving at our local fair next month (I said “local fair.”  I think I officially live in the country now.) which is exciting, because I’ve never photographed that sport before.  Also exciting is that the giant pile of dirt and logs that lives between my Big Tin Can On Wheels and the poultry pen has been almost entirely tractored away, which means I can put up a real fence and my dogs will have their own yard to play in!  Sometimes I remember that I used to live in an apartment on the 11th floor and rolled my eyes when someone said “How do you do it without a yard?”  and wonder if that actually ever was even real.
Now if you will excuse us, it’s back to sitting and sweating …
Source: http://wootube.net/2018/07/meanie/
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