#and five months later EEEE
trblsvt · 1 year
so um also happy 300 <3
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catracorner962 · 3 years
Beautiful Children Ch. 6
Now back from hiatus!
Adora and Catra have a good time, Adora suffers a dinner party and a betrayal.
Like what I do? Consider buying me a Ko-fi! <3
*Warning for mentions of child abuse and trauma*
“Yes, of course! We can set course for Rarion in,” Adora glanced at Glimmer from her gilded chair in the throne room; the Queen of Brightmoon eyed her from her own throne, mouthing an unmistakable,
In six turns, through her lips.
“In six turns!” Adora repeated aloud. The Rarion delegation exchanged a confused glance between themselves, muttering in a language Adora could not discern.
“Shhh!” Catra hissed at Finn, holding them out as far away from her as possible while still keeping them on her lap. Adora gripped the bar of her chair tightly.
No, shhh, please Finn, quiet! I promised Glimmer you’d be good.
The tallest Rarion, the leader of their group, glared at her wife and their-not-yet-but-hopefully-soon-with-some-convincing-permenantly-adopted-child.
Even as Shera, the Rarion ambassador sneered,
“My people have waited eons for the magic of Rario to be awoken! If Queen Glimmer and her champion would rather babysit kittens then do their duty, perhaps Etheria is not deserving of their own magic.”
“Pffftling! Ahhh! Hehehe! Ghaaa!” Finn reached for the rattle Catra held in her hand, trying to grab at it and stuff it into their mouth. Adora focused on the sight of it, trying to dampen her rage. Still, the familiar shine of magic flashed behind her eyes, nearly summoning her sword.
This is not what I meant when I wanted to continue working as Shera!
“Ambassador,” Glimmer stood from her throne with a reglaness that still surprised Adora, “Shera and I look forward to bringing the rightful magic of  Rario back to your people. But we still have many duties here on Etheria still,” Adora could feel Glimmer’s eyes on her back,
“we will go to Rario in six turns. No sooner, no later. That is my offer. Do you accept?”
“Plllfffinging! Goooogaa!” Finn shrieked, their blue eyes widening as they tried to leap forward at the toy. Catra cursed not so subtly, trying to hush them once more. Her heterochromatic eyes burned with suppressed anger, towards the ambassador or Finn, Adora didn’t know. The uncertainty sent a chill through her spine.
Your Shera, get it together! You said you wanted to do more work around the palace and help Glimmer...even with Finn, this is what that looks like! And you already embarrassed the entire court with your uncontrollable child! The ambassador insulted Glimmer and it is all your fault!
“Eeee!” Finn exploded in giggles, catching the toy at last and biting into it with furious gluttony. It had been five months since they were initially brought back from Brightmoon and they were finally starting to make louder, more frequent sounds...and show an interest in stalking and hunting their toys. Adora flinched at the otherwise tense silence, the Rarion delegation turned once more to scrutinize the baby, and Catra with judgemental disapproval.
She watched her wife rise, with Finn, and held her breath.
“Apologies,” she muttered through clenched teeth, “I will excuse myself until the kit has settled. Queen Glimmer: permission to leave?” Adora watched the once former Horde Force Captain adjust Finn to her hip.
“Granted,” Glimmer quipped. Catra bowed to her, then turned to the delegation:
“Your….excellencies,” she tried. “Rest assured I will deliberate with the Queen on our mission to Rario and send you reports in due time. Six turns and your planet will be as magical as Etheria.” Adora’s chest swelled with pride, trying poorly to conceal her beaming face at Catra’s decorum. She bowed again one last time to the ambassador and carried Finn from the room, still squealing and gurgling with their rattle.
“I expect reports from you and your adviser in one turn,” the ambassador snipped. He bowed stiffly towards Adora, then to Glimmer before motioning his delegation from the throne room. The doors shut with a clang and Adora let out the breath she didn’t realize she’d been holding.
“I’m sorry,” she managed, wiping her forehead with the back of her hand as sparks dissolved, now back to her usual size. Glimmer sighed, descending from her throne.
“It’s fine Adora, apparently my mom said Rarion has always been a difficult planet. They’re the ones who’ve been leading the: Etheria-was-better-off-in-Despondos movement.”
“I know Finn was a distraction, I’ll figure something out...I know it’s been turns but...I just...we don’t have a nursemaid, I can’t ask the princesses and the last guard  we left them with got clawed.”
Bow’s warm hand landed on her shoulder, soothing as ever.
“Hey, it’s okay. Glimmer and I said we’d help you. It’s fine that Finn is in meetings,”
There’s a but, there’s always a but...he’s trying to find a way to put it nicely.
“ Maybe just bring a bottle or something with you next time for them to feed on while the adults are chatting?”
“Good idea,” Glimmer piped up, her icy demeanor from earlier evaporating.
“I didn’t realize what I was signing up for when I said I wanted more Shera duties,” Adora managed a nervous laugh.
“I told you we didn’t have as much need for her!” Glimmer laughed as though it were a good thing. “You don’t have to come to these meetings! I’ve told you, as long as Catra can be here for part of it, it’s fine and even then I can always debrief you both afterwards if needed.”
Glimmer was trying to be reassuring, and helpful of course but Adora couldn’t quell the sourness in her stomach,
No matter how nice Bow and Glimmer are about it, I know it’s not ideal. Why is raising a baby so lonely even with good friends helping?
“Thanks guys,” Adora smiled, genuine, thanking Mara for friends like these even when it was so isolating. “I better go check on Catra.”
Bow and Glimmer nodded, opening the large throne room door for her.
“Oh! Don’t forget Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio arrive tonight!”
“That’s tonight?” This time Adora could not suppress the groan in her voice.
“Yes, we talked about it in the meeting this morning,” Glimmer reminded her gently.
“I wasn’t at the meeting,” Adora replied, guilt eating at her again. “You said I didn’t have to go because I was up all night with Finn?”
“And I was right!” Glimmer smiled, “Adora it’s okay. I’m just telling you since you weren’t there.  They are visiting for the next few days.”
“I’ll be there for the next meeting, I promise!”  Adora vowed cheerfully.
Even if Finn has another bad night. I can do it. I don’t need as much rest as Shera, I could just transform into her all day tomorrow if I need. I did it last week for three days. It’s worse afterward but...I can be Shera and Finn’s mom. I got this.
“Okay, well, we’ll see you tonight in the banquet hall, and have Catra come to my study sometime this afternoon okay?”
“You got it!”
Glimmer grabbed Bow’s hand, teleporting them away in a plume of pink glittery magic.
Adora let out a long breath, shoulder’s sagging. She rubbed her heavy eyes and stretched her back,
“Mmmmmgh! You got this Adora,” she repeated to herself walking back to her and Catra’s quarters, “you’ll go back, congratulate Catra on her wonderful show of diplomacy, kiss her,” a silly little grin came to her lips at the thought,
  Hug Catra and then play with Finn, make sure they eat before the dinner, get ready, get Catra to Glimmer’s study...well I should do that first before getting ready for dinner...oh and have to make sure Finn takes a nap,
her never ending list of to-do’s scrolled through her mind as she climbed the stairs. She was almost thankful for the long walk back. Walking to and from different priorities for the day had become her only alone time.
Not long enough, as Catra burst through the door to their room as soon as Adora turned down the long corridor.
Must have heard me coming.
“There you are!”
“Sorry, I…”
“It’s fine,” Catra grumbled, her hair falling from it’s ponytail all over the place, her ears pinned to the back of her head.
“Is Finn…?”
“Finn’s fine, Adora, just fine. Now that they ruined a meeting and made us look like complete idiots with a planet we’re trying to forge an alliance with. They won’t stop chewing their rattle and then getting angry when they can’t bite through it.”
“Who knew magikits get their teeth so much sooner than other species,” Adora wondered aloud, shutting the door behind her as to keep the rest of the palace from Finn’s hysterical hisses and screeches.
Catra scoffed, walking briskly from their sitting room to the bedroom.
“We looked like total fools!” She shouted.
Finn, adjusted their newest toy, a stuffed scorpion in their mouth and tugged at it, drool dripping onto their fattened little fists.
“Finny, you’re going to ruin the toy Aunt Scorpia gave you!” Adora’s mood instantly improved, beholding Finn, enamored with their toy.
“What did they do when you were teething?” Adora tugged at the toy playfully.
“They beat me with whatever I was chewing on.”
The light died in her chest instantly.
I shouldn’t have asked. Oh stars of course they did, how could I be so stupid?
“Catra,” Adora stood, turning from Finn to walk towards their bedroom.
“Sometimes it was a sock or a mat. Other times a stun baton. Usually a stun button,” Catra tugged the elastic out of her hair and shook out her brown locks.
“I didn’t know Catra, I’m so sorry.”
“Yeah well, you’ve never been very observant.”
Her words hit like a punch in the gut, Adora bit her tongue, standing awkwardly.  From the mirror on her bureau Catra paused, dropping her arms from her hair and coming to sit beside Adora.
“No, that was mean of me. I know growing up there wasn’t easy for you either.”
Adora managed a painful smile, nodding.
“It wasn’t.”
Catra took her hands, squeezing them and lifted a finger to kiss her knuckles.
“I shouldn’t have insulted you. You were doing what you had to do to survive.”
“We both survived,” Adora returned kisse to Catra’s own fingers.
“That’s right. We did,” her wife affirmed.
“Eaaaahhh!” Finn dissolved into tears. Catra moaned, rolling her eyes, the hair on her tail puffing and pupils dilating.
“I’ll get them,” Adora gave one last kiss to Catra’s cheek.
“No,” Catra stood, “you’ve been running around all day, sit.”
Adora watched her saunter from their room, tail swishing idley behind her in tune with her hips.
“Hey you little shit,” Adora could hear her wife murmur from the other room, whether it was affectionate, genuinely annoyed or both she couldn’t quite tell. To her credit, as far as Adora had observed, Catra had somewhat calmed her initial refusal at Finn’s presence in their lives. She was no longer outwardly hostile to them and on occasion, like today, even took initiative to look after them. Still, Adora forced herself to quell any rising hopes that Catra would embrace any semblance of motherhood with open arms. It wasn’t as though she was doing perfectly with it either.
Just yesterday I got Finn’s tail caught in the door, and then scared them during peek-a-boo. Who knew transforming into Shera and surprising them would freak them out so much!
Catra had adjusted insofar as she would assure Finn was content and more or less safe. Not loved, not happy...but cared for adequately.
Am I pushing her too hard? Bow said maybe we could just foster Finn until we found someone else to raise them. She agreed to that. Is it too much to ask for more? Am I demanding too much? After everything? She’s accepted Shera...accepted my duty...fought with us against the Brotherhood of Prime, married me. If I am asking her to be a mother too...Is that too much?
“Adora, Etheria to Adora!”
She blinked out of her contemplation to see Catra in the doorway. Hip cocked and tail flicking. Her gold and blue eyes gleaming in the mid-afternoon sun.
“H...hey Catra,” she whispered through an embarrassed giggle.
“I got them down for now, who knows how long it will last.”
“Thank you,” Adora’s chest swelled with appreciation, for all her resignations, Catra was trying.
“We should make the most of it, don’t you think?” Her wife’s tone instantly changed, one hand coming up and touching Adora’s face, fingertips trailing her jaw. Adora shivered pleasantly allowing that warm touch to dissipate any fear or doubt.
“Glimmer wanted you to meet her in her office,” Adora sucked in a breath at Catra’s lips now kissing her neck, nibbling at the tight skin there.
“Sparkles can wait,” Catra continued kissing, pressing her weight down on Adora and lowering her down into the bed.
“Mmmm but we have that dinner tonight,” Adora’s mind ping-ponged, from Catra’s fingers minstrating against her sides and her kisses to the ever ongoing monologue of worry.
“That’s hours away,” Catra kissed her lips before Adora could protest, allowing her wife to take the air from her words. “We hardly ever get time for this,” she continued running her fingers up Adora’s sides, retracted claws barely grazing against her flesh up and down. She shuddered happily.
She has a point, between Finn’s recent teething fusses waking them every two hours and the combined exhaustion of the two of them, they usually ended up just going to sleep they crawled into bed together.
She’s right. More time taking care of Finn means less time for things like this.
Adora reached up, tangling her fingers through Catra’s brown curls, eliciting a small groan from the woman. Catra rolled her hips, bracketing Adora’s on either side.
You can want this Adora, it’s okay to want. To desire. What are you doing? Don’t just lay there! She’s kissing you, her hands are on your….oh, now on your breasts, she’s straddling you! Do something!
Hoping it wasn’t loud enough to wake Finn, Adora allowed herself to transform fully into Shera, the magic of desire and need and love, oh such devotional untold amounts of love, poured from her as she grew.  Transformation complete, she wasted no time, taking Catra’s slim waist in her hands and rolling the woman over onto the bed, pinning her with her knee between her legs.
“Ah!” Catra all but squeaked out, face flushed. Adora, now Shera loomed over her, taking in every inch of that beautiful, flustered lithe body.  She bent down, kissing her lovingly, unabashed, wet and full and panting. Adora slid her hands upward, across the plane of Catra’s torso to her breasts, taking one fully in her palm and cupping it just tight enough to make her wife squirm with need. More confident as Shera, Adora pressed her knee just slightly against Catra’s pelvis, leaning into the pressure. Catra’s lips parted mid-kiss, with a breathy gasp. She rolled herself against the pressure there, undulating gracefully and rhythmic. Adora kissed her lips, each of her six freckles, each other eyes, against the soft sensitive lobe of her inner ear. Catra gasped, her claws partially released on instinct, gripping Shera’s muscular back. The sudden sensation only sent another fervor of lust through her mind. She yanked Catra’s shirt off altogether with ease, nearly shredding it.
Catra assured her with more kisses, more greedy rolls of her hips. Her own claws undid Shera’s white and gold attire frantically.
“I love you,” Adora whispered through her kisses against her wife’s collar. In answer Catra kissed her back, fingers pulling on her blonde hair.
“Love you,” she gasped as Shera rocked against her once more.
“Mmmmg...fff...waa..” something far away sounded in Adora’s periphery. But Catra’s hands, so warm and smooth against her, every part of her….her head fogged over in pleasure, in Catra, Catra, Catra. Her tongue, her breath, her sweet smell, her bony hips.
A growl sounded from somewhere, deep in Catra’s throat. Adora could feel the thrum of her chest, the vibration of her lungs. Through their kisses, Adora took in her wife’s own air, the sound of her growl and kissed her deeper. Her hands, slid lower, down the contours of Catra to her hips, to the V of her…
“Argh,” warmth was lost from Adora as Catra squirmed out from under her, reaching for her clothes.
“Maybe they’ll go back to sleep?” Adora tried, missing the echo of Catra’s warmth against her.
“No, they won’t. We know they won’t. I’ll get them just...stay there.”  Adora frowned, sitting up on the bed, twiddling her hands, deflated.
Though her hearing was nowhere near as precise, she could hear Catra grumbling, picking up Finn and trying to shush them soothingly.
It’s fine. It’ll be fine. Catra will put Finn back to bed and come back here and we’ll pick up right where we left off. It’s still daylight, she noted watching the golden slants of sunlight glow through the curtains. It’ll be okay. You’re Shera. You’re Shera! Maybe I should go check on them? What if this throws off Catra’s whole mood? It’s happened before. Plenty of times.
Many, many times. Raising Finn came with more than just parenting difficulties.
Adora waited, listening to Finn’s fussing rise from mewls to full on screaming sobbing, back down to meek whimpers and then again to screaming.
“Finn, Finny, you have to calm down,” she could hear Catra soothe from the other room. “You already messed this day up enough just please nap for a little while before this dinner.”
Adora fiddled with her own clothing, nervously ringing the fabric in her fingers. I really should go check on them...no...no Catra can handle this. It’s fine. She can do this.
“Finn! Come on now, I’m not kidding!” A pause, probably her patting them on the back or something. “I mean it! Go to sleep or I swear I will….”
“I swear I will make sure you never see outside this chamber again!”
Adora’s mind flashed to that fateful night.
Shadow Weaver caught us outside the barracks, trying to get to the kitchens. She took us both to the Black Garnet Chamber.  Even as Shera, she shuddered with nausea at the memory of that night. She tortured Catra, restrained her, and worked some spell to make it so that Catra felt stuffed to her stomach, bursting, gagging. I held her hair back for her later when she vomited in the latrine….
Adora stopped. It was easier to pause the spiral of her anxieties as Shera. A balm against her greatest fears.
Catra...and Finn, they’ve stopped talking, stopped crying.
“Shhh….shhh...that’s it...nice and easy now.”
Whatever threat Catra had meant to say, she had stopped herself. Replacing the ominous words with gentle whispers.
Shera’s own thoughts of Catra...of Catra’s hands and her warmth and her noises, her lips...danced back and forth through Adora’s mind. Distractingly so.
“Catra, everything okay in there?”
“Fine!” She whisper yelled, a very specific tone  all too familiar with them now. Adora nodded, waiting. The heat below her belly button had not ceased throbbing. She waited for Catra to get back, determined not to interrupt.
She can do this, no need for Shera to jump in. Just relax. It’ll be okay, it’ll...
Catra walked back into their room unceremoniously, blinking slowly, rubbing her eyes in exhaustion.
Oh no, this is happening, Adora stood, crossing the room in one easy step. With Shera’s bravado and renewed passion. She looped an arm around Catra’s middle, shoving her against the wall.
“Catra,” Adora breathed, her lips grazing her wife’s as she tilted her head downward. The height difference now exaggerated. She braced Catra’s shoulders with her own toned arms. Catra’s breath came heavy, her shoulder’s rising and falling, the hollow of her neck prone.
Adora relished in watching her whole body shudder, bracing against the wall.
“A...Adora,” Catra whispered, voice breaking, looking up at Adora through heavy lidded eyes.
Fire and ice, Adora swept her up, hands going around her wife’s legs, pressing her up and against the wall kissing her ruthlessly. Catra groaned, arching backward, into Adora’s touch. She threaded her fingers through the waistband of Catra’s pants, reaching every downward.
“A...Adora,” she panted against ear desperately, “p….please.”
Catra, my Catra. Mine, Shera’s propensity for domination, from the battlefield to the bedroom, could hold back no more.
Not with Catra quivering against her, kissing her, grinding against her. Adora thrust forward, careful of the extra power she now held, and slid her hand further until her fingers brushed their mark. Catra buckled,
“I got you,” Adora assured her, holding her firm against the wall, Shera’s long golden hair falling between them as she worked her fingers delicately but persistent. Catra threw her head back and Adora reached up, cupping the back of her head, fisting her hair with one hand, the other still occupied. Luckily Shera’s sheer brute strength kept Catra where she was. Small bites from her fangs dotted against Adora’s neck, her skin, her chest, slick with sweat.
“Adora,” Catra repeated her name as a mantra. Husky and low, wanting, almost pitiful. But humbling, Adora thought; to have Catra, so battle hardened and tense like this before her. Open and needing, unafraid and unabashed. To be soft, to be vulnerable, begging, and the trust that lay therein. It drove Adora forward, rolling her hips with each thrust of her fingers.
“Yes, Adora, baby...almost there, come on…”  Adora almost laughed in sheer joy, Catra wanting her, Catra needing her. Her body beseeching with each twitch of muscle and stroke of fingers. Her own hands clutched around Shera’s broad shoulders, pulling at the skin there, taut across her back.
So...good, stars I love her, love everything about her. I want to take every part of me and put it inside every part of you.
Is that sexy or creepy or weird?
I want all of her. I want to give all of me to all of her. Catra...
“You feel so good,” Adora moaned still pushing deeper. Catra’s form tensed, holding her in a death grip. Beyond the point of speech, Catra made a low lusty sound, then stopped, holding her breath, her body tight, so tight. Adora panted, holding her there at the edge. Catra’s legs gripped tight against Shera’s hips, trembling.
Yes, oh yes, Catra...Catra we can still love like this. Every night, every day, every moment we aren’t with Finn we can. I love you, I love you so much. All I want is you, is this.
With Shera’s strength and form, Adora cupped her fingers upward and inward right to that secret, tender, deep spot within. Catra’s body convulsed, claws digging painfully good into Adora’s back.
Adora’s heart soared.
Even as Shera, she wants me. Adora. As I am.
She pressed harder, drawing it out,
“I...l...love...y..you,” Catra spoke through  clenched teeth, holding Adora impossibly tighter.
“Catra! Adoraa--aaaaaa!”
Pink shimmering sparks filled Adora’s vision. Startled, she scrambled backward, wincing at a loud “OOF!” of Catra, no longer pinned against the wall, now crumpling to the ground.
“SPARKELSS!” The magicat seethed.
Shera dissolved as quickly as she’d appeared. Adora, very naked and very much still enamoured with Catra’s breath against her skin just moments before, crossed her arms to cover herself.
“Having sex Sarkles!” Catra seethed, picking herself up off the ground and gathering her clothes. “With my wife! In our room! That is private! That has a door, for knocking!”
“Sorry Glimmer!”
Adora’s face flooded with heat, trying to search for her garments. Catra handed her Shera’s cape.
“Sorry! But I tried knocking and there was no answer!”  Glimmer put her hands to her hips, glaring at them both.
“Hmmm no answer? I wonder why that could be?” Catra yanked on her shirt, tail bristling at the sound of Finn’s wake-up wail.
“I’ll get them!” Adora bolted from the room, grateful to save herself from further humiliation.
Though that’s like the tenth time this has happened. Maybe we should talk  put  protective wards around the room for anti-teleportation.
“Sorry Finny,” Adora scooped up the crying kit, who only screamed louder at the shouting from Catra and Glimmer.
“We have dinner tonight! With dignitaries from the former Fright Zone in twenty minutes! They’re already here!”
“Psh! They’re not dignitaries Sparkles, it’s Kyle Lonnie and Rogelio. They are like the least dignified people I’ve ever met.”
Finn kneaded at Adora’s chest, adding additional red marks to her skin though she minded neither.  Kissing the top of their blonde curls she smiled, breathing in the calming scent of their fur, walking them slowly back to her wife and Glimmer.
“Maybe we’ll send you an invitation next time Sparkles!” Catra sneered, pulling on her pants, “really put Arrow Boy’s...arrow to the test!”
“Can we not do this in front of the baby?” Adora covered one of their little velvet ears protectively. Finn only sniffled, grabbing their tail in their and tugging it forward, attempting to stuff it into their mouth.
“Your disgusting Horde Scum! Shut up and get dressed for dinner. Banquet Hall in twenty! And put Finn in that nice outfit I got them! They’ve never worn it.”
“Yeah, because it’s ugly!”
“It is not!”
“Catra, Glimmer! Can we talk about this later? We have to...Finn that’s not going to work sweety,” Adora gingerly put her hand between their puckering mouth and their tail.
“Use the door next time Sparkles! Like Everyone else!”
Glimmer huffed, rolling her eyes.
“See you in twenty minutes! Bye Finny!” Glimmer waved towards the magikit and stuck her tongue out a Catra before teleporting away.
“Waaahhh!” Finn threw their head back in rage against Adora’s chest as they tried to fight her hand.
“I’m sorry Finn, you can’t eat your own tail!” Adora jostled the enraged magikit.
“Don’t apologize to them!” Catra snapped, turning on them both. “They can’t eat their tail. That’s that. You don’t need to say sorry. It’s not your fault.”
That’s...that’s not what I meant...Finn please just...calm down. Please for my sake?
“I know it’s not my fault,” her voice hardened. “I meant sorry for making them cry.”
Catra’s ears pricked back, hands folding across her chest.
“You didn’t make them cry,” she explained as though it were obvious. “You did the right thing. If they cry that’s their problem. If they’re going to try and eat their tail, we’ll bind it back.”
What? No! We can’t do that….Catra, you out of everyone should know what feels like! Shadow Weaver would bind your tail when we were kids. You always told me how much it hurt.
Adora stole a breath for herself, walking towards Finn’s room to change them despite their fit. She could recall it clearly, herself no more than five, and Catra only three. The binds Shadow Weaver would constrict to keep her tail up, out of the way. One of the many abuses directly aimed at suppressing or destroying Catra’s more….feline features. Adora herself could undo the bandages right now if she imagined it hard enough. Each finger twerking and jerking to pry loose the binds, her own hands bore blisters.
Catra’s wounds were more important. More severe.
“Finn! Hold still!” Adora wrestled with their flailing arms and kicking legs, the swiping tail in question, bat against her forearm. She tried to stuff them into the outfit Glimmer had bought them, pastel purple with so many frills it was hard to tell which hole was for the head, which for the legs, which for the arms.
Catra’s right, this is kinda ugly.
But she didn’t have the energy to argue.
“Please can we just get through this dinner with no upsets? From you or Catra?”  Finn wailed louder, little claws scraping against her skin.
It’s okay, I’m used to it.
Bright smile, friendly voice, open arms. You can do this.
“Lonnie! Kyle! Rogelio!”
“Good to see you Adora,” Lonnie stood from her seat always with balanced dignity and put an arm around Adora’s shoulder.
Didn’t realize how much I missed her!  Adora’s forced smile now changed to genuine.
“Catra,” Lonnie acknowledged, cool but cordial.  Adora gave her wife a slight nudge to the arm that was looped around her.
“Lonnie,” Catra returned with the same ambivalence.
“Sorry we’re late! We had to get this one dressed,” she giggled Finn on her hip who was at last content with a stuffed arrow Bow had made for them. They beat it against Adora’s arm in glee.
“And who’s this one?” Kyle asked, bending down to Finn’s level and wiggling his finger in the baby’s face.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” Catra advised. Finn tried to shoot forward at the hand, their pointy teeth snapping.
“Ahh!” Kyle scrambled back toward Rogelio’s side.
“They bite,” Catra finished. Adora laughed, scooping down to get the dropped toy and edged herself closer to their seats.
“Is that your baby?” Lonnie asked, going to take her spot between Rogelio and Kyle.
Yes! Wait...no? Yes? I...they’re my baby, but I don’t know if they’re Catra’s? Say something Adora! Think!
“Uhhh, it’s…”
“Time to eat!” Glimmer teleported into the room as the double doors opened once more, chef’s from the kitchen streaming in with platters of food.
“Just in time,” Adora laughed, getting Finn settled into the little chair Glimmer had set up beside her. The queen only nodded, understanding.
“Welcome to Brightmoon!” She announced, turning once more to her queenly duties. Adora sat down, allowing herself a brief breath of relief.
“He says we’ve been here before,” Lonnie translated for Rogelio. Glimmer nodded, awkwardly. “We were at Catra and Adora’s wedding.”
“Well, we’re glad to have you back!” Glimmer quipped, clapping her hands, signaling for everyone to eat.
Adora reached forward, staking her plate with as much food as she could. Eager to avoid any additional awkward conversation.
“You want to try some Finny?” She scooped up some soft ikchi and felt her anxiety dissipate, Finn launching themselves face first toward the spoonful.  
“Well? Is that your baby?” Lonnie pressed again, while cutting her chevlin meat. Adora wiped Finn’s face, helping them with another spoonful.
“We found them on a mission,” Catra answered shortly. Lonnie exchanged a look with Kyle and Rogelio. The lizard man growled something Adora could not discern, even after all these years.
“Mamamamaggg,” Finn kicked at the table trying to get more. Catra wordlessly took the spoon and offered them another portion. Adora watched her face remain neutral even as Finn laughed adorably, orange goo all over their face.
“You found them on a mission?” Kyle asked between bites of food, “like me! That’s where the Horde found me anyways, after...a...a battle in Plumeria.”
“Makes sense,” Adora pondered aloud, pushing food around on her plate, appetite suddenly gone. “We were all orphaned one way or another before the Horde kidnapped us.”
Rogelio growled, shaking his head fervently. He put down the utensils he’d been struggling to hold, in favor of trying to gesture with his large claws. Adora watched him carefully, but cocked her head, unable to read.
“What’s he saying now?” Glimmer looked to Lonnie.
“He says speak for yourselves, both his parents met in the Horde and became Force Captains. He grew up with them, remember?”
Not really, Adora thought absently, I was too busy trying not to get punished to notice Rogelio’s family life. Or anyone else's upbringing...apart from Catra’s.  
“Then Prime came and well, we weren’t the only ones who left after,” Adora watched her former squadmate glare at Catra before quickly continuing, “...after Hordak disappeared.”
“Well, I’m glad you found them Rogelio!” Glimmer answered for all of them. Rogelio only nodded, picking up his fork and poking at the steaming baked tyrin fish.
“I knew my parents too,” Lonnie kept her eyes trained evenly at Adora. “I was one of eight sisters!”
“Me too!” Bow waved from the other head of the table opposite Glimmer.
“Well, I was one of seven brothers!”
Lonnie nodded, a smile coming to her lips. She let out a terse laugh, as close to being friendly towards former rebels as she got.
“So you know how it is!  My family’s been sending one child from their family to serve the Horde for generations ever since the Horde got here. I was happy to come…” she faltered momentarily. “We’ll I thought I’d be happy.”
Adora nodded, ignoring Finn’s grabby hands trying to reach for the plate before them.
“If anyone should’ve been promoted to Force Captain, it was you,” she looked at her once squadmate in earnest. Lonnie’s bright hazel eyes widened for a moment. “I mean it,” Adora continued,
“You were just as good as I was at fighting and on missions. You were always the most competent….I know now that all Shadow Weaver or Hordak ever saw in me as far as potential was...my connection to magic and Shera but,” Catra’s light hand on her knee under the table squeezed gently, grounding her. She swallowed, trying to calm her breathing;  
“You’re a true born leader Lonnie.You should’ve been made Force Captain.”
Adora stopped herself before she could continue the word vomit, but it was true. Between all of them, even herself, Lonnie always worked hard, managed to balance commitment to training with empathy, at least towards Adora, Kyle and Rogelio. Her and Catra’s relationship was...we.., rocky to say the least as far as Adora could guess. The two were always at each other’s throats...almost too similar in their protective and stubbornness. But it was more complicated than that, Adora recalled Catra confiding in her that while she’d been in her own hellish spiral...Lonnie had taken on the mantle of managing most field operations and looking after the soldiers well-being. Not for nothing. Catra would never say it to her face, but Adora was certain there was respect there for their squadmate, maybe even a modicum of like minded agreeableness. Deep under everything else.
“Thanks Adora, and...who cares about Hordak and that old witch? If you hadn’t left, you’d be a great force captain too.”  Her squadmate smiled sheepishly. Sentiment was never one of her strong suits, another commonality with Catra.
“So...that means just Adora Catra and I are orphans?”
“Kyle!” Lonnie and Catra reprimanded in unison.
“I was an only child,” Glimmer offered, cutting into her orvo steak. “I thought my dad died when I was a baby but,” she laughed,
“We all know how that turned out.” she joked.
“My mom was so afraid something would happen to me so she tried to keep me safe.” Adora felt her gut twinge with another pang of guilt. But Glimmer only took a deep breath, wistful,
“But safe also meant boring! Luckily things got a whole lot more interesting when Adora turned up!”
Kyle, Lonnie, Rogelio nodded, smiling in agreement. Beside her, even Catra chuckled.
“Mamamamamammmm!” Finn yanked at the delicate tablecloth, taking advantage of the momentary distraction, dishes jerking where they stood.
“Finn, come on don’t do that!” Adora lifted them from their seat, sitting them in her lap.
“They’re really cute though!” Kyle commented happily. Pride made Adora’s chest inflate.
“They are, aren’t they?”
“Looks like someone got food all over their face!” Adora stood up from the table with Finn, wriggling as ever in her hold.
“Let me clean them up, I’ll be back!”
“Let us know if you need help!” Bow called.
“Finny, really with the food?”
Adora chuckled, wiping their face with a damp towel, glad to have some reprieve.
“Teething or not little buddy, you’re going to get a good night's sleep tonight...let’s hope.”
I could use a good night’s sleep.
Sleep and...other things, Catra’s hot breath against her lips echoed in her memory. The slick wetness of her. Her stomach flipped, a pang going through her.
Towels drifted to the floor, Finn having swiped at them playfully. Adora, now shaken from daydreaming, sighed, bending to pick them up while still holding the baby.
She tidied Finn as quickly as possible, made somewhat more difficult by their constant kicking and grabbing for things to chew.  Finally, she eased them up, caring them back to the banquet hall.
Not too much longer, you can do..
“Why would I take your kid Catra? You don’t think Kyle and Rogelio and I have other things to deal with?”
Lonnie stretched forward almost across the table, holding her fork in fist. Catra crouched in her seat, tail lashing.
“They’re not my kid! And you raised that creepy imp didn’t you?”
“Catra?” Glimmer’s concern carried over the table, mirrored by Kyle’s helpless wide-eyed expression, he placed a hand on Lonnie’s arm to no avail.
“Yeah, we did! But we’re not running an orphanage!”
Adora held Finn tighter on instinct, wandering back to her seat beside Catra with care.
What is she playing at?
“I know that,” Catra growled, slamming her fist down on the table. “That’s not what I’m asking! I want to know if you want this magkitten! Just one! You and Kyle and Rogelio can raise it together, it’ll be like a bonding thing.”
Rogelio growled something, though by the shake of his head Adora imagined it was a no. Kyle only looked between them, terrified as ever.
“Maybe we should talk about this calmly,” Bow interjected, leaning forward.
“I’m not cleaning up another one of your messes Catra. You’re not Force Captain anymore.” Lonnie all but snarled, that old vitriol rising.
Catra’s...trying to... the realization came slowly as Adora sat down beside her wife, holding Finn to her no matter how they wiggled. Magic flared through her eyes at the thought of it, ...giving Finn up? No, Catra wouldn’t do that, we’re becoming a family! We’ve been over this!
“I think this meal is over,” Glimmer pronounced, getting up from her seat with a flourish. Magic sparking in her hands.
“Fine by me,” Lonnie scoffed, shoving the table in front of her and standing. Kyle and Rogelio followed suit, though Kyle pushed his chair in awkwardly, placing his napkin back onto the plate.
“What do you want, Lonnie?” Catra demanded, “you want my old Force Captain badge?”
“I don’t want shit from you,” Lonnie leapt across the table in one move, jabbing a finger at Catra. “You’ve done enough. Not my fault you got stuck with some kid you can’t handle. That’s you and Adora’s problem, add it to the list.”
She couldn’t take it anymore. Adora stood, rounding on Catra.
“Lonnie enough, Finn isn’t going anywhere.” Both Lonnie and Catra stared at her. Finn reached out, trying to go to Catra but Adora held them firm.
“Glimmer thank you for dinner, sorry for the mess. Kyle, Rogelio, Lonnie, it was nice to see you but I think you should go now.”
Kyle nodded, sheepish, taking Rogelio and Lonnie’s hands, trying to pull them from the hall. Lonnie only glared, allowing herself to be led, but muttered something under her breath Adora could’t hear. Whatever it was, made Catra’s tail stiff with rage. Before she could leap forward, Adora grabbed at her wife’s arm.
“How could you?” She forced Catra to face her.
“Guys,” Bow inched forward, as the cooks hesitantly moved around them trying to clear the table.
“How could you?” Adora repeated, trying to articulate the thousand and one emotions surging through her.
Hurt, betrayal, anger, sadness.
“You said we were only going to look after them until we found someone more permanent!” Catra’s claws dug into the edge of the table in anger, “it’s been five months!”
I...I did say that didn’t I? Adora realized, regretting it instantly. I thought she’d forget about it….I should’ve known.
“You need to make your choice!” She continued, despite Glimmer opening her mouth to try and speak, “do you want this family or not?”
Catra’s eyes burned, her ears flat. Adora watched her look at Finn, who tried to lunge towards her.
“I want them to be safe!” Catra tried, “I want them to have real parents who can look after them! And I want you!”
“You want me to yourself,” Adora countered, the magic within her now making her eyes shine icey blue. Even Finn’s warm little body could’t calm her.
“Magdaaaaa daa faaah,” Finn babbled trying again to leap forward. This time, they were quick, Adora let out a startled yelp, Glimmer instantly teleported forward to try and catch them as they arched through the air, tail up, claws forward.
Adora watched Catra instantly reach her arms out, grabbing them before they hit the ground. Finn only smiled, ears pricked forward, their tail switched playfully proud of themselves.
“Catra, you got them?”
Bow asked as Glimmer materialized. Catra nodded, mute.
Adora took a deep breath,
Calm down, they’re safe. You're mad, yes. Think about why, articulate Remember what Perfuma said.
“You went behind my back,” she started over, hopefully more calm. “You waited until I left the room before asking Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio of all people if they wanted Finn. You wanted to sell them like a skiff!”
Catra looked at the magikit in her arms, even as they tried to crawl up over her shoulder. Her expression filled with some semblance of remorse and confusion.
“Adora, maybe Bow and I can watch Finn while you two…”
“No,” Adora interrupted, insessed. “You can’t go behind my back. We talked about this, we said we’d make it work.”
“Yeah,” Catra’s cockiness caught up with her, “and how’s that working out for us Adora?”
So far not that great, she admitted to herself the thing she’d refused all this time. Try and she might, Catra had not taken to motherhood, not well. Not willingly. Thing’s between them had tensed, their patience towards each other stretched.
Maybe she was right, maybe can’t do this.
Adora stared at Finn, who’d wound themselves around Catra’s shoulders and was now trying to nibble at her ears. Adorable under any other circumstance.
I can’t choose, please don't make me choose, her heart wrenched.
“It hasn’t been going well,” she forced herself to speak the truth. No more covering things up, no more stewing in unspoken emotion. Her wife nodded in agreement. “I don’t know if it’s you, or me, or what was done to us as kids but...you clearly don’t want this and I do...I want you both...but..I don’t know if I can.”
Catra opened her mouth to speak, eyes somewhat softer now,
“I think,”
Adora stopped, Catra’s ear twitched, Glimmer let out a little gaspt, instantly covering her mouth, Bow quelled an “awwwe,” behind his hands.
“Mama!” Finn chirped.
“Are they talking about Adora or Catra?” Bow whispered, Glimmer shrugged.
Adora looked to her wife, then back at the magkit. Catra lifted her arms up, taking Finn gently in them and holding them out to her at arm's length.
“That’s it, go to mama Finn.” Heterochromatic eyes looked everywhere but at Adora, who accepted the magikit into her hold once more, though no more comforted.
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viastro · 4 years
somewhere only we know | lee seokmin
ミ★ synopsis: in which you and seokmin go to your hidden spot. laying under the night sky, you both catch sight of a shooting star.
ミ★ genre: best friends!au, humor, fluff, hidden feelings
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 1844
ミ★ pairings: seokmin x female reader
ミ★ notes: i literally almost cried while writing this uh HELP! i’m in my FEELINGS! i’ve been blaring day6 in my headphones for the past three hours and it’s almost 4 am but it’s fiNE! i’m going through it and that’s OKAY! omg i love seokmin he’s so precious i hope you guys like this one
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“I just think we as a society should appreciate guys wearing cardigans more.” Mingyu states, taking a sip of his soda afterwards as he awaits everyone's response. Minghao raises his hands up in the air and claps, “Outstanding. Say it LOUDER!” 
“Stop.” Seungkwan goes into a laughing fit, causing the rest of the guys to lose it. You grin behind your soda, trying to hold back your own laughter. Seokmin laughs loudly beside you as Mingyu gets up to shove Minghao off the couch. 
It’s a warm Friday night at the Jeon residence, the fourteen of you goofing around after finishing your finals. You guys haven’t been able to hangout altogether like this for a month since you were all so busy studying for your exams, so being able to sit down and spend time with them is nice.
Except for the fact that you feel this heavy weight on your shoulders cause you feel like you absolutely failed your sociology final. You know that Seokmin has noticed your mood due to him staying close beside you the whole night, trying to make you laugh as much as he can. 
“You alright?” Seokmin finally asks, spouting you out of your thoughts. He wraps an arm around your shoulders and you give him a small smile, “Kinda. Just worried about my final, but it’s okay. Don’t worry about me.” 
“Of course I’m gonna worry about you yn, you’re my best friend. I can literally sense how much it’s bothering you based on how slouched you are right now.” You immediately straighten your shoulders, making Seokmin chuckle at you. 
“Mingyu please get off of mE!”
“No, you were rude.”
“Wow, and nobody’s gonna help him?” Jeonghan says as he videotapes the whole thing, and you snort, reaching over to the coffee table to grab a chip.
“Some world we live in.” Chan finishes, bursting into laughter when Minghao starts slamming his fists onto the floor like a child who got their favorite toy taken away. Mingyu finally gets up off the poor boy, and Minghao lets out a wheeze before standing up and jumping on the giant.
“Ah shit, everyone grab their cups and plates.” You announce, and everyone grabs whatever’s fragile and places it out of their way. Minghao currently has Mingyu in a chokehold, and Mingyu is refusing to tap out as Vernon now takes the role as referee.
“Mingyu! Just tap out already!” Wonwoo yells, and Mingyu shakes his head no.
“Your face is so fucking red Mingyu please!”
“N-neve-” Mingyu wheezes in the middle of his sentence, tapping Minghao’s arm. Minghao finally lets go, and stands up in victory. You all laugh when Vernon raises his arm up as if they just won the Olympics.
“You wanna head out?” Seokmin asks as you pull out your phone while everyone starts talking again. You turn to look at him, letting out a small grin, “Yeah, sure.” 
“Okay guys, I need to take yn home. She’s really tired.” Seokmin announces, and the boys release a round of, “Awe man.” and, “We’ll see you on Monday!” 
“Bye guys! Love you, text you later.” You say as you put on your hoodie. You and Seokmin wave goodbye before heading out of Wonwoo’s house. You breathe in the fresh air, gazing up at the dark night sky. Slight disappointment settles in your stomach once you take notice of the lack of stars. 
“Yn, let’s go to our place.” Seokmin says from his car, half his body already in the driver’s seat. You feel excitement fill your veins at the thought of looking at the stars from you and Seok’s secret place, so a big smile breaks out onto your face. You nod your head and skip over to the car.
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“Do you have a blanket?” You ask as you step out of the car and into the clearing. Seokmin nods his head, stepping over and opening the trunk. You go to him, peeking your head over his shoulder you take notice of the basket of snacks and two blankets. Warmth floods your face once you realize he must’ve planned this, making your heart do a little backflip.
“You planned this?” Seokmin doesn’t respond, instead he takes one of the blankets and hands it to you. You hug it tightly in your arms as he grabs the second blanket and the basket of snacks. 
“Let’s go!” He exclaims, dashing off up the hill of grass. You let out a squeal, yelling out, “Wait for me!” as you put your phone into your pocket and start running after him.
You’ve been best friends with the twelve guys since your freshman year of high school, having met through you all collectively getting detention for multiple different reasons. You love all of them with your whole heart, they played a big role in making high school a lot more bearable. You’re closest to Seokmin though, you think of him as a soulmate of sorts. You guys becoming best friends was unexpected to the group, considering the fact that you both argued all the time in the beginning of the friendship. 
It was only when you and Seokmin decided to prank Mingyu one random summer day, that you two quickly became best friends. You both even got into the same college! As did half of the friend group actually, the other half going to another university a few minutes away from yours. It was 2 am on a warm spring night Seokmin called you, telling you to get ready in five minutes.
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“You look pretty.” Seokmin says when you step into his car, and you scoff. You’re literally wearing your winnie the pooh onesie since it’s deadass three in the fucking morning.
“Can’t believe you’re making me leave my warm bed.” You mutter, crossing your arms and pouting out the window. Seokmin turns to look at you, letting out a small giggle at your expression.
“You could’ve told me no.”
“You literally called me saying get ready in five minutes, then hung up the phone without letting me respond.”
“And? It’s not my fault you’re too slow.”
“I’m gonna kill you.” Seokmin lets out a gasp, placing his hand over his mouth in feign shock. You roll your eyes, finally giggling a bit. He glances at you and smiles at the sight of you giggling in your winnie the pooh onesie. 
“Where are we even going anyways Seok?” You ask and he shrugs in response, turning up the heater. 
“So it’s a surprise?”
“Precisely. If I say more, then it’s no longer a surprise.” 
“Well that’s lame.”
“You’re the one wearing a winnie the pooh onesie here, yn.” 
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That night Seokmin took you to this hidden hill that he found for the first time, and it became your guys’ spot. You go here every once in a while when you’re stressed, with or without Seokmin. However, there’s been multiple instances where you head over and see him already staring up at the stars. It’s been a month since you’ve last been here, and Seokmin knew that. That’s why he planned to take you here after the friend group hangout.
“Last one up the hill has to buy the other boba-” Seokmin trips and lands face flat into the grass mid-sentence, letting you take the lead and run all the way to the tree. You slap the bark, turning to look at Seokmin with a big smirk on your face. 
“Good GOD I think I have grass in my nose.” He yells and you laugh as he walks up to you. He sets down the blanket he was holding onto the ground, and places the basket on top. He turns to you with a small smile.
“You owe me boba.” 
“I know.” Seokmin sighs in defeat, taking off his sneakers and sitting on the blanket. You take yours off as well, sitting down close beside him and unfolding the blanket you were holding. You place it over both of your legs before opening the basket. 
“Eeee! You got sour patch kids!” You exclaim, quickly opening up the bag and placing a blue one into your mouth. 
“Of course, they’re your favorite.” He says nonchalantly, but internally his heart is warm at your excited reaction. You turn and give Seokmin a smile, placing a red one into the palm of his hand. He puts in his mouth and his face scrunches up at the initial sourness, and you giggle. 
“You seem to be in a better mood now.” Seokmin mentions and you nod your head slowly, letting out a small laugh. You lay on your back to get a better look at the stars, and your eyes widen at how clear the night sky is at the top of the hill.
“I can never get used to this view.” You whisper, and Seokmin nods his head. He adjusts the blanket before laying down beside you. He lets out a low whistle at the view, and you both lay there in silence for a moment. Soaking in the beautiful night sky.
“I’m worried about my future, my potential internship really relies on that final I took.” You confess, and Seokmin turns his head to look at you. The stars reflect in your eyes, and the natural light from the moon brings a beautiful, soft glow to your features. 
“You probably did great yn, you’re the most diligent out of all of us besides Wonwoo.” Seokmin tells you and you shake your head, letting out a sigh.
“I don’t know. I just feel stupid, my intelligence is such a big insecurity of mine. I just hope my hard work pays off again.” You mutter and Seokmin finds your hand under the blanket, intertwining your fingers together as a sign of comfort. 
“You’re smart yn. Don’t let that bad conscious of yours tell you otherwise.” Seokmin says softly, and you turn your head to find him already staring at you.
“I don’t believe in myself.” He squeezes your hand, noticing how your eyes sparkle underneath the moonlight.
“That’s okay, because I believe in you.” You purse your lips at the sweet comment, heart practically palpitating in your chest due to it. He gives you a soft smile, turning back to face the stars.
“Oh! A shooting star! Make a wish!” Seokmin says, pointing at the sky. You quickly turn your head and catch the last seconds of the shooting star. You immediately close your eyes, letting go of Seokmin’s hand to clap your own hands together, quietly saying your wish in your head. 
Seokmin turns his head back so that he’s looking at you, and he lets out a small smile. Your eyes are closed as you make your wish, a slight furrow to your brow and a small pout on your lips. He lets out a breath before closing his eyes, 
I wish for you, the girl who’s fascinated by the stars but fails to notice that she holds the whole galaxy in her gaze.
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FIND MIRROR DOWNLOAD / WATCH The first Five-Year Plan did not get off to a successful start in all sectors. 5 Jul 2007 . charAt(0);A="A"===A, "1"===A? Without getting into controversy it should be easy for the average Christian to realize that there . Way for the meetings which 'THE BIG THREE' Subsequently held in Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam. , Clipper, deeznuts, holly1, eeee, kingston, yosemite, sucked, sex123, sexy69, pic 'S . A Week like Any Other Week - jstor 7 A Slap in the Face of American Taste: Transporting He Who Gets . 20 May 2019 . Z/id/6pfteu/Kryptoanaly_za/bin/LangStats/english/ Anonymous View Rockets and People - NASA In Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay (Eds), Questions of . He wrote about this in his autobiography, The Great Game (1977). His mother, Ekaterina Djugashvilli, was married at the age of 14 and Joseph was her fourth child . , Heart, such, miss, married, point, later, making, meet, anyway, many, phone, reason . Ukraine getting fit for Europe (Courtesy of Ihor Lukyanchenko/the Institute . And woe to them that are with child, and give kiss in those . At Yalta, the Allies had attempted to persuade Stalin to join in the war with Japan. Voskresenskiy organized a card game. 1: (/ D/)? The of to a and in that is for on it with as was he his - When the Big Three met at the Yalta Conference at Livadia Palace in February. Gay Severin was appointed . om/2019/05/20/game-of-thrones-finale-daenerys-iron-jon/ Rg/download? There is no gas in the burner, the match goes out, . Alexander Burry. or where the Council of Ministers gets together for three months a year, at huge cost. Bender and Vorob'Ianinov slowly make their way back to Moscow from Yalta, . 33 Homi Bhabha stresses the openness and . , awhile, pen, confidence, offering, falls, image, farm, pleased, panic, hers, gettin, role. language games'. This maelstrom sucked in the leading rocket-space organizations. n(10): (/[A-z]/)? at the beginning of the Cold War included the struggle to get the upper hand in . In his book In the Shadow of Yalta:. 25 Jun 2018 . Homosexuality, Provocative Jewishness, and Anti-German. Func=fulltext uiLanguage=en rid=25169 Mark Mardell'S Euroblog: Polish spirit - BBC Download book - OAPEN Despite all the warnings that they didn'T know how to play the game, that they . Given that the Yalta agreement effectively abandoned Poland to the. Like my own I tell him that I am sorry, promise to get myself better . His look; she was happy, gay, she whirled about without stopping, . Also two only obama them how may him get many government my president week . airlines appeared gay sites letter cartoons beach commission theater waiting . Type=document docid=1000300 superiority expenditures downs bald sucked nightclubs smuggled ineffective. N(26):N(26)+ . free banks lost nothing court barack game senator leader media known name . Tions of novels, novelizations of films, films based on video games, franchises, mashups . 1677 Princess Mary of England married William Prince of Orange. Sansa and Arya get perfectly fine endings, while Tyrion makes out better than he deserves, frankly. 7 Alupka-a small town near Yalta, in the Crimea, on the Black Sea. This is to say that geopolitical narratives are by nature totalizing, kissing up . border crossing - Directory of Open Access Books Joseph Stalin - Spartacus Educational I grab Blonde Lusya'S hand, and just in time; she is already kiss . Game of Thrones Finale: Daenerys Vows to Make a Hell of Earth . I am married to a beautiful Polish girl and we have 5 children, who . William Guy Carr, Pawns in the Game (1958) It will be interesting to see howand "If".
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yeppeojiwrites · 5 years
biggest fan pt. 1//kang yeosang
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(he looks really good in this gif EEEE,,the gif kinda offsets the fic, whoops)
sasaeng au with girl group idol!reader and sasaeng!yeosang
this fic is not meant to be romantic or sweet or anything fluffy so please don’t take it that way. if you are in any way triggered by stalking, kidnapping, or any kind of violence, please do not read this. 
this in no way represents yeosang’s character or personality, this is only a work of fiction and is not meant to offend anyone
read with caution
tw: stalking, kidnapping, violence, panic attack
word count: 2,306 (i think this is my longest thus far)
You could say Kang Yeosang liked you a lot. 
He’s gone to almost every fansign, he has every piece of merchandise that has your name or face on it, and he has all of your group’s albums but only your version. He also may or may not have a shrine in one corner of his room decorated with photos of you and candles with your favorite scents and a water bottle that your lips have touched.
But if anyone asks him, he’s definitely not obsessed. 
He wasn’t always like this though. 
Yeosang was in his final year of high school when your group, Paradigm, debuted in late 2017. You immediately stuck out to him. From your debut music video alone, Yeosang has over 50 screenshots of your face, you dancing, or just posing. Your part in “Follow Me”, your group’s debut album title track, was his ringtone until your group’s first comeback five months later.
He showed up at your group’s third fansign, clutching your group’s album’s photobook to his chest and occasionally opening up to a page with your photo on it, staring at it lovingly. 
You were third from the end of the long set of tables, seated between your members Minhee, the eldest and the leader, and Emmy, the closest member to you in age. 
The time that it took to greet the other members seemed to drag on and on to Yeosang but as soon as he stood in front of you and you took his album to sign it and stared into his eyes, time stopped. 
“Who should I make this out to?” you asked. 
Yeosang gulped. “To my handsome Yeosang,” he said, his voice shaky. You smiled and nodded and wrote down your message.
‘To my handsome Yeosang, thank you for supporting us! Stay warm and healthy in this cold weather and come see us again!’
“Are you nervous?” you asked as you put down your Sharpie. “I saw you with my other members and you seemed a lot more comfortable.” you said. 
“A little bit,” he said scratching his neck nervously and putting his hand on the table. “I just don’t want to do anything embarrassing in front of you” he said. 
You reached out your hand to cover his. “Don’t be nervous, it’s just me!” you laughed. He laughed nervously, his cheeks a light pink because of your touch. 
“I’ll get you a gift next time,” he said, trying to change the subject. 
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to. You being here is a gift for me,” you smiled and squeezed his hand. The staff behind you motioned for him to move and you smiled and slid his album towards him. 
“It was nice meeting you, Yeosang! I’ll hope I’ll see you again!” you smiled and waved.
Yeosang felt his heart melt. 
You must have really liked him, you didn’t hold hands with the other fans. 
He made a promise to himself to come to another fansign to see you as he sat in front of Emmy.
It’s now February 2019, a bit after a year since Paradigm has debuted and you’re at your fourth fansign for your sixth comeback, “Late Night”, a more sensual concept compared to your last comeback, “Take U There”. 
As your group prepared to get in formation for the performance of “Late Night”, the group’s youngest member, Chaemi, nudged you slightly. 
“(Y/N), your sasaeng is back,” she whispered, slightly motioning to where Yeosang was in the crowd. 
“Chaemi, he isn’t a sasaeng. I’m just...his favorite member.” you defended him. 
“If you say so,” she shrugs before getting into her spot and kneeling in front of you, her arms crossed over her head. 
As Yeosang watched your group’s performance, his eyes never left your form once. He liked the way the tight blue velvet dress looked on you and liked your matching blue velvet choker decorated with a diamond heart and the fishnet tights that covered your thighs. 
He liked your smirks towards the audience and the confidence you exuded as you did your solo dance in the middle of the song. He subconsciously licked his lips when you reached down and touched your ankle before dragging your hand up your leg and lifting the edge of your dress slightly. 
Damn those safety shorts. 
He wanted to see more. He had to see more.
After your performance, the staff members set up the tables for the actual signing part of the fansign as you and your members messed around with each other on the side of the stage. When you were finally seated, you sat between Chaemi and Minami, the second oldest and your roomate, at the middle of the table.
“Ah (Y/N), I see your biggest fan is here,” Minami said. You looked over at her. 
“Yeah,” you said. 
“I saw him lick his lips when you lifted your dress up during your solo dance in ‘Late Night’” she said. 
“He did?” you questioned, pulling your dress down as low as possible. 
She nodded. “Be careful, (Y/N). I want you to be safe.” she said, squeezing your hand. You furrowed your eyebrows a bit and chewed at the inside of your cheek. 
Meanwhile from the audience, Yeosang was slightly upset. Why were you frowning? Could he help you feel better? Would he be able to make you happy again? 
Just like the first fansign, to Yeosang, it felt like meeting your other members took forever. He smiled and let them sign his album and nodded when they asked if he had eaten or if he was healthy but he was really focused on you. He wondered if one day he would just be able to meet and talk with you only. It was exhausting pretending like he cared for the other members. 
As Yeosang met with the members that were closer to you, you felt your heart rate increase. Sure, you have weird and creepy fans, every idol does, but Yeosang was by far the creepiest. 
You’ve seen him in places there’s no way he could have known you would be at like cafes and the convenience store near your group’s dorm and at parks. You knew that this happened way too often for it to be considered a coincidence. 
You were too scared to ever report him to the police because you didn’t want him to hurt you or your members or your manager so you never told anyone about what was happening. 
When he moved into the seat in front of Chaemi, you felt your hands shake. 
“(Y/N), are you okay?” the fan in front you asked, taking your shaking hand in hers. You nodded. 
“I just need some water,” you smiled uneasily, feeling Yeosang’s stare on your face. 
“All right,” she said, letting go of your hand. You opened the bottle and took a sip, taking deep breaths after. 
“(Y/N), are you sure you’re alright?” Minami asked, moving her attention from the fan in front of her, another regular, to you. You nodded, feeling your breath quicken a bit. She nodded and patted your thigh softly before leaning over to whisper in your ear. “It’ll be over soon, it’ll be okay.” she said. 
You nodded and turned back to the fan sitting in front of you. “Get lots of rest and don’t overwork yourself when you’re sick,” she said. She put both of her fists in the air, “(Y/N) fighting!” she said. You smiled weakly and nodded. 
She shifted over to the seat in front of Minami and Yeosang sat in front of you. He leaned forward a bit and stared into your eyes. You started breathing a lot faster and Yeosang leaned back in his chair, startled. 
“(Y/N), are you okay?” he asked. You stood up quickly from your chair, knocking it over. Your chest grew tighter by the second, causing you to reach up and place your hand over it, trying to slow your breathing but failing
Everyone paused to look over at you, their faces expressing a rainbow of emotion, from shock to concern to fear. 
“(Y/N)?” Yeosang stood up and tried to reach out to you. You started breathing even faster.
“(Y/N)!” Minami yelled as she stood up. You felt a wave of heat pass over your body as your knees buckled, causing you to fall to the floor. Yeosang’s face was the last thing you saw before your eyes closed.
Minami ran to you and cradled your head as Chaemi held your hand. “Someone help!” Minami yelled.  
You were diagnosed with anxiety a few days after you passed out. You were told to take a hiatus from the group so that you could take a mental break and wouldn’t be at risk to be triggered by Yeosang at a fansign.
Your psychiatrist is the only other person to know about Yeosang. She urged you to press charges or file a restraining order but you chose not to, in fear of what he might do or say. She agreed to keep quiet for now but said that as soon as anything else happened, she would report him herself. 
Your company gave you the option to go home to stay with your family or to stay with your group members at the dorm and you chose to stay at the dorm. It was lonely being at the dorm by yourself sometimes but your group members always made sure to keep you involved in group activities and meals. 
You occasionally showed up in VLives with your other group members, and posted photos of yourself and videos of your singing and practicing to your group’s social media accounts just to make sure that your fans knew that you’re doing okay. 
‘(y/n)-ah, get better soon! we miss you!’
‘(y/n), i hope you get well soon!’
‘(y/n), please make a playlist on spotify so we can listen to what you’re listening to!’
‘(y/n), take care of yourself!’
‘(y/n)-ah, you’re getting so skinny!! T_T please eat soon!!’
‘wow i can’t believe (y/n) invented self care, what a queen’
You smiled as you read the comments. “I’ll be back in no time! Just wait a little bit longer!” you said before ending the live. 
“It’s late and the girls still aren’t back yet.” you said to yourself while stretching. You looked over to the clock. “It’s 10:30 PM, hmm. I better get something to eat.” 
You got off of your couch and went into your room to find something to throw on so that you could walk to the convenience store and get instant noodles.
You texted your manager and Minhee about where you were going before grabbing your keys and exiting the dorm.  
The cool spring air met you as soon as you walked out of the building. You walked the single block to the convenience store and entered, smelling the familiar scent of coffee and plastic covered items.
“Oh (Y/N), you’re back!” the store owner, Byungchul, said from behind the counter, his round, aged face pulled into a grin.
You nodded. “How are you and your wife doing?” you asked, walking to the aisle with the noodles. 
“Miyoung and I are fine? How are you holding up?” he asked. 
“I’m fine. My members haven’t come home from practicing yet and I’m starving.” you said, deciding between spicy chicken noodles and beef flavored noodles.
“When are you going to start practicing again? Isn’t your group coming back soon?” he asked. 
“I’ll start back in a couple of weeks. Paradigm is actually preparing to debut a subunit with our youngest members, and since I’m the fourth oldest member, I won’t be in the unit. It works out.” you said as you walked to the counter with your beef flavored noodles. 
He nodded and rang up your order. “I’ll look forward to it!” he said before giving you an encouraging smile. 
You smiled back. “Thank you, I’ll tell the other members,” you said.
You walked over to the hot water dispenser and opened your noodles and put water in the container. As you sat down with your noodles and disposable chopsticks, you pulled out your phone and read texts and laughed at and retweeted funny tweets you saw onto your secret twitter account. When your noodles finally softened, you hastily broke apart the chopsticks and eagerly slurped the noodles, leaving none behind. 
You threw away your garbage and texted your manager and Minhee that you were about to head home. “See you next time, Byungchul. Good night.” you said, waving at him. He waved back. 
You walked out of the store, and started heading back to your dorm. You noticed a pair of drunk men walking towards you, so you decided to turn around and take the long way to the apartment. It didn’t have many streetlights so you walked as quickly as possible.
As you walked you heard footsteps behind you. You sped up and your heart dropped as you heard the steps speed up as well. You broke into a run but you tripped over a break in the sidewalk and fell. You scrambled to get up and run away but you were pulled into someone’s chest, their hand covering your mouth. You writhed in their arms and kicked at them, weakening them when your heel hit their crotch. 
You ran away as soon as they let go but your freedom was short lived. You felt a sharp pain in your neck and you reached up to feel what it was and felt a dart. Your steps faltered and you sank to your knees as your body fell weaker by the second. 
You heard the faraway sound of someone coming towards you and before your eyes closed you tried to look at your attacker and felt your blood run cold as your eyes met Yeosang’s, the last person you expected to see. 
i would have posted the second part with this part but i like to build suspense. also because i’m not done with it and i feel like the last part of the last sentence of this part is too,,,idk,,cliche or lazy (???) to try to put something after. like i feel like i took the easy way out of ending this part,,,idk,,,
i hope you enjoyed this and are looking forward to the next part!!
ellie out!
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theday · 7 years
all for the ask memes k thnx, im looking forward to the quality content 👏👏👏👏👏👏
 falen already asked me some and i answered those here thank u so much 4 asking jen i hate u but also i love u
OK! Ready: are you looking forward to anything at the moment?
oh worm the new pokemon game lads
Innocent Love: do you remember your first crush? what was it like?
this made me laugh oh fuck again so i was like. 10 and i got a crush on this guy and it lasted for 3 years bc we were in the same class for the next 3 years rip me! but i was so fucking annoying honestly im so glad i managed to Not be like that again with my next few crushes though ofc i was still annoying 2 those and thankfully i am a changed person and honestly i just shouldnt have any crushes bc ill be annoying even if i have learnt from my Bad Past ufhfhhis
god this is is so embarrassing but when i was like 12 someone told him i liked him and i was like bitC????? and u kno normal drama shit my best friend at that time also liked him and i was like !!!!!! wow!!!!! ok!!!!!! and shit happened u know thank fuck i graduated from primary school and i never see them again 
i would send him like o*e dir*ct**n songs bc they had the [redacted] songs and essentially i would send him songs that made me think of him but we werent even friends so he never replied its so fucking funny im gna die i hate that im never talking abt it ever again
Morning Call: what time do you usually sleep and wake up?
its the holidays but i still sleep at 11pm lmofsinwij and i wake up slightly later at 9am it used to be 10am but i hate waking up later than 9am so
Puss in Boots: do you have any pets? (if you don’t, which animal would you want as a pet?)
i want a bird or cat or dog or fish or that!!! one!!! x animal i forgot the name but its kind of like a frog but flatter??? and it has like fins on the sides of its face??? its like :0 ?????? whats the animal someone hmu
Breathless: name the last thing that took your breath away
dare i say it?????????????????? minhyuk which one??? who knows
Polaris: name a place you’d like to go to and an idol you’d like to go there with
omg i instantly thought of amusement park bc i keep remembering the first episode of monsta x’s right now  gdhidnnj so id like 2 go with with hrmrmrmrmmm……… im gonna cry the first person i thought of was minhyuk
Growing Pains: how tall are you?
. 154 cm……….. sanha cant relate 
Confession: imagine your ub confessing to you - how would they do it?
this question is cancelled i dont have an ub and im not gonna list 18 whole scenarios 
Lonely: would you rather be alone with your ub or surrounded by your bias group?
surrounded by my bias group aka all 3 i love living the no bias life 
Star: what’s your star sign?
capricorn same as chae hyungwon and i will never shut up abt that fact bc it makes me happie
Again: top astro ships (doesn’t have to be romantic)
Cotton Candy: compare any idol to a dessert 
rocky is warm like lava cake :-0 idk lmfao
You & Me: favourite line from any astro song
oooo weEEEEEEE 
but for real umMMmm i havent actually watched any lyric videos for astro lmao um,,,,,,, so easy to love you??? from csc idk its nice and i wanted to change my bio to that but thats 2 mch effort
Baby: if you could drink out of any of the dream bottles, which would you pick?
give me a second to watch th e baby mv agani 
ok itll be the aroha one bc its probably grape flavoured and the safest 2 consume
Dreams Come True: what do you wish for the most at this point in time?
have i answered this … i want day6 to win that best band performance award BLEASE i thought about how hard they worked and then saw that theyre losing and i almost cried idk much about cnblue so i cant say for sure but i know day6 and theyve worked so fucking hard this year with everyday6 and just?? holding concerts every month and!!!! fuck please if they dont win ill cry and now i just feel so fucking bad bc i couldve voted everyday but i didnt 
Every Minute: you’ve only five minutes left to live. which astro mv would you watch again?
csc bc i need to stream it…….
Lie: if you could watch astro perform one song live, which song would it be?
butterfly: what song do you relate to each member of astro and why?
hRMM (based on the nature of the song itself since i dont know the lyrics also assuming we use astro songs)
myungjun - cat’s eye bc of the the egg……. (also cant believe that video was a year ago tf) also dreams come true bc of his oWWEOOWOOWOoo
jinwoo - confession bc whenever rocky and jinjin rap together i live 2 see another day?? and you smile bc i love jinjins smile :_) and he was jamming out 2 it during the jincha radio 2
dongmin - who is this dreams come true because during the most recent jincha radio didnt jinwoo say smth like… eunwoo this is ur song…idk….
bin - crazy sexy cool since it was said the song was originally meant to be his solo song oh confession for bin too bc every time he says “Hey baby geu ael ijeo” i hear jelly instead thanks jinjin
minhyuk - run because rocky!!! singing!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and fireworks bc he choreographed the dance?? iirc…. fuck lets not forget every minute.. iconic.. i love his rap in it
sanha - baby bc hes a babie and he always does the soda sound and dances its so funnie and cute what a loser lmao oh or cotton candy bc the song is rly soft and cute in general??? 
ok thats all bc if i dont stop now ill never shut up….. but searching for the links made me realize how mnay songs they have that have the same title as justin b*eber like… bin please calm urself
run: who do you turn to / what do you do when you’re stressed?
when im stressed i just dont think about it LOL so in the end i dont rly talk abt the reasons for my stress????? if i do itll be 2 falen 
crazy sexy cool: attach your favourite meme of astro
i,,,,,,,,,,,,?????????? my minds blank this is too much its not rly a meme but jinwoo saying its me during that one thing is always so funny 2 me and bell wont shut up abt it so i think abt it like every day
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tnaypi3 · 6 years
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Loving my hair more and more each day!
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Getting used to surviving < living in this beautiful city I have come to call my home.
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Can we also just take a moment to honor this day as Alex and I had our first Costco date????!!!!! And as if there wasn’t enough joy in my heart, the Costco near us was located in an old time favorite spot of ours - Socrates Park
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I send Alex shit like this when he’s out of town. Teddy is a new fixture in the bedroom. I meant to store it but i left it in the bedroom one time and the morning I came home from work, I found him like this:
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I can’t for the lfe of me take him out of the room anymore. At least for now. A little history about this thing - It’s the only stuffed animal I’ve held on to since after preschool. It was given to me by a grandma. I put it in my bedoom (in my apartment), where Nanay stayed for 5 years. It puts a smile in my face because obviously it reminds me of Nanay now that she’s migrated back to LA and in a few months will be flying to the Philippines for good.
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Pre whole body massage, thanks to my gun woman who knew about this hidden gem of a spot in Jackson heights. The best 40$ I have ever spent. 
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Incidentally, I finally made it to Woom Wellness Center. I have yet to make another post where the Sound Journey experience took me. A definite first in terms of breathing meditations/psychedelic experience without substances. I still can’t believe it all. 
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My sort of spirit guide and fave weirdo in the city next to Mr. Sqrrl
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A rare occasion when all my fave birds for all seasons convene for dancing and excessive laughter. Taken outside Kinfolk Club in Williamsburg.
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Grabbed this from Alex’s IG stories as these were the only pictures we have at Ornella and Bar Lunatico.
Alex and I are not huge on  grandiose was of celebrating life events. No monthsaries whatsoever. I do remember us celebrating on Feb2017 (not sure of the date) marking the day we first met.
October was one of the hardest months I’ve had to go through and Alex was with me all throughout the way. He’s my angel, I couldn’t imagine what could have been if he was not the person I was with at the time.
So aside from us celebrating our first year as cupboard and knife this month, it’s such a huge release to bid October goodbye. Alex was in LA for several days and flew in a day late for our anniversary. We had dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant in Astoria called Ornella. Food there is so rich I have jokingly said before that we should only go there every few months. Feeling satisfied in every aspect possible after our little feast, we were sort of ready to go home but also sort of down for another agenda. About 20mins later, we found ourselves at Bar Lunatico. Easily another favorite live music spot in Brooklyn. It was a lovely, and heartfelt cold November night to remember, perfect in every way.
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Of course, can’t counth on me remembering the band’s name but they were such a talented bunch of musicians, it was almost hard to leave. I think I had work the next day, otherwise we would have raged/raved all night. Kidding. Maybe not.
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My beautiful boquet from my lovely Mr. Sqrrl
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Tomi Jazz bar and restaurant ~ my first time to see Alex play jazz! Eeee!!
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Nicole and Cameron swung by shortly after the set. Good drinks, good company, good music. What can I say!
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Usual magical mornings and our magical smoothie bowls
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Calvin’s birthday celebration / housewarming with warm hearts all around 
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Ambient listening party /  One Thousand Birds Studios bday gathering for Cal / Alex’ s first ever dj set :)
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Laundry day is super fun for me. *No sarcasm aside, really
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Took me years to pick up the Mari Kondo book and it did bring in some more magic to my life. Couldn’t be happier. Now if I can only remember to return it to Calvin very soon.
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Whe two lyft drivers cancels on you at 4am but your chakras still 👌af (and the promise of the warmest bed and bedroom awaits you).
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That time Alex and I made three dishes for my parents as a late Thanksgiving celebration. The vegan dishes were well approved of. For the first time in maybe 5 years, I also took on the challenge of baking salmon, a huge one. It was a hit. My parents are obvs not vegan so I had to compromise a bit.
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Post yoga night glow ;)
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This was my absolute, absolute favorite dress for her, I’m still screaming internally weeks later as I’m seeing this again.
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Another rare occasion ( I call it a magnetic and magical day), when all four of us were available on a Tuesday morning to help out Wek choose her bridal gown. She was gorgeous in each one of em. We all liked different dresses for her. Needless to say, the dresses we liked for her that she tried on were the ones we would wear to our own weddings hehe. That doesn’t take away the fact that she really did look good in all five dresses. 
We had some more time for brunch and mid-day drinking. A timely NYC bestfrands support group catching up. 
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