#and besides. legit 10 yr olds are smart and would probably get it too. at least a lil bit
solomonish · 3 years
Nowdateables Helping a Struggling MC
CW for: eating disorders (alluded to but not described - discussed in the disclaimer)
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as i said in the last one, i have not personally dealt with an eating disorder or someone who has one, and though the aim of this post is to provide comfort for those who have that experience, if i missed the mark or said something harmful please feel free to message me so i can fix the issue. also, here is the tumblr post i linked before with a variety of hotlines you can call if you are struggling. i urge you to seek help if you are dealing with an eating disorder, especially from professionals who can give you the attention and care you need and deserve.
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He’s very busy with the exchange program and other royal duties, and on top of that he isn’t too familiar with humans and their many complexities. At first, he thinks that maybe you just aren’t used to Devildom cuisine or perhaps the drastic environmental changes have messed with your appetite. He mentions this to Lucifer, who ensures that he will look into it.
It isn’t until you get closer to him and he notices how uncomfortable you get at the mention of Barbatos’ cooking that he gets suspicious. This isn’t Solomon we’re talking about, MC, is something amiss?
He’d probably find out by asking one of the brothers to look into it. Once he figures it out, though, he’s all about making accommodations for you. Would you like human realm food in the RAD cafeteria? He’ll get what he can. Could he interest you in an offer to eat your lunch somewhere else, where there’s less people around? His office is free at lunch (or he will make sure it is).
He might need to be told to relax on the suggestions, but he’s not about to pressure you into anything you’re uncomfortable with. Anything you need access to, he’ll be happy to oblige, with little questions asked.
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Barbatos is perceptive, but he also doesn’t have a lot of time to observe you and notice your odd behavior. He probably catches wind the way he normally does: the brothers hunched over and whispering (in a way he presumed was conspiratorially) and one of them (Mammon) speaking too loudly.
His specialty is in quiet care, so you’ll notice a few changes in your schedule without knowing who caused them. Suddenly, you’ll find yourself heading towards the open courtyard instead of the cramped cafeteria, or you’ll start passing Barbatos in the halls a lot more. 
He invites you to eat with him whenever he can, or to try some new recipe he’s been experimenting with. If you accept his invitation, he never casts his eyes down to “check” how much you’re eating or makes you feel uncomfortable. He just wants to reach out and give you the option to eat in what he hopes is a comfortable environment.
He’s good at providing structure, and gently urging you to help yourself without sounding too pushy or aggressive. Honestly, he’s probably one of the best people to go to for helping set out a game plan. His presence is calming, his check-ups aren’t intrusive or embarrassing, and he is excellent at helping you find the terms that work with you.
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When Solomon first notices, he doesn’t immediately jump into action. He cares - of course he does - but he more keeps an eye on you to see if any of the brothers notice and start to do something about it. Of course, he realizes pretty quickly that they don’t - he isn’t sure if he should get upset for them to be blinded by their competition over you, or if it’s to be expected of demons.
He didn’t want to overwhelm you at first, but when he notices how troubled you seem even at school, that’s when he decides to step in. Human as he is, he’s not the most well-versed in comfort or really working within the complexities of another person’s mind. (Not in a way that doesn’t low-key reek of manipulation, anyway). He can find that common ground with you, the part of him that understands how it’s possible for you to feel and think how you do,
He’s a jack of all trades, master of none kind of guy in this situation: he can listen to you well, but he holds back on drastic advice that might do more harm than good. He will distract you, but not as thoroughly as Levi could. He can help you understand how you’re feeling, but still is not quite as adept as Satan would be.
Can and will readily advocate for access to human world therapy for you. Will even help you get there, if asking Lucifer is too daunting a task for you. And, if you don’t feel like going back to the HoL immediately afterwards, well...that human world traffic always was a bitch, right?
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Oh, Simeon can tell when you start falling into your old habits. He can feel the negative energy when humans start to feel surrounded by it. Whether that ability is just from his own emotional intelligence or his angel status is uncertain, but he feels himself drawn to you nonetheless.
He isn’t afraid to approach you about it - after all, this is his specialty, and he would love to help if he can. He’s gentle in his approach, and he somehow knows how to approach you directly without sounding crass or lacking in subtlety.
Simeon isn’t used to having such a direct influence on the people he helps, though. More often than not, you’ll find him gently slipping you little reminders about your schedule (if you have one that you’ve told him about), and he’ll definitely be sure to let you know how proud he is of your effort when you reach your goals.
He’ll sit down with you and help you create realistic game plans. If you ask him to sit down with you while you eat, he’ll gladly make sure his schedule aligns with yours. He’s also the best person to go to if you need a compassionate shoulder to lean on or soft words of encouragement.
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Luke isn’t a child - well, he is, but he isn’t, not in the exact same way. He’s innocent and childish and sometimes immature, and he does have a lot to learn still, but he’s also lived for thousands of years. Not only that, but he’s also and Angel in Training, and angels need to know the many ways humans struggle in order to be able to accurately help them.
So you might think he wouldn’t notice or know or understand, and he doesn’t know everything, but he gets it a lot faster and more thoroughly than you expected. Besides, human children are smart, too. It’s just easy to underestimate them.
If he knows, Simeon knows. Luke isn’t in the habit of spilling secrets (though he isn’t refined in the art of keeping them, either), but something that feels so serious prompts him to get help. Simeon understand his desire to help, though, and makes sure to give him pointers on how he can help.
Luke isn’t the one you can expect the subtle kind of help from - he’s not very good at hiding the way he keeps glancing at you, and sometimes he asks you if you want some of his newest sweets before faltering and second guessing himself. But he does offer you a sort of wholesome, unhindered care that makes you want to stay on track with your recovery, which makes up for the tact he lacks.
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dcmiiniic · 5 years
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wuddup, is mini ! again so dom needed a revamp since some people left and now some things don’t make sense. also i know jackshit about sports unless it’s soccer or basketball. i have bamboozled myself, so i switched things around to fit connections better and just how dom is. :)
❛ new york’s very own Dominic Parker was spotted on broadway street in  Off-White White 3.0 Off-Court Sneakers. your resemblance to Reece King is unreal. according to tmz, you just had your twenty third birthday bash. while living in new york, you’ve been labeled as being impatient, but also idealistic. i guess being a sagittarius explains that. three things that would paint a better picture of you would be reading a book by the beach, torn up runners, and neon highlighters & ( cismale & he/him )
(if not imma just assume) 
Basic Information
Full Name: Dominic Omar Parker
Nickname(s): d, dom
Age: 23
Date of Birth: December 20th 1995
Zodiac sign: sagittarius
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
Ethnicity: african-american/white
Nationality: american
Gender: cis male
Pronouns: he/him
Orientation: bisexual
Religion: agnostic
Language(s) Spoken: english
Accent: american
Weather: summer
Colour: orange
Music: logic, big sean, etc.
Movies: the lion king
Sport: track + field
Beverage: hennessy or red label
Food: oxtail soup
Animal: sea lions + turtles
Father: henderson parker
Mother: cassandra parker
Sibling(s): 3 siblings ( 1 sister, 2 brothers WC? )
Children:  aaliyah strawberry parker, 1 yr. (stormi webster fc) 
Pet(s): a turtle named franklin
The Parkers are a family known for their businesses worldwide through import + exports - of what ? we don’t ask. It’s more or less legit, but there’s some shady stuff under it all that no one really talks about. So, Dom’s mom is from the Bronx, and his dad is from Brooklynn, the two met at a house party, and were street pharmacists for awhile, just to get things started. They invested the money they made from their business into a consumer goods company that arose in mid 90′s, it becoming known worldwide. 
Dominic was raised with his siblings, him being the middle child and they were primarily raised by his grandmother in The Bronxx. 
At 10 years old, The Parker’s moved from NYC to California for a few years, and in Cali, Dom mainly studied since that’s really all he could do.
He was really into books, music, and going for runs a lot. Studying came easy to him.
Out of all his siblings, Dom got the higher grades without even trying, and that’s why his dad had super high hopes for him. There was a lot of pressure on him once his dad saw he was able to get straight A’s without having to stress very easily. 
Dominic never rlly saw himself as anything besides average - he knows he’s smart, and he can get away with a lot, but he really never cared, but seeing his dad be happy just from his accomplishments made him want to please him more.
@ 15 years old, The Parker’s moved back to NYC bc Dom’s dad wanted his kids to go to Uni back in NYC. While Dom wasn’t responsible with studying, he did well, and he got a lot of beatings from his grandmother when he didn’t study, or stayed out late a lot before an exam. 
It was a wild ride but at 18, he got into Columbia University for Law, and did 4 years to get his degree. As easy as it was for him to get that piece of paper and please his dad - and Dom was being groomed for the business - It was something Dominic didn’t want. He didn’t even like his degree at all if he was being honest. 
After getting his degree, and during the first year of his Master’s program, Dominic dropped out to pursue other interests. 
Dropping out of school caused a strain in his relationship with both his parents. For awhile Dominic was cut off and had to make way for himself. Good thing his name was already floating between bigger collaborations.
He was a socialite for awhile, attending parties, going to fashion week, being sponsored by brands. His whole life was kinda to just show up, and be this influencer. 
He’s opened up Youth programs in different parts of New York city to help kids become dreamers for a better future. 
On top of being a program co-ordinator, he’s diving his hands on creative/artistic directing for different brands. Right now it’s with Louis Vuitton, Balmain ( So think of Olivier Rousteing or Virgil Abloh  ) AND Nike.
He did this in 2 years, mf is poroductive af ok
A year and a half ago, Dom had a one night stand with some girl, and that wasn’t serious except for the fact that she got pregnant. That’s when Aaliyah Strawberry Parker was born! There’s no bad blood between dom and his baby mama (npc), except maybe that they don’t agree on things but it’s fine, it’s cool. Dom still does his best to be a dad, and he doesn’t really talk about his daughter in public cos he’s the type to keep that part as protective as possible, y’know? 
And you know, he’s still a mfng fuckboy, out here doing dumb isht.
Throwback Dom and present Dom are two different people. When he was younger, he took things a lot more seriously, mainly because he was oppressed to do the things he actually wanted to.
Now, he’s pretty laid back, but he has really good resting bitch face, most people will probably think he’s serious since he doesn’t smile too much.
He’s kind of always analyzing things inside his head. He loves a good book, puzzle, challenge.
Really, once you know him, he’s a goofball, pretty dumb. Loves his face masks and old books bc he likes the relaxing life too.
Take him to a party or anywhere really and he knows how to work a room. his smile is infectious and once you get him in a meeting, interview, etc, it’s like game time.
He’s pretty honest and blunt, and cares a little too much without wanting to care but acts like he doesnt care which he can pull off. Feelings man, they do these things to you. fkdfghdfsjkg
He’ll go for 10k runs just to let out steam, or just find some kind of work to do. so yes, he still loves track + field.
Sometimes too chill for his own good wELP
CONNECTIONS (i took from my old intro, but these can spark other connections. )
some connections based off of muse posts :)
besides that, i’m down for anything !
unrequited connections
toxic relationship/friendship
give me a SQUAD
first loves
childhood friendships
sibling type friendships
exes on good and bad terms
all the fwb~
creative type friends
enemies plots pls
crossword puzzle friends pls
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