#and also not literally showing the audience a penis by accident
iii-days-grace · 6 months
i was thinking about what that ex-Disney Imagineer said to me the other day, on my movement and timing, when she seemed legitimately delighted to see me gliding around my coffeeshop and serving customers. like
im damn good at hitting my marks on stage time in time over and over and over and over with other people WHILE HOLDING A BIG LIVE SNAKE! i may be an anxious autistic adhd weirdo who scares hoes, but that's gotta count for something!
and it actually, genuinely healed my soul a little bit to realise that's still coming through. i loved that dance so much that my body still follows the steps for me, even in a completely different place and time.
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deakydeaky · 5 years
Being the only girl in Queen pls darling
99% sure this has been done before but we’ll do it
Being the only girl;
When you first came into the group Freddie show how talented you were at basically everything. You weren’t a “misfit” like them but together you all didn’t belong together and that’s why Freddie liked it so much
The boys were a little weirded out because you were a girl. They had a lot of questions and weren’t really okay with the idea. Not that you are a woman but Brian said there should be limits, rules
“Okay, fine.” You folded your arms waiting for them to start
“No sleeping together.” Brian laid it out flat
“Oh no, now I don’t want to be in the band.” You said back sarcastically with an eye roll. Freddie smiled at you. He knew you were smarter than that
“No being besties with the groupies.” Roger told you
“I have more than friendship on my mind love.” Freddie chuckled in the back.” And that’s a no. I get you like to sleep around but keep me out of your girl drama.”
“Is that all? Can we start making music now that you’ve made a ‘no sleeping together’ pact.”
“Respect me and I’ll respect you. I’m not here to be undermined by a bunch of men.” You told them
After that it went a little rocky for a few months
A lot of places question having a woman in a rock n roll band but they knew you were very good
The band was also getting comfortable with you over time
Freddie took no time. They others were a little nervous, because you made them that way. You were very pretty, and very talented and also super smart. It was mind blowing to them that you were in a rock band
Them wanting to break the pact and say whoever you pick you pick
That was until they saw you at a party making out with one of the groupies that Roger regularly has around him. In the middle you were saying goodbye to a gentleman they had never met before
That’s when they decided maybe it was better to see you in every other way but a sexual one
They came at you with open arms since then
Overprotective since!! Like they would kill someone if they laid a hand in you that you never asked for
“No darling I’m being serious, if you could who would you shag?” Freddie asked you as you were all just laying around the hotel room, almost empty bottles by all of you
“I can’t pick.” You blushed as they all waited.” You’re all very good looking men, I would be happy to have any of you. The question is Freddie who any of you go for me.”
“Yeah.” They all answered without skipping a beat
“I’m seeing that the pact was a good idea now.” You got off the bed.” I have Shelly waiting for me.”
“Please quit stealing them from me!” Roger begged you with the groupies
“Hey hon they come to me. Not my fault you can’t do your job right.” You started to walk out.” Goodnight boys.”
Outfits that are the absolute hottest because they won’t let you wear anything that wasn’t
Always sticking up for you when someone has something negative to say
“Is it difficult to have a woman in the band at times? You know how they can be.” The audience laughed at the joke
“Well because she’s not here to defend herself, no.” Brian said to the man
“She’s the best of all of us. She makes Queen something of her own. She isn’t like any of us, yet she fits in so well because, that’s Queen.” John finished it off
Another thing, not being invited to interviews as much
A lot of people don’t see you as part of the band because you are a woman
Then one day you’re on stage and it got super hot. You took off your jacket and had on a white shirt that you could see right through
“Well look at that.” You smiled looking down.” At least the papers will have something to write about.”
You did once have a breakdown in front of all of them when a paper wrote horrible things about you
“They always say stuff like this. We get in there too.”
“You get in there so they can talk about how pretty you guys are! You have no idea what this is like. I’m getting called a whore as you guys are getting called the ‘best band’ which if you haven’t notice, there are no pictures of all of us. Just you four!”
“Oh love.” Freddie felt bad as he saw you crying
“Maybe- maybe they are right. This life isn’t for me, maybe I should just leave.”
“You can’t!” John protested
“Like anyone would notice.” You wiped your cries into your shirt
“We would, the fans would, the music would change. Hell it might get worse, we don’t know.” You laughed out at Freddie
“You are just as much a part of Queen as the rest of us.” Roger told you putting his arm around your waist
After that not caring about the papers and living freely. Wearing, doing, saying whatever you want. You didn’t care anymore because no matter what you’d always just be seen as the girl in Queen
Being in Queen;
Taking pictures all of the time, and videos
The boys taking pictures when you aren’t looking
You walk into the dressing room, in your bra and underwear as they were all taking pictures
You smiled widely and Roger just laughed and took one
“I’m recording!” John blushed out. You waved to the camera
“I need my shirt please.” You reached your hand out and Freddie gave it to you
Always helping them do their makeup
Them being understanding when it’s that time of the month
Brian doing your hair a lot of the time
Roger giving you bangs on accident but they turned out to look good on you
Goofing around all of the time
“Tell the camera something.” John begged of you
“I’ve seen everyone in here’s penis.” You all laughed at what you said
Recordings of you all, all of the time
“Y/N!” You turned around in your seat, you only in jeans and a bra, you makeup not even done.
“I can’t focus if you have a need to film me all of the time!”
“You’re just so pretty!”
The boys loving your energy
You being happy and bubbly all of the time even though you get dragged through the mud the most
Your outfits, like I said, always hot. You always look hot in every way. Like F U C K woman are so good looking and everyone is practically in love with you
Studio fights are usually you and Roger fighting
Parties without you just aren’t the same
You have a wild side but you can be shy around those you don’t know
You’ve all seen each other naked so you have no secrets, also you’ve walked in on each other so many times
You got to take off your bra before Brian stops you
“Cause you don’t know what in there.” Brian just blushed.” Brian please, I’m sweating, they hurt. I don’t- Hans me that shirt.”
“What are you doing?” John asked as you put it on. You took off your bra from inside the shirt and pulled it out. They were all amazed
“How did you?...”
“Practice love.” You put the bra in Brian’s hands
It coming out you never slept with any of them
“So has there ever been anything between you and one of the other boys?” Of course you were asked this
“I know everyone is dying to hear it but no. We accually made a pack that we wouldn’t and we stuck to it. For the better. I like to keep everything professional and they are the same.”
Having crazy love for each other
You all being a literal family
When your dad was sick the boys being by your side
Even closer at his death
When you were getting married John stepped in to walk you down the isle
You all being super close by the end
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onceuponanaromantic · 5 years
The Auditorium
The soaked mess of a human being skidded down the last step and flung herself, still dripping, onto the ground before the stage.
        Des grinned at the slightly horrified look on Jin Lun’s face from the ground, staring down from the stage. She wasn’t sure whether the look was because of concern for her or for the water soaking the floor of the auditorium. Only Jin Lun would even notice.  Only Jin Lun and her even came to the auditorium.
        (The pronouns ‘she/her’ fit Des oddly, like a shirt that was the correct size but the wrong cut.)
        A pile of clothes was tossed onto Des, and a very disgruntled looking Jin Lun reappeared. Des grinned, climbed onto the empty stage and began changing into the soft pants and shirt.
        The sounds of the piano echoed in complicated, rhythmic chords that resonated throughout the amphitheatre. Des walked barefoot over the stage, nearly slipping on the polished, pristine wood tiles, where the Yamaha piano was.
        Des slid onto the piano stool next to Jin Lun, the keys and stool still as fresh as the day they had been installed. Jin Lun finished her piece, and rested her head on Des’ shoulder.
        “How have you been?”
        Des laughed. “I can’t believe that Faye and Soren once said this place was scary.”
        When Jin Lun poked her, Des rolled her eyes. “My penis cross section was drawn wrongly and I messed up the definition of the nucleotide. But otherwise great. Apparently, there’s been a new discovery of an element. We have a French test next week.”
        “Tu veux que je t’aide?”
        “Do you want my help?”
        Jin Lun explained, Des interjected and they somehow ended up on the topic of Swiss neutrality. Once, they had talked about languages. Another time, they had been talking about the nature of biomedical ethics.
         Des strolled back and forth across the stage, lecturing about history to the entire empty theatre as if she had an audience of invisible people. Jin Lun sat on the edge of the stage, legs crossed and made incisive remarks about the nature of political relations.
        Somewhere along the way, Des had picked up a marker and started drawing a map on the whiteboard to explain her point. Occasionally though, Des would make references that Jin Lun had to tell her to explain, or be surprised at the development of recent events.
        “America elected this… man?”
        “Look, they don’t exactly have a track record at democracy-with-good-results, alright, look at Bush for one, like look, Obama was pretty good but like… that’s about it. Ok, but how did you not know about the Trump thing, like he literally came here last month you must have heard something what with all the roadblocks and everything.”
        Jin Lun shrugged. “I don’t get out that often.”
        Des scoffed, pulling at the sleeves of the white button-down shirt. “Well, that’s for sure. Anyway, so Swiss neutrality isn’t actually a cut and dried thing alright, like look at World War II. They helped the Nazis financially and their treatment of minorities wasn’t exactly great…”
        When she finally got around to checking her watch, Des nearly yelped when she realised her class had started 15 minutes ago. Time was immaterial when she was with Jin Lun and the last three hours had flown by.
        Des hastily changed back in her now dry, slightly stiff and odd-smelling pinafore, mourning the Phantom of the Opera’s costume. She put her shoes back on, socks still damp, and darted up the steps to get out by one of the upper doors as Jin Lun watched.
        She slid into the classroom, apologising to Madame Lin. She slammed herself next to Faye.
        “What did I miss?”
        “Where were you?”
        Des shrugged.
        “We were revising les incidents and specifically, the accidental death of one of her previous students.”
        “Yeah, well, it was ruled an accident. But apparently, Madame Lin doesn’t think so.”
        “What? Wait, why?”
        “Yeah, a stage light fell on her one day and broke her neck. It happened in the old auditorium, apparently, a few weeks after the auditorium had been built.”
        “The auditorium in this block?”
        “Faye, Odessa, do you want to translate your conversation into French and repeat it for the benefit of the class?”
        They looked at each other and Des was about to shake her head when Faye began hesitantly translating. Des joined in, and in the end, after correcting their vocabulary and grammar, Madame Lin was satisfied.
           Madame Lin shrugged. “Her name was Qiu Jin Lun. You can look her up if you like. She was the smartest student I ever had the pleasure of teaching and I will forever say that her death was too early and undeserved. And I will also say that the stage light showed signs of tampering.”
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latinalesbi · 7 years
Do you have a feeling one way or the other if The Fosters will be renewed for a 6th season? With them only shooting 18 shows instead of 20 made me wonder. (I read that somewhere). But then last night someone asked Bradly and he said there are rumors.
Peter also mentioned season 6 in an interview. Freeform doesn’t really have a more successful show (even though last week’s ratings were the worst ever, not surprising considering how awful the episode was). I think if they can’t get key players in place it’s not going to be possible. So, I imagine that’s what the rumors are about.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Hopefully Callie doesn't do anything with Russell. Her going there was so stupid. Thx just adds another traumatic even to her life. She doesn't need anymore trauma. Hopefully we don't see her acting out like she has been. I think she got some trauma from being in juvie.             
Doesn’t do anything? You mean like get raped? I don’t think we’re going there. Peter pretty much said that but the trial isn’t over either (sigh, le sigh, fuck me). He said, this is it for her though, a turning point. We will see. I am sick of her story.
Anonymous said:                                                                      this was one of the worst episodes this season, if not ever. last week's episode with the whole kyle twist was the right move. take this stupid storyline and make it about callie's character development and turn her whole "the system is rigged" ideology upside down. this could've been big. but no they had to make troy guilty, make callie right (wow! teen detective cracks the case! does it illegally! yay for criminal justice!!!).             
Yeah, I agree. And so did Vulture.com, which is usually up the producer’s ass. The Kyle twist would have had far reaching consequences for Callie. This just lets her be just as self righteous as before. I am sick of it, no one is always right, and Callie does not have a clue on how to do things right. I can’t stand it. I can’t stand the quick confession. It was terribly written with characters we don’t give a shit about and they’re doing it again with Diamond, literally no one cares.
And just so you feel a little angrier, they cut a Stef and Lena scene according to Peter on Afterbuzz.
Anonymous said:                                                                      So sick and tired of Callie getting in to truble like every 5min!!! Really hope season 5 will be less of these drama and more of the family love..             
Well, as Peter said:
Final thoughts on what to expect next season?Season 5 is a little bit of a reset to our family, our home, and the sort of simpler and brighter and happier times that our family really needs.
Let us hope that is true, it’s what the audience needs.
Anonymous said:                                                                      In the picture you post of Bts of Maia, Sherri and Teri.. The 4 picture in one. The one of Teri, looks like she got hit in the face. Might be just my eyes.             
Good call. There does seem to be something... Stef has some explaining to do in terms of her role in getting Callie in this particular mess. She wasn’t really looking out for her. Another terribly written story.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I hope AJ is still in the show a lot, despite not being with Callie anymore. Like it'd really upset me if they just stop his character from having screen time. I really like his character and he's more than just a love interest. I just noticed how he was on the show often when he was dating Callie and then suddenly after they break up he has no screen time. At least he is more of a main character compared to people like Wyatt
Peter said he’d be around but obviously not as much. Too bad we get rid of AJ and have to put up with more odious Aaron.
Anonymous said:                                                                      If Maia is in "Callie" clothes and is shooting a scene ifo the house, that must mean that Callie's okay, right? Like, the whole trafficking monkey business is short-lived?? I hope.    
I think she gets out of that in the first episode but that means another season opener filled with complete bullshit drama.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I finally saw last weeks episode. Now, Mariana has always been my favorite of the kids. But last week was the first time I ever disliked her. It was Emma's choice to have the abortion. I hope in 4x20 she apologizes and the two reconcile.             
Mariana who self invited her bio daddy to a house she doesn’t pay a single bill for, that Mariana? Yeah that Mariana is unlikable.
                                                                              Anonymous said:                                                                      I miss the old Jesús :( I was re watching the first episodes and seriously, everything about him is so different now. I liked him because he was so protective over his moms and the family in general (Even when he was together with Lexi) and now it seems like everything is just about Gabe or Emma. I don't why I haven't noticed before, but this Jesús sucks a lot.             
This Jesus has been Jesus for nearly 2 seasons and he just now had a nice scene with the moms. It’s ridiculous. I know this question is old but I feel exactly the same way, new Jesus is all about his bio daddy and his penis. I am sorry but that’s all I see. Old Jesus was handsome, gentlemanly and most importantly Latino.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I've noticed fosters ff has been super slow lately.. do you think it's because of a lost of interest in the show?             
I don’t know because I only follow Stef and Lena fanfic and that’s always been slow.                             
Anonymous said:                                                                      My finance, myself and many of our friends are die heart Fosters fans. We used to watch episodes live, now we DVR them & watch when we have nothing else to do (weeks later-fast forwarding most of the episode). These storylines (Daimond, Aaron, Gabe, Anna) are really sucking the want to watch out of us. Unfortunately, this has made us unsure if we will DVR or tuned in for the finale or next season.  Hope the show producers/showrunners do better & hope they don't lose more viewers due to this.             
You aren’t alone. It bothers me more than the fact that Stef and Lena weren’t allowed to kiss. The last few shows, I mean, I watched hoping they’d surprise me. I watched, hoping for some neat moments. I didn’t care at all about any of the main plots. AT ALL.
Anonymous said:                                                                      I just saw Maia Mitchell's instagram story and she was in the car with Robert and why does it look like Gabe is going to be meddling in family affairs I'm so done with this show             
There does seem to be at least a Stef and Lena scene, still,  I know episode 2 won’t be my favorite.
Anonymous said:                                                                      As someone who was born to a teenager, I definitely identify with Mariana being angry with Emma, as my entire existence is predicated on my birth mother's decision to not terminate her pregnancy. A abortion as an adopted kid is always a touchy subject, and I would like to see both pro-choice and pro-life arguments being presented.             
Wrong person to send this anon to. There’s only one person that gets to decide and that’s the pregnant woman. There’s no such thing as a pro-life argument for me. Sorry. I mean, not to get personal but since you did, how many of us are accidents? How many of of our lives were dependent on a such a choice. I was. I totally support any choice my mother might have made. If she had made the opposite choice, I wouldn’t care because I wouldn’t exist. It’s really a silly argument.                                                              
  Anonymous said:                                                                      sherri has MASTERED the look of love when looking at stef. in the episode when frank passed in the bathroom Lena is leaning on the sink mesmerized by her woman before she rallies the troops. that wonderful kitchen kiss scene when stef is having flashbacks. & in the making out in the rain scene. it's really beautiful to look at how much she loves her woman. also love stef stroking lena's face & then she pulls her chin up right before the kiss. these woman are absolute goals            
Anonymous said:                                                                      i'm the anon who just wrote about sherri mastering the look. in the making out rain scene one thing i love is seeing sherri smile into a kiss. she's so relaxed with teri now which means more from lena. after the cut back from jude clapping, that is my fav. angle they captured because you can see how close they are, like physically, second because we can see sherri smiling & then putting a bit more force behind the passionate kiss. i'll never be over that kiss. we're blessed             
Yep, gonna go watch it again!
  Anonymous said:                                                                      Why is Stef so cool about what Callie did ? I know the girl isn't going  to prison and I know Stef has to be supportive and all but Callie did all of this. It's on her and I don't understand why Stef and Lena are son nice with her. Even if they don't want her to suffer, I wish someone could tell her that what she did was wrong. Now we are supposed to feel sorry for her. I'm so tired of Callie. I wonder what happened to this character.             
They took her too far. This isn’t life is so unfair to me Callie that we could relate to. This is self destructive Callie who gives a shit about everything and it’s hard to relate to.
Anonymous said:                                                                      Does Lena have an EdD? That could help her a lot in terms of future employment if Anchor Beach goes private.             
My great big hope is that Anchor Beach goes fully public. Peter said it won’t be resolved in the way we expect so that’s what I hope. The charter has been revoked or whatever, if it’s an affiliated charter as it has been portrayed then the San Diego Unified school district would take over. The school is worth more than 10 million btw. That’s my opinion.
Lena having a PHD? I would assume so. Mike said she did but I have been unable to identify it on her wall.
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