#and I'm sure as soon as I post I'll be like fUCK I FORGOT -THIS- ONE
noxtivagus · 1 year
rambling. again. oops.
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frodolives · 7 months
1850s Tumblr Dashboard Simulator
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👸🏻 girlbossladyjane Follow
It really makes me sick to see people giving money to penny weeklies when Franklin's expedition STILL has not been found 😭 There are good men out there trapped in unimaginable temperatures and literally all that's needed is a little more funding for another rescue mission yet all you guys seem to care about are your vulgar little stories...
🧔🏻‍♂️ queerqueg Follow
the franklin expedition is dead as hell
👸🏻 girlbossladyjane Follow
Disgraceful thing to say but I'd expect nothing more from a M*lville fan
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 hartgrindisreal
Sorry for posting so much about Tom Gradgrind/James Harthouse from Hard Times lately. It turns out that I was getting arsenic poisoning from my wallpaper? Anyway I took a seaside stroll and I'm normal now. Check your walls y'all
#whyyy did i assume they were committing unlawful actions together like where did i even get that from lol #hard times isn't even that good by dickens standards tbh
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🎨 asherbrowndurand
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Just painted this
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RIP Napoleon... you may have been unable to conquer Alexander's Russia but you sure as hell conquered Alexander's bed
🖼️ preraphaelitebro Follow
📝 shakespearesforehead Follow
How does this have less than 100k notes you could literally not avoid this post back in the 20s lol
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🌄 loyalromantic Follow
poets just aren't dying young in mysterious water-related incidents like they used to :/
#as useless and degenerative as i find 'the living poets' and i'm glad we're finally moving on from them #i have to agree with op in this respect
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🎀 thefopdiaries Follow
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I finally got a daguerreotype of myself ^_^ Porcelain urn for scaling
📜 bartlebi-thescrivener
i think i hauve consumption
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🐋 whaler4life
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🌿 naturesnaturalist Follow
I swear this website has 0 reading comprehension skills. Darwin NEVER claimed we "evolved" from apes like if one of you guys actually bothered to open his new book you'll see all his arguments are backed up by evidence. He actually makes a lot of sense
#sure there's nuance like i don't fully agree with all of it #but his general theory of natural selection seems pretty sound imo
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🤵🏻‍♂️ byronicherotournament Follow
🙈 butchbronte Follow
Of course these are the finalists lmao this website is so predictable. Anyway vote Heathcliff if you dont i'm going to assume you're a phrenologist
📖 sapphichelenburns Follow
It's not problematic to acknowledge the fact that Heathcliff was a brute like he literally killed dogs in case you forgot. #rochestersweep
🙈 butchbronte Follow
I love the implication here that Rochester never did anything cruel either. He literally locked his wife in the attic and lied to Jane about it 😭 like that was a pretty significant thing that happened
📖 sapphichelenburns Follow
And? God forbid women do anything
#why'd you have to pit two bad bitches against each other #anyway i'm not attracted to men but still went with rochester #bc in terms of living quarters thornfield hall > wuthering heights easily
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 hartgrindisreal
Not the Russian tsar dying immediately after hartgrind became canon
#i know dickens hasn't technically confirmed it yet but like. SOMETHING was strongly implied ok #see: my previous post #dickensposting
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 hartgrindisreal
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#this installment!!! im-- #dickensposting #i can't fucking cope #dickens wants to KILL us he wants us DEAD....
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⭐️ newamerican
Hi guys sorry I haven't been posting lately it's been so difficult getting to California 💀 I'm finally here now though just need to find a pickaxe and soon I'll be digging! :-) wish me luck lol
#gold #gold rush #gold rush grind #california #adventure
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lynxgirlpaws · 6 months
To be clear given your pinned if someone told you that their pronouns were she/her you wouldn’t start intentionally they/theming them unless they asked you to stop correct?
Oh yeah no absolutely not!!! That is mostly for people who insist they/them isn't valid, which is not just really shitty but just objectively incorrect !!
I'm not ever gonna purposely use any pronouns someone doesn't say they use, honestly I've been on the recieving end of mildly annoying they/themming :/
If I ever do fuck up in that regard however, I more than welcome being corrected, like genuinely if I get it wrong by accident please !! Correct me !
I can't lie I . Completely forgot about that part of my pinned and, regarding your concern it could definitely use some re-wording or something. Thank you !
Edit; hey just remembered uh this includes neopronouns and stuff like. As I said I'm never gonna use the wrong pronouns on purpose, that includes anything other than he she or they like. Again, if I ever get this fucked up you have my 100% permission to tear my ass up about it !!!
Okau off to sleep
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its-a-me-mango · 2 months
MANGOOO!! hello, been shy to slide into asks but i got very curious looking at your SMG4 posts.. do you have any headcanons you think are cool ? Would be a blast to see them! :D
OH HAI!!!! Oh my god I love headcanons so much I promise, but I'm one of those people who immediately forgets them all when I'm asked about them. Also I forgot which ones are mine and which ones are someone elses, thought tbh if someone HC is good enough for me to think I made it then like, that would be a huge compliment to me haha! X3
I have a few that I can think of off the top of my head right now, there's a few that need a whole post to explain but I'll do that when I feel like it, gonna leave out any LGBT headcanons because I already agree with everyone else, they are all gay and trans except the ones that aren't and that's so awesome.
Again forgive me if I repeat someone else's HC, or if anything I say is proven to not be possible, I fucking forgorrrrr;
SMG3 has tattoos, I know I've shown that one already but listen. He has 3, one is a half sleeve on his left forearm that's got a skull and a bunch of bombs and explosions around it, another one is on his right mid thigh which is a memorial tattoo for Terence, and one very small one on his back right shoulder blade that's just a little skull (it's very blown out and old). He'd like to get more at some point, none of the others have any tattoos but he's trying to convince them to get one.
All the SMG's have the little arrow thing that was on their guardian pod as a marking somewhere on their body, SMG1 has his on his chest under his scarf, SMG2 has his under his hat, SMG3 has his on his lower back, and SMG4 has his on the back of his neck, they're all pretty hidden and not too visible, but anytime they use their meme guardian powers they glow.
Tari is just a bird fan in general, for someone who stays inside gaming she sure knows every single bird ever. She's not a bird watcher but she can identify any bird you show her easily, and she's always happy and excited to see bird when she does go out. Obviously though ducks are her favourite, but she like all waterfowl in general.
Karen is divorced, she just gives me divorced girl energy. She has full custody of her kids because her ex was a piece of shit and didn't want them anyway, her kids were all too young to know about him thankfully. She probably got married right out of highschool or something, those relationships never seem to work out. I keep thinking of those "day in the life of a divorced 23 year old" videos like, that's her lol.
Bob's secret hobby is fabric work, you will catch him dead before you catch him admitting or even showing anything he makes, but he makes garments and furniture for fun. Sometimes he'll throw them into the black market and lie about their value for a quick buck and to clear out space, he doesn't care much once they're completed he just likes making them.
I think this one's just semi canon, but SMG4 Mario is secretly really good at reading people, yeah he's kinda dumb but he can pick up what people are feeling in depth, he just doesn't always get why. He's also just a good guy to go to for comfort, not advised though don't listen to him, he's just really good to ramble/vent too (mainly because he won't remember what you said lol).
I'm sure I'll think of more as soon as I post this, but come back and ask again at some point and I'll try and remember them lol
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thedeathlysallows · 5 months
Is It Over Now? (4)
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon; Aegon Targaryen x Aemma Velaryon
Summary: At least I had the decency to keep my nights out of sight
Warnings: canon typical Targaryen incest.
Here is the masterlist containing all the other drabbles in the series!
Happy Christmas Eve everyone! I'm not sure if I'll get to post tomorrow, so please enjoy this, and have a wonderful time over the next couple of days!
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Whispers travel through the Keep at an alarming rate. Servants and knights alike gossip with one another about the princess disappearing into Prince Aegon's chambers for hours, only coming out once Princess Rhaneyra threatened to send Prince Daemon after her.
Aemond doesn't believe the whispers.
Why should he?
Aemma, his Aemma, would never debase herself with a man such as Aegon.
No, the servants are wrong. They have to be wrong. Perhaps some of the servant girls Aemond fucked finally realized exactly what he was doing, and their jealousy overtook them, leading them to lie about what they saw. Or maybe it's not a lie and simply a case of mistaken identity. Perhaps Aegon is doing the same as Aemond and his whore of the day just happened to bear a striking resemblance to their niece.
Yes, that's it. That's exactly what happened.
And yet...
Aemond finds himself outside Aegon's chambers, as if his subconscious carried him all the way here. He allows the guards to open the doors and announce his presence. He waits. Patiently. Desperately.
"Servants have been whispering," Aemond announces unceremoniously. He takes in the way his brother lounges in bed, skin flushed and a dazed smile on his face. Aegon reeks of wine and sex.
"Servants always whisper," Aegon counters. He's altogether too unbothered by anything Aemond could say or do, the afterglow of a good fuck still rendering his mind hazy.
Aemond decides to be outright. "Did you fuck Aemma?"
"And if I did?" Aegon stands slowly, wrapping the bedsheet around his waist. It's more for his prudish brother's sake than his own. "Tell me what you would do, brother. Keep in mind, I know your dirty little servant girl secret, and it's not above me to let it be known to our sweet little Aemma."
"You'll find it difficult to speak without a tongue."
Aegon smirks. "You would never."
He's right. Aemond would never; however, the threat still feels nice rolling from his tongue.
"Does it burn you up inside, brother?" Aegon tilts his head to the side. "Does it just make that cold heart of yours shrivel even more to know Aemma came to my bed willingly? She's always been meant to be mine-"
"No!" Aemond steps forward, but stops himself from moving further. Aegon is simply trying to goad him, and Aemond can't give him the satisfaction of it working. "You lie. Just like the rest of the Keep."
"Do I?" He gestures to his bed where a small splotch of red colors the sheet still over his mattress. When Aemond says nothing, Aegon claps him on the shoulder. "I'll see you in the throne room, brother."
The throne room.
Aemond almost forgot.
Vaemond Velaryon and his suit to inherit Driftmark is to be brought before the King. Yet another reason for your appearance in King's Landing.
He leaves as soon as the thought strikes him and heads to the throne room. Most of the Lords and Ladies are gathered already, his family included. He takes his place with them and waits. Aegon slinks in not long after, standing between Aemond and Helaena.
When you enter the room, trailing behind your mother like a good little heir to the throne, Aemond's eye is on you instantly. He searches up and down your body, scanning for any hint that Aegon was indeed telling the truth, but he sees nothing. You stand with your shoulders back and head high as you listen to Vaemond's unhinged speech. Aemond hears little of it. He's too focused on you, all but begging you to look at him. When you finally do look over the breath leaves his chest. Your gaze is sharp but softens into comfortable familiarity as you look at him.
I love you, he wants to say.
"Speak plainly," King Viserys snaps, pulling Aemond's attention back to the matter at hand.
Vaemond bares his teeth. "Her sons are bastards."
"I'll have your tongue!" Viserys makes to get off the throne, but Daemon is quicker. Dark Sister arches through the air and frees Vaemond's head from his neck.
Your uncle turned step father smirks. "He can keep it."
Aemond watches your reaction carefully, taking in the way you turn ever so slightly towards your mother. Your face goes deathly pale as you clutch your stomach. You've clearly no appetite for violence still.
"Aemma," Aemond says in a reverent whisper. The sound can't possibly reach you, but your eyes seek him out once more, and he can't help but step towards you.
"Aemond," Alicent snaps.
And just like that you look away, your own mother pulling you close and whispering something to you when she notices Aemond's staring.
Aegon leans over, dropping his voice so low that only Aemond can hear it. "Someone informed our dear sister of your escapades with pretty light haired serving girls that bear a shocking resemblance to her precious daughter."
"You're using a lot of words to say you told her."
"I didn't." Aegon's expression is grave. "I would make a spectacle out of it. You know that. Mother believes she has spies in the Keep."
Aemond takes his brother's words in stride.
"I advise you be more discreet," Aegon continues after a pause. "It's not a good look to lust after your brother's wife. Though if you can manage to not make me look like a joke I might let you have a taste after I put a babe in her belly."
It takes everything in Aemond not to reach over and strangle his brother. He's had enough of Aegon's lies. He didn't bed Aemma, he just wants to torture Aemond.
"She doesn't deserve a man like you," Aemond says simply.
"We shall see, brother."
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seokmattchuus · 1 year
Seok Mattew as a Dom
A/n: I love this man with my whole being. It's only fair he's the first zb1 thing I post. P.S I don't wanna hear s h i t about the gif. There's only so much to work with right now 😭
P.P.S I did not proofread because I have copious amounts of caffiene in my system and cannot read properly. If there's typos, let me know and I'll fix them when I'm normal again <3
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Soft dom.
Softest of doms.
He's up first most of the time so he makes breakfast to make sure you eat.
Smoothie person? He's got it made.
Cereal person? Prepped with your favorite spoon.
Full fledged meal? He's working on it but the eggs are done.
If he isn't up before you, he's blowing up your phone all day.
"Did you eat?"
"You forgot your water thingy. I'll bring it by later :)"
"Make sure you eat enough for lunch! Snacks and energy drinks don't count >.<"
Even if you pinky promise to eat a proper lunch, he doesn't trust you.
"Oh yeah? Show me what you're eating."
Turns into a whole video call during your lunch that you barely even get to eat anyways.
He's clingy what can I say
Okay back to soft dom matthew.
Doesn't like raising his voice because it definitely hurts him more than it hurts you.
Because you're his lil baby.
How can he yell at his lil baby and be okay after that?
Raising his voice is the last resort or reserved for major fuck ups.
Usually says your name in that tone.
You know.
The soft dom tone.
Timbers? Shivered.
It usually does the trick because you don't really want to make him mad.
Unless you want to.
But we'll get to that. Put a pin in it.
He's up first most of the time so he makes breakfast to make sure you eat.
Smoothie person? He's got it made.
Cereal person? Prepped with your favorite spoon.
Full fledged meal? He's working on it but the eggs are done.
If he isn't up before you, he's blowing up your phone all day.
"Did you eat?"
"You forgot your water thingy. I'll bring it by later :)"
"Make sure you eat enough for lunch! Snacks and energy drinks don't count >.&lt;"
Even if you pinky promise to eat a proper lunch, he doesn't trust you.
"Oh yeah? Show me what you're eating."
Turns into a whole video call during your lunch that you barely even get to eat anyways.
He's a giver. For sure.
I'd bet my life on it.
L o v e s foreplay.
He drags that shit out.
Kisses. Kisses everywhere.
Loves hickies.
Will trail them down your body.
And leave the biggest ones where only he can see :))
Bc he thinks they make you look pretty :))))
All in all just really wants to make your private time last. It's not like he's got other things to do.
Gives you head before sex.
Doesn't like restraints because he loves feeling you tug on his hair.
Gives him motivation, y'know?
He knows what you want.
And how you want it.
Say 'please' and he'll give it to you until you're begging him to stop
Because he totally does it for him more than for you.
Like, say he's had a rough practice.
Maybe a petty argument.
He'll text you some shit like.
"Can you get all pretty for me?"
"Remember that set we bought, can you put it on for me?"
You know what's coming and it just gets you worked up.
You know by now to just wait on the bed.
He wastes no time burying himself between your legs.
He's not moving anytime soon.
And with the hold he'd have on your legs, neither are you.
You're stuck there until he's done.
And that's not until you're crying and shaking because he needs you to be absolutely spent before he considers letting up.
Speaking of-
He might dabble in overstimulation, but not maliciously?
If that makes sense??
Like, his stamina is insane and after he's done eating you out, he's already getting ready move on.
And for the most part, you're not opposed but like,
Damn, not even a snack break, y'know?
He's just going.
Def likes missionary because eye contact.
And he can kiss you whenever he wants.
"Look at me, baby."
"So pretty like this."
"Such a good girl."
Likes to hold your hips.
Maybe leaves bruises.
(And totally apologizes afterwards)
I can see him liking doggy.
I said nothing.
Maybe holds your arms behind you.
Or grab your hair.
You'd have to ask though.
Because he doesn't want to hurt you.
And even if he complies, he's constantly asking if you're okay.
He needs the reassurance.
He'll give you what you want but you have to tell him that he's not hurting you.
You're his precious baby bean and the last thing he wants is to hurt you.
Yeah, we're back to pushing his buttons. Take that pin out.
Let's say the tone encouraged the brat in you and you wanted to test how far he'd go.
He's not gonna say anything while you're out.
Oh, no.
And of course, you're gonna take that as 'he's not gonna do anything', and you keep going.
But he's keeping track.
And it'll definitely come back to bite you.
"You really thought you'd get away with that?"
"Did my baby forget who's in charge?"
"What kind of punishment do you think you deserve?"
It's a trap, don't answer.
Because whatever you say will be wrong.
If you're thinking you got a one-way ticket to rough sex you are also wrong.
He will hold a grudge.
And he will fuck you over when you aren't expecting it.
Let's say you wanna cook dinner.
He offers to help.
You're there, minding your business, chopping up some veggies.
He comes up behind you, all sweet and innocent.
His arms loosely around your waist.
Until he pushes forward and you're trapped between him and the counter.
You wonder why he's like this but then you remember.
You're trying to focus because you know he wants you to give up.
But he's got a plan.
His arms tighten around your waist and he leans down to press kisses on your neck.
He's still eyeing the hand holding the knife.
"Think you can do something for me?"
"If you can finish prepping those, you have permission to cum whenever you want."
Another funishment I think he'd be into is making you wear a vibrator that he can control.
But you have to be super busy.
Errands to run, homework to do, studying for a test.
You have to be doomed from the start, essentially.
Because then he has a reason to talk shit.
"C'mon, baby, we're just walking around the store."
"Focus, baby, you can do it."
"See? You're doing so well."
"If you can finish this assignment on a higher setting, I might let you cum."
You get princess treatment afterwards, lemme tell you.
He has pajamas set up but you have to bathe first.
But you don't have to do anything.
He bathes the both of you so can just relax in the water.
The bath is completely PG. No dirty thoughts bc he knows you're tired.
Shampoos and conditions your hair.
Gently washes your body, being extra careful where he knows you're sensitive.
Dries you off :((
And does the hair wrap thing :((((
Puts the pjs on you and goes to get some water.
He lets you pick a movie.
Not that you'll be awake for it, he just knows you like background noise.
He just puts on pajama bottoms so you can fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat :(( <3
That one's for me bc I love that shit
The second you wake up, best believe you'll have all the food you can think of in front of you.
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abbyromanoff · 9 months
Ok, so I saw your post about horny thoughts, so I just knew it was my time to shine.
I was thinking about how Kate is just the cutest Golden retrieve girlfriend. Everyone always looks at Kate and you and thinks there is no way kate is the dom. But they are so wrong. One night, kate takes you to Avenger's party. You lie telling everyone how subby Poor kate is, telling them to just look how adorable she is. She is furious but bites her tongue, letting you talk. But she soon drags you away to her room. She tells you to strip and get on the bed. Knowing you fucked but wanting the excitement you do as she says. She goes to the closet and comes back naked but also with restraints. So she ties you up where you can't move. Her cock is so hard seeing you like this. She tells you, "Now be a good girl and take everything Daddy gives you. I'm going to be breeding your pussy till you can't walk for a week." Her fingers trailing down your stomach "maybe I'll even get you pregnant". And Kate does exactly what she says fucking you till you pass out. Her cum leaking out of you. But she also makes sure the soundproofing is off so everyone hears just how much of a slut you are for her and how you lied so much. I forgot to mention her also marking you all over just cover in red and purple marks everywhere, especially your boobs.
Funny you say this bc I just wrote two fics today, one being dark!mommy!wanda and the other being Kate 👀👀
But omg yessss maybe she even records it and sends it to her friends without you knowing so they can see how much of a slut you are for her. The next day is embarrassing having to face everyone with hickeys and bruises all over your skin but they choose not to comment, or some of them. But Kate isn’t one to brag, only sometimes. She puts her arm around your shoulder and whispers in your ear “wanna tell them how well you fucked me last night or should I?”
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kai-anderson-whore · 11 months
The man in the long black coat (kai Anderson x fem reader)
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A/n: so kai got the most votes on the poll posted last week. this is based on the Bob Dylan song the man in the long black coat. It just gives me huge kai vibes. I'll upload the other two fics this week too I finished one that was a request and almost finished with temptations part two so they will be posted soon.
A/n2: Also I forgot about he's a cult leader so I'll also upload chapter 10 tonight or tomorrow too.
Summary: you were out at a dance hall one night when you met a mysterious man who changed your life. Giving you a decision you couldn't refuse.
Warnings: cult stuff, leaving your boyfriend/ partner, mentions of cheating, running away, sneaking out, and alcohol.
Word count: 1,8k
Taglist: @spill-the-t @iluwmycats @lili-tate @evanpeterswifeyy868 @jademunson @evanpetersfansblog @howtobesasha @lustforeverrrr @fand0mh03
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
You had been sneaking around behind your boyfriends back to meetings with the cult you were devoted to even more so your leader kai Anderson. Always at night when the crickets chirp in the night sky. Your boyfriend none the wiser.
The soft cotton dress flowed on your frame seeing your divine ruler standing outside waiting on you his long black coat kept him him as you rushed to the house you became familiar with over those past few months. What you didn't know was that when you rushed away from your neighbourhood your boyfriend saw you running with another man.
You had met kai at an old dance hall on the outskirts of town. Something compelling you towards him. You didn't know what it was he had a face like a mask concealing many thoughts and emotions only a stern look on his face. Yet you asked him if he wanted to dance little did you know he had been watching you to let you join the cult.
You sat on the chair of a dance hall on the outskirts of the town of Michigan. Sipping on your drink scanning the room. Your friends all too drunk to bother with anyone else.
Suddenly a pair of eyes caught yours. They were a deep brown held no words or emotion. Yet they were all so captivating like they were compelling you to him. He was extremely attractive bright blue freshly dyed hair. Usually that wouldn't your type yet there was something about this man that made you want him despite you already having a boyfriend.
He's also the reason why you were out. You both been constantly arguing back and forth and you needed to blow off some steam. So you got your friends out and decided to have fun and drink your troubles away.
Your eyes locking with this mysterious man his face held no expression like a mask. Keeping his guard up at all times. It made you want him more even though you only just clapped eyes on each other. You wanted to see that mask fall and break those walls he's obviously built around himself.
You sipped on your drink a smirk on your lips as this man watched you closely noticing the way your rudy red lips wrapped around the straw so seductively. You don't know were this Sudden confidence came from but you walked up to him with a bright smile batting your eyelashes at him.
He looked you down not once breaking his demeanor. "Hey" you simply started with he replied with a simple "hi" with furrowed brows pretending like he wasn't just having some sort of eye fuck with you. "Wanna dance?" You then asked waiting on his answer. "Sure" he said you took his hand guiding him to the pile of sweaty body's grinding on each other.
You started dancing with this complete stranger. Not giving a damn that you had a boyfriend at home probably blowing your phone up. "What's your name?" You asked grinding your ass against the man. "Kai, kai Anderson" he said his hands on your hips you were intoxicating to him but he had to keep to his own task.
"I'm y/n y/l/n" you smiled turning your head to him. You danced for a bit before you needed some air. Kai followed behind you. The thought of how attractive he was outside as the moonlight highlighted his features. Before you knew it you spent the night at his place that's when you discovered that he had been watching you for a while and you joined the cult.
Ever since that day you grew to fall for kai. Obeying his every order you were there hand and foot, his most devoted and most loyal follower. Last night changed everything for you to make a decision that would hurt the people you were supposed to love.
Another night sneeking through the living room window meeting your divine ruler. Running to the house through the wild wind that felt like a hurricane yet not quite. Finally making it too kai's house.
"Y/n you made it" kai smiled forcefully you scanned the room with furrowed brows. You expected everyone else to be here yet it was only you and kai. "Yes divine ruler, where are the others?" You asked kai gesturing for you to sit by the table. You know exactly what was going to happen.
"I just wanted to see you privately I have something to ask but first-" holding out his pinky. You mimic his actions locking pinkys. "Now you already know the rules once contact has been made I can't lie to you vise versa" kai summarised you simply nodded your head with a shaky breath.
"What made you become so loyal to me?" He asked a genuine question that had him wondering from the day you both met. You sighed through your nose before replying. "When I was a little girl my mother would take me to church and the preacher used to say at most sermons he gave 'every man's conscious is vile and depraved, you cannot depend on it to be your guide when it's you who must keep it satisfied' and I stuck with that till I met you it was different I can't explain it"  your voice almost at a whisper.
Kai listened to every word leaving your lips. "Not even your boyfriend?" He questioned you shook your head. "Not even him he's not like you kai" you admitted. "Do you love him?" He asked you could feel the grip on your pinky tightening as he asked that question. "To be honest kai no I don't I'm miserable when I'm with him" you felt guilty saying that about your partner but it was true you couldn't lie to yourself anymore.
"So why are you with him then" he pushed further. Kai already knew the answer in his head but wanted to hear it from you. "Because I just got used to him being there everything was fine I thought he was the one for me but now no I don't love him anymore but I can't break his heart" you softly chuckled not believing the words coming out your mouth.
"Because you love someone else don't you who?" his voice laced with hope but it was undetected to you. Swallowing a lump in your throat. A shaky breath you nodded. "It's you kai your the one I love" you admitted knowing that you can't lie during pinky power plus kai would see right through you. A grin plastered the blue haired man who's pinky was intertwined with your own.
"I knew it" he chuckled the nerves took over you. You didn't know if he would be mad or upset with you he was unpredictable. But you couldn't help but love him "that's why I'm so loyal to prove myself to you I'm sorry divine ruler" you whispered feeling small. Your hands trembling against his firm grip on your pinky before he let go lifting himself off the chair.
He paced around the room thinking. You swallowed another lump in your throat. Your mouth felt dry "I have something for you to do my little lamb" you could hear the smirk on his face he finally got you were he wanted you all to himself well almost.
"Anything kai" your meek voice broke kai knelt down infront of your taking your hands in his. "I want you to leave him, we could be happy together equal power, I'll be your king and you'll be my queen what do you say?" He asked you looked in his eyes for a hint of uncertainty or if there was a plan behind his eyes for the future regarding your decision.
But all you saw was hopefulness, love and admiration something you never saw all those emotions in those brown eyes before. That's when you made your decision. "Yes kai I'll leave him" you nodded with a smile finally feeling the love you craved so much before. "But how?" You asked you knew that you couldn't just simply tell him to his face you would end up being guilt tripped to stay with someone you don't love. "Simple" he smirked before telling you the plan
But there are no mistakes in life some people say. And it's true sometimes if you see it that way which you did. There was no mistake on choosing kai over your partner. The man you been sneaking around with not romantically but in this double life situation he was the one you grew to love.
You waited till your boyfriend was asleep slipping out the bed. Your bag already packed lightly with some basic things. Some money you hid now in your wallet. You contemplated on leaving a note at least to give your soon to be ex boyfriend some closure but decided against it.
The clock struck 1:00am you tipped toed out the bedroom. And out the living room window so you wouldn't awake your boyfriend by leaving through the front door. Kai stood by the driveway grabbing your bag then helping you out the window.
"You ready to go" he asked his black leather coat hugged his body from the cold wind. You simply nodded your head no turning back now this was what you wanted to be kai's and him yours. He grabbed your hand as you both speed off into the night sky.
Your boyfriend had heard you sneaking around. He knew you weren't in love with him anymore. He suspected you were cheated on him. And now he saw you from the window running your hands intertwined with a man in a long black coat and blue washed out hair. His heart broke seeing you run freely.
Not even a word of goodbye, not even a note. She went with the man in the long black coat. He wished you left him a note telling him why you just up and left him. But she never said nothing, there was nothing she wrote.
You finally made it to kai's place. His lips instantly on yours. Even that night you spent at his almost a year ago. He never once kissed you. His lips were like a drug you never wanted to come clean for. If anything you wanted more.
Kai pulled away his forehead resting on yours. Your hand on his arm a smile on your lips. You felt young and free like you could take on the world with kai. "I love you y/n" he finally said a genuine smile on his face. You let out a light giggled wrapping your arms around his neck. "I love you too kai".
You finally gave your heart to the man in the long black coat.
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lovejosephquinn · 1 year
hii! can i request a joe quinn x reader? something super angsty, maybe where the reader wants to break up and he refuses to accept it and is like begging her to stay?
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I want to make this sting, I apologise in advance
Oh and by the way, I'm sorry if my angst isn't great, I'm not used to writing it lmao
Read Part 2 Here. ◀◀◀
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This had been a long awaited battle, Joe had finished filming a week early somewhere in the states and you'd been so excited to have him back by your side, you'd not seen your boyfriend for a couple of months, arranging a date night as soon as he'd got back as a surprise, planning everything, making it special. Then came the excuses. Another couple of weeks went by and there was still no sign of him returning home.
'I've got to stay a little longer, love. I'm sorry.'
'I won't be coming home this week. I'll call you soon.'
'I'm sorry I've not called, I've been so busy.'
'Sorry I forgot to text you today.'
And chances were when he did text you on the rare occasion, you were fast asleep due to the time difference. This was unlike Joe, he'd usually be blowing up your phone and that's how you knew something clearly wasn't right. The list became endless, the calls and the messages became less, every reply became more blunt and it had really gotten to you, it was like he didn't care anymore, the pushing away took you to the edge.
This was a solid relationship of two years falling into a dark abyss, then came the day when you hit the roof. Scrolling through twitter, you came across a post on Joe's hashtag. It pictured him stood with a girl in a familiar pub in London looking rather cosy, not fan cosy, personally cosy. "What the fuck?" your raised voice echoed across the walls of your flat as you sat up from where you laid on the sofa, screaming internally at the picture. You knew it was recent because Joe was wearing the leather jacket you'd bought him for his birthday, had he been back in London without telling you? How, what, when?
You tried to call him instantly, no answer. Shock.
You threw your phone onto the coffee table, sat twisting your silver promise ring that Joe got you which had remained on your middle finger for almost a year, tears strained your eyes and a million thoughts rapidly shot through your mind, your heart beating twice it's normal rate. So you decided to go to his flat to check, you could've had this all wrong, for the thin ice that the relationship was wobbling on at this moment, you'd seriously hoped you had.
You sat at your steering wheel, staring up to the window of Joe's flat. The light was on, not much sign of life from what you could see from the high up view but needless to say, there was definitely someone there. As you took the hasty steps up to his front door, you knocked and within 10 seconds the door answered. There he was.
"Y/N, I didn't expect you."
"Could say the same." you folded your arms, tapping your fingers against it.
"I wanted to surprise you but I-"
"How long have you been back?" you flat out interrupted.
"Not long, love. I was going to call you." That's not the answer you were looking for.
"Are you going to let me in?" You moved yourself closer to the front door and Joe instantly moved it fully open, gesturing you inside.
Joe tried to envelope you in a hug, simply like nothing had happened but before you reciprocated you wanted the full truth to be out in the open. "Can I ask you something?" The words shot out of your mouth before you could even think.
"Sure love, what's on your mind?"
"Can you explain this?" You pulled out your phone with a print screen of the picture you'd witnessed earlier on.
Joe sighed, he could've lied but was quickly realising you knew the honest truth.
"I've been back a couple of days, I was catching up with an old friend who was on the same flight back as me."
"Are you for real? So you didn't think to call me, text me let me know you'd landed home safely, instead you decide to go have some drinks with this 'old friend'? Do you expect me to believe this crap?"
You pushed Joe out of arms reach, he tried to step back forward but you moved back when he did.
"I'm sorry."
"You're sorry? Is that all you have to say?!" You shouted back at him, your blood was boiling and your tears were filling under your eyelids, staining your eyes making them glisten. Joe said nothing.
"Weeks Joseph. Weeks I've gone without barely hearing a thing. Weeks I've gone without hearing that you miss me or that you love me, weeks I've gone without clearly not being thought about. That's not my Joey, that's a fucking stranger." You scoffed at his inability to make a sentence. "I'm done."
"So that's it, you're letting go?" Joe protested, halting you and standing in your way from letting you walking out the front door.
"There's nothing left to let go of, I've been trying to hold on to hope for weeks."
"So what did you come for?" Joe's voice hitched.
"The truth and I got it with pretty much no explanation, but there's none needed now." Your tears streamed down your face, you wiped them away attempting to stay strong, also striving to get Joe out of the way so you could leave, but he'd become like he was made of iron, he wasn't letting you go now.
"Y/N, I'm sorry for what I've done. Nothing happened with her if that's what you're thinking, I'd never hurt you like that."
"Well I'm glad you didn't and honestly? I believe it. But what's not okay is the ignorance, the waste of two years of my life spent with someone who I believed thought the world of me but instead as I said proved to be more of a stranger this last month."
"I have a job to do Y/N."
"You'd done your fucking job, god knows what you were doing or where you were swanning off too, but it surely was enough to keep your attention to not be able to take 5 minutes out of your day to let me, your girlfriend know you were busy. I was the last to know everything and that's extremely shit of you." Joe attempted one last time, lunging forward to kiss you, as if that'd make it all better. That was when you slapped him square in the jaw. His hand caught the sting, looking down to the floor, his eyes returning sorrowfully to yours.
"Fuck you." you grimaced.
"Y/N, I love you, please can we work this out?"
"Correction Joseph, you loved me, there's a difference."
You could almost pinpoint the moment you saw Joe's heart break, mirroring your own shattered organ.
"That's not fair, I still love you as much as I did before I left. I'm begging you. I can't lose you." Joe fell to his knees, gripping onto your hands as he began to sob, the noises he mustered were just low whimpers, his brown eyes burned through yours, his bottom lip trembling.
"Then why did you let yourself push me away?" You tried to ignore his regret, keeping to your guns and not letting him win this.
"Because I'm a fucking fool that's why."
"You can say that again." You knew you shouldn't have, but the sarcastic bark of laughter that erupted from your lips was something you couldn't help per his last reply.
"Actions have consequences, you broke my heart and now I'm breaking yours right back. If that makes me a bad person, so be it. You want me? Fight for me."
"What do you think I'm doing right now? I'm on my knees for you Y/N, please don't leave me. I'll make it up to you, I promise. I love you so much."
"Then why did you lie to me, why did you ignore me?"
"I just got caught up in being offered to see the city I was in by one of the cast members I worked with, he kindly did it and then I had to do a couple of interviews and press. I should've been more clear."
"And then lying to me, you've been back here at least a few days Joe, why didn't you let me know?"
"I was going too."
"But you didn't."
Joe shook his head, it hung lowly to the ground now like a child being told off by a grown up.
"No I didn't."
You managed to rip your hands from his grip, taking off your promise ring and throwing it down onto his lap.
"Y/N, your ring, no! Don't!"
"Step one is admittance Joe, step two is acceptance. I need to sleep on this shit. I love you but you've seriously hurt me, something I never expected of you."
"Baby, please." He tried to reach for you again.
"Don't. You know where I'll be. If you seriously want to save this relationship, if you're really sorry. You'll be at my flat tomorrow with a full apology, a full reasoning and full knowledge that you'll never do this to me again then I might slowly start to forgive you. As for the ring, it was a promise you'd love me forever and that's a direct quote from the man I thought I knew."
"I won't do this again."
"Actions speak louder than words, Quinn. Prove it."
You had no more to say, at least for tonight. You waltzed past him, leaving him flat on his knees, he didn't fight back to keep you in his presence this time; truly defeated. Bellowing into his hands, the last thing you hear was him call out your name before walking out the door. For good? Who knew. Even though he'd done wrong. You still loved him.
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randomshyperson · 1 year
New Romantics - Chapter Five - Wanda Maximoff Series
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Summary: Trapped in a loveless relationship that has cost her friendships, Wanda watches her senior year of school turn upside down after a party. She will make new friends and may end up learning that not every relationship is doomed to failure.
Warnings: (+16), straight and toxic relationships, making out, underage drinking, language, co-dependency, conversations about insecurity and self-worth, attempted romantic comedy, unrequited love at first, friends to lovers. | Words: 4.606k
Skamverse Collection | Series Masterlist | AO3 | Wattpad |
Chapter Five - The First Apologies
Novi Grad, Tuesday 07:35 pm
"Looks like someone had a fun night." That was the first thing Wanda heard entering the house. It was her own fault, of course, she had spent the whole way back with a silly smile on her face and even as she took off her shoes and coat at the door, her murmur of Good Night to her father in the kitchen was more content than usual.
Erik was chopping vegetables and offered a wink to his daughter who tried to disguise being caught. 
"Yeah, I was with my friends." She commented, and Erik let out a soft exclamation, tossing some tomatoes into a pot.
"And how is Jean, and Eve, and what was the name of the other one, Anna, right?"
Wanda swallowed dryly, and took courage, approaching the opposite countertop. "I don't hang out with those girls anymore, papa." Erik was surprised, but it was more curiosity than anything. He continued cooking but hummed in signaling that he was listening. Wanda sighed. "We had a fight, and we stopped being friends."
He wiped his hands on a dishcloth, looking at his daughter. "Oh, honey, I'm sorry. You guys were so close. No chance for reconciliation?"
Wanda shrugged. "I fucked things up-sorry." She regrets the swearing with a look from her father, who shakes his head in a short laugh saying it's okay. Wanda sighs again. "I made a bad mistake, and I hurt them. And they hurt me back. So I don't think I have any chance of making things right."
Erik nodded, reaching up to kiss his daughter's forehead. "Young people fight all the time, friends mostly. If time doesn't heal the wounds you have, it's okay to move on. You just need to know that you can always talk to me, okay? I miss that." He says, and Wanda smiles, briefly hugging him by the waist before leaving the kitchen to take a shower.
Pietro, who is lying on the bed with the door open, gets up in a jump as soon as he sees her pass in the hallway, and calls her quietly. Wanda turns to her brother with curiosity.
"You're having dinner with us tonight right?"
She laughs confusedly. "Yes?"
He nods eagerly. "Great, I have to talk to you two about something."
"Pietro, you are acting so weird, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, but it's important. I'll talk to you at dinner." He insists, and she frowns but eventually gives in on not bothering him.
As she is sorting clean clothes for the shower, her cell phone rings. Her face lights up immediately when she unlocks her phone and there is a picture on Instagram marked with her name. It is one of the doodles you made of her playing the guitar, and you posted it on the stories.
She replies to you with "When will I be able to take the painting home?"
And she feels her heart miss a beat when you respond with "The painter is coming with it, sorry."
She sighs as she flirts back, "I don't see the problem."
You send a shy emoji and a heart, and Wanda thinks it best to get in the shower before her family notices the color of her cheeks.
Novi Grad, Tuesday 08:24 pm
The pasta was delicious, and Wanda never ceased to be amazed at what a good cook her father was. A few minutes into dinner, chatting away, she almost forgot about Pietro's earlier anxiety, but he sure was growing tense by the minute.
When Erik finished telling them about the mid-year event the Hospital was thinking of doing, his eldest son cleared his throat and put down his fork.
"There's something I need to say."  He announced half-pale. Erik frowned and took a sip of the red wine.
"What is it, boy?"
Pietro swallowed dryly, exchanged a look with his sister, and replied:
"I'm quitting the track team."
Erik gave a confused laugh, "Pietro, don't be ridiculous. How do you plan to get a sports scholarship if you're not on the team?"
Pietro stares at his father, "I'm not going to college anymore."
Erik laughs again, thinking it is some kind of joke. He exchanges a look with Wanda, but the girl is equally surprised by the whole thing. Erik stops laughing.
"What is this, huh? Some kind of teenage crisis? If you wish to change your major, let's talk about it. But you are going to college. I made sure that you, both of you, got a good education and opportunities-"
"Crystal is pregnant."
The table falls completely silent for a full minute. Wanda moves first, and it is to pick up the bottle of wine and take a whole sip. Erik is in such shock that he doesn't even react to it.
"I beg your pardon?" The man then asks, as pale as his son.
Pietro looks like he might start crying at any moment. "She, we want to keep the baby. Take responsibility. We're not going to college, we're going to raise this child together, our families have some structure after all, and if one day either of us wants to go back to school, it will be at another time."
Pietro continues listing the reasons why this is a great idea, and about getting a job and living in the beach apartment, but Erik starts coughing. He puts his hand to his chest, and Wanda is screaming just as he starts to fall over onto his side.
"Pietro, for the love of god, call an ambulance!"  She holds her father up before he hits the ground, but he is clearly having a heart attack. "Daddy, hey, look at me, try to calm down."
"Too young... to be... a grandfather..." He manages to gasp beyond the pain.
Novi Grad, Wednesday 09:45 am
"Slow down, watch your step..."
Erik laughed weakly, patting his daughter on the shoulder. "Wanda, I'm fine, it was just a scare." He assures her, but she grimaces, adjusting her grip around his waist to help him into the house.
"A preinfarction is not a scare, Papa, it's a warning. You need to take it easy." 
"I can get into the house on my own, thank you." He frees himself from his daughter's help, and she sighs at the stubbornness, looking back to get some support from her twin brother, but Pietro - who is carrying the hospital bag - just shrugs. "I should get back to work soon, my patients need me."
"Absolutely not!" Wanda declares following him around the house. "The doctor said you have to rest. We've already called Dr. Palmer to let her know about your absence."
Erik sighs in frustration and sits down on one of the couches. "But-"
"No but, papa. You will rest, and that is final." She declares seriously, and Pietro closes the door as he enters. He takes the suitcase to the laundry room, and Wanda goes to help her father with his boots.
Erik thanks her with a smile, but when Wanda gets up, he holds her hand. "Honey, you should be in school."
She makes a soft grimace. "I can't think about school with you like this."
He gives her a sad smile, "But you need to. Wanda, I know about your grades, you can't afford missing classes."
The girl flinches in surprise and takes a moment to face her father again. "You're not.... angry?"
He sighs. "No, dear." He assures. "I was a little upset that you didn't come to talk to me about it when I got the call from the principal, but with work, I ended up leaving it on the back burner and for that, I apologize. Is there anything I can do to help you, maybe finding you a tutor?"
She shakes her head immediately. "I'm studying already. My new friends are helping me."
He smiles, stroking her hand. "So I still have a kid who's going to college?"
Wanda laughs, leaning over to kiss her father's cheek. "I'll think about it." She jokes, placing a hand on his chest. "Get some rest papa. I don't want to bury another parent, okay?"
Erik swallows dryly, but nods in understanding, resting his forehead on Wanda's for a moment before adjusting himself against the armchair.
Wanda only left the house after separating some snacks for Erik and checking to see if he was asleep. 
Novi Grad, Wednesday 10:00 am
Wanda is surprised that she managed to make it in time for history class, but she has to admit that she wasn't going to absorb much - She was too worried about what happened to her father to care about the Sokovia Revolution.
T'Challa was surprised to see her enter the room. "Maximoff, the guidance counselor told me about the incident with your father. You didn't have to come today."
"I kind of need the grade, professor." She clarifies clumsily, but he is anything but sympathetic.
"I would accept the activity another day. Are you sure you don't want to return home?"
She looks away, at the curious stares of some, but sees the described 'Mid-Year Assignment in the corner of the blackboard and sighs. "It's okay, Professor, really. My father insisted that I not skip school on his behalf, and he is needing to avoid any concerns."
T'Challa did not insist further, waving for her to sit then after giving her an assuring smile.
The committee girls' Facebook group was boiling with messages - Pietro had told someone about Erik's condition, and the news flew at such a speed that by the time Wanda left history class, the whole school knew about it.
She was approached by the girls with hugs and messages of support as soon as she stepped into the yard, and she giggled awkwardly at the gesture.
Natasha was talking about being there for her when you left the French classroom and came into the courtyard to join the group. Wanda tried to disguise her anxiety, but you simply hugged her and she almost had an actual heart attack.
"Hey, I heard about your father. How are you, and him?" You are asking worriedly, and Wanda is repeating the same things she said to the girls, but she holds you back much tighter. You release her a moment later, smiling as you say it was good news that nothing terrible had happened, and Wanda is very aware of the audience as you stroke her cheeks. 
Someone clears his throat behind you, suddenly, and the circle opens to another group that has approached. Vision doesn't seem at all pleased by the closeness between you, and grimaces. 
"Do I get a chance to hug my girlfriend too?" He sneers, and Wanda resists the urge to pull you back as you step away from her. Vision wastes no time in taking her by the hand to lead her further away from the group, asking about Erik and she wants to run off, suffocating with his attention. "So? I imagine the party won't be happening now that your father almost died."
She blinks in confusion and indignation. "What are you talking about?"
He chuckles shortly. "Baby, your foolish committee party." He clarifies with his hands in his pockets. "A surprise you forgot, you haven't shut your mouth about these girls since you met them."
Wanda adjusts her backpack uncomfortably. "Yeah, sorry if I forgot about a party while my dad was in the hospital. Why are you bringing this up now anyway?"
He hesitates, but then sighs. "There are some kids from NYU working at Dad's summer club. I invited them, wanted to create a friendship for you know, have some contact in case I choose New York." Vision explains meekly, but when he raises his hand to her face, Wanda pulls away at once.
"New York? What the hell are you talking about?"
Vision sighs impatiently, glancing quickly at the group a few feet away from them. "Don't make a scene now, okay? Remember the dinner I had with the guys from Novi Grad? Well, that didn't work out. They rejected my letter of admission, saying I lacked authenticity. They gave me another chance to speak, the day we arranged that lunch with your dad, that's why I couldn't show up. But I didn't do well in that either. I decided NYU was a great second plan."
Wanda gasps indignantly. "Vision, I wanted to go to NYU." She recalls with angry tears in her eyes. "You told me not to try, that we should study together in Sokovia. You manipulated me-"
"Jesus, what is this now?" He cuts her off angrily. "Manipulated you? What are you, five? I made a suggestion, which matched our plans before. And now it doesn't match anymore, it's no big thing."
"It was my thing!" She shouts indignantly, and he flinches, not because of her outburst, but because of the curious looks at the fight. "I wanted to go to New York to study music! You know that! You said it was stupid and childish. That Dad would never let me do something like that. You insisted until I missed the deadline!”
"Wanda, calm down-"
"I'm so fucking sick of you! Of your little games. It's been like this since we met, I can't take it anymore!"
"Stop it, will you? You're embarrassing yourself."
She sniffles angrily, taking a deep breath. "I don't want to be with you anymore. Go to New York, and go by yourself."
He chuckles incredulously, hesitating again. "Wanda, come on. Are you really going to be mad at me for choosing a decent future? A career?"
"Do what you want with your life, Vision. I've had enough of you."
She turns around, but he grabs her by the wrist. "Enough of this, you are clearly shaken by what happened to your father. Let's talk another time." He insists, trying to hold her face, but she pushes him away, to the point where she starts to cry.
"Let go of me, I don't want this anymore!"
The confusion makes the group react. Stark pulls his brother by the arm, and Wanda moves away to hug you and hides her face in your collarbone before she can even think about it.
"Come on Vison, let's go, you guys talk later..." Tony tries to appease things, but the taller blonde is looking at the scene and gives a wry laugh.
"Oh, I see what's going on here." He declares bitterly. "You're fucking her, aren't you darling?" He spits out the accusation, and Wanda can feel you tense up; your grip loosening. She tries to hold you tighter. Natasha and Yelena look ready to start fighting, and Tony's friends are watching for any movement.
"Vision, this isn't the time-" Tony starts but its Vision frees herself from the grip.
"I'm not even surprised, nor am I the first one you've cheated on!"
Wanda sobs indignantly, but it is she who releases you and turns to him with anger. "Don't you dare, you bastard! You know damn well what happened!"
"What I know is that you have no opinion of your own! You're doing what everyone else thinks is cool because you're a goddamn freak!
You move forward, but Natasha holds you back and Wanda gasps indignantly. Tony is in shock at the aggressiveness, and Vision takes the opportunity to continue spitting his venoms.
"You know I'm right. You seduced me to get out of the shadow of your friends and try to be popular but that backfired. And now you're dating a girl to make yourself look cool, but I have news for you Maximoff. You will always be a weirdo and a freak. Never smart enough, or pretty enough, for me or anyone else. The worst part is that you are an opportunistic slut!"
Wanda doesn't know when she left the courtyard - Everything was half blurred by her tears. But she saw the confusion, she felt herself being pushed away from the fight when you escaped Nat's grip.
She didn't see when you hit Vision, not the first time, not the fourth time. She didn't see the blood on his face, or your broken ring on the ground. 
Novi Grad, Wednesday 10:27 am
Sitting in the waiting chair in the boardroom are Yelena and Natasha on either side, Pietro and Clint on the opposite, and Wanda, all trying not to be so anxious.
From the people who walked around during the entire time you were in there with Tony Stark, Wanda heard at least a dozen whispers about the fight. She wasn't so much surprised that someone recorded the whole mess, she was genuinely worried about the penalties. 
Vision was in the infirmary, getting stitches, and she was considering storming into the office when you left with Tony.
The girls stood up along with her, and you were not smiling.
Tony sighed upset. "They were both suspended." He spoke up, seeing the way you were crestfallen. The reaction was immediate, but Tony assured everybody that they tried everything they could to get the Principal's decision changed and that this was better than an official report of assault. He left the scene with the boys, exchanging a quick look of apology with Wanda, before going to the infirmary after his brother.
Wanda approached you, well aware of the dried blood on your hand and shirt, but you shied away from the touch she tried. 
"Sorry." She said.
You forced a smile at her, sighing slightly as you stole a quick glance at Yelena and Natasha approached the principal who had just left the room in an attempt to convince him of how unfair the whole thing was. 
"Don't be, I'm just in over my head right now." You clarify upset. "I think I'm going to lose my scholarship because of the suspension. And if I'm not in school, my student visa has no validity." Wanda almost despairs, ready to join Nat and Yelena, but you hold her hand, keeping her with you. "I have a bunch of phone calls to make right now, but I need you to remember that nothing that idiot said is true."
"I don't give a damn about Vision. I care about you, what can I do-"
You chuckle lightly and must have decided to make her more of a mess, because you simply move closer to her face, losing the courage at the last second. Taking a deep breath that Wanda can feel on her cheek, you merely rub your nose against hers, making her blush very profoundly. "Don't worry sweet girl, I'll figure something out. I'll be busy for a while, but I'll call you when I can, alright?"
Wanda doesn't have time to overcome her shyness and react much - Soon the principal is calling you to take you outside the school grounds and you are offering her a parting smile before following the man.
Novi Grad, Thursday 01:12 pm
Wanda did not have a good day. With the whole school calling her a backstabbing bitch, you and Vision - who had a broken nose and a cut stitched in the middle of his forehead - suspended, she wondered how she was going to survive the rest of the year.
The mid-year vacations weren't that far away, but she felt she might suffer some sort of attack by then when she found a 'Die, heartless witch' note inside her locker. 
Yelena was ready to start a revolution, but she assured her friends that she didn't give a damn about this story. She just missed you and wanted to know how things were going.
You hadn't called yet, and this only increased her anxiety. Nat and Yelena mentioned that you were under a lot of stress right now and that you were sleeping late at night because of phone calls with the scholarship people and your parents.
When school ended on Thursday, Wanda just wanted to go home and be left alone, but when she went to the bathroom and bumped into Eve, she couldn't miss the opportunity.
"Can we talk?"
The girl continued adjusting her makeup in the mirror, but to Wanda's surprise, she didn't treat her aggressively, humming in agreement.
Wanda took a deep breath. "I am so sorry for what happened between us, Eve, I really am." She then started trying to control the emotion in her voice. "But we still have a senior year ahead of us, and it doesn't have to be hell. I fucked up, and I regret it. I remember how it was before when we were friends. How lucky I felt to have such nice girls wanting to hang out with me. I tried, always, to take care of you the same way you took care of me because you were the best friends I ever made." By now, Eve was also having trouble holding back tears, but Wanda smiled sadly and continued. "There isn't a day that I don't regret destroying that. Thinking about what I did makes me feel bad as a person. But I can't keep living with those regrets poisoning me, Eve."
"Please let me finish." The smaller one says, and the other nods softly. Wanda swallows dryly. "It doesn't matter if things were terrible between you and Vision, how you talked about dumping him every day, and about how it was just sex. It doesn't matter that I was in love. You were my friend, and if I had the chance to change things, I would never have broken your trust. I'm just really sorry. For lying to you, for ruining our friendship. You didn't deserve any of this." Wanda sniffles softly. "I don't need you to like me again, or for us to be friends I just wanted you to know how sorry I am for all of this, and I want this tension between all of us to cease to exist."
Eve sniffles slightly, and nods. "Okay, Wanda. No more fighting." She says, and Wanda breathes a relieved breath. "And while we're being honest, I have to confess that I wasn't angry with you for very long. I guess I was just being spiteful for no reason. You're right. Vision was, and still is, a complete asshole, and I think I failed to warn you that you deserved much more than someone like him."
Wanda nods tearfully, and Eve smiles, reaching up to wipe away her former friend's tears for a moment with the bar of her sleeve. "Thank you for forgiving me." She murmurs, and Eve nods, offering her a tight hug for a brief moment. Wanda sighs deeply in relief, and before she lets go of Eve, she jokes, "Do you think Jean can forgive me too?"
Eve laughs, breaking the grip. "Of course, make a speech like that and she'll be all over you again." Teases the girl, but Wanda frowns in confusion.
"What? What are you talking about, and what do you mean, again?"
It's Eve's turn to chuckle with confusion and then look at Wanda in utter surprise. "Oh my god, Maximoff, you have no idea, do you?" She declares, and Wanda shrugs her shoulders cluelessly. Eve shakes her head in disbelief. "Wanda, for heaven's sake. Why do you think Jean was so enraged by the theft of another girl's boyfriend? It wasn't for my honor or sisterhood codes, or whatever weak excuse she's made in the last few months. She can't accept that you started a secret relationship with someone who wasn't her."
Eve chuckled, finding amusement in the other's cluelessness. "Wanda, she was in love with you.  For a long time, I thought you knew."
"No, I had no idea..."
Eve sighs, patting the other's shoulder. "Well, there it is then. She had to get over it the hard way, and she has all this bitterness because she thinks it's unfair that you like girls but never looked at her." Eve confesses casually. "Maybe she just needs a little more time. Or therapy. Or both."
Wanda chuckled weakly, running a hand through her hair and trying to understand how she never realized this before. Eve goes back to putting on her makeup, and Wanda sighs. "I have to go home. See you around?"
"Sure, sweetie. Good luck with your Romeo." 
Wanda giggles, her cheeks warming.  "What?"
Eve stares at her through the mirror reflection, a small smile on her lips. "Everyone's seen the video of the fight, it's on Instagram. She's pretty, your friend. And having someone to defend you like that without hesitation? Super hot."
"Okay, I'm leaving." Wanda leaves the bathroom laughing shyly. 
She is in the exit hallway when her cell phone vibrates, and it doesn't help to change the color of her cheeks when it is you calling.
Wanda takes a deep breath and answers on the third ring.
"H-Hi, hello." She says clumsily, receiving a short laugh from you that makes her legs wobbly. She stops walking, leaning on the hallway wall. 
"Hey, Wands, are you busy?" You ask, and it's her turn to chuckle softly.
"I'm the one who should ask." She jokes. "How are things?" She asks and can imagine you shrugging casually as you always do in person. You are smiling on the other end of the line.
"Messy I guess." You mutter. "Don't worry, I think I'm working it out. My parents will contact the school, and try to put up a good image for me with the principal or whatever... But that's not why I called." You say taking a deep breath. "I miss you."
Wanda feels her heart miss two beats in a row, and her face warms deeply. She bites back a smile and gives an embarrassed little laugh. She feels so stupidly in love that it's almost silly.
"Yeah?" she manages to retort. "I missed you too."
You mimic the sound, grinning softly and probably blushing as much as she does even though Wanda has no way of seeing it. "Good to know." You murmur shyly before clearing your throat. "So... I know things are a bit of a mess right now, and the chance of me being deported is pretty high, but..." Wanda complains softly about your joke, but you just laugh softly without apology. "We could hang out if you have some time. Maybe at your place or mine, whatever works for you…"
Wanda shifts the weight of her feet, one hand brushing her hair out of the front of her eyes. "I don't want you to leave, Y/N."
"Yeah, I don't want to leave either. Especially now that..." But you shut up, swallowing dryly and part of Wanda knows why and it makes her heart speed up all at once. She bites her lip and there is a moment of silence between you until she sighs.
“I know technically you can't be at school, but could you walk me home? I shouldn't go across town with Dad recovering alone..."
"Oh, of course, Wands, don't worry, I'll walk you home." You assure her tenderly. "And maybe I could stay for dinner?"
Wanda smiles shyly, nodding even though you can't see it. "Yeah, that sounds nice." She confirms with her heart racing and her stomach full of butterflies. Not much different from the state you are in.
You smile, and she hears noises in the background of things being knocked over, probably you getting ready to pick her up. "See you soon then. Bye."
"Bye." She says meekly, and there is a moment that you just stay on the line before you share giggles at the same time before hanging up. 
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spnexploration · 11 months
Pack chapter 22
Pairing: Alpha!Dean Winchester x Omega!Reader, Alpha!Sam Winchester x Omega!Madison
Series summary: Omega!Reader is thrown into a world she's not expecting when her mate turns out to be a hunter, and she's not used to Alpha & Omega Pack dynamics.
Chapter summary: The morning after your night alone.
Chapter warnings: reader self-conscious including about her body, but nothing particularly detailed
Word count: 2.6k (long one!)
A/N: I forgot to add the last chapter to the masterlist when I posted it, which I have now done. Sorry about that! Make sure you read it first.
This fulfils the nesting square of my 2023 SPN AU bingo.
Series masterlist | Supernatural writing masterlist
Part 21 <- -> Part 23
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“Good morning Y/N, how’d you sleep?” Sam asked as I trudged into the kitchen.
I just groaned in response.
He chuckled, “You really are perfect for Dean. There's fresh coffee if you'd like some.” I nodded and he fetched me a cup.
I was halfway through before I thought of sharing my news. “Dean messaged me when he got to Claire, at like 3am.”
“Yeah, he messaged me too. He said he's going to work the case with her today, then decide if they stay for tomorrow. I think he realises she'll rebel even more if he dismisses her work.”
I nodded, focused back on my coffee.
“So what are we doing today?” I asked when I was feeling more awake.
“That’s up to you. We can do some more lore if you'd like, you can spend the day reading or watching TV, or you can put yourself in Madison's hands and let her go crazy keeping you entertained.”
I laughed. “Maybe we can do some lore and then I'll see if I'm up for Madi entertainment.”
“Good choice. Grab some breakfast and then meet me in the library. I'll fill Mads in when she's out of the shower.”
Sam had me try reading some lore myself and try to make sense of it, all related to the topics we'd covered yesterday. I didn't realise how complicated killing monsters was!
After a while I was feeling tired and run down, so I headed off to Dean's room for a nap. It was probably just the poor sleep I’d had last night without Dean around. I snuggled into his pillow and fell asleep instantly.
I woke later. I was not feeling better. I felt so cold, but I was drenched in sweat. My joints ached, it was hard to move them at all.
It took a lot of effort, but I made it to the door finally. I was going to call out for Sam and Madi, hope that they had medication for whatever illness must've struck me down.
I opened the door but felt out of breath with the effort of crossing the room. I had to get my breath back before I could call out.
Suddenly, I heard hurried footsteps.
“Y/N?” Sam called, sounding worried. “We're coming.”
How did he know I needed him?
He rounded the corner a few seconds later, Madison hot on his heels.
“I think I'm sick,” I wheezed out.
“Omega, you're in heat,” he said gently. “I smelt it as soon as you opened the door.”
“But this feels- I've never felt like I was dying before!” I started to fall as I used up all my energy complaining. Sam quickly caught me and carried me back to Dean's bed. Now that he said it, I could feel slick gathering between my legs, but given how much sweat I was covered in, I hadn't really noticed before.
His phone started ringing. It said 'Claire Novak’ on the caller ID.
He answered and put it on speaker, “Hey Claire.”
“Sam! Dean just went into a rut and he is fucking mental! What the hell do I do?!”
I thanked my lucky stars that my body had settled on Dean, that our cycles had aligned. But now I just had to get to him, to be claimed. I shivered. What if my heat finished before I got to him?
“First, tell him Y/N is in heat,” Sam said to Claire. “It will reassure him some.”
“Sam says Y/N is in heat,” she said slightly muffled, like she'd turned the phone away. “He's growling, hang on.”
There were some strange noises and then Dean’s voice, much lower than normal, “Omega?”
“I'm here Alpha,” I managed.
“You... ok?” he sounded like speaking was hard for him.
“Yeah, I'll be ok.” I didn't want to tell him how unwell I felt.
Sam gave me a knowing look and said, “Alpha, can you put Claire back on? I'm going to work with her to get you two together.” Dean growled slightly throughout, but the sounds of the phone passing happened again.
“Sam?” Claire asked. “He didn't say anything, he just gave me the phone back.”
“Ok,” Sam continued, “The next thing you do is that you submit to him. If you start challenging him when he is in an unfilled rut, away from the Omega he is yet to claim, he is going to go feral. I recommend calling him 'Alpha’ and barring your neck if he gets antsy.”
“Great,” she deadpanned. The teenage sass was practically dripping.
“And then you get him back here, as fast as you can.”
“What about the case?” she asked petulantly.
“Claire, I promise, we will help you on this case. But this is literally the second time he has gone into a rut after finding his mate, their mating has already been threatened by factors outside their control. They cannot miss this opportunity. Plus I’ve got an Omega here who’s about to go through the worst heat of her life, she needs him.”
I gulped at Sam’s words.
“Ok, I get it. Sorry. I’ll get him back.”
“Thanks Claire.”
Sam hung up and turned to me. “It's gonna be a while before they can get here, so we need to get you comfortable.”
“What- what if he doesn’t?”
“That's not going to happen. You've only just gone into heat, and even your normal heat probably lasts longer than one day?” I nodded. “This one is likely to be longer, and worse. Dean got to Claire in about half a day. There is plenty of time, Omega.”
I sniffled and he stroked my hair gently.
“How about we get you some painkillers and a cool bath or shower to try and drop this fever a bit, and then Madi can stay with you. I don't think you're going to want to be around another Alpha too much, but I'll help with the cooling down because I don't think you can hold yourself up right now. Does that sound ok?”
I nodded, too tired and achey to reply.
“I'm going to take off some of your clothes, ok?” I half-heartedly nodded. “Omega, I need your words. I'm not going to do anything you don't consent to.”
“Yes,” I mumbled.
“Ok, thank you.” He started to pull Dean's flannel off me and I whined. “I know, I know, we’ll get back to Dean’s scent as soon as we can. Now, bath or shower?”
I shrugged. He kept gently removing my clothes until I was in just my underwear. I wished he was Dean. Partway through Madi had brought me painkillers and water, but I didn't feel any better yet. Everything ached and every so often I shivered, although Sam assured me I was actually hot.
“I'm going to carry you to the bathroom, ok?” I nodded and he lifted me up bridal style. I leant my head on his shoulder and, whilst he smelled reassuringly like Pack, I just wanted Dean. I started to cry.
“I know, I know,” he murmured reassuringly. “We’re gonna get Dean back as fast as we can, ok? And you're gonna feel a bit better soon. You're gonna be ok.”
He made it to the bathroom where Madi was standing next to the full bath. “Ready?” he asked me.
“Yes,” I mumbled.
He went to his knees and lowered me into the water. It felt strange at first and I clung to Sam's neck, but after a few moments it felt better and I let go of him.
“Now, ordinarily we'd leave you alone, but I don't think you're well enough for that right now.”
I nodded. I felt too weak to do much more, which was probably Sam's point.
Madi wet a face washer and put it on my forehead. I lay back and closed my eyes. I was starting to feel a little bit better. My joints weren't aching quite as much.
I relaxed.
“Hey, hey,” Sam said, tapping my face. I didn't know how much time had passed. “No falling asleep in the bath.” I blearily opened my eyes and tried to glare at him. He chuckled, “I'm not about to let you drown in our own house.”
I started to get uncomfortable, trying to find a way to position myself. And the water was starting to feel cold. Sam must've noticed my fidgeting as he said, “How about we get you out?” I nodded. “You wanna try standing up?” I nodded again and he reached in, lifting me out and gently placing me on my feet on the mat. Madi wrapped me in a towel.
I was still too sore to do much other than whimper as Madi dried me off. It was like having the worst case of flu ever.
Slick flooded out of me into my wet undies and down my legs. I saw Sam's nostrils flare as he smelled it, and he swallowed thickly.
“Are- are you ok?” I asked him, suddenly worried that he might be unable to control his reactions.
“Yes, sorry I scared you. I'm not going to hurt you. The scent of Omega in heat is just a bit, uh, overwhelming to Alpha senses. But it's fine,” he said with a reassuring smile.
I felt like I knew what he meant. His Alpha smell was starting to get overpowering. I scrunched my nose up a little as I smelled him and he chuckled.
“I think you're entering the horny phase of heat,” Madi observed wryly. “Let's get you back to your room and we can kick Sam out before you start scratching him for getting too close to you.” Sam laughed.
“I might have clawed Dean when he came into the kitchen and surprised me when I was in heat one time,” she said with a smirk. “He was literally just walking past but I, uh, reacted with claws before my brain engaged. Anyway, enough about me, I think you're dry enough.”
“Are you ok if I pick you up again?” Sam asked me.
I was still feeling weak and shaky, so I nodded. He lifted me into his arms and my skin started to crawl. I didn't like Sam touching me, he was wrong, wrong!
“It's ok, I'm going to put you down and leave in just a sec,” he murmured. I was holding myself tense, probably having my facial expressions tell the story of my discomfort.
I suddenly realised I was starting to growl.
I couldn't stop.
He placed me on Dean's bed and hastily backed away. I grabbed Dean's flannel and rubbed it over my face, utterly enthralled with its scent.
“Message me if you need anything,” he said to Madi. “I'll keep you in the loop if I hear anything from Claire or Dean.”
He left. I stopped growling.
“Alright, let's get you out of those wet things,” Madi said.
I tried to reach behind me to unclasp my bra, but my arms were too weak to undo it. I started to cry, scared and annoyed about what was happening to me.
Madi sat next to me and wrapped her arm around my back. “I promise, it'll get better. I think you're feeling rubbish right now partly because of your massive fever, and partly because you're away from your mate. When Dean gets here, I promise it will get better.”
“Omega biology sucks.”
“Oh, so much! Ruts look way easier to get through than the shit we have to put up with.”
“Was it like this for you? I didn't expect to feel this much like I’d been hit by a truck.”
“No, I had Sam with me. So whilst I felt bad when it started, we pretty quickly got to dealing with it. And it sucks you don't have Dean, but he is on his way. You just gotta hang in there for a bit longer.”
I sniffled. More slick flooded out of me, for no apparent reason, and I felt weirdly like my skin was missing something. I started to fidget, trying to work out what I was feeling.
“Ok, ok, before you get all antsy, let's get you in fresh clothes.” I’d almost forgotten my bra and undies were wet from the bath, so distracted by the various painful and strange sensations from my body. I let Madi help me out of them and into a pair of summer pyjamas.
I grabbed Dean's flannel again, rubbing it over me. Then I smelled his pillow, bringing that to me too. I tried to wrap them around me, whining when it wouldn't work.
“You ever built a nest before, Y/N?”
“I think you’re trying to nest. Hang on,” she pulled out her phone and tapped away at it.
 I couldn't focus on what she was doing, I was too busy trying to work out what to do with Dean's things. I'd positioned myself over his side of the bed, throwing back the covers so I could smell it better. I kept moving his pillow and his flannel around, but it just wouldn't do what I wanted. I was starting to shiver again, and Madison held her hand to my forehead.
“Fuck,” she muttered, “you're burning up again.”
A few moments later there was a knock at the door and Sam pushed a laundry basket of clothes in. I growled at him. I didn't mean to, I just couldn't help it. He quickly shut the door.
I finally smelt the clothes, now that Sam's wrongness had gone. Dean!! I reached out weakly to the basket and Madi picked it up and brought it to me.
“I asked Sam to get all of the clothes out of the hamper that were yours or Dean's and smelled like Dean. I thought you might like to use them in your nest.”
I purred at her and set about arranging the clothes. I don't think I've ever purred in my life.
I had to admit, now that I was putting things where they felt most right, I was clearly making a nest on the bed. I was surrounding myself in Dean's scent, picking up each item and carefully deciding where exactly to put it.
Once it was done, I tried to position myself in it. It wasn't big enough. It wasn't quite right. I wanted Dean!! I whined.
My skin was feeling strange again. I tried to scratch it to make myself feel better. But it wasn't quite itchy? It was something else. I rubbed it. Yes, that was better. But it still wasn't right.
I moved my hands around on my body. It felt a bit better. But not enough. Now I was getting frustrated that it wasn't feeling better enough.
I whined again.
“Where are your toys?” Madi asked me.
“What toys?”
“Sex toys. Can't you tell you’re getting super horny?”
Oh. Maybe that's why my skin felt weird. And why it didn't feel like the right touching. It didn't feel like normal arousal, and I’d been so distracted by everything else, I hadn't even recognised it.
I moved my hands lower. I slipped my fingers under the waistband of my shorts and approached my clit. Fuck it was sensitive right now!
I tried to get Dean's scent. I tried to find the best way to be in my nest. I tried to rub myself, but it felt like trying to tickle yourself. I wasn’t getting anywhere. My skin was crawling again and my joints were aching. I was so annoyed!
Madi appeared in front of me. I had forgotten all about her. She held out her hand.
“Try this,” she said as she handed me a vibrator. “Trust me.”
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anonymouscheeses · 2 days
ARE WE STILL FRIENDS? by Tyler, the creator (the legend himself 😍)
It perfectly fits her relationships with her past partners. Valerie isn't over either of them (Lute and Kamaria) nor will she likely ever be soon. She values them even though they hurt eachother equally while dating. She's trying to get better as a person. Sort of like Blitz from Helluva Boss but she doesn't hate herself... much 😭 she cherishes the time they had together and wishes they still were friends. But ever since Lute decided to fuck Valerie up and take her eye when she just couldn't put a bullet to a kids head from anither gang, their group broke up and split apart. Valerie was the only one who didn't have anybody to lean on during that traumatic time, she's not close to her dad so DEF not him. So during when things got rough, she summoned a demon to protect her. She also wanted company. But that's a secret.
And also the suggestions by all of you in my last au post fit so well with different parts of her story thank you very much mwa mwa! /p
Anyway I'm gonna explain how each song fits vaggie in my au under the cut! vvv
(I forgot who suggested these. But these suggestions weren't by me)
Florida: "I have some regrets so I'll bury them in florida" YEP! PRETTY MUCH VALERIE! She has many regrets and CANNOT escape them. So she just kinda buries them away from focus. Instead of blaming herself or thinking about it. She ignores her mistakes. She ignores what she did to Lute and Kamaria and blames them. She was equally horrible to them though. Toxic yuri alert‼️‼️ (also I love this song. Sure I'm a swifite but- shush silly!)
Crybaby: I mean. Title pretty much explains it! Okkk but srsly! She's the embodiment of angst. She finds herself too emotional but others(cough. Charlie) think she's emotionless. So crybaby the song is what she thinks of herself really and not who she actually is! (I love Melanie. Im a crybaby gorl! 😍)
Waiting on a miracle: FIRST OF ALL. STEPHANIE BEATRIZ. DUHH!! SHE VOICES BOTH ITS PERFECT. ANYWAY- so! This more so takes place BEFORE she summons Charlie from the demon realm. She's at her lowest of all, physically and mentally damaged, she longs for something to fix her life. Of course. Nothing could... FIX it. But, luckily something made it better. Charlie 🥺 annd vise versa! (Or however u say it) because Charlie too was in a horrible time. Her home life isn't the best. So they both are eachothers miracle‼️‼️ 🥹🥹 (Encanto was good. Dolores and Luisa 🔛🔝That's it. Fuck Disney tho)
If you read this- YOUR AWESOME 😈
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carica-ficus · 6 months
"Gideon the Ninth"
Reading progress: 443/443 (100%)
Read through since last update: 167
So... It seems I'm at the last reading update... I actually didn't plan to cram so much into one post, but I got really into reading for a day or two, and then managed to get to the last 50ish pages and said fuck it. I'm not gonna say much except that I didn't expect for it to be that bloody, then at the end got so used to it that I had no other choice to just close the book and think to myself "Well. This happened." I will be writing a concise review as I do with each book I read, but I'm just gonna say I loved it very much. (This is, of course, a big understatement, but yeah... I'll gush about it in my review.) SPOILER WARNING! (Like always.)
Without further ado, my thoughts:
I might have been unbothered by the first two deaths, but I sure as hell am not ok after the end of Act 3. Was all that really necessary?? 😭😭
Yooo that scene when Gideon forces Harrow to siphon from her again is??? Hhhhhh... Made me feel a few things. Here's a graphic rendition:
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I'm glad Harrow is banning Gideon from seeing Dulcinea. And the thing she mentions about the keys - she's right, it really doesn't make sense. It stuck out to me before, but I just forgot to comment on it. In any case, it's extremely suspicious. Protesilaus is also probably missing because of a distinct reason, related to his adept. Wouldn't be surprised if the Seventh is the one going around killing people.
Of course Silas turned out to be a little weasel. But at least Colum has some dignity.
Oh yeah, Corona is definitely not a necromancer.
Ok, but why am I not surprised that Harrow is the one who had her fingers in Protesilaus's disappearance? Honestly, she's the second most suspicious person in the mansion, but I love her, so I don't care.
First plot twist I have not expected. At all. I'm shooketh, as one might say.
Aww man. False alarm. >:( (This was about Gideon't claim that she murdered Harrow's parents.)
Oooh, but the big revelation was good! It was just a matter of time, so my reaction was more like "Ah! Finally!", than :O (Future me talking here: I'm not entirely sure what this is referring to? I'd guess it was about the Locked Tomb.)
Not Dulcinea doing the King Harold from Shrek dying scene 💀
"I had reason to believe," said Harrow, "that you would trust her more than you trusted me."
"You are my only friend. I am undone without you "
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Stuff just kept happening and people just kept dying. Didn't even get the chance to write it all out, and another one was on the floor. Anyway... WHAT THE FUCK.
Honestly, I thought stuff would get all tangled up and I would lose my footing, as I heard most people do. (Or will, in the next book.) So I'm just glad I could follow along quite nicely. It all made sense in the end, even the stuff about Dulcinea. I wasn't too surprised she's the culprit, I'm just surprised how she's the culprit.
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"I can't conceive of a universe without you in it." Again, Muir going straight for the jugular. I know she likes to kill off her characters, but she doesn't need to kill of her readers as well.
Ok, you know what. I knew there would be no happy ending. We all knew Harrow couldn't become Lyctor without Gideon dying. So, I am not surprised it happened. But I am also NOT OKAY.
Man, I love Harrow. I love her in the epilogue. I love her in the last chapter. I love how much she cares, how much she always cared. And I love how her relationship with Gideon evolved over time. Ugh. Uuughhh!
Ok, yeah... This was an experience. I'll be ordering Harrow soon and.... Yeah. I'm (not) prepared for more heartbreak.
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fullerthanskippy · 3 months
For those who prefer to read on tumblr over AO3, here is the newest chapter I posted today! I'll be posting in both places to get maximum eyes on the work. Now do enjoy, because I made myself horny on the LORD'S DAY to write this, as Skippy would have wanted!
(tagging those who showed love on the original post! @itsalinh, @fanfic-keeps-me-sane, @alexgraphyy, @arrpegio, @hawklovesskippy)
Here are some important visuals for you lovely readers: Picture 1950s Hawk and Tim for the 2012 flashbacks, okay? That innocent little dorky Skippy smile melts my fucking heart. And I personally find Hawk to be very daddy in the 50s (before he was actually even a daddy). I'm thinking up titles, and I have a playlist of songs going that will inspire certain chapters of the book, so chapter titles will be coming soon as well with lyrics of songs that inspired each installment. Gird your loins, we're jumping right into some light to medium smut. ***
The loud music thumped in Tim’s ears as he pushed through the crowded bar. It was the first weekend of his graduate program at Georgetown and he, against his better judgment, agreed to meet up with some classmates he met at orientation. He never went out much in undergrad, mostly opting to stay in his dorm room and study or catch up on his shows while his other peers stumbled through the streets of the small college town.
Now that he had one degree under his belt, he felt like it was time to be a damn adult and see what the bar scene was like in his new city. Besides, at least he was now 21 and didn’t get that pins-and-needles feeling across his skin when he handed a bouncer his ID. Even if his fake that he’d acquired through his freshman roommate did look enough like him and he had memorized the address and date of birth of the man on the card, it still made him extremely squirrely and anxious and usually resulted in ducking out of the line and telling his friends he forgot he had work he needed to catch up on.
The bar was dark and filled with bodies, Tim’s brow already beginning to sweat as the music pulsated with his heartbeat. He finally shoved his way up to the bar and shouted for the bartender to bring him the same beer the guy before him had just ordered. He set down enough cash to cover the single beer as well as a tip, and turned his back toward the bar.
Tim leaned back against the counter, elbows propped up behind him on either side. He perused the crowd for anyone he recognized from orientation this past week. His gaze failed to fall upon any familiar faces, but he did catch the eye of another man across the bar. His heart leapt into his throat and he took a sip of the amber colored ale to try to push it down.
The man was older than him by at least ten years. This was not a concern for Tim, as most of his past lovers were well above his own demographic. The man was sipping his cocktail through the skinny black straw bobbing over the top of the drink. His blue eyes were locked on Tim, and Tim could feel his cheeks getting hot.
He subtly tried to look to his right and left to make sure that the man’s eyes were, in fact, trained on him. The man removed his lips from his drink and one corner of his mouth drew upward, indicating that Tim’s attempt at being covert had definitely failed. Tim let out a breathy chuckle to himself and threw the man a wink. Taking this as an invitation, the man began to walk towards him.
Tim pushed his back off the bar and began walking to meet the man on the dance floor. Though he did not go out much to the college bars with his friends over the past four years, he had plenty of experience meeting men in bars around his hometown. He knew the game and he had to admit, he played it well.
The man’s eyes never broke contact as they squeezed through a sea of bodies to get to one another. Once they reached each other in the mass of drunken college students, the man leaned down into Tim's ear, and just loudly enough over the music, said, “Your lips look so pretty wrapped around that beer bottle.”
Tim’s breath caught in his throat at the man’s forwardness. He’d encountered many a pickup line, but none that sent the blood rushing from his head and into his pants quite like that one. The man towered over him by at least 5 inches, to where Tim had to crane his neck up to meet the man’s gaze. Using his thumb and forefinger, Tim adjusted his thick framed glasses and on tiptoe, he placed his mouth right next to the man’s ear. His voice came out deeper than he expected, and thank God, because inside he felt his heart squealing like a little girl.
“So you think I’m pretty?”
With his one free hand, the man grabbed Tim’s waist and pulled him close. Tim was pleased with his choice of words, as he could now feel the man’s hard-on pressed against his leg. It took every ounce of self control Tim had not to rip this man’s clothes off in front of all these people. The man read Tim’s mind, or perhaps recognized the animalistic look in Tim’s eyes, as he grabbed Tim’s hand and began leading him off of the dance floor.
Once they reached the edge of the crowd, the man wasted no time before setting both of their drinks down on an empty table and pushing Tim against the nearest surface, which was the wall next to the men’s bathroom. Tim’s back was against the wall with the man’s massive hand cradling the back of his neck. The man used his other hand to place it under Tim’s stubble and tilt his chin up until their lips were millimeters apart, both men breathing heavily.
“Do you do this often?” Tim asked breathily. “Cruise for younger men at the college bars?”
“Ouch,” the man had a pained expression, though the sultry smirk never left his lips. “How old do you think I am?”
Tim gently nipped at the man’s neck, trailing light kisses upward until he reached the man’s ear. “Old enough to know better than to start something unless you want to finish it.”
The man pressed his hips against Tim’s, closing the space between the two of them and kissing Tim so deeply that he nearly choked on his breath. “How about this,” the man said as he pulled away from Tim’s desperate lips. “I’m gonna go close my tab, and when I get back here, if you’re still here, I’d like for you to come home with me.”
Tim rocked his hips against the man one more time before pulling away, “I’ll go get us a cab.” The man practically growled in Tim’s ear, placed a sloppy kiss just below Tim’s earlobe, and turned his attention back toward the crowded room. Tim watched as the man’s broad, muscular shoulders and back towered over the tiny women he had to push through to get back to the bar. He felt a surge of pride as he watched these college girls ogle at the man he was about to go home with. If only they knew, he thought, that the man’s stature clearly translated to other things of impressive size, if the feeling against Tim’s thigh had been any indication.
Tim finally tore his gaze from the man as he turned and exited the back door of the bar. As he stepped out into the hot August night, his ears still ringing from the loud music, he looked down the street and held up a hand to hail a taxi. A handful of other people were on the curb trying to do the same, a group of raucous frat boys jumping in the first cab that pulled up. Just as well, Tim thought. His suitor had not met him out back yet anyway.
Just then, the back door of the bar opened and his conquest emerged into the dark night. It did not require many strides of his long legs before he was back in front of Tim, grabbing his face and driving their lips together. The man’s lips were hot on Tim’s as he closed the space between their bodies once again. Tim felt something twitch in his pants at the thought of onlookers in this dark alley behind the bar, watching the two men, all hands and lips and teeth.
The man leaned down to kiss and bite at Tim’s neck, just above the collar of his shirt. While the man was sucking and licking at a spot of his skin, Tim took in the surroundings. He was sure the man was going to leave a mark, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t enjoying a bit of voyeurism. Groups of girls whispering as they passed the men, missing available taxis that passed by because they were too busy in their moment of passion.
Then, Tim saw a man leaning up against the back door of the bar, having a smoke just under the bright security light that lit up the back alley. With two fingers, the stranger removed the cigarette from between his lips as he kept his eyes locked on Tim, his expression unreadable. Tim threw his head back as his own stranger placed his hand on his ass, clawing desperately at the smaller man. The man with the cigarette ashed it on the brick wall of the bar, ran a hand through his hair, and folded his arms. He wasn’t even pretending not to watch. He was enjoying the show that Tim was putting on for him.
Tim created a fantasy in his head of the stranger joining himself and his suitor in the back of the cab, the three of them fervently swapping sloppy kisses on the way to the original man’s home. Though he already had one man locked in for the night, the man who was whispering absolute filth in Tim’s ear about all the things he wanted to do to him, Tim couldn’t help but imagine what it would feel like to have the two men worshiping his body at once. The dimly lit stranger shifted on his feet, appearing to become uncomfortable at the tightness in his own pants.
The fantasy world Tim had created was fractured when his suitor pulled away and finally flagged down a taxi. He opened the car door for Tim like a gentleman and slapped Tim’s ass as he climbed into the back seat. The man told the driver the address of their final location for the night. As the cab began pulling away from the bar, Tim watched as the stranger stomped out his cigarette, turned on his heels, and disappeared into the dark of the night.
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darth-sonny · 1 year
Hi Sonny ! I just read all the post I could find on your Prime Leo Au (though I'm not sure I found everything... I don't know if you ever explained why Kraang Prime needed an Host in the first place). And it gave me thoughts !
First about why Kraang Prime wouldn't want Donnie as an Host despite his smart (yes I know we're well past that but bear with me please ?), there's also that Donnie's knowledge and smarts is primarily on machinery, engineering and programing. But considering that Kraangs rely much more on biological means for their technology, that really wouldn't match well. And since I'm a fan of the Medic Leo headcanon, I also headcanon as interested and good at anatomy, biology and biochemistry. So even there he's a better fit for Kraang Prime that Donnie.
Second, remember that 4 (?) pages comic where we see Prime completely possessing Leo and explaining that Leo can't hear them coz in a dream world etc. It made me thought, what if Raph tried to mind meld Leo right then and there in an attempt to reach out to him. Except it doesn't reach Leo of course coz he's in too deep but it does reach Kraang Prime who's in front... And what if Kraang Prime decided to let it happen ? So Raph just mind meld with it for a few seconds ? Wouldn't that be fuck up or what ? (oh and Prime would be a bastard about it too commenting things like "oh~ it tingle", "You wish to enter right ? Very well I'll allow it")
Ans I know this one won't happen officially in the story (coz if so they would realize Leo's touch aversion wayyyy before Leo himself told them) but if the Fam does enter Leo's Dream World, imagine if Prime, that sick bastard, go "visit" Leo at the same time. I already had that idea as soon as I read about the Dream World but it got back full force when I read how Prime was really "touchy" with Leo, making him uncomfortable. There isn't 1 person in this massive family that wouldn't snap seeing this and I would be here for it.
(In fact, if you're still taking art suggestion, I think that it would be very cool if you could draw the moment where Kraang Prime is there "greeting" the Bros in the Dream World while having his hands on a Leo that is frozen in discomfort while the Bros are also frozen but in shock and stupor because they are still processing what they are seeing. Only if you want of course 👉👈 👀)
another long folks strap in!!
also hii @louve-garoue !!
1.) the answer on why Prime needs a Host: it's honestly easier commanding armies when you have a physical body to help you do that, yknow??
2.) yep! when there's an entire race of aliens who's tech is biorganical, it makes sense taking control of someone who knows how the body works in every aspect. also, to Prime, Donnie is just a smarter than everage baby sooooo
3.) shoot! i legit forgot about mind melding when i made that!! but i'm gonna have to disagree with you; the mind meld trick wouldn't reach Leo at all, and Prime isn't going to let anyone in to try and talk to Leo and help break him out. they'd be a huge dick to Raph about that and flaunt it ("awww, our former brute can't reach the Host~, how...tragic")
4.) ooooooooooo, that's gooood!!! it won't happen in the story "canon"-wise like you said, but it is still a good prompt (maybe i'll write it one day, who knows..). Prime just....forcibly and creepily touching Leo while the fam watches and they can't do anything about it and it pisses them off something good is just *chef's kiss*
for the drawing request, here's Prime playing with Leo's mask tails (pretend that they're looking at the fam while they do this, it was three in the morning when i finished and i straight up conked out)
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meirimerens · 7 months
just wanted to say that your dankovskaya has made me feel much much better about my own body and hairiness! i was always bullied for having hair arms and a thick mustache in school, but i started leaning into it after getting to college because i wanted to draw in the girls. still i keep feeling insecure, but now whenever i feel pressured to shave i think about dankovskaya and feel her strength transmitting to me <3
teary-eyed a lil bit... I'M SO HAPPY SHE COULD GRANT YOU.. HER #FORCE AND #POWER.... i can blog and i can post to my heart's content how much "a woman without body hair is like an angel without wings" [and it's true. to me.] but it can only do so much in the face of often years of insecurities and societal pressure and ostracization. it takes a lot to stop caring about what others think and it takes even more to learn to embrace it, really, fully, and if my #women can help even a lil well... i'll keep working i'll keep clocking in at the hairy women drawing factory and do overtime. a civic duty. if someone can't fw [fuck wit] you wholeheartedly, stache and all... they have to fo [fuck off]. it was written. keep pushing in the face of those who so lack in the soul that they don't fw hairiness and soon you'll feel so free & it'll feel like nothing was every meant to be any other way. hairy girls and women of the world UNITE‼️
i was sure i was going somewhere with this ⬇️ but i forgot so. have a duplicate dankovskaya to bring you more force more power and more determination.
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