#and I used to go bug hunting and had a terrarium and everything
bigbrainbiology · 2 years
Child me: sees a bug NEW FRIEND??
Adult me: sees a bug I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate-
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Any headcanons for Anne The Herpetologist?
Here’s a few that I may use in future comics but to get my quick thoughts down here’s a few:
Anne had all her photos she took in Amphibia saved on the cloud so she was able to get them back when she got a new phone. This helped her with the Amphibia display at the aquarium which her mom helped make with her newfound arts n crafts skills.
The Sprig on earth is her own frog, she keeps him at work because it has a better terrarium than the one at home plus it just seems right to have him in the Plantar home display. She took him home sometimes when she wanted someone to talk to and co-workers have seen her carrying a conversation with it.
She still has a taste for bug cuisine, she doesn’t make everything with bugs but occasionally she’ll have snacks or a side dish made with bugs and this quickly made it so her lunch never went missing when she brought it to work.
She can name how many and what kind of amphibian is crying when she hears them outside in the wilds. This has both impressed and frightened Sasha and Marcy when she does this trick.
Always on the look out for lookalikes of her Amphibia friends, so far she has: Sprig, Grimes, Hop Pop, Polly, Wally, Olivia, Loggle, Stumpy, Maddie, Ivy and Tritonio. She sends a pic to Sasha and Marcy when she finds them and it’s always uncanny how much they do look like em.
Before the trio got back together, Anne’s longest relationship ended when she found one of Anne’s frogs in the chip bowl while they were cuddling.
Anne has an impressive home terrarium for her pet amphibians but has to keep them under lock and key when she leaves cause she fears Domino 4 might harm them.
Anne isn’t afraid of getting dirty and as such one of her proudest moments was when she was still a college student, she dove headfirst into a bog cause she was catching a toad that looked like Grime. The photo of her covered head to toe, half sunk in the mud with a big grin and an angry toad in her hands was in the yearbook and on her wall at home. Sasha demanded a copy when she saw it cause she was laughing so hard.
Anne would never actually do it but when Sasha or Marcy had a bad day, Anne would joke about certain poisons that frogs have she could use to get back at whomever was the cause of their foul mood. They know she’s joking but are also curious about the strangely labeled vials she has in her frog’s room yet know better than to ask (it’s antidote for any toxic frog slime)
She loves it when it rains and likes to go out to the park and listen to the frogs and toads cry. It reminds her of Wartwood. Sasha and Marcy however aren’t keen on walking in the rain but love how cute she looks while listening and finding the singing frogs.
She has a few friends at work from the other exhibits and when she first started they recognized her from the invasion. She explained the story behind it all and when the trio reconnected, Anne’s work friends started making bets on if or who she’ll date (none of them won cause she dated and married both).
Anne goes on a bi-annual trip with Dr. Jan to various locals looking for new ideas for exhibits. Anne has saved her group several times thanks to the Plantar Hunting Dance keeping dangerous animals at bay
She still has Tritonio’s family sword on display in her Frog Room and still practices her swordsmanship. Once the trio started living together, Sasha joined in and they’ll spar. Marcy often points out the clear romantic tension the two have while sword fighting (they know).
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That’s just a few I can think of.
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lollich0p · 3 years
Welcome to my twisted mind here’s a list of pets I think the mercs could actually own plus some of my own personal headcannons about them are sprinkled in there.
Scout: rats
He was supposed to babysit them for medic over furlough and got very attached so now he has like five rats living in his room that he won’t give back. Sometimes he’ll have one or two ride around in one of his pockets, this has caused problems whenever he eats dinner. I think they’re a good replacement for chucklenuts the squirrel since they’re both rodents and it’s way more legal to own rats than a squirrel.
Soldier: raccoons (illegally) & cats
There’s no getting out of this one soldier has released a pack of wild raccoons into every place he’s ever lived in, also allegedly it’s illegal to keep raccoons as pets in New Mexico due to some hunting law so I’m guessing soldier eventually gives up on his raccoons army and just becomes one of those people who have like six stray cats that came inside their house and then never left.
Pyro: frogs & snails
Pyro has a terrarium of snails that they snuck into the base one day and now they're ride or die for those little guys. They often go to their room and just stare at them as they slowly crawl all over. They eventually also get a pet white’s tree frog whom they love dearly and constantly try to drag people to their room and get them to look at it.
Heavy: cat & pigeons
In my brain heavymedic is always in the endgame of everything and you know heavy and medic would retire and go live in a house with medics doves and they love them very much. But I also think that heavy would be a cat person and I can stop myself from picturing him holding a tiny kitten in just on of his hands.
Demoman: dog
Sorry people who love demo having a parrot but they are a major pain in the ass and not even a domesticated animal. I like to think that Demo at some point in his youth had a irish wolfhound and hasn't really gotten over it, so he only ever has the one dog.
Engineer: chickens
Engineer would have a flock of chickens and treat them like they're his kids when he (eventually) retires. He loves to sit down with them and feed them stuff out of his hands (and then they use his pantleg as a napkin.)
Medic: pigeons & rats
We know medics has a bunch of doves, but I am crazy in love with the idea he had pet rats as a kid and that after he leaves the fortress he had both his doves and rats to live with. He of cource is far less sociable with his rats than scout is and while he does interact with them he's less likely to let them just hang out in his pocket for hours on end.
Sniper: fish & reptiles
Sniper of course loves all animals but he has a definite soft spot for fish and reptiles, mostly because people tend to not like them as much and think gross/scary. Unfortunately living in a van doesn't really allow him the space to safely house a pet so he's usually found hanging out with one of the other mercs pets, or standing in front of the fishtanks at petco. I like to think when he was younger he had a lot of pet fish and that before he became a mercenary he did infact work in the fish section of a pet store. And the absolute moment Sniper goes back to living in a solid house he goes back to being a freaky fish guy.
Spy: bugs & a ball python
Okay so hear me out I know spy would probably hate bugs and think their gross my brainworms have made me fall in love with the idea that he would keep madagascar hissing cockroaches as pets, in like a little tank and given them name's and has thank all marked so you can tell them apart. also he would absolutely have have a pet ball python who he would let just hang out in one of his pockets that would definitely freak out someone with. Also scout has definitely seen the frozen feeder mice he keeps in the fridge and screamed about them very loudly in the tender hours of the morning.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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