#and I LOVE it.
apotheotic-cravings · 2 years
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I just started Harrow the ninth and the shift in tone… was both jarring and kind of hilarious.
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realtalk127 · 8 months
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‘should we make our own reminders?’
‘we probably should, in case we lose ourselves.’
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brookiedaaroacecookie · 5 months
Uzi: “omg is that N? But I can’t talk to him, I’ll make my feelings obvious. Ugh, I’m so bitchy for falling in love with him. I shouldn’t have. I barely even know this guy! And not to even mention, I’m stalking him like a weirdo? Im being so weird right now. A total creep. If N knew he’s never talk to me again. If only I’d died with mo” (going on)
Meanwhile N: I wish Uzi was here. She’s cute. And I love her.
(Referencing chapters 13 and 14 in AO3 Murder Drones fanfic “by chance” by @spero11)
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altschmerzes · 7 months
Submitting a formal request for anything 2 Aces when you want to share :) :)
i will positively leap upon the opportunity
from loneliness into loneliness, my queerplatonic jamie + dani fic, a part of the scene that's the first time they sleep in dani's bed together. picks up right after jamie's offered to stay with him, in the hopes of keeping him from rolling onto his injured shoulder. this sequence is me like. we are going to lean HARD into This Is About Longing, About Pining (Platonic) For Someone.
Dani’s eyes widen as he processes the words and Jamie is briefly and intensely convinced that he’s just fucked up on an enormous level. He’s about to backpedal, beat a swift retreat from the room and possibly leave the house entirely, but before he can so much as grab his crutches, Dani is responding.
“You’d do that for me?” The corners of his warm, dark eyes crinkle softly, his head tipping slowly to the other direction. There’s something fond and a little awed in his expression, and Jamie can’t bear to look at it for long.
He shrugs one shoulder and looks down.
“I mean, yeah, it’s… ‘Course I would.” Jamie feels a little bad, maybe more than a little guilty, because this isn’t exactly the generous offer that Dani seems to think it is. It’s more like he’s asking for something for himself and making it sound like he was doing Dani a favour, which is probably even more selfish than just asking for something in the first place. Like- It is for Dani, right, Jamie really does want to keep him from rolling onto his bad shoulder if he can, but…
Just the hallway. That’s all the space that had separated them, two rooms across a hallway, and it had felt like they were worlds away. Jamie had closed his eyes and imagined it: how it would feel to slip out of bed and across the hall, get under the covers next to Dani and sleep there instead. He’d been embarrassed of himself immediately, but what nobody knew he was thinking about couldn’t hurt anyone, and so he’d imagined it until he could practically feel the warmth of another body beside his. And now here, sitting on Dani’s bed, so close to what he’d been imagining that his skin seems to ache at the thought… Jamie is a good liar, but even he ain’t a good enough liar to convince himself the offer is all or even almost all for Dani’s sake.
The chance to sleep next to someone that he’s close to, sleep holding someone that he’s close to? Jamie has to take any opportunity he might get to do that. The last time he had been consistently able to, he had been dating Keeley. There hasn’t been anyone since her, not beyond a fling for a night or two, and not even that for a while.
“I mean, I think that, if it’s… you know, if you think it’d help, yeah. Course I’d do that.” Jamie takes a deep breath, shrugs that same shoulder again, and makes himself say at least a little bit of the truth. “It’s nice. To- You know. It’s nice.”
“I understand, Dani says, nodding like he really does. “I don’t like sleeping alone.” He says it so directly, like there isn’t nothing wrong with it, and when Jamie hears it in Dani’s voice it’s hard to believe it’s any kind of character flaw like it seems when he feels it in himself. Dani laughs in a brief, humourless huff of breath. “I mean, I do not really like being alone at all, and lately… Lately I have been alone very often. So yes, if you want to, I would very much like it if you slept here with me.”
The touch of a hand reaching out and grabbing his makes Jamie look up, meet Dani’s eyes. Dani’s fingers tighten in a brief squeeze.
“I think it would help in more ways than one,” Dani says, and Jamie nods.
“Yeah,” he mumbles. “Think it would, yeah.” It’s the closest he can get to admitting to the ache in his skin, the way he’s hated sleeping in the guest room because it was so close but so far away from where Dani was sleeping, just across the hall.
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pumpkinstabs · 6 months
michael and laurie being siblings has become so dear and so important to me lol
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Hey guys, guess what he is sitting next to here!
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six-improbable-things · 7 months
I think my favorite little moment about GO2 was the scene where Crowley gets told "You're a nice lad." and he responds with "Not either, actually." Another reminder that demons and angels are above humans' constrained views on gender.
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“Yeah, I can believe it” is somehow just the best quote from the 10 year celebration, and I just need everyone to appreciate it as much as I do.
I’ve seen this 10 fucking times, and I still crack up every fucking time.
And the CALM moment is giving “mastermind”-energy.
And I would fucking LOVE the least greatest hits cd. It is basically just their old bangers.
Like don’t stop acoustic? Why the fuck not?
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pleuvoire · 5 months
taisei and ikeda are the biggest toku actor gaybait guys since isomura and yamamoto
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kingfisherprince · 1 year
being part of a south asian family is like yeah that's my mom's cousin's wife's brother's daughter yeah we're basically siblings yeah i call all ten of my grandpa's brothers 'grandpa' yeah that uncle is my dad's best friend and i don't know how we're related yeah my cousin is a year older than me and technically my aunt yeah there's fifty of us on one side of the family and a bunch are still missing, why, is it not like that for you?
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krenenbaker · 1 month
okay, this is the first time I had to actually pause multiple times while reading a chapter, just to let everything sink in. gods... Liam's route is making me ache
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beholdingslut · 9 months
so truly embarrassing that every time this one d&d character who died in campaign is brought up i start crying. i cannot help that my terrorist mind has clearly decided that because i thought about him so much for so long, he must be a real person and therefore i should act as though i am experiencing real life grief whenever he’s mentioned
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sae-mian · 10 months
1: their voice!
17: their ambitions
THANK YOU FOR THE ASK \o/ i will once again answer for 'sae (i was secretly really hopeful i'd get 1 because i love. talkin' bout their voice hehehe)
⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆
1: their voice
nira'sae has a soft, lilting voice, that's neither deep nor particularly high. they also have a slight tendency to mumble. when they're with people they don't know so well, it can come across a little flat/monotone - but it's all an act. once they're comfortable, their accent (imagine a very softly spoken welsh) comes out in full, and their words sound almost like song. they are, by all accounts, lovely to listen to.
17: their ambitions
they're not a very ambitious person, despite the heights they've risen to as an adventurer. at first, all they wanted was to help people (and frankly, that still goes). now, they want the world to be in such a state that people perhaps don't need to be helped so often (눈_눈)
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Describe Your OC
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Thing about Black Clover is that it has like 5 layers of foreshadowing.
And everything is tied to each other.
Even the littlest of things have meanings.
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It’s so funny to hear so called Star Wars fans holler that Star Wars needs to leave politics out of their material when politics were the foundation of the original films and prequels.
But then you get a show like Andor and I’ve seen people act like it’s not even the political parallel to real life it is.
I feel like those detractors were subconsciously missing a well done interwoven reference to the real stuff people are living with because Andor is delivering that. They just get so caught up in their own racism, being mad about “wokeness” and diversity, and Disney’s own vagueness up to this point that they didn’t know how to even react. Now we’re getting to the real stuff and they don’t know what to think.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 1 year
i love when we all go to thursday world together because the pipeline from being silly and having fun to getting emotional happens everryyy single time
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