evelina-maar · 2 months
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Why, of course I watch The Mummy 1999 for the plot!
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The Mummy (1999)
Bi-panic attack part 2 😩
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seamusquigley · 2 months
Imhotep is not the villain of The Mummy (1999)
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I have decided Imhotep isn't really the villain of The Mummy (1999).
He and Anck-su-namun fall in love. She's clearly as into it as he is. But the Pharaoh decides she is his woman. To hell with what she wants.
Faced with death for the crime of believing she has the right to choose her lover, they strike first. The only good aristocrat is a dead aristocrat, so it's hard to hate them for that.
Yes, he attempts to bring her back from the dead, but there's no real indication that this is in any way some great and terrible threat to the world. We're just supposed to have a knee-jerk "necromancy bad" reaction.
For this he is condemned to an eternity of torment. And the Pharaoh's bodyguard turns into a hereditary order determined to ensure that his decision to deny a woman's autonomy outlives him by millennia.
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And sure, ok. When released Imhotep goes on a rampage. 10 plagues and all that. But...
Anyone would be pissed off after being subjected to 3000 years of cursed torment.
It's stated that the curse itself is what made him so powerful.
To recap. If the Pharaoh had respected a woman's right to choose he wouldn't have been murdered, there would've been no reason for anyone to attempt necromancy, and there would've been no creation of a powerfully cursed being capable of visiting plagues upon the land.
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xenaisnumber1 · 2 months
Learning that Patricia Velasquez is a lesbian and Rachel Weisz is a lady lover intinsified my massive crush on Anck-su-namun and Eve growing up. And it made their fight scene a million times better.
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taimhotep · 2 years
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There's gold diggers and then there's Anck-Su-Namun. She knew what the real treasure was but didn't have the guts to keep fighting for it. No one's doing it like her.
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auburnlaughter · 3 months
Mraaaah for wip wednesday!
Thank you for the ask! Here are your sentences. I'm counting the half and the one starting with but as one.
WIP Wednesday Game - The Sorrows of Ra (fanfic)
"Well, perhaps if you-"
But they were interrupted by the sound of raised voices coming from the hallway ahead of them.
"You said it would be here!" an angry voice accused in ancient Egyptian.
"I said I remembered that it had been kept here," Anck-su-namun's voice replied coldly. "Which does not guarantee that it is still here now, all these years later."
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letthefairyinyoufly · 29 days
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Patricia Velasquez as Anck Su Namun
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nefertiris · 1 month
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the mummy meme; both movies in general • favorite quotes (either by one character or all your fave quotes).
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travelinglikethelight · 2 months
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Anck Su Namun / Meela Nais (portrayed by Patricia Velásquez)
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nnobodoodles · 1 year
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Happy 24th Anniversary to the movie, ever! ✨
(Closer images under the cut)
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I drew Rick, Evy, Jon and Ardeth back in September like this, and they looked pretty bad, so I thought I'd try my hand at them again AND finally draw Imhotep and Anck. Tried to somewhat stay loyal to the actor's likenesses, somewhat get more shapey and cartoony, but nevertheless, had a LOT of fun.
Universal, please, I need another sequel, comics and a new animated show 🥹
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spellfuls · 1 year
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ANCK-SU-NAMUN ⁞︎ THE MUMMY 1999 ⁞︎ Director: Stephen Sommers
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starofthedawn · 1 month
Just got back from seeing The Mummy 25th Anniversary Re-Release in theaters and man it was so special!
I had never seen this movie in theaters before and I was there with my best friend who also loves The Mummy with her whole heart. The movie begins, Ardeth starts speaking, I grab her hand and tears start to well up in my eyes.
Throughout the movie I could tell who in the theater were my kind of people, as they were the ones laughing at the jokes, bouncing to the music, and saluting when Winston died. It was delightful to see some people bring their loved ones who maybe hadn’t seen the film before. They were jumping at all the scary parts, wincing at the bugs and death, but most delightful of all, reacting to Brendan Fraser’s facial expressions!
The cinematic experience is truly how The Mummy is supposed to be watched, as I was able to discern the more subtle whispers in the background that indicated Imhotep was nearby and reacted viscerally to the scarabs because there was surround sound.
This movie may not be a perfect movie, but to me this is my perfect movie. I look forward to being able to watch The Mummy Returns in theaters.
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dramaticl0vers · 1 year
I need you, protect yourself (Husband! Ardeth Bay x Wife! Reader PART 1)
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Fandom: The Mummy, The Mummy Returns
Since you and your husband returned to London, troubles broke out in your lives and your brother's.
Imhotep had woken up and had everything to gain. You were terrified, your nephew had been kidnapped and these people had no mercy.
Being the wife of the chief of the tribe had not been easy, you were a foreigner, your knowledge had gaps.
But after a considerable time, seeing that you were simply sincere and devoted to the love of Ardeth and the people, you managed to win the affection of most people.
They even shared gun knowledge with you, and you were forever grateful.
Now they were in Ahm Shere, where the plan was as follows.
You, Evie and Jonathan were going to cover for Rick and Ardeth.
And although you insisted on accompanying your brother, your husband flatly forbade it.
"You are my husband, not my father, Ardeth, you cannot order me not to do it"
You said denying, while your slightly wavy hair moved along with the denials you made with your head.
Ardeth understood, you were terrified, and you wanted to fight them, side by side, as you had done since the first time, but he couldn't expose you to more danger, not again.
"I am not asking you as a husband, I am ordering you as the head of the Medjai"
You shook your head, defeated, as a tear pitifully fell from your eyes. Ardeth took you by the cheeks and dried your tears, looking into your eyes.
"I want to go with you..."
Your husband denied.
"I have promised you before, I will come back to you, one way or another, but I will"
A sob escaped from your throat.
"When that damn mummy returns to hell with the Scorpion King, we will return to the village and live in peace, I promise you, my love"
He said, you looked him in the eye.
"Come back, it's a direct order from the wife of the boss"
You said, your husband hastened to kiss your lips. a deep kiss, almost goodbye. He broke away from you with difficulty, before running off so you wouldn't chase him.
You told him with tears in your eyes. You hugged Rick and got ready with Rick and Evie. Oh, thank goodness. When the revolver was leveled at Ardeth's head and a shot rang out, he nearly had a heart attack. But you held Jon so tight when you saw the man go down thanks to his shot.
Well, after that, Rick managed to defeat the Scorpion King, and Izzy found them and rescued them.
Oh how you loved him.
There he was, riding his black horse, smiling at you.
"Izzy, put me down"
The man huffed in annoyance, but at Rick's accusing glare, he did.
Before going down, you looked at your brother with watery eyes and ran to hug him.
"I will miss you so much, Rick..."
Your brother sighed and kissed your head, hugging you.
"We will continue writing to each other, but I hope you come to visit me without a mummy wanting to destroy the world"
You laughed and you separated from his embrace.
You said goodbye to the entire crew and Ardeth got off his horse. You laughed and ran into your husband's arms, uniting them in a hug expected by both.
You got on his horse and hugged his waist throughout the entire ride. And when they got to the village, the celebratory whoops and whistles at the two of you and the army invaded your ears.
Now if you had earned the affection of his family.
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Movie Costumes | The Mummy (1999)
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catinelle · 21 days
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happy 25th anniversary to the movie of my childhood
my piece for @themummyzine 🌙 check it out, it's free and it's awesome
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