heretherebedork · 1 year
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This show is giving me cavities and I am thanking it. @absolutebl I am thrown, forcibly, back into blurred out alcohol, shifty sound and darling boys and it's the best thing that happens to me on a regular basis.
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absolutebl · 1 year
I’ve read your posts about honorifics in Thai bl with an older seme/younger uke and how usually the younger character tries to subvert/get out of that traditional honorific system quickly. (For power, maybe equal footing, whatever the reason.) I’m watching Future and Fuse is younger by 3-ish years (?) which I wouldn’t think much about except the age gap has been mentioned in almost every episode, usually by people being surprised/having negative things to say. But Fuse seems to have no problem calling Ana P, and even seems to enjoy it. He acts all cute when he’s drunk and really drags it out. What are your thoughts/opinions on this if you have any? I’m just curious as to your input ☺️ Do you think it’s just a natural bl progression, or that the seme/uke dynamic isn’t strong enough for it to matter? Do I even have them classified correctly or am I just spinning my wheels?
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I think all your observations are pretty accurate. And I think part of it is progression of the industry. But a lot of it is this franchise which tends to be soft and fungible in its role assignments (Mark, for example, basically switches from seme to uke in between installments). With the exception of Vee (who's a disaster) it wields soem of the softest semes in the biz.
But note they are still dropping meehas like they are going outa style? So the script is still married to top/bottom, if not necessarily seme/uke.
But to me, most of it is in the characters.
Fuse thinks he wants the S/u dynamic, but he's not actually that into it. And that's because he has no experience, so he only had his fantasies. He's still figuring it all out.
I think this is all a comment on Fuse's innocence. Language play and everyone calling him a dek (kid/child) and the way he kinda relishes being a drunken baby with P'Anaaaaa. He's more uke clingy than seme obsessed, although we saw jealous angry seme in this recent ep. Fuse was clearly uncomfortable with those emotions too.
In the end a lot of Fuse's uke-ness feels natural because he is an innocent and acts younger. His seme-ness feels performative as a result. He's just a big baby puppy. He growls if he has to, but he'd rather flop around with his head in his bf's lap getting belly rubs.
This is his first relationship, and Ana has all the experience and heartbreak. That's what the script and linguistics are revolving around. The age difference is being emphasized for that reason. The implication is that P'Ana might be "too much" for Fuse to handle.
But then the story keeps showing us that this doesn't matter. Fuse doesn't really want to handle Ana, he just wants to be with him, and he's willing to go whatever direction is necessary for that.
I guess what I'm saying is, putting S/u aside, if Fuse turns out to be a top in the end, he's definitely a service top.
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blmpff · 1 year
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bbjs___ on ig 27.03.2023
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itsjaybullme · 6 years
Top 10 Natural Anabolics for 2018
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Photo provided by Strong Supplements via Getty Images
The Top 10 Natural Anabolics for 2018 see continued innovation and growth as more compounds are identified and introduced to the market. Natural Anabolics have surged to the forefront of the industry due to impressive customer results and the continuous formula improvements we've seen from the botanical-based science behind them. Many rival the results of more hardcore bulking agents.
1- Anafuse by Vital Labs
For the 3rd consecutive year in a row, Anafuse claims the #1 spot with a formula so potent that it has also made the Top 10 Bulking Supplements for multiple years running but unlike many on that list, Anafuse produces its results without influence on your hormones and virtually no side effects. Anafuse utilizes a fusion of potent natural anabolics with the addition of absorption enhancers to produce muscle building effects that have lead it to become one of the most re-ordered supplements of all-time.
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2 - Vector by Black Lion Research - Trending
Vector just recently hit the market and has been trending hard as it capitalizes on the discovery of not just 1, but 3 brand new natural anabolic ingredients. While powerful on their own these 3 new ingredients help to regulate gene expression related muscle hypertrophy to promote lean muscle growth, increases in strength, endurance, protein synthesis, and muscle recovery.
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3 - Major Gains by Assault Labs - Trending
As the newest natural anabolic to hit the market of this year’s Top 10, Major Gains has been garnering head turning feedback with customers reporting concrete muscle and strength gains, some even reporting this while cutting. The rise in popularity comes as no surprise as the formula is packed with trademarked, proven, and university studied ingredients. Assault Labs even recently upgraded the formula - doubling the dosage of the key muscle building ingredient. Even though Anafuse has a sizeable lead, we expect Major Gains and Vector to start gaining ground on the king.
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4 - Massacr3 by Olympus Labs
Massacr3 has caught many by surprise in 2018 as it utilizes Laxogenin, an ingredient well known with customers but upgrades the delivery system stacks it with a new muscle builder that outperformed testosterone is studies, UroBolin. Some users have touted the product’s effects and feel as being on par with hormonal muscle builders. Feedback has overall been very good and some users are reporting that the effects are kicking in much faster with Massacr3, where as most other natural anabolics require a bit more time to build up their strength in the body.
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5 - Epi 2.0 by Vital Labs
Epi 2.0 hits the Top 10 for the 3rd year in a row with its innovative approach to muscle growth which is Myostatin Inhibition. It is specifically able to do this by reducing the growth factor protein that limits your muscle growth with its key ingredient Epicatechin. Additionally, Epi 2.0 utilizes a blend of ingredients that helps to triple the effectiveness of Epicatechin helping users to increase their muscle mass, endurance, recovery, and fat loss. Users have referred to it as the first true Myostatin Inhibitor on the market.
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6 - Follidrone 2.0 by Black Lion Research
The original Follidrone brought Epicatechin to the market but not too long after superior formulas hit the scene. Black Lion Research has answered that challenge with a fully upgraded Follidrone with the addition of 5 new innovative ingredients and the feedback shows that they made the right decision. Users have been raving about its ability to help them add mass when bulking and body fat loss when cutting. A great reformulation to one of the best natural anabolics to ever hit the market.  
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7 - Nano Genin by Assault Nano Series
Nano Genin combines the non hormonal anabolic agent Laxogenin which has been shown to increase protein synthesis by 200% with a technology used by the pharmaceutical industry known as “Nano Absorb Technology” which helps to increase the effectiveness of Laxogenin by up to 600%. The combination of the two has users reporting increases in fat loss, lean muscle mass, endurance, and strength.
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8 - Hydra Head Six by Antaeus Labs
Hydra Head Six tackles every fitness enthusiast’s biggest fear, losing muscle mass. Nearly everyone tends to lose muscle when they lose fat but customers have been reporting that with the addition of Hydra Head Six to their cut, not only are they locking in their muscle gains but they are saying they are feeling as strong as ever, something you don’t commonly hear when cutting back on the calories.
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9 - Ep1logue by Olympus Labs
Epi1logue might just be the bodybuilder’s dream, as its key ingredient UroBolin helps build lean muscle while preventing muscle breakdown. That same ingredient outperformed both Testosterone and Insulin in studies while using significantly lower dosages than the two. User’s have been reporting increased muscle definition, increased muscle pumps, improved muscular endurance and they keep coming back for more, as many users are picking up additional bottles to extend their cycles out to 8 to 12 weeks.
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10 - Recomp Rx by Blackstone Labs
Recomp Rx helps to accomplish one of the most difficult tasks in all of fitness, dropping fat and building muscle simultaneously. It helps to accomplish this with Ursolic Acid, an ingredient that in a human clinical study produced 413% more muscle gains and 5lbs of fat loss in just 4 weeks. The only downside is that the study used a 20% higher dosage than what is provided in Recomp Rx, so while Recomp Rx can’t necessarily produce those same exact results it likely comes close.
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This content is supplied and sponsored by StrongSupplements.com. This list was generated and created by Strong Supplement Shop. For more information, visit http://www.strongsupplements.com/
from Bodybuilding Feed https://www.muscleandfitness.com/supplements/build-muscle/top-10-natural-anabolics-2018 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Learn About The Anabolic Supplements That Are Legal
The Anabolic supplements are the alternative to anabolic steroids. These legal anabolics that work come without the dangerous side effects that are the unsavory accompaniment of anabolic steroids. The Anabolic supplements provide effective results in terms of bulking and toning the muscles.
Anabolic supplements Vs. Anabolic steroids?
The Anabolic steroids are usually Testosterone inducing drugs whereas Anabolic supplements are made up of natural ingredients. They basically work by promoting nitrogen retention in muscles and naturally increasing the Testosterone levels. Anabolic supplements work in the manner similar to Anabolic steroids and they provide following results
It elevates the protein in cells
It enhances the performance
It helps in building leaner and stronger muscles
The Anabolic supplements are available in tablet, powder and pill forms. They are cheaper and safer than anabolic steroids and they can be used without worrying about any legal repercussions and side effects.
The popular anabolic supplements
There are a number of anabolic supplements available in the market. Almost all of these provide results to an extent but a few of them are stronger and more effective. The supplements can be of two types, they can either work gradually to increase the muscle mass or they can work towards rapid gains in a short time.
The efficiency and results of an anabolic supplement depend on the following aspects of the user
Physical condition
The training regime
A few examples of popular anabolic supplements include D-Bal, Deca Duro, Trenorol, Winsol, Anadrole, Testo-Max, etc.
Stacking the Anabolic supplements
Stacking is using two or more supplements in combination with rapid results. A popular anabolic supplements brand CrazyBulk categorizes its products as per different purposes such as
Bulking stack - The anabolic supplements for rapid and quick gains. An example of this category is D-Bal that imitates Methandrostenolone or Dianabol.
Strength stack - The anabolic supplements to enhance the endurance and stamina
Cutting stack - The supplements that facilitate the reduction of the fat levels thereby helping the user to tone up.
For best results, the Anabolic supplements should be taken for a minimum of 4 to 8 weeks as per the recommended dosage.
The synthetically produced Anabolic supplements may have certain low level side effects. The alternative of these is the all-natural anabolic supplements like Anafuse, made up of plant extracts Laxogenin and Epicatechin or Epi 2.0 or Nano Genin. Anafuse enhances muscle nitrogen retention and protein synthesis is thereby increasing muscle strength and lean muscle mass whereas Nano Genin enhances the fat burn rate and increases lean muscle mass.
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successwitharan · 7 years
10% Off Anabolic AnafuseStrong Supplements Coupon Code: ANAFUSE10 Get 10% Off Anabolic Anafuse » Health Coupon Codes » Nutrition Coupon Codes » Sports Nutrition Coupon Codes » Strong Supplements Coupon Codes » Strong Supplements Coupon Codes 10% Off
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rodrigohyde · 7 years
Top 10 natural anabolics for 2017
Sponsored by Strong Supplement Shop
The launch of our Top 10 Natural Anabolics for 2017 shows that customers are searching for innovation, as all 10 supps are rooted in proven botanical-based research.
As usual, the top products have held their own, but below the top two, no product ranking was safe. Customers have spoken, and the lower-dosed natural anabolics no longer make the list in favor of better results.
Thanks to the appeal of supplements with few to no side effects, many lifters who had previously bypassed mass-gainers because of the risks are now discovering new supplements—and, in turn, breaking plateaus and developing more lean, defined muscle.
1. Anafuse by Vital Labs
Anafuse is so potent (and reordered so often) it also made the Top 10 Bulking Supplements List, the only natural anabolic to do so.  But unlike many on that list, Anafuse produces its results without influence on your hormones and with virtually no side effects. Anafuse combines the two most effective natural anabolic ingredients on the market today (Epicatechin & Laxogenin) with the addition of absorption enhancers. The customer feedback and reorder rate on this anabolic has been so stellar that is on pace to become one of the best-selling supplements ever. Certainly worthy of its No.1 position among the Top 10 Natural Anabolic Supplements this year. Read all the reviews here. 
2. EPI 2.0 by Vital Labs
Designed to help push the body past its muscle-building plateaus, Epi 2.0 is specifically able to do this by reducing the growth factor protein that limits your muscle growth with its key ingredient Epicatechin. Additionally, Epi 2.0 utilizes a blend of ingredients that helps to triple the effectiveness of Epicatechin helping users to increase their muscle mass, endurance, recovery, and fat loss. Read all the reviews here. 
3. Nano Genin by Assault Labs
Nano Genin combines the nonhormonal anabolic agent Laxogenin which has been shown to increase protein synthesis by 200% with a technology used by the pharmaceutical industry known as “Nano Absorb Technology” which helps to increase the effectiveness of Laxogenin by up to 600%. The combination of the two has users reporting increases in fat loss, lean muscle mass, endurance, and strength. Read all the reviews here. 
4. Follidrone by Black Lion Research
The original Follidrone brought Epicatechin to the market but not too long after superior formulas hit the scene. Black Lion Research has answered that challenge with a fully upgraded Follidrone with the addition of five new innovative ingredients and the feedback shows that they made the right decision. Users have been raving about its ability to help them add mass when bulking and body fat loss when cutting. A great reformulation to one of the best natural anabolics to ever hit the market. Read all the reviews here. 
5. IGF-1 Xtreme by APS Nutrition
IGF-1 Xtreme is a potent source of IGF-1 which is a growth hormone that supports muscle growth, endurance, recovery, libido, and even has anti-aging properties. The most commonly praised benefit of this supplement from users is its ability to improve muscle recovery, helping users to put in longer and harder workouts without the risk of feeling depleted the next day. There are endless benefits to IGF-1 and growth hormone making this a great supplement to run solo, but also a great addition to any stack bulking or cutting. Read all the reviews here. 
6. Bio-Gro by iSatori
A supplement that is the first of its kind, utilizing Bio-Active Peptides to help increase protein synthesis which in turn helps to increase lean muscle mass, muscle recovery, and muscle endurance. One scoop of Bio-Gro contains the equivalent bio-actives of 25g of whey protein concentrate. Read all the reviews here. 
7. Anabolic Triad by Platinum Labs
Anabolic Triad separates itself from other products as it combines two powerful ingredients from two different categories, utilizing the natural anabolic Laxogenin with the testosterone booster Bulbine Natalensis. The combination helps to increase testosterone by up to 347% and protein synthesis by up to 200%. Read all the reviews here. 
8. Ultimate Pro IGF T600 by Pure Factors
Pro IGF T600 is a product that has a very high customer reorder rate, it not only helps users increase their strength, muscle recovery, and muscle endurance, but also promotes accelerated injury recovery. The key ingredient is deer antler velvet, an ingredient that was popularized by NFL legend Ray Lewis, who by using Deer Antler was able to reduce his recovery time from a torn triceps from six months down to three, allowing him to play in and win a superbowl in his last year of play. Read all the reviews here. 
9. Laxozome Max by EPG
Laxozome Max supports muscle gains by starting at the root of it all, protein synthesis. It’s key ingredient helps to increase protein synthesis by up to 200% supporting accelerated muscle recovery, increased strength, and improved muscle endurance without any influence on your hormones. The product utilizes a Liposomal delivery system which allows almost all of the active compound to be absorbed by the body. Read all the reviews here.
10. AnaBeta Elite by PEScience
AnaBeta Elite is a natural anabolic that has taken ingredients that were once popular in the bodybuilding industry and upgraded them, utilizing a 95% pure Forskolin, an ingredient that has many physique-altering attributes, as it has been shown to help reduce fat levels while increasing lean mass, and in some studies it has been shown to increase free testosterone levels by up to 40%. Users have also reported increases in muscle hardness, libido, and appetite. Read all the reviews here.
This content is supplied and sponsored by Strong Supplement Shop. This list was also generated and created by Strong Supplement Shop. For more information, visit http://www.strongsupplementshop.com/.
Mass building
from Men's Fitness http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/supplements/top-10-natural-anabolics-2017
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egooksconnolly · 7 years
Top 10 natural anabolics for 2017
Sponsored by Strong Supplement Shop
The launch of our Top 10 Natural Anabolics for 2017 shows that customers are searching for innovation, as all 10 supps are rooted in proven botanical-based research.
As usual, the top products have held their own, but below the top two, no product ranking was safe. Customers have spoken, and the lower-dosed natural anabolics no longer make the list in favor of better results.
Thanks to the appeal of supplements with few to no side effects, many lifters who had previously bypassed mass-gainers because of the risks are now discovering new supplements—and, in turn, breaking plateaus and developing more lean, defined muscle.
1. Anafuse by Vital Labs
Anafuse is so potent (and reordered so often) it also made the Top 10 Bulking Supplements List, the only natural anabolic to do so.  But unlike many on that list, Anafuse produces its results without influence on your hormones and with virtually no side effects. Anafuse combines the two most effective natural anabolic ingredients on the market today (Epicatechin & Laxogenin) with the addition of absorption enhancers. The customer feedback and reorder rate on this anabolic has been so stellar that is on pace to become one of the best-selling supplements ever. Certainly worthy of its No.1 position among the Top 10 Natural Anabolic Supplements this year. Read all the reviews here. 
2. EPI 2.0 by Vital Labs
Designed to help push the body past its muscle-building plateaus, Epi 2.0 is specifically able to do this by reducing the growth factor protein that limits your muscle growth with its key ingredient Epicatechin. Additionally, Epi 2.0 utilizes a blend of ingredients that helps to triple the effectiveness of Epicatechin helping users to increase their muscle mass, endurance, recovery, and fat loss. Read all the reviews here. 
3. Nano Genin by Assault Labs
Nano Genin combines the nonhormonal anabolic agent Laxogenin which has been shown to increase protein synthesis by 200% with a technology used by the pharmaceutical industry known as “Nano Absorb Technology” which helps to increase the effectiveness of Laxogenin by up to 600%. The combination of the two has users reporting increases in fat loss, lean muscle mass, endurance, and strength. Read all the reviews here. 
4. Follidrone by Black Lion Research
The original Follidrone brought Epicatechin to the market but not too long after superior formulas hit the scene. Black Lion Research has answered that challenge with a fully upgraded Follidrone with the addition of five new innovative ingredients and the feedback shows that they made the right decision. Users have been raving about its ability to help them add mass when bulking and body fat loss when cutting. A great reformulation to one of the best natural anabolics to ever hit the market. Read all the reviews here. 
5. IGF-1 Xtreme by APS Nutrition
IGF-1 Xtreme is a potent source of IGF-1 which is a growth hormone that supports muscle growth, endurance, recovery, libido, and even has anti-aging properties. The most commonly praised benefit of this supplement from users is its ability to improve muscle recovery, helping users to put in longer and harder workouts without the risk of feeling depleted the next day. There are endless benefits to IGF-1 and growth hormone making this a great supplement to run solo, but also a great addition to any stack bulking or cutting. Read all the reviews here. 
6. Bio-Gro by iSatori
A supplement that is the first of its kind, utilizing Bio-Active Peptides to help increase protein synthesis which in turn helps to increase lean muscle mass, muscle recovery, and muscle endurance. One scoop of Bio-Gro contains the equivalent bio-actives of 25g of whey protein concentrate. Read all the reviews here. 
7. Anabolic Triad by Platinum Labs
Anabolic Triad separates itself from other products as it combines two powerful ingredients from two different categories, utilizing the natural anabolic Laxogenin with the testosterone booster Bulbine Natalensis. The combination helps to increase testosterone by up to 347% and protein synthesis by up to 200%. Read all the reviews here. 
8. Ultimate Pro IGF T600 by Pure Factors
Pro IGF T600 is a product that has a very high customer reorder rate, it not only helps users increase their strength, muscle recovery, and muscle endurance, but also promotes accelerated injury recovery. The key ingredient is deer antler velvet, an ingredient that was popularized by NFL legend Ray Lewis, who by using Deer Antler was able to reduce his recovery time from a torn triceps from six months down to three, allowing him to play in and win a superbowl in his last year of play. Read all the reviews here. 
9. Laxozome Max by EPG
Laxozome Max supports muscle gains by starting at the root of it all, protein synthesis. It’s key ingredient helps to increase protein synthesis by up to 200% supporting accelerated muscle recovery, increased strength, and improved muscle endurance without any influence on your hormones. The product utilizes a Liposomal delivery system which allows almost all of the active compound to be absorbed by the body. Read all the reviews here.
10. AnaBeta Elite by PEScience
AnaBeta Elite is a natural anabolic that has taken ingredients that were once popular in the bodybuilding industry and upgraded them, utilizing a 95% pure Forskolin, an ingredient that has many physique-altering attributes, as it has been shown to help reduce fat levels while increasing lean mass, and in some studies it has been shown to increase free testosterone levels by up to 40%. Users have also reported increases in muscle hardness, libido, and appetite. Read all the reviews here.
This content is supplied and sponsored by Strong Supplement Shop. This list was also generated and created by Strong Supplement Shop. For more information, visit http://www.strongsupplementshop.com/.
Mass building
Article source here:Men’s Fitness
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Top 10 Natural Cutting & Bulking Supplements for 2017
Top 10 Natural Cutting & Bulking Supplements for 2017
The customers have spoken. Based on customer repurchases and feedback as well as customer experience reports from our Pro Support Team, we have compiled the best of the best to help you in building a leaner harder physique naturally. The Top 10 Cutting and Bulking Supplements for 2017 is here. Finally – Lean Hard Muscle for All. No.1 ANAFUSE by VL Anafuse is so potent (and re-ordered so often) it…
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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My love of Polla for constantly calling Ana out for this is epic. She is not gonna let him forget that he asked for the break and that taking a break means a break not just... whatever Ana seems to think a break is, apparently. I'm not sure about that.
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And another call out! Seriously. Ana has the best friends because they won't hesitate to both be there for him and to remind him that he fucked up and needs to be the one to fix it.
But we can't forget Fuse's friends.
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This guy is literally just @iguessitsjustme because this was an EXACT QUOTE from her before he even said it and it was glorious. Absolutely perfect. I love the ready to fight friend on his side and more.
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And then ending on this just made me laugh because... why? Why would he blame you Ana? Really? Why? Just because you're the one who overrode all of Fuse's protestations and arguments and insisted on taking a break? It's almost like this is your fault and everyone but you (and maybe Fuse) gets that.
Ah, at least the boys will be all soft and lovey dovey and sweet next week. I do love these two friendship groups, though. @absolutebl Yep, continues to be the answer to Tossara in so, so many ways. Even if slightly more dramatic.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Their love just oozes everywhere. They're so soft and so sweet and it makes the drama just not even matter because we know how much they love each other. @absolutebl Not quite as soft as Tossara but they're trying!
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Ana and Fuse are so cute and this was just an entire episode of them calling each other boyfriend and talking about how much they love each other and I'm okay with the preview because next week is the literal finale and I'm not worried about this.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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We start with Ana and his crush on Fuse and cut to a year later of Fuse desperately seeking a boyfriend and meeting Ana and now they're both flirting, they're both soft and the love that's there only needs a little push to become something much bigger.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Drunk!Fuse has eyes for no one but Ana and Ana appreciates that a great deal.
Bonus: Literal heart eyes
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Well, that's very specific way to flirt with someone. @absolutebl New favorite flirting sub.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
Oh no, both Ana and Fuse have low self-esteem and fears of not being good enough for the other person who is just so handsome and/or cute that how can they possibly be interested in them? And they're both in love from the first moment, Ana before Fuse but Fuse falls hard and I love it. This is the answer to Tossara that I've been waiting for! @absolutebl low stakes cutesy romance where they're both just sweet on each other and sweet as can be with good friendship groups that support them? Sign me up.
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