#ana díaz
makorragal-312 · 15 days
So this might be an unpopular opinion (or maybe not), but as a bi woman, I would be fucking PISSED if Buck and Eddie ended up kissing or hooking up during the bachelor party.
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 10 days
Okay I've settled on my head canon which is that Eddie is bi (or some version of "likes women and men"), too... I need to ramble about it because this popular idea that Eddie is gay just bothers me tbh it just feels ignorant, bi erasurery. And sure, maybe I'll be proven wrong, but in the mean time...
I think the reason why Eddie just can't be happy with the women he's pushing himself to date is because he's only really ever been drawn, and loved, two people: Shannon and Buck.
And these women he's since dated... are neither of those people. So the other relationships are just... fake, unhappy. Not because of sexual incompatibility, but because they're loveless, on Eddie's part.
The romance with Shannon started as a teen-age romance. They were childhood friends and lovers, but they were too young and immature to really handle the stress of parenthood, and despite that, pushed into a marriage.
It was too much for this young, immature, love to survive. Them freaking out and not being a team.... That just started to hack away at their mutual trust, and that eventually killed the romance, and the marriage. This immature love just could not handle all this pressure, and co-exist with that dying trust.
And then, Eddie meets Buck when his and Shannon's marriage is on a break. She's runs, is away for a long time, Eddie is raising Chris alone... And Buck steps in.
And Buck is insanely helpful, a major stress relief -letting Bobby know that Eddie is struggling to find a caretaker for Chris. Researching for ways to help Eddie... He finds Carla to help them. Buck takes one look at Christopher and melts, wants to spend time with them... Eddie thinks "Woah. This guy is amazing. This is someone I can count on, who has my back."
So Eddie just moved on from Shannon. He did love her once... but then they killed their love and marriage, together. Mutual destruction.
Eddie didn't trust her anymore, she didn't trust him after he'd enlisted in a panic to run from the parenthood, from Christopher's diagnosis... they were fighting all the time... and then she just left him alone with Chris.
And I refuse to demonize her for leaving btw, she was young, under a lot of stress, and Eddie was running from his parenthood. Eddie needed that push, to take responsibility, and connect with Chris!!
But still.. She left, Eddie was hurt and alone, and really doesn't trust her anymore, and then he meets Buck.
So Eddie moves on. His and Shannon's romantic love just... dies. And when she finally tries to re-connect. Yes, he still finds her desirable, and the human bond is still an important one. But where's the love?
They've known each other since they were children, they're friends, Shannon is Christopher's mother. But Eddie no longer really loves her like he once did. He tries. He forgives her, for everything, and really tries to mend their marriage, even proposes again after finding out she may be pregnant...
But it's just too late for both of them, they don't really work as a couple, and she realises she is tired of this battle, she is done.
Shannon leaving.... this made Eddie move on from her, even though he tried to deny it, even to himself. By leaving, Shannon gave the final killing blow to their already fractured mutual trust. Then she was gone for a long time, and when she finally came back, Eddie had already moved on, connected with someone else. She even says this - I was away for too long.
She realises that their marriage dead. She is shocked when Eddie keeps pushing her away from Chris, realises their mutual lack of trust. And she finally admits to herself that she doesn't really want to get back together with Eddie.
Eddie is dragging his feet, not really accepting her back, keeps looking for a "sign" that would say they should have another serious go as partners. Only proposes after there's another pregnancy scare.
Shannon thinks, this marriage is too broken, I want out. We both deserve something better than this. So it is a story of falling in love, and falling out of love.
And then she dies, and Eddie grieves, deeply. He did love Shannon, even though their marriage was a failure. He'd loved her in so many ways. She was his friend, she was his wife, she was Christopher's mother.
However, I do feel like the reason why he struggles to date after Shannon's death is a combination of grief - being afraid to try again with anyone... and it's denial of his feelings for Buck, and also fear that what if... This happens again, what if he loves and they leave. I think the key problem here really is Buck.
Eddie has already fallen for someone, and tries to deny it, ignore it. He thinks this is a road that would take him nowhere, so why try. He thinks Buck is straight!
So he starts pushing Buck away because this odd family unit they have...? Where is it going really, he thinks, Buck doesn't want him.
This line, said to Buck:
"Somehow we became a ready-made family and I... I don't know if I'm ready for that."
It's grief for Shannon, and it's unrequited love for Buck, and it's about being unable to love Ana because of those both massive things stopping Eddie from being able to connect with her.
Remember.... that Buck starts the thing with Taylor before Eddie starts dating Ana?
Eddie, looking like a zombie, hosting Buck and Taylor, telling Buck that he needs to move on, Eddie has. (Yeah it's a lie.)
And remember all these talks about Eddie needing to move on, before he goes on dates?
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This is Eddie, trying to move on, and find his third family unit.
The scene with Eddie and Buck when they've just met, Buck bragging that "some of us don't need good lighting to look good..."
And then Eddie at the fire station, looking at Buck, forgetting to introduce Ana to everyone, realising his mistake and saying to Ana;
"Oh, you've never been here!"...
Because she wasn't, Buck's presence just erases her from Eddie's mind, it's like she isn't even in the same room.
It's true, Eddie realises. Buck really doesn't need good lighting to look good, not to Eddie.
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"Even in the dark, this place is amazing."
It's terrible, but disturbingly true for Eddie. This feeling, of existing in the darkness, alone, and watching someone who just doesn't need good lighting to look amazing. They just glow anyway, overwhelmingly, they just erase everyone else from your mind.
I feel like this symbolizes deep, unrequited love really well. Even in the dark this place is amazing.
So Eddie keeps struggling. He won't let Buck close because that's killing him, but he also can't let go of him. He's just ...always dying.
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And then Buck comes out to him? It's a shock. It's a brief moment of dumb, wide-eyed hope.
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But then Eddie immediately realizes... This changes nothing. Buck is dating someone else. Buck is falling for someone else. Buck is still... Just a friend.
Nothing has changed for Buck, and therefore not for Eddie either. Eddie is still alone in this. And keeps dying.
So... The point I'm trying to make here.
I feel like this struggle we're seeing, it's not about Eddie being gay. He fell for Shannon, they agreed the sex was never the problem.
Even this new relationship with Marisol. He does feel sexual desire for her... Their sex life is great... Until he learns that she was almost a nun? Imagine being in the closet, bi, and realising your girlfriend was almost a nun?
It's truly "eyes on the ground". Would she still want her, if she really knew who, or what, Eddie is? Would she be disgusted if she learned about all of Eddie's fantasies?
How can Eddie trust her?
So... That's what making him run from Marisol. I do think he's making a genuine effort to move on from his old flames - Shannon and Buck.
I mean... Remember Eddie's talk with his tia? Learning that she had been married before, and refusing to even try dating someone else, until her friends dragged her out?
And ultimately this made her move on, meeting someone else. And soon she didn't regret trying again.
So Eddie is trying to move on from Shannon, and Buck.
But can he? Is he?
One thing about Buck's coming out, and the following scene, the talk with Eddie...
Noticed the buddie subtext, and the bisexual subtext of the lines when he talks about Marisol there? About needing to go home.
The "menu" is not the issue. The issue is that he doesn't want to go home, to Marisol. (Lol, there's btw that bicycle again, hanging on the wall behind Eddie's back. Bi subtext!!)
Eddie does desire her. ... He just doesn't love her. And that keeps happening... Because his heart is already taken.
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ojiisan01 · 11 months
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this is why you don’t wear makeup on situaitions
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l3r40l · 1 year
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bonobochick · 1 year
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Ari, Rocio, and Bilal.  👁
Elite 6x05
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sofya-creations · 2 years
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Tierra de reyes
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lobuenodepuertorico · 3 months
Jóvenes guaynabeñas luchan para proteger el ambiente
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Dieron un importante paso en sus aspiraciones de convertirse en futuras científicas gracias a la participación en la segunda edición del Programa de Embajadoras Ambientales.
San Juan, PR. 20 de septiembre de 2023. Entrevista con las estudiantes Ana Sofía Díaz Rodríguez de 16 años y Dareliz A. Torres Ríos de 12 años sobre su rol como adolescentes enfocadas en ser agentes de cambio por el ambiente. Ambas alumnas forman parte de la Iniciativa “Chicas por el Cambio”, programa que promueve crear una cultura de comunidades más resilientes y agentes de cambio ante los efectos del cambio climático y la sustentabilidad de los recursos. Fotos por Nahira Montcourt. (Nahira Montcourt)
Una de ellas es una joven que cursa en estos momentos el grado 11, pero ya tiene la meta clara de estudiar biología marina. La otra, de menor edad, está en octavo grado y le apasionan las ciencias médicas y ambientales.
Se trata de dos jóvenes residentes en Guaynabo que recién dieron un importante paso en sus aspiraciones de convertirse en futuras científicas al servicio de Puerto Rico y el planeta, gracias a la participación en la segunda edición del Programa de Embajadoras Ambientales.
Las jóvenes, de hecho, calificaron su paso por el programa, que desarrollan en una alianza educativa el EcoExploratorio y Liberty Foundation, como una excelente experiencia, que aporta positivamente a su futuro, sin importar como sea que se desenlace.
“Realmente me gustó mucho el programa, porque me dio la oportunidad de conocer a más niñas que también estuvieran interesadas en las ciencias, específicamente las ciencias ambientales”, comentó Darelis Torres Ríos, de 13 años.
“Tuvimos muchas actividades. Empezamos dividiéndonos en grupos, haciendo como presentaciones orales, por así decirlo, sobre los temas asignados”, detalló. “Tuvimos varias excursiones. Fuimos a una playa en Carolina, con (la organización) Siete Quillas, con el grupo tortuguero. Fuimos a la Universidad del Sagrado Corazón, nos enseñaron más o menos cómo se usaban las cámaras y los medios de comunicación para comunicar las ciencias. Fue una buena experiencia”.
Entre las actividades que más le gustaron, favoreció “ir a la limpieza de playas con Siete Quillas, porque aprendimos bastante sobre las tortugas, sobre cómo lo que hacemos afecta su ambiente, y cómo es importante mantener nuestras playas limpias, no solo para los animales que la habitan, sino para nosotros mismos, para nuestra seguridad y nuestro bienestar”.
Mientras, Ana Sofía Díaz Rodríguez, quien estaba próxima a cumplir sus 17 años al momento de la entrevista, aseguró que su participación en el programa “me abrió muchas puertas” en su aspiración a convertirse en científica.
“Te confieso que al principio estaba un poco nerviosa porque no sabía cómo era la dinámica. Pero llegué aquí y reconocí algunas caras, y honestamente la experiencia fue única. Fue algo que me encantó. Lamentablemente no puedo volver este año, porque ya voy a cumplir los 17 (años) y es hasta los 16. Pero me encantó. Fue una experiencia única. Hicimos varios proyectos, hicimos varias presentaciones, temas diversos, demasiado… y aprendimos un poco de cada tema”, comentó, con evidente entusiasmo.
Repasó varias de las actividades que llevaron a cabo, como “ir a una playa, donde nos explicaron también nidos de las tortugas”, y además “limpiamos básicamente una parte de la playa”, donde “algo muy interesante es que ellos cogían las colillas de los cigarrillos y las ponían aparte, en otros envases”.
“Otra de las actividades que estuvimos haciendo fue un proyecto, y ese proyecto era buscar información, dibujar… y buscar información de distintos temas, porque ya al principio nos habían dado unos temas a cada grupo. Por ejemplo, a mí me tocó la biodiversidad marina, y estuvimos aprendiendo un poco sobre la vida marina. Y tuvimos luego que presentarlo al frente. Fue una experiencia súper chévere. Todos la pasamos bien. Era un ambiente saludable. Se veía como que, esa unidad. En verdad que fue una experiencia demasiado de chévere”, insistió.
Darelis subrayó que la experiencia le ha permitido aprender que “hay muchos detalles, tanto naturales como creados por los humanos, y soluciones para estos problemas, cómo identificarlos y cómo comunicarlos al público”.
Agregó que, como embajadora ambiental, desea transmitir al público general que “nunca es muy tarde para aprender. Siempre puedes aprender algo nuevo, y trabajarlo”.
“Siempre hay que estar conscientes del impacto que tenemos en el ambiente. Todo lo que hacemos tiene un impacto, que puede ser positivo como negativo. Y es mejor siempre buscar un impacto positivo”, insistió.
De manera similar, Ana Sofía se hizo eco del mensaje en favor del ambiente, y exhortó al público a que, “si van a ir a una playa, y ven que no hay bolsas de basura, o no hay zafacones, o están llenos, pues llevarse su propia bolsa o bultito y recolectar ya sea los cigarrillos que vean por allí, las colillas de cigarrillos, cualquier tipo de basura, y mantener el área limpia”.
Por otro lado, Ana Sofía comentó que, además de aprender, “esto me abrió muchas puertas. Incluso ahora estoy yendo, los sábados que puedo, estoy también en contacto con el (Programa del) Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan. Hemos estado allí los sábados, en la playa del Condado, la Laguna del Condado, en El Escambrón, y hemos estado observando también esos corales, cómo el calentamiento afecta el blanqueamiento de los corales, los peces, nombrando, midiendo la calidad del agua también… varias cosas. Y y en verdad que eso me ha abierto varias puertas”.
Ambas potenciales científicas fueran enfáticas en recomendar a otras jóvenes con pasión por las ciencias aprovechar las oportunidades y beneficios del Programa de Embajadoras Ambientales.
���Esto sería una buena oportunidad. Si te gusta, te interesa, y quieres seguir ayudando a las personas a entender la importancia de mantener las playas y otros lugares limpios, porque eso nos afecta a nosotros y a los animales marinos, pues pienso que es una experiencia única. Y aunque son pocos días, la van a pasar superbién. Todo el mundo aquí es unido, siempre tienen las puertas abiertas y son muy amables”, aseguró Ana Sofía.
“Si tienen la oportunidad que intenten el campamento. Una muy buena experiencia, aprendí mucho. Lo recomiendo”, reiteró Darelis.
Cabe destacar que las madres de estas jóvenes embajadoras ambientales, quienes son responsables en buena medida por su éxito, también elogiaron el programa.
Yarliz Ríos Portela, mamá de Darelis, celebró que son “experiencias enriquecedoras para las niñas” que les permite “ampliar conocimientos y aplicar lo que aprenden en el salón de clases”.
“Vale la pena. Todo lo que sea educación y experiencias para ellas, aporta a su futuro y a lo que ellas quieran estudiar en el futuro. Así que siempre vale la pena apoyar a los hijos en las cosas educativas”, afirmó.
En tanto, Cheryl Rodríguez, mamá de Ana Sofía, comentó que su hija “desde muy pequeña yo digo que es un pez, siempre le gustó mucho el mar… y está muy, muy contenta” con la experiencia que “recomiendo muchísimo”.
“Como mamá, de verdad que estoy muy, muy contenta con la oportunidad para ella, pues toda educación para ella es enriquecedora, es un plus”, aseguró.
El Programa de Embajadoras Ambientales está dirigido a niñas y adolescentes entre las edades de 12 a 16 años de todo Puerto Rico, y en su segunda edición contó con unas 40 participantes. La iniciativa, según explicó el EcoExploratorio, busca promover el aprendizaje y obtener experiencias que enriquezcan el conocimiento científico entre las participantes sobre temas de periodismo científico, recursos naturales y cambio climático, a través de talleres y actividades científicas.
Asimismo, busca una mayor representación femenina en las disciplinas de STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas, por sus siglas en inglés), que tradicionalmente están dominadas por hombres a través del mundo, al tiempo que empodera a las participantes y aporta a que se conviertan en ciudadanas ambientalmente responsables y líderes en la búsqueda de soluciones a los desafíos de conservación ambiental.
Las personas interesadas en acoger la recomendación de Darelis y Ana Sofía, o que desean más información sobre el EcoExploratorio y sus programas educativos, pueden comunicarse al (787) 281-9090 o (787) 281-9091, o escribir a [email protected]. También puede seguirlos en las redes sociales Facebook, Instagram, Twitter y Tik Tok, en @ecoexploratorio.
Fuente: Primerahora
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altamontpt · 4 months
Os melhores discos internacionais de 2023
Estas são as nossas escolhas internacionais de 2023
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Este foi um ano no qual as opções dos escribas Altamont mais se dividiram, já que batemos o recorde de discos nomeados para o top final – 117 discos diferentes apareceram na soma das listas individuais. Mostra isto que houve poucos discos consensuais e unânimes, daqueles que eventualmente ficarão para recordação em anos futuros. Falando em recordação, importa…
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boomgers · 9 months
Amar es la verdadera revolución… “Te Quiero y Me Duele”
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Juan Gris y Lola Robles son dos jóvenes de universos paralelos que se encontrarán en el camino para dar lugar a un mundo y a una versión nueva de ellos mismos, y junto a sus amigos, perseguirán sus sueños mientras buscan descubrir quiénes son.
Estreno: 17 de agosto de 2023 en HBO Max.
Creada por Cris Morena Group, la serie cuenta con las actuaciones de Mar Sordo, Roberto Aguilar, Daniela Martínez Caballero, Daniel Lozano, Pablo Carnes, María José Vargas Agudelo, Heider Moreno, Nicolás Haza, Ana Celeste, César Díaz, Aylín Lucero, Romina Guerrero, Luis Curiel, Marco de la O, Erika de la Rosa y Jorge Salinas.
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Pósteres Individuales
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Mashup: “Otro Mundo” y “Puedo”
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yaelcasllin · 1 year
23 de octubre, 2020. Mi cumpleaños 23. Parte 1.
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badgaymovies · 2 years
Heli (2013)
Heli by #AmatEscalante, "the rabbit hole these people fall into is very deep but their way out of it feels suspiciously convenient"
AMAT ESCALANTE Bil’s rating (out of 5): BBB.5 Mexico/Netherlands/Germany/France, 2013. Mantarraya Producciones, Tres Tunas, No Dream Cinema, Le Pacte, Consejo Nacional para la Cultura y las Artes, Fondo para la Producción Cinematográfica de Calidad, unafilm, Lemming Film, Ticoman, Iké Asistencia, ZDF/Arte, Fonds Sud Cinéma, Centre National du Cinema et de L’Image Animee, Ministere des Affaires…
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m3r1m4r5u333 · 29 days
Argh. I'm in an emotional rollercoaster about this storyline in which Buck gets jealous when Eddie gets close to Tommy.
I mean, on one hand, it's hilarious that it's Tommy, Eddie's male friend, and not Marisol, Eddie's girlfriend, who ignites this jealousy in Buck.
Because doesn't it kinda hint that Buck has (maybe sub-consciously) internalized that Mr. "Imagine Jello with me" Diaz truly is so bad with women...
that any relationship he has with a woman can be happily ignored, as it clearly poses no threat to Eddie's and Buck's relationship.
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On the other hand, the fact that it's Tommy, not Eddie's girlfriend, that sparks this jealousy... ?
It wrecks me because it also is pretty damn heart-breaking and sad if you look at it another way!!
Maybe this jealousy, sparked by a male friend, tells another story of Buck's thought progress.
Maybe it tells us a tale of Buck getting burned before, and learning from that, and then, to avoid further hurt, rethinking his role in Eddie's life, and clinging to what he thinks is safe and certain.
After all, there was a time when Buck, Eddie and Chris did so much together, all the time. They were close, Buck was absolutely parenting, Buck felt like he really belonged. They were a family.
And then all of a sudden, it was taken away from him!!
Imagine how deeply that would hurt.
This severed connection is btw, pretty heavily implied/canon, I think - we pretty much know, I'd argue, that when Eddie started dating Ana, there was a time when Buck did not get to see Chris much.
In the episode in which Ana and Chris visit Eddie at the firestation in 5x02...
Buck is overjoyed to see Chris, he gives him a really fierce hug, immediately asking Chris "How are you?"
I really get the impression that they haven't seen in a while.
It's supported by the way Eddie watches and grins like it's such a thrill for him, to see Buck and Chris meet - that's not really something he'd do if he saw them interact all the time, is it?
What Eddie says after he forgets to introduce Ana (too spellbound by Buck and Chris to remember her existence, basically) and has a panic attack - further supports this faltering connection.
Eddie runs off under the pretense of needing to put the salads Ana brought to the fridge.As he's making his escape, in panic, he mutters
"I don't want these things to wilt."
It's supposed to be an explanation - must save the salads from wilting! - but combined with the way he says that soon after he's just witnessed Buck and Chris meet, and the subtext telling us that it's been a while...
Eddie has just been reminded of how well the Diaz-Buckley family fits together,
and does not want those bonds to wilt - and he's realising that they have been, due to Ana pretty much taking over Buck's former parental duties. (And hey, then Eddie pretty promptly dumps Ana.)
But that doesn't erase or entirely fix what has already happened.
Buck has learned that he is replacable, that his status in the Diaz family is not guaranteed. He can be family one day, and then all of a sudden, shut out.
Learning that he's written in Eddie's will would not really cheer him up much, either. It's not security to know that he can be a parent, truly, without question - if Eddie is dead.
And then that talk he has with Eddie about a ready-made family. It really makes it clear that Buck is hurt. He tries to hide it, but it's so visible when Eddie talks becoming a ready-made family, and Eddie not knowing if he's ready for that.
Supposedly Eddie is talking about his ready-made family with Ana... But he's looking at Buck. He says "we became a ready-made family". And looks Buck in the eyes.
They aren't total idiots, they would have realised how much this whole unit of Chris+Eddie+Buck spending time together really imitates other families.
So there's no way that they don't realise that on some really repressed, strange level, this talk is about them, being a family.
Also, why would Buck look so hurt and sad, why would he look down, if he was fine with the way things have been? If Eddie was really talking about just Ana, and Buck had never felt like he was family, why would that talk about a ready-made family make him feel so uncomfortable?
Buck is hurt because he knows he was family, and he knows he was replaced, and then Eddie even kinda admits it.
And Eddie also implies that he's not ready for that.
That's really not an invite to get invested again. Nope, it's a life lesson for Buck:
Do not take these family interactions for granted. Who knows when Eddie is done with them, and you find yourself outside in the cold again!
So Buck deals with that by clinging to what is safe. What is secure. What he thinks he can have, and keep.
He decides that even if his role as a co-parent is uncertain, and may end up in the bin whenever... His role as a best friend? That's guaranteed.
So he does not feel threatened by Eddie's girlfriends. He understands now what space Eddie's partners may take in Eddie's and Christopher's life,
but that's fine because Buck can set up another spot for himself. It's maybe not ideal, not what he'd choose, but it's a spot nevertheless!
After all, Eddie finding another girlfriend, or even a wife, another co-parent... Does not remove Eddie's need for a best friend. Even married people crave friendships! So that role is available, that Buck can do, holding onto that won't get him burned!
He thinks.
And then this fucker Tommy steps into the picture, and Eddie bonds with him.
Buck gets nervous. What if he's wrong? What if even the friendship, the best friend status, is something that can be suddenly ripped away from him?
So Tommy is now competition, a threat, someone who could steal the one position by Eddie's side that Buck thought he had, for certain, for good.
Buck is worried. Jealous. Angry. Scared.
Anyway! See now, why this storyline is absolutely destroying me?!
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ojiisan01 · 11 months
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Lesbian gearhead
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l3r40l · 1 year
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Enjambre is a Chicano Indie Rock Band made in 2001.
The flexible Luis Humberto and Rafael Navejas Díaz in 1996 formed Los Fantasticos Cuatros project in Fresnillo, Zacatecas. Once living in Santa Ana, California, they formed Enjambre in 2001 with their cousin Romeo Navejas. However, Romeo would last a little more than a year in the group and in 2002 Nico Saavedra and Osamu Nishitani would arrive, drums and guitar respectively.
Their most famous songs are "Somos Ajenos", "Mania Cardiaca" and "Elemento". Propaganda Below;
"Daltónico es el mejor álbum que existe" "háganse un favor y escuchen Daltónico (2010) de Enjambre im so so so serious"
NX Zero is a Brazilian Emo Rock Band in 2001.
In its beginnings, its sound was a Melodic Hardcore evident in the album "Diálogo?". Later, with his second album "NX Zero" and with the signing of the contract with the Universal/Arsenal Records label, his sound became more Pop-Punk. On his third album "Agora" Pop-Rock predominated. In their album "Sete Chaves" in their album "Projeto Paralelo" they mix rock with hip hop performed by various guest rappers. As its name says, the album is a parallel project and the members have stated that they will not change the genre expressed on the album.
Their most famous songs are "Cedo ou Tarde" "Razões E Emoções" and "Ligação", Propaganda below;
"Eu gosto de todas as bandas de rock brasileiras praticamente então vou mandar um monte aqui, é isso não tenho muito o que dizer" "Eu gosto deles :) o clipe de Razões e Emoções é icônico"
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i decided to unite my love for maps and for OT and make a map of the distribution of OT contestants from OT 2017 - 2023 in regards to their residence* because i find it so fascinating, like yeah it does kinda follow where major urban centers concentrate but also why is there so little people in valència? so many in iruña specifically? how is that outside madrid the only other OT contestant from castile is from guadalajara from all places???
*I followed the locations from the wikipedia page; in OT it's necessary to reside in spain but you don't need to have the spanish nationality to participate so i'll add the nationalities when needed!
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below the cut i'll specify where each contestant is from, province by province, with pics of all the towns and cities !!!
OT 2017: Pontedeume (Miriam Rodríguez), Santiago de Compostela (Roi Méndez)
OT 2018: As Pontes de García Rodríguez (Sabela Ramil)
OT 2020: Sada (Eva Barreiro)
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OT 2017: Ourense (Luis Cepeda)
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OT 2017: Bilbo (Juan Antonio Cortés)
OT 2023: Getxo (Martin Urrutia)
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OT 2017: Iruña (Amaia Romero)
OT 2018: Iruña (Natalia Lacunza)
OT 2020: Iruña (Anne Lukin, Maialen Gurbindo)
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OT 2023: Zaragoza (Naiara Moreno), Magallón (Juanjo Bona)
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OT 2020: Alcañiz (Anaju Calavia)
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OT 2017: Sant Climent de Llobregat (Aitana Ocaña), El Prat de Llobregat (Alfred García), Gavà (Nerea Rodríguez), Montgat (Raoul Vázquez), Terrassa (Miki Núñez)
OT 2018: Esplugues de Llobregat (Carlos Right)
OT 2020: Sant Cugat del Vallès (Nick Maylo), Sant Joan Desp�� (Ariadna Tortosa)
OT 2023: Vallirana (Lucas Curotto, he's Uruguayan)
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OT 2017: Palma (Ricky Merino)
OT 2018: Bunyola (Joan Garrido)
OT 2023: Ciutadella de Menorca (Chiara Oliver, she's half British)
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OT 2023: Yunquera de Henares (Omar Samba, he's half Senegalese)
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OT 2018: Madrid (María Villar, África Adalia, Alfonso La Cruz - he's Venezuelan)
OT 2020: Alcalá de Henares (Bruno Alves, he's Uruguayan)
OT 2023: San Fernando de Henares (Bea Fernández), Madrid (Ruslana Panchyshyna, she's Ukranian and has lived several years in the Canary Islands; in fact her accent is Canarian. I do not know which island / town and in the wikipedia page it listed her as a Madrid resident, that's why she's included here)
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OT 2017: Malpartida de Plasencia (Thalía Garrido)
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OT 2018: Elx (Alba Reche)
OT 2020: Beniarrés (Samantha Gilabert)
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OT 2020: Murcia (Flavio Fernández)
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OT 2017: Huétor Tájar (Mimi Doblas)
OT 2023: Armilla (Paul Thin), Motril (Violeta Hódar), Ogíjares (Denna Ruiz)
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OT 2017: Alhaurín de la Torre (Mireya Bravo)
OT 2018: Torre del Mar (Marta Sango), Málaga (Noelia Franco)
OT 2023: Mijas (Salma Díaz)
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OT 2020: Córdoba (Hugo Cobo), Adamuz (Rafa Romera)
OT 2023: Córdoba (Álex Márquez)
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OT 2017: Dos Hermanas (Marina Rodríguez)
OT 2018: Bormujos (Famous Oberogo, he's Nigerian)
OT 2023: Sevilla (Álvaro Mayo)
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OT 2018: San Fernando (Julia Medina), Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Dave Zulueta)
OT 2020: Barbate (Jesús Rendón, Javy Ramírez)
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OT 2020: Ceuta (Gèrard Rodríguez)
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OT 2018: Gáldar (Marilia Monzón)
OT 2020: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Eli Rosex, Nia Correia - she's half Cape Verdian)
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OT 2017: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Ana Guerra), Adeje (Agoney Hernández)
OT 2018: Adeje (Damion Frost, he's German)
OT 2023: San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Cris Bartolomé, he's half Equatorial Guinean), Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Suzete Correia, she's Sao Tomean)
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