#amla gulkand
henaklfrih · 2 years
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ziimzaclabtech · 1 year
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mcapitaloffpage · 3 months
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samrasfibronics123 · 5 months
amla gulkand ladoo
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All nuts and Amla, dates and honey) no sugar added Reduce Acidity Weight Gain & Weight loss Improves Memory Power Good For Skin Kidney Health Heart Health control blood sugar in diabetics
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rajajionline · 2 years
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maharahstrainfood · 2 years
Originally, gulkand or rose petal jam was prepared using the Damask rose, a variety of pink rose known for its heady, sweet fragrance, which is widely grown in Turkey, Pakistan, Iran, Bulgaria, Europe, India and Syria. Even in Europe, the Damask rose was distilled for its medicinal qualities, with its cooling properties considered to be quite effective in treating mild eye diseases, headaches and heartburn.
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digitalyogesh · 3 years
Arogyavardhini vati
Arogyavardhini Vati (otherwise called Arogyavardhini Gutika Rasa) is an ayurvedic home grown mineral detailing. It is powerful answer for practically a wide range of illnesses. It is valuable in sicknesses of heart, stomach, liver, digestive organs, spleen, nerve bladder, skin, teeth and gums.
Arogyavardhini Vati is likewise useful in thyroid problems, heftiness, diabetes, edema because of any basic reason, psoriasis and so forth
Different names
Arogyavardhini Gutika
Arogyavardhini Vatika
Arogyavardhini Rasa
Sarvroghar Vati
500 mg Arogyavardhini Vati contains.
Ingredients Quantity
Picrorhiza Kurroa (Kutki) 55%
Shuddha Guggulu 10%
Plumbago Zeylanica (Chitrak) 10%
Shilajit (sanitized asphaltum) 7.5%
Emblica officinalis (Amla, Indian Gooseberry) 5%
Terminalia Bellirica (Bibhitaki) 5%
Terminalia Chebula (Haritaki) 5%
Parad Purified (Shuddha Parad) 0.5%
Decontaminated Sulfur (Shuddha Gandhak) 0.5%
Loha Bhasma (Lauh Bhasma) 0.5%
Abhrak Bhasma 0.5%
Tamra Bhasma 0.5%
Therapeutic PROPERTIES
Arogyavardhini Vati has following recuperating properties.
Essential Action
Stomach related Stimulant
Gentle purgative
Hostile to stoutness
Liver tonic
Auxiliary Action
Hostile to hypertensive
Hematogenic (helps in arrangement of red platelets)
Gentle Expectorant
Arogyavardhini Vati is useful in after medical issue.
Elevated cholesterol levels
Persistent Constipation
Irritation of gallbladder
Loss of craving
Gas or tooting
Stomach distension
Skin inflammation
Advantages and MEDICINAL USES
Arogyavardhini Vati predominantly chips away at stomach related framework. Ayurveda accepts an appropriate processing is a principle segment of wellbeing. On the off chance that assimilation gets poor, it prompts different infections in the body. For the most part, helpless absorption may cause malabsorption and creation of more poisons (AMA) in the body, which eventually cause an assortment of issues. The subsequent factor is blockage. Clogging is additionally a base of numerous illnesses in the body. Arogyavardhini Vati deals with both. It further develops absorption and amends metabolic exercises in the body. It likewise fixes stoppage and forestalls sicknesses.
Heart Diseases
Arogyavardhini Vati lessens cholesterol levels by working on liver capacities. It likewise forestalls affidavit of plaque in the veins. It likewise forestalls atherosclerosis (solidifying of veins). Accordingly, it assists patients with elevated cholesterol levels and heart infections.
Notwithstanding, it might not have direct impact on decreasing raised circulatory strain, yet it diminishes lipids in the veins and once in a while, elevated cholesterol levels and atherosclerosis are the fundamental driver of hypertension. It works gradually and its activity can show up solely after 3 to multi month customary treatment with it.
A few patients with hypertension have following indications.
Redness in eyes
Sleep deprivation
Torment around eyes
Arogyavardhini Vati helps in this load of manifestations. It ought to be taken with one of following adjuvants.
Milk overflowed with Aragvadha (Amaltas) natural product mash – Cassia fistula
Aragwadhadi Kashayam
Drakshadi Kashayam
Patient may require taking Arogyavardhini Vati with one of above adjuvants 3 to 6 times each day to get quick suggestive help.
Ongoing Constipation
Antiquated researchers really formed recipe of Arogyavardhini Vati to deal with stoppage. Notwithstanding, it is advantageous in a wide range of blockage, however it mostly functions admirably in persistent sort. It has following activities in persistent stoppage.
It gives solidarity to the digestion tracts because of Shilajit and different minerals present in it.
It animates the emission of bile from the liver and bile improves peristaltic developments of digestive system, which eventually helps working with the development of stool from the digestion tracts to bring down finish of the internal organ.
It mellow the stools and diminishes hard stool arrangement.
It diminishes extreme tenacity or greasiness of stools to the intestinal dividers, which works with stool development.
It further develops assimilation and works with an appropriate ingestion of supplements in the body.
Liver Disorders and Hepatitis
Arogyavardhini Vati is by and large useful for following liver conditions.
Greasy liver disorder
Edema related with liver illness
Fiery illnesses of liver
Viral hepatitis
Alcoholic hepatitis
Arogyavardhini Vati has mitigating and hostile to viral properties. A portion of its fixings likewise have hostile to bacterial properties. This load of properties make it powerful in practically a wide range of liver problems. Be that as it may, it may not work alone, so the accompanying spices can assist with potentiating its activity in liver infections. These spices ought to be utilized as adjuvants or strong cures in liver sicknesses.
Phyllanthus niruri (Bhumyamalaki)
Tephrosia purpurea (sharpunkha)
Eclipta Prostrata (Bhringraj)
Andrographis paniculata (Kalmegh or Nilavembu)
Solanum nigrum (Makoi)
Flautist longum (Pipali)
Terminalia chebula (Haritaki)
Ocimum sanctum (Tulsi)
Loss of craving and Indigestion
Arogyavardhini Vati contains Kutki spice and long pepper, which builds hunger and diminishes heartburn.
Gas, Flatulence and Bloating
Spices present in Arogyavardhini Vati have hostile to pompous activity and decreases gas development in the nutritious trench. Henceforth, Arogyavardhini Vati diminishes intestinal gas, fart, swelling and stomach distension.
The dose of Arogyavardhini Vati fluctuates from 250 mg to 1000 grams twice or threefold every day. The greatest dose of Arogyavardhini Vati ought not surpass from 3 grams every day.
Least Effective Dosage 125 mg *
Moderate Therapeutic Dosage (Adults) 250 mg to 500 mg *
Moderate Therapeutic Dosage (Children) 125 mg to 250 mg *
Greatest Possible Dosage 1000 mg **
Twice every day ** Thrice daily
The rash use and wrong examination of DOSHA (humors) association in illnesses can prompt results. You ought to recall that Arogyavardhini Vati functions admirably in VATA humor and KAPHA humor. It can likewise be utilized if there should be an occurrence of SAMA PITTA or PITTA related with predominance of KAPHA humor. It can demolish the accompanying side effects of NIRAMA PITTA.
Consuming sensation (But assuming KAPHA is predominant or AMA is related with PITTA, arogyavardhini vati might be helpful, else it is contraindicated.)
Ulceration in mouth (just whenever excited ulcer with redness, consuming and extraordinary agony)
Increment dying (exceptionally uncommon)
Dizziness (uncommon)
Be that as it may, Arogyavardhini Vati doesn’t cause these results itself, yet it is contraindicated in these ailment since it might deteriorate these manifestations.
Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Arogyavardhini Vati is probably going to be UNSAFE in pregnancy. Consequently, there are numerous more secure choices accessible, so you ought to never utilize Arogyavardhini Vati in pregnancy.
The security profile isn’t accessible for breastfeeding, so you should remain on more secure side and abstain from utilizing Arogyavardhini Vati during lactation period.
There are no total contraindications for Arogyavardhini Vati, however it may not be reasonable in after conditions:
Kidney Diseases, particularly renal disappointment
Is long haul and ordinary utilization of Arogyavardhini Vati safe?
The long haul and ordinary utilization of Arogyavardhini Vati isn’t fitting since 500 mg Arogyavardhini Vati contains 2.5 mg Purified Parad. It is cleaned mercury compound. Notwithstanding, the retention of cleaned mercury is exceptionally less in wholesome trench, however we should remain on more secure side until the exploration examines proclaim it safe.
Notwithstanding, the drawn out utilization of Arogyavardhini Vati doesn’t show any intense or ongoing results even in patients utilizing it for over 3 years on customary premise with measurement of 2 tablets (1000 mg) twice day by day.
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vakshiorganics · 4 years
Can Amla Murabba be made without preservatives ??
💫 Feed your family
🌟 *100% Organically Produced Amla Murabbas & Gulkand*
now available at Vakshi*
🍈 *Amla Murabbas*
✅ Made from Organically Grown Amla
✅ No Sugar,Made from Organically Produced Khand ( Raw Sugar)
✅ No Preservatives, No Chemicals, No Artificial Colours & Flavours
✅ Fresh, Tasty, Hygenic & Safe.Shelf Life - 2 months only
💫 *Price - Rs 95/ 250 gm*
💫 *Price - Rs 250/ 750 gm*
🍯 *Organically Produced Gulkand*
✅ Made from Organically Produced Rose petals only.
✅ No Sugar, Made of Khand ( Raw Sugar)
✅ No Preservatives, No Chemicals, No Artificial Colours & Flavours
✅ Fresh, Tasty, Hygenic & Safe.
💫 *Price - Rs 210/ 350 gm*
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Phondaghat Pharmacy is a reputed company known for its quality organic products and best grade honey. Our products include rose water, different amla and bel products, murabbas, squashes, and also Gulkand. For more info about Organic products call us on 022 2430 8542 or visit on https://phondaghatpharmacy.com
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phondaghatpharmacy · 5 years
We are known for our production, supply and trading. Our product range includes a variety of honey for various tastes, rose water, different amla and bel products, murabbas, squashes, and also Gulkand. For more info visit on https://phondaghatpharmacy.com
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yahuhealth · 4 years
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rajajionline · 2 years
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Phondaghat Pharmacy is known for our production, supply and trading. Our product range includes a variety of honey for various tastes, rose water, different amla and bel products, murabbas, squashes, Candy and also Gulkand. For more info visit on https://phondaghatpharmacy.com
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yahuhealth · 4 years
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phondaghatpharmacy · 5 years
100% Pure Honey Health Benefits
All our products are made using the latest technology and are made with extreme caution and care for the consumers. Our product range includes a variety of honey for various tastes, rose water, different amla and bel products, murabbas, squashes, and also Gulkand. For more info visit on https://phondaghatpharmacy.com/
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phondaghatpharmacy · 6 years
Apple cider vinegar uses and health benefits
Phondaghat Pharmacy, established in 1971, is a reputed company known for its quality organic products and best grade honey. We are known for our production, supply and trading. Our product range includes a variety of honey for various tastes, rose water, different amla and bel products, murabbas, squashes, and also Gulkand more info :- https://phondaghatpharmacy.com/about-us/
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