#american housewife season finale
I watched american housewife and am very sad that there's no season finale, so I want to make up what I think is best for the characters, if there was a season 6.
Katie - I thought the pregnancy was a weird twist, that only made the fact that the show is cancelled sadder. However, with that I would make that there are complications with the pregnancy, but in the end it turns out more or less fine. Just typical baby stress.
Greg - now that he's a politician, he just has some wacky storylines about what he's doing and fighting for nature and history and stuff.
Taylor & Trip - Taylor keeps doing relatively good in college, she and Trip are a great couple, although they for sure go through some troubles in their relationships. They also plan the wedding, but I would say they wait a pretty long time.
Oliver & Cooper - they finally become a couple god damn. Cooper convinces Oliver to at least finish high school, especially so they can go to Prom together. They have a lovely storyline about how they realize they do love each other, maybe this girl comes back and Cooper gets all jealous. Also, Cooper totally lied, his dad was not okay with it, instead he got disowned. Now he actually has to live a normal life and get into college the normal way. Oliver keeps working on that app, but he also finally realizes there's more to life than money, maybe through Coopers help. But also, I think his efforts should pay off (also, I think it was so unfair that he blew the SATs, because he literally worked so hard for it)
Anna-Kat - idk she's just doing kids stuff I guess.
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a-new-vers · 5 months
Woke up today to find out Halsey has set the stage for a new hunt for fans to go on. In true Halsey fashion, it's cryptic with a distinct visual style we can probably expect from this era.
So let's explore, shall we?
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A Lil' Timeline:
Halsey played the 27th at Lollapalooza India. During their set before they began to play Gasoline, a visual on screen displayed a URL: FOR MY LAST TRICK (click to go to the site).
Click HERE to see a video of when it was displayed at the concert.
The Website:
The theme behind the website seems to be opening a miscellaneous stick/patch packet.
The first thing is prompting the user to "pull to open" as in a tag to swipe off. You can see the collection of patches behind the plastic wrap. Once you finally open the package, all the patches will disperse.
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This is where the Internet sleuthing begins, people. 24 unique patches (technically 25, but I'll get into that later) with different meanings. Let's get into it.
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1 - SNA Flight Tag
So really obscure, but googling Air California flight tag brought me to this used bookstore site. In any case, the thing to notice is the date it is attributed with, 1968.
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2 - Vintage Blotter Art
According to this blog (which is the only place I could find the image), this is a vintage blotter from 1994. Blotter art is an "...art form printed on perforated sheets of absorbent blotting paper infused with liquid LSD."
3 - Blythe Dolls
I believe this doll is a Blythe doll. Image reverse search does not come up with an exact result, but from the details you can make out, the dolls eyes are quite clear. Which looks a lot like Blythe Dolls, a doll brand that came out in 1972. Their gimmick was that the eyes could move left to right.
4 - Witch Halsey
Unsure, but it would seem it's Halsey as a witch. The aesthetics are similar to IICHLIWP (H4).
If the main theme here is the 70s, there’s the movie Season of the Witch that came out in 1973, February 14th. It’s apparently commentary on traditional American suburban lifestyle through the perspective of a housewife who does not like her place in life. She meets a witch and progressively gets into the occult.
5, 18, 19, 23 - Outside of USA
5: It's hard to tell what most of the words are, but the text "Pagado" (Spanish for "paid") is on the piece of paper. . The particular location might be Palenque, a Mexican city. Relevant date: June 25th, 1977.
18: Belleville. Based on a real winter carnival programme. Belleville is a a city in Ontario, Canada. Relevant date: 1971.
19: “We smokers all want to be non-smokers too” or something along these lines. I'm trusting online translation for this (German to English). Unable to find when this was made.
23: “For Us.” French. The image search doesn’t result anything. Unable to find when this was made.
6 - Peril is My Pay
Based off of a detective book involving traveling. The font is the exact same as one of the book covers. It was published in 1960s.
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7 - I have something to tell you
A sign up. I assume it has to do with being updated on any album news.
Looking through the inspect tab you can see the information is being sent to “Sony Fan Music.” It does take note of which country you are in and your address.
8 , 9 - Round visuals
I think these are visuals to give grasp to the 70s theme. It’s reminiscent of 60’s/70’s clothing/aesthetic.
10 - Michigan license plate.
1971 comes up in the plate. Michigan has come up in HFK (H2), on Bad At Love. I doubt this has anything to do about the “boy back in Michigan” but perhaps traveling back throughout her albums.
11 - Ghost
Jan 27th 2014, interesting date to put since this is the date this is all happening, just a decade after.
I've seen some people say this is meant to be the anniversary for Ghost, the song. Although it came out in 2014, its release date was in July, and it originally came out on sound cloud on February 3rd. So unsure why Jan 27th is there. EDIT: I have been made aware that Jan 27th 2014 was its international release date! I am but a fool.
The text can be in response to the lyric “Where did you go?” and the themes on the song of someone leaving. IDK, this could also be a meta thing. If a theme here is traveling and visiting locations/people, then perhaps one thing you won't find if the ghost?
Additionally, this follows the theme of revisiting her previous albums.
12 - Cannel 17
WPHL-TV is a television station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, serving as the local outlet for The CW Television Network. The logos here are form the 60’s/70’s.
13 - Master Mystifier
Or, alternatively, Harry Houdini. The date I do not believe has any relevance here but perhaps the idea of magic.
I came about the google search “Houdini’s Last Trick” where his last trick is widely asked about. It would seem to be an inspiration for the name of the website. So potentially Halsey will lean into magic, tricks, and deception.
14 - Calling Cards
Text on card: “Compliments - May I See (C) You (U) Home? If not, please return this card.”
“May I See You Home” seemed to be a common phrase for calling cards. They were handed out to ask people out. Again, the font and images are similar to H4 aesthetic. These were used in the 18th and 19th century.
15 - B&W Hair
Oh, I actually no idea.
16 - Candy
The closest I could get to finding what this meant is when this font was used for the book Candy by Maxwell Kenton, published in 1958.
As wiki describes the plot "Candy Christian, aged eighteen, is an extremely pretty and desirable but naïve young woman, who finds herself in a variety of farcical sexual situations as a result of her desire to help others. The men in her life, regardless of age or relationship, wish only to possess her."
17 - Southern-Belle
Clearly the saying southern belle. A girl born form the south, typically with certain attributes. The saying came from the idea that “... a girl who was expected to grow up into a lady. She was supposed to be fragile and flirtatious while also sexually innocent. She was beautiful but risky to touch, like porcelain.”
https://historyengine.richmond.edu/episodes/view/2259#:~:text=Course%3A,risky to touch%2C like porcelain
20 - Rabbit
I couldn’t find anything that looks the same, but I assume it has to do with Alice and Wonderland. Concerning dates, the book was published in the 1800s, while the arguably most famous iteration (the animated movie) came out in the 50s.
However, this can relate to the potential theme of magic and deception and girl/womanhood. But I’m also inclined to think the rabbit might have nothing to do with Wonderland and might be something else all together.
21 - K-Mart
Wiki comes in handy here. As described, “Satisfaction Always icon seen on Kmart branded packaging until the mid-to-late 70s, adapted from a hanging sign displayed in every early Kmart store.” So 70’s themed.
22 - Eye, Eye, Eye, and Eye
The eyes. Girl IDK, they’re eyes. They kind of remind me of the biblically accurate angels and the eyes they have. Although, I doubt that's what they're meant to be.
24 - Cigarette
People seem to think this relates more to Badlands, and I’m inclined to agree.
Here are overall themes that seem to be present within the collection.
- Travelling
- Magic
- 60s-70s
- Eyes
- Books
- A Feminist Lens
- Past albums
A Tangent on Web Dev:
I just kinda wanted to point out the cool coding stuff they've done. When the patches are still in the plastic bag, they're always randomized in which order they're in (you have to refresh to notice this). They also disperse in a randomized order. I thought maybe the way they disperse could be a trail of sorts, like a map. But it seems totally random. I still find it cool how they've done that, every time in a different location, as if you open the package they come out uniquely for each person.
Oh and about the 25 patch, it seems the first patch in your packet appears twice when you open it. Idk if the number 25 matters or if this was done by accident. But the 25th patch is a duplicate, and never one in particular, just which ever is the first in your shuffle.
The End
For now.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
i am so normal about the wheelers
having an absolutely Normal Day thinking about mike being punished for vandalizing the bathroom stall in s2 & how mike says that everyone else does it and how he’s STILL punished in spite of this because the wheelers want him to conform- but god forbid he conform in the wrong way. everyone else is doing it. isn’t that what his parents wanted? for him to be like everyone else? but he’s still getting in trouble for it. ted still starts giving him shit about conformity and ‘if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?” all while making comments like ‘our son? with a girl?’ the wheelers aren’t just pro-conformity. no, they’re pro-conformity under the guise of being anti-conformity, something i talked about with the ST soundtrack as a whole in this post.  they’re a living, breathing representation of american exceptionalism. they don’t conform, of course they don’t, they’re different, they’re go-getters, karen’s not like other suburban moms who cheat on their emotionally unavailable husbands, she’s good and pure and makes sacrifices for her family or at least that’s what she tells herself until the day she finds herself in the bathroom with her red lipstick, getting ready for her date with billy, and then she tells herself that she’s still not like those other moms at the pool drooling over billy, she’s a red hot fox in her prime, she shouldn’t waste that, right? it wouldn’t be a waste for those other women, right? because they don’t have her figure, they don’t have her style, they’re not the exceptional karen wheeler.  but she’s exactly like them. she’s exactly like them. it is her belief that she’s not like then that is what makes her exactly like them. her delusions of exceptionalism are what puts the final nail in the coffin of her conformity. because all of those women think that they’re not like the woman next to them. they’re all just identical little exceptions in their identical little worlds on their identical little pool chairs just like how their grand country of america is sitting on its identical pool chair on the world stage kicking and screaming about how different it is- just like every country that kicks and screams about how different it is, it is through its kicking and screaming about its exceptionalism that it becomes like all of the others.  karen goes to her jazzercise and she goes to her salon and those things in and of themselves are not immoral but they are a glaring contradiction to her exceptionalism because she is not exceptional at all- she’s just putting up a front of it, she works so hard to be inherently and naturally exceptional but it’s all for nothing because people who are naturally exceptional don’t have to work at forcing themselves to be exceptional. she’s just like every other exceptional red  hot fox at the jazzercise class. the wheeler dinners stop happening when season three rolls around. when activewear is introduced into karen’s wardrobe, when she starts going to jazzercise, when it becomes less about her family and conforming to that nuclear housewife dream and instead about conforming to the fantasies in her romance novels about daring women who cheat on their husbands and how it’s not their fault that they’re cursed with the sort of main character exceptionalism that makes it a waste and a sin NOT to cheat on their husband, because there’s some lucky man that would love to have his hands on her in the way that her husband doesn’t bother doing, the exceptionalism that takes karen away from being a commodity of a housewife to being a commodity of a milf. it’s still conformity. it’s just a different type. she goes from looking like every generic 80s mom to still looking like every generic 80s mom in a different way. she is still an object, just a different kind. billy does not see her any differently than ted does, at the core. karen is ted’s gorgeous, young wife, his reward for making money and doing everything ‘right’. karen is also billy’s gorgeous, older date, billy’s reward for being a hot young man (in the eyes of society), his reward for being like every other rebellious, bigoted, misogynistic badboy teen. she is still a commodity. she is still an object. she is still a prize for the men around her.  and mike has ALREADY been punished for the act of defacing the bathroom stall. he already lost his atari for it. the toys were brought up before the bathroom stall was. having to give away the toys was not originally a punishment for the vandalism. but karen wheeler lives in a world of exceptionalism, where she is the exception, she can’t be a bad, mean mom like those other moms, and so, there MUST be a reason as to why she’s right, there must be a valid, good mom reason for ignoring and demeaning her son’s feelings. so she looks for a reason and finds one. it’s not something wrong with her: it’s something wrong with mike. it’s not her parenting that’s the problem, it’s mike. he’s the problem. or, again, at least that’s what she tells herself as she punishes him again for something that he’s already been punished for, because really, he’s not being punished for cursing out mr kowalski, or for defacing the bathroom stall, or for plagiarizing an essay: he’s being punished for existing, for the fact that his existence holds a mirror up to karen’s bad parenting, for the fact that he’s not even trying to reflect her own guilt back at her, it just comes to him naturally because he is so much a product of the very environment that forced guilt onto him, so now they’re surprised that he’s made of guilt whenever they look at him? now karen’s SURPRISED that all she feels is guilt when she sees him, despite being the one who always dumped all of her guilt onto him and covered him in it. gee, karen, maybe he reminds you of your own emotions because you project those emotions onto him and force him to cater to them?  mike being punished for defacing a BATHROOM STALL because god forbid his existence make a mess or have any impact on the space he's in. god forbid somebody be aware of his existence, god forbid he can’t be something that karen can just compartmentalize right next to her resent and guilt about motherhood and resent and guilt about ted. he’s not her wedding ring that she can take on and off when it suits her. but god, she wishes he was.  god forbid mike and the evidence of his existence isnt something that can just be packaged up into exactly two boxes for the charity toy drive. it’s like nancy talking about how she’s seen mike’s bedroom looking worse than the cabin obliterated by an interdimensional monster, when the reality is that mike’s got a couple pairs of pants and a shirt on his bedroom floor- he can’t make any sort of mess, can’t leave any evidence of his existence, lest it be blown out of proportion and used to scapegoat and punish and mock him. 
mike isn’t just expected to conform: he’s expected to conform in the RIGHT WAY.  it’s like when he fakes being sick. i made a post about this awhile back that i can’t find right now, but karen previously is mentioned to have gotten upset with mike/sent him to school when he was ACTUALLY sick, when he was sick in a way that’s inconvenient and unpalatable for her, sick in a way that reminds her of the inconvenience and disgust she feels, in a way that reminds her of the guilt she feels for feeling that inconvenience. but as soon as he’s such in the RIGHT way? as soon as he’s faking it and pretending and being sick in a convenient, patable way? then karen seizes the opportunity to soothe her guilt and fawn over him, but it’s still not about him, it’s about her, and trying to seem like a good mother, and trying to get him to go on a car ride, and trying to beat back the guilt about how mike thought she would be mad at him again for being sick, the guilt about how she WOULD’VE been mad if he was sick in the way he was last time, in the inconvenient way, in the way that makes her aware of his existence.  it’s like nancy trying to clean the punch off of her shirt. because god forbid she makes a mistake or leaves any evidence of her existence, right? she could’ve changed shirts- it’s not about not wanting to wear a messy shirt. it’s about not wanting the mess to exist in the first place, to not even be able to clean it properly because you don’t want people to become aware of it in the process of leaving to go home to take it to the laundry. it’s not just about making a mistake and trying desperately to clean it up, it’s about making a mistake and trying to eradicate that mistake out of existence, but not in a way that’s too violent or draws too much attention, she can’t destroy the shirt because then people start asking questions about where the shirt went: just like the wheelers with their kids. their, uh- mistakes, i mean, children, can’t just be eradicated out of existence, but the wheelers DO want them to stay silent, to never make any mess or leave any evidence of their existence- it’s not even about wanting them to clean up their own messes, it’s about not wanting the mess to exist in the first place.  and ted? ted doesn’t realize that his son IS the friend stepping off the cliff. he’s so focused on false exceptionalism by telling him not to follow someone off the cliff that he inadvertently results in his son being the one to walk off the cliff because he’s doing what dad told him to, right? he’s not following anymore, he’s leading, he’s leading, he’s an exception, but he’s still not an exception in the right way, he’s still not conforming in the right way, he’s genuinely nonconformist which is frowned upon because he’s supposed to be nonconformist in the RIGHT way, in a way that still conforms. he’s supposed to not follow his hypothetical friend off the cliff because dad and society told him not to! he’s supposed to conform to THEM! he’s not supposed to conform to the friend who walks off the cliff, he’s supposed to conform to ted who tells him not to walk off the cliff. but then what happens when he does neither? what happens when mike IS the friend walking off the cliff? he’s doing what you wanted, ted. he’s not following his friend off the cliff. isn’t this what you wanted? but we both know it’s not. because we know it’s not about your son’s wellbeing, nor is it about any genuine nonconformity- it’s about getting him to conform to YOUR wishes, nonconformity is nothing but a tool to you to try and get people to conform in a different way, conform in a way that aligns with what YOU want.  because yet again, god forbid mike leave any evidence of his existence, right? mike being the friend who jumps off of the cliff is a problem not because it harms him but because he’d leave too much blood on the rocks, because it’d be a pain in the ass to clean up just like his toys were, because the quarry wouldn’t be the place where the byers kid died anymore, it’d be where the wheeler kid died, and we can’t have that because the wheelers are exceptional, the wheelers are both exceptional and entirely conforming and it is their false delusions of exceptionalism that pushes them the furthest into conformity. god forbid mike runs in the house in early season 2. god forbid nancy does it either. god forbid you’re reminded that you have kids. god forbid that the rattle of the cabinets as they run is evidence of their existence, no matter how brief. mike wants so badly for people to be aware of his existence even if it means it’s just from them seeing his blood on the rocks, he wants to help his friends and give up all of himself doing so, he wants to be a hero.  again, mike isn’t just expected to conform: he’s expected to conform in the RIGHT WAY. he can’t even die properly by their standards. his family wants him to be invisible, to not be aware of his existence, but not in the wrong way. he can’t even conform right. he gets a girlfriend and ted STILL mocks him about his ‘sweetie pie’. nothing will ever be good enough for them. he can never even conform proprerly in their eyes- the tragedy is how hard he tries. he tries so hard to conform and ends up being nonconformist and exceptional as a result of his attempts to conform, all while his family is so desperately trying to be nonconformist and exceptional and ends up being conformist specifically BECAUSE of their attempts to be nonconformist.  hell, jonathan even talks about this EXACT idea in the show- nancy thinks she is rebelling against being a typical suburban kid but shes rebelling in the same way as every other suburban girl. 
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lucydonato · 1 year
for better or worse I feel like superstore gave me a much clearer head when I'm looking at tv shows because this is a show that lost its lead actress (one half of its main romantic pairing), got shut down before their season finale at the beginning of covid, and then restarted the next season's production at the height of covid restrictions with a reduced episode order, only to get cancelled partway through and despite all of that they STILL managed to create an amazing season overall and one of the absolute best series finales I have ever seen.
and at the same time american housewife ofc had the same covid issues, the same short order, lost a handful of their main actors, and had some major changes in the writing staff. and their final season BLEW. I mean this is one of my favorite shows and I'm telling you that season sucked HARD. and it got cancelled so it doesn't really matter if I would have kept watching or not—I probably would have! but it would have been with the knowledge that (unlike superstore) these writers weren't capable of handling the curve balls that life threw at them. or at least not in a way that I personally found satisfying
so if you find yourself saying "well I didn't like season 4 but it's because of covid restrictions and a shorter season" and "I didn't like season 5 but it's because cast members left" and "I didn't like season 6 but it's because they had a budget crunch and thought they would be cancelled" which, yes, obviously are all things that will present challenges for writers, maybe you need to consider if the writers simply aren't up to those challenges, or maybe their visions don't align with yours anymore (if they ever did), or maybe there were changes in the creative team and writers you like left and were replaced by writers you don't like as much
and I'm not saying that you should stop (or not stop) watching the show if that's not what you want to do because it's literally none of my business, I'm only saying that for your own sake you should evaluate what you've liked about the show and consider whether you've been too generous with your excuses for the things you've disliked. also you should watch superstore if you haven't already
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I have so many but here are my main ones:
-Season 5 while the shortest season is still an amazing season and doesn’t deserve the hate it gets!!!
-Giselle Eisenberg did a phenomenal job of being Anna-Kat during season 5 and doesn’t deserve any hate for replacing Julia Butters!
-The original second breakfast group is irreplaceable and they made J.T and Tammi way too much like Angela and Doris; there shouldn’t have been a replacement second breakfast group for season 5
-Greg and Katie were both bad parents however Greg was the worse parent
-Oliver should have gone back to Ballet once his ACL was healed also should’ve made an episode where Oliver went to the doctor to see how his ACL healed
-Anna-Kat has the worst character development and Oliver has the best character development
-Greg and Katie should’ve either separated for a bit to see that they were good together or gotten divorced
-The only reason Katie is friends with Doris is because Angela and Doris go together like two peas in a pod and Katie liked Angela as a friend but couldn’t stand the way Doris acted like a Westport wife at first, but then got used to it
-Katie’s favoritism of her kids changed per season (seasons 1&2 Anna-Kat was the favorite, seasons 3&4 Oliver was the favorite, and season 5 Taylor was the favorite)
-Katie should’ve never shown/verbalized her favoritism
-Hans Gruber and Luthor while both cute storylines should’ve never happened because Greg adopted both of them without communicating with Katie first!!!
-Suzanne was the creepiest Westport mom
- British Greg and Viv starting their family should’ve been a bigger storyline
-they should’ve made one more episode for the finale where you could see Baby Otto and see how Greg and Katie handle the newborn stage, and shown all the kid’s weddings/raising their own families and their futures instead of the ending we got
-Anna-Kat should’ve had just a completely different storyline for the season 4 finale “season 4 episode 20: Prom” because Covid ended that season early which means that Julia Butter’s last episode as Anna-Kat was her portraying a bully which while she’s mean ti family members seems to be so sweet to her classmates and Katie’s reaction to Anna-Kat being bullied would’ve been a huge reaction and I feel like Greg would underreact to the bullying situation
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nataliealynlind · 11 months
who was going to tell me google has people believing chibuikem uche is only 23, born in 2000...
his birthday is on february 19th, but he was born in 1994. and for those who don’t believe me, i can’t find my original source from when i looked it up back when american housewife season 5 started airing and wrote it down so i could age him properly when i finally got around to making my gif packs... but i do have this interview from semi-recently, in 2021, where he’s said to be 27, and to have had a previous career in finance. ergo- not 23. not born in 2000. 
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lesbiancressidacowper · 5 months
i had one thing to say about something i saw on tiktok but then i scrolled through like four more videos and saw something else to complain about but i must keep that one brief and redacted. um it’s mean to use my friend alex my little guy alex the kid who would be king as a fancast for. um the rat. mean!!!! alex would never do those things!!!! ok i don’t care moving on this post was supposed to be about how i saw a tiktok about the show american housewife and i was like damn i used to love that show (i watched it when it aired until i went to college and stopped watching tv. that happens) and now i’m thinking. what if i NOW went and finally watched all the episodes of all those shows i missed because they aired after the 2018-2019 tv season. would that be insane
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt 18:
season 5, episode 2, “Cartouche”:
- lmao morse code
- get it?
- anyways
- the way people used to just… smoke? in movie theaters? i fuckin wish
- oh my god morse…
- i am obsessed with this man.
- debryn greets morse by calling him “neyland smith” which is a character from the Fu-Manchu books
- he’s like the good guy
- who is a detective
- super random reference but i respect the idea that debryn reads mystery novels
- at the time debryn is referencing the character, the movies The Face of Fu Manchu, The Brides of Fu Manchu, The Vengeance of Fu Manchu, and (i think) The Blood of Fu Manchu were already out
- with The Castle of Fu Manchu on its way
- there were several films BEFORE the ones listed above, but those are most prevalent as they’re the ones released in the 1960s
- three different actors play neyland smith across these films
- one of the actors to play the character in the 60s was Nigel Green who was recognizable due to his size and handsome face
- the second actor to play him in the 60s was Douglas Wilmer, who was known for playing sherlock holmes
- the third and final actor to play the character in the 60s was Richard Greene, who was known for playing robin hood
- what’s FUNNY
- is that all of these actors were known for being good looking and did some modeling or played strapping characters in their time
- obviously debryn references the character because he’s a detective, as morse is
- but it’s also funny that he chose a character that is supposed to be like… really hot
- and it’s even better because morse laughs at the quip, meaning he understands the reference and appreciates it
- love to see it
- there we go, five minutes in and you’ve already had your history lesson!
- let’s move on
- trewlove is way to good for fancy but i gotta respect her for liking him
- i can see it
- morse just staring up at that dude changing the movie titles out
- no need to b watching the dudes ass my brother 😁
- “these people are british subjects. passport holders. we have a responsibility.”
- he’s old as god but he ain’t racist
- i respect it
- morse disliking horror movies is so…
- idk how i feel about that
- wait no
- i thought about it
- he’s a detective who deals with homicide for the most part
- so it adds up that he wouldn’t like horror
- morse asking debryn if he goes in for horror and debryn basically telling him no and then they just stand there looking at each other
- they literally work so well together i’m SICK
- they’re perfect your honor 🗣️🗣️
- also i like the idea that, if debryn had said yes, morse might have gotten him tickets to that horror showing
- we know they hang out outside of work so who’s to say they wouldn’t go see a movie?
- and i bet you morse would suffer through a horror film for debryn
- i’m just sayin 🤷‍♀️
- joan helping immigrants for work is so cool
- i love her so much
- racist bastards 😐
- morse is somehow so awkward w girls
- and yet
- hes a fucking rizz GOD
- how is he pulling a girl like THAT?
- i’m sick.
- strange housewife agenda ‼️
- i love strange and joan
- and i love the idea of them together
- and i love that he calls her “joanie”
- and i love them.
- how on earth is this thursdays brother?
- AYO?!!!!????????
- never recovering from that
- having an organ player at a movie theater is so strange to me
- how was that ever a thing
- fancy finally asking the real questions🙄
- moharram is lowkey….
- let me just 🤐
- “no slight was intended, doctor.” “with the british, it never is.”
- [i love all u brits out there i just don’t love your museums]
- [in fairness i don’t like several american museums either]
- [oh well]
- bruh… no shot fancy got drunk during his investigation
- he’s so embarrassing im sick of this
- “the thing about mistakes is not to repeat them.” “is that what it was? a mistake?”
- like i said, his rizz is unlimited, but once he’s actually got with them he’s AWFULLLLL with women
- i can’t stand it
- PLEASE the way she stands there upset and he thinks there’s something wrong w the bridge
- he could not be more ignorant with women it’s wild
- “im a policeman. im allowed anywhere.”
- first off, no. 🤨
- my tv just turned off the entire episode so i guess it’s time for a brief intermission
- alr she’s working‼️
- idk what the fuck that movie is supposed to be about but i know it would have like a 2% on rotten tomatoes
- work moharram!
- stand up for what’s right 🗣️🗣️
- snapping at waiters is the biggest ick of ALL TIME
- it disgusts me to be honest
- who tf r u snapping at 🤨🤨🤨
- if the picture moharram has on his desk isn’t of himself then ima j assume he’s gay
- thursday just having a stroke over bright joining them at dinner is killing me
- this old man reminds me of mark rylance
- aka one of my favorite actors
- i think he’s supposed to represent henry fonda or some such actor tho
- this girl morse is on a date with is having the night of her fucking life
- good for her ‼️
- i stan carol im obsessed w her
- his face after she tells him it wasn’t a mistake 🥺🥺🥺
- he is so self deprecating i hate it
- the way this usher was super cool and respectable and then says something straight up racist so morse and thursday are both like 😧😮😐
- like sir???
- the way the shot they take of the roxy combines the pristine white front with the rugged and sketchy looking side and back
- nothing i love more than symbolism that’s completely on the nose
- the pigeon hitting the car 💀💀
- it’s not funny but goddam
- his brother asking for a loan is the worst thing to ever happen to me and it’s scarred in my brain forever
- moharram is right and should be respected!
- solid apology from thursday there tbh
- PLEASE why did that extra covered in blood TERRIFY me just now
- i need to go to bed 😔
- the casual racism from this old man right now…
- i love that this kid being a movie buff is getting him off murder chargers
- fancy 🥺🥺
- finally stepping up to the plate
- obsessed w him
- what the fuck is goin on in this cafe on this day 🤨🤨🤨
- once again, why tf are doorknobs so HIGH UP in this country?????
- who tf thought a doorknob right next to your head would make sense?
- it should be down by your hand like a good american door 🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸🌎🏈💵💵🦅🦅🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
- joan and morse are so awkward i can’t handle it anymore
- morse showing strange how they spiked the orange juice and then just being like “i just killed you” 😜😜 is SO FUCKING FUNNY
- i always get so unreasonably nervous at these final standoff moments in this show
- like girl what r u afraid of???
- acting like i don’t already know what’s gonna happen 🤨
- all i can say is that i’m glad moharram is not the villain in this episode i would have been so damn mad
- the way he says “i was 19” 😧
- i’m so ill
- i hate war
- [certainly not an original statement but sure]
- he was obviously wrong to send them back into battle like that but he was a literal child and placed in charge of a unit like what did anyone think was gonna happen
- he just shot that dude no big deal that was crazy
- they’re all gonna die of smoke inhalation ☹️
- what on earth is gordon doing
- morse needs to get out of there asap
- why is he always a damsel in distress
- i don’t get it
- he’s just a lil guy 🥺
- [hes a middle aged white man with a pension and a drinking problem]
- brights office looks so different now than it did in season one
- im really not sure if it actually changed it just looks different
- “you’re the best of us, fred.” “the best of us never came home.”
- that was my final straw 😁
- “we are each of us, i think, keepers of the dead.”
- that line goes so hard i had to write it down
- everything goes dramatically downhill from here if im remembering correctly
- cant wait
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gldenhrs · 1 year
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                                  (—) ★ spotted !!  SELIN TURAN  on the cover of this week’s most recent tabloid ! many say that the  28  year old looks like MELISSA ASLı PAMUK , but i don’t really see it. while the HUMANITARIAN / PHILANTHROPIST / PROFESSIONAL TENNIS PLAYER  is known for being  SOPHISTICATED  my inside sources say that they have a tendency to be  DETACHED  i swear, every time i think of them, i hear the song BEJEWELED BY TAYLOR SWIFT . 
*   ◞  ╰   general   .
full name :  selin cemile turan . nicknames :  sel , seli .  birthdate / zodiac sign :  somewhere in november during scorpio season . birthplace :  istanbul , turkey . sexual orientation :  heterosexual . family :  eren turan ( father , politician )  &  nadia turan  ( mother , world famous cardiothoracic surgeon )  siblings :  none  pets :  two years old white persian cat named lina  occupation :  professional tennis player / humanitarian / philanthropist . career vc :  maria sharapova .  languages spoken :  turkish , english , french ,   life goal :  to become the greatest tennis player of all time .  + traits  :  sophisticated , confident , persistent , self reliant , passionate , strategic  &   fearlessly ambitious .   - traits  :   detached , secretive , resentful , selfish , controlling   &  abrasive . aesthetic :  lip gloss , grass stained knees , blowdried bouncy hair , matte nail polish ,  white tennis skirts , running gold medals , designer sunglasses ,  sports endorsements , eye contact across a crowded room , nikes , early mornings , country clubs , smell of old money , stack of gold medals .  muse inspo :  addison montgomery ( grey’s anatomy ) , meredith grey ( grey’s anatomy ) , olivia pope ( scandal ) , lisa cuddy ( house , m.d. ) , chloe decker ( lucifer ) , jessica pearson ( suits ) , spencer hastings ( pretty little liars ) , megara ( hercules ) 
*   ◞  ╰   quick history   .
born into a family of two highly successful individuals  :  father’s career residing in politics and her mother being a world class cardiothoracic surgeon ( think ellis grey ) who refused to ever be the “ quintessential housewife and mother “ , excellence has been expected from selin from day one .  with her mother barely even acknowledging she has a daughter considering her job always came first , selin spent most of her time with her father , with whom she shared a bit closer connection even though he too was far too busy to be a true parental figure , so most of the time ?  selin was all alone in a large house , raised by nannies .  
from a very young age , it became obvious selin’s talent resided in sports . the first time her father took her to a country club and gave her a tennis racket  “ to play with “  so he could flirt with his assistant , everyone could tell she’s going to be something big in tennis .  her father was thrilled of course , hiring the best coaches and equipment so she could be the best , while her mother found it embarrassing , instead opting to completely ignore the fact she gave birth to a  “ disappointment “  ( she figured she’d follow in her footsteps , not become a “ dumb “ athlete ) .  
moving to the states was entirely her parent’s idea -- her father opted to follow his brother considering their side of the family’s always been into politics , and her mother wanted to pursue more awards and chances to be named as “ the best of the best “ .  selin didn’t mind the change , not when all her life already started to revolve only around tennis and she didn’t have time to even make friends she should be leaving behind .  
she started to participate in professional tournaments at the age of 15 , making her wild-card entry in the west classic ( california ) , shockingly coming in second place and almost defeating then 19-yeard-old american in finals .  just two years later , as a qualifier ranked no.96 , she defeated a no.3 in quaterfinals in australia open , from which point her career skyrocketed .  
problem occurred however , when selin met her  MCDREAMY . she fell for him hard and fast , and it didn’t just scare her -- but those around her , especially her coach who saw him as a big distraction . he soon dropped on one knee , promising to follow her to the ends of the earth if she asked  &  for the time being , selin really thought she could have it all :  a career  & a loving marriage , opting to believe in happy ever after even if she did grew up scarred in a loveless household . ( tw : miscarriage )  however , that all changed when she became pregnant .  the news turned her life upside down and while her husband was over the moon -- she didn’t see herself as a mother , not at this point in her career .  fights ensued about it , but it wasn’t until selin suffered through a miscarriage that their relationship started to go sour .  with him saddened and her relieved , they became distant , strangers in their own home after realizing their ideas for the future weren’t the same . it all made selin be the first to leave , opting to give him a  “ an out “   :  technically , they’re still married , while she still makes up excuses as to why she doesn’t sign the papers when they’ve been separated for years .   
now at the age of 28 , her career statistics include a total of 53 wins in singles ( including grand slam , summer olympics , WTA tour championships , grand slam cup , WTA tour )  and 23 wins in doubles , known around the world for her powerful serve and forceful groundstrokes and for currently holding a no.1 spot -- but hey to get there she sacrificed everything so ...  *cue sad violin* 
*   ◞  ╰   connections  .
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS : valentine laurent . 
GREY’S ANATOMY SQUAD ( 2/4) :  christina , izzie ,  nate grimaldi  (  alex  )   and  kellan mellinger  ( george  ) . 
EX ON BAD TERMS ( left them because career comes first ) 
EX ON GOOD TERMS ( mutual breakup ) 
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whorrorgrl · 10 months
What I Watched in July
What didn't I watch this month?
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I was going to do my usual thing of just listing off every, single movie I watched within the month. They're usually short of ten, which is good since I'm only able to upload ten pictures at a time on here. But I had a very, very long leave. 31 days exactly. I was bored out of my mind, broke so there's not much I can do, and a natural homebody anyway. I watched a total of 20 movies, and that's only counting new ones. I watched all eleven seasons of Modern Family and then circled back halfway. I watched The Bear, which was pretty good! I'm a sucker for corny sitcoms so I polished off American Housewife. Rewatched some episodes of iZombie. Rewatched a few comfort movies, and decided to go down the horrors of the 80's.
I had a rule and that rule was to watch as many new movies as I could. I'm so prone to sticking to my comfort zones in many sectors of my life. It's why I'm a home-body, it's why I have three good friends, and it's also why hitting failure in the gym's a challenge - my 10-12 reps of moderate weights that only begin to challenge me on the last three is enough.
My favorite era of horror is the 2000's for two good reasons. It gave us gems like Wrong Turn, Texas Chainsaw (2006), Triangle, The Ring, Shutter, Dead Silence, etc. There's a style in storylines, tropes, camera angles, and just general ambiance that bookmarks it as the 2000's. Final girls running through the woods in a classic white tank and blue daisy shorts; A roofless Jeep barreling down a detoured road with teenagers/YA; an entity terrifying a protagonist and the library scene of them researching connections to their harrowing situations. The second reason is, of course, nostalgia. Kind of hard to beat. I grew up on these movies. They're so comforting. I've managed to stick to mostly 2000's and 2010's movies, but I know there are gems I'm missing out on. Few I'm already acquainted with are Misery, Death Becomes Her, The Craft, the Scream franchise, the Sixth Sense, etc. However, these movies are only a few years to a decade shy of the 2000's, which obviously took its influence from its predecessors. But two generations away? The 80's seemed far fetched. I convinced myself that I wouldn't like it or maybe I was too used to other horrors to find the syrupy, gooey looking blood and corny jumpscares scary enough, much less enjoyable. Granted, I did watch Nightmare on Elm Street, Child's Play, and Halloween, but I was only afraid of Child's Play because I watched it as a literal child. Nightmare and Halloween I'd watched a lot older and I don't like them at all. They're actually overrated to me.
So that was the goal this month. Watch some old shit. And that I did.
1. Shrooms (2007, Paddy Breathnach)
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A group of American teenagers head to Ireland to get high in the woods. With the help of a local tour guide, the group sets up camp for a trip of a lifetime. However, things take a turn when a deadly mushroom gives Tara the ability to see which of her friends will be killed off, as a mysterious murderer lurks close by.
I had to start with a new 2000's just to grease my way in.
This movie is not one to take seriously. It's a horror movie involving shrooms where there's a scene of a talking cow, so calm the think pieces on this one. It gives you a decent storyline and there are psychological aspects as one would guess, but nothing much different from any other YA slasher. It honestly requires nostalgia for me to love above a normal degree. Since I don't have that, it's a nice one and done watch. For some reason, though, I still bought the DVD. Maybe I'll watch it on my own trip.
One surprise is the hillbillies the teens run into that remind me of Tucker and Dale. They have absolutely nothing to do with the mess going on outside but are the easier targets to blame. Random, but it's so funny seeing hill billies outside of America. Growing up in another country where you watch all these American movies, you get these stereotypes in your head of what it all is. School lockers, Disney World, and Hillbillies in some state like West Virginia or Kentucky. Seeing an Aussie in the sticks is so funny to me.
The movie encompasses all that I like: dumb teens being killed off but in another country. Indigenous (2014), Hostel (2005), The Green Inferno (2013), As Above So Below (2014), and Turistas (2006) aren't shaking in their boots though. I for some reason don't want to talk about the ending. It's good. I just feel like this review is getting too long for how I really feel about this movie. A decent 5/10
2. Frankenhooker (1990, Frank Henenlotter)
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After a horrific accident butchers his wife Elizabeth, a pseudo-scientist Jeffrey gauges up a plan to rebuild his wife and bring her back to life piece by piece.
I found this one on Amazon Prime....which I thought I unsubscribed from. Not that this connects, but they are currently being sued for a few class action lawsuits, one being making it difficult to unsubscribe from their membership. But anyway, I had Prime. While simultaneously going through my bank statements, I was checking out their horror options. The ones that were free were obscure. Frankenhooker was among them.
The accident that murdered his wife Elizabeth was a lawnmower that Jeffrey himself created. It ran her over and tore her to bits. Aside from her head, a hand, and some miscellaneous limbs, he didn't get much from his dearly departed before her other parts were cleaned up. He concocts a plan to revive her with the upcoming lightning storm that should help reanimate her back into one piece. Only, he needs parts. So he shops for hookers downtown.
I outright laughed with this movie because it's so ridiculous. The scene of the hookers blowing up was so campy. When you can see the split second they replaced the actress with a dummy, oh my god. So goofy, but I actually respected. When you can see the amount of time that went into something so silly, it's actually fun. Practical effects show effort. I was imagining them making head molds out of the actresses and spending hours getting them right just to blow them up. Or painting those limbs; a dislocated foot, an arm, an entire thigh. It was all so much. The burbling purple liquid...so odd.
I would watch this one drunk with a group of friends. It's just camp, that's all I can say. That scene of the reanimated left over body parts? The ending?! The ridiculousness of it all. 9/10. I don't care. I just skimmed the director's other works and I'm adding them all to my lift if they're even close to Frankenhooker. A fun watch.
3. Christine (1983, dir. John Carpenter)
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17-year old, Arnie, buys and restores a rusty 1958 Nlumouyh Fury automobile. Unbeknownst to him, the car is possessed by a murderous entity.
I ain't even gon' hold you. I thought this movie would be stupid. In my head, it's only so thin the line can be to tread with a villain like this. A car....
I was wrong. I am completely surprised by this and I understand why it is a classic. I even bought the DVD. We're officially in 80's territory, bordering on the 70's so the characters and their mannerisms were very uncanny valley for me but not too bad. This is my second John Carpenter movie alongside Halloween (1978). I've only watched The Fog (2005), but I've added 1980's to my list. I actually tried to start it but fell asleep and gave up. Not sure why, but anything other than Freaky Friday that has Jamie Lee Curtis as the final girl makes me sleepy.
I liked how there's no backstory as to why there's an entity in this car. From the day it was made, my girl Christine was killing. Didn't crawl out of hell and run into a conveyer belt, no Charles Lee Ray business; just made bad. She's regenerative, vengeful, and even jealous when Arnie, her new owner, gets a girlfriend. Arnie isn't the most popular guy in school and is constantly bullied, even with the help of his friend. Christine makes it her mission to rid Arnie of those who harm him. Later, she'll rid him of those who try to get between them. It was just such a good plot that was executed perfectly. I thought this was going to be some mess, but 10/10
4. Psycho II (1983, dir. Richard Franklin)
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After the murders in his hotel, Norman Bates is back in town on a clean slate. He goes back to Bates Motel where mother awaits.
In Scream 4, Kirby Reed made a comment about Psycho II being underrated. It stuck in my head for a while until I finally decided to watch it. I can 100% agree. Listen I'll find any reason to hate on Alfred Hitchcock like I would any abusive, misogynistic director in Hollywood, but Psycho II is better than its predecessor. Anthony Perkins reprises his role two decades later as the movie follows the same time frame. Norman has been hospitalized, diagnosed with BPD, and is released 20 years later following the incidents. Not all are on board, especially a persistent Lila Crane, but Emma Spool vouches for him so that he can get a job at a diner. He meets Mary Loomis (with apparent relations to Billy Loomis) and a new set of killing starts.
Before I even start, there are two Tillys? I was casually stalking the actors and realized that the actress for Mary is Jennifer Tilly's sister, Meg Tilly. I couldn't believe how small a'world we live in. Now I have to watch Body Snatchers (1993) and anything else Meg is in.
I loved the plot twist of this movie and how it all ended. Norman is really an unwell character so you find yourself sympathizing with the man. He's awful, but you watch as this man fails to discern reality from his own madness and how mother is incorporated into it. She is a mysterious woman. We don't see much of her, sort of like The Woman in Black. She is this big entity in the movie even though you know she isn't real. This movie is the peak of mommy issues. The ending where a real, flesh and blood option is open to Norman to have a mother but he's only interested in the twisted, evil version that haunts his head is fantastic. 10/10
5. Psycho III (1986)
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Bates Motel is still in business, and Norman is still free. He's fallen in love once more, this time to a fallen nun. But will his past be behind him, or will it all unravel in this third addition to the world of Norman Bates.
It only made sense to watch the third installment. You see more of the look of the 80's that it's so known for, especially slashers. This is where the infamous scene from Scream (1996) comes in when Billy Loomis says, "We all go a little mad sometimes."
The parts I liked were of course mother. She continues to be this looming, bigger than life figure tormenting those around Norman. I liked the slasher-like scene of the young partygoers dying at the hands of "mother." Maureen replaces Mary as a potential love interest as Norman provides her shelter in his motel. They fall in love, despite her knowing his past. The ice machine scene, the bathroom scene, even the showdown in room 12. Again, you really begin to feel sorry for Norman and the cards he was dealt. Not that a serial killing, mentally unwell white man needs it, but mother is really a prison of his own making. The scene of the cop sucking on that bloody ice cube turned by stomach more than my laxative pills ever could. 8/10
6. Psycho IV (1990)
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Released again, Norman Bates calls in on a radio show to retell his life as a young boy. Much to everyone's horror, when the show ends he has one last murder to commit to end it all.
I'm conflicted with this movie.
It's not bad...but 90% unnecessary. Aside from the ending where he finally burns down the house where it all started, I kind of didn't like that we got to meet mother. I've watched and loved Bates Motel (2013), so I'm aware that Norman and Norma always have incest - more so on Norman's part than Norma. In Bates Motel, Norma was creeped out but ignored it or tried to gently transition from Norman's weird attachment. In Psych IV, Norma punishes him harshly. She's severely abusive, negligent, and just awful. She blames Norman for everything, including his existence.
While it's interesting to watch his origin story and how he came to be, I kind of liked not really meeting Norma. I liked her being a decayed, fried out corpse in a chair. I liked meeting her only through Norman's unreliable retelling and untreated borderline personality. She was an entity..smoke and mirrors. Now that I've met her...I wanna kiss her.
She's hot.
Why would they make her hot? Plus she was a hypocrite. She would shame and abuse these women for being whores and sluts while she paraded around in no panties with a man she wasn't betroth to. I always pictured her as this uber-anal, only-have-sex-to-reproduce, stiff, old hag. When you build up a character that's existence is reliant on a character's retelling or the audience to fill in the blanks, it's so easy to ruin them by making them flesh and blood.
I want to pretend this movie doesn't exist.
Aside from the disappointment in meeting my hero, I liked the movie. The ending was solid. It's hopeful...and opens the door for more movies for Norman's spawn. 6/10. I really liked the movie. It can't be 100% a stand alone but it'd be a 8/10 if it was. I'd watch it as one and pretend it didn't ruin three other movies for me.
7. Black Christmas (2006)
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A murdering sociopath escapes prison and returns to his childhood home. However, he finds out that his house has been converted into a sorority house and begins killing the students living there.
The casting is amazing, for one. They pulled Lacey Chabert fresh off the set of Mean Girls. May Elizabeth Winstead had just wrapped up making history with Final Destination 3 (2006), lugging Crystal Lowe on set with her. Katie Cassidy had just finished getting slaughtered on When A Stranger Calls (2006). We practically grew up with Michelle Trachtenberg. It's like Do Revenge: drag the pop girls and boys from popular shows/movies and you'll have a cast people will be excited to see before even considering the plot.
Because this story sucked.
Maybe it's me. Maybe I'm the problem. This has everything I ever asked for in a 2000's movie. What else could I need? Am I ungrateful?
I have tried countless times to get into this movie. I'll cut the shit, like three times. And every time I have zoned out. I'm burnt out with this movie. It takes too much effort to be fully engaged and I don't know why. I love Sorority Row (2009), which has a similar premise, and Scream 2 with that sorority scene was amazing. I eat it up every time I watch it. Slashers with predominantly women casted is one of my bread and butters. But Black Xmas is just....I don't know. I don't know! I can't get into her. 3/10
8. The Thing (2011)
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Kate Lloyed, a paleontologist, is recruited to Antartica by a team of scientists when they discover an alien buried in the ice. However, when the alien escapes, the team fights to figure out who they can trust as the alien could be any one of them, mimicking their dead crew.
This is such a good movie to watch when it's grey, raining, or ice cold. I love Mary Elizabeth Winstead and she is one of my favorite horror girls. Plus I get to see Kristofer Hivju, who I drooled over in Game of Thrones. This creature feature has a good creature reveal that doesn't completely ruin it. If anything, it enhances it. That one scene of the alien merging too people together and then crawling around on all fours was amazing. They don't make it an easy alien movie where you can pinpoint the creature. It can turn itself into one of the crew members, mimicking everything except inorganic materials like teeth. You get this claustrophobic feeling since there's limited places to run. They're stuck in the cold, unforgiving land of Antartica with a town miles away. The ending was a nice addition. I immediately bought the DVD and it is now added to my collection. It would've been better to watch the original John Carpenter movie, but this one popped up on my Netflix header and I immediately clicked on it. 9/10
9. The Slumber Party Massacre (1982)
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When her parents go out of town, high school senior Trish decides to throw a slumber party. But things go downhill when an escaped killer wielding a power drill is loose in the neighborhood.
This movie seems derivative of Black Christmas (1974) and also came out the same year as the original The House on Sorority Row. Escaped convicts hacking up young girls were just on trend.
This one is kind of like Black Christmas (2006) for me. No matter how many times I watched it, it's like I never did. This is a rewatch, but not really because I didn't pay much attention the first time. It really brings nothing new for me. A movie doesn't necessarily need to be groundbreaking and fresh plot wise for me to like it, but it sure does need allure...some type of glue that keeps me watching. The Slumber Party Massacre didn't really have that for me. I watched it and immediately forget all that I just finished watching. As I watch these 80's movies, you really realize how nude obsessed this generation was. Pluto in Scorpio, sure, but these movies are just filled with boobs and bush, bush, bush. 5/10
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typingtess · 2 years
Tiptoeing through “Game of Drones” guest cast (14x01)
Hey, we’re back!  Welcome to season 14 of tiptoeing though the guest cast.
For those wondering, Linda Hunt is still listed as part of the regular cast.  
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier as NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr Back from “Work and Family” near the end of season 13.
Natalia Del Riego as Rosa Reyes  Richard Gant as Raymond Hanna Back from “Come Together”, the season 13 finale.
Jennifer Marshall as Navy Commander Neal Marshall is a real life Navy veteran.  
Played Susan Hargrove in Stranger Things and hosts CW’s Mysteries Decoded series.  Appeared in episodes of Eighty-Six, Colony, Game Shakers, Timeless, Red Ruby, Hawaii Five-0, American Housewife and Reacher.    Was Marine Sergeant Francesca Rinaldi in the NCIS “Someone Else’s Shoes” in season 17.
Trailer selfie. Jamil Zraikat as Cyrus Karimian Guest roles include SEAL Team and Paranormal.
Jenapher Zheng as Janice Ng Zheng appeared in a number of short films.
Anna Rajo as Maria Estevez Rajo appeared in a number of short films and comedy showcase series.
Turhan Troy Caylak as Darius “Bunny” Vale Played Charles Kipps in Bosch, Dr. Mandaar in As We See It and Akhmal in Barry.
Guest starred in episodes of Law & Order: SVU, Zero Hour, The Blacklist, American Odyssey, Scorpion, Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD, Colony, General Hospital, Designated Survivor, Euphoria, The Chose, SEAL Team,  Dave, Grand Crew, Bosch: Legacy (different part from Bosch), The Lincoln Lawyer, The Offer and Dead to Me.  Appears regularly in ABC’s What Would You Do? reenactments.
Announced his guest role on Instagram. Ramona Dubarry as Monica Tavares We have season 14’s Monica.
Guest starred in episodes of The Shield, Numb3rs, Dirty Sexy Money, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, CSI: NY, Heroes, Private Practice, Desperate Housewives, State of Georgia, Make It or Break It, Castle, Big Time Rush, Criminal Minds, Code Black, How to Get Away with Murder, Pop & Spin and The Cleaning Lady
Played Dr. Hill in Days of Our Lives, Agent Diana Aguilar in Mayans M.C. and Det. Linda Perez in The Lincoln Lawyer.
Written by:  R. Scott Gemmill wrote/cowrote “The Only Easy Day”, “Brimstone”, “Breach”, “LD50”, “Found”, “Borderline”, “Absolution”, “Archangel”, “Tin Soldiers”, “Impostors”, “Cyberthreat”, “Honor”, “The Watchers” and both sides of the NCIS Los: Angeles/Hawaii Five-0 “Touch of Death” episodes, “Recruit”, “Free Ride”, “Wanted”, “Ravens and The Swans”, “Impact”, “War Cries”, both ends of the “Deep Trouble” season five finale/season six premiere, “Inelegant Heart”, “Praesidium”, “Traitor”, “Active Measures” (season seven premiere), “Blame It On Rio”, “Internal Affairs”, “Matryoshka” part one,  "Talion" (season seven finale), “High Value Target”/”Belly of the Beast” (season eight premieres), “The Queen’s Gambit”, “Under Siege”, “Unleashed” (season eight finale), “Party Crashers” (season nine’s premiere), “This Is What We Do” (episode 200), “Các Tù Nhân”, “Goodbye Vietnam”, “Ninguna Salida” (the season nine finale), “Hit List”, “Asesinos”, “Till Death Do Us Part”, “Choke Point”, “The Guardian”, “Hail Mary”, “Kill Beale Vol. 1”, “Alsiyadun”, “Fortune Favors the Brave”, “The Bear” (season 12 premiere), “Angry Karen”, “Love Kills”, “Russia, Russia, Russia”, “The Noble Maidens”, “A Tale of Two Igors” (season 12 finale), "Subject 17" (season 13 premiere), "All The Little Things", “MWD” and “Work and Family”.
Directed by:  Kevin Berlandi.  Berlandi is new to NCIS: Los Angeles.  He has directed episodes of Criminal Minds, Bull and Partner Track.
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mitchipedia · 1 year
📺 We watched the final two episodes of "Succession" last night, and I have thoughts. SPOILERS!
I’m seeing some talk that Tom isn’t the winner because he’s just Matsson’s puppet. But Tom is definitely the winner. All he ever cared about was the money, buying luxuries, and the appearance of power and he got all those things. He doesn’t care about the reality of power.
Tom will remain perfectly loyal to Matsson—until the moment Tom sees it as advantageous to throw his loyalty to someone else. Probably Matsson knows this, and sees Tom as a useful tool.
The same person who said Tom isn’t the winner also compared Tom dismissively to Gerri. That’s nuts. Gerri is one of the winners of “Succession.” She was Logan’s loyal consigliere and assassin for 30 years, and she cashed out big and walked away.
Justine Lupe, who played the high-end-callgirl-turned-wife Willa, also played Astrid Weissman, Midge’s sister-in-law on “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” Her role on “Maisel” is extremely different from Willa. On “Maisel,” she’s a the perfect midcentury upper-middle-class American housewife and mother, a shikse who converted to Judaism to marry a Jewish man and is now more Jewish than her Jewish family.
I love the video playing in Conner‘s apartment, and the kids’ faces as they watched it. We saw another side of Logan there, away from the kids and relaxed, affectionate and warm. Frank, Gerri, Karl and Jess were Logan’s real family, the people he loved and who loved him. Kendall, Roman and Shiv were not part of that family, and they knew it. Connor, on the other hand, was part of that family.
The entire four-year “Succession” story could have been told from Frank and Karl’s perspective, and it would be a very different story.
Why did Shiv vote the way she did? I don’t think we ever get a definitive answer in the show, but I think it was because in the end she just couldn’t stand to see Kendall win. According to discussion on Reddit, there’s a scene just before the vote when Kendall puts his feet up on Logan’s desk, and you see a look of disgust cross Shiv’s face. Neither Julie nor I saw that.
As the CEO’s wife, Shiv is in a better position as Kendall’s sister. But I don’t think she was calculating it through that far until after Tom was named CEO.
Of course, Tom isn’t the real successor. Matsson is the successor.
Roman is finally out, and he is relieved. He never wanted the responsibility. He just wanted to pretend to be a playboy and now he’s back to that.
A theme that emerged throughout “Succession” is that the people who appear to be in power—Tom, the President of the United States—are not the people in power. The real people in power are the people who pay those other people: the Logans and Matssons. In “Succession” we spend a lot of two seasons focused on a Presidential election in which one of the candidates is a neo-Nazi, and it turns out to be a minor plot point, not worth resolving in the finale. Because that election just didn’t matter in the universe of “Succession.”
Shiv is the sort of woman misogynist who sees herself as the exception. She is not the exception. She has become her mother, and married a man who literally sits in her father’s chair.
I love the rare sweet moment at the end of the show where Logan’s wives and mistresses all came together as this little supportive sorority. Marcia even takes Jess’s hand. They were all the women that Logan betrayed, and in the end they stood by each other. Although maybe not—in the universe of “Succession,” you never can assume love and decency is real.
Does Willa care about Connor after all? Or is she just in it for the money? Yes.
In the scene at the bar at the end, Roman orders Gerri’s favorite drink.
I don’t know if we actually enjoyed the final season of “Succession.” Watching it had become compulsive.
I kept expecting Roman’s dick pics to go viral on social media. They were Checkov’s dick pics, and they never were fired.
“Succession” creator Jesse Armstrong shares his view on where the characters go after the season finale: Tom isn’t just going to be an empty suit. He’s got a lot of hard work ahead of him. But he will never be anything other than Matsson’s dog.
Armstrong says Roman is back where he started; the whole multi-year arc was just a detour for him.
Armstrong: “Shiv is still in play … in a rather terrifying, frozen emotionally barren place.”
Also Armstrong: “For Kendall, this will never stop being the central event of his life, the central days of his life, central couple of years of his life… Maybe he could go on and start a company, or do a thing. But the chances of him achieving the sort of corporate status that his dad achieved are very low. And I think that will mark his whole life.”
Why does “Succession” get so much more journalism and social media love than “Yellowstone,” which has similar premises and themes and is far more popular among the viewing public? I think it’s because “Succession” centers on the media business and New York, and therefore has more appeal to journalists and the professional-managerial classes that dominate journalism and social media.
I’ve read that “Succession” is a blue show and “Yellowstone” is a red show, and there’s a lot of truth to that. But “Yellowstone” is more nuanced and ethically diverse and more broadly focused across class lines. Go figure.
In our house, we watch both “Succession” and “Yellowstone.”
The image is from The Onion
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laresearchette · 3 months
Friday, March 22, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB SPRING TRAINING (SN) 1:00pm: Red Sox vs. Jays
CURLING (TSN) 1:00pm: BKT Tires World Women's Curling Championship: Canada vs. Scotland (TSN) 6:00pm: BKT Tires World Women's Curling Championship: Canada vs. South Korea
NHL HOCKEY (SN) 7:00pm: Hurricanes vs. Capitals (TSN3) 8:00pm: Ducks vs. Jets (SN) 10:00pm: Kraken vs. Coyotes
NBA BASKETBALL (SN1) 7:00pm: Thunder vs. Raptors (SN Now) 8:00pm: Cavaliers vs. Timberwolves (TSN4/TSN5) 7:30pm: Magic vs. Raptors (SN1) 10:00pm: Pacers vs. Warriors
MILLION DOLLAR ISLAND (Discovery Canada) 8:00pm/9:30pm (SEASON FINALE): The wheel winner has to choose whether to play it safe or risk it all; one player faces making the ultimate sacrifice to save their friend from elimination. In Episode Two, 100 players started, only 7 remain. A last brutal challenge stands between the players and the dramatic Million Dollar endgame before the island delivers a grand final twist no-one was expecting.
THE REAL HOUSEWIVES OF CHESHIRE (Slice) 8:00pm: The ladies land in Lisbon, Portugal, with their favorite girl, Tanya, but when one housewife cancels at the last minute, tensions build as the group speculates who's to blame.
RESTORING GALVESTON: THE INN (Magnolia Canada) 9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): Michael and Ashley start construction on their 1912 inn, focusing on the exterior of the building to get it watertight and restored to its former glory; renovations include new paint, a custom front door and an awning wrapped in copper.
CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT (Crave) 9:00pm: Two cops fall under the scrutiny of a suspicious internal affairs agent when one involves an informant in a deadly scheme.
KING OF KILLERS (Crave) 10:30pm: Offered $10 million to eliminate the world's greatest assassin, a hit man travels to Tokyo to meet the client but soon discovers other professional killers have been invited as well.
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rabbitcruiser · 4 months
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Pancake Day
With a rich history dating back hundreds of years, Pancake Day combines a delightful sense of celebration and fun with some deep and meaningful components. Always observed on the day before the religious holiday, Ash Wednesday, Pancake Day is associated with some other names, such as Shrove Tuesday (in the UK), Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday.
Now it’s time to learn about and celebrate the beauty of Pancake Day!
History of Pancake Day
Pancake Day has its roots in its association with Ash Wednesday, which is celebrated as the first day of Lent. Lent is a religious season of fasting that is observed by people of the Christian faith prior to Easter. With the number 40 having religious significance in Christianity, Lent is observed for 40 days before Easter, not counting Sundays–making it 46 days prior to Easter.
Traditionally, on this day a bell would be rung to call Christians to church before Lent to be absolved of their sins, or “shriven”, which is where the term Shrove Tuesday came from. This is a day of confession in the church.
Because Lent is meant to be a season of abstinence, back in 600 AD, Pope Gregory declared that Christians should abstain from eating meat, or other animal products during the entire Lent season, beginning on Ash Wednesday.
Essentially, Pancake Day developed out of the practical need to use up all of the remaining eggs, butter, milk or other animal products that were in the house before Lent began. So families began to look for what they could make quickly and easily that would use up these ingredients. And, at least in England and Ireland, the result turned into a day to make–and, of course, eat–copious numbers of pancakes!
Pancake Day Timeline
600 AD First Pancake Day
When Pope St. Gregory prohibited Christians from eating meat as well as animal products (such as eggs, butter and milk), Shrove Tuesday began as a final hurrah and a way to use up the ingredients left in the house. For Christians in England, this translated into making pancakes.
1445 Pancake Day race is initiated
Tradition says that the Pancake Day Race tradition is started by a housewife from Olney who was so busy making pancakes, she was late for church. Upon hearing the bells ring, she ran out of the house still carrying her frying pan and flipping the pancakes on the way. The race is a nod to this story.
17th Century “Mob Football” games are played on Pancake Day
In celebration of the day, many people from communities leave their houses and join together to play a match of rudimentary football on the road or in the public square. The tradition mostly dies out after 200 years, but a few towns still participate in modern times.
1903 First Skipping Day is recorded on Pancake Day
In the town of Scarborough, UK, the children and workers are given a half day off for Pancake Day. They celebrate by playing games on the beach (including skipping), and a festive atmosphere is created as stalls are set up to sell toys and trinkets.
1950 Pancake Day race begins over the ocean
Olney, UK and Liberal, Kansas USA begin competing to see who has the best time on a Pancake Day race. Courses are marked out and participants time to see which town wins each year. The race still continues in the present with Liberal leading Olney 38-31 at last count.
How to Celebrate Pancake Day
Observing Pancake Day is certainly a delight for those who get involved with making and enjoying eating pancakes. Try out some of these fun ideas for celebrating, or come up with your own:
Make Pancakes at Home
Even for people who don’t consider themselves to be masters in the kitchen, pancakes are a fairly simple recipe that is fun to cook. Simply mix up a recipe that includes flour, eggs, butter or oil, milk or water, and a bit of sugar. For a fluffier, American-style pancake, baking powder might be used as a leavening agent and the pancakes will be a bit thicker.
Once the batter is mixed up, it can be poured in small or large portions onto a hot griddle and flipped so that each side is golden brown. Those who want to take part in a Pancake Day tradition will often practice the flipping portion ceremoniously and attach it to a variety of ideas about luck and fortune in the coming year.
Top them with lemon juice and powdered sugar for a British feel, or with maple syrup like Canadians or Americans.
Learn Fun Traditions About Pancake Day
Pancake Day comes with all kinds of different and fun traditions that families and cultures have included in celebration, like these:
In Ireland, the tradition was that the Irish girls were given the afternoon off or work and the oldest unmarried girl of the family would toss the first pancake. If she was successful in flipping it, it was a sign that she would be married within the year.
In Lithuania, similar to trick-or-treating for Halloween, people celebrating on this day might dress up in fancy costumes, play pranks, sing, dance and generally enjoy the day. Plus, they may also walk around begging to be given pancakes or money.
Pancake flipping contests and races are a fun way that many people in England, Ireland and perhaps all over the world compete in races where they run while flipping their pancakes. Now that takes a lot of skill!
In Scotland, special oatmeal pancakes (or ‘bannocks’) were cooked with a charm added into the batter. If an unmarried person found it in the cake they were eating, it was good luck and meant they would be married in the next year.
Go to an IHOP Restaurant for Pancake Day
Some restaurants that offer pancakes on their menu may be offering discounts, special prices, or unique menu items in celebration of Pancake Day. One such restaurant is the International House of Pancakes.
Most of the time, the celebratory offering for Pancake Day at IHOP includes offering free pancakes. Each guest who visits IHOP on this day can receive a free short stack (consisting of 3) of fluffy, buttermilk pancakes to go along with the rest of their meal. Plus, IHOP also uses the day for good by accepting donations and raising money for kids with medical needs through the Children’s Miracle Network, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and Shriners Children’s Hospitals.
With most of their locations in the United States, IHOP also has restaurants in Mexico and Canada, South America, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, making it an option for people in many parts of the world to celebrate Pancake Day!
Try a New Pancake Recipe for Pancake Day
Though this is certainly a day for tradition, it might also be one to think beyond the norm! Pancakes are a delightfully simple recipe that can be altered and embellished in a variety of creative ways. Try out some of these ideas for adding a bit of zing to the ordinary pancake recipe:
S’Mores Pancakes. Marshmallow fluff, chocolate chips and some graham cracker crumbs turn plain old pancakes into something unique and exciting that is reminiscent of being gathered around a campfire.
Peppermint Hot Chocolate Pancakes. A delight for the senses, this recipe includes chocolate sauce and chocolate chips in the batter, as well as mini marshmallows and crushed peppermint candies sprinkled on top. Indulgent and delicious!
Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Pancakes. Enjoy the sweetness with a balance of cheese with this light and fluffy recipe. Simply mix ricotta cheese and lemon zest into the batter, add fresh or frozen blueberries, and top with powdered sugar after cooking.
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I rewatched season 5 of American Housewife and here’s my opinion as to why this is the most hated season:
it is the shortest season with only 13 episodes instead of the average 20 episodes
while Taylor was recast after the pilot and Meg Donnelly took over from season 1 episode 2 all the way until the finale, Giselle Eisenberg came in after Julia Butters played the role of Anna-Kat for 4 years without any type of transition other than in season 5 episode 1 Katie says “yeah, kids change”
I feel like J.T and Tammi were written to have the most similar even the exact same personality as Angela and Doris I also feel like there wasn’t enough time for the new second breakfast group to be as close as the original second breakfast group and it felt a lot more rushed for the second breakfast group to not only be formed but for their bond
The finale gave us closure with Greg and Cooper’s storylines but the rest of the storylines ended in a cliffhanger and they easily could’ve finished out the season
Also imagine if we saw Katie and Cooper cooking together
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ficsnships · 3 years
Y’all please share what do y’all think the “big life changing surprise” for the Ottos will be? It doesn’t matter how impossible it may look! 👀
I think that it could be:
- Cooper has to go live to Florida. Maybe his mother is sick.
-They need to mover out of Westport because Greg got a new job. Or they have to move out of their current home.
-Trip proposes to Taylor. Or the other way around.
-Oliver and Cooper finally admitting they love each other (least possible of all, IMO, but what I want the most 😭)
-Oliver getting into Harvard or something related to his future.
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