#ahw episode 5x13
ficsnships · 3 years
Y’all please share what do y’all think the “big life changing surprise” for the Ottos will be? It doesn’t matter how impossible it may look! 👀
I think that it could be:
- Cooper has to go live to Florida. Maybe his mother is sick.
-They need to mover out of Westport because Greg got a new job. Or they have to move out of their current home.
-Trip proposes to Taylor. Or the other way around.
-Oliver and Cooper finally admitting they love each other (least possible of all, IMO, but what I want the most 😭)
-Oliver getting into Harvard or something related to his future.
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mashi-sims · 3 years
Ranking AHW's S5 Episodes
I know that ranting about how bad some of the episodes this season were isn’t going to change the fact that they were, in fact, bad, but I still wanted to do an overview of this season in my opinion, and I love ranking stuff, so here it goes:
Also, I should mention that, yes, this is Cooliver biased, although I did take other plotlines into consideration, but mostly Cooliver. Also, lol, I could only add 10 photos so the #13, #12 and #11 don't get one, also they don't deserve it.
Tier 1: I wish they could be un-written, please.
13. 5x12 How Oliver Got His Groove Back
I’ll start with my least favorite episode, and the one we all wish we could unsee. This is the episode where Oliver is feeling down because the girl WE, THE AUDIENCE, just realized he liked, doesn’t like him back (which is a whole other thing), so Katie gets him a date with this girl that’s never been introduced in the show before. Oliver doesn’t want to see her, but he still does, and then he realizes she’s nice, and just like that, he’s happy again. I feel like this plot would not have been that bad if it hadn’t been so out of character, unexplained, and utterly designed to be filler for the season. Worst episode from my perspective, wouldn’t watch it again, barely watched it the first time, ugh, next-
12. 5x11 The Guardian
Same thing with this one, very uneventful episode that talks nonsense, introduces the idea of Oliver liking Lindsay and thinking they’d been dating, but nobody knew about it! How convenient! And again, doesn’t progress into anything, and it just feels out of character, forced, and like they didn’t even try to hide that it was a filler episode. Wouldn’t watch it again, I don’t even think about it, I’ve erased it from my mind. The only reason why this episode is ahead of 5x12 is because of Kathryn and Anna-Kat, and JD trying to find his egg donor, other than that, still pretty ugh.
Tier 2: Did the writers really look at their script and think; “ah, well done”?!
11. 5x07 Under Pressure
I kinda enjoyed this episode even if it didn’t include any Cooliver. I liked Anna-Kat’s storyline about not feeling her popularity and sticking to Franklin, I really really love these two together! So cute! Also, Taylor helping Oliver relax and not stress out that much was nice, although not amazing. Katie and Greg’s double date that led to a city council rivalry, I don’t care for it. Overall, I don’t know if this was intended to be a filler episode, but it totally felt like one to me; a nice episode but not one I’d watch again.
10. 5x05 Kids These Days
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Eh, pretty uneventful. Katie wants Franklin and Anna-Kat to be more edgy and to take more risks, ends up in completely nothing. Oliver wants Boosterin and he accidentally drugs Greg, also ends up doing nothing for the storyline. The only thing I liked about this episode was seeing how Cooper cared about Oliver and how Oliver said “Your boy is doing both”, the Cooliver content was still good; other than that, eh. Also, the strange order in episodes this season really threw me off.
9. 5x04 Homeschool Sweet Homeschool
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Nice episode, but not one of the best. Mommy blog, Cooliver moves to the basement, Andre shows up and it’s all weird now, eh. I enjoyed this episode because of the Cooliver’s interactions more than anything, but it’s not the greatest in my opinion.
Tier 3: *Sits down on the couch with popcorn and a blanket*
8. 5x06 Mother’s Little Helper
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I also enjoyed Cooliver this episode. Although their drinking arc was pretty pointless and, again, ended up being nothing!!, I liked seeing them together, and that shaking they gave each other was funny. This is the episode where Tami was introduced, and I really liked her from the beginning, although I do wish they would’ve given Katie’s original second breakfast club some sort of closure so I wouldn’t feel so guilty about liking Tami and JD, eventually.
7. 5x02 Psych
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This episode always made me feel stupid because I never understood what was going on with Taylor, why she didn’t take her gap year, why she never told Katie and Greg that she had gotten in, or at least make something out of it, why she decided to go to another college or if Greg got her in just so she didn’t have to take a gap year, bUT THEN I realized they didn’t actually talk about it, so I’m not the stupid one, I think.
Nevertheless, I really enjoyed this episode. I like Katie’s storyline of getting involved in other people’s lives after she sells her lasagna business (again, did they ever talk about that or am I stupid?)
This is the episode where we can see the change in Cooliver’s dynamic (a good thing), and the iconic line “stop bothering our boyfriends” saved my life. Having Taylor And Trip with Cooper and Oliver hanging out in the same frame is one of my favorite things and adds a few days to my life.
Franklin and Anna-Kat’s relationship also picks up in this season, and I really enjoy them in this episode. Also, Greg was very funny here, and I am grateful lol.
6. 5x08 Encourage, Discourage
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I really liked how this was a Cooper-centered episode, really diving deep into his character instead of keeping him as a shallow side-character. By the way, how did Cooper get so much development and Oliver lost most of his? What was that? Anyway, Cooper saved this episode. I would’ve liked for Oliver to be a more supportive friend in this episode, but he was still there, at least.
Also, Cooper doesn’t think he’s too good for Oliver! Bless his heart.
5. 5x10 Getting Frank with The Ottos
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I liked this episode very much! Again, Anna-Kat and Franklin melted my heart, but Oliver and Cooper squeezed it with Cooper’s realization of not wanting to go to Harvard, but Oliver eventually understanding and supporting him? Please, get married. Also, Oliver saying “We’re Cooliver”, and Trevor asking them if they were breaking up made my day. Could’ve been better and a bit more eventful, but it was good nonetheless.
4. 5x13 The Election
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I really liked the finale, despite not having any Cooliver at all, the ending was pretty awesome, and I believe it really sets the tone for what could potentially be a great S6, that is if that’s actually happening AND if the writers stop it with the bullshit. Franklin and Anna-Kat getting engaged was very sweet, I adore them! Taylor and Trip getting really engaged was a bit cringe, but still adorable, and I love it! I just wish they had paid more attention to Oliver in this episode, but well, I guess his bang is not here yet and not every episode can be a banger. I hope that whatever comes next will be good enough that the wait will be worth it.
Tier 4: *Chef’s kiss, no pun intended*
3. 5x01 Graduation
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Although this episode doesn’t really belong to this season, and it doesn’t share the same 〜vibe〜 with the rest of the episodes, since it has more of a S3-S4 energy, it’s still in S5 and I wanted to include it, too.
Not my favorite, but it’s one of the good ones imo. So much stuff happens in this episode that it almost feels cramped and overwhelming to me, with the graduation and the wedding, but I get that it was necessary to set the scene for S5 and close S4 even if it didn’t turn out the way they’d originally planned, and it came out fine considering the situation the producers were in, which can’t be said for every episode this season lol.
Taylor and Trip were adorable in this episode, Cooper was amazing, Oliver moping around was something I didn’t know I needed in my life, and Lonnie’s speech about not wanting his relationship with Greg to end, even if I never cared for his storyline, was really nice.
This episode made me think that S5 was headed toward amazing things, but not everything was good.
2. 5x09 The Heist
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I love this episode because of Cooper’s development. Again, why couldn’t Oliver get that too? However, I did like how they made Oliver seem like he might’ve been a bit thirsty for his fellow Cooper over there, telling him multiple times that he’s good looking? Come on, tell us what you really mean.
Anyway, Cooliver really shone this episode, round of applause.
1. 5x03 Coupling
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This episode is superior, bite me. I love everything about this episode, not only Cooliver. Katie and Greg trying to be supportive of their kids having sex with their boyfriends? Yes! Parallels between all four couples? Yes, please! Cooper and Oliver having their first married couple fight, Cooper feeling like he’s being replaced, but Oliver is doing it for the both of them and their future together? Yes! Masterpiece of an episode. I have no more to say.
Hands down, my favorite episode this season. Too bad mostly everything went downhill after that. I hope we do get a season 6 and that things pick up. This series deserves redemption, and Cooper and Oliver deserve to be happily in love together. Thank you.
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ficsnships · 3 years
I mean... 😂 we all knew it... they barely let them interact with each other, they didn’t even show them hugging... and they keep screwing Oliver over. And instead of Cooper cheering him up, they made Trevor do it... and Oliver wasn’t even sad or didn’t even know that Cooper was leaving... 🙄 wasn’t he devastated last time?
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It was a great episode though...
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ficsnships · 3 years
OMFG y’all! I was right! we are going to meet The Bradfords! 😱 (well at least Mr. Doyle Bradford played by Joel McHale 😱)
Here’s the synopsis (from thefutoncritic.com)
Katie pushes Cooper (Logan Pepper) to share his passion for the culinary arts and ambition of becoming a chef with his autocratic father, Doyle Bradford (Joel McHale). Meanwhile, Greg and Principal Ablin (Jerry Lambert) go head-to-head when the election results offer an interesting twist, and the Otto family gets the surprise of a lifetime on the season finale.
Guest starring is Holly Robinson Peete as Tami Gaines, Jake Choi as J.D., Jim Rash as Walker, Matt Shively as Lonnie Spears, Peyton Meyer as Trip, Logan Pepper as Cooper Bradford, Evan O'Toole as Franklin and Joel McHale as Doyle Bradford.
I mean, if Cooper’s dad is going to be played by Joel, there’s no way he’s not going to be a jerk 😂😂😂.
Also, it looks like no Cooliver... unless that’s the “surprise of a lifetime” 😢 let’s hope at least we get to see Katie scolding that jerk!
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ficsnships · 3 years
Cooper is finally in the Otto family’s group chat!
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ficsnships · 3 years
What do y’all think?
I’m almost positive that Oliver’s nervous because he received his Harvard letter or something like that. 😂
Trip and Taylor getting engaged is anything but surprising, too cliché. She might say no.
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ficsnships · 3 years
I can already see him being a complete asshole to Cooper! And if he even dares to say something offensive to Oliver, I swear!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬
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Joel McHale, Logan Pepper and Daniel DiMaggio in the season finale of American Housewife. From American Housewife’s official Twitter account.
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ficsnships · 3 years
We were right y’all, Cooper’s father is an asshole! He didn’t even recognize Oliver’s name. Motherf... 🤬🤬
And they started with the gay jokes again.. “we’re practically in-laws” Katie said. 😒🙄
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ficsnships · 3 years
I can’t believe they are doing this. 😢 (actually I can, I just don’t want to)
Cliffhangers when they know it’s probable that the series gets cancelled. And “relationships”? Like... hmm... what are we supposed to think? 🙄 If they KNOW that we want Cooliver to happen, and then say that there will be “relationships..”
It probably won’t be Cooliver, I mean I am HOPING, stupid I know, but... 🥲.
I bet that Taylor and Trip are gonna break up again, or something like that. Maybe Cooper parents are getting divorced and that’s why his father is there? 😅
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ficsnships · 3 years
It seems that I was right about Trip proposing to Taylor. A Reddit user posted that there was a promo on Sunday night during American Idol. 😂. They haven’t released it yet on their social media, maybe tomorrow.
Let’s hope that there’ll be more relationships surprises and not only that.
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ficsnships · 3 years
But what if the REAL reason Doyle “Biggest Jerk” Bradford is in Westport is because he bought the election? And that’s why Greg is in 4th place? 👀👀👀
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