pamela-valdivia · 7 months
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ING. PAMELA VALDIVIA Las mujeres empresarias contribuyen al crecimiento económico al crear y gestionar empresas exitosas. Esto se traduce en la generación de empleos y un aumento en la producción y el consumo.
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lemonal-space · 4 months
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Here we have a Secret Santa gift for my lovely boyfriend Qu-Ross!!! I still can't believe my luck in not only getting him as my Giftee, but also that I managed to pull off this cityscape!!! This piece really came down to the wire, but man, it was so worth it!
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dimalink · 2 months
Grey labyrinths, ambient
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Three dimensional scene for today. By the lessons ai dig. It is backrooms. You are welcome in backrooms. It is labyrinth from same style of rooms. Same walls. Same floor and ceiling. And here lives some creatures. But it is not easy to find them. As a rule, they are hostile. It is backrooms, such internet theme. You can find lessons how to make this thins or watch already made works.
And this is my scene based on this. It is a picture made in blender based on backrooms. Labyrinth. It is possible with VHS effect. I already have in blender a visual and a labyrinth. And this is renders from it. Blender – it is animations and pictures. And it is a model of labyrinth. It can be in three dimensional engine. As Unity. But it is good to have skills. Right now I do not have skills.
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Labyrinths are grey colors. With end. With levels. And this is ambient atmosphere. Atmosphere of grey rooms. And repeated. Silence. And with no monsters. Nothing else. Walls. Floor and ceiling. Strange dimensions as in Twin Peaks. But not like that.
Just a pack of three dimensional labyrinths. So, I have in my head idea for a long time about ambient games. As ire member Andy Warhol try to programming. And he try to do something his own, but not like games. But something its own style. And as I heard he badly programmed. So little of result. But I have never seen, only heard about it. And as I get it is idea to simulations of something. I get this way for myself.  And this is my three dimensional art. And like unknown strange game. It can be playable. In theory. But I am not sure. Now it is only a pictures in blender.
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It is such art style. Art model in blender. Mono colored labyrinth. Arthouse. I think ambient. Only same colored rooms. And small labyrinths. You are walking them with effect of videocam. And that’s all. All this theme in grey labyrinths. You are inside a labyrinth with no meaning. And just walking here as ambient theme. Series of labyrinths for ambient. So, for a long time I have this in my head. But I do not program good. Game with no dynamics. Just walk and collect.  So, one of my games - MicroWorm is about this things. But it is 2d. And here it is already a labyrinth. Walking with ambient and it is such style of emptiness. Like nothing. Just walk. There not lots of actions. Explore. Look. Zero dynamic. In a strange place. Like Labyrinth. And nothing. Silence, Or ambient music.
And maybe it is better to try harder and to make a retro vhs shooter. With lots of monsters. And with shooting from some weapons. Second world war or better with automatic guns, machine guns. Automatic guns, machine guns, uzi. And lots of monsters. Maybe this. But it is harder. One more cool theme it is style webpunk 2.0, and I remember some painter draw for some steam game, such a bright, ultra colored colors with radical colors, pictures. And it was a shooter like wolfenstein 3d. And i as impressed a lot.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/
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csmeaner · 2 years
Oh have I got a dekudog species for you! Me and my partner joined this species cause it looked kinda neat, but like, 98% of their adopts are from some other media so we both just now sneer at it. I haven't left the world solely cause I want to see wtf they rip off next.
Anyways. Welcome to (Ambinetic)
not a single one of them even tries to be its own thing it's just 'this character with a screen face'. oh also 60 dollars
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also just the fuckin comments at the bottom of both as if everyone needs to know how special you are with your permission to draw a humanoid with a screenface
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djohnhopper · 7 months
New dark ambience from Abyssal Dreamscapes - wear headphones!
Halls of Lord Abbadon - (10 Hours)
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csmeanerr · 7 months
(Ambinetics) i hate how i immediately assume it as "humanoid terraliens" its just screen face
https://toyhou.se/ ~world/55593. ambinetics
cs really does poison people's minds
sees a satyr "is that a dainty?"
we need to touch grass more
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omends · 1 year
I apologize for not being around much today ! I was feeling sick earlier, and then I got up and decided to do some art so I've been distracted by that :,D not done with it yet, but here's the WIP for tonight. it's for a closed species holiday art contest using a design I got from a holiday advent; I'm very excited about it so I'm sharing lol
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character belongs to meeee. original design by Chisai-Yokai. closed species is Ambinetics !
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sonhosdeescritor · 2 months
3 Já esta no décimo dia ali, Giovani olha toda aquela situação se repetir diurtunamente, corpos são levados para um outro ambinete, muitas vezes ainda com vida, ai sim, o terror se torna profundo, diabólico, o cheiro de sangue e dor dita tudo por ali, novas vítimas chegam até que alguém de um passado recente é jogado a duas jaulas dele.
Leonor, não, Leonor, seus covardes o que vocês fizeram com ela, seus pulhas, cretinos, monstros? Leonor, ele a conhece há 3 anos, num baile da empresa em que ele trabalhou por 5 anos, houve de cara o flerte o que fez logo eles assumirem um relacionamento onde Giovani, sempre apressado e disposto a viver como pensava, foi de encontro a ela e viveram 6 meses juntos num apartamento no centro da cidade, porém logo surgiram as diferenças e a separação fora inevitável, mais Leonor carregava um filho, fruto destes 6 meses de uma loucura apaixonante, assim ela determinava aquele momento de sua vida. Leonor ainda dorme profundamente, Giovani tenta acorda-la aos gritos mais logo é interrompido por Juracy.
Por favor moço, fique quieto, eles estão loucos para dar as boas vindas aos que chegaram.
O quê?
Você ainda não percebeu, somos presas aqui, eles fazem o que bem querem de nós.
Desde quando esta aqui?
Eu, acho que meses, sei lá.
Já tentou sair?
De que jeito, acredite, todos que tentaram foram mortos, chicoteados e cortados em pedaços.
Quem são eles?
Frutos dos infernos, isso é o que eles são. A mulher vai relatando alguns fatos que ela vivenciou ali que faz Giovani se contorcer em ódio até desabar num choro.
Isso menino, chore, chore bastante e logo saberá que as lágrimas aqui são raras. As luzes são acesas, musicas alta, 8 personagens em trajes de social preto entram ali, trazem dois carrinhos com comida, logo iniciam a jogar de pedaços de carne assada e algumas folhas.
Que carne é essa, o que é isso? Giovani ouve aquele barulho de bocas e dentes, todos iguais a feras caindo naquele banquete maligno, ele retorna o olho para aquela carne e logo é jogado outro pedaço que faz ele ir ás pressas ao canto da jaula atordoado.
Parem, seus loucos, isso é carne humana, são pedaços de corpos, são as vítimas daqui, eles são, são, monstros. Giovani grita tanto que parece criar um estardalhaço, porém ninguém liga e continua a se alimentar daquela carne.
Vocês, vocês se tornaram selvagens, cruéis como eles, vocês estão se tornando monstros. Ele olha para a jaula de onde aquela senhora o repreendera há pouco e para seu espanto e terror ela come um pedaço generoso de uma perna.
O que vocês são? Outra música e dois personagens entram em trajes de bailarinas e ali distribuem sucos de cor vermelha, quando chega a jaula de Giovani ele constata, é sangue diluído em água e açucar. Terminado ali a refeição, outros anões joga balas, doces, pipoca e todos retornam para onde entraram, agora ficara aquela música country lenta e um globo de Luz é aceso enquanto os presos ali terminam o lamber de dedos e tirar piolhos de seus cabelos. Giovani senta ali ao fundo da jaula quando ouve de algum outro ali sobre o não comer de sua parte na carne, ele então joga seu pedaço que atinge duas jaulas depois mais alguma outra pessoa recolhe o pedaço com auxílio de um arame. Outra pessoa agradece enquanto outras xingam e juram brigas e mortes para quem não dividiu aquilo.
Eu quero sair daqui, não vou ficar com vocês, eu desisto de tudo antes disso.
E o que você acha que nós fizemos? Décimo terceiro dia, Giovani acorda com muita fome, dormira por mais de 20 horas, devido ao inalar de um gáz, logo soube se tratar de um costumeiro ali, atordoam a muitos, principalmente os que não fazem uso regular de alimentos são os primeiros a cair em sono profundo, assim ele notara algumas mangueirinhas e vasilhas de soro.
O que houve?
Te deram soro enquanto dormia.
São uns canalhas.
Eles te querem muito por aqui, não costumam fazer isso muito, só para os interessantes.
Interessantes, como assim?
Eu estou aqui há quase 6 meses e vi poucos serem tratados do seu jeito.
Que jeito?
A rainha esteve contigo.
Rainha, que rainha? Um som alto logo rompe aquilo, 9 homens alli em máscaras de porcos, somente de shorts bem curtos e alguns adereços em couro e tachas.
O que é isso?
Não, vai ter abate. Gláucia a mulher que esteve falando com Giovani se apavora, logo entram duas mulheres de vestimentas iguais só que de top aos risos, elas trazem aventais plásticos. 110324………………
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pika2482 · 4 months
AOTD 1/17/2024 - CHAM! (Macross 82-99)
[All albums are rated subjectively based off my own enjoyment]
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"sorry this was ur introduction to the genre" (@flameyboyo) about sums up my thoughts on this one. CHAM! is a 16 track album (13 if we exclude intros and intermissions) that fails to find it's place between Future Funk, Video Game, Hip-Hop, Ambient, and Trap Beats under Jazz samples.
This is an album that hurt itself with it's track list. For what was supposed to be a Future Funk album, there was disappointingly few Future Funk songs on the track list, being limited to Sailor Team, I Miss You, Fun Tonight, Perfect Blue, and Miss Macross, spread randomly through the album. With the exception of the opener, Rainbow Roads, a track heavily inspired by take a wild fucking guess, those were the only songs I really jammed to, and even then there wasn't anything too special on those.
Out of those tracks I enjoyed, it's a 3 way score tie between Rainbow Roads, Perfect Blue, and Miss Macross for which one I enjoyed most. Gun to my head, I'm going to go with Perfect Blue. I really enjoy the use of LFO filters (or just sharp decays on the keys) on the instrumentals to help build more of that head banging rhythm in addition to the percussion. The Horn samples are a much appreciated counter melody to the vocal chops, with a subtle Synth or Organ (I can't tell which) coming in toward the end of each 4 bar melody loop, sending you into the next loop without any slowdown. The length is also just where it needs to be, fading the instrumental out into an outro right as it's welcome becomes overstayed. It takes good awareness on the artists part to recognize when a song needs to end, especially when you've heard the same loop for days, weeks, or even months during the mixing process. This is one I'm gonna be humming subconsciously.
My least favorite track on the album is Lost Without You. All it is is some Trio jazz sample with a hip-hop or trap beat under it. Worse yet the Hi-hat sample they chose is super grading on the ears for me, making this track a very unfun listen. On the bright side it's only 1:22 long so it gets out of the way quickly (which isn't something I can say about some Other songs I've heard), so that's nice at least. However I'm not sure this song has any merit to exist. The beat is kind of decent but there's nothing really original here. There's just… no personality on that track.
That brings me back to my main complaint about this album - Why is it 16 songs? This album would have scored a full 2-3 points higher if half the tracks were cut. Keep the Video Game, keep the Future Funk, maybe keep the one ambinet track, and drop the rest. Filler songs ruin albums, and a fat track list doesn't matter if half of them are sub-par.
Overall, I can't say I can recommend this album, nor recommend more than a handful of tracks. Rather disappointed, to be honest.
Favorite Songs: Rainbow Roads, Perfect Blue, Miss Macross Least Favorite Songs: Peach, I'm Sorry, Lost Without You, A Lot of Pretty Girls
Rainbow Roads - 8/10 Peach - 5/10 Ash - 6/10 Sailor Team - 7/10 Whispy Woods/Game Over - 6/10 I Miss You - 7.5/10 Dark City - 6.5/10 In The Moonlight - 5.5/10 I'm Sorry - 4/10 Lost Without You - 3.5/10 Fun Tonight - 7.5/10 Perfect Blue - 8/10 Miss Macross - 8/10 A Lot Of Pretty Girls - 4/10
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roguesidea · 1 year
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drawing of my Ambinetic character, who I'm... yet to name oops.
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Limpeza e Conservação
Limpeza e Conservação
Os serviços de Limpeza e Conservação garantem ambientes de trabalho sempre limpo, conservado e organizado. Terceirizando esse serviço ainda ajuda sua empresa a ganhar tempo para investir esforços nas atividades finais, com seus clientes e colaboradores. A limpeza e conservação das empresas são serviços extremamente essenciais. Afinal, um ambiente organizado e limpo reflete a imagem do seu negócio, além de proporcionar ambientes agradáveis para todos os colaboradores e pacientes. Por isso, é muito importante que os gestores preste grande atenção na hora de pensar nesse assunto tão importante.
Sua empresa está em busca de soluções para alcançar as metas e objetivos, a Guima Conseco presta o serviço de limpeza de ambientes que pode cuidar de todos ambientes e com isso ajudar indiretamente nos resultados da empresa.
O que faz uma empresa de limpeza e facilities em geral?
As principais funções realizadas nesse serviço são:
Contratação de profissionais qualificados;
Remoção de materiais sólidos e manchas;
Limpeza e sanitização de ambientes de produção;
Limpeza concorrente e terminal;
Higienização em áreas comuns, críticas e semicríticas;
Conservação e limpeza de vidros, fachadas áreas administrativas e escritórios;
Limpeza pós-obra;
Tratamento de pisos.
Benefícios em Contratar Serviço Terceirizado de Limpeza
Contratar uma empresa para limpeza e conservação dos ambinetes dever ser um excelente investimento para sua empresa, além de ajudar no aumento de produtividade dos seus colaboradores.
A contratação de um novo funcionário significa utilizar boa parte do tempo na especialização e treinamento. Isto é normal e perfeitamente aceitável, pois torna-se necessário que haja um período hábil para transição, onde a pessoa se adapte às necessárias rotinas internas dentro da empresa.
A terceirização do prestador faz com que todo esse período seja bem mais rápido. Isso acontece porque profissionais terceirizados da área já estão altamente familiarizados com procedimentos e as melhores técnicas de limpeza para diversos tipos de ambientes, sejam esses comerciais ou industriais. Dessa forma, é possível então economizar um tempo valioso.
Essa empresa também ajuda melhorar qualidade de vida nos ambientes, fazendo com que os todos se sintam bem na atuação diária no local de trabalho. Afinal, com um ambiente de trabalho desorganizado ou sujo, a rotina de trabalho é afetada.
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itttsarkanyokvannak · 4 years
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Sxuperion - Cosmic Void
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takenbynoise · 4 years
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Doug Lynner live at Mormorsgruvan Rural Modular Festival.
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dimalink · 15 days
Whale, little crab and underwater world
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Three dimensional scene for today based on whale and underwater world. Interesting new world. Which is underwater. And there they swim – fish. Big and small. And crawling a crabs. So, it is its own world. Its own lighting. And its own citizens. So, this is a big whale. He swims and watch what is going on here. And on the lower level it is a small crab to crawling. And whale is moving to his little friend - little crab. And they will to play!
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So, it is ambient theme. Theme of explore. And move through three dimension world. You can crawl as a little crab. Or swim as a big fish. About a three dimensional scene. It is a whole world. So here are seaweeds. Stones are here and there. And sand surface. Or green surface. It depends.
It can be a game about to explore. And swimming. To watch what is here and there. Such ambient. But it is a three dimensional scene in blender for now. Underwater world – it is amazing its own world. And it has a different things. And it is very different from thing that are on the surface.
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Crab is crawling through stones. They are very polished by water. And smooth stones. And he is crawling though a bush of seaweeds. Underwater grass. He is crawling to a little sand. Fish are swimming somewhere forward. There are places with big underwater stones. And rocks. So, you can find a hide place there.
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It can be a game about to watch and expectations. With low poly retro graphics. About ocean. With music like Vaporwave, or retrowave, or ambient. And it is only a three dimensional scene now.
Or one more idea. About friendship between crab and a whale. Such more arcade funny and positive, good and kind. And underwater. They are talking and play. And explore underwater world. Swim and run here and there. Such a story.
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Or who faster reach the point. A crab who is crawling, or a fish which is swimming. So, it can be a lots of themes, starting with ambient, explore. As a starting point. And arcade, littler action, story.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
BLOGGER: https://dimalinkeng.blogspot.com/
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csmeaner · 2 years
(ambinetics) oh hey! They're finally addressing their dekudog problem
.https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1014007.important-notice / https://archive.ph/ZCYCx
holy fucking shit you know what good for them. of course i could say it should be obvious and about fucking time but i want to also encourage actual growth and what is a proper apology
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djohnhopper · 7 months
a great slice of haunting ambience from Obsidian Echoes. Well worth putting aside 36 mins of your life for a listen - wear headphones.
you're left to wander in the wasteland...alone
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