anti-solidcoffee · 8 months
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Guildtober Day 16 - Sleeping
Cozy cozy vibes
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officialbillhader · 1 year
Its 55 degrees outside yet for some reason this house is hot ans theres no fan in this room which means ill be hot and have no ambiet noise
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hyah-lian · 7 months
O hello time that the mental clarity wears off and the chaos and screaming distractions creep back in
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avo-kat · 1 year
gonna make a band, ill call it Panic Attack! At The Grocery Store
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noahpetersonsax · 1 year
Widespread Noise - Stereophonic Psychosis
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12endigital · 1 year
Alicante activa los Senderos de Primavera en su X Aniversario con seis recorridos y 350 plazas
El Ayuntamiento de Alicante lanza una nueva edición de Senderos de Primavera que, este año, se enmarca en la programación 2023 conmemorativa del X Aniversario de la Red de Senderos Urbanos. Un total de seis propuestas que recorrerán entre otros parajes la Sierra de San Julián -la Serra Grossa-, el Benacantil, el Centro Tradicional, el Cabo de la Huerta y el Monte Orgegia, donde se podrán…
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mrschwartz · 11 months
in my imagination the sculptures of anything goes music video starts off with an aerial view of a perfect reconstruction of the car album cover, and then the camera lowers down slowly in the direction of the toyota corolla until it's level with the roof and then (it's the same shot, no cuts) it goes into the car and it's alex by the steering wheel. it's a continuous shot but every bass drop (stab?) there's a flash of different images associated with wealth from the song (a blank canvas, marble stairs, a chandelier, etc), and this goes on for most of the mv btw, until the second chorus).
then okay official first cut. it focuses on alex as if the camera was on the passenger seat and he turns the car on and drives down from the parking lot and into the street (plenty of cuts here, showing the car going down the parking lot, out of it and into the street, etc). it's the "perfoming in spanish on italian tv" part of the song now so when he's driving down the streets (the city is deserted and it's sunset now, btw) it cuts to the car driving by a screen billboard where it's alex singing with an old-timey looking microphone in an empty-looking tv set. he keeps driving and stops by a museum-looking art gallery. he steps out of the car (that he parked in front of the gallery) and walks up the stairs and into it. the camera follows his back until he walks through the door just as it says "blank canvasses" and we see that inside the gallery it's a film set (with the lights, scaffolding, cameras, the whole shabang) where the grips are setting up marble statues and abstract paintings. he walks by them through the middle of the set (the camera is still following him from behind), with no one even noticing him, and he goes up the left side of the double staircase at the back of the gallery (it's a real museum, they're just using it as an set in the mv).
it cuts to him at the top where he turns left into a corridor with ambiet lighting, carpeted floor, etc. on the walls there's a bunch of mirrors with fancy frames (and we can see a bunch of alexes reflecting each other as he walks by), and just as the song says "guess i'm talking to you now" alex mouths the words while staring at himself in one of the mirrors, then lowers his head and keeps walking. he opens a door into a room that looks like the cutting room from the body paint music video, and he rumages through the mess on the tables (and while he does the camera shows a bunch of details on the walls and on the mess, just little easter eggs to other songs, like in the body paint mv) until he finds the simulation cartridge for city life 09. it focuses on the cartridge in his hands just as it says "when you said them out loud" and it cuts back to the view we had of the double staircase from downstairs, and alex appears from the left side putting the cartridge in his inside pocket) and he walks down the stairs. while going through the set again on his way back, he accidently stumbles on someone we don't see the face of, but he quickly apologizes without really looking back and keeps on his way. the camera cuts to show that the guy is also alex who looks at the initial alex going through the door and out of the gallery with a furrow on his eyebrows. then a grip hands him a megaphone and he snaps out of it, sitting in a director's chair and pointing and shouting out orders to everyone.
we cut to the first alex already on the last steps in front of the museum (it's fully night now), opening the car door and going inside the car. we're inside the car with him now, back on the passenger seat, and there's a beat where he takes a deep breath, and then he turns the key in the ignition exactly in time with the guitar drop right before "leading to almost wherever you want them to" and we see the car driving off (with the camera stationary) while he finishes the elongated noted of "to" and there's the next big drop. it cuts to the car pulling up next a sidewalk in a small neighborhood (the pov is as if the camera is on the floor and we can look at the small commerce, the old looking lamp posts, and there's an ocean in the horizon, until the car comes into view and blocks most of the lens, parking), but it's also deserted, and it's clearly dawn btw. alex steps out of the car and walks into a café (of course there's a small cut to the door opening and ringing a bell, cliché and all). there's a barista wiping the balcony (who doesn't look up at him) but no one else, and he walks towards a small table for two at the very back of the establishment. just as it says "cartridge" on the song it cuts to the bell on the door again and we follow this figure with a hat and trenchcoat walking towards alex at the back of the café (at first alex is blurry on the bg, the back of the guy is what's in focus, then it shifts as he gets closer so we see alex's eyes lifting to meet the guy's as he gets closer to him--the walk up takes as long as to get to the words "come by" in the song). he takes his hat off and places it on the table (where we can see there's a coffee mug halfway drank that alex had ordered) as he sits down opposite to alex, but we still can't see his face. alex takes out the cartridge from his inside pocket and slides it across the table (the action is the exact duration of the line "now that's my idea of a good time"). it cuts to a super close up of just the bottom half of the guy's face where we can see him curling up one side of his mouth in a smirk just as it says "flash that angle grinder smile" of course. there's a huge flash when it says "gasp!" and a super close up of alex's eyes widening just as there's the actual gasp. it quickly cuts to the guy's gloved hand holding a shotgun under the table with smoke coming out of the barrel, and alex's top half falling on the table. he's dead.
we see the guy's hands grabbing the cartridge and his hat from the table as he stands up, and we follow him to the door from his back as he puts his hat back on (we can see the barista in the background, unfazed). he stops at the door and when he turns to the camera, to look at alex's direction, we see that he's also alex. he puts sunglasses on and opens the door in time with the stab after "umbrella" and walks out. it cuts to an angle where we can see the toyota corolla from above, and it shows him going around the car and entering it. it cuts to inside the car (just after "tune" in the song), as if the camera is on the passenger seat filming him, and he turns the car on and starts driving. it cuts to outside again, the same angle when alex pulled up earlier, and we see the car driving down the road in the direction of the ocean/horizon, and then turning right, out of sight.
cut to black
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celestialmango · 2 years
1) The mobster idea is so good, I'd definitely read it as a story with four alternative chapters, but one ending. With Glitches version of hating it at the the start, but ending with not wanting to release them is funny. I can imagine Eclipse saying they can let them out now and Glitch refusing, having grown attached to the permanent companion in his gut. The others are really good as well, with Sun being scary on the clock, but a sweetheart during down time if reader is nice. It's just typical
2) moon is an absolute gremlin that slowly evolves to less of a gremlin, but definitely not gremlin free. Eclipse seems so cold at the start, especially as the others were all talking to reader (ambiet teasing with some), but it's nice that eclipse warms up and starts reading for them. I bet the one who acted as a living cell for a while will miss reader's constant, warm weight inside as well as never being alone as they always had reader, whether it be missions or simply relaxing at home ~Shy
🥭: They definitely would have, that's why they got Reader the job of being a stomach weight for the four. So they can nom reader whenever. Truth is depending on their behavior reader was either gonna be killed, just get put in to the boys form of witness protection which means making them move somewhere else and make sure they don't contact the person in debt or are seen by the person in debt.
Even now Eclipse's words ring true. Person who owes Eclipse is not going to be seeing reader again. Boys won't allow it.
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tonguetiedraven · 2 years
This is more a question for everyone, but what do you like to do while writing? Is it grabbing a quick snack or eating a whole dinner? Laying in bed or sitting at a desk? Listening to music or do you prefer to have a quiet work space? (Of course, don't stay limited to the questions I asked, just say what you like doing most.)
I polled my writer friends (from the aoex writers server), and the consensus seemed to be yes to music, but everyone has a specific sort of music they like to listen to (some even having specific playlist for specific scenes/fics) while a few preferred calm and quiet with just a few ambiet noises.
Desks won as the preference, but beds and late nights were also quite popular.
Snacks were not generally used (too distracting) but sometimes enjoyed for refulling to get that final burst of energy for a scene or used post writing as a kind of reward.
It did seem like writing late in the day was the general preference.
As for my own preference, I will do quite literally anything while writing. Eat, walk, sit, lay, crochet/knit/weave (yay for voice to text, lol). I even have an exercise bike for really wet days that I'll type on (can't do it on a real bike or I'll crash, lol.) I don't tend to do it a lot while I'm eating a full meal because messy fingers or easy spillage do not go well with keyboards or phone screens. (Sometimes I get an idea and will frantically try and scribble it out on a napkin.) However, I'll totally snack or drink (tea for the win!) while writing.
If I'm laying in a bed, then I'll use my phone (I don't like to use laptops on beds unless I have something under them because blankets/sheets/pillows can all make laptops overheat) and I will usually only write on my bed later at night after I've wound down and found myself hit with a sudden idea I know I won't remember in the morning. I don't have a desk at my house (funnily enough), and I have a laptop, so most of my writing is done in my living room. Sometimes I'll use my dining table for writing or drawing.
I struggle hard writing in silence. I like to use music (lofi or scores), but most of the time I have some YouTube videos playing while I'm typing. Some times they're lets plays, sometimes they're video essays (typically literary analysis, scary game or scary movie analysis), sometimes they're crafting videos, and sometimes they're funny video compilations. Sometimes I'll even watch something that goes with what I'm writing, but mostly they're more random than that, lol.
I also tend to have two or three wips open at a time when I'm writing so I don't feel pressured to stick to one story if the words won't come for whatever I started with. I don't typically edit as I go--unless it's a big misspelling--because that always takes me out of a creative headspace. When I do edit, I usually do a read over in the doc, and then another read over on ao3 because the different layout makes it easier to see my goofs. (I still miss a lot because beta reading is not my strength xD )
I like to use different doc and font colors when I write, because it makes it easier to pick my docs out in google, and the colors make me feel more creative. Plus, weirdly, the unique color palettes help me get in the headspace for certain stories more easily.
Hope that answers your questions ^^ let me know if you have any more <3
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lavender-honey-arts · 4 months
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OK so I forgot Mar's Bday big deal I know(this is me being sarcastic)
Bit since the chance is there let's just take it let's rant about Seabird's Requiem.
For now the story mainly centers itself on the idea of "what if mermaids existed and had been living with humans for ages?" the quick answer is consumerism. Mermaids themselves have become a product and let's not even speak about how they are marketed toward the public. So we have this giant emporium, Ecomarine whom has build 4 facilities around the world to study, contain and display merfolk. Enter Marella Hali
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This 1, 75 unit of a person (she /They). Mar mother's went missing when she was 15 and since then was raised by elders on her island. And her sailor dad who doesn't spend that much time around. They grow loving the sea, the sand and young et the gist.
When they are old enough Mar manages to get a job at the reknowm Amphirite Aquarium (of the facilities of Ecomarine) in order to solve the mystery of where and how her mother dissappeared.
While the overall story is about mermaids and ambietalism I also think it's important to highlight that I am working towards talking of gentrification, Bahía Arrecife the place where the story occurs is inspired directly by the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica.
So yeah mermaids angaist capitalism wiii-
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santmat · 8 months
world music
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anti-solidcoffee · 1 year
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Happy Ambiet anniversary babyyy
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cujocussler · 3 years
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spettrorecords · 4 years
Listen/purchase: DIGITAL 夢 : 19XX - ノシャップ岬 by アロキン
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testtwo · 5 years
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one-album-everyday · 3 years
October 3, 2021
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