#alyn & daeron
thevelaryons · 2 months
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Alyn + being a conciliator
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ride-thedragon · 4 months
Favourite Romantic Pairings
As much as I've become a dettles girl recently, I feel it's only right to give my favourite What ifs with my crackships
Nettles × Alyn Velayron: Lord and Lady of Driftmark after the dance of the Dragons.
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2. Daeron Targaryen × Nettles: A marriage to rebuild the realm.
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begging hbo to make the opening sequence for dunk and egg (at least for the hedge knight) some sort of puppet show or at least involve puppets of some kind
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sarcasticsweetlara · 5 months
Velaryon Family Weddings and Headcanons
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List of Headcanons about House Velaryon and their traditions
- Velaryons usually wed cousins, as unlike the Targaryens they are not allowed to intermarry (in Westeros, cousin marriage is not considered incest) and this way they keep their Valyrian blood pure.
- I imagine them as similar to Ancient Greeks in their love for the sea and their stories, magic and lore, and like the Dutch regarding their naval power.
- When a Velaryon flowers, they have a coming of age ceremony in which they get into the ocean and hold their breath underwater for a minute under the guidance of a Valyrian priest.
- In Velaryon weddings the couple exchanges dragonglass jewelry.
- When someone weds into House Velaryon with the intention of becoming a part of the clan of Salt-blooded Valyrians the couple has a wedding in Driftmark in which both of them drink a wine produced in the island mixed with a herbal essence all while a Valyrian priest performs a ritual, this way they ensure the salt in the blood of the Velaryons born from their unions will be stronger.
- After the wedding ceremony the person marrying into the House is placed on a circle of salt and chant a Valyrian hymn about the sea, storms, hurricanes and water. It is believed that with this ritual their future child will be definitely a True Velaryon.
- The person that is marrying a Non-Velaryon who will join the clan, is given an elixir before the ceremony.
- Due to those rituals it is believed it is magic what makes Velaryon features so prominent.
- They have branches located in Lys, Volantis, Estermont and the Stormlands.
- The Merling King is their main god.
- Queen Alyssa Velaryon often took her children with her to Driftmark.
- Alyssa Velaryon's older sons Aegon and Viserys often sailed with her, and her youngest son Boremund as well.
- Alyssa Velaryon as the Lady Consort of Storm's End had the dream she could travel with her daughter Jocelyn in their own ship.
- Baela Targaryen was the best Lady of Driftmark according to maesters, second only to her grandmother Rhaenys.
- Laena Velaryon, the daughter of Baela and Alyn, helped her brother get in good terms with the rest of the other Velaryons, by building more ships for them and fortresses as well as doing explorations together.
- Laena Velaryon Jr also did many businesses and deals with the rest of the Velaryons. She also learned how to glide though the air alongside Baela.
- Laena Velaryon Jr was friends with her cousins Naerys and, Daena and Rhaena Targaryen, and Leyla, Ceryse and Lianna Hightower.
- Many times Aegon IV The Unworthy tried to bed his cousin Laena, but she always rejected and pushed him away, which made Aegon resent her.
- The granddaughters of Princess Rhaena Targaryen, the sister of Aegon III and Viserys II Targaryen, were wed to Corlys' sons and Velaryon lords, and Lord Corlys' daughters wed to Rhaena's grandsons. However one of Corlys' granddaughters: Viseriya Velaryon was wed to Lord Caron as an agreement made by King Daeron II Targaryen after Dorne officially joined the Seven Kingdoms in order to keep the Marcher House's at bay.
- Corlys Velaryon, the son of Baela and Alyn, made the effort to improve the naval power of House Velaryon and of Westeros, by making his own ships and boats and giving jobs to the common folk, and visiting the places his great-grandfather and namesake the Sea Snake went to and doing trade there, thus beginning a trade empire that would benefit House Velaryon, not at the same level as before but they still gained riches.
- Corlys learned new fighting styles and taught them to his subordinates and family and guards.
- Thanks to his many fights both sides of the Narrow Sea, he was considered King of the Narrow Sea, like his grandfather Daemon Targaryen.
- Daeron Velaryon had made up with his cousins Baela and Rhaena, and Baela and Hazel Harte had been good friends and Hazel let Baela know if something happened to her husband and her, she wanted Baela to take care of Daenaera.
- Daenaera told her son Daeron many stories about her father as her son reminded Daenaera of her father.
- Daenaera named her son Baelor in Baela's honor.
- After Larra Rogare went back to Lys, Daenaera became closer with Aemon and Naerys, becoming a second mother for them.
- After the death of Daenaera's sons and the death of Viserys II and Elaena's involvement with Alyn in King's Landing, Elaena went to live in the castle of Daenaera's father Daeron Velaryon.
- Daenaera's daughter Septa Rhaena built a Sept near Daenaera's castle for Jon and Jeyne Waters.
- Jon Waters' children wed the children of Jeyne Waters.
- Septa Rhaena spent a whole year in Driftmark building castles for the Velaryons after her sister Elaena gave birth to the bastard twins she had sired with Alyn.
- Aelinor Penrose's second marriage was with a Velaryon lord.
- Maegor (Maekar I's grandson through his son Aerion) was wed into House Velaryon and his children took the name of their mother.
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cygnea · 7 months
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ADDAM & DAERON - A Tale of Star Crossed Love
Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare // Fire & Blood, George R.R. Martin // Beetroot’s Romeo and Juliet Poster // Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives // Daeron Targaryen and Addam Velaryon as Sergio Cupido's “Romeo and Juliet” by Moonie // Editors Pages: The Long and Short of It, Richard Siken // The Waves, Virginia Wolf // Wikipedia article for star-crossed // @starpeace // Arcade by Duncan Laurence // Selected Poems, Pablo Neruda // American Sonnet for My Past and Future Assassin, Terrance Hayes // unknown // Power Politics: Poems, Margaret Atwood // Wonderless by Pierce The Veil // The Lovers by Akseli Gallen-Kallela // myShakespeare's Annotated Romeo and Juliet // @currentlycryingaboutlancelot
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addamvelaryon · 9 months
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a0random0gal · 7 months
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horizon-verizon · 10 months
It’s highly relevant, notable, and symbolic that after pronouncing justice on the Velaryons who had “slandered” his daughter Rhaenyra’s sons as “Strong bastards”, Viserys stumbled while descending the throne’s towering steps, and though he caught himself, he cut his hand to the bone on a jagged blade. His hand became infected and two fingers had to be amputated, and he was never again truly healthy, nor did he ever sit the throne again.
This is the quote anon refers to, which happens after Viserys orders the protesting and seat-seeking relatives of Vaemond after his death ("A Question of Succession"):
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My Answer to the Ask:
I also think that it's highly relevant how the rest of the Velaryons related to Vaemond who tried to claim the Driftmark seat and oust Alyn Velaryon all died (except one) in their attempts ("The Hooded Hand"):
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It is interesting how Vaemond tries to take the Driftmark seat for himself by trying to claim Rhaenyra's sons were bastards ("A Question of Succession"):
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To use a claim of their illegitimacy to "fight back" against both Viserys' and Corlys' decisions as lords of their houses (that these boys would inherit the specific positions, Jacaerys-the throne, and Lucerys-Driftmark)....and then the Driftmark goes to the legitimized bastard son of Corlys Velaryon, his uncle, anyway! Alyn, who would go on to perform more feats through voyages continuing Corlys' legacy and bringing that sweet-sweet glory and prestige to the house that aristocrats desire almost above all else. Usually. Wasn't Vaemond or any of his sons or nephews--it was the bastard child of his older brother.....funny.
Not only that, like the greens/Alicent, he ended up dead and most of his family dead.
So much for the implication of Viserys' wrong decision concerning the Driftmark claim (not allowing it to go to Vaemond or any of his claiming relatives) and refusing to punish Rhaenyra. And so much for the absolutism of ASoIaF symbolism and Westerosi superstition further disseminated/reaffirmed by already misogynist maesters.
EDIT (9/15/23)
Not only is this chair made out of literal still-sharp-and-pointed-swords (thereby someone/anyone is going to cut themselves regardless of their character), if it supposedly slices unworthy rulers OR slices a ruler when they are making the wrong--either life-saving, strategic, or moral--decision, why are there no reports of Aegon IV getting slashed? Ever?! Or after Aegon V mentally determines to take the eggs to Summerhall or try at all to restore the dragons using unsafe methods?
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Umm ...
I just put my opinion in detail about Gayle Rankin as Alys in the other asks.
I don't care about the Velaryons in principle ... and I can't stand the Hulls, so cast who you want.
The dude who plays Ser Strong ... looks exactly how I'd expect a Ser Strong to look.
Here's my fear about about Freddie Fox.
There is a rumor going around that, because, they could not agree in the writers room about where to go with Daeron's character. I heard that some of the writers wanted to make Daeron gay, and GRRM would not allow it. Some wanted to make him a sweet unassuming college kid and others wanted him to be a Stepstone veteran. However, because of the time crunch of 8 episodes, the new script supervisor found a compromise by writing Daeron out of the series and basically split Daeron's character into two different characters. Which is Gwayne Hightower and Alyn Hull.
My fear is that the rumor is true and that they're going to write out Daeron and give his book storyline to Gwayne and his personality to Alyn.
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moonshine999 · 2 months
alyn velaryon for hermes? he seems bi. like. do you get the vision?
oh now I am in a dilemma because I genuinely both the brothers suit the Hermes vibe.
They’re both bastards, later legitimised by Rhaenyra but during their early life had to fend for themselves..maybe leading to thieving and tricking on their behalf to get things to survive (I am probably way wrong here but we really don’t know much about their early childhood)
Addam is described as “relentless, determined, glib of tongue, and loyal” (which can help in thieving and persuasion)
while Alyn was considered "proud and headstrong and at times insolent” (which may lead into Hermes’s show off-ish nature?)
So different parts of the Hermes vibe fit both of them (this sounds so dumb but I hope the point is understandable)
Also about Alyn being bi..I’d argue that both the brothers were at least a little bit 🌈✨
In the Second Battle of Tumbleton , Seasmoke and Tessarion engaged in what seemed to be “more of of a mating dance rather than a battle” and as we know..dragons are reflective of their riders.
This above theory got me to ship Daeron x Addam obsessively..not healthy..would recommend.
As for Alyn..I don’t have much proof or a theory but as you said..he seems bi (based off vibes alone)
Dude I’ll be completely honest..the only reason I have not uploaded the Hermes fic yet is because my dumbass can’t decide between two characters for the past 2 weeks (they don’t have any significant connection so I can’t make them both the God like I did with Poseidon). And now I have 2 more characters to think about…
Oh well I’ll try to get “Hermes” out at the earliest and thank you so so much for taking an interest in the series, means a lot. Even if I don’t end up choosing one of the brothers, I promise I’ll reblog this post with a moodboard of them as Hermes .. soon .
Thank you, once again ♥️
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thevelaryons · 6 days
I love how GRRM always positions various Velaryon brothers as having a close bond with each other. Although not much is known about some of the sibling dynamics in the family, when GRRM chooses to write about them, it is with a sense of brotherhood and unity.
Even in such instances where the relationship is only implied in the text, it is as a positive one. Aurane is a bastard and yet he integrates himself amongst the highborn without any issue, suggesting a somewhat polished upbringing in a castle. He also served in the Velaryon fleet, led by his trueborn half-brother Lord of Driftmark, Monford. It's mentioned in the books that bastard children are usually kept away from the family because they are viewed as a source of shame. It is considered very unusual for a bastard to be raised in a castle with their trueborn family (re: Jon Snow). But that could certainly be the case with the Bastard of Driftmark. His moniker does suggest a close association with house Velaryon which means he was not a bastard that was hidden away. Especially when you consider that Aurane, despite being very treacherous and self-serving, never once does anything against his brother's family. When he sets his sight on a castle he wants to claim, it is not Driftmark, but another castle. He sails his powerful fleet past Driftmark thrice and makes no move to attack the seat governed by his late brother’s son even though house Velaryon is in service to the rebel Stannis and Aurane is trying to ingratiate himself with the Lannister regime. Despite the commonly held belief that bastards will seek to harm their trueborn siblings, Aurane is not once shown acting against Monford or his remaining family at Driftmark. All his treachery is reserved for the Lannisters, who are more or less responsible for Monford’s death at the Battle of the Blackwater.
Addam & Alyn's relationship is a prime example of Velaryon brotherhood. Although the narrative presents their identity arcs as Velaryons differently (in relation to their parents), it’s done so in a manner that still connects the brothers to each other. Alyn’s actions are often framed in the text as a "what would Addam do in this situation?" way. They participate in the Red Sowing together and they clearly remained close enough to each other for the duration that Addam was quickly able to save Alyn's life. They get physically separated afterwards only because Alyn is bedbound from his burns. Alyn openly laughs in the face of a King who calls him brother and says that a "brother by blood" is the only true form of brotherhood. Years after Addam's death, Alyn still honors his brother with a touching memorial.
There are several instances of brotherly love shown between Jace/Luke/Joff as well. From defending each other from a bully to all three echoing each other in upholding their mother's claim, they are always in sync. The loss of a brother is expressed openly and the desire for vengeance too.
The more minor instances of brotherhood in the family further showcase this.
Sometimes it's as simple as hanging out together to serve as royal escorts:
Though Daemon Velaryon, as the Crown’s lord admiral and master of ships, was in King’s Landing with the regents, that did not prevent Jaehaerys and Alysanne from flying their dragons to Driftmark and touring his shipyards, escorted by his sons, Corwyn, Jorgen, and Victor.
Other times it's plotting together. The Silent Five may be committing treason, but they do that as a united front:
When they took their case before the sick and failing Viserys, they made the grievous mistake of questioning the legitimacy of his daughter’s children. Viserys had their tongues removed for this insolence, though he let them keep their heads.
Three of the “silent five” had died during the Dance, fighting for Aegon II against Rhaenyra…but two survived.
“Lacking tongues with which to make their appeal, they preferred to argue with swords,” says Mushroom. However, the plot to murder their young lord went awry when the guards at Castle Driftmark proved loyal to the Sea Snake’s memory and his chosen heir. Ser Malentine was slain during the attempt; his brother captured.
The Velaryon brothers who act within the law are also depicted taking action together each time. Interesting how it's not specified which of the two wishes to claim Driftmark for himself, over the other. They are partners in all that they do and that's all that matters:
All came forward now, insisting that they had more right to Driftmark than “this bastard of Hull, whose mother was a mouse.” Ser Vaemond’s sons Daemion and Daeron took their claim to the council in King’s Landing. When the Hand and the regents ruled against them, they wisely chose to accept the decision and be reconciled with Lord Alyn.
I just think it’s neat that regardless of the circumstances of the characters’ upbringing, whether trueborn or bastard, there’s a supportive bond between Velaryon brothers each time.
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carnivore-sheep · 1 year
I certainly do not have problems with Jaehaera-lives AU. The only thing bothers me is that they tend to justify Jaehaera as a more reasonable mother for Daenaera's children. WELL, let's see. About Daeron, his war-thirsty character and amition is from the Greens? But look who's his closest war counselor? Alyn Velaryon. They made the war plan together behind Viserys. It's also not hard to relate Alyn impact on him from his mother's side. About Baelor? His zealousness to faith? Look he might look over-faithful but he was actually the one robbed the religious center from Oldtown to Kingslanding. Hightowers actually lost their religious status during his reign. Did he seem to side with the Hightowers? Then, Daena and Blackfyre descending from Jaehaera theory. But, these two civil wars were not relatable at all. The dance of the Dragons is about House targaryen's own heritage business. But the Blackfyre thing is more about the war bt secondary lords and the great houses, and a bit as an extension from the unbalanced benefit distribution after combining Dorne. Some previous green supporters supported Daeron, such as Lannisters . And is also normal for previous Black supporters to support Daemon. And let's look at what did Hightowers did during Blackfyre rebellion? They were not faithful allies to Blackfyres as they did to Greens. They hedged off to supported both sides as a speculator. They refused to march their men at the last decisive battle which lead to Blackfyre's fall. Then who's the most loyal House to support Blackfyre? Peake! They supported Blackfyre and got punished for every single rebellion they rised! Based on the Jaehaera-as-mother theory. I'd truly believe Myrielle Peake was the most reasonable mother to Aegon III's children. Last but not the least, Elaena had bastards with her "cousin" Alyn. Without the connection of her Velaryon mother Alyn would only be Elaena's uncle by marriage to Baela, which could not be called cousins as there's no true relation by blood.
My point is simply that do not try to justify one’s own favorism with weak reasoning. It’s perfectly fine to have Jaehaera-lives AU. Make your own child OCs. Taking other’s kids and twisted the truth won’t make favorism into fact.
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
At this point I think as a fandom, we've lost some of the crackship charm we once had. I can look up Ashara Dayne and Ser Davos and find results, But Nettles and Helaena have nothing. It's time to rectify that for my favourite girl and try to inspire some fanfics. Feel free to add more.
1. Daeron and Nettles
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Think Enemies to Lovers, Captive of War drama like Jaime and Brienne or just some good old Gwen and Arthur-inspired love. Ivy by Taylor Swift coded, a She's all that inspired affair. I genuinely think that he's just trying to be there for her with this one. It happens and neither of them realise until You're in Love starts playing.
2. Baela and Nettles.
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They would give the pot calling the kettle black in every argument. The Princess Bride-esque dynamic between them. Very Graham and Megan from but I'm a Cheerleader. Sapphic Pinning and Resentment should be its own genre. Sir Chloe's Michelle is my vision. We can even make a throuple with them and Jace or Alyn. Truly, I think they but heads until they kiss, building on resentment. I also think they would be the coolest couple.
3. Addam and Nettles
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Kaz and Inej core.
But in all seriousness, I think Addam being loyal and Duty bound and Nettles challenging that idea is delicious. Solider of Duty x Solider for the People. A modern-day Persuasion story but gender-flipped if we put our minds to it. See you Again Kali Uchis and Tyler the Creator, that's all.
4. Nettles and Helaena
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They just deserve better. That's all. Give me cottagecore sapphic romance with my best girls involves. Like the young lesbians from Barbie and the Diamond Castle. Lesbians raising kids together. Sheepstealer and Dreamfyre hatching eggs for the nieces and nephews. I just-
It would be so cool, I will by Mitski sentiment is already attached.
5. Alyn and Nettles
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Now that we are here obviously she apologized for Sheepstealer, she doesn't need to but she did, He tries not to like her but can't help it. She wins him over and they hatch him an egg or something idk. Think The Princess Diaries: Royal Engagement, Mia and Nicholas, Flipped the movie if you will. Jealously plots would slay. For the song choice think Shameless Camila Cabello. Please remember that Alyn is younger than Netty by 3/4 years though.
6. Rhaena and Nettles
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See now this is classic Friends to Lovers, Emma and Harriet if gay, perhaps, Bend it Like Beckham core definitely. Sofia by Clario inspired. Nettles doesn't leave Rhaena out because she's without a dragon and the same happens inverse. Sapphic confusion however, like Rhaena doesn't understand at first why she feels that way.
7. Nettles and Jace.
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Now for the Mr Knightley and Emma Woodhouse of our time, the Kate and Anthony of Westeros. The potential for her just not listening to him when he tries to tell her how to ride a dragon. Or when she talks to him about the people he'll rule over eventually, Ygritte and Jon style. She's also the only bastard who doesn't look Targaryen, he can relate to that a bit. I think she's Fierce and he's Stubborn. Ungodly Hour by Chloe x Halle for them.
8. Nettles and Alys.
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The Fire Witches of Westeros. I think they will be perfect as a ship. American Horror Story-esque characters. The two Witches in the story are obviously my favourites. It would be Jennifer's Body meets, the craft meets, and Suspiria. Willow by Taylor Swift becomes them.
This one was also a bonus more or less.
Anyways I just need to start to get a baseline story for my girl by the time the show gives her to us. So we have a general sense of direction, I'm tired of the mischaracterization of my baby. She's smart, resourceful, Cunning, Fearless, and not entirely loyal. She also curses, enough for it to be a character trait. Please remember this for her, I'm tired. I also know that Daemon loved her but she's too much fun as a character to limit her to him romantically in all her fanfictions, it is an interesting narrative to explore while we don't have exact answers but he gets romantic ships with anyone. She deserves more.
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naerys-arryn · 5 months
Singers : talk of how Cordelia and Daemon II Blackfyre were fated lovers torn aside before they could ever be betrothed because of Bloodraven's treachery because Cordelia cried when learning Daemon went into exile to Tyrosh
Alyn cockshaw who cried just as much : You motherf-
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sarcasticsweetlara · 4 months
Velaryon Family Tree
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Family Tree made up by me
I chose to re-make this work
Velaela Velaryon I the Bold had been a Seahorse Dreamer who had embarked in many adventures during her lifetime, in which she had found many riches and took them back home.
Velaela was said to have been a sorcerer and to also have spoken with the Merling King who according to tales communicated with Velaela through dreams.
Velaela the Bold taught all her children from her four marriages how to sail and the basics of many spells. From her is that the current line of the Velaryons descend.
Velaela the Bold's descendant: Velaela Velaryon II the Settler would honor her foremother's legacy by moving out of Valyria to other parts of the world, some of her siblings went to Valyrian colonies like Lys and Volantis whereas Velaela II sailed to Westeros.
In Westeros Velaela helped her kin settle in the island of Driftmark by negotiating with the smallfolk and it is said the Merling King gave her the Driftmark to protect and keep for her family.
Hundreds of years later her descendant Velaenys Velaryon would set sail to to visit her Velaryon relatives in Lys and Volantis and when she came back she brought many riches and proved she had inherited the magic gifts of her ancestor Velaela the Bold.
Velaenys would eventually become the ruling Lady of Driftmark, she wed twice and from her first marriage her daughter Velaenya was born and years later in her second marriage Velaenys had a boy named Aerion.
Velaenys declared Velaenya as her heir and trained her in the arts of sorcery and bards still sing about how Velaenya's wit and beauty made her even richer than her mother.
Velaenya was the mother of Khaella Velaryon who in turn was the mother of Vaellon Velaryon; Vaellon wed the oldest daughter of Maegon Targaryen -who had abdicated his inheritance of Dragonstone to live in tranquility to his brother Aerys- Aemollie Targaryen and they had Daemon Velaryon.
Aerion sired Rhaenor Velaryon who in turn wed Aellodie Velaryon, the youngest daughter of Maegon Targaryen who had had her in his old days. Rhaenor and Aellodie's daughter Valaena wed the heir to Dragonstone lord Aerion Targaryen becoming the parents of the Conquerors.
Daemon had had children with another woman before his marriage to Aemelle - daughter of the Targaryen explorer lady Aemyn with the lord Saeron Targaryen, cousins of Lord Aerion Targaryen - and together they had three sons: Aethan, Aellar and Corlys.
Daemon and Aemelle would later have four sets of twins in their old days; two of them went to live in Lys and Volantis, and the other two in Isle of Tarth and Estermont, all of them wedding Velaryons of old with whom they exerted power.
Aethan Velaryon, the eldest son of Daemon Velaryon, wed lady Alarra Massey the daughter of Lord Massey and Lady Anya Targaryen, who was the daughter of Lord Baelon Targaryen -after his brother Aelyx died without trueborn heirs- who did not have trueborn sons and therefore Dragonstone went to his brother Daemion, Aerion Targaryen's father.
Aethan and Alarra Massey had seven children; four boys and three girls which included Lady Alyssa Velaryon who would eventually become queen of the Seven Kingdoms and Daemon Velaryon the Lord Admiral of both Maegor the Cruel and Jaehaerys Targaryen.
Aellar's granddaughter Larissa Velaryon was a lady in waiting to her second cousin Princess Rhaena and her daughter Valeria Velaryon made an edict in which she decreed she would pass her last name to her future descendants.
And Corlys became one of the first members of the Kingsguard of King Aegon I Targaryen.
After Alyssa Velaryon was able to make her son Jaehaerys king after the war against Maegor Targaryen and avenge the deaths of her first two sons Aegon and Viserys and the hostage taking of her daughter Rhaena Targaryen and granddaughters Aerea and Rhaella, Alyssa wed Rogar Baratheon with whom she had Boremund and Jocelyn Baratheon.
Another brother of Alyssa wed a lady of House Wylde for the sake of alliances and their daughter Lucilla wed Lord Boremund Baratheon. Boremund's uncle Ronnal wed lady Aenna Velaryon one of the grandchildren of the deceased Lord Daemon Velaryon through one of his sets of twins.
Daemon, the son of Aethan and Alarra, wed his cousin Lady Viserra Velaryon and together they had Corwyn, Jorgen, Victor and four daughters.
Corwyn and his wife Coraella Velaryon had Vaellor, Corlys, Anyssa, Ellenia and Aeijion Velaryon.
Ellenia married Louis Velaryon, a Velaryon located in a fortress of Volantis, (it was rumored she slept with his sister Willow too) and had two daughters and three sons by him.
Anyssa married a Velaryon trader called Sung-Moo Jeon whose parents lived in Storm's End, she got to travel the world alongside Sung-Moo and they had two daughters and five sons and after his death due to a fever she wore black symbolizing her grief which she endured until her death.
After five years of being a widow she married her cousin Aemion and they had two sons.
Aeijion had a tranquil life with his wife Vaenice Velaryon and they had five sons.
Even though Vaellor had been born before Corlys he had died and his oldest son with his wife Kean Velaryon, Vaemond, had shown an ambition greater than his common sense and wit, after a council in which they deemed Corlys better suited for the Driftwood throne Corlys Velaryon son of Corwyn Velaryon was made Lord of Driftmark.
Vaemond -who had wed a Velaryon cousin- and his oldest son Daemion Velaryon always tried to get Driftmark but Vaemond had been executed after declaring the three sons Rhaenyra Targaryen had birthed during her marriage to Lord Laenor who all had chestnut brown hair and light brown eyes (and many whispered had been fathered by Ser Harwin Strong) were bastards.
After the Red Spring, in which Lord Corlys' children with his wife The Princess Rhaenys The Queen Who Never Was, Laena and Laenor Velaryon died, and Laenor's supposed sons Jacaerys, Lucerys and Joffrey Velaryon died in the Dance of the Dragons, Driftmark went to Laenor's bastard son Addam Waters (though many think his brother Alyn and him were actually Corlys' bastard sons with Marilda of Hull) who had been legitimized by Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, and after his death his brother Alyn became the heir to Driftmark and ruled it after Lord Corlys died.
After an attack of the Silent Five a group formed of the deceased Vaemond Velaryon's cousins, the sons of Lord Aeijion Velaryon, Alyn wed Princess Baela Targaryen, one of the twin daughters of Lady Laena Velaryon and Prince Daemon Targaryen.
Alyn and Baela's ward and cousin Daenaera Velaryon was the granddaughter of Vaemond Velaryon through his second and youngest son Lord Daeron Velaryon with Lady Hazel Harte.
After being presented in the Maiden Ball Daenaera wed King Aegon III Targaryen who was the paternal half-brother of Princess Baela.
Baela and Alyn had two trueborn children: Laena, and Corlys who was the youngest of their children together, both their children had a legacy of greatness.
*Alyn also had an affair with Princess Elaena the daughter of Aegon III and Daenaera during the last days of life of Princess Baela Targaryen when she was sick and continued it after her death, however Alyn got lost in the sea during the second half of the year 172 AC and Princess Elaena who had borne him bastard twins in 173 AC had to accept in 175 AC that Alyn would not come back.
Alyn's bastards with Princess Elaena, Jon and Jeyne had been taken care of by their second cousin Prince Daeron and Princess Myriah Martell and both Jon and Jeyne wed into House Waxley and House Borrell from the Vale, Jon's trueborn son in the end gave a new last name to himself, his children and future descendants: Longwaters.
Elaena's sister Princess Rhaena who had become a septa took it upon herself between 173-174 AC to regain the trust of House Velaryon by being by their side building fortresses and buildings and paying them the weight of her bastard nephew and niece in gold and Princess Elaena later sent her son Viserys Plumm to be a squire for the Velaryons during some years before leaving to squire for House Serrett.*
Baela and Alyn's first son Corlys Velaryon wed Velaela Velaryon who was a descendant of Ellenia Velaryon. The current rulers of Driftmark descend from Corlys Velaryon, the son of Baela Targaryen and Alyn Velaryon.
Viseron, Corlys' son had married Haellia Velaryon who was a descendant of Valeria Velaryon and exerted a great influence in the Stormlands, they made peace with all the other branches of House Velaryon.
Baela and Alyn's firstborn child and firstborn daughter as well was Laena who had learnt how to glide through the air alongside her mother, and she helped many children in the whole realm, as well as fund the education of many with her cousin Rhaena the Septa. Laena had wed a Velaryon lord son who was the son of Daemion Velaryon.
Corlys' sons and Laena's sons were wed to distant Velaryon cousins and to Princess Rhaena's grandchildren.
Corlys' granddaughter Viseriya had been wed to Lord Caron as an arrangement made by Daeron II when Dorne joined the Seven Kingdoms.
A Velaryon lord had also been considered as a betrothed for Princess Aelora Targaryen before she died.
When the Prince Duncan Targaryen spurned his Baratheon bride the lady Elenei Baratheon, King Aegon V wed the lady to the young Lord Alexar Velaryon, and when Prince Jaehaerys did the same with lady Celia Tully, King Aegon V wed her to the lord Aexor Velaryon who had made a fortune for himself and his branch of the Velaryons family and in the end they were able to enrich themselves.
Many generations have passed and today House Velaryon still have the position of Lord of the Tides and their dominion of Driftmark and High Tide, being a proud and resilient House.
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bohemian-nights · 1 year
Where is Nettles HBO🙃
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