#alternate group names cut from the post: boring / blinders / based
bitimdrake · 1 year
I have solved jason todd discourse. The problem is that red hood/jason todd enjoyers are actually three completely different groups masquerading as one:
Fluff Jason Fans, who want him to be a pure hero, fully integrated into a loving and happy family. Desperate for his bloody reign of terror to be NBD and also not his fault. Huge fans of "good big brother Jason". Dislike when he is in any way bad.
Righteous Jason Crusaders, who want him to be a murderous antihero, estranged from his non-killing family but validated by the narrative. Desperate for him to show strong and consistent principles. Huge fans of "the people of Gotham actually love and respect Red Hood". Dislike when he is in any way wrong.
Tragedy Jason Lovers, who want him to be a traumatized kid come back wrong, haunting his family as he claws for satisfaction. Desperate for conflict that isn’t easily solved. Huge fans of when every character is being morally challenged and also miserable. Dislike when he is ever a clear-cut hero.
Therefore I propose henceforth Jason Todd comics, fic, analysis, and other discussion be clearly labelled with the appropriate category. This will solve all problems forever I think.
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