#also yes the INVESTIGATIONS is a reference to the miles edgeworth games he is a fav of mine
honeyrins · 10 months
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[DC] Got a Secret? 🦇 With these two on the case, not for long! 🔎
I just think a mini series of self contained accidental Gotham-Metropolis team ups for them would be really neat! (Extra thoughts ⬇️)
Ive been chipping away at this for a few months between pieces since reading a post about them being headstrong friends so how i draw them has changed a little but i still love it!!
I forgot the plot exactly but it had to do w bruce investigating something that looks like a riddler+scarecrow team up crossing city lines, at the same time as lois investigating water-related incidents in metro
Its all a big cover for disguising a lex luthor plan i think! but i would love to read other ideas :D
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askaceattorney · 4 months
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Dear TDW,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Yes, it was getting out of hand and he was going too far with breaking the rules and all. Still trying to slither through. At least Dawsongfg tried to get better with their letters.
Mod Gregson: As someone who likes every ask to have a "point" or a good joke, the Hotti letters also just have no material to work with? So it's no skin off my back.
Mod Zieks: Yeah, even as someone who overdoes a joke all the time, it was dragged out way beyond the 'still funny but stale' point.
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Dear Rogertheegg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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Hard to say, because the thing about the Investigation games is that they're entirely focused on investigations, not trials. There'd be no point if it was called Miles Edgeworth Investigations with trials taking center stage like in the Ace Attorney games. I say that kind of hypothetical game of Miles Edgeworth having his own trials as a prosecutor should be treated as separate games from the investigation ones.
Co-Mod: Most of the characters I create are based on already existing characters in some way (not the least of which are Ace Attorney characters), so I'd probably create someone who looks and acts like Calisto Yew -- smug, apathetic, and calm until things stop going her way. Her "Objection!" would likely sound like Calisto's, too -- quiet, but firm. (Sorry I can't offer anything more creative than that.)
Mod Zieks: I really like this prompt! My general idea for a 'villain defense attorney' would be a high-charging-rates style business man, (Red White style.) Victoria Scarletti. Defense Attorney. To give a description of how I believe her character would be written:
Background: Victoria Scarletti's journey to becoming a renowned defense attorney was far from easy. Born into poverty, she experienced homelessness and struggled to make ends meet from a young age. Determined to escape the cycle of poverty, Victoria dedicated herself to her studies, excelling academically despite facing numerous obstacles along the way. Her drive and determination eventually earned her a scholarship to Ivy Law School, where she graduated at the top of her class.
Personality: Victoria's difficult past has left its mark on her, instilling in her a deep-seated desire for financial security and stability. She is fiercely ambitious and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals, even if it means resorting to unscrupulous methods. Despite her charming exterior, Victoria harbors a sense of resentment towards those who have never known hardship, driving her to crave wealth and success above all else.
Appearance: Despite her humble beginnings, Victoria presents herself with an air of sophistication and elegance. She dresses impeccably in designer suits and accessories, using her appearance to project an image of wealth and success to the world. I could definitely see her with long, dirty blonde or ruby red hair, well kept into a bun, with a silver spoon in place of the classic chopstick look (referring to the 'silver spoon' of wealth, of course.) Oh, and bright red stilettos. She is a tall girl in high heels.
Modus Operandi: Victoria's troubled past has made her relentless in her pursuit of wealth and power. She has no qualms about using her legal expertise to manipulate the justice system to her advantage, often representing wealthy clients who can afford her high fees. Victoria is not above bending the rules or exploiting loopholes to secure a favorable outcome for her clients, regardless of the moral implications.
Motivation: Victoria's tumultuous upbringing has fueled her desire for financial security and success. She sees the legal profession as a means to achieve the wealth and status she craves, and she is willing to do whatever it takes to climb the ranks and establish herself as a prominent figure in the legal world. Her troubled past serves as a constant reminder of where she came from, driving her to never settle for anything less than the best.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: The Signal Samurai wasn't in the game and no the anime is NOT canon. In fact, I hate the anime. It keeps changing things from the game that are pointless and adding things that ruin certain aspects of the game such as Edgeworth admitting that his death note was him metaphorically saying he was dead, Edgeworth being adopted by Manfred von Douchebag and Celeste Inpax being Adrian's sister.
Edgeworth claiming his note was not a suicide note defeats the purpose of the second game and character growth. Sure, he may've not given us an explanation for the note, but that's because the game knew when to allow the game to tell the story. Edgeworth being adopted was also stupid, since again the game allowed us to come to our own conclusions about his relationship with Manfred von Karma. Not to mention it defeats the purpose of Franziska von Karma being the heir to the von Karma's. Sure, she sees Edgeworth as her brother, but it's common in Japan to call someone your brother even if you're not their brother by relation, adoption or the like.
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Celeste Inpax being the sister of Adrian defeats the point of their relationship and how it connects to the overall arching plot. Their relationship represents Edgeworth's relationship with his mentor Manfred von Karma and what led him to write a suicide note. Making them sisters defeats the point of Edgeworth's relationship with his mentor, what led him to write that note, makes us question if the note was legit and feels more like a comparison to Franziska, which makes no sense being that she was supposed to be a reflection of Phoenix Wright and the troubles he's going through.
The only good things I've heard about the anime were mostly the stand-alone episodes that weren't connected to the game, which makes me wonder why it couldn't have just be it's own Defense Attorney show like The Extraordinary Attorney Woo. The anime is a shell of the original game and feels like a cash grab at worst. My suggestion is to watch the live action Ace Attorney movie. It's more faithful to the games, doesn't make pointless changes and the changes it does make are because of the low budget.
Mod Zieks: It's good for what it is. Hot take, it's not as good as the games, sure, but it's a well-done voiceover that illustrates the basic plot points, while providing us a more fleshed-out version of the character's backgrounds. Also, it gave us perfect smear frames. Like this one from the Will Powers case of Miles throwing the spear, edited to look like he's being held up like a cat. (Apologies if the edit is bad, I did it myself.)
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Dear Youryingyangjesse,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Erm... I'm assuming you're sending this to a character with a mouse? Unless you give us a name, it's going to be sent directly to the mods. Otherwise, the only character I can think of with a mouse is a character that has a mouse as an avatar, not a pet.
Mod Zieks: (I do believe they are referring to this character: https://aceattorney.fandom.com/wiki/Vilen_Borshevik)
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Chief Mod Edgeworth: OH! I forgot about him! I'll answer this after this is sent.
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Dear Memiokoa,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Where.
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Co-Mod: I still need to play that game sometime...
Mod Gregson: Let's just be glad there's no screenshot of Phoenix calling someone sus...
Mod Zieks: Yet. There is no Phionex Wright 'Sus' screenshot.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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Which letters are you talking about. I can't find any letters you're referring to.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Believe me, I haven't answered any Hotti letters for months and thank GOD for that.
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth:
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You mean was and I was possessed by my evil twin I had forgotten about from a decade ago. I don't know how to feel about that.
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Dear Steadypapersharkprofessor,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I'm assuming you mean "design"?
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Artistically, in my opinion, Barok van Zieks has the best character design from the outfit, to his hair, eyes, body shape and facial expressions. The worst would be Phineas Filch, but that isn't saying much, considering all the characters introduced in Duel Destinies are all fugly. It took maybe a year for me to get used to Duel Destinies' Defense Phoenix Wright sprite. I can't be the only one getting uncanny valley feelings whenever I see Phoenix's sprite from Duel Destinies.
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Co-Mod: I repeat myself, but...
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Second place would go to Susato, whose simple yet ornate design matches her personality all too perfectly.
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I honestly can't decide which hairstyle I like most. That one's a tie, I guess. (No pun intended.)
Mod Gregson: To stay away from the main characters, who I think all have excellent designs... I gotta go with the de Famme twins for my favorite. Both their designs tell you everything you need to know about their personalities, and being themed after two magical animals is extra great!
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For the worst, uh. Sal Manella. No questions. Spark Brushel is up there too for me, but in kind of a funny way?
Mod Zieks: I really like Van Zieks. And Edgeworth. Their designs scream 'pretentious prick' in all the right way. I'd say the most recent Edgeworth design is my favorite variant. He's such a shit-eating bastard and I adore his design for it. He picked 'Victorian era vampire' as his vibe and WENT with it. Props to him.
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(Also I have a massive bias towards vampires, being one myself, so, grain of salt.) Also, Sal Manelia is awful. I will not be taking questions at this time.
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Dear Gumshoe "Letty" Fan,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Let's see... Tucker Foley from Danny Phantom, Seto Kaiba from Yugioh and... yeah, that's about it. Any fictional crushes after that came into my adult years.
Mod Gregson: Jenny from My Life As A Teenage Robot sticks out to me right away! Other than that, uh... Naoto Shirogane from Persona 4 and Celestia Ludenberg from Danganronpa were big ones.
Mod Zieks: I'm not ashamed to admit that when I was 7, I saw my older cousin playing A.A. on their DS, and I crushed HARD on both Phionex and Miles.
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Dear Miraz van Nohhr,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: If anyone wishes to apply as a mod and take it, they may. But, you can't decide if Modfred should be taken or not. Either you can apply and see if you qualify so you can take it yourself (when we have another Mod Audition) or you can sit there like a log singing Untitled.
Mod Gregson: I should've taken that title... eh. Gregson's cool anyway.
-The Mods
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nearandromeda · 2 years
I've been playing through Ace Attorney Investigations after pausing Dual Destinies because I don't like it, and I've come to a conclusion: every single character in Ace Attorney is gay, I refuse to believe there is a single main straight character, so here's a spitball of reasons for every character I can think of at 1 AM and why.
Miles "I am saddled with unnecessary feelings" Edgeworth is incredibly self explanatory. Shit is like as cut and dry as Will and Hannibal (yes I will cross reference my favorite media together). Edgeworth also doesn't understand romantic gestures from women, like at all, and that's not very straight of him. (Hence case 2 of investigations) Also Edgeworth and Gumshoe's relationship in investigations, kind of gay.
Phoenix Wright (see above), also he becomes a DILF for like 1 game and I don't think we ever see his wife, if one is established, and I'm going to say that even if he did get married that's a beard.
Franziska Von Karma is a masc lesbian with a strange interest in BDSM, hence how she carries a whip around like nobody's business and really just wants to femdom someone, especially a woman. That being said she refuses to hit women, because she respects them so much, and has become a misandrist as a result. While she's not absolutely against whipping women she just likes whipping men more because she thinks they deserve it, and honestly she might be right. (Hence Case 2 of Investigations)
Dick Gumshoe takes way too much shit from Edgeworth to not have some degree of romantic attraction to him. Sure we can argue that he's the dumbest fucker alive, but even he would have the brains to throw his hands in the air and just say "yeah this is enough" but he refuses to, because he and Edgeworth care for each other.
The Fey sisters are crystal girls who are highly into the accult and into the spirits, and I know it's stereotypical to say those are homosexual ass traits...but..... I will. Also
Apollo Justice wants to fuck Klavier Gavin, they are just so very gay, Apollo would totally listen to Gavin's music just to get closer to him even if he hates it.
Gavin is a twink in a boy band, head empty no thoughts.
Trucy is just there for a good time not a long time, another head empty no thoughts character, and she just kind of vibes. She also probably likes crystals along with Maya and the two have most definitely had a very passionate conversation about them.
Athena Cykes is a computer scientist who is a hyper empath who has comphet feelings for Apollo that aren't returned in the slightest because Apollo is too busy crushing over his best friend/Klavier depending on which backstory you are following.
This is all purely conjecture but I'm going to say it's fact because why not, because it's funny that way.
Also investigations makes the characters all very gay and I like it a lot, it's how the characters were meant to be portrayed.
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youngbounty · 4 years
My Issue With Narumayo and Narumitsu Shippers
Just to be clear, I have nothing against Narumayo. The only issue I have with it is that I don’t like colleague dating, especially if it is an employee hooking up with their boss. Though, this is only a pet peeve at best and it isn’t illegal. I just consider it distasteful and I feel no different about Justicykes. Though, this isn’t about that or my distaste for Narumayo. I just wanted to make it clear I don’t have anything against anyone that may like Narumayo. You can like whatever ship you want or not like whatever ship you don’t like. It’s your right. Same with Narumitsu, since I am a fan of that ship myself.
That being said, I will call out any BS claims about a ship by those that oppose it. I’m talking about both sides. Just to be clear, the “fans” of both ships that do this are a very small minority compared to the entire Narumayo/Narumitsu fan base. It just goes without saying that the more eggs you place in the carton, the more bad eggs you will find in that carton, even if it is a small percentage or number.
For the Narumayo fans, I am talking about the claim that the opposing ship fans cherry picks reasons from canon as reasons for their ship being canon, even though they’re not proof that the two parties are in love and could just as much equal a platonic relationship. I mostly see this from Narumayo fans towards Narumitsu shippers where they make fun of how Narumitsu shippers depend on the “Unnecessary feelings” line as their reason they support their ship. Point taken, except don’t Narumayo shippers do the very same thing? They depend on the words from a sheltered 8-year-old little girl that doesn’t know how to read, let alone understand what romance is. I’m not going to say we Narumitsu fans never scrape the bottom of the barrel for proof that our ship is canon, but Narumayo fans literally do the very same thing.
Other reasons Narumayo shippers claim their ship is “canon” is because Phoenix is always concerned and trying to save Maya. Again, didn’t Phoenix do the same for Miles in Turnabout Goodbyes? How is Phoenix saving Miles from having his life ruined or getting the death penalty any different from saving Maya from the hands of Shelly De Killer or the Minister of Justice in a foreign nation? What? Because Phoenix saved Maya more times than Miles? Bold excuse. If that is your argument, then I guess Phoenix loves Maya more than Trucy, because he only felt concerned for her safety during the one time she was kidnapped. Phoenix saving Maya constantly doesn’t mean he’s in love with her or cares about her more than Miles or anyone else, just like Miles saying “unnecessary feelings” doesn’t mean he’s in love with Phoenix. Even though I like Narumitsu, I am aware that they are not canonly in love, just like a majority of Narumitsu and Narumayo fans, that cherry pick excuses that probably doesn’t mean romantic, already know their ship is not canon. 
I do understand that many noncanon shippers that cherry pick reasons from canon that don’t equal their ship being canon can come off as annoying. They can get very obnoxious. Though, you cannot claim that your ship is better when it does the very same thing. You’re basically the pot calling the kettle black. The same would go for Narumitsu shippers that are calling out Narumayo shippers for the same thing. The only difference between Narumitsu and Narumayo is the sexuality and backstories of the characters involved in the ship. Though, to the Narumayo shippers’ defense, at least they don’t accuse the other ship of being a pedo ship. Get ready, because I’m about to rip the Narumitsu pedo accusers a new one.
Maya is NOT a minor. She owns her own place, works a full time job, pays the bills and even cared for a child only a year later. Also, being Ace Attorney takes place in Japan, the age of consent in that country is 13 years old, so 17-year-olds dating 23 or 24-year-olds is not considered pedo. Even if you were to call her a minor, by California’s standards, which already has BS laws about 10-year-old little girls being allowed to marry or have sex with older men with parental consent, Maya was only age 17 during the first three months she was with Phoenix. I doubt if he is going to remember Maya being a minor for those three months out of the 12 years they’ve known each other. Count the months between Turnabout Sisters to Turnabout Goodbyes, technically that is three and a half months in total. That is literally how long Maya was 17 years old hanging around with Phoenix. That’s hardly enough time to ask her out on a date, let alone falling in love with her. 
Another thing, people like Phoenix, falling in love with young people like Maya, happens more often than you think. Again, Maya lives like an adult, so it would make just as much sense for Phoenix to be attracted to Maya, especially since she looks almost like his ex girlfriend. Men fall in love with very young women. I’m not going to say it’s tasteful, but that’s how the real world works. In the real world, men like Miles Edgeworth will date young women like Ema Skye. Yes, she was a minor when he first met her. She also grew older and of consent. I’m not saying it’s right or tasteful, but that is the real world. Men love them women young and ripe. Does it make them pedophiles? No. It’s distasteful, but they’re not pedophiles. Falling in love with someone, who is an adult, you’ve only met as a minor for a few months or so before they grew into an adult, does not count. It takes more than a few months to fall in love and even attraction itself isn’t always there when you first meet the person you are dating. With every shipper, you need to think ahead. I doubt most Narumayo shippers have their ship shipped together during the time of the first game. It’s likely they’re shipped together after the trilogy or Spirit of Justice. 
In truth, both Narumayo and Narumitsu ships equally have potential. There’s no reason for either ship to go against each other. It’s petty. Neither ship is canon or makes more sense than the other. They’re equally okay, if done correctly. I’ve seen Narumayo where Miles Edgeworth is supportive of Phoenix and Maya getting together. Same with Narumitsu with Maya being highly supportive. Hell, most Narumitsu fan fictions have Maya as the one trying to pin Miles and Phoenix together like Pearl tried to do with Phoenix and Maya. Now, as I said before, I consider Narumayo distasteful, because of the employee x boss thing and the fact Maya is the younger sister of Phoenix’s dead boss. Of course, my reasons are from experiences and I know not everyone shares mine. You don’t have to like a ship and it can be for whatever reason under the sun, but that’s not a reason to accuse the opposing ship of something your ship does or of something they’re not. 
Before you are to accuse a ship of being a pedo ship, always think ahead. Is the ship of an adult having romantic feelings or doing romantic things with a child? Do the shippers ship them together when either character is a minor? If no for all of them, it’s not a pedo ship. Even if character A has known character B since character B was a minor before being shipped, that doesn’t make it pedo. It might be distasteful, due to the age gap or having known the other character since they were a minor, but it is NOT a pedo ship. It only is when either character in a ship is a minor the moment they are shipped, get together, fall in love or the older one crushes on the younger. Always. think. ahead. 
The same goes for any ship accusing the other of cherry picking reasons for their ship to be canon when it’s not. If your ship is also not canon, then why even call the other one out for cherry picking? Narumayo and Narumitsu cherry pick reasons for their ship being canon all the dang time. Narumitsu’s reasons for claiming their ship is canon are no more reasonable than Narumayo’s reasons for the same thing. I’ll even list the basic excuses Narumitsu shippers use to prove their ship is canon:
“I have been settled with unnecessary feelings,” Turnabout Goodbyes, Phoenix was angry at Miles for leaving him in Justice For All, Phoenix pined for Miles since he was a child, Phoenix became a Defense Attorney because of Miles two times, Phoenix helps Miles with cases more times than anyone else including Maya, Miles had helped Phoenix retrieve back his badge, they fight like a married couple in court, Miles helped Phoenix save Maya the two times she was kidnapped, Miles had helped Phoenix investigate in the two later games, Miles denying wishing for marriage in Turnabout Time Traveler, Miles bringing up Phoenix so many times that I could make a drinking game out of it in Miles Edgeworth Investigations 1 and 2, Phoenix calling Miles ‘Daddy’ in Dual Destinies, Miles telling Phoenix he should ‘strip naked’ in Farewell my Turnabout, the creator saying that Phoenix would find Miles ‘cute’ in a Steel Samurai costume and Miles telling Phoenix “as you wish” for anyone making a Princess Bride reference.
There is more, but those are all I could think of. If you can think of one reason for any Narumayo shipper to believe their ship is anymore reasonably canon than all of the Narumitsu excuses I’ve listed, I may reconsider, but I have found non. I’d argue that not all of these excuses are unreasonable to assume the two parties maybe in love. It still could mean something platonic, but it can easily mean something different, if they were the opposite sex. And yes, it’s the same with Narumayo; some of their excuses are reasonable, but that’s the point. Most of the excuses I listed are obviously dumb reasons like the “strip naked” part, but it’s not unreasonable to think there might be something more between them based on Phoenix pining for Miles or Miles constantly thinking or admiring Phoenix in his own games and comics. The same can be said for Phoenix and Maya. It’s not unreasonable to think Maya might have feelings for Phoenix based on the fact she talked about him a lot after leaving for the Kurain Village in Turnabout Goodbyes. Not my thing, but I can understand why people ship Phoenix and Maya, because I ship Phoenix and Miles for many of the same reasons.
Feel free to comment. What are your thoughts.
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marithlizard · 4 years
Ace Attorney: Rise From the Ashes (Day Two, Investigation Former) (part 4)
(There’s so much to speculate on at this point in the game that I ended up just plain narrating all the events in detail.  It was fun to write - but is it fun to read? Or do people prefer the less wordy format?)  Today on Ace Attorney, we have our mission clear in mind:  bring down Stinkyhead Gant the police chief,  thereby saving both Lana Skye's life and Miles Edgeworth's career.  And oh yeah we should probably figure out who killed Detective Goodman.
Simultaneously in two different places. Could be twins, but my money's on the second victim being someone else dressed up in a white trenchcoat and fedora, and Gant was playing elaborate word games at the trial to technically not lie about it.    No idea why. 
A quick review establishes that the two crime scenes are 30 minutes apart by car, and then we're off to the parking garage to do Science(tm), I guess?
Ema announces that no body was found in the evidence room murder.  Huh.  That certainly wasn't mentioned at the trial!  How, exactly, do you ID a  nonexistent body? In particular, why would you think it was someone who was provably elsewhere and also dead?
Also Ema: Murder, sure, but my sister would NEVER erase evidence,  that's unthinkable!
She's all excited about spraying for blood traces. And she has a point that we can't trust the police. Pink glasses on, new game mechanic engaged, and... we find some splotches right next to the car trunk.  Not enough for a fatal knife fight, though.  Lana's shoe has more blood on it than the ground.
Hello, lunchlady.  You're  much more friendly today.  Though your bentos are no more appetizing than usual.
Angel Starr:  Yes, I totally lied about  these key facts to make my enemy seem more guilty. But you haven't caught me in any lies about these OTHER things, and that's what's important!  
Instead of pointing out that we have no reason to trust ANY of her testimony,  Phoenix muses that the photo she took must have a Clue in it.  Hm.  Re-examining it, I see:
Lana still has both shoes on and they do not match the shoe submitted as evidence.  Clue or low production values?  
 Lots of blood on her trenchcoat, no scarf, gloves, she's about to shut the trunk.  But she didn't, since the crime scene outline tape shows the body was hanging out of it when found.
I dunno, man.  The Clue eludes me. We ask Angel about her past as a detective instead. I get the distinct sense she is bragging about having tortured suspects.  
Ema rises ten points in my estimation for a perfect delivery of the obvious food-poisoning insult.  Angel barely notices, though; she's too busy being bitter about the case that got her fired.  The SL-9 incident - same name as the tag on the knife, no surprise there.
Our victim Goodman was the lead detective on the case, she says.  The knife was the murder weapon (duh), and in her  eyes the case isn't over.  (Goodman probably thought the same. Does Lana?)  But it seems that's all she wants to say.   We give up and head to the police department.   There's another crime scene that could use a dose of Science.
The moving doll is still out front.   Inside, the head detective won't talk about the situation, but will brag about his plush version of the doll.   The other detective at his desk is working on his Agatha Christie fanfic.  I'm not exactly sensing grim determination to avenge a fallen colleague, here.
We reach the security guard office.   Cheesy cowboy decor, eleven booze bottles plus a full glass right on the front desk, and a line set up for hanging laundry. Somebody sleeps under his desk and has no fucks left to give.  A lasso "trap" in front of the inner door looks like something set by Wile E. Coyote on an off day.
Ema's imagination is good enough to compare her sister to a cactus - but not good enough to think of using the ID card in our inventory to get into the evidence room.  Or looking up stuff on the conveniently unguarded security computer.  Instead we stand around waiting for Marshall until I give up.
Detention center:  Lana is being interrogated.   Will she be charged with both deaths, common sense not being an obstacle around here?     But no, Phoenix remembers that Gant said they'd caught a suspect for the second murder.  I really hope it's not Gumshoe.
The Prosecutor's office doesn't seem to be available right now.   With no other options, we head back to the lunchlady and try again.   I throw everything in my inventory at her this time.    To my surprise, she has some solid observations to make:
- If Angel hadn't witnessed the crime, Edgeworth would've been the obvious first suspect.  ...Was that the plan?  I assumed before that she was planted at the scene as a witness, but now I'm not so sure.
- She's backed off from her blind rage against Lana enough to admit that it's very odd for such an organized person not to have brought her own murder weapon.
- She could've taken her photo from the overlooking guard room, instead of spending five minutes running all around the edge of the parking garage and climbing a high chain link fence.  Her testimony looks fishy because of that.
Ema points out that lying on the stand is fishier.  Angel retorts that her testimony was "disregarded" before in THAT case, and she was determined not to let it happen again. Do tell, lunchlady.   Vent your bitterness at us.
And she does.  (Flashback image:  Angel, Goodman, and Marshall bent over a  map, with a fourth person mostly hidden by the speech bubble.)    The prosecutors, she says, were desperate for decisive evidence of guilt.  They did not find it...so they used fake evidence to convict and execute the suspect.  And then fired or demoted all the detectives involved.
Oof.  So, falsified evidence *isn't* common practice here,  depite the rumors about Edgeworth.  It's so rare and so unacceptable that this level of coverup was needed to prevent major scandal.  Angel has reason for her hatred of prosecutors - but who exactly was responsible?  Edgeworth was new on the job at the time.   It would have been Lana, pressured by Gant.  And that's why Lana has been a cactus ever since.  
I still don't like Angel, but she's smart enough to recognize Phoenix will serve her ends. She gives us an actually tasty-looking lunch!  I thought it was a present in recognition of allyship, but no, it's a bribe. Presumably the smell of steak will lure someone back to his assigned guard post.
Ema blurts out her concern for Marshall, who apparently was a lot nicer before SL-9 and did not use to refer to her as a baby cow.  Angel assures us Marshall is not one of her many boyfriends.  I'm not sure why this makes Ema feel better, but it does.
Back to the PD we go with steak in hand.  
Gumshoe is not arrested! He'd tell us who is, but we only have one piece of protein in the inventory and there's no need to trade it for the name.   I can easily imagine who would be "having a good cry" in detention...but I can't imagine him doing murder.  Even the judge wouldn't buy a whopper like that.
Waving the steak around at the security guard office fails to summon Marshall, so we head back *again* to lend the Sniveling Mailman a handkerchief.   (Phoenix is racking up a lot  of taxi or subway expenses, here.  And he won't have the heart to bill Ema if Lana is convicted.)
S.M. Meekins,  left hand thoroughly bandaged,  can't imagine himself doing murder either.  He is very confused and very loud.    I am confused too, about why the guards haven't taken his portable  loudspeaker away.    But his garbled tale of woe clears things up for me if not for our heroes.
Meekins saw a "suspicious person" in a white trenchcoat and fedora on the monitors in the guard office, went into the evidence room and asked him for his ID. The guy pointed a knife at him and Meekins freaked out  and tried to attack. Then he fainted and awoke alone with a bleeding hand.  Soo...There's no body because nobody died.  Gant is just *claiming*  there was a murder because
well um because
Why would he claim that???  It's easily disproven.  The security videos would normally show what happened clearly so they must've been deleted,  or the cameras weren't working.  And Marshall was not at his post.  
Ema, bless her heart, connects the lack of dots and points out there was no murder - so why is Meekins in jail?  Apparently there IS a security tape, I was wrong, and it shows the crime...and that it really was Goodman in the evidence room.
Twins? Lies?  But which parts are  lies?   I throw some inventory items at Meekins just in case, and he recognizes the knife.    The broken-tip knife with the SL-9 tag that was found in Edgeworth's car muffler, wrapped in Lana's scarf.   Meekins is incoherent so Phoenix  writes it off - but I don't.  
Twin Goodmans AND identical knives is too much even for this series.  And that means the real lie is about the time.  Goodman was not in the evidence room and the parking garage simultaneously.  He was in the evidence room first, perhaps? Getting the knife?    But the security video must have timestamps...
I really want to see this security tape now.   So we take our meat back to the police department, only to find Gant bullying the chief on duty. You.  YOU ARE EVIL AND CONFUSING.  I'm going to leave a 1-star review on ratemyvillain if you don't organize your nefarious plot better.
Gant is demanding that everything of Goodman's be found/removed, down to the trash in his wastepaper basket.   (But he's happy to stop and chat with us and slander Edgeworth some more, with a bonus suggestion that Phoenix too is corrupt for having "proved" his innocence last game.)
The duty chief must not like being bullied, because he shows us something he kept back: a lost item report Goodman half-filled-out  on the day of his death.  It doesn't say what was lost.  His ID,  perhaps?
Surprisingly (suspiciously),  Gant is willing to let us investigate the evidence room. He even gives us a guest ID card.   And Marshall finally deigns to show up to work, though with the clear intention of not actually doing any.
Meat:  deployed Marshall:  impressed Me: ...those two ARE dating, and moreover communicating in a secret code of boxed lunches.    It suits them.
"Steak filet lunch" apparently signals "render all assistance".   Marshall willingly admits he's a grade-A slacker and doesn't even bother to understand the security system.  (That explains the lasso.)  He still doesn't want to tell us what the SL-9 case was about, but reminds us it was officially closed two days ago on evidence transfer day.    
(That's the key to everything that happened  on the day of the murder, isn't it?  Goodman took the knife (and maybe more?) from the evidence room to keep it from being permanently "archived".   He was killed for it - but someone protected it by hiding it in the car muffler, and now it's in the court record.    That knife must be the key to solving SL-9.   ...And that's why Gant showed up at the courtroom! He must be *so pissed* that this deadly piece of  evidence is back in the public eye, it's a real danger to him.  Okay! Now I have the shape of what we're dealing with.)
Marshall hasn't bothered to look at the security tape, but from what Meekins told us, other officers have.   (Wait. Is that a safe assumption?  Since all that matters is Gant's official talking points. they could simply be claiming the tape shows Meekins stabbed Goodman.   I'd say this was implausible but I live in the US in 2020. ) 
Ooh, this looks useful - a list of every use of the card reader on the day in question.  4 different IDs are recorded.  2 of them must belong to Goodman and Meekins.   One is nothing but sevens, that's certainly not ominous.  
Next: the evidence room!
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