#also the manga is better than the anime
fannfish · 8 months
so im rereading the early shadows house chapters and
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like the foreshadowing.
i didnt get it when i first read but it makes sense now, kate is trying to hide that they don't look like each other, while still being very upset about becoming a shadow
god i love this show... well manga you get it..
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yennao · 8 months
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I was recently reminded of a manga I read when I was like 14. As I am now 22, I read it again. And y'all lemme tell you it still slaps. If y'all haven't read Gangsta., You absolutely should. (provided you are not too young, cuz oh boy is that shit rated M for a reason)
Edit, color:
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venjt · 8 months
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Sora! 💕
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muninnhuginn · 7 months
Keep thinking about how time in Frieren is measured in years since Himmel's death. The fact that at this point in the anime, he's been dead far longer than Frieren travelled with him, and yet, that's still how she relates time to this world.
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5-pp-man · 23 days
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no you don't get it. i literally love stories where they dive into people's hearts/minds (literally or figuratively) sm it's my favourite type of storytelling.
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dejwrld · 5 months
unpopular opinion — but i think everybody should read the manga of their favorite anime at least once
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dandyleyen · 1 month
Dungeon Meshi - My Thoughts (Ch1-10)
Each section gets written out as I am reading. Keep in mind that I have finished episodes 1-12 of Cooking in Dungeon and that I have read chapters 27-31 (excluding 28.5)
Chapter 1.
I assume we’ll get info in this later on but I wonder why the country was sealed away in the first place.
“I bestow my entire kingdom upon the one who defeats the magician." - The King (presumably) I know that the anime does get into this a bit more as we go on and that a new king (or queen ?) would be crowned eventually but I wonder why it is that the king (if he is who he says he is) wants to allow his kingdom to be given away. Curious.
Side note, but I adore Laios talking about the dungeon ecosystem and food chain. Would love to seen an in-depth trophic web with different ecosystems of the dungeon. You could also include the factors that aren’t natural to the ecosystem, so like,,, the various races that go into the dungeon and how they effect the environment around them with adventuring and other things. I wonder if there are any concept maps made already for this type of thing. We’re seeing a basic food chain but I want it in depth !!
Laios is very cute, send tweet !
Chapter 2.
I do find it very sweet that Laios is asking Marcille if she wants anything specific to eat.
Laios is such a little weirdo. God, I love him. This was also the first occasion of me wanting to try one of the foods they made. The tart looks really good and I'm currently regretting reading this before dinner :|
Chapter 3.
I had it in my mind that chimeras were like a very specific animal combo, but hearing Laios calling the basilisk a chimera put that into perspective for me. Like,, yeah no that makes sense. Interesting.
Chapter 4.
Marcille and Falin on the front page :( Guys.
The episode for this was a rough watch for me because of how Marcille was getting treated tbh, and it's similar now while reading but I did feel more with the show. I get the concerns that the party has, because they need to hurry (mind you, Laios literally holds them up down the line with the painting stuff in the other level), but implying she is already being a bit of a burden by saying she'll be "more of a burden" if she collapses is,,,, not Chilchuck's best moment.
"Not being useful to anyone makes me feel so lonely..." - Marcille I liked her already leading up to this but this was one of this things that got me to latch onto her so quickly. I do appreciate that Chilchuck did initially go to apologize for having called her a burden, and that Laios pointed out that everyone was useful in the team but with different strengths. Them :(
Chapter 5.
Chilchuck fighting for his life and trying not to get his shit rocked by the traps going off is incredibly funny and I feel for him. My neurotic little guy,,, love him.
Laios wanting to take the bones home is incredibly endearing. Me too, buddy, me too.
Chapter 6.
Touden siblings flashback !! I care about them so much, you guys.
Laios looks so dejected about not being able to eat living armor,,, what a freak /pos. He isn't wrong though, if you can beat it you can probably also eat it.
Chapter 7.
MARCILLE WEARING THE ARMOR IN THE FRONT PAGE ??? Oh my god . Christ. Not even a warning ? God. Oh my god. I'm kicking my feet and giggling, y'all she is so,, . Christ.
Love that Laios got to discover something that likely no one else knew about just because he was soo hell-bent on eating different monsters.
Downside: I couldn't rock with the meal in this chapter. Too... mollusk-y. Mollusks freak me out.
Chapter 7.5.
Ohhh this is everything to me. Monster biology !! We get to learn more about how monsters are seen and spoken about in-universe. I adore this. I can't remember if the anime shows any of this section, but I think it's an incredibly fun part of the world-building. It makes it feel real.
Chapter 8.
This is incredibly nitpicky but it's a little annoying when people use "symbiotic relationship" to ONLY mean a beneficial relationship on both ends. Chilchuck asks if the vegetables act as parasites to the golems and Senshi says that it's the opposite and then proceeds to call it a symbiotic relationship because they help one another. He's not entirely wrong, but symbiotic relationships include parasitism ! Mutualism (the relationship between the golems and the vegetables), commensalism, parasitism, and competition are all symbiotic relationships. Again, incredibly nitpicky but this always bothers me.
"It's a crime to tamper with magical creatures without permission" - Marcille Girl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't even talk about crimes rn when you know damn well what you're getting up to in your free time*
On another note, I love how we learn more about Senshi's motivations in staying down there and all he does to protect the ecosystem functions.
Chapter 9.
One of the first signs, to my knowledge, that the dungeon is acting strange. The red dragon itself (himself ? herself ? theirself ?) is acting a bit strangely ! We learn earlier on that red dragons aren't very mobile and the characters assume (hope, really) it would be resting after such activity, but here we learn that it's on the move and showing up closer to the orcs. The orcs have pretty much been here the longest and even they see that as odd. Makes you wonder.
The baby orc ! What a cutie. I love that the kid is the one to suggest they share the meal and that Marcille tries to smooth the situation over. I like how fuzzy the orcs are. It caught me off guard in the anime but the fur is a neat touch.
Laios not really considering the possibility of defeating the mad sorcerer and becoming king. Pretty boys are often allergic to thinking.
ALSO, Laios talking about Falin always gets to me :(
Chapter 10.
Is it even necessary to tell y'all that I immediately latched onto Kabru ? I'm transmasc, ofc I latched onto him. Same with the anime. It was funny to get invested in him only to see him and his party immediately getting their shit rocked.
We're being told again that the dungeon has been acting strangely, which is not new info to us but it does help to build a case for it. Kabru points out that he's been told about the dungeon layout changing day-by-day* and the monsters becoming more aggressive.
Ah. Marcille essentially flash-banging the group (and the bugs) is incredibly relatable. I can't do bugs. I cannot and I will not. I know the meal looks incredibly pretty, but I physically would not be able to consume it knowing that it's just,,, bugs. I don't even eat lobster and shrimp due to how bug-like they are. It's bugs !
---- *Asterisks-marked comments are marked because they are points I know that become relevant down the line because I've either seen it already or read about it already. I will wait to get there in the chronology to speak more on it, but this is my way to point out some foreshadowing that I am aware of.
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justplaggin · 9 months
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local immortal man caught off-guard ft. teen billionaire glaring at deadly swordswoman's spilled donut crumbs
- official art by ebimo
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petricorah · 23 days
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songofsunset · 6 months
Me, flipping through my phone: okay hang on where was that one good one piece fic I was reading.......
Me, feeling like an idiot moments later: AH RIGHT IT WAS THE ACTUAL MANGA
Anyways here is a Luffy!!!!
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daydream-comet · 7 months
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He's just a silly lil man here
(Kai went through multiple stages of embarrassmet here didn't he)
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mieowkoid09 · 7 months
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Decided to practice coloring diamond's hair in both anime and volume 1 cover's palette cuz i want to torture myself :)
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mizzmellos · 9 months
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^anime Mello's #slay moments.
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tentenismybitch · 2 months
just watched the neji chronicles filler ep for the 1st time and there's so much to it
like okay i know fillers aren't canon or whatever but:
hiashi apologizing to neji 🥹
tenten going to check on him! neji talking about hyuuga clan shit in a way that clearly implies she already knew about it!! besties!!!
this takes place immediately after his fight with naruto. like after publicly outing the clan's tea and his resentment, he comes across a clan elder who demands that he go save hinata at the expense of his own life. this is actually so fucked up
kiba expressing resentment towards neji & saying neji probably won't try that hard to save hinata and tenten immediately yelling at him!!
tenten being like "I AM COMING WITH YOU! YOU WILL NOT DO THIS ALONE" supportive queen
neji bragging about tenten when the kids express surprise that she stays behind to ward off the mud dogs alone 🥹
hiashi saving neji. hiashi going out of his way to save neji. like, again, i know fillers aren't canon but hiashi's characterization in the show is insane?? like he disowned and bullied hinata for being weak, straight up saying he wouldn't care if she died. but then he apologizes to neji after his match with naruto and in every appearance after seems like a caring father who is actually concerned for the well-being of his children, including neji??? like seriously what is UP with him
neji saying he was narrow-minded and selfish for hating hinata was some straight up BS. yes, sure, it's not hinata's fault the the clan is the way it is but i think neji being resentful that he is the strongest genin of his generation and a literal prodigy within the clan, but still his life purpose is to protect this girl who is not as skilled as him just because his dad was born a few seconds later than her dad, is totally justified and not at all selfish. i know this is a shounen and this episode isn't canon and it isn't meant to be realistic but neji going from "i am a caged bird with no freedom who has this curse mark placed on me so i am at the whims of the main house" to "i was so selfish for hating you i am sorry" in the course of, like, 2 hours is SO ridiculous
anyway this ep has been great fodder for my "naruto but if team gai were the protagonists" au fic that i'm writing 10 years too late
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cheesydelphox · 8 months
i find it so funny that people are unironically mad that yukino got star dress like is that really the biggest problem you have with 100yq
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blueish-bird · 1 year
(CSM Chapter 113 Spoilers)
Denji’s stuck in a situation that keeps on mirroring past experiences/trauma. And he doesn’t even get to see the fucking peguins.
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