#also is johnny the flash? please discuss in the comments
hoperays-song · 10 months
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. 1
Like I said yesterday, I will be giving commentary through out the run of the movie here! Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! I will try to remember to include timestamps and screenshots. But probably will just end up doing screenshots most of the time, sorry. Welcome to the madness!
(There will be multiple parts because these take a while and also there's a limit of thirty photos per post so yeah. I got 9 minutes in? I talk a lot during movies ok? It's an AuDHD thing.)
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I feel like now is as good of a time as any to mention that I despise minions (aka was forced to watch Despicable Me in art class way too much as a child). So yes, we're not even past the opening credits and I'm already complaining, welcome to watching a movie with me everyone.
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Ok just noticed this for the first time, but Old Moon Theatre had lyres (a symbol of Apollo, the Greek god of music) and grape vines (a symbol of Dionysus, the Greek god of theatre) on it, which is just super cool!
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I love the fact that Buster canonically talks to himself and narrates his own life. Like same bestie. Love this for you. You're in your delusion era rn but go for it mate.
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(No I will not be taking criticism here. That pose is one of the gayest things I have ever seen and I just looked in a mirror.)
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Ok three things. One, these cops appeared out of literally no where. Like we just did a circle around the boy and we did not see them. Can they teleport or something???
Also, two, what the hell is in that box? I'm typically not one to judge what random stuff you leave in an alley (yes, yes I am, but to be fair this is the cleanest alley I've ever seen), but is that just a box of cut up springs??
And for number three, you thought you heard someone singing??? You thought you heard someone singing and only spare one glance down the alley behind the bank during a spree of bank robberies??? Ok no, these cops are terrible. The bank being robbed is absolutely their fault, what the hell?!
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Ooooo, eight ball keychain!!!
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I mean... Johnny did warn them, ten seconds too late, but he did warn them. He's still absolutely grounded but you know, he tried. Also, I just realized they took the license plate off the truck for the robbery. Insanely smart. The best boys. I love them.
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✨ 🎶He's a runner, he's a track star! 🎶✨
Also, apparently Johnny can catch up with a accelerating truck... ok then.
Glad to see this skill that I'm absolutely sure will be used again in the multiple other applicable scenarios. What was that? It never comes up again? Yeah, that seems about right.
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Ok, how the hell have the not found these guys yet??? Like the rest of the gang are in disguises, horrible ones but still disguises, but Johnny wears the exact same clothes throughout the movie and is not hiding his face in the slightest. You're telling me no one, not a single person, recognized him???
Also, just how many vintage trucks are in this town? Like just look up the truck model and go down the list of all the one's owned in Calatonia. Boom, done. The police in this place suck at their jobs.
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Ok, so the piglets are definitely around first grade judging by the alphabet and number chart on the wall. Also, a learning chart on the wall is so cute and sweet, I love it!
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(Theory) So... we can all agree it's summer right? Because not only are Johnny and Meena home (ok Meena's home, Johnny's being a felon, but that's not important) at lunch time but so are the piglets. They for sure aren't in school yet. And yeah, I know they leave with backpacks later on but that could just be daycare (it's likely daycare). So, since a lot of daycares aren't open on weekends (or at least ones near me), Sing 1 starts in the summer on a weekend! That's cool!
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Awwww Rosita. I'm so sorry honey. I love you, we all love you, and I wish I could say you have a normal, relaxing life after this movie but... I'm sorry. Not even close to one.
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Ok wow, forgot how vertigo inducing this movie was. Wow.
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Ash has arrived!!!!
Also, super interesting how Ash's guitar looks a lot more worn that Lance's. It has scratches and faded stickers while Lance's looks shiny and new here.
And Lance... ewww.
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Fair man, fair.
And before people get on to my man Harry for kicking them out without pay by the looks of it, most restaurant gigs I know of are not paid, the musicians get tips and exposure, and I'm pretty sure there is not one single person in that restaurant soo... yeah. They weren't getting paid either way.
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One of the best expressions all movie.
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I'm gonna punt him. I don't care that he's been on screen for 10 seconds, I'm gonna punt him.
(Moments where Lance is puntable counter: 4)
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And now we have everyone!!! Meena, welcome aboard!
Also that cake looks amazing. ...Hold up, I'm getting lunch.
Ok, I'm back! Let's dive back in to my lovely ramblings that are hopefully semi entertaining.
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Oh boy, let's talk about the happy birthday scene. For one, Meena is a kid. Stop being mean to a kid.
For another, the rest of her family just stops singing??? Like excuse me, that's not how the happy birthday song works. I don't care if one of the singers is a grammy winner, you don't stop singing just to listen to them. It is a group effort. Either everyone sings or no one does. It's the birthday song rules people. They really put her on the spot here and I do not appreciate it, the poor baby.
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So, Meena has tried out for choirs and bands before but it never worked out. That makes me think her social anxiety is not new and I am very much disappointed with her grandfather's perspective on it.
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Oh great. He's here.
(Mike puntable moments counter: 1)
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Their money must be different than ours since that is the design of a penny.
Also: (Mike puntable moments counter: 2)
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OK. This is a straight up mugging. Why is no one doing anything?! Like excuse me?!?!?
Oh and now he gave the guy an asthma attack. Sod off Mike.
Why is everyone siding with the mouse man?????? He sucks??? Hello????
(Mike puntable moments counter: 5)
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Ok, ignore the monkey man for a minute. The restaurant is legit named 'The Squids'. So do they own it? Do they work there? Was the founder a squid? What's the situation because I'm guessing the don't eat them since they are sentient.
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For such a fancy restaurant, they have terrible taste in lighting decor. I'm pretty sure those are the same ones at my doctor's office.
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Oh Eddie, my favourite trust fund baby of the series. It's so good to see you.
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Ok, let's talk about the implications of what Eddie is saying here. He says that his dad has been paying for the shows. And Buster's theatre has been struggling for way more than one or two shows.
And I don't know about you guys but I personally wouldn't pay for my adult kid's friend's failing theatre more than once if it turned out to be a bust. It's a waste of money and have you seen today's economy. Now if that was my kid's partner? Different story. I would probably be more willing to pay for a few more for both of their sakes.
What am I saying here? Noodlemoon. They're dating. End of story. ----------------------------
I'll be right back with part 2!
(And 30 more screenshot taking up memory on my dying laptop.)
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sicknasty03 · 1 year
Seat Warmer
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Pairing: Captain John Price/Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Price haven’t officially announced your relationship yet but everyone knows you’re together, except Soap of course. (And reader likes to be a bit of a menace)
Warnings: Slight NSFW (implied sexual themes), some cussing, possible ooc characters (I’m American trying to write characters who don’t have an American accent so please bear with me lol)
Author Note: This is self-indulgent. I haven’t written fics in years but I want more Price content. I don’t know anything about the military and I’m not great at making characters sound like how they do. Soap being oblivious is a favorite trope of mine, so is reader being a brat/menace to the team hehe. I’m also writing this on my phone so idk how the formatting will look.
Your day—no your week—was practically ruined. John said you were acting dramatic but you couldn’t help it, not when he betrayed you so.
You were the first to enter the mundane conference room on base where Price would be holding a meeting with his crew, Taskforce 141. The debrief would consist of important information for their upcoming mission.
While sitting down, a deep sigh left your pouting lips. You honestly felt a little miserable even though it really wasn’t that big of a deal. Gaz, Ghost, and Soap were the next to enter the room some time later. They all immediately took notice of your mopey behavior, but they didn’t make any comments. Gaz sat across from you, next to Ghost while Soap sat beside you.
“You alright?” Soap asks, feeling concerned about your unusual behavior. You just sighed and slumped forward, resting your elbow on the table and your head in your hand.
“I’m alright.” You said very unconvincingly, hoping Soap wouldn’t give up. Of course he didn’t though, he’s Soap.
“Come on lass, what’s on yer mind?”
You kept your eyes downcast as you replied in a somber tone. “Price got rid of my seat warmer. It’s not gonna be the same anymore.”
Soap furrowed his brows in confusion before glancing over to his companions for clarification. Gaz and Ghost looked just as confused—well more so Gaz, Ghost was hard to read when you could only see his eyes.
“What do ya mean Captain got rid o’ yer seat warmer? What’re you on about?”
You huffed a little in frustration. “Exactly what it sounds like Johnny. Price got rid of my favorite seat warmer and now it’s not gonna be the same for a while.”
“What won’t be the same?” Soap asked, his tone and body language expressing how confused he was.
Before you could respond, the door opened and in walked Captain Price, ready to begin the debrief. All eyes turned to him, except for yours as you already knew what to expect. The guys all stared in awe at the sight of their Captain with a clean shaven face as he walked to the front of the table and began setting his things up. Then the realization hit Gaz and Ghost as they gave each other a look, silently confirming their own suspicions.
Gaz and Ghost immediately glanced towards you, a small huff of laughter leaving Ghost as Gaz gave a small smile in disbelief. “You serious?” Gaz whispered in your direction. You stopped glaring at Price and turned to look at Gaz. You did your best to bite back your mischievous smile and solemnly nodded as you whispered back, “Worst day of my life”.
Price cleared his throat after getting everything set up and began the meeting right away. Everyone immediately got into professional mode as what was being discussed was highly important.
At the end of the meeting Price nodded and looked around, asking in a gruff voice, “Any questions?”
Soap immediately raised his hand. “S’not about the mission though, Sir.”
Price motioned for him to continue. Gaz immediately pursed his lips in disapproval, knowing where things were going to go.
“(Y/n) said you got rid o’ her seat warmer and she’s all bummed out but won’t elaborate past that, what’s she on about?”
Price pauses, a small look of disbelief flashes across his face before he looked over to you and raised his eyebrow in a slight scolding manner. You bite your lip to stop yourself from laughing.
Price sighs and shakes his head. “Really, Sergeant?”
Putting on your best (worst) act, you smile innocently and bat your eyelashes at him. “What?” He gives you another disapproving look, one that should make you shake in fear but is actually having the opposite effect.
He unintentionally lowers his voice, further igniting the heat in your core. “Would you quit telling people people I got rid of your seat warmer?” His fingers make air quotes at the end of his sentence, making your internal situation worse as you focus in on his hands. “How many people have you told that to today?” He stands up straighter, crossing his arms across his broad chest. The stance almost completely distracts you from answering.
“I dunno, lost count.” You gave a mischievous chuckle.
Price gives you a heated stare for a quick moment before remembering there are others in the room. “I’ll deal with you later. All of you are free to go. Rest up and prepare yourselves for the next mission.”
Gaz, Ghost, and you began getting up to leave the room. Soap slowly stood up, confusion still written across his face.
“Uh, you never answered my question, Sir.”
Price gives him a tight lipped smile and walks out. Soap scoffs and throws his arms out to his side before letting them drop to his sides.
“Come on! Am I missing something?”
You step closer to him and place a hand on his shoulder. “Soap, I’m upset because he shaved his face.”
His brows furrow once again. “The hell does that have to do with yer seat warmer?”
Gaz groans and mumbles under his breath. Ghost had enough of the conversation and left.
You couldn’t help but laugh until your sides hurt. “Are you being serious Johnny?”
“Yes! I’m lost! I know it’s hilarious but give a dog a bone here, lass!”
You recovered from your laughing and wiped away any stray tears. “I don’t know, I wanna see how long it takes you to figure it out.” With that, you walked out, searching for Price so you can make it up to him for your mischievous behavior.
Gaz, taking pity on Soap, pats the Scottish man on the back and says, “Her and the Captain are dating. She was making a dirty joke.”
“Wait—they’re dating?!” Soap was genuinely shocked. “Who else knows?”
Gaz chuckled. “Pretty much everyone. It’s pretty obvious, they’ve just never officially announced it.”
“Wow. I seriously had no idea.” Soap shakes his head in wonder.
“We know. I kinda thought you would have figured it out by now.”
Soap just shook his head, and then he paused and that familiar look of confusion graced his face.
“Wait, where does the seat warmer fit into all this?”
Gaz groans and slides his hand down his face. “Soap, I told you. She was just being a lil shit, making a dirty joke.”
Soap just blinked at him, the confusion still apparent in his eyes.
Gaz grabbed the man’s shoulders. “Captain’s beard was her seat warmer. He shaved it off and now she’s winding him up.”
A few moments of silence fill the room as Soap tries to process what Gaz said.
“Finally.” Gaz laughs and walks out of the room. Soap just stands there as he really thinks about it.
“Guess I’d be upset too.” He mumbles to himself as he finally takes his leave and heads towards the men’s barracks.
Okay this sucked but thanks for reading!
(I didn’t proof read. i’m too tired to do that right now lol)
I love the idea of reader being a brat in a sense like this, and the idea of Price’s beard being considered a “seat warmer” lol, so if you’re a writer and want to write something of your own with this idea, feel free to do so. Just please tag me if you want cause I want to see everyone’s else’s takes on this!!❤️
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
Housemates (Mark)
Before I share another serious post, I’m introducing this short series of NCT members (particularly my biases) as Essie’s housemates. Like most of my writing, this is going to be fluffy and hilarious if you believe it to be. 
Fun fact is, Mark’s the first NCT member I wrote a story about. Should I post that here? Let me know! After all, I liked him in Super M first. Not that I don’t love the group anymore, but I am more in love with NCT than any other group now. 
Without further ado, please enjoy this feel-good piece and this adorable GIF of him!
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Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 
Summary: I was inspired to write this because of this Instagram post. Most of the scenes here, and for the rest that will follow, are based on these scenarios. 
POV: 2nd person since this was written last year. 
Word count: 1,700 + words
Warning: Aside from the fluff, maybe there’s a teeny bit of angst with Johnny not relating to them. That’s about it! 
Since you moved in with Johnny and Mark, your life has never been more exciting. Sure, living with Nini was nice and all, but there were more challenges living with two guys.
First, Mark was a messy guy in comparison to Johnny. The younger guy’s clothing can be seen everywhere in the house – a hoodie on a dining seat, a pair of shorts on the couch, and a t-shirt on top of the shower curtain.
However, it bothered you when he left his pants in your bedroom. “Mark Lee,” you started, “why did your pants end up here in my bedroom?” You held the pair of khakis in your hands and looked at it with disdain.
He gave you a sheepish grin before grabbing it from your hands. “I’m sorry, Essie noona, I thought this was my bedroom when I came here late at night yesterday. I was kind of drunk, so…”
You remembered that you slept over at Ten’s when you had to ask him for help on a project. Johnny was out of town, and Mark was the only one left in the apartment. You didn’t know that he ended up in your bed when you were out, and it made you blush.
“Make sure this doesn’t happen again, okay?” You softened your voice this time, and he nodded in response.
“I’m really sorry about this. How can I make it up to you?” Mark looked at you with puppy eyes and all your irritation on what he did vanish.
“Well, I suppose you can let me choose the movie we’re going to watch later tonight,” you said after carefully thinking of your answer.
“Sure, no problem! Would you like some coffee as well? My treat,” he flashed you a smile as he hung his pants over his shoulder.
“Johnny gets that for me usually, but since he’s not here, why not? You already know my order, right?”
“White Chocolate Mocha with low-fat milk and no whip.”
“That’s a good boy. Now,” you looked at him sternly again, “leave my room before I kick your butt!”
In the end, you decided to watch ‘A Serbian Film’. You were up for a horrible mindfuck, and Mark was hesitant on your pick.
“I mean, it’s okay if we watch a silly rom-com. I won’t mind at all,” He offered, scrolling through his Netflix account for a feel-good movie to watch.
“But aren’t you curious why it has a cult following, and why it’s banned?” You asked, eyes sparkling in excitement.
“Essie, don’t corrupt poor baby Mark,” Johnny chimed in, grabbing the DVD of the said film from your hands. He had just arrived from his trip and still had the energy to join you guys.
“What do you suggest we watch then?” You pouted, trying to get the DVD Johnny confiscated.
“How about ‘Benji’?” Mark’s suggestion got the taller guy squealing. “Oh my, let’s watch that! I haven’t watched a dog movie in ages!”
You noticed that Mark was laughing at his hyung’s reaction, which made you smile. His joy was contagious and later, you were laughing along. Johnny couldn’t stop gushing about dogs that eventually, you had to shut him up when Mark has already set up the television.
There were times Johnny can’t relate to you and Mark. For instance, both of you were almost in tears because of an inside joke only you and he have.
The three of you were eating dinner at home when a cucumber slice fell off your plate. This got Mark laughing, probably remembering the joke you two had about said vegetable one night ago.
You shot him a glare, but he didn’t see it. He kept on laughing until Johnny raised an eyebrow at him. “What’s so funny about a cucumber slice, Mark Lee?” You and Johnny tend to call the younger guy that whenever you berated him.
“Oh, nothing. Please, just ignore me,” He waved his hand to show that he was making a fuss out of nothing, but you weren’t buying it.
All of you continued eating in silence, but another cucumber slice fell off your plate again. “Essie, can you please look where your food is going?” Johnny sounded annoyed as he pointed his fork at the cucumber slice on the table.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to,” you mumbled, using your fork to get the vegetable. When you stabbed it too hard, Mark burst into laughter.
“Maaaark!” You and Johnny scolded, which the younger guy ignored. “But Essie noona!” he wheezed in between his laughter, pointing at the cucumber.
Eventually, you gave in and laughed as well. You had to admit, that was a pretty funny joke that you made.
Johnny groaned at the sight of you and Mark laughing your brains out. “If you don’t want to loop me in, then I’m going to excuse myself,” he said, quietly leaving the table.
You didn’t notice his absence as you and Mark continued to build upon your joke and laugh some more.
When you couldn’t sleep at night, you were grateful for their presence. Usually, Nini fell asleep on you while you blabbered about the existence of aliens or other conspiracy theories you watched on YouTube.
Now that you were living with the boys, they accompanied you on the couch with their preferred drink of choice – non-decaf coffee for Johnny and melon milk for Mark – and talked to you about anything.
However, there was a time that the older guy was the first to retire from your late-night talks. “I’m hitting the hay,” he said in between yawning. “Night, babies,” he patted Mark’s head while he pecked your cheek.
You resumed talking about crystal skulls as you and Mark curled in your respective corners of the sofa. You were animatedly discussing how they presumably came to be, and when he shared his opinion, you noticed that he also mimicked your hand gestures.
Before you knew it, the sun had already risen. Rays of sunlight peeked through the curtains, and you saw that Mark yawned.
“Well, let’s wrap this up,” you started to get up from the couch, “and go to sleep. All it took for you to yawn was the sun, eh?” You kid, making the younger guy chuckle.
“Thanks for spending some time with me, Marky.”
There was no sign of him getting up from the couch. “I’m too tired to get up now. I’ll sleep here,” he mumbled while grabbing one of the pillows beside him.
“Okay, I’ll go now,” you ruffled his hair before going back to your bedroom. “Sleep tight.”
“Dude, are you going to be there the whole day?”
You heard Johnny say from across your bedroom. You were reading a book, the door of your room slightly open when you heard one of your housemates talk in an exasperated manner.
No one responded. All you could hear was the loud sound of water coming from the shower.
“It’s been an hour already, Mark Lee!” Johnny was pounding on the door already. “I can’t hold it in anymore!”
“Hold up! I’m not yet done!” Mark finally spoke, making the older guy groan. “The other bathroom’s out of service, and I need to shit now!”
You couldn’t help but laugh at how hilarious this conversation was going, and even stood up to peek how Johnny was doing. He was crouching on the door, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. “Please Mark, hurry up,” he murmured, rubbing his stomach.
“Mark, please, Johnny needs to use the bathroom right now,” you shouted, hoping that he will understand his hyung’s predicament. You rushed to Johnny’s side and rubbed his back, which he appreciated. “Thanks, baby, I hope it helps,” he whispered.
A few minutes later, Mark emerged from the bathroom, and Johnny pushed him aside immediately. This made the younger guy stumble, and you stepped aside so he doesn’t fall over you. He fell flat on his face, and he cried in pain. “Johnny hyung, that hurt!” He said, clutching his knee towards his chest. You helped him stand up, and you saw that his ears were all red.
You just helped Mark Lee stand up from a humiliating fall while wearing a towel around his waist.
“Thanks, Essie noona,” he mumbled. You nodded and patted him on the back. “Please try to lessen your shower hours if you can, okay? Unless the other bathroom’s fixed, then I won’t stop you.”
Your words inspired him to make the repairs to the other bathroom to be done as soon as possible as he had a hand in fixing it.
Looks like no one can stop him and his long-ass showers.
“How about this, Essie noona?” Mark asked, holding up an orange hoodie in front of you.
You were in his bedroom as he wanted your opinion on what he would wear to a blind date set up by Yuta.
“Isn’t that a bit too casual? Where is the date going to happen?” You looked at the hoodie again, which was oversized and had text printed on the sleeves.
“It’s going to be a casual one,” he said, eyeing the garment as well, “maybe at a park or a café? I don’t want to be too overdressed.”
“Get another one. It’s too loud. And why are you asking me this instead of Johnny?”
Mark grinned first before he rubbed the back of his neck. “I want to ask you for a change, noona. I want to know what kind of clothing girls like their men to wear on a first date…”
His comment made you smile since he thought that your opinion mattered. “To be honest Marky, it doesn’t matter. But if you want to leave a good impression, try dressing up a little bit. Maybe a short-sleeve shirt with a vest on top? That’s a bit dorky and cute, just like you.”
When you realized that you told him that he was both dorky and cute, you covered your mouth. You just hoped he didn’t hear it.
“Oh, that’s a great suggestion. Okay, I’ll go with that. Thanks!” He gave you a fist bump, which you returned enthusiastically. “Sure thing, little bro. Good luck on your date!”
You left Mark’s bedroom thinking about how you wish you can tag along, and see how his blind date will turn out.
Maybe you and Johnny can go undercover and spy on him? You rushed into the room beside you, hoping that he will agree with your plan.
P.S. Plot twist: Yuta is Mark’s blind date! And what could be his inside joke with Essie about cucumbers?
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qvestchen · 5 years
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT : Chapter One
Summary: There’s a thin line between reality and playacting, and Dong Sicheng tripped hard over it when he fell head over heels in love with Nakamoto Yuta.
Author: qvestchen
Status: Ongoing
Chapters: Home, Next.
Lockscreen // Yuwin NCT
Chapter 1 : He thinks he’s a prince
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It was already late on a long and tiring day at the practice rooms when Johnny had let himself out into the cold night air. His mind was a swirl of thoughts fighting amongst each other but he found himself stopping by the figure who was sitting huddled on the edge of the stairs.
“Yuta?” he asked, his tone incredulous.
The figure moved slightly. “No, umm, it’s not me. Please ignore and move on.”
Johnny crouched down beside him. “Didn’t you go back with the others? Since when have you been outside here? You must be freezing.” He reached for his hands and it felt like he was holding ice.
Yuta giggled. “Everyone is too fucking busy. Taeyong was busy with Jaehyun. And Winwin…well, fuck him. He thinks he’s a prince.”
“Are you drunk?” Johnny helped him to his feet but he could see how he was swaying.
Yuta smiled. “Just a tiny bit. It feels amazing. I can’t feel anything. Take that Winwin!” He threw an empty can towards the fence.
It was then that Johnny realized that Yuta was sitting with a bunch of mostly empty beer cans throwing them at an anime version of Winwin he had drawn clumsily on the fence.
They walked back to the dorm together, stopping for coffee but not finding comfort, each lost in his own thoughts. It was three-thirty in the night when they let themselves into the dorm. Maybe it was something Yuta had said but Johnny was already leaving again, feeling slightly hopeful that he could work things out with Ten.
“You’re going to Ten right now?”
Johnny nodded.
Yuta took a deep breath, looking slightly green. “Okay, good luck. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Oh, should I help?”
“No, please. Go away now.”
Johnny grinned as he watched Yuta grumbling in the dark. He said, “Yuta, it’ll work out with Winwin. I’m sure of it.”
“Johnny, there’s nothing going on to work out. You’re reading too much into my drunken rants. I don’t mean half of the things I’ve said. This isn’t me but the drinks talking. So, don’t worry about me and just go. Now. Before I throw you out of the door.”
Johnny quirked an eyebrow at the slightly swaying figure but knowing his friend had closed the discussion, he quietly tip-toed over to the room Yuta shared with Winwin and Taeil.
“Winwin?” he whispered, tapping the sleeping guy’s shoulder.
Winwin cursed sleepily.
“I think Yuta is sick. Could you take care of him? I have to leave.”
He sat up. “What happened?”
“Had too much to drink, I guess. Just—”
But Winwin was already rushing out of the room.
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Winwin was totally sure that this was a bad idea but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t help but agree when Yuta said he wasn’t tired and a movie wouldn’t be a bad idea. In fact, as they squeezed together in Winwin’s bed and balanced the laptop precariously on the blanket, his brain was screaming “BAD IDEA” in all of the languages he knew.
“Shut up,” he mumbled.
Yuta frowned at him. “I didn’t even say anything.”
Winwin stole a quick glance at him. There were so many questions he wanted to ask him. His nerves were still on edge, mind still processing sleepily what had happened.
Johnny had woken him up in the middle of the night and told him Yuta was sick. Maybe he should have asked for more details but he had rushed off to help Yuta. Now, he wanted to know why Yuta was drunk and being sick in the washroom at three in the morning. He wanted to know where Johnny had disappeared in the middle of the night without telling him anything. Most of all, he wanted to know why Yuta was behaving like nothing had happened. As if finding your roommate drunk was no big cause for concern when said roommate had a fixed early-to-bed schedule otherwise.
Are you okay?
“What do you want to watch?” Yuta asked.
His voice was so calm that it jarred Winwin. Was he overthinking this? Was Yuta upset or was this just an after-effect of a night of drinking. “Huh?” He thought for a bit when the question was repeated. “I don’t know. You pick.”
They ended up watching 5 Centimeters per Second and truth be told, he could have done with something happier. He didn’t like the idea of two people losing to time and distance, but he wasn’t really watching the movie. The Japanese dialogue was the only sound in the room and maybe, he should have read the subbed dialogues but he was so busy trying to figure out Yuta…Yuta who sat beside him, eyelids drooping with sleep every now and then, who never looked away from the screen even once.
His brain was full of warning bells. He could feel this wasn’t just about Yuta but also somewhere about him. Was it something I did? But he hadn’t done anything. He had steered clear of the Japanese boy, done nothing to show….He shook his head. No, he had done nothing. It was late and he was just overthinking. His eyelids were drooping and unable to watch the movie or focus on his thoughts comprehensively, he gave up.
The last thing he remembered before falling asleep was Yuta leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes. Winwin remembered reaching over to push away the blonde strands of hair that were falling over his forehead. He didn’t remember the movie ending.
When he woke up next morning, he smiled to himself, enjoying the warmth of the covers, still not fully awake. It was only when he rubbed his face against his pillow that he realized with a start that he was, in fact, not hugging a pillow but squishing Yuta. He was so shocked he nearly fell out of the bed.
He closed his eyes hoping Yuta wouldn’t wake up and see how flustered he was. He let out a breath when he realized that the other boy was still peacefully sleeping. He got out of bed quietly and was in the process of tucking in Yuta when a loud shout came from downstairs.
Winwin froze as Yuta shifted. His eyes blinked open and Winwin could see his eyes widen as Yuta realized how close Winwin was to him.
Quick, damage control. Winwin cleared his throat. “Uh, I was just about to tell you to wake up. It’s uh morning.” Sicheng, seriously? “Also, Yuta hyung, you slept in my bed again!”
Yuta closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. “Sorry, I didn’t realize.” He got up and asked, “What’s the ruckus about?”
“I have no idea. I’m going downstairs to check out,” Winwin said, doing his best to look as nonchalant as possible.
“Give me two minutes, I’m coming with you,” Yuta said, flashing him a smile. “It’s probably just Johnny coming home after making up with Ten. They had a huge fight earlier.”
“Oh? I knew they were having it tough but I didn’t know they had a fight but you’re right they can’t stay mad at each other for long.” He smiled fondly, thinking about his friends. “Be quick. I don’t want to miss their dramatic, sappy homecoming.”
Yuta emerged from the washroom a few minutes later, looking all awake and clean and Winwin had to tear his eyes away with a scowl because, of course, Yuta had to pull on a shirt only after prancing about for a good minute.
“Show off,” he whispered under his breath.
Yuta walked up to him and looking at his blank stare, Winwin felt, for a second, like maybe he should apologize. He opened his mouth but Yuta smiled, tilting his head to a side in his characteristic manner.
“Thank you, Sicheng-ah, for taking care of me last night and I’m sorry for being a burden,” Yuta said. “I—thank you.” He patted his shoulder and turned towards the door.
Winwin followed him. “It’s no problem. You shouldn’t apologize. Just umm…is everything okay? Why were you drinking?”
Yuta stopped in his tracks and let out a small laugh. “You’ll know when you know, I guess.”
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hello! we are back with a yuwin fic this time. put your hands up for this ship of ships. hope you all enjoy it.
just a little note before we start. this fic, "lockscreen" is part of our NCT series, "empathy", and this chapter starts around the time book 2, "ten past six", ends (ch 9, to be exact). while "lockscreen" can be read in itself as a standalone yuwin fic, it would be a better experience if you read the rest of the series too.
we really hope you enjoy this! we're a little nervous but also really excited about this because we've been waiting for so long to write this eep! please let us know how the start is. we promise there's LOTS to come and of course, there's going to be a couple of subplots. we haven't forgotten all the side-ships that haven't sailed yet xD thank you so much if you're reading this after juice cartons and/or ten past six beacuse then it means you didn't leave us yayyy! and if you are a new reader, welcome! <3
don't forget to comment and support this story, yuwin and nct(+wayv). may we get the yearbook soon.
love, positive vibes and good roommates~~
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thesinglesjukebox · 7 years
DUKE DUMONT X GORGON CITY FT. NAATIONS - REAL LIFE [5.29] It's terrible bio time again! "One part vocals, one part machines - NAATIONS consists of just that. A strong nod to an island grit and verses that delve into the human condition ... Nicky Night Time (Van She) & Nat Dunn’s musical chemistry was apparent from their first meeting and continued into a mutual muse relationship that is now NAATIONS."
Katherine St Asaph: First things first: "Nicky Night Time" sounds like the Foodfight! version of Johnny Jewel. Also: Having Duke Dumont and Gorgon City and (sigh) NAATIONS all iterate on a '90s pop-house track is kind of like having a corpse reanimated, then reanimated again, then reanimated again, until it's bruised and ragged from constantly rising up from the dead (they do it all the time). In an odd way, that helps -- "I wanna love you in real life" is supposed to mean taking someone out of the pressure-cooker of the club, the bleary surreality of the wee hours, into a cleaner, slower morning, to stay. (The video, which claims it's supposed to mean "#SELFIE," I disregard on grounds of its being ass.) But it's exactly the hook to cut through the Internet and the thicket of critical context: to real life, to immediacy, to a sound that, despite years of misuse and overuse, still yearns. [7]
Maxwell Cavaseno: I'm glad to see that 21st century pop-house is entirely indistinguishable at this point from nostalgic run-throughs of classic UK pop-house, with only bubbling "jacking"-style basslines and maybe mixdown technology to tell them apart. "Real Life" is a song we've no doubt come to love because we've heard it a million times, and what once was an aspirational joy now feels like a tasteful return to what makes sense. [4]
Alfred Soto: Four years ago, Gorgon City's pop house sounded fresh. But Australian duo NAATIONS only get to belt the incoherent chorus (how else would you love someone?) in the old-school manner as the track's ending. [6]
Eleanor Graham: Not to be that "each British house chart hit is a slightly less fun version of the last" person, but I truly feel like I'm being trolled. [3]
Claire Biddles: When does rave piano x soulful house vocals x hands-in-the-air drops NOT sound good? [7]
Thomas Inskeep: YAAAAAAAAY for more early-'90s-throwback piano-soaked house jams! We already knew that both Duke Dumont and Gorgon City have a flair for this kinda thing, so it makes plenty of sense that this would be superb, and this collaboration presses all of my "musical pleasure center" buttons. NAATIONS's Nat Dunn does a fine job in the featured role of "house diva," and the bridge gives me Rozalla flashbacks. *hits dance floor, waves hands in air* [10]
Kat Stevens: Snips out my favourite bits of "LFO" by LFO and sellotapes them on to the pages of a solid piano house fanzine. [7]
Nortey Dowuona: Nice beat, made up of simple stabbing bass, a polite sunken dip of piano chords and overcast editing over punchy drums. And NAATIONS' Nat Dunn does pretty well with the simple house lyrics she's been stuck with. [7]
Crystal Leww: A lot going on in the artists credit line, but let's try to break it down: Duke Dumont and Gorgon City both got big in the wave of pop-house popular in the UK in '13-'14. Duke Dumont is famous on TSJ for starting the #justice4kellileigh movement. Gorgon City are two bros from the UK and better at crediting their vocalists. NAATIONS are a new Australian duo, half production, half vocal work. The politics behind this still suck -- five white people making and profiting from music built on a history of mostly anonymized or poorly credited Black artists. It only makes sense that this all comes together in the BBC Live Lounge video with Black backing vocalists singing the hell out of this and Dumont slightly off rhythm. [4]
Tara Hillegeist: The irony of a bubbling hook built around a singer begging she only wants to love someone "in real life" coming from a producer like Duke Dumont whose career he built on a foundation of refusing to credit the real black girls whose voices he sampled and whose careers he thus screwed over: not lost on me. No amount of hook-line-sinker craft hides the yanking dismay felt when you observe NAATIONS' credited presence on this track and realize: ah, now that her body isn't inconveniently black, he doesn't mind encouraging her to own her own voice at all. [4]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Terre Thaemlitz put it best: "The House Nation likes to pretend clubs are an oasis from suffering, but suffering is in here with us." It's a statement that was meant to shed light on the genre's roots in the anguish of minority groups, and how that reality has been erased and lost in contemporary (discussion of) house music. "Real Life" is surely something Thaemlitz would consider "shitty, high energy vocal house," but I find myself drawn to its lyrics and the notion that the dancefloor is real life. It's something that ties into my fondness for dance music that's very explicit about the lives of those dancing. But all this went down the drain when I saw the music video, as the song turns out to be a commentary on our generation's attachment to social media and need for validation. It paints Duke Dumont as highly cynical and the sort of dude who probably thinks he's doing the world a favor by providing it some Real House Music. The song's decent -- I particularly enjoy the smooth inclusion of the breakbeat -- but if you're making house music that sneers at people, I want nothing to do with you. [3]
William John: "I only wanna love you in real life" is not only an awkward, ungainly phrase when uttered aloud, but also a patent unreality for most young daters -- and based on the false premise that there's any meaningful distinction between the online and offline anymore. As someone in a relationship of now almost 18 months thanks to Grindr (who'd've thought), I'd posit that it's advantageous to the wary single to be able to scope out someone's political and personal views on social media before opting into anything romantic. But these are subjects worthy of discussion with friends in a pub, perhaps; not so much over the top of a humdrum Ibiza-geared rave-up. [3]
Stephen Eisermann: Please, no more! We get it! Social media = bad, real life = good. Not even the most engaging of productions or beats can make this message any more palatable. Plus, there is a strong sense of irony in a lyric that condemns technology played against a (very generic, very boring) electronic beat. [2]
Scott Mildenhall: Of all the possible philosophical standpoints on what is "real life", the one Duke Dumont and "Real Life"'s mean-spirited video hint towards is glumly predictable. Real life as morning after, as talk of a world beyond flashing lights suggests, is less prosaic, but it's both sides together that make things interesting: the privileging of the physical alongside the denigrating of it. It is at once what is needed and never enough, forming a double-pronged attack of emotional longing. Whatever is real, that's what's palpable. [7]
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thegloober · 6 years
Netflix’s Excellent Wanderlust is a Deep Dive into Love and Marriage
by Allison Shoemaker
October 18, 2018   |  
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There’s a conspiracy between the body and the mind to which our conscious selves are never party. Together, they make us cry when we feel nothing; they make us numb when we should want to scream and make us laugh at funerals; they kill our hunger or drive us to eat and eat and eat to suit our feelings; and they’re all mixed up together when it comes to the question of sex. Loss. Fear. Love. Anger. Lust. They’re all stewed in the same billycan, and together become the force that governs our choices, to us almost entirely unknown. 
Not exactly the framework you’d expect for what seems like a charming British married people sex comedy, is it? Yet “Wanderlust,” like the human body, doesn’t often do the thing that you expect. The six-episode series from writer Nick Payne, a co-production between BBC One and Netflix, begins with a simple enough setup: Married couple Joy (Toni Collette) and Alan (Steven Mackintosh) love each other, but their sex life has positively cratered. She’s a therapist dealing with the aftermath of a brutal bike accident, he’s a teacher navigating some sticky situations at work (that’s an unfortunately on-point pun, as you’ll discover). Their problems with physical intimacy lead to a lack of intimacy of other kinds, and they begin to connect with others (Zawe Ashton as Claire, a fellow teacher; William Ash as Marvin, someone from Joy’s physical therapy class). It’s the kind of thing that could tank a marriage, but Joy proposes an unconventional solution, something to which Alan hesitantly agrees, then eagerly embraces.
There’s no need to be coy about it, really—they start having sex with other people, and talking about those experiences, and those two things change everything. Of the pleasures of “Wanderlust”—and there are many—the purest is watching Mackintosh and Collette dig into the many complexities that emerge from this premise. Playing what a person feels and does is one thing; playing the realization that one does not feel what one ought to feel, analyzing what that means, uncovering what’s behind it, and exploring what comes next is something else entirely. It’s a feast for an actor, of the sort that usually accompanies heavy, tragic material. There’s tragedy and heaviness in “Wanderlust,” but only rarely does the darkness reach such a pitch that there’s no light or humor to be found. As such, Mackintosh and Collette make their characters messy, engaging, and deliciously, undeniably human, giving two incredibly strong performances in a year of new shows that skip merrily across the emotional spectrum (see also: “Killing Eve,” “Barry,” “Forever,” “Vida,” “Cobra Kai,” “Succession,” etc.).
Performances like that are hard to come by, and Mackintosh and especially Collette are reason enough to give “Wanderlust” some of your time. But it’s rare to achieve such heights without some truly great writing, and “Wanderlust” has plenty of that. Payne’s willingness to let characters be full of contradictions, and to allow them to do cruel things while remaining worthy of sympathy, makes each scene more layered than it might seem at first glance. Joy’s a therapist, and has one of her own (Sophie Okonedo, excellent); all the discussion of psychology encourages viewers not only to acknowledge neuroses, but to ask why they exist, question their cause, and analyze the effect they might have on the lives of these characters. It doesn’t ask you to play armchair therapist, but it does encourage approaching the material as though it contains no easy answers—which, of course, it doesn’t. Relationships don’t, either.
As mentioned above, there’s plenty of lightness, and that quality makes getting swept up in “Wanderlust” all too easy. Yet the show’s highest highs are among its darkest moments, a reality acknowledged by its intimate, elegant, restrained direction (Luke Snellin and Lucy Tcherniak) and cinematography (Ben Wheeler). It’s beautiful, often warm, but somehow terribly lonely. The editing (Gary Dollner and Johnny Rayner), sharp and sometimes disorienting, contributes to that feel by lacing Joy’s more heightened moments with brief, at first unexplained flashes to her past: a woman in a crosswalk, a man on a rooftop, a van, a helmet, a black dress, a bouquet of flowers. What these mean are revealed in time, but what matters more is what they mean to Joy—and in a remarkable late-series two-hander between Collette and Okonedo, Tcherniak and her actors dive neck-deep into all that meaning without ever leaving their seats. 
As the series goes on, the complexities mount, and so do the ambiguities and the questions with no easy answers, if any answers exist. That means “Wanderlust,” as good as it is, simply won’t be for everybody. Should you be unwilling to spend time with characters whose motivations and actions aren’t always easily explained or all that pleasant, Payne’s deep-dive into the brain and body’s means of dealing with grief and desire perhaps won’t be for you. But if that’s your kind of mess—the kind we all encounter from time to time—six excellent hours of television await. 
Premieres Friday, October 19 on Netflix. Complete series watched for review. 
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Source: https://bloghyped.com/netflixs-excellent-wanderlust-is-a-deep-dive-into-love-and-marriage/
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flourishingbatter · 7 years
The Homecoming: Continental cross-over pt7.
[An excerpt from the Discord server ; detailing the experiences from the various attendees to arrive.
For a moment, before he could retort with trying to prove his defense that he stopped to pause for a few seconds, taking the time to occasionally look around with slight skepticism and confusion. What was that? Maybe it was just his mind playing tricks on him but then again, he wasn't a stranger to all this. Though, a brief question would pop up in his mind, relating to the fact his friends were here. Where in the world was Avarice? He hadn't shot up the question with giving his inquiry to Paul but then again, it wasn't that important probably. That clown must be goofing off elsewhere so obviously, his company wasn't needed. "...He just made himself an example, one that he could have easily ran from. But it's no matter, from here on out at least, I'll be able to help defend those who can't defend themselves."(edited)
Vainglory crossed his ink tendrils, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the titan, his eyes a mixture of concern and bitterness. He didn't speak up, as much as he wanted to, because he didn't know what to say at this point. He was also a bit on edge, considering he had heard a snicker that he was sure wasn't in his mind. He noticed Alpha looking around with possible skepticism and that definitely confirmed that the snickering wasn't just "in his mind."(edited)
[The dragon's eye twitched in irritation... This... wasn't right...] [Clawed hands clenched into fists as golden eyes looked up into the screen that was now Johnny's face, tail swishing even more erratically behind him.] * And what? What kind of "example" are you showing? That anyone who dislikes what you're trying to do will be crushed?? [He waved a hand dismissively in the face of the pitiable excuse given by the being that his friend had become.] * How long will it take before the line of "defending the defenseless" is crossed into the territory of "subjugation for 'their own good'"? * How long before you become the thing that people need defended from?
Sela stood there a long moment, watching. But now, she decided, it was time to put something to the test... And Revak's words may be proven in this moment. Her hand slides into her sweater pocket, and she starts walking toward the exit.(edited)
[Corrupted, Still Confused of What was Happening, Moved out of  the Demoness' Way Silently. He didn't Want to Ask What Exactly was Happening but He could Guess it was Nothing Good.]
Paul winced, more so from Revak's assumptions and had wanted to ease things in. But, judging from his best friend's responses, it was already taking a sour nosedive. "L-Look, let's just...All calm down, and try to have a reasonable thing goin' on. Johnny I- I don't care if you're just a big or small guy, you're still my friend. Just...Please, do the right thing. For me, and for...All of us too!"
With how Revak was jumping to conclusions, the mere idea that they would think of him like that was absolutely infuriating to him. They didn't know what he had to deal with in regards to all this. More so, they think he'd become insane if this was to continue? If Johnny didn't have such an easily irritated mindset, then maybe he might've scoffed and brushed it off. For all intents and purposes, his willpower was strong. His form was proof of that.
 "Just because I look different doesn't give you the damn right to think I'm just gonna attack everyone, are you really that stupid to begin with or is that go-getter heroic mindset polluting your thoughts?" Though, as much as a harsh comment that was, it had all just...Spilled out. What with using that example from withholding Revak to rush in and fight that beast a while ago.
 His attention was however called to with Paul relaying their thoughts in a manner of going about this peacefully. The titan blinks as he averted his gaze away, a grimace forming on his expression. The right thing...What could it exactly be? He was gonna be a sworn protector, sure but his judgment wasn't going to be swift.
 Apparently, that was the only time he had been distracted with Sela passing him by and for a moment, was shaken out of his reverie. He then looks over to her, watching as she was intentionally heading for the portal with an increasingly dismayed look on his face. "...Sela. Where are you going?"
The demoness turns her head lightly as she moves. "I did say before, remember? I'm leaving.."
If Vainglory had eyebrows, he would've cocked one. 'Hmm,' He thought. 'Alpha definitely has a good point. Vainglory has no clue which side is the most wholesome and he had been only assuming Alpha needed "help," but he never considered the possibility that these guys are just trying to be heroes in a situation where no one needs saving.. however, Alpha has been giving Vainglory strange vibes. 
Especially with all the "I look different" and "I used to be flora". What does that even mean???' He began having an inner monologue argument with himself, before turning to Alpha and piping up,
 "Vainglory can admit you make a good point, however, have you stopped to consider that this role of guardian you've appointed yourself is unnecessary? That this world has no need for your help and by trying to help, you're only causing the real problem? What made you think that guarding this world from a false danger was a good idea in the first place, hmm?"
[Now that... that struck a nerve. Sure, he was jumping to conclusions... but they were based on his words and actions he'd seen so far, not what he looked like...] [The dragon lowered his head, teeth gritted as he turned away with a pained noise. To hear Johnny of all people berate him about his "heroic mindset", and the assumption that his worries came from his appearance... That hurt a lot.]
Paul was a bit dejected, more so rather growing more appalled at how Johnny insulted Revak. This wasn't exactly his friend to just, target someone's motives and mindset. Whatever these souls were doing to him, it was playing a nasty part on his emotions...That's the only assumption he could rely on. Just as he was about to try and redirect this, he notices how Johnny was targeting Sela and frankly, felt his heart sink slightly and dreaded the next response from the titan in regards to the demoness' action.
[* ...Ok yeah. Second staw broken. Who on earth were they even speaking to anymore?!  Lilith had to keep herself from biting someone's hand here, because that right there? That was uncalled for and it was getting harder to stay calm here. Both wristflames were occasionally flaring with rising irritation.] "Can you blame us for being concerned for where your path is leading? All this has-" [* She alted mid sentence, attention now turning to Sela who was leaving. If he didn't want help.. why was he wondering where she was going?]
Even if Vainglory had...A reasonable explanation, the notion would sadly be ignored as currently, Johnny was focused on the fact Sela was just up and leaving. If...If she was going back to the Underground, then she was dooming herself. In fact, all of these people were. Lillith ; her timeline was full of antagonistic nonsense, where each individual wanted to survive through any means necessary. Revak ; They were a long way from home...In fact, something he could relate to.
 And to anyone else he knew...They too needed that protection. If he were to prevent such disasters then this was the best possible way he could look at it. If his loved ones were in some form of sanctuary, then maybe, Just maybe, they could see his reasoning no matter what. 
 During his internal conflict, Johnny's screen had devolved into abrupt and unexpected flickering, in that moment where the great eye would occasionally twitch, it's iris steadily shrinki
ng. This hadn't spelled anything good whatsoever, considering the very nature of his form begged a question or two - How long until he snapped? In which case, it had already occurred, with the titan jolting his head up, his expression flashing into a scowl as he guided his left arm to cause the entangled portal to be dragged away immediately as soon as Sela had approached the torn space. 
This action would thus cause the vines holding it to leave behind trials of upturned rubble before it was finally situated above and part of the stone seating and was now settled near the arches. From here, it was clear to tell that the titan was displeased with the way this was turning out, what with him squinting his eyes in the general direction of Sela. "...Don't you dare turn your back on me. Haven't you considered the fact it's pretty damn rude for you to do that when the discussion isn't over?"
Watching in utter horror at what Johnny was exhibiting had almost made him cry out in surprise, only for him to stifle it back by hesitation alone. What in the world was he doing?! He's seen this behaviour before but for him to negate their means of going home was...Terrifying. "Wh- Johnny!? What are you doing!?"
Vainglory narrowed his eyes. He was definitely unhappy about how he had been downright ignored, but how Alpha had started acting up had caught his attention. "W-wha.. Alpha, are you okay? You're not looking too good.." "This tall lady- the one you called "Sela" just wants to leave!" "Do you... have an issue with the fact that she, uh, needs some space?" "Unless she just wants to avoid conversation. Either way, what's the big deal?" Vainglory was unsure if Sela had hit Alpha where it hurts, or if he was just seeing a side of the titan they hadn't seen yet. Either way, he was both intrigued and concerned slightly.
She froze in place the moment his hand entered her vision, listening as the ground tore from the force of the strange portal being moved. While Sela was aware everyone was staring at her for what she was doing, Johnny's stare was the most... volatile. She could hear it in his voice. Maybe this reaction was a remnant of how things between them prior went... She remained standing there, then slowly shifted on her heels to face him. Ironically, she wasn't actually planning to leave him like this, but with the confirmation that their exit was now guarded made the heavy frown return to her face. A look was given to Vainglory to acknowledge his sentiments, but her attention was back on Johnny. "It isn't? So if you don't want our help, then what the hell are we discussing now, then?"
[Revak's attention snapped back to the scene before him, and upon spotting Johnny moving the portal... Well... A single shocked statement burst from their fanged mouth.] * Okay what the actual hell?! [This was going nowhere fast... The dragon's entire body was tensed in anticipation. And... honestly, for once in his life, suffice it to say, he was having the exact same thoughts as Vainglory on the matter. But whether he actually took action depended on whether things escalated further.]
[The Omega Ducked a little and Flinched. Time Seemed to Move so much Slower Here. He had been Slowly Piecing Together That This... Giant... Other Omega was Johnny and Johnny was being... to Put it Nicely, Less Than His Usual Self. With That, He Slowly Processed What Johnny had Done to the Portal. ] [The Portal That Lead Him Here.  The Only Way Home. Shit.](edited)
"?!" [* Lilith was on the alert now. Just who the hell did he think he was to have power over who he thought could leave or not?? First he said he didn't need elp, now all of a sudden they weren't allowed to leave?!] "I agree with Sela. What is this all about?! You wish not for help, yet we are not allowed to leave. Just hat is it you are trying to say here? Because as of now, you are making no sense." [* If she had arms, she'd cross them right now. She'd just have to settle for a scowl and hip holding.]
Distant yelp as the portal is hoisted into the air!
* HEY! HEY! HEY! JOHNNY. PAL. If she wants to leave, let her leave... No point holding people hostage.  In fact I was planning to resume my date with Corrupted if there isn't anything we can help you with, pal.  Seriously makes no sense to keep everyone here if there isn't a real reason for us to be here in the first place. If you can handle it yourself, pal, no need to yank at our legs. Happy looked at where the portal was taken and squinted. He already just knew where this was going. In the back of his head, he repeated the phrase "please don't".
Now that he had everyone's attention, maybe then they would listen. After all, actions tend to be the most loudest and like hell he would leave them unaware anyway. As he watched Sela while acknowledging most of the responses to his brash decision, he takes a moment to draw back some air through his chest-mouth before exhaling in an annoyed fashion.
 "Because, I want to bring up some points. About what the hell I've had to endure and give you all a little history a lesson. So...Can you do a small favor for me, Sela? Group up with the others, I don't care if you or anyone else want to stand or sit down so at the very least, lend an ear." As the statement was finished, he then proceeds to move in front of the path where the portal was taken and displayed above him ; arms crossed with his left being cradled from his right.
 "And as for you all? I'm not the one that needs help but after this, explanation. You'll probably debate whether or not you need it."
Paul winces, choking down the inevitable fear while taking a few steps forward, unsure whether if the others would listen. Maybe...It was for the better to just hear his reasoning, right?
"....." Her brows furrowed. While he was being a rather stubborn wall to the portal, not much could be done without it getting physical. At least that's how she felt. Honestly, she didn't mind brawling monsters bigger than her or whatever, but the fact that he was powered by what was effectively super batteries, she didn't know how much leg she'd have to stand on. Quietly, wordlessly, she walks with her hand slightly clenched back toward the others before turning to face him and resting her hand on her hip.
[Revak's face paled, the dragon looking rather ill at such an ominous remark. He looked up at the portal above Johnny, and back down to the screen of the titan, fangs bared in sheer apprehension, but he seemed... afraid...?] [Yes, the dragon had spread his legs apart in a more defensive stance, brow furrowed in worry of what was to come.]
"Us?!" [* Brow twitch. Don't pull to many pieces of the puzzle out here bud. Jenga tower might just fall. Speaking.. figuratively of course. She was gonna stay standing. And 'lend a ear'. She almost felt as though she shouldn't at this point. Not with that attitude he was exerting. Deep breaths Lilith... Deep breaths.] "...Fine. Speak what you will, friend."
Happy stared at him and then at the others for a few moments before finally speaking in a suspicious tone. * Fiiiine.... I give a listen I guess, pal. But I don't know what the fuck what make me feel like I would need help when it still sounds like you need help. I was doing fine. Corrupt was doing fine- You are doing fine right hon? I know I was doing fine for sure, and we were going to enjoy ourselves for once til all of this happened sooooo... Speak your case, pal. I'm very interested in what you gotta say then. He crossed his arms as he made his way to climb onto Corrupted's shoulder as it made him feel a bit less tiny compared to being on the ground.
[Was He doing Fine...? Not really. Everything Felt Weird and Wrong. He Quickly and Quietly Murmured His Response to Happy's Question.] *...I Think I'm Fine. [After Happy Climbed onto Him, He Made His Way to the Group to Listen with the Rest. He just Wanted to get This Over with and go Home.]
"Good. Now let's get underway with what I can tell you all." Well, this was honestly the first time he'd relay a speech considering he had no improv to work with, only the material of his experiences would suffice. Nonetheless, it was time to get the show on the road. "I'm sure that you all are...Well situated with your homes but really, don't you all get that due to some unforeseen circumstance would go ahead to come challenge that? That through every unsuspecting minute that trouble tends to rear it's ugly head? I've had my fair share of being apart of these...Incidents, and frankly, I've had it." The screen flickers for a moment, his gaze having a solemn moment to look away. "...And the sheer fact I can't do anything to prevent it."
[Revak knew at least an inkling of what Johnny had dealt with, through the point of view of a certain angel the titan once knew... however, there was one thing he did know despite that.] [Swallowing his fear, the desire to convince Johnny to see reason filled the dragon with BRAVERY. With a trembling gaze, his jaw set and he spoke up.]
 * I get that shit goes down a lot. I completely get it... and, from what I've heard from... people you once knew... I have at least a tiny inkling of what you've been through. * ...and if things kept going for you the same way they had during the one incident I'd read about... then clearly you've been through a lot. [He stood up a bit straigher, his confidence building.] 
 * And I get how hard it is to be unable to see this kinda shit coming, but you're still here, right...? We're all still here, despite the hardships we've faced. * No one can see the future. No one can truly prevent disaster. I know this firsthand... But what we can do... [He turned to look at all the individuals gathered here with him.]
 * ...Is help each other, fight for each other, and help each other perservere through the tough times. * Not try to prevent every imaginable calamity from occuring by taking in unimaginable power.
The titan...Could only give a brief nod in agreement. If only, he could agree with most of it. Admirable but that was back then, this was the future. "...Ya know, you maybe right Revak. I'll let you settle with something I can work with."
 He exhales another huff, somewhat showing his indignant attitude. The titan soon looks to them, reasserting his hardened gaze for the group to witness. "But here lie's the problem. That invites impassiveness. Something I cannot risk with the presence of this timeline garbage."
 "For what I have seen...Frankly, I've seen too much. From encountering beings who are old as time itself to...A creature going on a rampage to end all timelines. Which is why this power I took is for the greater good. to PREPARE for such things to happen." He then releases his arms and briefly guides his left hand to briefly tap against the side of his head. "...And I have learned something during my time to adjust...On this new body, despite the shock of enduring the pain." "While I had been reminiscing over a few things. I've been able to...Recreate the scenes on display, whether it be sound or visual. You know what this means?" 
For whatever reason, he had a brief smirk coursing through his screen, as if anyone else was able to follow his implications. 
 "Well, I'm sure what you'll see, no matter if it's raking in pity points but again, let me reiterate that there are things far greater in the unknown." And by then, his screen begins to flicker to abrupt static, going into a state to show a memory of what he had seen.
The mushroom couldn't say anything but cringe at the thought of what he had to show. Frankly, this was all a bit...Too much. Paul goes ahead to take a deep breath, attempting to organize his thoughts to prepare for what's to come.
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