#also i KNOW this is my art acc but unfortunately my main is like hidden? so none of my posts will show up in tags :(
nopefer-art-tu · 11 months
so i was thinking abt the old brokeback mountain forum threads i had stumbled upon last yr and i remember coming across a very lengthy one where people were debating the nature of ennis and jack's relationship during their days on brokeback mountain. specifically, people were debating about whether or not ennis and jack kissed at all during those first few months of friendship and fucking.
i know what y'all may be thinking: but nickie, didn't they literally kiss, like, super passionate style during the unfamous second-night-in-the-tent (or SNIT, as the BetterMost forum users dubbed it) scene?
but see, the thing is that in the original short story Annie Proulx never mentioned them kissing during their time on the mountain. In fact, the first (and only) time kissing is mentioned is during their reunion. In an interview, Ang Lee had said that the whole SNIT scene was written into the film to help audiences better understand the budding passion and love between Ennis and Jack. Otherwise, they felt viewers wouldn't quite get the depth of feelings that they had for each other, and thought they would've been lost as to why it hurt them both so bad to be separated earlier than they'd anticipated.
of course i love the idea that they eased into intimacy so early on in their relationship that they made out a ton while herding on the mountains, but imo, it's also kind of interesting to think about the reunion scene being their first kiss.
in her Story to Screenplay book essay, Annie Proulx said that ranchers would often hire two guys to tend a flock together so that they could 'poke each other' on the lonesome days in the mountains. In some ways, Ennis and Jack fucking was a normal and anticipated part of the job—a 'one-shot thing' that would occur simply due to circumstance. She said what was unusual about Ennis and Jack's case is that the two had fallen into a deep, once-in-a-lifetime kind of love during their time together, thus negating the whole 'one-shot' thing Ennis had declared it to be.
with that in mind, i can see why so many people believed that they never kissed during their initial months of relationship building. They both could have justified it by thinking that as long as they didn't kiss, their tryst didn't mean anything special, nor would it make them queer for going at it like rabbits. Then they both go through the turmoil of losing each other, not knowing why it was they felt so bad about going their separate ways, and go through four long years of silence before "the first sign of life" appears in the form of a postcard.
Jack pulls up in Ennis' driveway, and Ennis is so overcome with joy and desire that first thing his (alcohol-muddled) mind thinks to do is kiss the living daylights out of Jack, and in that moment—as those old forum users had put it—that was basically the first time either of them were able to acknowledge to themselves that the summer on the mountain in '63 meant a whole lot more to them than it should have.
i dunno. i think it's a really interesting subject to think about, one that gets broached in fics very rarely. would like to hear your all's thoughts, if any!
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dotster001 · 1 year
hii can i request a matchup for twst?? i’m an ace female, 5’0 with a skinny figure and mainly a light/dark academia aesthetic. i’m an INTJ 5w6, really introverted and 100% certain i suffer from at least five kinds of anxiety. i’m extremely closed-off but significantly more open online and to my close friends. i value my alone time very much and it pisses me off when ppl don’t respect my personal boundaries. i’m very cynical, sharp-tongued, and naturally stoic which causes a ton of misunderstandings. my humour is also really cursed. i’m self-deprecating, struggle to accept compliments, and have massive trust issues bcs of my past. i’m very ambitious and often neglect my basic needs when i’m too focused on smth. i also have headphones on like 24/7 (similar to haitham) which frustrates some ppl bcs they think i’m not listening to them. my love languages are defo acts of service and quality time
i’ve whaled so much on merch and gacha it’s embarassing. i take pride on my rhythm game skills and despite rarely getting angry there are certain games that bring out the absolute worst in me (ahem overwatch and league). i’ve been berated by my team so much now i’m numb to being insulted. drawing is my other main hobby (i have an art acc), along with reading and just learning in general. i’m a pre-med so i obv like science but i enjoy history, classic lit, and the arts too. travelling is another hobby but unfortunately i can’t do it as often now :(
just refer to me as 🍦 anon. congrats on 1.5k!
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(hey 🍦 anon! Thanks for your patience! Just thought I'd share that I too am an Intj 5 w6 who likes to wear headphones. Solidarity! 😂)
I match you with Jade Leech.
It may sound a bit manipulative, but Jade slowly "molds you" into accepting his love and compliments. He's too smart to be stopped by trust issues. He respects your boundaries, he helps remind you to take care of yourself, and gives you hidden compliments until, one day, you love yourself, and him.
When he sees your stress level rising, he'll invite you on a hike to the mountains with him. Neither of you has to talk, you just spend time next to each other, away from a stressful environment. If you want to talk about your problems, though, he'll listen. He's a great listener, and an even better behind the scenes problem solver. Particularly if a person is your problem hee hee
He actually really likes the headphones idea. In fact, he might ask you to make him a playlist he can listen to on his hikes and when he gardens and works on his terrariums. I hc a lot of things about Jade, which I will not go into here, but should the loud noises of everyday life/his brother become too much, he'll quickly realize the headphones can make things less overwhelming. Maybe he'll even make you a playlist of mersongs that tell you how much he loves you.
He's in love with your combined drawing skill and love of science. Would you consider partnering up with him and making/illustrating any of his future books? Stole this idea from a fic but I think it works here
Will 100% fund your merch collection, as long as you let him buy you a shirt that says "Jade's favorite mushroom". Non Negotiable. You make him so happy, that sometimes he gets as excited about you as Floyd is about everything. He hopes you'll join him in experiencing the light hearted moments of life together.
You're gaming, while Jade is laying in your lap, and reading a book.
Suddenly, you get killed by someone on your own team, and you let out a string of curses. You see a flash of teal magic, and feel a tickling feeling under your chin, thoroughly distracting you from your rage.
You looked down to see Jade smirking, as he tickled under your chin with a feather. You scowled.
"Sometimes you take too much after your brother, you know that?"
"You mean with my dazzling good looks?" He said, his grin growing.
"Nah. With your ability to inspire rage."
He sat up, and slotted himself in your lap, a remarkable feat considering how much bigger he was than you. Then he gently strokes your cheek, and leaned in.
"At least I'm the only one of the two of us you love."
You would have given him a snarky response, if his lips didn't cover yours.
After a moment though, you felt the feather tickling the back of your neck.
You snatched it, and chucked it as Jade giggled.
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