#alpha din djarin x omega reader
absurdthirst · 2 months
Unexpectedly Mated {Alpha!Mando x F!Omega!Reader}
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 6.1k
Warnings: Alpha/Omega dynamics, heats, denying biological needs, religious creeds, removing your helmet, jealousy, territorial aggression, fingering, first kisses, vaginal sex, rough sex, knotting, mates, marking
Comments: Forbidden to remove your helmet by Creed, Mandalorians deny their basic biological needs as Alphas and Omegas. The helmet blocks the scant of their true mate. Until an open air vent leads Mando to discover that you are his omega.
Co-written with @storiesofthefandomlovers
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia.
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“You must never remove your helmet.” The creed and these words drilled into you at a young age and you have never forgotten, would never be allowed to forget. The creed comes before all else. The covert comes before the individual. In a galaxy full of alphas, omegas, and betas…Mandalorians stood alone. Defying their biological status to better the covert, to keep the numbers up. You wear the helmet to not only protect your face but to keep you from recognizing your mate. The scent recognition of a mate is instant so the Mandalorian solution is to wear helmets with filters so that one can breed with anyone they prefer. Their minds are clouded with scent so the desire is the driving factor. The younglings are raised by the covert as a unit so the aim is to repopulate Mandalore. You suppress your omega urges with supplements and you’ve yet to breed. Too busy with bounty hunting alongside a certain Din Djarin. You’re drawn to him, that’s for sure, but you’ve never bred with him. He’s not interested in a family, in an ad. He wants credits. He wants to protect the foundling under his care and you’ve gone along for the ride.
“Din.” Your modulated voice calls out to him as he strides ahead of you after you reunited the frog woman with her husband. “The kid needs to eat.” You tell him, knowing you need to find the nearest cantina.
The sigh Din gives you is one of frustration and resignation. He likes the kid, he’s risked a lot to protect him, even his covert. The sins he has committed weigh heavily on his shoulders and he nods. “Come on.” He grumbles to the little one. “I know you’re hungry, we’ll get you something to eat.” Hopefully the Crest will be fixed soon. Unable to take off his helmet unless he is in his bunk is starting to frustrate him, the hermetically sealed space is starting to feel stale with the cycled air and he longs for a single breath of fresh air. He had also hoped to slip away for a moment, needing to find a medical facility to replace his implant. It had been damaged from his fight with Moff Gideon and he’s not had time to have it seen to. While he doesn’t visit a brothel or find a sexual partner often, he can feel the need to rut building up in his system. The alpha side he tries to suppress starts to bleed through his normally calm demeanor. 
You sit with the kid in the cantina, snorting when Din saves him from his own lunch and you glance around at the sailors. They mention Mandalorians and you are surprised to hear of your kind here, especially since Din wants to find them so he can help the kid return to his own planet. “Before we head off, maybe we can freshen up. I need to use the fresher and I’m sure you also want some time out of beskar.”
He groans at the idea of time outside the suit. Letting his skin breath and maybe he can work in a quick tug on his cock while he’s in the ‘fresher. “We’ll have to get rooms.” He reminds you, his head tilting towards yours. “Do you want to do that?”
You nod, “that sounds like a plan. I’m sure this one needs a nap after everything.” You say, reaching out to caress the kid’s ear. He coos at you and finishes his broth with a loud slurp. “Let’s find somewhere.” You say and throw some credits down for the broth. Din nods and you’re soon following him into the inn nearby. You are eager for a shower and some time out of the heavy beskar. Despite wearing it since you were a kid, you have always been weighed down by it. Din gets two rooms and you nod at him when he carries the now sleeping child into the room.
The child’s eyes never open, making Din chuckle quietly as he closes the pod and sets it in the corner of the room. Looking around to make sure the windows are covered before he reaches up and unlatches the edge of his helmet and groans quietly when he pulls it off his head. His hair is sweaty, but immediately the scent of the outside world is much more vivid. Making him inhale deeply and growl quietly at how good it all smells. Being an alpha as a Mandalorian was tricky, his own scent blocked by the helmet, but others could smell him. Making things difficult for him at times, especially when he cannot even walk around his own ship with his helmet unsealed because you are with him. Now, he sits on the edge of the bed, with his eyes closed and breathes deep, unaware that the vent between your two rooms has not been closed. 
You hum as you tilt your head under the water. An actual shower instead of the ‘fresher on the ship is a welcome surprise. You don’t realize the vent in your room is open so Din can smell you as your omega scent wafts through the room, warmed up from the shower and the water flowing onto your face blocks you from smelling Din.
It’s subtle at first. A teasing waft that caresses his nose and makes his cock twitch. The beautiful, heady scent of an omega. Making him groan quietly until the next wave hits him. His omega. The scent overwhelms him and he’s immediately hard, aching and desperate to claim the omega who is meant to be his mate. His mate. His eyes widen when he sees the vent opened, called to it as he follows the scent. It’s the vent that connects your room to his. You’re his mate.
You can feel a tugging in your stomach when you step out of the shower and you frown, wondering if you’re going to go into heat soon. You’ll need to get some more suppressants since you don’t have the time to spend days nesting while you are with Din. He doesn’t want you to be a needy omega holding him back from his quest. You dry off, shutting the door to the bathroom behind you and you lay down on the bed, unable to stop your hand from snaking down to rub your clit, a whimper escaping your lips.
Din snaps the vent closed. Hand curling into a fist as he pants against the shared wall. You’re his mate, his omega. His mind whirls as he tries to reconcile that new information with the stalwart and steady Mandalorian he has been bounty hunting with. He won’t deny that he wondered about fucking you before, it’s only natural that he would given how close you had been. His cock throbs as he imagines you in your armor, slowly stripping it off and walking around your room nude. Building a nest and begging him to join you. “Fuck.” He hisses.
You fall asleep naked on the bed after making yourself cum, relieving the ache in your stomach, enjoying being out of your beskar. You sleep until there’s a knock on the door and you groan, waking up and immediately grabbing your helmet to slide it onto your head. “It’s time to go.” Din says and you call out, “no problem. I’ll get ready and be right out.”
You redress in your beskar, your stomach still aching but you decide you’ll seek out some suppressants later. Opening the door, you find Din standing there with the kid. “Morning buddy.” You coo to the child and look up at Din who looks tense. “Everything okay?” You ask him, tilting your helmet. 
You know that Din can be all business but there’s something off about him. You ignore it and follow Din down the hall to find the sailors who are granting you passage on their boat to find the Mandalorians that are apparently on the planet. Later on, you admire the water as the raft moves along, glancing at Din who is stiff, well, stiffer than normal. “Are you sure you’re okay?” You ask softly, the sailors moving around behind you.
“Let me go!” You growl in anger, swinging your arm to fling a sailor into the water. Using your strength to try and untangle yourself from the ropes when Din and the child are in danger and that’s when they appear: the Mandalorians.
The redhead who introduced herself as Bo Katan shakes her head. “I’ve heard of your sect of the religion but Maker…I didn’t know how far it went in controlling its followers. On Mandalore, we wish for alphas and omegas to find their mate, it makes for stronger bonds, stronger families. We don’t - that is not something we dictate.” You swallow harshly as her words, feeling a tugging in your stomach that makes you want to lean towards Din but you push that aside. “You can remove your helmet and you would not be dar'manda.” Bo Katan explains and you’re so tempted.
Din stands up, angry at them for tempting him, tempting you. He shakes his head. “You are not mandalorian.” He growls, reaching down and takes your arm to pull you to your feet. “We are leaving.” He tells you, turning and striding away from the group angrily. 
You let Din guide you out of the cantina and you sigh, “Din. Slow down. Maybe…maybe they are telling the truth. As Mandalorians, we are denying our biological need. We are denying nature itself. Why? What- what good is it?” You ask him, the child in the pouch nestled against his hip.
“What good is it?” Din stops and spins around, crowding you slightly and even though you cannot smell it, pheromones pour off of him in heavy waves. All this talk of mates and finding out you are his has him desperate to claim you. To take what is his. “The Creed. That is what good it is. Our secrecy is our survival. We. Do. Not. Remove. Our. Helmets.” 
You shake your helmet, stumbling back away from him. “I do not want to breed with whomever the armorer tells me to. I want to find my mate. I want to feel complete.” You yell, quickly flicking the lock to your helmet and you waste no time lifting it off of your head in public for the first time since you were twelve. It hits you immediately. His scent. He’s an alpha. Your alpha. “You- oh Maker. Alpha.” You address him, your stomach twisting with sudden need for him.
Din hisses, his body jerking at the tone of your voice, the submissive nature of it. Calling to him. His hands curl into fists and he moves, shielding you from any eyes that could possibly see your face. “Put your helmet on.” He demands roughly, knowing that he cannot do this right now. He cannot have this conversation with you in the middle of a spaceport. 
Your lower lip trembles, feeling the rejection, and you shove your helmet back on your head, flicking the lock and his scent is replaced with fresh air through the filter. “Clearly you do not wish to have me as your omega so I am going to go back to the cantina. Perhaps another alpha can help with my heat.” You didn’t get a chance to pick up suppressants and the scent of your alpha has your stomach twisting with the sudden heat, the urge to mate and be claimed by him has you sweating already. You need to be touched and as much as you wish for it to be him, it’s obvious that he doesn’t want that. You spin on your heel before he can answer to make your way back into the cantina.
Growling, Din watches you walk off. Sighing when he knows he cannot follow you. The child is still beside him, looking up and cooing at him as if to tell him that he had fucked up. “Come on kid.” He grunts, turning and walking away from you even though his entire body is screaming to follow you. “I need to find someone to watch you.” He knows he cannot have a conversation with you around the kid, around anyone. He needs to find another room, then he will bring you back for a talk. 
You want to take off your helmet and down a spotchka or five, but Din’s command to not remove your helmet is ringing in your ears. You sit at the bar when you feel a presence next to you. “What’s a Mandalorian omega doing all alone?” He asks and you snort, “I haven’t got an alpha.” You state despite your chest aching, knowing you have an alpha but he doesn’t want you. On your walk to the cantina, you realized that Din didn’t question being your alpha. Which means he must’ve taken his helmet off at some point and found out. You wonder how long he’s known. Why he had kept it from you. “That’s good news for me, sweetheart. I’ve never been with a Mandalorian before and it smells like you might be needing an alpha at any moment.” He says, leaning closer and your stomach pangs with the beginning of a heat. 
“I- I ran out of suppressants.” You confess, turning towards him despite everything in you wanting to run to find Din.
The Frog Lady had agreed to watch the baby, leaving Din to go back to the little inn where you had stayed last night and get another room. He knows that he owes you a conversation, a real conversation and he cannot do that in public. Once he has the key, Din tucks it into his belt and sets off for the cantina. He knows you are angry at him, hurt. He wants to give you time to cool down for a moment, to think rationally again. To remember your creed so both of you can agree that nothing will happen until you can find the armorer again and speak with her. Striding confidently towards the seedy little bar, he is sure that it would work. 
You giggle when the alpha leans in, telling you a joke about Jawas and you are distracted for a moment from talking about your heat. He offers to buy you a drink but you decline, not wanting to take your helmet off, but it’s nice to talk to someone without them just giving you a grunt as an answer. You unconsciously lean closer to the alpha, your body heated as your biological need threatens to overwhelm you.
Walking into the bar, Din unlocks his helmet, unsealing it so he can smell you. Attraction and arousal, pouring from you and he follows the scent. Finding you sitting at the bar, another alpha leaning in, obviously interested in touching you, fucking you. The need to protect you roars to life in his chest and his alpha nature  rips through his self control. Moving quickly to you, barely resisting the urge to pull his blaster on the cocksure alpha who is grinning at his mate. “Get the fuck away from her.” He growls, shoving between the two of you and puffing up his chest, towering over the other man and trying to be as intimidating as possible.
You gasp at Din’s sudden appearance and you stand up from your stool. “Alpha.” You place your hand on Din’s chest plate to keep him back from the other alpha. 
“Hey buddy. Me and this omega were talking.” The alpha says and you wince under your helmet, knowing that he needs to shut up before he gets a blaster in the face. 
“Din, just leave him.” You huff, pissed that he is dictating what you can and can’t do.
“My omega.” Din growls, his hand inches away from his blaster and he stares hard at the man from behind his visor. “Move away.” He warns but the man scoffs and doesn’t look impressed. 
“She doesn’t seem taken. She seems like she’s real interested in getting to know me. ‘Bout to go into heat, needs an alpha buried in her cunt, knotting her.”
His words make you wince as you know Din, any alpha, wouldn’t allow them to speak about their omega that way. “It’s obvious you haven’t claimed her. What’s wrong, Mando? Not got the balls to do what needs to be done. She doesn’t smell like you. She smells wet. She smells ready for a cock. Clearly you aren’t enough for her. She wants to get fucked.” The alpha smirks, pushing Din’s buttons even more.
Din’s hand shoots out, wrapping it around the other alpha’s throat and squeezing harshly. Enjoying the way his pheromones immediately turned to ones of distress and his eyes bulge while his blue skin turns purple as the airways are cut off by the pressure of Din’s hand. “My omega.” Din rasps out, voice dangerously low and threatening. “Mine. Not yours. Mine.” The urge to kill him is clouding his thoughts, to demonstrate that you are his. That he would protect you.
“Alpha. Alpha. Don’t. He’s not worth it. I’m yours. I’m yours.” You promise Din, knowing that fact deep within your bones but you’re still furious with him. You place your hands on his chest plate, your helmet tilted towards his, “please. Just take me back to the inn. Don’t do this.”
Slowly, Din relaxes his fingers and lets go. Getting immense satisfaction when the other alpha gasps for air and immediately grabs his throat. He grabs your hands and ducks his shoulder down, hauling you over his shoulder like he would a bounty. Ignoring your shrieks as he storms out of the cantina with you.
You are shocked that Din is carrying you back to the inn and, you can admit to yourself, turned on by the primal display. "Din. Put me down!" You demand but he ignores you until he's in front of the room he had gotten for you. Finally putting you down. "I can't believe you did that." You shake your helmet and he opens the door.
 "Inside." He demands and you obey him immediately, stepping into the room. Din steps into the room, letting the door close and locking it behind him. “You were going to let him touch you?” He demands, pissed off that you were searching for someone, despite the fact that he had not immediately claimed you.
You feel defiant now despite being alone with your alpha. "I was. I am going into heat. If you didn’t touch me, I needed to find another alpha to satisfy my needs." You declare despite knowing that no one would give you what you need from Din. 
“You’ve worked through heats before.” Din growls, remembering how he had heard your whimpering cries from your bunk as you used your toys. It had been hard to deal with, when he hadn’t known he was your alpha. Wanting to offer you his cock the entire time, but he had respected your need for privacy. “Why not this time?”
“Because - because I wanted to feel wanted. I wanted someone to touch me who wanted to touch me, to make me feel something. I know you already knew I was your omega. You weren’t shocked when I found out you were my alpha. You didn’t - you didn’t sound surprised at all. How long have you known?” You ask, crossing your arms.
He leans back from you, surprised that you are attacking him and not liking it. “I-“ he huffs, rolling his eyes under his helmet and sighs. “Yesterday.” He admits quietly. “The vents between our rooms weren't closed. I-I smelled you when I took my helmet off.”
You are placated when you find out it was only yesterday but you’re still hurt that he didn’t tell you. “I didn’t smell you yesterday. I - I was showering and I -” You frown under the helmet. “You weren’t going to tell me, were you?”
“I- we-“ Din shakes his head. “You know what Mandalorians do.” He reasons with you. “The Armorer aligns breeding partners. I-“ He bites his lip under his helmet and sighs. “I was going to ask the Armorer for you, to be paired with you when we find them again.”
You understand where he is coming from but you feel frustrated by him. "Din. We - we are mates. What we have is...it's more than the creed. It's more than just breeding. It's how it is supposed to be. It's primal and raw. We are mates. Destined for each other and you've been by my side for so long yet neither of us knew what the other was meant to be. I want - I want you. I need you. Fuck the creed. Fuck the Armorer. You're my alpha and I - I want you. No matter what the consequences are." You say, "but if you don't want that - want me - I will leave. I'll go back to the covert and you can finish your quest alone."
He wants to argue against your comments, his heart twisting when he hears you say you would walk away. “Always wanted you.” He confesses quietly, breathing deeply and soaking in your scent. “Since the second week together. Watching you wipe the floor with that Twi.” He snorts, smirking slightly under his helmet. “Wanted you all the time.”
You chuckle, remembering that fight when you were both so much younger. You step towards him, "I have always wanted you. Always imagined you when I was in my nest." You confess softly, "I think I knew, unconsciously, that I was yours."
“I thought about you a lot.” Din confesses, taking a deep breath as he remembers what Bo Katan had said about mates being able to reveal their faces to each other. He takes a deep breath and reaches up to slowly start sliding his helmet off.
Your eyes widen under your helmet as Din exposes his face to you and you get your first look at his handsome face. "Maker. You are -" You can see him tense with anxiety and you reach up with your gloved hand to cup his cheek. "Mesh'la." You tell him, unable to tear your eyes away from those beautiful brown eyes. "Do you - you can remove my helmet...if you want."
He’s proud that you find him appealing. His one glimpse of you too fleeting for his own liking, finding you mesh’la as well. “I want to see you, omega.” He hums as he slowly reaches for your helmet. “My omega. My mate.”
You’re nervous for him to fully look at you without your helmets on, and your heart pounds beneath your chest plate. You bite your lip when your eyes meet his without the pixelated visor screen and his brown eyes soften. “Din. Alpha.” You murmur, watching him as he stares at you.
“Mesh’la.” He murmurs softly, staring into your eyes and feeling his cock harden beneath his flight suit as he smells and sees you clearly for the first time. He groans your name. “Omega.”
You ache for him, your heat curling in your stomach, and you wonder what he wants, if he still wants to wait until you return to the covert. “I don’t know what you want from me right now. Do you want us to put our helmets back on and continue on like this never happened until we return to the Armorer?” You ask, a little breathless.
“I cannot pretend I haven’t seen your face, smelled you.” Din groans, his eyes nearly closing in pain when a wave of arousal drifts over him. “I- you’re mine.” He growls again. “You are going into heat, I will take care of you.”
You whimper at his words, your body starting to get overheated with need. “Alpha.” You gasp, starting to work on removing your beskar, needing to feel the air on your hot skin. “I need you.” You pant, efficiently stripping down until you’re in your bra band and panties, boots kicked aside and you slide your hand into your panties, needing to rub your clit for some relief.
“Omega.” He growls, body tense and he steps forward, his need to touch you and take care of you nearly overwhelming his rational sense. He is about to touch you, still completely dressed in his armor except for his helmet. When he sees his gloves, he stops. “Get on the bed.” He orders, starting to strip down himself. Needing to press his skin to yours. “I will make sure you don’t need your fingers. You can have mine.”
You obey his order, shifting to lay down on the bed after reluctantly pulling your fingers out of your panties, and you watch him strip off. “Alpha. You are - you’re mesh’la.” You say, sitting up on your elbows to watch him, seeing the scars from blasters that grazed the vulnerable spots in his beskar and you want to kiss every one of them.
His own groan is one of pride and need, seeing you squirming on the bed, waiting for him. His omega, needy and wet. His hand wraps around his cock and he slowly starts to jerk himself. “You are mesh’la, cyar’ika.” He hums, eyes dark and full of lust. The waves of need and want roll off of you and mix with his own desire to fill the room. “My sweet little, omega. Wanting my cock, needing my knot.”
His voice, unmodulated, makes you shiver, and you watch him with wide eyes. “Yours, alpha.” You promise, reaching behind you to unclip your bra band, tossing it onto the floor to expose your tits to his gaze as he pumps his cock. You are aching for him. “Please. Alpha. I need your touch.”
He’s heard it before. The needy begging and calling to his alpha, but never from his mate. Growling, he scrambles onto the bed, one hand grabbing your breast while the other rips your panties off effortlessly.
You cry out in satisfaction as he quickly pushes two thick digits inside of you. “Yesss.” You hiss, feeling the ache assuage slightly with his digits curling deep inside of you. “Fuck, Din. Alpha. Yes.” You whine, tilting your head towards his.
It will be the first time he’s kissed anyone and it’s fitting that it’s his mate. His lips come crashing down against yours roughly as he curls his fingers inside you. Unskilled, he relies on what he had imagined doing, watching holo vids and jerking off when he was alone in his bunk. His tongue pushing into your mouth when you moan and he makes a feral sound of pleasure of his own.
You moan into his mouth, tangling your tongue with his and it’s unskilled but passionate. Your hands tangle in his hair, tugging slightly and you feel his cock twitch against your thigh. You’ve both had sex before, neither of you have kissed and it’s clumsy but you soon get the hang of it.
He feels like he doesn’t want to ever stop kissing you. Pumping his fingers deep inside your quivering cunt, he groans and rocks his hips against your belly. Loving how eagerly you respond to me.
You pant into his mouth, getting closer to orgasm with the way his fingers pump into you. "Alpha. I'm gonna- you're gonna make me - fuck!" You cry into his mouth as you clamp down on his digits, the ache in your belly satiated for a moment.
The first orgasm from his omega nearly makes him cum untouched. Din moans your name as he works you through the way your walls clench and your juices soak his hand. Pleasured pheromones pour off of you and he ducks his head down to press his tongue to your scent gland.
Feeling his tongue on your scent gland has you whining his name and your nails dig into his back, wanting him to bite you but he won’t until he’s ready. “I need you inside of me. Please, alpha.” You beg, gently pushing him off of you so you can shift onto your hands and knees for him.
Din growls, loving the submissive display, looking at your dripping cunt as you move to your hands and knees. Showing him how badly you need him. “My omega is eager.” He groans, slapping your ass and squeezing your hips as he throbs. He knows this first time will be rough. You know it too. Taking his cock on his hand, he shuffles forward and notches it at your entrance. Hissing when he snaps his hips forward ruthlessly and buries himself deep in your cunt.
Your breath is immediately pushed from your lungs and you gasp as he stretches you out. You fall forward onto your elbows and squeeze your eyes shut as he doesn’t hesitate to start moving inside of you. It’s rough and your body feels like it’s on fire. “Yes! Oh fuck, yes! Alpha. I- shit.” You curse, cunt fluttering around his cock.
You’re perfect around him. Gloriously tight and taking every harsh thrust with a choked moan as he starts to hammer into you. Need and the instinct to give you every piece of himself has him gripping your hips like you might get away from him and rocking deep to push up against your womb.
You grip the sheets beneath you, your cheek pressed against them as he pushes into you over and over again. “Fuck. Oh fuck Din.” You pant, thighs starting to shake as he pushes you closer and closer to orgasm with every harsh rock of his hips.
Suddenly, Din stops. Circling his hips as he lifts your and grinds into you. He was going to cum and he wants to make sure that you are satisfied before he gives into any of his own needs. “Fuck, omega, you are so perfect.” He grunts out, panting as he feels you squeeze him. “Are you going to be a good girl and take my knot? Let me breed you one day?”
You whine, deep from your throat. “Yesss. I’ll let you- have as many as you want, alpha. I want to be good for you. Want you to be happy.” You pant, thighs shaking still as he grinds deep and his hand spreads wide until his thumb is pressing against your clit.
“Good girl.” He growls out, twitching inside you. He’s imagined breeding you before, many times, even before knowing you were his omega. Hoping that working with you would cause the armorer to place you together to breed. It was why he let you on his ship. “Fuck, I- you feel so good ‘mega. So fucking tight around my cock.”
Your nails dig into the sheets and you are desperate for him to make you cum. The fire in your belly is burning and sweat beads on your forehead. “Alpha. Please.” You whine, grinding yourself back onto him. “I need - need to cum. It burns.” You almost sob with need.
“It’s okay,” he coos, rubbing your clit as he starts rocking into you again. “Your alpha is going to take care of you. Make sure your little cunt is happy by the time you leave this bed.”
You grind back onto him, his hips still not moving as he rubs your clit, and you practically sob with relief when you cum. Clamping down on his cock, you moan his name, his designation, and soak him. “Yessss.” You hiss, thighs violating shaking as you ride your high.
“Fuck.” He groans, his hands tightening on you as he feels you cum around him. “It’s so good, cyar’ika. My omega.”
You slump into the sheets, the burning dissipating for a moment so you can catch your breath and Din’s fingers dig into your hips. “Alpha. Maker, I need - I want you to knot me. Please. Fuck me hard.” You beg breathlessly.
“Yes, yes, my ‘mega can take it.” He growls proudly. “Take my cock and beg for more.” As he starts to thrust harder, it feels like he’s going to beat the bed through the wall, knocking the headboard against the panel with a loud clang every time he pushes deep.
“I can take it. I want more. Always want more. Please baby. Fuck me. Fuck me harder, Alpha.” You demand, your hands coming out to stop yourself from being squashed against the headboard.
He wants to bite you, to mark you as his even though no one would ever see your marks except him. His secret claim on you under your armor. His hisses out your name and manages to increase his frantic pace. “Fuck, fuck, Dank ferik.”
You whine his name, “Alpha. Oh Maker. You - it’s - oh shit. Shit. Shit.” You wail as you cum again, clamping down on his cock and gushing around him, feeling his knot starting to catch and you know he’s close. “Cum. Cum for me.” You beg breathlessly, reaching back to touch his hand on your hip.
Din collapses on top of you, Pushing you down to the bed, hips never stopping as he drives into you again and again. Fucking you into the bed as if that was his singular focus in life. “Gonna, gonna cum.” He grunts out, warning you. “K-knot you.”
“Do it. Fuck, I need it. Need it, Alpha.” You beg and he pushes deep just as his knot catches, his seed painting your walls with spurt after spurt. You whine in pleasure, feeling satisfied and you tilt your neck. “Make me yours, Din.”
The audible pop of his knot slipping into you releases a feral growl from deep in his chest. Unable to stop himself, his face turns towards your neck and his teeth sink into your scent gland. Marking you as his irrevocably.
You cum again from the pleasure of being tamed and from him knotting you. You sigh into the sheets when Din licks the mark he left on your skin. “I love you.” You confess, “even before I found out you’re my alpha. I’ve always loved you.” You confess with your eyes closed.
Din sighs softly and even though he could not pull away from you because of his knot, he wraps his arms around you to keep you close. “I had hoped the armorer would pair us together.” He confesses quietly. “That's why I let you join my crew.”
He shifts onto his side and you curl back into his chest, “whatever happens…it’s you and me and the kid. Even if we have to leave the covert. I would like to keep you, to keep you safe.” You promise him and he leans in to nuzzle your neck.
“Kar’ta.” He murmurs, feeling like he is complete for the first time since his nature was revealed. His other half is in his arms and he wants nothing more than to keep you there. “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome.” He whispers softly, wondering if you will repeat the wedding vows back to him. “Mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.”
You smile and squeeze his forearm. “Mhi solus tome, mhi solus dar'tome. Mhi me'dinui an, mhi ba'juri verde.” You repeat back, turning your head to look at him, “riduur.” You whisper, kissing his jaw, “my riduur.”
“Riduur.” His spouse. You are married to him now, his - both by your nature and by your religion. “I will keep you and the child safe.” He vows, his hand sliding down to your stomach. “And any who follow.”
You kiss his lips softly, smiling against him as you place your hand over his on your stomach. “We will face whatever we need to face together. My riduur. My alpha. And when we are ready, I’ll happily have your children. Maybe we can settle on Navarro. Get a little cottage and live a peaceful life together.” You vocalize the dream you’ve had for years.
“That would be good.” He knows that it might never happen, but he wishes for it. “First we must finish our quest.” He hopes to find the armorer again and have you declared a clan of three. It will take some time, but you have time. Both of you have implants to prevent a child and his knotted cock twitches inside you as he thinks about filling you with his baby.
“Finish the quest.” You agree, “then we have the rest of our lives together. I love you, Din Djarin. My alpha.” You murmur, kissing his jaw again. “Whatever happens, we will face it together as mates. As partners.” You promise, unsure of the road ahead but you will be together, connected as one, and you will ensure the child’s safety. This is the way.
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mandos-mind-trick · 11 months
Instinct - Part 12
Summary: Omegas were rare. Some even thought them extinct. So when Boba contacts Din saying he has a gift Din can’t refuse, the last thing he expects to find is an omega in need of an alpha. Din has to make the hard decision, but what else was he really doing anyways? But naturally, there’s more to this omega than meets the eye.
Pairing: Din Djarin x reader
Warnings: NSFW, smut, fluff, A/B/O, brief mention of injuries, unplanned pregnancy, brief discussion of abortion (more implied than an actual discussion), so much softness omg
A/N: It's hard to believe this story is over. It's been fun writing it and I'm kind of sad that it's over. I wound up going a different direction with the story than I originally planned. I'm a little bummed that I didn't go with the original idea but it would have been more complex and taken a lot longer to get to inevitably the same ending. I think I'm just ready to finish this one up and let it lie with this ending.
Thank you to all of my readers, I'm so grateful that all of you took the time to read and enjoy this story. Here's to whatever comes next!
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You stare out at the flickering blue of hyperspace. You’re tired. Your heat has taken its toll on you. You’re still achy, your inner thighs raw from Din’s stubble. You had left not long after your heat ended, Din getting a comm message from Karga about the location of some of the targets, and the bounty on their heads. 
Din wanted to get things taken care of before they disappeared again, or someone else found them. He had packed things up, hauling their belongings and you, still half asleep onto the Crest before leaving the planet. 
Three of them. One more and you’d be on their way to Navarro. 
It wasn’t like you necessarily needed the credits. Boba could easily send more, and would if you asked. Din wanted to do things his way, though. The dumb alpha instinct to prove their worth, to prove they could properly care for a mate, for a family. 
You curl up in your seat, tucking your knees to your chest. Din had proven himself time and time again to more, more than he needed to. You won’t change his mind, though. He was determined to see this through. You’re saving others from what you went through. That’s what you tell yourself. It’s not all about revenge. It would be impossible, now that you know the truth. Now that you remember. 
A shiver runs down your spine as memories run through your head. What happened to the others? Had any of them escaped? Or had you been lucky to survive, to be taken by the pirates and saved from a worse fate? 
You don't want to think about it anymore. You screw your eyes shut, focusing on the scent of your alpha heavy in the air, letting it relax you. He smells musky, both of you still recovering from your heat. From what you can remember, it had been an intense one. More intense than your last. Perhaps the suppressants were finally completely out of your system. Or maybe it was just your body’s reaction to going years without a heat. 
You can still feel the lingering effects of it. Your brain feels fuzzy still, your body warm. Everything is louder, stronger, more amplified. You want to crawl into Din’s lap and sink right under his armor into his skin. 
If only that were possible. 
You wake when the ship lands. It startles you for a moment before you’re able to get your bearings. You rub your eyes, Din running a hand over your head before leaving the cockpit. You let your brain wake up more before you follow him, dropping into the hull. 
“Stay with the ship.” Din says, loading the last of his weapons. “This won’t take long.” 
You grab his arm before he can walk away, turning him to face you. You reach up, lifting his helmet just enough to reveal his mouth. You stand on your toes, pressing your lips to his. His hands grab your waist, holding you steady as you kiss him. Your brain feels fuzzy, still fighting the lingering buzz from your heat. 
“As soon as I get this done,” Din murmurs against your lips, squeezing your sides. “I’ll come back and help you.” 
You let out a quiet whine, but relent, letting him go. You watch him leave the ship, the ramp closing behind him. You crawl into the nest, burrowing yourself in Din’s scent to wait for his return. 
It only takes two hours before the ramp is lowering once more, Din leading someone into the ship. You lay still, buried beneath the blankets out of sight. You hear the familiar rush of air from the carbonite chamber before footsteps approach. You don't move, don't reveal yourself, but you don't have to. The blankets shift slightly, a gloved hand reaching beneath them. You lean into his touch, keening quietly. Your underwear is soaked through, your mind racing nonstop in his absence. 
The cool air of the Crest hits your skin as the blankets are tossed off, your body rolling to present for him. His hand presses into your back, holding you flat against the floor. You buck your hips, desperate for any sort of friction, any contact to alleviate the need rushing through you.
Gloved hands slip under the waistband of your pants and underwear, tugging both down just far enough. Din inhales deeply, groaning at the scent of you heavy in the air. 
“Could smell you outside the ship.” He growls, pressing his body flat against yours. 
You keens, bucking your hips up to grind against his hard length. He reaches between them, guiding his cock into your slick folds. You gasp at the stretch, back arching to take him deeper. 
“Stinking up the ship with that needy pussy.” He growls, a hand tangling in your hair to tilt your head and reveal your neck. “All for me, huh?” 
“Yes, alpha!” You whine as he pulls back before slamming his hips against your ass. “Need you. Need you so bad.” 
He shushes you, lips tracing your neck. “I’ve got you, omega. Let your alpha take care of you.” 
You practically sob as he begins thrusting into you, his movements slow and deep. Your clit drags along the blanket under you, making you dizzy with pleasure. His lips close around your mark, fingers tangling with yours to hold you steady as he fucks you. You’re loud, keening and whining and moaning under him as he fucks you through your first orgasm. He doesn’t slow any, keeping his pace steady. 
“Alpha, alpha!” You chant his title like a prayer, moving your body with his. “Need your cum! Please!” 
He shushes you, shifting his hips just slightly to hit that spot inside you with every thrust. His teeth sink into your shoulder, your body shuddering violently under him as you cums a second time, soaking him and the blankets with your slick. 
He releases with a groan inside you, keeping his hold on your shoulder for a moment as he fills you with his cum. You let out little whines beneath him, your hips still jerking from the aftershocks of your orgasm. He releases your shoulder, running his tongue along the teeth marks indented in your skin. 
You go limp beneath him, his arms slipping under you to roll them to one side. He holds you against his chest, fingers tracing your skin as he continues to lap at your mark. He’s still buried inside you, half-hard in your pussy.
“I need to get us on our way to Nevarro.” He says, lips brushing your skin. 
You make a noise in protest, grabbing onto his wrists with surprising strength before he can get up. 
“I won’t be gone long.” He says, shifting his hips to pull out of you. “I’ll be back.” 
You make a disgruntled noise as he leaves the nest, mind working off of muscle memory to get the ship out of the atmosphere and into hyperspace. As soon as you’re headed towards Nevarro, he descends into the hull once more, crawling back into the nest with you. 
The warning alarm that the ship is about to drop out of hyperspace draws him from the nest. You shift in your sleep as he pulls himself from you, climbing back into the cockpit. He lands the ship, finding you sitting up in the nest when he gets back down to the hull. 
“We land already?” You ask, rubbing your eyes. 
“Just did.” He says, putting pieces of his armor back on. 
You get up, stepping into the fresher. “You’re lucky you have armor to hide behind.” 
“You look fine.” He says, slipping his blaster into the holster. 
“I most certainly do not.” You step back out. “If I go out there looking like this, people are gonna ask questions.” 
He eyes the bite mark on your shoulder, and the bruises across your collarbones and the sides of your neck. “You can always say it was a fight.” 
You give him a look. “Yeah, because people are gonna believe that. ‘You think this is bad, you should see the other guy.’” You mock, changing into clothes that offer better coverage. 
“You did quite a number on me.” He says. 
You shoot him a glare over your shoulder as you try to fix your hair so it doesn’t look like you’d fucked the entire trip. “Yeah, but no one’s gonna see it but me.” 
“Good.” He growls, his chest pressing against your back. 
You roll your eyes, smacking his arm with your brush. “Don’t we have things to do? People to see?” 
He rests his helmet against the side of your head for a moment before letting you go. He’s glad to see you're back to your normal self again, even if you are a bit of a pain in his ass. His hand brushes your side as you wait for the ramp to lower, feeling the blaster tucked into your pants. He smiles a bit behind his helmet. He never has to remind you. 
He takes your hand, leading you down the ramp. Karga and Cara are there already, waiting for you. 
“You never fail to impress me.” Karga says, greeting Din with a handshake. “I wasn’t expecting you so soon.” 
“It was an easy job.” Din says.
“Come on,” Karga says, clapping Din’s shoulder. “Let’s get them off-loaded then we can talk payment.” 
“How many have you found?” Cara asks as you sit around a table in the cantina. 
“Counting these three, ten.” Din answers. “Not nearly all of them, but things have gotten... complicated.” 
“They’re figuring it out.” Karga says. 
Din nods. “That, and...” 
“The Empire was involved.” You answer for him, not wanting to beat around the bush like Din was probably going to. You had no reason to lie, no reason to hide it. “They were the ones that picked us up trying to escape Mandalore.” 
“What would the Empire want with a bunch of Mandalorians?” Karga asks. 
“They wanted to study our kind.” You answer. “They wanted to know about our abilities. The heightened senses, increased strength, all of it. All beings are capable of waking it, but most have forgotten how. Mandalorians are one of the last groups that remember, and actively practice.” 
“This is getting into dangerous territory.” Cara warns. 
“I know.” Din says. “That’s why we came here after picking up the last three. We...have to decide what to do next.” 
“You can stay as long as you’d like.” Karga says. “I’ll put you up in a nice house on the outskirts, lots of privacy. My treat.” 
Din glances down at you, seeing the desire in your gaze. He’d be content staying in the ship, but he knows you miss a real roof over your head, a real bed. Your last vacation had really taken its toll on your omega instincts. He might never get you to leave if you stay. 
His shoulders slump a bit. “Fine.” 
What Din was hoping would only be a few days turns into a couple weeks. You had quickly fallen in love with Nevarro and its newly refreshed culture. You had yet to talk about your next move, as Karga was insistent on spoiling you and showing you all the best that Nevarro now had to offer. You were eating it up, and Din didn’t have it in him to stop you. 
After a few days, you began to slow down a bit. It was really what prompted him to stay longer than those few days. You were acting strangely, stranger than normal. You were more agitated, tossing and turning at night and then sleeping late into the day. He wondered if it was some lasting effect from your heat, or perhaps the underlying stress had caused your heat to start back up. 
You weren't showing any other normal symptoms of a heat, though. 
In fact, you were acting the opposite. 
Besides your grumpy attitude, he had been forced to sleep on the floor a couple times after you’d nearly pushed him off the bed. You’ve dodged his touches a few times, as well as shrugged off a few others. Your instincts were going haywire, and it was putting him on edge. 
His natural first thought was that someone had slipped something into some food or a drink. You weren't acting like you had been slipped a suppressant. Spice didn’t have much of an effect on your kind either, and he can’t think of anything else that could be causing such a reaction. It could just be delayed stress, or your body fighting some sort of illness. He considered contacting Boba, but he probably wouldn’t be able to offer up an explanation either. 
He should just load you up and take you back to Tatooine, but he’s worried a confined space might make you more agitated. The last thing he needs is an agitated omega in hyperspace. He could slip you something to help you sleep through the trip, but you’d be raging when you woke up again. 
He could always command you to. 
He doesn’t want to do that. It would be cruel. It would break the trust that had formed between them. He had told himself he’d only do it if he had no other choice, and this doesn't feel like the right situation. 
He won’t do that to you. 
He resorts to just asking you. 
He approaches you in the morning. You’re seated at the small table in the kitchen, your back to him. He keeps his distance, remembering the stories of how aggressive your omega is. He doesn't want to risk you getting hurt. 
He says your name, watching you from behind.. You let out a grunt in response. “Are you okay?” He asks. 
Your shoulders tense, hands closing into fists where they’re laying on the table. You're annoyed, the sharp scent filling the air. “Why?” 
Din shifts slightly on his feet. “You’ve been acting...different. Are you...feeling alright?” 
“Fine.” You snap. “I’m fine.” 
Din decides not to push it. You're not fine, but you're not in a place to answer either. 
You feel like you're’s going insane. You're tired, the same kind of tired you’d felt when you were on suppressants. You can’t sleep, though. Sleep evades you, leaving you tossing and turning until the early hours of the morning. You're on edge, every sound too loud, every smell too strong. 
And Din. His very presence is making your skin crawl. His scent, the quiet clank of his armor and shuffle of his flight suit is driving you up the wall. He’s been clingy lately, and you know it’s because of the way you’re acting, but the last thing you want is him close. You want space. You want to run off into the lava fields and just sit in silence for hours and breathe. 
You can’t, though. Din would be after you in an instant. 
Not to mention, you've started to feel sick. Certain smells have started to make you feel nauseous. If you lay a certain way too long you begin to feel it, the churning in your stomach. You refuse to be sick. It would only worry Din more, which would only make you more agitated. 
You hate it. 
So, you decide to visit the medical center. 
You slip out at night, after Din is fast asleep. You felt bad for forcing him on the floor, but the idea of him being that close, touching you, his body heat, all of it made your skin crawl. 
You slip out the door without him knowing, taking the short walk into town. You're on edge, every little sound making you jump and swing your light stick around. The town is dimly lit but quiet as you creep along the streets. Something tickles at the back of your neck as you nears the medical center, footsteps that aren’t your own sounding behind you. 
You slow your pace, hand slipping under your poncho. You spin, drawing your blaster, your heart in your throat. You tense, staring wide eyed at Cara. 
“Sorry,” The woman lifts her hands in surrender. “Didn’t mean to startle you.” Her lips lift in a smile. “You’re a quick draw.” 
You lower your blaster, taking a breath. “I had a good teacher.” 
“Where are you sneaking off to in the middle of the night?” Cara asks, taking a couple steps closer. 
You slip the blaster back into your waistband. “The medical center.” You answer honestly. “I need to get a test done.” 
Cara stares at you for a moment before nodding. “Would you like some company?” 
You swallow nervously. You don't want to go to the medical center. You know you might react like you did the last time. Especially being so on edge, there’s no telling what might happen, and with Din absent...
“Sure.” You nod. Maybe having someone there will help. Of course, Cara might tell Din, but he’s going to find out eventually if it is true. 
Din sits up, wide awake. It’s still dark out, the room lit from the moon shining in the window. Something is wrong, something is off. He can sense it, but his waking brain can’t quite figure it out. He glances around the room, seeing no intruders. He can’t hear anything either. 
He glances to the bed, the sheets messy and thrown back. You’re missing.
His heart leaps into his throat, body moving before he can even think. He’s on his feet, stepping through the door into the rest of the house. The fresher is open, the kitchen empty, and the living room. Have you run away? Did someone sneak in and take you? It would be impossible. 
You've gotten past him before. 
He slams his finger on the button to open the door, stepping out into the night. He quickly scans his gaze across the front of the house, the tension leaving his body almost instantly. 
You’re sitting in a chair in front of the house, knees pulled to your chest. The lamp is turned on, on the table next to you. You're staring out into the darkness, not even noticing his presence. 
He moves slowly, approaching you cautiously. You could snap, you could jump at him. If he startles you, you might try to shoot him again. You don’t acknowledge him at all, not seeming to notice, even as he sits in the chair next to you. He casts his gaze out where you’re looking, but he doesn’t see anything. He’s scared to break the silence, but he has to know. You're acting strangely, even more strange than before and it’s scaring him. 
“Din?” You whisper, voice barely audible even in the silence. 
“Yes, cyare?” He says, looking at you. 
Your gaze is still off in the distance, your hands tugging at your pant legs. “I want to go back to Tatooine.”
“Okay.” He says. He had told you all you needed to do was ask and he would. He had meant it. Whenever you wanted to, he would end your hunt and take you back to Tatooine. 
“I don’t want to do this anymore.” You continue.
He doesn’t need an explanation or a reason, but he’s not going to interrupt you. He does want to know what’s been going on, and if this is his answer, then he’s going to let you talk. 
“Din...I’m pregnant.”
His hands close around the arms of the chair, his stomach dropping. This was unexpected. He hadn’t even taken that into consideration. You both have the implant, though he knew the regular implant was questionable in its ability to protect against the kind of virility omegas experienced while in heat. Omegas had their own ways to protect themselves during their heat, but that knowledge had been lost. 
It would explain your sudden change, the aggressiveness, your sleep habits. There was a big change happening within you, and your body was rapidly trying to adjust. He remembered once seeing a newly pregnant omega when he was a boy. She had nearly taken the head off of her alpha. 
“It’s nothing personal.” He had said. “Just her body and her mind doing what it needs to do.” 
She’d calmed as the baby developed, and her bond with her alpha had grown to the point they were rarely apart. Had things been the way they were supposed to, you would have been surrounded by omegas, both mated and unmated, to help care for you during your pregnancy, especially in the late stages. Birthing was a sacred omega space. Alphas were only allowed in if something went wrong. The omegas would have continued to care for you and the pup after birth, until you recovered. 
Things weren’t the way they were supposed to be, though. With fewer and fewer omegas, and fewer and fewer safe spaces for them, omegas relied on their alphas for help. There was nothing sacred anymore, no help that only other omegas could provide. 
“I’m scared.” You whisper, a tear sliding down your cheek. 
He slowly reaches over, giving you plenty of time to turn, to push him away again. You stay still, letting him pull your hand from where it’s tugging at your pants. He wraps his fingers around your hand, squeezing it gently. “You don’t have to.” 
Your head snaps to him, teary eyes wide. “What?” 
“You don’t have to do this. If you’re not ready, if you want to wait, to...to plan things before...it’s your choice.” 
You stare at him. “But...but what about you?” 
He traces your knuckles with his thumb. “You’re the one that has to go through this. If you don’t want to...if you’d rather wait...it’s your choice.” 
You look back down at your lap. “I...I don’t know.” You squeeze his hand. “I think having the baby will be the easy part.” 
He tilts his head as he stares at you. “Why’s that?” 
You turn your gaze back to him. “We have to tell Boba.” 
Your leg bounces nervously as you sit in the Crest. You’d left Nevarro a few hours ago with promises to keep them updated and visit every so often. You had debated staying there permanently, but deep down you know you want to be with your family. You’d already lost one family, you want to spend as much time as you can with your new one. 
You're also nervous about telling Boba. You had told him you were returning, but you hadn’t explained why. You hadn’t told him about the Empire, or their little accident that led to you remembering either. He’s probably thinking the worst, and you do feel just a little guilty about not telling him anything. 
“We’ll be landing soon.” Din says, the Crest beeping as it warns of their approach. “This is the right thing to do.” 
“I know.” You say, curling your fingers around the end of your poncho. “I don’t think we could do this alone.” 
“We shouldn’t have to.” He says, guiding the ship out of hyperspace and towards the red planet. “It’s our safest option.” 
You let out a long breath as Din flies the ship towards the palace. It feels good, being home after so long, after everything that happened. Tatooine is home now, the first place that’s felt like home since you lost Mandalore so long ago. 
Din takes your hand as the ramp lowers, squeezing it gently. Fennec is waiting for them, a smile tugging at her lips as you make their way down the ramp. 
“So you survived the trip.” She says to Din. 
“Barely.” You snort, wrapping your arms around Fennec in a hug. 
“We weren’t expecting you back so soon.” Fennec says, holding you tightly. 
“There’s been a change of plans.” Din says. 
“That’s not a bad thing.” She releases you, nodding towards the door. “Boba’s got a surprise waiting for you in the throne room.” 
You glance at Din before taking his hand, following Fennec into the palace. She leads you to the throne room, Boba’s voice floating up the stairs. You half expect him to be holding court, but you're surprised there’s no one there. At least not where you’d expect. 
A tiny green head turns as you enter the throne room, letting out a soft cooing sound. 
Din stiffens beside you, dropping your hand. “Grogu?” 
The small bundle leaps into the air, practically flying right into Din’s arms. You take half a step back, surprised at the sudden agility from the small creature. 
“It’s you.” Din breathes, staring down at Grogu. “What are you doing here?” 
“Arrived in an X-Wing.” Boba says, stepping down from the throne. “I thought we were getting a visit from the New Republic.” 
“How long has he been here?” Din asks, holding Grogu against his chest. 
“Two days.” Boba answers. “I was going to tell you, but then I got your message about returning here. Figured it would be a nice welcome home.” 
You step up to Boba, throwing your arms around his neck. He holds you tightly, rubbing your back as you press your face into his neck. You can smell it, the faint whiff of something that might have been, had he not been born as a clone.
“Hello, ad’ika.” He says, continuing to hold you as you cling to him. 
“I missed you.” You whisper, not realizing just how much you had missed him. 
“I know.” He says, gently prying you away. “But you’re here now.” He brushes the hair from your face, before letting you go. 
You turn back to Din, looking down at the green bundle in his arms. You knew about Grogu, at least who he was to Din and what had happened to him. Din had told you all about his adventures with the little green troublemaker who also happened to be a wizard of sorts. Or, at least that’s how Din had described him. 
Din introduces you, looking down at Grogu. 
He leaps from Din’s arms, and you instinctively grab onto him before you even realize it’s happened. “Oh my.” You say, settling him before looking down at him. He blinks up at you with huge brown eyes, tilting his head. “You are the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.” You practically squeal, slapping Din’s arm with your hand. “You didn’t tell me he was this cute!” You wrap your arms around Grogu, squeezing him against your chest. “I just wanna squeeze him!” You release him after a couple seconds, adjusting him in your arms so you're cradling him like a baby. “You, little cutie,” You tap his little nose. “Are never leaving us again.” You turn, giving Din a pointed look. 
“I think we have a lot to discuss.” Boba says, watching you with a suspicious look on his face. 
Din nods. “We do.” 
“Are you hungry?” Boba asks. 
Both you and Grogu look up at him. “Yes!” You answer before he’s even finished asking. 
“Of course you are. Shouldn’t have bothered asking.” Boba says, calling for the table and food to be brought into the throne room. 
Din can barely keep his eyes off of you as you sit and eat lunch. Grogu is happily seated in your lap, eating food off your plate. You are on your third plate, having cleared most of the food yourself. Din’s arm is around the back of your seat, his own plate empty. He’d eat later. 
Instead he tells Boba about your journey. He already knew some of it, thanks to your regular updates, but the last bit and the finer details he had missed out on. Din tells him most everything, keeping the more intimate bits out of the story. He tells him about your injury and the revelation about what had happened to the ship that never made it to Concordia. 
“So why the sudden decision to come home?” Boba asks, looking between you. 
You glance up at Din, staring into his visor for a moment. “I’m pregnant.” 
The room falls silent, Boba setting his fork down slowly. Din’s hand tightens into a fist where it rests across the back of your chair. Even Grogu is quietly watching, looking between everyone. 
“I thought you both had the implant.” Fennec says, breaking the tense silence. 
“We do.” Din says. “Well, we did.”  
“The efficiency of it is only theorized.” You say. “Omegas have a higher virility rate during heat cycles and the implant is designed for non-omegas. Depending on the virility rate during a certain heat, the implant can be rendered entirely ineffective. Omegas used to have ways to prevent pregnancy during heat cycles, but now that most of us are gone and Mandalore was destroyed, I’m not sure there’s anyone out there who still knows how to do it.” 
“This is what you want?” Boba asks, still staring between you. 
“We talked about it. A lot.” You say. 
“We both agreed that maybe it’s time for a career change.” Din finishes for you. 
“The offer still stands.” Boba says.
“Then I am more than happy to accept.” Din says. 
You pass Grogu to Din before standing up, moving to Boba’s side. You wrap your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek. “Thanks, Grandpa.” 
“Easy, ad’ika.” Boba warns, but there’s a smile on his face. 
Din steps out of the fresher, wearing nothing but a thin shirt and pants. You’re stretched out on the bed on your side, Grogu snuggled against your chest. He was already enamored with you, seeming to understand the new dynamic in the way that he understood a lot of things. Din had told him about you and your place in his life, and though Grogu hadn’t offered much in an agreement of understanding, Din knew he understood. 
Din approaches the bed slowly, your eyes cracking open. “Do you want me to sleep on the floor?” He asks. 
You shake your head, reaching out for him. 
He crawls onto the bed, settling himself on the other side of Grogu. He can hardly believe Grogu is back. He doesn’t really understand why or how, but he’s glad Grogu has returned. He had missed the little troublemaker. Of course, the prospect of raising two children now is a bit intimidating, he at least already knew what to expect from Grogu. 
You tangle a hand in his shirt, holding onto him. He stretches an arm above Grogu’s head, slipping it under your neck. You press your nose against his arm, inhaling his scent. “I’m happy.” You whisper, turning your face back to look at him. “I’m happy we got some of those nerf herders taken care of. I’m happy we decided to come back when we did. I’m happy you have Grogu back.” 
“We have our aliit back together.” He says, lowering his other hand to your stomach. There’s no real bump there yet, no sign of the tiny life that’s forming, but he knows. Somehow he can sense your child forming inside you. “And soon, we’ll have another member.”  
“I’ll try not to beat you up too much.” You say, lifting a hand to stroke his cheek. 
He smiles, kissing the palm of your hand. “From what I’ve heard about you, I’d be more concerned if you didn’t.” 
You smile, laughing quietly. “I love you.” 
He puts a hand over yours, pressing it against his cheek. He stares at you, at the way you seem to glow in the low light of the room. You're beautiful. He’s so lucky to have you, so lucky to have been given the chance at something most Mandalorians only dreamed of. He has his aliit, you’re together and you’re safe. That’s what really matters. 
He smiles, leaning over Grogu to kiss you softly. “I love you too.” 
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@donttamethebeasts, @unicorntrooper, @spacecluster, @hugmedin, @hungrhay, @fic-for-readers, @jaydiann, @tonystank3, @lokigirlszendaya, @6oceansofmoons, @star-trekker-0013, @bobaprint
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grogusmum · 1 year
Crash Into Me
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WORD COUNT 2100ish
WARNINGS: A/B/O Dynamics, omega reader in mild peril
A/N: The idea of Din discovering his alpha nature as an adult took hold of my brain and I couldn’t shake it, or write anything much else until I got it down, so here it is. I’ve never written a/b/o before and I don't read too much of it. So please be gentle with me. 
It starts out in third person, from Din’s pov and then switches to second person when the pov opens to both of you. 
It’s pretty fluffy (What? You say. Shocking, I know! Hazel replies.) and doesn’t contain smut. (I know, I know)
This here is a one-shot that could expand when and if inspiration strikes, if there is to be smut in its future, the Magic 8 Ball says “Reply hazy, try again”.
*** When reblogging or talking about Omegaverse, please remember that ‘a/b/o’ without the slash punctuation marks (/) is considered a slur for the Aboriginal people in Australia. 
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Din enters the local cantina. The job’s complete, but the kid needs to eat before they bring the bounty back to the client. He gently lifts Grogu out of his satchel and places him in a booth. Grogu coos and tries to climb onto the table.
“Hey don't do that, pal.”
A friendly-looking server comes up just as he settles himself and Grogu on one side of the booth with a ready warm smile.
“Welcome, traveler,” the server greets. Upon seeing Din settling Grogu beside him on the inside of the booth, she corrects herself sweetly, “I’m sorry, welcome travelers! Are you interested in eating or just a- ”
“Yes, thank you,” Din interjects. “Um, just for this one here.”
“Very well, the special today is fried gorg over pashi noodles.” she reaches over to point out a few items. Reaching past Din, as Grogu is playing with the single-page menu.
“Unfortunately we are out of roasted craw-maw and the ladnek bisque.” 
Din stills when her arm crosses him, below his helmet. His helmet filters out much in standard mode, but he catches a scent he has never experienced. His head swims slightly, normally he would turn on the extra filtration, but something in him wants more.
“Oh, I apologize for my reach, sir,” she pulls back realizing she has invaded his space.
“Don’t worry about it,” Din's voice is low, lower than usual. He is taken by surprise, it’s his ‘bring you in warm or cold voice’, without any of the menace. He clears his throat. And his server does the same, he looks at her properly for the first time. Warm eyes and very cute, pretty, he decides. Her moment of fluster pleases him in a way he doesn't understand and he tries to keep from puffing out his chest. Din thanks the stars for his helmet.
“He will take the gorg and noodles,” he says. “Enthusiastically.”  
Grogu watches this exchange closely.
“Very good!” her laugh is warm and genuine. Still smiling as she goes to the kitchen. Din wonders what that was all about and thinks of putting the extra filtration on again.But doesn't.
A busser delivers the food, Din thanks them politely, but can’t help but look past them to see where his server has gotten to.
Grogu digs in, just as his dad anticipated, with enthusiasm. Din is just happy he is eating a cooked gorg.
Quickly, Grogu is down to his last noodle.
“You ready, kid?” 
Grogu looks up and nods, making a little mrapp sound. Seeming full and content as Din lifts him off the bench and he sinks comfortably back into the satchel. 
After Din goes to settle up, he tells himself he is not put out at all that he didn't get to pay the pretty sever with the sweet smile and twinkling eyes directly, as he heads out the back. It's just the quickest way to the Crest. It has nothing to do with passing the kitchens. 
The crash of trash bins behind him catches Din’s attention, and he rounds the corner to investigate. He pulls up short, seeing her against the cantina wall, a hulking human looming. The bin lids continue rolling, then reverberating like cymbals. Her look of fear sends a kick of adrenaline through Din's system, and there is a rush in his ears. His growl shocks him. He has more control than this.
When her attacker looks in Din’s direction, she tries valiantly to take advantage and kick him. He is thrown off balance, yes, but it's not enough, and he quickly has her by the arm.
“I’m only going to say this once, let her go.” Din’s hand moved to his blaster.
“I’m only going to tell you once, to mind your business.”
Grogu ducks as Din draws his blaster. 
“Wait!” She shouts. 
“See the omega wants to go with me.”
“I do not,” she says, pulling away, but he clamps his hand harder, causing her to wince. 
Din is torn between seeing red at the pained expression on her face and the curiosity of this new information- what did he call her? Is that your name? Din holsters his blaster, his hands come to his hips. 
“Fine. It seems to me, Omega doesn’t want to go with you.” Din makes himself take up as much space as he can, and drops his voice further. Surprising himself yet again today, he adds “she wants to come with me.”
Confused and again relieved to be under his helm, for after saying such a presumptuous thing, Din can't keep from wincing just a little. Regardless, he stays in Bounty Hunter mode. The woman pulls away again and walks over to Din. He almost forgets about her assailant, watching her progress. Coming to him. Almost-
“It is Omega’s grace and not mine that you are still standing. I see you again, you won’t be so lucky,” Din says only after he has stepped in front of her, completely shielded her from view. 
When the other man is completely out of view, he turns and looks down at her. She is very close to him, eyes large. He catches a hint of that smell again. His thoughts lose focus-
“Omega,” he almost whispers. 
She looks, he isn't sure, concerned? Disappointed?
Then she tells him her name.
“Oh,” Din chuckles, it’s just a misunderstanding. He is taken aback at how relieved he feels. “I'm sorry- he called you Omega, I just assumed it was your name.”
Now, it is her turn to look confused, but then she smiles. 
“Can I escort you to your home or…”
“I thought I was going with you?” She says, a little cheekily.
Din flusters, but he is so curious about her and his feelings, that he makes no further comment, he just places a hand on her lower back and guides her in the direction of the Razor Crest. 
Grogu starts to fuss, reaching for this virtual stranger.
She looks at the baby and smiles-
“Do you want a carry?” 
Grogu coos and babbles, reaching animatedly.
“I don’t mind, if you don't.”
“Alright,” Din says and brings the satchel around to his front, and she scoops Grogu out. Grogu immediately clings to her shirt, telling a thrilling tale that usually only he, himself understands.  But Din watches her close. She listens in wrapped attention and laughs at seemingly all the right places.
Din can see her looking at him with curiosity, a question on her lips. He has plenty of his own.
The assailant had called her omega, but it's not her name. It stirs memories. He hadn't really thought about Aq Vetina, or the lessons the Mandalorians had taught him about his unique biology in years. 
This woman is not called Omega, she may be and omega. She might have omega physiology, but that would mean he is not what he thought… 
After the battle droid siege that took his parent from him, Din was taken from his homeworld by the Mandalorians before puberty. They understood Aq Vetina was peopled by Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, and knew that even out of their society, Din would have to understand what it all means. They not only taught him about what it is to be any of those designations, but instilled discipline so he would be able to marshal control over the base instincts that can disrupt his ability to function in non-a/b/o society such as the Child of the Watch and much of the galaxy. But not being part of the unique group of people they of course, couldn't tell Din what it felt like.
From what Din understands about it, he has always assumed he must be a beta. But when he thinks about it, he has never knowingly been in the presence of an alpha or an omega, the two designations that would inspire the strongest reactions. 
Lost in thought Din arrives at the Crest before he knows it. The Mandalorian hits a few buttons on his vambrace, lifting the security protocols, and lowering the gangway. He again guides his guest with a light hand on her lower back.
Din knows he should say something… 'welcome' or 'make yourself at home' comes to mind and is nixed immediately. He goes with-
"Watch your step."
She looks around. Her curiosity spurs her on but he can see, no feel, a guardedness too.
He reaches for Grogu, and the baby reaches back, then squawks in indignation when he is placed in his hammock.
"Sorry, Grogu. I'll come get you soon," he says as he presses the button to close the door to the bunk.
When Din turns, she is more apprehensive than curious. It comes off her in waves. He knows he needs to explain, but… he doesn't know exactly what to say.
"I'm not going to hear the end of that for some time."
She gives a small smile.
"I- um…" Din starts and stops, her eyes are so… 
Din takes off his gloves. 
He tries again, taking her hand-
"Aq Vetina is my homeworld, but I was saved after my parents were kiled and taken in by the Mandalorians when I was very young."
Whether she is also from Aq Vetina or just knows of it, he doesn't know, but he can see some recognition. She looks down at his hand on hers, his thumb making circles on her wrist. Her eyes close, and she hums a contented sound. The sound causes fireworks to go off in him. Din breaks away to walk over to a control panel on the wall and shuts down the lights.
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You are plunged into darkness. Has your curiosity gotten you into trouble? 
"As a Mandalorian, to protect my creed my face can not be seen by others," he explains from across the hold. "But I want to take off my helmet with you-" 
The dark is absolute, but you can tell where he is from the sound of his voice. Then a hiss and clunk, followed by a soft fwump, fabric maybe. There is a moment of silence, then right in front of you-
"Do you understand why?"
He sounds different, no longer speaking through the helmet. And his scent- you breathe it in. 
"I think so, Alph- you're an alpha," you didn’t plan to whisper.
Din is hit with your scent, now unencumbered by the basic filtration within the helmet. He takes your hand again, bringing your wrist to his nose, inhaling. You know he is restraining himself from going to the scent gland in your neck. But if you are honest with yourself, it's all you want.
Din doesn't know what he is doing, he feels untethered, almost floating. He has never felt this way, his thinking is not confused though, on the contrary it is very clear though it almost feels like someone else's thoughts.
You move closer, bringing your neck so close. Din lowers your hand-
"Can I?"
"Please, Al- Mando"
"Din, please call me Din."
You tip you head to the side, you trust he will only smell, you don't know how you know and that frightens you.
"Alright, Din."
A shiver runs through him, and very slowly, he brings his face to the juncture of your neck and shoulder and inhales deeply. He feels drunk. His training battling with instinct and training all but raises a flag of truce when your nose is buried in his now bare neck, and instinct rumbles its victory. Little does he know that that rumble escapes him until you moan in response. 
"Din," you sigh. His response is quick and desperate, a growl rumbling from his chest and arms wrap tightly around you, as he murmurs your name.
How you got to the large crate you are now sitting on, you aren’t sure. Your feet dangle, legs open with Din standing between them, but he is not pressing against you. His head is tucked against your shoulder as he noses against your scent gland. Your hands in his hair,it's soft and fine. He does nothing without express permission. You have never met an alpha like this. You remind yourself he wasn't raised in a/b/o society, where the hierarchy puts him at the top, so many taught that they can just take what they want, like the alpha behind the cantina. You also can tell he is holding back, keeping instinct in check. And you are torn between incredible respect and wanting him to let go. 
“I want to kiss you, may-”
“I want to kiss you too, Din.”
Din brings his mouth to yours with an urgency that scares him. He wants to live here, right here. He knows he has to marshal himself, take control. But your lips are soft and the sounds you make, he wishes he could see you- 
Suddenly, there is the swoosh of a door to your right and an affronted cry that is as cute as it is furious. You smile, your lips still against his.
“Time’s up, I guess,” Din sighs.
"For now."
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You can find more of my writing here, and if you are interested in being tagged for this or any of my other works, here is my taglist form.
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
Shadows of Mandalore
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Female Reader, Boba Fett x Female Reader
Length: 20k
Warnings: A/b/o (alpha beta omega dynamics), omega reader, not a poly relationship, angst/hurt comfort, mentions of past trauma, mentions of slavery, smut, oral (f and m recieving), p in v, anal play, anal sex, dirty talk via communicator, slight degradation, one mention of name calling during sex (consensual), m/m/f threesome, no m/m dynamics
Notes: Takes place during the span of episodes 5, 6, and 7 of The Book of Boba Fett.
Perhaps many years ago this vast expanse of darkness below would have been frightening. Now though, you came with the safety that those other then yourself had your back. The fade into what you couldn’t see reminded you of the vast crevasses you had been told to avoid as a child. The elders insisting you went nowhere near where the world split, but your father whispering promises of teaching you not just how to cross but to climb. Such lessons never happened, and so for a long, lonely time you continued to go nowhere near such deep falls. 
By your side however, there was more than just the promises of your long forgotten father. The pair behind you kept far away enough to watch but not listen, but one of them no doubt would not only dive off to catch you but climb up in no time. Both would, but you felt Din’s eyes trained on your back at all times. Even if he was turned to speak to Paz, never once did he not have you somewhere in his sights. Both men watching respectfully, but gave the space and distance commanded by the woman beside you. 
The Armourer sat next to you at the edge of the platform, having requested she speak to you and you alone before discussing thing’s further with those of her covert. Only somewhat taller then you, she still seemed to tower over you with bulk and authority. The fur around her shoulders and helmet designed like that of horns still intimidated you as much now as it did the first time. Sitting next to her, legs crossed as your heart beat a tinge faster, you wondered if her silence was because she sensed it. 
“You were a slave before meeting Din Djarin were you not?” There had been hints of amusement and closeness when speaking to her kind, but the formality of a leader returning with you only adding to the strange worry that you still didn’t belong. You stared out into the darkness as you nodded. Not wanting her to pick up on your insecurity. “And yet you haven’t returned to Werda since being freed.” 
It was either curiosity in her voice or a judgment, a tone you doubt even without the modulator you would be able to ascertain. Your only memory of the place now was of that night. The cracking split in the cliff side and ship so large it looked as if it was rising out of the caverns below, there was painful silence for just a moment until it boomed and lights flew from the ships interior until there was nothing left in your young understanding but fire and screams. 
There was pain in being taken from your home, your family. But where Din’s loss ended in the arms of a people who formed the brave and valiant family in place to heal. You were ripped from a home you didn’t know much about, and tossed into the hands of others with a brand that you still felt the phantom burning of on your neck. 
Omega’s were rare now. Uncommon in the galaxy, and once thought to be extinct amongst Mandalorians. From an isolated childhood to a life of slavery, finally thrusting into the vast world of the very people you heard so much about as a child. You didn’t know what confused you more. Your own presentation as an omega, or the strange fascination different Mandalorians seemed to have with such a presentation.
Din knew there was nothing left of what he called home if he were to travel back, but you didn’t know what was even left behind. Swallowing harshly, you kept your jaw set and forward. “My home, they were killed that night, or they moved on in fear. Either way I would have no way of knowing where to even find them. We didn’t stay in once place if there was trouble, but I don’t even know where home was when they took me.” 
A silence passed between you before she found her voice again. “Keeping in small numbers while hiding to protect those small amounts. An interesting trait for those who claimed to stray far from The Way.” 
Head turning to her slightly, you felt something reach within you as if trying to shield a truth that’s wanted to make itself known for a while now. Your unsure silence spoken as a prompt for her to continue. “Omegas exist outside of Mandalorians but it was with us that their numbers prospered. A presentation once treasured but whose numbers disappeared some time before the Great Purge. Whomever was left, all but perished along with our home world and for some time none of us knew where the remainder had been taken.” 
A sinking feeling in your stomach felt like a powerful weight slamming into it. The shock and surprise of the pirates who stole you from your home, and the scramble to sell you to the highest bidder. 
“Until an omega was rumoured to have shown up on the slave trade after Werda was invaded. A planet many of us thought to be abandoned along with much of The Mandalore System. Hiding our own kind in plain sight.” 
Were you not sitting, hands already wrung together and hidden away in your lap, the shaking may have become painfully clear. Your jaw clenched tightly as the only tone coming from your mouth was that of a whisper. You knew the truth of history, yet the disbelief of stories told as a child fought strongly with that. “No, we went to the Mandalore system after you abandoned it, because you wouldn’t look where you left behind.” 
A creak of distraught peeked into your voice, but neither it or your words offended her. “Who is more likely to be telling the truth, omega. If it is the stories told to you as a child, then you wouldn’t be here right now, would you?” 
Of course it was a stretch, did you truly ever believe the opposite when since day one you had trusted Din and his people more than anyone in your life before. “You said Werda was hiding your own kind, you mean-”
“Mandalorians.” Her head turned slowly to yours, her voice as sure and as absolute as ever. “Or, those born to Mandalorians. Stashed away to keep their omega’s from the very kind of Mandalorians they deemed dangerous for simply putting faith in The Way.” 
You thought of that, even now. The possible truth that the Elders of your home lied of the past and destroyed access to the outside world just to keep it that way. Even now as you walked through the hanger, your mind replayed her final words to you. 
“You are bonded to him,” nodding to Din, “and we are not to disrespect the bond between mates but know this, omega. His transgressions are not yours. You need not swear the Creed to have a place amongst us. An omega born to Mandalorians such as us will always be welcome here should she choose so.” 
Both you and Din had far too much on your minds to even know where to start with the other, and least of all to discuss out in the open as you both were stuck travelling. There were people everywhere, and the transport ship in sight was even less viable as an option. 
Little had been said since leaving the covert, but Din kept you close. A hand on your lower back or keeping you more firm at his side than normal, the spiralling whirlwind of emotions no doubt his was picking up on but also for himself. 
The Armourer had given you a place with their people in the same encounter she told Din, that he had lost his. There was a path to redemption, one that neither of you knew where quite to start but the road there would not be felt likely in his heart. 
Paz spitting he was an apostate, while the Armourer forced herself to stand collected and provided a redemption, but it did very little to settle the fiery conflict the deceleration put within him. You had gently slipped your hand into his, fingers wrapping together, making sure that this not a loss of everything. 
Din had turned to you, back to his people as he cupped your cheek with his other hand. Just like always, you met his eyes through the blackness of a visor and he found unwavering solidarity in your togetherness. He didn’t have nothing, there was still you. For now that would be enough to prevent his mind from falling apart in just another way. 
You both felt the frustration too. All of your belongings now sat either on Din’s person or in the bag wrapped across your shoulders that once held the other piece of your hearts. No home, no child, and now, Din being casted out, an apostate despite the very reason for his sacrifice being for his foundling. A part of their Creed which was supposed to be the most important thing to protect. 
He understood the gravity of what he did, and regardless of how you felt about the repercussions it was still important to him to fix. Something of his identity that through meeting Mandalorians of other kinds, still was part of who he was and wanted to be. You both would fix this, but it was hard to do that in your current situation.
Especially when that situation involved a droid falling it’s alarm that only tripped after you and Din crossed it’s path. Turning back it sat amongst a security luggage port, sticking out a key card telling you to remove your weapons. 
Both of you turning in place to walk towards it, Din was already agitated let alone being yelled at by a machine. “I’m a Mandalorian, weapons are part of my religion.” 
Coming up beside him, you could see eyes on the large man in full armour with worry as if they weren’t regularly surrounded with far more and far worse people who didn’t have the respect and restraint that Din has. “If you wish to discuss this with my supervisor, I will gladly book you on tomorrow’s flight.” 
Sharing a glance between you, a fight with an even more frustrating droid and being stuck here overnight looked even less appealing. Snatching the card from it, Din opened the secure storage, turning to you with a hand outstretched. 
The small blaster wasn’t exactly the best, nor was Din really even happy that you needed one but without the Razor Crest it was a compromise. Tossing it in, he already begun moving onto his arsenal. You remembered the first time you saw the extent of weaponry he kept on his person, yet now you could almost predict what he’d reach for next without looking. Putting it all back though, was going to be a much bigger annoyance then taking it off.
Stepping to his side, Din pulled out the Darksaber. Looking completely unremarkable in it’s deactivated state, but one of the only things that connected you both to that day Grogu left. Sparing a look at the other, you raised your eyebrows with a little tilt of your head in hesitancy.
Din didn’t have a choice, but it certainly felt odd putting a weapon of such apparent importance into a security luggage some droid was going to toss into the cargo. Pulling the card out, Din pointed at the little droid. “I know everything that’s in there.” 
You didn’t know why, but the light hearted tone of it’s response to a threat, made you smile. An act that had Din looking at you curiously, but in an impossible to determine way. His hand returned to your lower back as you entered the transport making your way to whatever seats they booked you in. 
Gesturing you to go in first, you took the bag off your shoulders, letting it hang off the edge of the armrest next to the wall. Eyes shutting with a huff, you let your head rest back for just a moment as you felt Din move in next to you. 
It was those quiet times in the cockpit of the Razor Crest that you and Din felt the most connected. A long way to travel with the peace of just the two of you interspersed with a baby wanting in on the affection. Many times Grogu would end up on Din’s lap, venture over to yours for a while and then back to Din when he wanted to sleep. 
It was those moment’s you felt that bond the Armourer spoke of. Technically you and Din weren’t mated, but your souls reached for one another in instinct at all times and kept any from stealing you away. It was more quiet now though. An unspoken you always felt.
Din able to retain his alpha, knowing it would calm whatever senses your omega had the potential of putting off to much. Feeling his gaze, you opened your eyes to turn and look up at the man already watching you before a child turned in the seat in front of you. 
Curious gaze looking at Din in the same childlike wonder Grogu would often do. The little wave he did and the nod Din gave the kid back pulled too much at your heart. The kid looking nothing like yours but the feeling persisted of how much he was missed. 
It must have gotten stronger, because you suddenly felt a wave of calm splashing onto you from Din as he brushed your knuckle with a few fingers to catch you, voice little more then a whisper. “Cyra’ika,” You must have made Din feel more distressed then you were actively realizing. His touch moving then to brush against your cheek as he leaned in. Forehead not quite touching yours, “How long has it been since you’ve slept.” 
Eyes drooping a slight as you leaned into his hands touch. “Since before the bounty?” 
Smirking at how instantly Din sighed, you shrugged one shoulder. Neither of you slept well since the light cruiser. “I’m not even going to bother pointing out how many days ago that was.” Sliding his touch to under your chin, pushing you to look up at him. “You should try while we’re on here. It’ll be a bit before we get to Tatooine.” 
Narrowing your eyes you grasped his hand, pulling from your chin to keep in your lap. “What about you?” 
His chuckle was light enough that no one but you could have picked it up, making you pout a tad as he pulled away from your lap to slide it up behind your neck. Firmly yet soothingly holding you close to him. “I will, I promise.” 
His hand pulling you to rest gently on his shoulder, knowing that you liked the coolness of the beskar on your skin lately. You had been running hotter the past few weeks, and with little chances to lay together and surround yourself with Din’s even warmer body heat, you took advantage of the beskar’s temperature. 
Din waited until you were asleep to pull out the wrapped cloth. The shirt forged from the spear he used to rescue Grogu. A fitting transference if you asked him. If he squinted, Din could almost see the shape of his head and large ears in the wrappings, but it also certainly was just the loneliness without him pulling at his heart. 
You had each other, but missing Grogu was something else entirely and it left a painful void. He tried to keep the subject from you, Grogu was his and their clan was made just with the two of them, but you were just as important to it. An honorary member turning it to a clan of three that you insisted wasn’t true. You always wanted to keep a distance. Fearing your attachment would come across as trying to invade on their space despite how much both parties wanted you too. 
Your distress at his leaving was more evident, everything you felt lately was more intense. Screaming to the surrounding people that you were omega in distress and Din put forth everything in his power to keep you calm and safe in his arms. Even the rising level of your body heat was concerning to Din. He knew you tried to hide it, but he scanned and checked your vitals through his visor more then you knew, even before you joined him. 
Finding himself scanning you to ensure you were alright and safe between visits to Navarro. It was there he noticed your former slavers brand was red inflamed. You had been working on removing it, but it was leaving a new scar on your neck at how viciously you scrubbed it away. 
He bought bacta specifically for it, telling you to use it before bed and not to touch your fading brand until it was healed entirely. He protected you just like that now, even if it meant keeping both of your pains quiet. The first night you two were together was after Grogu had left, and the feeling off ripped away loss send you hurling towards a stress induced heat. 
Your presentation had never quite gone back down after your heat ended. Like you were stuck on the verge of another, but kept rooted to the ground by Din’s soothing presence and the command of his alpha. He hoped seeing Grogu would be good for you, even if it would still mean leaving him once more.
You didn’t allow yourself a goodbye. Turning your gaze away to leave the moment to them alone, and from the distance he felt more torn apart inside at how raging your omega screamed. Letting what you subconsciously saw as your own kid, just be taken away after everything to rescue him. 
Maybe that’s why Din was handling it just the slightest bit better, he felt Grogu’s gentle touch on his cheek and their eyes on each other until they were no longer together. You didn’t let yourself have that, and if Din wasn’t also fighting this internal struggle of what his people now saw him as? This would be easier for you to handle, but the two of you had too much stolen from you and what to show for it? 
No home, no child, just a weapon that held a responsibility Din had no interest in. Tatooine wasn’t a great place, but maybe enough familiar faces to ease both your pains for even a little while. 
Leaving the artificial light of the transport into the blistering suns masked by nothing but the sand below had you squinting walking off the ramp. Throwing the bag back over your shoulder you remembered the last time you were actually on this planet. 
For the first time since you begun travelling with them, it was the first time anyone outside of Din had given you any kind of flirtatious attention that wasn’t dripping with a creepiness. Cobb Vanth was more chatty then you were used too, and honestly? Having a man smile charmingly at you like that almost felt as unusual as it did somewhat flustering. 
Sitting around a fire, Grogu had been happily plopped down between Din’s feet to sit closer to the fire occasionally climbing gently over his boot to glance over at you, only to find you looking right back. A little game between you and him, who caught who staring first and who would be the first to look away. 
One of the Tuskens had made a rather loud noise to another, breaking Grogu’s concentration and giving ample opportunity for the Marshall to whisper yours over onto him. “You know, I was wondering if I could see the resemblance, but some kids just take more after their father’s don’t they?” 
A hint of a smirk formed as you turned yourself to look at him properly, your voice an inch lower. “Or maybe all those years in the sun just means you don’t see too good.” He chuckled, but it wasn’t as deep and warm as Din’s, though it was odd you’d compare. 
He was quiet for a moment, watching you sip the odd liquid the Tuskens had given you all and it also didn’t feel as nice when Din quietly watched you. Though, you figured it at the least was better then the annoying feeling when it was Calican watched you. Acting as if cocky spunk would endear you to him. “The kid’s his. That much is obvious, now you got me wondering where you fit into all this exactly.” 
Cobb had meant it as a genuine question. A Mandalorian shows up demanding the return of the Marshall’s bought armour, has a very small baby in toe with big ears and curious wide eyes, and you by his side. Not a bounty hunter, nor a Mandalorian, and what Cobb knew all to well was the faded mark of a slave brand on your neck healed out to almost nothing. He was interested in this strange trio that walked into his town and rallied the what he normally felt was a group of dangerous creatures together for a common goal. 
To you? It felt much like then Xi’an asked you the same thing. Only she meant it with malice.  A judgment upon your person that even worse, was extended to the kid. A kid that they sent their bug droid to kill just for being associated with Din. She was the first one who made you question if you belonged with these two. 
Cobb didn’t mean it that way, but you felt it. And surprisingly, so did the kid in question. Grogu at some point had found himself up on Din’s lap. Little hand reaching over to you with a grumble as if upset you were too far away. The man beside you chuckled more, “Just like me as a boy, could never go too long without his mama’s attention.” 
Your heart lept at the word, but quickly Din had scooted over to get your side pressed up against his. Grogu crawling half into your lap before falling over and letting out a half purr half grumble. Din’s voice was in your ear this time, and the warmth filling your veins brought calm to your memory once more. “I’d suggest you hold him a while, but I have a feeling he’d just get upset all over again.”
Hand reaching down to trail softly over his ear, you smiled. Not that you could sense it quite yet, but Din smiled at the sight just as brightly. “Maybe we spoil him too much.” 
A gloved hand reached down to grasp at Grogu’s little hand, baby fingers wrapping around one of his while the remainder covered it entirely in the leather. “Spoiling was when you spent the last of your earnings on that plush instead of that drink you enjoyed.” Din had geared you towards a specific vendor one day, hoping you’d catch the sight of the man selling this strange dark blue drink you loved only to stop at Grogu cooing. 
You had turned to look at him, sat happily in the bag Din kept on him and his big eyes trained on a brown frog plush, a bit on the rough side and just short of his own height. Naturally, you folded instantly. 
Now though, it was just one of the very little items you had left. Din kept the metal ball on him, and you kept the plush frog in the bag once for Grogu himself. The droid at the security station was in far worse condition. Paint chipping and it’s voice box stuttering and movements lanky. It didn’t feel as welcoming as the memory you sank into just seconds before. 
Headed towards the main part of town, thing’s didn’t appear to be in quite as working order as you expected. Nothing was occurring, but there was a quiet unsure feeling among the people like waiting for violence. Din, naturally, kept you pressed almost right as his side until Peli’s hanger approached. 
“Where’s your unlikely companion?” As instant as you froze up in place, Din’s alpha reached out to tame the rising flames before they could spark more. The way he could command your presentation without speaking were it from anyone else, would be alarming. 
“I returned him to his own kind.” 
Peli’s response though, almost cracked something akin to a smirk. “Why the hell would you do that? I could have good money off that thing.” 
Pushing past the dryness in your throat, you turned your head to her. “Pretty sure keeping a baby for just a petting zoo is illegal.” Her head turned to look over at you, the little glint in your eye much easier to read then the stillness of the Mandalorian few were used too. 
Shaking her head with an amused smirk of her own, “It’s not illegal. Just morally dubious. Besides, those big bright eyes would have made me a killing.” 
Approaching something covered in a sheet in her hanger, you and Din paused to glance at one another hesitantly. You weren’t a ship expert but something tells you she had a completely different plan then what she called you both for. “Ready to have your mind blown?” 
Well, that wasn’t really the word. More confused, at least Din was more straight forward. “Where’s the Razor Crest?” 
“I never said I had a Razor Crest, I said I had a replacement for the Razor Crest.” The more you looked at it, the more interested you became. The general design looked familiar but not in a way you would have seen out in the open space. 
The two of them went back and forth for a bit, Din saying “This is a pile of junk.” and Peli trying to sweeten the deal with promises of modification and big game about it being a Starfighter used by some Naboo Queen. Pacing around it, you think you may have read a book with something like this in it. 
Early on, you had started reading up on ships and internal ship mechanics trying to prove yourself useful to Din beyond just watching Grogu. Starfighter’s were in that text somewhere that pinged at your vauge memory. Something you actually know about in a way that’s helpful, finally. 
“I’m telling you Mando, you gotta believe me. This is a classic.” 
While she had inadvertently knocked a panel right off it’s loose hold, you turned to Din from where you stood by one of it’s engine thrusters. “What if we fix it first?” His head tilting, you started gesturing around it. “I mean, we’ll need to fish around for parts, but it doesn’t look salvaged, more like it’s just been stripped.” 
You felt a shiver at his silence, glancing around before backtracking. “Just, I mean it’s not what we wanted, but if we can get it to work,” 
Peli’s high pitched voice yelled out as she pointed to you, “That’s when, not if, missy.” 
Smirking slightly, you raised your hand sin defence. “When we get it to work,” You moved back closer to Din a little unnerved at his silence. “You get to keep all your weapons on you in a Starfighter at least.” 
Could you see under his helmet, you’d see the amused yet done look on his face. Peli, a scrappy friend who was the hardest person outside his clan to say no too. Then there was your hopeful look, and an understanding that you had perked up at the idea of working on the ship for the first time in weeks. 
It wasn’t a permanent solution, but it was a temporary one that seemed to brighten your face. Glancing up at it, then down to you, your eyes wide and mouth slightly parted in hope. “Fixed up it’ll sell for more then we paid.” 
Peli had a protest to it, but the excitement in your eyes was just the right amount for Din. Hanging your bag up on the wall, you grabbed a pair of gloves and all three of you had some work to do. Peli disappeared to start on looking for certain parts, leaving you and Din in the peaceful quiet. 
Seamlessly working back and forth, interspersed with the goofy little droids that astounded you that they knew how to do anything. But they made you smile sometimes, and hey, five times out of ten, they passed you the right tool. You didn’t even know where to start on the Jawa’s, or more accurately, whatever strange arrangement she had with them. 
You were behind the ship, hands deep in one of the still stripped open panels with half the wiring either missing entirely, or hooked up wrong. “I dated a Jawa once.” Your head flying up, the dead silence Din gave her contrasting Peli not even considering the oddity of what she just said. An R5 unit passing by you, bleeping and shaking from the scavengers still hovering the area. 
Side eyeing it, you just shook your head muttering, “Trust me, buddy. Getting stripped for parts is the least of your worries out there.” Turning away it bumped into you slightly by accident, jostling you forward as one of the open wires sparked. Zapping at your fingertips, one hand gloveless just to have fit your hand through. Pulling back with a quiet hiss, you shook your hand and sat back on your knees. 
Pressing the heel of your palm into your forehead, the warmth came now from beside you not just within you. Peeking to the side, Din kneeled by your side, his hand outstretched towards you. “Here, let me see.”  Handing him the tool but he didn’t take it, just looked at you. “Not that, cyra’ika. Your hand.” 
Dropping it, you hesitated for just a moment ultimately knowing Din would just yank it towards him if you refused. Palm up, he traced your fingers up and tickling the soft sensation. You shrugged not yet brave enough to look at him. “Just a zap, it’s fine.” No words, he looked you over until the image of just dirt and small, older scrapes covered it. But he didn’t give it back. Sparing a look around the room, Peli was no where. “Din.” 
He himself sighed, shoulders dropping in exhaust that had you yearning for the privacy to help wring tension out of. “Sorry, I know. I just-” 
What he expected out of you was not what you had either. “Maybe you should go without me.” 
Helmet snapping up to you, a surge of paralyzing disbelief rushed forth into you. Trying to slip your hand back, Din in fact, yanked you right back into his touch. His heart pumping silence demanding an elaboration. 
Stammering you felt far less confident in this idea then you had when it arrived as a fleeting thought. “I just mean, this means a lot to you two and I wasn’t even there from the beginning,” Din said your name in warning, and pulled you further into him just as you unconsciously fidgeted too far from his comfort. “I just shouldn’t-” 
Peli’s voice rang out higher then both of yours could possibly dream of combined. “I don’t know why you’re always in such a hurry. Build me a ship, fix my blaster holes.” 
Her interruption granting just enough surprise from Din to slip out of his grasp, pushing up from your thighs and walking around the ship the long way from him. “Find us a ship is different then build me one, Peli. Besides we’re the ones doing all the work.” Gesturing to the slowly standing Din. 
Waving her hand at you, “All the work? Trust me, dealing with a bunch of eager Jawa’s always asking me out is hard work, believe me.” The funny thing about Peli is either she didn’t see your narrowed brows as you stared confused at her because it didn’t matter, or she did and ignored it. “You’d know what I’m talking about if you didn’t have a human sized massiff glaring down your potential suitors.” 
Voice flat as ever, one hand on his hip Din just stared Peli down until she threw her hands up in bemused defeat. Not before mockingly covering her mouth and leaning into you, “All alpha’s this protective or just the Mando variety?” 
There was a joke somewhere deep within you, but it was hard to get out at Din’s stare. It wasn’t something you came too lightly, but more and more you couldn’t help but feel this pull of failure that permeated every conversation or thought of Grogu. Not that you’d say it, but you somehow felt like a disworthy omega. Not even given herself the chance to say goodbye to her child and now lacking the ability to comfort the loneliness and dark pain creeping into her mate. 
Or supposed mate, in this case. Kicking nothing at your feet, it became too hard to face that reality the closer the ship was to finished. That was the plan, see Grogu once the ship is acquired but maybe you didn’t deserve it. Grogu was Din’s, his foundling. Not yours. Just a tag along that accidentally fit a nice role of doting omega that now wandered the galaxy lost and without use. 
Tension between you and Din was palpable. His eyes on you at all times the second they were anywhere but the ship. Yours, never met his back. Even through the visor, you found his his eyes perfectly every time. Even his covert making mention of the ease in which you spoke to them like the helmet was just who they were like your face was. 
By the time the Jawa's returned, you had been crouched by a panel away from the door. Knowing both by the quick scramble of small feet and R5 shaking like the least brave droid in existence. Catching it’s attention, you inhaled and exhaled with dramatic movements. But the droid just beeped more. 
Never met a droid that was such a baby before. 
Din’s voice rang out through the hanger. “Where did they get a cryogenic density combustion booster?” 
“Do you really wanna know?” 
Sounded like a fair question, neither you or Din had found the Jawa’s holding a favourable track record of being in the ownership of things belonging to him, or Fett for that matter. A thought that sparked in your head and begun plotting itself out..
“They said they crawled under a Pyke spice runner and crimped it off while they were refueling. Gutsy little fellas.” Hands pausing mid movement, you turned your head just enough to hear her the slightest bit clearer. “Let me tell you something, Pykes do not mess around. Ever since they've been moving spice through the system, everything's gone to hell. Everyone's afraid of 'em and law enforcement won't even go near 'em.” 
Eyes glazing over, you bit part of your bottom lip as you lost yourself in wonder. Things around here looked calm, but that might be in part of fear of what may come through. You’d had enough encounters both with their kind, and that of spice runners in general. Their work and cooperation with the slavers trade were synonymous with one another. Many people you had seen sold off in favour of high quality cut, but not you it seemed. No spice was worth selling an omega until an even greedier profiteer came along with a heftier offer.  
Gears turned, but perhaps ones which wouldn’t make Din very happy. What did though, was how gorgeously fast the Starfighter was. You watching from a view point separate from her hanger, the machine flying through the sky with impressive skill. Peli leaving the field test over to you, saying something about cleaning up after them, either her droids or the Jawa’s who knows.
He unbeknownst to you, could hear the joy in your tone along with the smirk on your face more akin to proud them smug. “How’s the handling?” 
“A little bumpy,” the slight echos of control switches flipping on his end, “let me open her up.” 
The speed catching attention of those on the street’s below, you felt something shiver down your spine without recognizing it. Nor that your tone felt much raspier to his deeper one. “Controls are more sensitive then a Razor Crest, going to have to ease me into this one.” 
It didn’t translate through both the communicator, or the modulator on his helmet but there was a shift in his seat and a grunt along with a more boiling point of his blood before he spoke. “I’ll be gentle. Don’t you worry mesh’la.” 
Face flushing, he called for you again. “Talk to me, sweet girl tell me how I’m doing.” 
If he was doing this on purpose that was unfair. You squirmed in your seat along with a tightness in your chest that felt more thrilling than was appropriate for being alone in a friends control bay. Swallowing your tone down, you shook your head. “Manoeuvrability looks good, take it through Beggar’s Canyon so I can see the navigational stats.” 
Still learning how to read navigational equipment outside of the Razor Crest, you squinted as you watched it coming through, putting together the pieces in your head. “That’s better, you look good out there.” 
“Says the pretty girl giving me orders.” The deepness he spoke in was intentional, it had to be. There was a silence in your bones as he chuckled. The communicator making it feel deep in your chest. “There we go, nice and tight.” 
You barley registered what he was actually doing on the Starfighter, the communicator holding tight in your grip. “What’s an omega got to do to get an alpha to talk to her that way?” 
Oh Din could dish it, but he could not handle hearing it back right in his ear like that. He groaned shamelessly, coming at you like a warning. “Mesh’la..” 
Pushing up from the chair, you braced a palm on an empty space of the control board, far too warm for your own good. “No, please I understand. She’s sleek and gorgeous, I’ll give you space.” Din muttered something in Mando’a that you didn’t know. “I’ll meet you back down there, okay? Treat her gentle.” A quick glance back up to where nothing was visible anymore, you sighed out clicking it off. 
The trek down to the outside wiping away the fluster in your heart, glad this was working out at least in the meantime. Looking around you saw the hanger closed up oddly enough.  Hopping down the final step, you closed the door behind you looking over at the woman with her hands on her hips looking up much like you had chasing a ship too fast to spot. 
You jumped back as she did, her hand on her heart as she walked over to you. “Maker, you think that man gets himself into enough trouble, now he’s got people stopping by here looking for him.” A breathless rant you stepped closer to her, hands up almost trying to bring the manic down a tinge. 
“I was gone for less than ten minutes, what happened?” Watching her shake her head, she dramatically inhaled and let it all back out before nodding to the closed doors. 
“Someone came looking for him, both of you. No idea how they knew either of you were in my business but I locked ‘em up in the hanger. Figured Mando’s more equipped for that than you or me.” 
Glancing over, you watched the closed doors for a moment with narrowed eyes until you heard the sleek sounds of the Starfighter back in atmosphere. You and Peli backing up to give him space, it landed like nothing. Peeking inside, Din made it look easy enough but you had a distinct feeling getting used to this one wouldn’t be as easy as before. 
The Razor Crest was a gunship, but more forgiving to pilot. Peli meeting him with amusement in her own voice. “How was it?” 
Din glanced at the pair of you, making Peli cheer to herself as you grinned. “Wizard.” He climbed out of the seat as you walked over, leaning on the side to look over days worth of work. His tall frame loomed over you, were he not in public you’d have felt his hand tilt your chin up to look at him. Instead he stood as close as he could get away with, a strong scent of his inner alpha radiating your senses. 
Your eyes a little dumbfounded at how strong he smelt and how small it made you feel, in a way you wanted more of. “I know it’s not what we wanted, but it’s something, right?” Before he could respond, Peli came back over. 
“Oh, someone claiming to be a friend of you two dropped by.” Holding her hands out, she switched her tone. “Don't worry. I told her I didn't know where you were. Then I locked her in and engaged the hangar security system.”
“She tell you her name?” 
Before anyone said another word, they did for you. “Fennec Shand.” Spinning around, you saw her sitting up on a tricky hanger ledge with a smirk. Hopping down each one, you felt a real grin forming as you and Din met her halfway. “By any chance you looking for work? The pay is good.” 
You could feel even just still beside him, Din’s hovering presence the second anything switched to business. Especially lately. “What’s the bounty?” Being tossed the pay, neither of you even glanced at it’s contents. 
Fennec shook her head, “No bounty, we need muscle.” 
Now the dots made sense. The Pykes, the strange aura of the city streets. Boba Fett challenged the leadership in a different kind of way, no doubt such a name and conquered title would set forth an a new challenger to test it. “Fett’s after the Pykes?” 
Her sharp gaze nodding at you, “Encroaching on his territory. He sure would appreciate it.” 
Neither you or Din had to even look at one another to feel your answers. It wasn’t often Din was shown fair and unselfish loyalty and neither he or Fennec needed to help you when going after Moff Gideon. But they did, and you felt that connecting chain tighten in agreement between you and Din. Tossing the pay back, he was absolute. “Tell him it’s on the house. But first,” 
If he felt that strength of understanding between you go slack, he said nothing until the three of you parted ways. The walk back to the hanger where your stuff hung was painfully quiet and he didn’t deserve this strange silence over something he likely wanted you to look forward too. 
But if Din was straight forward with you, so would you be in return. “Din, I’m not going.” 
He stopped right in his step, turning back to you almost as fast as the very ship you watched sail in the sky. His tall frame hiding the brightness of the sun but leaving your shadows feeling intimidated. “Oh I hear you the first time. What the hell do you mean you’re not going?” 
You opened your mouth to speak but nothing came from it as people passed by in the area. Din noting the same, pulled you to the side of the building all but crowding you against it. Trying to pull himself down, his tone turned sweet but you were faster to get it all out. “I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go with you. To see Grogu.” Your throat closed up, and your hands trembled at your sides. 
Din slightly leaned back, his voice in quiet disbelief. “Mesh’la why would you-”
Crossing your arms across your chest you shook your head. Sinking in on yourself as the wall served as something of a backrest. “He’s your foundling. Not- not mine. You were the one he said goodbye to, I just don’t think I should be there. It’s..between you two.” 
No longer caring of the sight, Din finally captured your chin in his fingers. “Why would you think that?” 
Truthfully you didn’t quite know. Something inside your chest clawed at you and it bled into your lungs until the air felt too strained to breathe. Your arms hung uselessly at your side wishing that you could just hide in his chest like you could before. “I- The Armourer called you a clan of two. Not three. And I guess...I just think there are things you two should do just with each other, without me tagging along.” 
His head leaned into yours, voice tighter then normal as his grip did the same. “You are not just tagging along. You belong with me. With us, you’re apart of our clan.” 
But were you? That first night, those first few days once Grogu was gone. You and Din spent that time together and isolated, your heat had sped into you full force and it’s strength sent his own rut slipping over the edge. So much of those few days you spent in the others bare arms. Blindfolded you felt every touch of his lips, the hot air from his breathe as you freely raked through the lush hair and scratching ones on his face. 
Then the days were over, and the reality of having no home and no child felt painful. You clung to the other like never before, and it had been weeks of almost never leaving the other’s side. Perhaps a number of hours for Din to nab a bounty, but that’s it. It was just the darkness and wandering pain of you both unable to find the lives you lost and just maybe you only had that bond because he lost his other. 
You weren’t even mated. You were just an omega who followed him around the galaxy, it was Grogu, his very foundling that was the love of his life. A truth you never questioned but maybe it was a role that you shouldn’t intrude on. Maybe your place was just this. An outlet for an alpha who was desperate to not lose everything. So you were a body to keep safe. 
You wanted to shake, cry, plead your sorrows, but none came. Just a far off stare, watering in your eyes that were his helmet reflective you’d be forced to stare back at yourself and not the blackness. “You’re a Mandalorian, and he’s your foundling. Just because I’m an omega doesn’t mean I’m one of you.”
Hands drifting up you traced over the Mudhorn on his shoulder. That’s where their clan was created, it wasn’t the day he went back for him on Navarro and took on a stray. “It doesn’t feel right.” 
Capturing your hand in his, Din stared intently struggling to find any kind of word, and even worse, unable to reach your omega. You pushed him out, just to keep him from convincing you. Something you hadn’t done in a long time. “He’ll want to see you.” 
Shrugging, you faked what was likely a not very well executed expression of casualness. “He misses you more then me. He always does.” 
For a moment the both of you just stood in the streets of Mos Eisley, your hand caught in his as you stared the other down until Din broke. Leaning further, he closed the gap. Pulling you in by the back of your neck and resting your forehead against his. A shaky exhale just audible through his modulator and your own shaky one not helped as he held your connected hands over his chest plate to his heart. “This conversation isn’t over, mesh’la.” 
Nodding together, you basked in his warmth as much as you could, trying to steel the spiralling inside of you that screamed of failure. Finally nudging him lightly, you smiled up at him. “Go give the kid his shirt, you went through enough as it is to get it forged.” 
Just another list of things you and Din would have to figure out at some point. His covert. It took more then another few minutes to convince Din to leave without you. Everything deep within being an alpha saying leaving you behind like this was a bad idea. Even if you’d be perfectly safe, he refused to accept that this was you feeling perfectly normal. 
Finally returning to the Starfighter, you wrapped the bag around your shoulders once again. “You contact me if anything goes wrong.” Stopping you in place Din tilted your head up again. “I mean it, Cyra’ika. If the Pykes are as big of a problem as Peli said, I don’t want you wandering the streets alone when I’m not here.” 
Nodding, you secured the communicator on you visible for him to see. “It’ll be fine, Din. You’ve taught me well.” 
Shoulders dropping, he sighed deeply. Something muttered in Mando’a you couldn’t translate leaving his mouth as only a sliver of his alpha was allowed to seek out your comfort. His gloved hand stroked the side of your cheek before turning to hop into the pilot’s seat. Stepping back he called you before closing the top. “Tell Fett to behave himself around you until I get back.” 
Your head jolted back for a second, confused, “What?” 
If there was a smirk on his face, you heard it loud and clear. “Just until I get back, Cyra’ika.” There was little fanfare watching him take off, mostly because the Starfighter just moved at astounding speeds. It would be interesting to see what she’ll feel like with the new hyper drive. 
Tucking everything against your chest securely, you took more than a few minutes getting yourself confident enough to make the trip there. A combination of the last time you were there, it was still the days a brand sat plastered on your neck with the world muted heavily on suppressants. Also, it was the first time on a speeder bike in the drivers seat, without Din also there hands on your waist and gentle words encouraging you. 
But you were under Din’s instructions, and in terms of his protectiveness towards you, his rules were followed and you trusted them whole heartedly. So your insecurity had to be shoved down for at least a number of hours. 
At least there was significantly less risk going by yourself to what was formerly known as Jabba’s Palace this time around, all on your own. The sands of Tatooine were bright and lifeless, not much to watch your back in the kind of way ones may have in the past. 
Sat high on a ragged cliff were the highest of the towers stemming up from the hidden depths of the building below. The main entrance was just as foreboding as memory told, large and fortified to the degree you wondered if it was built such a way for posturing rather than practicality. 
Wincing as you climbed off the bike, you yanked off the old dusted helmet tossing it onto the seat as you walked up. Unsure where to even place your eyes, you debated heading around the long way for where you knew a hanger was. Just as your feet turned in place, a metal slot opened shooting out an extended arm with a circular eye glowing red at the end. 
Looking you up and down, the gatekeeper droid seemed to be scanning for weapons. Slowly, you let it watch your hand reach for the blaster at your side, holding it up by the ends away from the trigger as it considered you for a moment. Telling it your name you kept your other hand up for the droid to keep it’s eye on. “I’m here to see Boba Fett. I have business with him and Fennec Shand.” 
In an instant, the droid flew back inside and the slot slammed shut leaving you in the bright sand. A second passed as you considered what to do, when the large doors slowly rose open. Just high enough for you to walk safely under there was a Gamorrean there watching you. Jumping back you were about to bend to put the blaster down, when he barked something at you and gestured you down the vast empty corridor. 
Raising your eyebrows, you slowly brought the blaster towards your side watching the guard do nothing to stop you. Either you were already deemed welcome, or just looking at you the guard could tell you weren’t any kind of a threat to anyone inside here. 
Sheathing it, you slowly begun walking down the hall as the dim light faded along with the door lowering closed once more. The corridor itself was large, so much so that even a crowd of Hutt’s could fit themselves in no problem. Your boots barley making a sound as you walked through, trying to recall through the fog.
Following in a line should lead you to twist that narrowed down to a stairwell surrounded by blocking rocks carved around them. The activity was silent and not bustling with life as was the time you had been here. Dragged through the crowds with a chain around your wrist to keep your slaver from losing you to the wandering eyes. Not that you noticed. 
Many of your slave owners in that time kept you completely dosed. Sensing that your presentation would stir up whatever alpha’s were in the vicinity they kept you on heat suppressants for years to keep them from ever happening, which in turn, helped keep your scent dulled to that of a mild sweet scent that only the most keen of alphas may not have been able to pick up on. 
The blockers were the worst though. You couldn’t get distracted either, any incidents and you might become damaged property and what good is an omega to sell if she isn’t in pure condition. So you were muted from the world as it was to you. A dreary and fog filled mind that made the beings around you barley feel like human. The effects were worse depending on who was giving them to you, and being dragged to Jabba’s palace, you were effectively a walking sedation. 
The unaware confusion and bumps were replaced with the clarity that there was little but silence until you reached the turn leading to the main room. Slowly what sounded like faint talking, rose up to defiance and yelling. Pressing yourself against the wall, your heart sped up in your chest. The one voice was enraged, but the other was deep and scarring with absolutes. “Whatever arrangement you had with Fortuna, ended with him.”
You could hear Boba Fett further in the room, just enough solace to have you slink a number of steps along the wall before your toes reached the top of the steps. “I made a deal with Jabba, not him. But at least he had the honour to uphold that deal unlike you.”  
Peeking around the wall, you could see not much except for the shadow of a tall, lean figure that even in posture was clearly irate. Fett through his modulator was without question, the power and deepness rippled through your veins in a way only one other had done so. His voice speaking to whomever was there. “If I were anything like my predecessors, you would have been in the stomach of a rancor already for this disrespect. If you want to be treated with the same respect, earn it. Otherwise you stay at the bottom like all the others who’ve tried me.” 
Biting your lip in surprise, the other party begun taking the steps up. Slowly the red tinted scales matched the steam he no doubt wished was coming out of his ears. Kneeling down, you could see with each word he was being told, the snarl on his twisting face morphed. Hand at his own side twitching until he made it only a third of the way up.
Body stopping in place, he turned back to the main room, hand now touching the blaster at his side. A silent exhale through your nose, you very slowly took your feet down. Back pressed against the wall and each foot step slow as you matched the position towards your own weapon as your heart pounded out of your chest. 
The slimy rage coated your ears unpleasantly as you came close behind him. “Maybe this little war of yours will teach you what happens when you turn your back on your allies, Fett.” You barley felt your lungs even work, pulling your blaster out the same painfully slow speed that he was. Your eyes wide and hands trying not to shake, you took one final step behind his back. “Or I could just do it for them.” 
His hand rose up, blaster ready to fire until you rung the shot out firstt. The force jolting you back slightly, but there now was a burning hole in the Elomin’s chest. Blaster dropping from his hand to the ground, you lowered your aim. Coming up behind him, you breathed deeply before rising your boot up to kick him over out of your way. 
Him slumping over to the ground, you took the final steps down before kicking the blaster away from his still hand. Stepping over his feet, you looked up as you put your own back to see the throne room empty save for the one figure. 
Standing partway up the steps, Boba Fett stood clearly having just turned around to fire only to have seen the man slump over before. Lowering his own, your exhale was much calmer this time around as he tilted his head at you. Down a smaller corridor closer to him, Fennec appeared with her own weapon out, but with narrowed eyes dropped it just as fast at the sight. 
Her disposition changing as her eyes dragged up to you, now moving with a lighter bounce towards Boba whose stance relaxed back. “Thought you’d get here when Mando’s back.” 
Sighing out, you walked further into the room. Boots making a notable clunk as you walked along the gated doors cemented in the floor. Head turning to glance down but nothing was visible to the naked eye. “Should I leave and come back?” 
Boba chuckled, watching your curiosity with that of his own. “Nonsense. This place could use an omega, dim enough around here as it is.”
Looking back up, Boba stood on the lower level closer to you while Fennec perched herself casually on the arm of the throne. “Good to know I’m still a useful piece of decoration after all this time.” Behind you the steps of the Gamorrean filed down as he barked more into the air. 
Boba only nodding once to the body at it’s feet. “Get rid of that.” Like nothing at all, you remembered why many crime lords used them as guards. Pulling the Elomin away like it weighed nothing. Turning back to him, you almost jumped at how close he was. 
Both he and Din were far too silent for two fully armoured men of their sizes. “He said it would be safer here then back in the city.” Watching you, it was hard to assess where he stood with you. At this point you could read Din’s slight shifts as good as full sentences, but Boba Fett was still a mystery. One sending shivers down at the black visors cold stare that only intimidated you in such an enticing way back working behind the cantina bar in Navarro. 
But Boba, if you could guess anything, seemed to enjoy making you squirm under his stare. Keeping it up in pure quiet unlike Din’s change of smooth causality to relax you. “Unless-”
“He’s right. No safer place then with us, little one.” 
Eyes flickering to Fennec who watched you with a playful curiosity of her own. Strange as it was, you sort of missed her teasing yet sharp and unquestioning aura. Nodding, you readjusted your bag, if just out of fidgeting nerves. “Okay, so, uhm, what now?” 
Veins flowing with something that burned the way he stared at you, a feeling that wasn’t determined in your strange state. Broken only by Fennec coming up behind him unphased. “How about a tour?” 
Raising your eyebrows, you failed to hold back a smile. “That in your new job description?” In an exaggerated flourish with a deadpan stare she gestured you down the corridor she had come in through. Taking a second to speak quietly with Boba once you moved out of their range. Glancing around, not much had changed it seemed but it was a large room now that you stood in it so freely. 
Turning for just a second as she caught up with you, you caught his eye. Helmet turned a fraction to the side right at you, there was a wave shivering through your chest that had you swallowing nervously. A moment lasting only seconds before you let Fennec give you the run down of this place. 
By evening, the city was ramping up just as the suns disappeared and a calming night washed over the empty dunes. Despite such a high up point, the sight of the planets lands below in the dim early evening light did no such comfort, but not quite for the events to surely follow. 
Hearing the sound of armour, you perked up just as fast as you then deflated. It was of no offence to Boba, but he held a different kind of scent then Din. Just as strong, and strangely alluring but his alpha felt cooling and in control, whereas Din’s was warm and overwhelming. Your fingers twitched on the edge of the balcony as you returned to the skies.
Foolish to think he would just arrive as you seeked him out. You were the one who didn’t go with him, you had no right to miss him. For a second, the hiss of a helmet being removed startled you alert and straight. Coming down only at Boba’s light chuckle. “Didn’t think I looked that bad.” 
His voice bare sounded less scratching, more like a scarred rasp that you wondered if it was a result of the same events that left the physical ones on his face. Eyes flickering over as he came to stand next to you, you gave half a smile for as long as your energy could muster it. “Sorry. Should be used to it by now.” 
Shaking his head dismissively, his own gloved hands mimicked your position. “Nothing to be sorry for, little one. There’s few people who see me without it, but you’re welcome to be one of them.” 
It should feel like an honour, but your heart had little room. Leaning down to rest your forearms on the edge, your legs leaned back by the knee to accomodate stretching your back for a second before relaxing into the stance. There was no uncomfortable feeling in the quiet between you, but something seemed to be picking at your brain. “Your father was a foundling, right?” 
Out of your peripheral vision you could see him turn slightly to you and nod. Biting your lip for a second before continuing. “If he was a foundling, that would make you one as well. Since he raised you.” 
“Is there a question in there?” 
You inhaled your nerves, and blew none back out. “Why would Bo Katan say you aren’t a Mandalorian then? I mean,” Your hands moved to dig at the others nails mindlessly. “On top of everything else she said.” 
Suspecting he knew you were going prying for information in a much more roundabout way, you were still glad he played along. “Kyrze believes in blood supremacy. She was born to a powerful family thus she feels power belongs in her hands by birthright. Outsiders brought in are looked at as less then.” He noted the still somewhat confused narrowing look in your eyes. “I share the exact dna of thousands upon thousands of other clones. To her, my blood is as far as worthy it could get.” 
To even your surprise you jumped in before he could even finish his sentence. “But it’s not about who you’re born to, it shouldn’t matter if you’re a clone. D- Mando’s a foundling, a lot of people in his covert are foundlings they’re supposed to be treasured.” 
“Like omega’s are supposed to be.” 
Whipping around to look wide eyed at him, only to fall flat at the teasing glint in his eye. Shoulders deflating as you turned back to the view a shake of your head. Boba rested one palm on the railing as he turned towards you, mind putting your pieces together. “How about you tell me what’s really bothering you, and I can stop guessing the wrong answers.” 
A shake trembled in your neck and slid further down into your muscles. The trains of thought in your mind pathing you from grievance to grievance wondering what it was it all stemmed from and truly there was only one answer. The same answer you tried avoiding with everyone. 
Boba’s own stare weakening your resolve, forcing you to once again look back into the night for a ship that still wouldn’t come. Breathing deep for a moment before the racing of your heart got out of control. “Everyone talks about my presentation like it means something. Looking at where I’m from and telling me that they lied about where we came from or who we were when I already know that. I knew my family lied the second I was taken off world and the planets and people were nothing like the vicious monsters they made you all out to be. I thought, maybe if I could get out of this one day, finally be free to do as I please, I’d be my own person again.” 
Jaw set, you dug your nails into the harsh railing of the balcony. “But I’m still just an omega. I’m important, I’m uncommon, I belong to these people, no I belong with the people my mother was apart of, I’m supposed to be treasured as a rare commodity to Mandalorians but all I’ve done is get passed around from group to group solely beacuse of a presentation I can’t control. I’m seen as an omega, and so everyone thinks their the ones entitled to have me. Except...” 
Boba seemed to stand closer to your side now, his voice quieter but deeper as it hit your ear. “Except for Djarin.” Without committing in whole, you glanced only for a fraction to the man beside you but said nothing. “He wondered why you never asked him about you or your kind, when clearly he knew.” 
Saying nothing to answer the question he posed, it was obvious he wanted you to fill in the blanks for yourself. It was easy to strip away the barriers and see what was always there. “Because I went to him, not the other way around.” 
“To the others, you are a commodity. Who gets the omega, those her kind were stolen from or people like Kryze’s kind who wanted you out of the way in the first place.” You never did like the suspicious way Bo Katan looked at you, but Din was always there to keep you firmly at his side. "In a way you are right. There probably aren’t many people who see you as anything more then an Omega. But the ones that want you for more then that are already here. Or, in spirit.” 
His head gesturing to the night sky. Two people he meant in that case. So many people obsessed with what you were, and where you belonged or didn’t belong. Something you slowly came to realize, was a common threat amongst both Din and Boba as well. An apostate and an outcast, both alongside an omega who had no idea what her place in the galaxy was outside them. 
“What about you?” Turning your head enough to see him meet your eyes, a knowing deepness in them which you didn’t even catch in yourself. Not sure what it was you truly were asking. “You were asking me-” 
“The polite thing to do when getting to know someone is to ask questions.” Pausing, you squinted at him in slight confusion until the smirk forming on his own face made yours fall flat. “I’m interested in where you came from, because I find you interesting. Just as Djarin does.” 
Taking a step towards you, you straightened up as your lungs tightened in something feeling like a strange set of nerves, not quite stemming from intimidation. Before he found himself intimately close in your space, you found your habits slipping back. “I’m sorry. For dumping all of this on you. I just, I’m not used to being away from Mando without even having the kid, everything just feels weird.” 
Those very nerves turned into shivers flowing through your veins as Boba tilted your chin up to look him in the eye. “Nothing to apologize for, little one. You’re confused and upset,” the knuckles under your chin traced up so his thumb and brushed over your cheek, then down very gently across your bottom lip. 
You had never seen the exact look glazing over Boba’s eye in Din, but the feeling it gave you was all too familiar. The interested pull of an alpha calling to you. “Boba?” He hummed in response, “Is there a reason Mando wanted me to tell you to behave?” 
Oh the chuckle which emerged deep within his chest pulled your soul even closer in ways you once felt purposely from Din. “He sends me his pretty, little omega to protect. One who defends my honour, and opens up about what’s hurting her? I can’t imagine why he’d want me to behave myself around that.” 
His thumb pulled slightly at your bottom lip before sliding off of you entirely. Turning away to pick his helmet up, “You should sleep. Fennec will want to train you more in the morning while we have the time. Once Djarin arrives, I suspect thing’s are going to escalate rather quickly.” 
He almost reached the door by the time you called out for him, his face still just as warm as it was listening to you throw up whatever troubles brewed in your head. “Will be be mad at me? For not going with him to see Grogu?” 
Expression not changing, the quiet tenderness spoke out in his tone. “I don’t think there’s anything you could do to make him feel that way. Not with the way he speaks about you to me at least.” 
Your lips parted slightly, but he gave nothing else. Leaving the room and thrusting you back into the quiet solace of the dark windy balcony. Your brain stuck in a whirlwind. 
Sick to the stomach of feeling as if you have failed your duties as an omega to protect and support your family, but twisted over what the world wanted from you as the very same presentation. Boba’s warmth wasn’t quite the same, it would never quell the yearning to see Din again. 
But it did bring you a comfort that no one outside that little clan of two had ever provided before. If you were lost in your place in this world, maybe it meant something that the connection you felt with both men, also had their own turmoil of where and how to belong amongst their people as well. 
As it turned out, he was painfully right. Factions gathered, and the Pykes moved in quickly. Whatever negotiations their enforcer Cad Bane had assumed would take place were refused and the violence followed suit leaving little people left on your side. It was a mess, and left you feeling terribly out of your depth. 
Making it worse, you had no idea what happened on Din’s journey. Everything moved too fast and neither of you had time to talk. Just a questioning hopeful look from you, and a stilted head shake of no from Din and a sorrow sat upon his shoulders as danger loomed closer. 
Fighting ensued, and you were grateful that Fennec was a relentless mentor. Pushing you enough in the day and morning prior, building a trust that you could and would follow her lead out on the streets enough to handle yourself when she needed it. Her focus kept you focused. 
She was skilled on the sidelines, left better out the line of fire as a silent take down. A trait in which she recognized was suitable in you, even if by both your admissions, you were nothing close to a fighter. But in war, being a lesser suited follower was fine by you. 
Impossible to say how long the confrontation lasted, but the silence in the streets felt as if it was a sound you hadn’t heard in years. Leaning up against a wall, you shrugged part of your upper arm from the top of your shirt. Fennec coming to crouch at your side as you poured a bit of water of a burn striked through your skin from the dirt and sand kicked up into it. Wincing at the stinging, you glanced up to her and back. “Pretty sure only have a graze is a miracle if you ask me.” 
A slight smile on her face, Fennec reached forward to pull your shirt down better, gently taking the container to do it at an easier angle. “You did better then you think. Just because fighting isn’t your thing doesn’t mean your bad at it. You have a good teacher.” 
Smirking through the final wince as she dragged the fabric backup, “Yeah, I’ll be sure to pass the message onto Mando.” 
Briefly considering helping you up gently, Fennec resorted to just tossing the container onto your lap and standing up alone. “You always get bratty when you’re injured?” 
Throwing your head back in a laugh, you pushed yourself up with palms pressing against the wall behind you. “Maybe next time you should teach me how to do more then mouth off.”  Sharing a laugh, she led you to where the others were gathered in all likelihood. 
From a distance, you could see a rancor, flopped down on it’s side breathing heavily in sleep visible from where you were. But the image became clearer as you approached. 
In the stories of the old world your father told you, they were always grand. Powerful vivid images painting in your head from the words spun of drama and theatrics. Reunions one of those stories always told in whimsy. But there was none to be found here, not in your confused, torn heart. 
He was small, and cuddled next to the rancor on his side, but Grogu’s little green figure was easy to spot from miles away. Stopping mid step, the sights in front of you didn’t quite catch up to your brain. How was he here, Din hadn’t come back with him not by the weightful dread on his shoulders. 
Peli was also here. For some reason. Talking to the one from the meeting that you couldn’t quite tell was annoying or just a bit of a coward. The sight was unusual, but you could see the silver shining off Din’s beskar as he slowly approached the slumbering pair. Steps careful around the large creature, before kneeling down. 
His hand gently running over Grogu’s side who shifted closer into his touch. Din scooping him up in his arm to let him sleep soundly. None of them had seen you yet, and maybe you didn’t want them too. A fleeting thought that stabbed another dagger into your omega’s heart and told your conscious self that you weren’t worthy of that soft, gentle love they gave each other. 
Din’s attention was solely on the kid, cradling him up to watch him as he ran his hand over what he could get. Before you could rationalize it, you took a step back. No plan, what or where to go, but intruding on it felt wrong now. You didn’t go to see him int he first place. Why would you deserve to be apart of this reunion? 
Heart screaming to go see both of them, let yourself hold the one your soul treated as your own and the man who gave you a love once never known before. Your eyes stung like the burn on your upper arm, and before the tears could so obviously overtake you, you let them have this together. 
There was no plan in your head, just the need to get back to the palace where your stuff was and hoping reason and logic would kick in by that point. Instead all you got was more of a memory that made it feel worse. The terror of Din telling you to take the child and leave him. That he needed you, and staying here to help was futile. You could still feel the desperate way Grogu clung to you as you carried him from the room, both of you leaning into the other. Grogu’s scared and exhausted head burrowed into your front, as you looked at IG-11. 
Pleading in your gaze to fix things, you and Grogu might be able to do this together but neither wanted to do it without Din. The binding that kept you three whole. Only the memory didn’t serve as some great analogy like your father tied into his tales. 
Din and Grogu started without out, they didn’t need you. Everyone offered someplace for you to go, a purpose to serve but the only one you wanted didn’t feel as if you were worthy. You failed as an omega to Grogu, and a fierce alpha such a Din would surely admonish you it. If you thought the palace was quiet before, it was even moreso now. 
The biggest threat to his rule this far was taken care of, so hopefully this silence would turn peaceful not stay eeiry as it was now. The bag was tossed onto whatever bed you found yourself falling into the night before. Chucking your blaster beside it, you dragged your feet over. The first thing you saw though, was that silly little frog you kept for him. 
It was stupid. Din gave him what he needed, and more then plenty of what he wanted. The pieces of why Grogu found his way back to Din unknown, but you didn’t see yourself in that future. Slowly picking it up you could still see the way the kid clung it to his chest, making a content little cooing noise only to immediately get upset when you tried to get up and leave him be. How normal it was for the kid to switch between cuddling with Din and cuddling with you, and the excitement on his face when he wanted you to watch him about to do something particularly silly, usually to Din. 
Nothing had felt right since your heat had ended. Where you and Din stood was unknown, he was closer and protective of you, his touch similar to that of one bonded to you, and yet you were ummated. Just a companion who filled a painful emotional void once his son was gone, and now that they were together you failed to picture that dynamic going anywhere. 
He didn’t need to look for the Jedi now, he had enough of a ship to start making his way across the galaxy in his own quest for atonement and so your usefulness had worn out. Maybe you’d stay here if you could convince Boba you could find some way to be useful at all. 
No plan was made still. You had no idea that you even had passed out. The strenuous events of the day, the emotional turmoil of the past weeks and the fear you were no longer wanted had piled too high on the very little sleep you managed to get. 
Totally unaware of your surroundings, you weren’t at all aware of the voices in the room or the weight on the bed that joined you. In fact, such presence was only realized, when the weight on the bed seemed to jump, and land at your side with a high pitched coo. Sound increasing in distress until it was at your face and snuggled right up beside your head. 
Once your eyes fluttered open, big black ones wasted no time in realizing it. Grogu say on his side in front of you, one ear flopped out while the other sat low on his face as he reached out to you. Little hand brushing your cheek before a stubborn little noise flew from his mouth and he jumped almost with no effort right into your neck that managed to push you back. 
“Easy, Grogu.” He almost whined defiantly at the voice behind him, as he held onto you much like that very day. Following you sitting up so your back was against the wall, he started looking between you and the voice, dawning on you it belonged to Din. 
Head whipping over, Din stood by the wall underneath a window. Boba a few feet away, amused at the kid’s antics. Before you could even ask, Din stepped over, sitting down to face you on the opposite side of the bed. Bag and blaster now sat neatly on a surface opposite the bed. “I wasn’t allowed to see him when I got there, saying it was bad for his training for me to be there.” 
Instantly, your brows narrowed, but Boba interrupted right as you opened your mouth. “The real enemy to the Jedi. A loving family.” Your sleep riddled brain couldn’t decipher the double meaning in his tone, but you remembered Ahsoka telling you she couldn’t train Grogu because of how attached he was. That Din was a father to him and that somehow would get in the way. 
“Fett.” Boba raised his hands in surrender at his tone. Din turning back, watching Grogu turn his head, still wanting you to hold him but watching Din with bright affection. “I asked them to give him the shirt, and left. He was right there,” Din’s hand reached out, stroking one of the kid’s long ears making him purr into your chest. “But he came back anyways. He returned to us, of his own accord.” 
The hand on Grogu slipped up to trace over your cheek. “I thought if you could see him, maybe it would make you feel better, but maybe it was better you didn’t come. If I could barley handle it, not sure tearing an omega away from her own foundling a second time would do you any good.” 
It should have clicked that it was unusual Din was having this conversation with you, a third party in the same room. But clicking the gears in your head into place, Boba mentioned both of them had talked about you. To what extent the back of your brain was asking. 
Looking at the space between you on the sheets, just a whisper was summoned. “After everything, I didn’t think it was fair to be just as lost as you, me being upset didn’t matter as long as you were more lost.” 
Boba’s presence was felt behind you now, giving your trio space but never quite enough keep away, which was fine with you. Din leaned in, pulling the back of your neck to keep you close, resting his forehead against yours. Chuckling as Grogu leaned in, gently leaning in the middle, and leaving your touch enough to rest a hand against the side of his helmet. “Our kind belongs together, mesh’la. Not just our presentations, but us. We’re in this together. Got it?”
Biting your tongue, you forced a choking feeling back down your throat for another time. Your hand moving to cover the little one of Grogu’s on Din’s helmet and briefly, Din covered both of yours with his free one. The serene moment ruined, by Grogu letting out a yawning whine as he dropped in both your touches. 
Pulling back, you let Din pick him up. “Alright. Back to sleep, kid.” Seemingly only going into a small room attached to this one, Din chuckling at a little sound Grogu made in his arms. “I know, well this is what happens when you play with a creature eight times your size.” 
Pulling your knees up to rest your forearms over, you watched Boba with a curious look. If he was here not just now, but this whole time, the two Mandalorians must have something up their sleeve and Maker knows you have no idea what they had put together. “Is there...something feels off here.” 
His eyebrows raised in a mocking way that didn’t quite match the play in his eyes. “Only if you want it to be.” The deepness in his tone rippling through you in a way annoyingly like Dins. “It’s all up to you.” 
The sound of a door sliding shut had you looking up to Din, now leaning against the door with his thumb looped through part of his utility belt and the other resting his forearm up on the door frame. A sight that was so simple, yet heated your blood noticeably. “Am I missing something?” 
Din stepped towards you, a hand reaching out for you to take. Letting him pull you up gently, he stood tall in front of you. “I’ve been trying to think of a way to get you out of your head. You’ve been on edge since your heat, and I hate watching you this way.” 
Fingers gently reaching to brush against the cool metal of his chest plate, you shook your head indignantly. “D- Mando,” 
“You can say my name, sweet girl.” You had no idea what was going on here, but you were being pulled so close to the warmth of in’s alpha, but also, part of you in another direction. A pull that Din would be able to sense, and yet, was allowing. 
Swallowing, you didn’t realize Boba stepped closer towards you. “Din, I’ve been trying to be there for you, you don’t need to do anything.” 
“Except he does.” Turning your body partially, you felt Din’s hands fly firmly onto your waist in no time and turned you to press your back against his chest fully. Boba only a few feet away, keeping a respectable distance unbecoming of the darker look in his tone and voice to boot. “An alpha can’t ignore their omega in distress, your pain becomes his. And best be sure you’ve consumed Djarin, little one.” 
Din’s hands tightened with his voice closer to your ear. “Not just me.” 
Your Mandalorian behind you, and Boba a step closer looming over you. “What are you-” 
Din’s hands trailed up, sliding just under your shirt to squeeze slightly at the plush skin he found underneath. “You say no, and this all stops.” Apparently Din expected a response, tightening his grip as he spoke sharper. “Okay?” 
Nodding fervently at his tone, it made your head spin. “Okay.” 
Pulling you closer into his chest, Din’s rasp even behind the modulator continued to destroy something inside of you, weakening your resolve to his touch. “Let us take you, mesh’la. Both of us.” Your mouth parted slightly, eyes trapped on Boba which if you could think clearly, was likely by Din’s design. His rasping words and touch, ached still further by Boba’s dark and intimidating eyes that raked over your body. “Get you out of your head.” 
Your gaze never left Boba’s even as you tilted slightly back towards Din. “Both of you?” 
Din nodded, and so did Boba. Oh this could not be what they both discussed about you, yet here you are. Boba took his turn to make a softer case, letting your true alpha pull your senses underwater as he gently swims his way over. “The only thing anyone’s asking of you, is to let us treat you like a kind, sweet,” Each word he stepped towards you until he was in your space just inches further away then Din was to you. “Pretty, omega you are.” 
Your breathing heaved as his own gloved hand traced your bottom lip just like he did before. Din’s comment for Boba to behave. There was no way they discussed this before, and yet? The protectiveness, the possessive feeling which could consume Din at the sight of other men, another alpha looking or touching you as if you really were just property weren’t there. “But Din-”
Giving you once last reassurance. “It’s okay to say no, mesh’la. But don’t just say it on my account. I want you to want it.” 
The air was stark and silent as you contemplated what on earth you were about to get yourself into, but there was a heat radiating from within and burned almost painfully as Din touched, you pressing you against his back to where he was losing his patience to hide how hard having you pressed against him like this made him. 
Din’s own mind both needing this yet confused at why he needed this. There was an angry possessive feeling he had around you, but Boba Fett came to be someone he trusted. And someone who he could trust with you. Putting you between them and forcing this constant looming anxiety in your heart out even if just for a time. One wouldn’t be enough, but between both of them? You’d have nothing left to focus on but their touch and their words and that’s the level of control Din wanted you to give up. 
Watching Boba touch you was going to be a jealousy that he didn’t know why he was willing to handle, but just maybe it’s beacuse you didn’t get to see how you looked together. Never having the gift of sight as Din touches you, only he knew how insatiable you made him and how addictive you looked writhing in pleasure. 
And he knew, you didn’t get to look at Din as much as you wanted. Always ready to let him blindfold you like an obedient omega so make sure he can take as much as his greedy mind needed. But if Boba was there, Din could sacrifice that just this once. 
You breathed heavily as Boba brushed over your lips, and it was Din’s words right in your ear that crumbled the insecurity keeping you from letting them take you as they wished. 
“Let him kiss you, mesh’la.” Looking back at him, he pushed you forward gently. “It’s okay.” 
It was an overwhelming feeling. The guilt of such an intimate act with another man, but the purring encouragement from Din to just let yourself give up control in their hands. Your hands hovered over Boba’s chest plate, fingertips only slightly making shaking contact. 
Din behind you undoing parts of his own armour almost turning your focus before Boba tilts you up to look at him under your chin. Leaning in he gave you plenty of time to back away, brushing his nose against yours feeling his breathe on your face. 
One hand grabbing your hip, and the other keeping his hold he teased bridging the gap but never sealing the deal. Din’s voice rang out, commanding an order from deep within, calling your omega to obey. “Mesh’la.” 
Jumping in your bones, you pushed up on your toes to press your lips against Boba’s. A small sigh coming from you as your hands continued to shake despite smoothing your palms out. And as soon as you crossed that initial barrier, Boba overtook the control from you immediately. 
Comparing the two of them is impossible. They are of completely different realms in nature with their touch. Boba is like a wildfire. Bursting at the seams from the onslaught, running hot and dangerous that can consume you if you let it do so. Once in it’s trap, escape only possible if it lets you. 
Deepening the kiss, you could feel your lips swell and bruise from the rough treatment, and once he bit the bottom lip he was so enraptured with, you gasped. Not just a gentle teasing nibble like Din, no should he have bit slightly harder he would’ve drawn blood. Your gasp was as much of a whine, his hand raking into your hair and tightening his grip to continue to move you. 
His tongue brushing into your mouth, tasting your own and coaxing you to follow suit. Your hands rising to dig into his cowl as he kissed and licked into your mouth until you had to pull back for air. Grabbing both your hands he pulled them in front to the side of his chest plate. “Undress me, little one.” 
It was hard to tell if they used their presentation to command you, or if having two of them in the room like this was just turning your brain into sludge. Nodding fervently, you swallowed trying to focus hard on taking each part of his armour off with care, just like you do Din’s. Who had ideas of his own. 
Pulling you into his chest once more, only now you felt much more the softer press of his body without the coolness of the armour at his back. Slightly pouting at not being able to do it for him. Din pulled your outer layer down your arms and stood back to let you continue. 
Hesitating once his upper body was done, you look up to Boba wide eyed in question. Shaking as he nodded, raking his hand through your hair once again as you knelt down. Your body feeling like it truly was becoming surrounded by fire at how this position felt, but you made sure to take your time undoing every piece, putting it down gently to where you now could see Din’s not too far away. Stacked just the way you do it. 
Looking up at Boba, now like Din, just in his flight suit, you ran your hands innocently up the length of his calves. “May I?” Dancing up to the bottom of his shirt, Boba chuckled. Watching slowly as you stood up. Hands raising his shirt as you did so until you stood in front of him. He did no work. Watched with dark amusement as you had to lean close into him to pull it off until it was down his arms. 
Din’s touch, crowded you just then. None of the patience, Din pulled your shirt and chest band up and off in one swoop. Not yet touching you he kept his arms around you, one on your hip the other by your mouth. “Bite.” 
Gently taking the leather between your teeth he pulled it off letting you see his hand as he yanked his other glove off and gently took the other from you. Finally able to look, you realized you didn’t really get the chance to see Din the way you could look at Boba now. 
Greedily reaching to run your hands over his large chest, eyes trapped on every scar, burn, gunshot that was painted on no doubt a story to follow. You didn’t know Din’s by sight, but you knew them by touch, so you did the opposite. 
Fingers tracing only lightly across each mark as you barley blinked staring at him. The heat in your limbs travelling between your legs. Skin rough in some places and soft in others you reached down to his pants and gently tucked the seam into your fingers. Not waiting for permission, you went to slowly move when Din did the same to you. 
Yanking your bottoms down, underwear in his grasp in one go. Tossing them aside. You whined in your chest as you felt his rough hands now bare run across your skin while you gently finished undressing Boba. Another sight you never got to see, but the heat between your legs now felt much like a need. 
He was a large and thick man, in more places then one including his cock. Thick and begging for your touch it was more then half hard. His hand thumb traced your bottom lip and tugged, gaining your attention. His eyes black as anything as his face twisted in a more aggressive harshness then the soft patience before. “Small mouth to fit such a thick cock.” 
Your thighs squeezed together as you ran your hands up his thighs glancing back at his length. Shuffling closer, you reached up to run your thumb and forefinger over his leaking tip. His legs steeled in a flex at the sensation along with his muscles constricting. Running them up and down his length slightly before gently cradling him close to the base of his cock. Almost like a kitten, you licked gently over the tip. Each time slipping more of him inside your mouth. 
Knees engaged each side of you as Din’s helmet soothed your sweating skin and leaned into the back of your head. His own hands running over your thighs but much firmer then your touch. He said nothing, but the more of Boba’s cock you slipped into your mouth the more overwhelmed you felt. Boba it seemed, was just as talkative in the bedroom as Din, but with one small difference. 
Boba took pleasure in being mean, and you only got more wet the more he talked. “Djarin’s far too easy on you it seems. Go on, little one you can fit more then that.” Sliding more in, you could feel Din run down to rub gently at your clit, making you moan around Boba’s cock. 
Almost like he couldn’t help himself, he ran his fingers over your throat as you slowly took more of him into your mouth. Full and overwhelmed you felt your nerves on fire as much as the fingers on your clit rubbed harsher, pushing more pressure into you as your mouth soaked the thickness inside it. 
Head starting to bob up and down, you felt tears at the corner of your eyes as well as your heart pounding each time you tried taking him deeper. “All the way this time, that’s it.” You cried around his cock as your nose pressed against the coarse hair around his pelvis soaking as saliva built and even dipped from your mouth the deeper he kept himself in. 
Din’s touch on your clit making you burn and shake wanting so desperately to grasp onto his arms but they were firmly set on Boba’s thighs as you slid his cock in and out of your mouth. “I knew you’d have such a filthy mouth, just not such a messy one.” His fingers swiping the saliva on your skin before tipping your gaze up slightly to see your eyes fluttering. “You wet from his fingers, from sucking my cock or are you just that much of a little greedy omega?” Moaning once more you felt him throb in your mouth as you felt almost lightheaded. 
One of Din’s hands slid up, groping at one of your breasts, fingers twisting your nipple enough to make you want to arch back into his touch, but he only shushed you gently in your ear. Your breathing already strained feeling that much weaker at how much your body wanted to writhe at Din’s touch. 
“Your girl like a mess, Djarin?” 
Both of Din’s hands stopped moving for a second, like he was contemplating something before he slid his hand down, shoving between your thighs as much the angle could offer. Sliding two thick fingers smoothly into your soaked pussy he groaned just quiet enough you could hear it. The one on your breast moved down to your stomach. “No, just greedy.” 
Din’s helmet now resting on your shoulder thrusting his fingers in and out with such little resistance and every slide of Boba’s cock making you clench that much harder. Groaning louder at how much he could see your wetness from even here, his other hand stroking your stomach with his thumb. Refusing to let you wince or flinch at your insecurity. No, he wanted you on full display. 
Boba’s hand raking around the opposite side of your head he pulled you into him close as he could, feeling him twitch inside of your mouth before letting go. “Fuck, such a filthy fucking thing, that’s right swallow all of it, good girl.” Boba’s cum spilling into your mouth, so close to the back of your throat and the twisting of pleasure Din was bringing you with his fingers made you almost want to cry it was too much. 
Slowly pulling you off inch by inch both men watched a mixture of saliva and cum almost dripping from your gasping mouth as Boba’s cock finally left you. Din’s hand turning you by your neck gently to look partially back at him, the darkness of the visor even contrasted to the gritted teeth and dark panting face of Boba’s. He still brought you comfort as Din brushed mercilessly against a sensitive wall inside of you. “Doing so good for me, sweet girl. So fucking good,” 
Your hands free you reached back to grab at whatever you could of Din as the heel of his palm roughly rubbed your clit as he thrusted them in and out almost rougher then before. Gasping you arched back, unashamed at how much it put your tits almost on display. “Din, please let me cum. Please, I’m so-” 
Whinging you couldn’t even finish your owns entrance as he pressed his other palm hard against your stomach as he sped up enough you could hear how much you soaked him. “Come on, you can cum mesh’la. All for me.” 
“Taking all the credit isn’t your style,” Boba’s voice was further away, rasping with a dash of cheeky as Din pulled you right over that edge. Holding you tight against him as you cried out as your orgasm washed over you. Seizing your muscles tightly in his hold. 
“F-fuck, not ugh, your name she’s crying is it though, Fett?” 
Talking about you like your orgasm wasn’t in his arms and on display it just made you stutter a moan out even as you came down. Pulling his fingers out of you, Din pulled you up with him turning you to face his front. Moving your hands to gently pull his shirt off, you wanted to reach to run your hand over his chest only to get pulled roughly into Boba’s back. “He can have you whenever he wants, so how about you lay out for me?” 
Gently climbing up onto the bed, you could see Boba moving around to the end of it and Din carefully climbing up near the wall behind you. Just as you settled, Boba yanked you towards him at the edge of the bed. Spreading your legs wide to fit himself between. 
“Let’s see if an omega tastes as sweet as she smells.” A man with patience in many aspects of his life, but none as he pulled your hips closer to put his mouth on you. Crying out almost immediately as he licked from your entrance up to your clit. 
Din’s breath stuttering behind you, his eyes behind the helmet stuck on how much you gasped, back arched and legs already tensing in Boba’s hold. Brushing your hair sticking to the sweat of your forehead back, raking gently in his bare fingers like out of everything the soft silky feeling is what had him transfixed. 
Sucking your clit before almost biting it to make you jump, he Boba chuckled deep into your pussy as he licked inside of you. The roughness of his hands but the warmth of his mouth working you over so gently making you moan. Thighs wanting to close, but he kept them wide on the bed as he could force them. Refusing to even give you the reprieve of hanging them over his shoulders. You’d still have some control were he to do so. Your core inside hot and burning, too soon after Din made you cum on his fingers you grasped at your chest mindlessly. 
Only to have Din grab them. Despite pulling your head up to his lap, Boba never faltered. Just moving with the action to keep his mouth tasting you. Din however, wrapped your fingers in each of his before pushing them down on either side of you. His own cock unfairly hard and still confined by his pants, but he needed you to come again. He never gets to fully see how you look cumming on his mouth, but now Din refuses to miss it. 
Shaking in his hold, you were far too close from your last orgasm. The coil inside you twisting and flaming as Boba never faltered in his moves. Feeling a smirk against you as your stomach muscles started to tense up. Your hips lifting from the bed slightly as he pulled you into his mouth from a better vantage. His tongue deep as it could go, you started to loose yourself. 
“You gave me one, mesh’la. Fett deserves one too, for everything he’s done for you.” 
Boba’s nails dug into your skin as he pulled you right over that edge, not even hearing the noise coming from either of them. Just ringing in your ears as you came, falling apart on his mouth that refused to stop licking you up and down until you stopped spasaming. Your senses like you were drifting underwater, only soothed by Din’s soft touch letting your hands go to gently cup one of your breasts again, like the small massaging sensation and gently playing with your nipple just enough of a spark to keep you near the top. 
The two Mandalorians however, had no plans on giving you time to catch your breathe. Like you were a doll light enough to be tossed around, Din manoeuvred you to straddle his lap. Your hands instantly running down his chest, eyes wide at how broad and soft he looked outside of even just his flight suit. 
One of his hands ran up the length of your spine, the other running across your hip over you ass and back down your thigh like a pattern. “Pull me out, sweet girl.” 
Nodding mindlessly, you reached for his bottoms. Thighs clenching around his as you pulled his cock out, long and intimidatingly thick as well. You knew it felt as such but seeing what you had previously fit inside of you made you shiver. Wrapping your hand around it, you ran your thumb over his tip. Gathering as much precum as you could and stroking his cock with it, slow and a light grip that Din never touched himself with. His voice raspy and lustful. “We can do this a few ways, but it’s all up to what you’re comfortable with. We can go easy on you if you’re more comfort-”
Shaking your head furiously, “No, no whatever you want. Both of you, please I want you to do whatever you want,” Turning to see Boba who also was know up on the bed behind you. 
His hand reaching out to keep your head turned on him with his hand on your jaw. “Are you sure?” A second nod yes, had Din groan. Covering your hand with his and tightening your grip on his cock. Boba’s eyes on you. “I’m gonna open you up back here while you sit on his cock.” 
Dins hands reaching behind to pull your ass cheeks apart enough to sting. “Come here, sweet girl. Let me feel you.”
Looking back you propped yourself on his shoulders as Din held you by your hips. Sinking you down was far too easy, from making you cum on his fingers and Boba’s mouth you soaked his cock before even sitting on it fully. Din moaned as he sunk into you fully in one go. His helmet dropping into your chest as his own stomach heaved trying to control himself. 
Your moan was high pitched and needy, hands grasping onto the bit of hair sticking out from his helmet his hands pulled your chest more into him. But as soon as you tried moving, Din held you in place head lifting up to look disapprovingly at you. His tone sharp as his words were short. “Are you in charge?” 
Pausing, you clenched around him, making an even wetter mess already but you shook your head no. Your mind too in the clouds to even joke otherwise. Feeling Din trail his hands up to hold you by the back of your neck and waist. Pulling your forehead to his you shivered at Boba’s hands on your hips. 
His large frame pressing into your back as his hands trailed downwards, squeezing your ass lightly, then rougher each next one. Finally, one of his fingers moving down. Collecting the wetness still soaking you and nearly the bed at that point before moving it back up between your cheeks. 
Stilling briefly as he pressed against your ass, heart racing but your head still in the clouds could do enough to nod. Boba leaning closer to your ear with a deep, “Good girl,” before sliding his finger inside of you. 
Gasping, you pressed into Din more who tightened his grip on your hair, but held you not in comfort but to keep you nice and steady for Boba who was keen on riling you up more as he spoke. “Never been taken here have you, little one?” Chucking deep when you shook your head no. “Not treating her right are you, Djarin? If you’re leaving some of her firsts for me.” 
Sliding the hand on your waist, Din moved his thumb against your clit. “I’m the one filling her pussy nice and full, aren’t I sweet girl?” You moaning just as Boba slid in a second finger and such a moan turned into a whine. Your body on fire, your insides already burning to the ground your body only able to focus on either of what their hands were doing. 
There was a stretch and a burn inside your ass that just two of Boba’s fingers were pulling from you, but the gentle side of a third had you jump. Crying out desperately as Din’s hand in your hair tightened painfully. Voice scattered, you didn’t know if you were even making sense as you writhed in place. “I, fuck, I don’t wanna- wanna upset either of, of you..” 
The hand now loosening, Din slid it down to the back of your neck, pulling you to look at him. His voice as rough as you looked. “You could never, cyra’ika. Fuck, you could never upset me, upset us.” 
Boba leaned into your ear, free hand wrapping around the front of your neck. “You ready to take me, little one? It’ll be a stretch, but I’ve opened you up nice and wet for me.” You swallowed, your eyes on Din and your focus on the their hands but you nodded. “You sure?” You nodded again. “Hold onto him, then.” 
Din sat up better, holding you in his lap. The second Boba started pulling his fingers out, Din thrusted just out of you enough to set your insides alight. Thrusting back in but slowly, forcing you to feel his cock stroke against every inch of inside you as you moaned. 
The slow pace making you lean into him quietly, only to cry at Boba now pressing his cock up against you. Leaning forward, he pulled you out of Din’s hold making you lean back against his shoulder to look up at him. Like they were in sync, Din slowly pulled partway out of you as Boba barley pressed his tip in. 
Din’s final reassurance once more like fired the bullet. “It’s okay, cyra’ika. You can kiss him.” 
This time Boba kissed you, his roughness resuming from before and Boba slowly started to push inside you as Din slowly filled your pussy back up. Your body feeling like it was panicing, heart racing from all the stimulation, but Boba kept slowly filling your ass until he, like Din, was sat fully inside you. 
Pulling his lips from yours, not bothering to hide how deep he had his tongue in your mouth he clenched his jaw at the feeling. “You still with us?” It took you more then a moment to answer, barley with an uh-huh as you clenched around both of them. 
Din’s thrusts slowed down dramatically, his cock almost just grinding in you with painfully gritted teeth hiding behind the helmet. Boba, started to fuck you, but far less gentle. Both of them, feeling the desperation of your omega yearning for more of it. 
You couldn’t describe how it felt to have him pound you from behind that way, it was new and almost so foreign it scared you but you were desperate for it. Crying and moaning only speeding his hips up more and more. The slapping of his skin against yours contrasting with how soaking wet your pussy was with each slide of Din’s cock was obscene. 
Should have made you feel embarrassed but with your body pressed between their chests you couldn’t find yourself to care. “Fucking tight little ass, can barley shove my cock inside you can I?” He pounded harder, your body bouncing more on Din’s from the force. 
“Should feel what her cunt’s like, I’d never-fuck, would get you to fucking leave if you felt her.” Din and him just not speaking to you, but about you and yet it just felt too good. Like they wanted to get you out of your messy head, and to do it, treated you like a you for their pleasure and you were burning on the inside. 
Boba’s voice scratched to hell in your ear, “Gonna let me cum inside your ass, little one? Spill inside you just like Djarin would?” Looking up at him you nodded, Boba sharing a glance with Din that you didn’t see before he kissed you again. 
His cock pounding into you fast, your ass jiggling with the force as Din sped up inside your pussy. Himself leaning back against the wall, watching your face and your body transfixed as his thrusts were slower but far rougher. 
It seemed to sneak up on Boba, his orgasm. A few sudden thrusts almost too fast for you to be able to handle, before he pressed up against your back, head sinking into your neck with a groan. You felt his cock throb inside you before it started to fill you with his cum. Thick and lots of it he fucked you until he was empty. Slowly pulling out, to watch your ass gape without his cock still there to fill it and his cum leaking out of you. 
Din, didn’t waste time. Flipping you around so he was on top of you, pressing deep inside your pussy and fucked hard as soon as you were laid out for him. His cock so painfully hard and desperate to cum inside you, Din was rougher then normal. Your legs wide as possible to the point of strain, and the sound of his hips slapping into yours was loud. 
You didn’t expect it then, but you came from nowhere. Your orgasm splitting inside you and washing over your body as you arched back into the bed. Boba, leaning over to kiss you, his tongue commanding yours as Din started to lose composure. 
“Defect, my perfect girl with the tightest cunt, gonna fill you up okay? Gonna let me spill inside this pussy the way I want, like you deserve- oh fuck, baby,” His helmet dropping into your chest as he held both your hips still as he came. 
Slow thrusts as he too, felt like his cum spilled inside you forever. Your ass still full and whatever leaked out now spread against your cheeks as you were pressed into it from behind. Boba’s lips and tongue swallowing your moans and cries as Din gave a few final pushes. His body shaking from how hard and just how much he came inside of you. 
Both of them, let go of your body very gently. Boba slowing his kiss down to something gentle, before pressing a peck to your swollen lips and one to the bridge of your nose. Din took longer to pull out of you, his cock still half hard from how worked up he got, waiting until he went soft before leaving your soaked warmth entirely. 
You weren’t sure if you passed out, or if you dropped that hard. You felt Din’s touch and his gentle words but not much registered as you tried coming back to your senses. Only really feeling back in the world as you settled against Din in the water. 
Looking around, you were in a large tub built into the stone ground like an indoor pool. Leaning back you felt his helmet and arms wrapping around your front. “Welcome back, mesh’la.” 
Laughing lightly, you looked around the room. Not quite a room like a refresher, but it seemed to be solely for the tub in there. “Did I pass out?” 
Din traced his hand over your stomach, “Not quite. You were out of it for a little bit though, thought a bath might help bring you back a little bit.” Smiling weakly you just leaned back into him. Enjoying the quiet. 
A question however poked at your brain, “Where’s Boba?” 
“Checking on the kid. Figured it might be a bit calmer for you to come down from tonight with just me for a little bit.” Pausing he almost sounded worried. “Did you...like it?”
Turning in his arms, you straddled his lap hands on his shoulders much more relaxed this time despite both of you being naked now. “I did. It was...a lot. But I liked it. You were were..” Din suggested the word rough, which made you laugh. “Yeah, but I was going to say safe. I don’t think I’d do anything like that with anyone else. But Boba-” 
“You trust him.” Nodding gently, he ran a hand up and down your back. “So do I. Would you ever want to do it again?” 
Leaning into his forehead you smiled. “I think so. As long as I get just you most of the time.” It wasn’t really obvious that the screaming insecurities didn’t rear their ugly head in that moment. You were stiff, quite sore, but content and snuggling into Din like a loth-cat. 
It was quiet for a bit before you asked about Grogu, only to feel mostly as confused as he did for how he got back. Either he was sent across the galaxy all alone or Peli’s story was just wrong. Either seemed plausible considering what you knew about your curly haired friend and the Jedi. 
Not that everything was perfect, but you felt content. The protectiveness of how Din held you was that of an alpha shielding his omega from the world around you. Din almost brought up the question of mating you, but he wasn’t sure his timing would be the greatest were he to bring up that biting into your neck to mate was all he had been thinking about since he got you in the bath. 
He also had a necklace. Two distinct animal skulls carved of beskar into them for when he did. But for now, you both soaking in this elaborate tub in each others arms would have to do.
Besides, he wouldn’t live down the amount of shit Boba would tease him with for mating you right after letting Boba fuck you the way he did. There might be a bit more of this dynamic to explore. 
He and Boba trusted one another, a companionship that made him trust the other man treat you with the proper respect of a fellow alpha. Omega’s were precious to Mandalorians, but Din didn’t want to share you with his people just yet. 
Sharing your affections with just one other was an acceptable middle ground. Well two others. 
The second you saw Grogu again, the idea of you leaving this little clan became practically impossible. 
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corazondebeskar-reads · 7 months
toni's fanfic masterlist
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a collection of all of my fic, mostly ft. Din Djarin and Joel Miller
Key: 🏴 = dark, 💕 = fluff, ⛓ = bdsm, 💀 = dead dove do not eat
18+ ONLY, minors DNI. All fics on this list are explicit and f!reader unless otherwise stated.
also on ao3
dividers by @saradika-graphics
last updated: 5/24/2024
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Din Djarin
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⛓💕 well it's love, make it hurt
(Complete, dom!Din Djarin x f!reader)
summary: After The Mandalorian begrudgingly teamed up with you for a big-ticket bounty, you find you work surprisingly well together, and you propose a short-term partnership. Weeks become months, and your hunting partnership becomes muddled as you explore a new dynamic onboard the Razor Crest.
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🏴 live to rise
(complete; gladiator!Din Djarin x f!reader)
summary: The Last of the Mandalorians have fallen; their Mand'alor captured. Stripped of his armor, his weapons, his people. Din rises to fight another day, grasping onto the hope that his son still lives.
No fighter has won their freedom from the Empire's arena before. With the help of a servant girl, can he hope to break free?
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One Shots
don't let me get carried away
summary: Mando finds the toy you use when he's gone and makes you demonstrate.
for Manda'yaim (Din Djarin x f!reader x Paz Vizsla)
summary: Now that they have reclaimed their homeworld, the Children of the Watch resurrect an ancient ritual to secure the future of their people. Reader is one of the volunteers chosen to bear the next generation of Mando'ade.
🏴💀 worry not
summary: Mand'alor Din Djarin is haunted by the Darksaber, and you suffer the consequences.
💕 mhi ba'juri verde
summary: After Din is crowned Mand'alor, you make good on your promise to fulfill the rest of your vows.
🏴 ori'skraan
summary: The Mand'alor needs to feed to regain his strength, so you are called upon to fulfill the most sacred of your duties.
🏴💀I'll take care of you
summary: Din takes care of you after a head injury leaves you helpless.
stuck in a lonely loop
summary: Din can't let go of the feeling that something's wrong, even if you deny it.
🏴nobody is coming to save you
summary: You get caught by a Mandalorian bounty hunter after fleeing your marriage.
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Din Djarin x reader x Boba Fett
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copaani gaan? (Din Djarin x f!reader x Boba Fett)
summary: Din catches you blushing after Boba Fett flirts with you. He instigates and encourages you to fuck Fett while he watches.
mhi me'dinui an and prequel (Din Djarin x f!reader x Boba Fett x Cobb Vanth)
summary: After the events of The Book of Boba Fett, you get railed by Din Djarin, Boba Fett, and Cobb Vanth.
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Joel Miller
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🏴💀 all I did was what I had to (complete; dark!Joel x f!reader)
summary: this is a series of snapshots following dark!raider/hunter!Joel Miller and f!reader, who he saves from her abusive spouse for a slightly better situation. It's very dark and so far all the parts involve watersports, if that's your kind of thing.
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you know you never stood a chance (complete; qz!Joel x f!reader)
summary: When your neighbor Joel finds out you've resorted to prostitution to make ends meet, he makes sure he's your first client, and proposes a different deal.
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ain't no rest for the wicked (complete; tess x f!reader x joel)
summary: Joel would never complain about what he and Tess have. The only thing is that, sometimes, he’d like to be the one in control. Tess has a proposition: she’ll find a sub for Joel that they can both enjoy. It’s not an easy feat... until they stumble upon you in a dark alley. 
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🏴💀 the art of breaking
summary: Your meeting is happenstance, but everything that follows? Well, that’s all Joel. He just knows you’re going to be his perfect little toy. He just has to show you how.
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🏴of rage and ruin (ongoing; werewolf!alpha!Joel Miller x f!omega!reader)
summary: Joel Miller made it twelve years into the apocalypse without getting bit. He turns into a much different kind of monster than he expected, though.
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One Shots
🏴💀 the devil you don't know (or however it goes)
summary: When Joel's men bring back the (adult) daughter of a rival group of hunters, he sees an opportunity. This is VERY dark.
-- the aftermath (by demand; my thoughts on the possible endings. i stand by the original though.)
💕 a home amongst the stars
summary: Joel gets home after a late patrol and finds solace in your warm body.
💕 to know that you're mine
summary: Joel Miller is a pussy eating king with a praise kink. That's it, that's the fic. sub!Joel if you squint.
remember what you're staring at is me
summary: A videotape is left on your porch one morning, and it changes everything about your budding relationship with Joel Miller.
🏴💀 too much
summary: you never know when to shut up.
🏴 not enough
summary: a companion to "too much;" it's rough sex and choking with Joel. that's it, that's the fic.
🏴💀no one could save me but you
summary: You're under the care of Dr. Miller at an inpatient mental health facility. He has a vested interest in your "recovery."
🏴💀seasons don't
summary: Your husband dies a hero, but it's no comfort to you.
🏴💀no loyalty in the apocalypse
summary: Your group falls victim to Joel Miller's hunters.
🏴💀better run
summary: You should have never tried to run from Joel.
💕 let's all go to the lobby
summary: a date night with joel miller
💕 could be
summary: jackson is not your home. joel miller is not your boyfriend. but they could be.
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Honorable Mentions: Events
(most of these are in the other sections but if you want to read through in order, there's this.)
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Kinktober 2023
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Febuwhump 2024
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covetyou · 7 months
halloween fic recs
now that clown!Dieter is out there for the world to enjoy, I thought I'd throw together some seasonally appropriate fic recommendations.
aliens, monsters, witches, ghosts, serial killers, you get the gist.
heed individual fic warnings, but almost all are smut and include dark themes or monster/alien fucking. sometimes both. 'tis the season.
🔪 = dark 🩸 = gore
psychomanteum by @whatsnewalycat - series - Dieter x f!reader - little bit spooky, little bit ghosty, overall incredible. did it scare the shit out of me because it mentions sitting in a dark room and I'm that scared of the dark? maybe it did.
the haunting of dieter bravo by @idolatrybarbie - oneshot - Dieter & reader - smut free spooky shenanigans! genuinely terrifying, and I would like more.
haunted by @theywhowriteandknowthings 🔪 - oneshot - vampire!Joel x f!reader x vampire!Tommy - vaguely "haunted" house, hot af vampire brothers, DP? literally what is there not to love.
bleed for me by @saradika - series - vampire!Din Djarin x f!reader - this series had me gripped from start to finish.
other spooky creatures
the devils backbone by @ezrasbirdie 🩸- series - alpha!Frankie x omega!ofc - a/b/o fic with monsters and fucking, but no monsterfucking. it's gory, spooky, scary, and just so so good.
boundless by @spacecowboyhotch - series - Marc Spector x f!reader - a witch and a witch hunter, can it get any better. it's early days but I'm so excited for more.
week of horror masterlist by @sweetercalypso 🔪 - event - every single fic has been perfectly spooky and horny thus far. we have ghosts, poltergeists, incubus/succubus, ghostface, vamps, it's got it all.
oh honey by @lincolndjarin 🔪🩸- series - Joel x f!reader - horror and suspense, gory as hell, monster fucking. incredible. criminally underrated.
dream within a dream by @gasolinerainbowpuddles 🔪🩸 - oneshot - incubus!Ezra x f!reader - so beautiful, so creepy, also kind of sad and hot at the same time?
jizz fingers by @gasolinerainbowpuddles - oneshot - splorgimum!Joel x f!reader - insane alien crackfic. that's it. read part 2 too.
mothman fever by @beskarandblasters - oneshot - Joel x f!reader - I've legitimately been thinking about this ever since I read it.
serial killers
slasher!Joel by @toxicanonymity 🔪- oneshot collection - Joel x f!reader - it's funny, it's dark, it's creepy, it's horny. he's a pathetic little murder man and I love him.
sanity is a cozy lie by @patti7dc 🔪🩸- series - Joel x f!reader - incredible serial killer Joel series with a twist. I cannot get enough.
hostage by @atticrissfinch 🔪- oneshot - Joel x f!reader - creepy serial killer in the woods? yes.
scream queen by @hellishjoel 🔪- oneshot - ghostface!Joel x f!reader - it felt like reading a scene from a movie. the ending got me so good.
do you have any spooky recs? send 'em my way!
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chaoticgeminate · 1 year
If My Heart Was a House
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Pairing: Din Djarin x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit
Word Count: 14.5k
Content/Warnings: Mutual Pining, Allies to Lovers, A/B/O dynamics (rut and heat cycles, nesting, knotting, pheromones), jerking off in the shower, brothels, beating up Imperials, Unprotected PiV, Oral (f!Receiving), spit as lube
Notes: Omega!Din and Alpha!Reader, they traveled together pre-Grogu, dynamics are a little different here since I sort of used bird behaviors for Alphas (showy and prefer bright colored clothes). Set between season one and two, asks are open for them if you're ever curious about more. Yes the title is the Owl City song.
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“Roast nuna, one credit for five!”
“New durasilk shawls and scarves, treat yourself to core world fashion finery!”
“Please come, look at the fine jewelry made from only the rarest stones.”
Vendors shouting over one another for the attention of the crowd, the sharp roasting scents of meats and vegetables mingling with the tables of spices and heavily perfumed incense made for a chaotic dance through the crowd. Mando and the pollywog were on a hunt for a bail jumper, the armored warrior had tasked you to restock on rations and essentials, leaving you to all of this. Not that you minded much. The explosion of sensation from the sounds, the scents, the feeling of the sun on your skin was a welcome reprieve from the quiet of hyperspace.
Already the ration packs were being delivered to the hauler you’d rented, leaving you to find the cosmetic requirements like soap and towels, opting for low expense and bulk purchases over something indulgent. The number of times towels had been ruined by Mando bleeding all over them, washed as best as they could and then being turned into cleaning rags, it was easier to just buy the cheaper ones.
“A practical traveler.” You looked up at the shopkeeper as she folded some sort of flowy material, it was pearlescent in the light of the sun and stacked on the wall behind her with the rest, and she motioned to the packs of vacuum sealed towels you were holding under one arm.
“Unfortunately, these get turned into cleaning rags far too quickly to risk splurging on something better.” The Omega laughed softly, the musical quality of her voice combined with the warm scent of her pheromones made the hair on your arms and down your back stand up, your mind buzzing pleasantly. As you handed over two packs of towels, a bulk pack of soap sheets, and a hair moisturizer pack it was hard not to look at the bottles of oil for shaving and facial hair care.
Not only were they right there but the sleek bottles were an eye-catching shade of teal.
You knew Mando had facial hair, he’d told you that much when you asked why he had a straight razor, but you also knew that he didn’t use any lather to shave -there was none to be found in the fresher- and that he��d complained about it getting caught in the helmet lining if he went too long without shaving. You snagged a bottle each since the instructions said not to use more than a drop or two, and the Omega’s brows rose before she hummed.
“Part of a traveling flock then?”
“No, uh, ‘m not part of any of that. I don’t like those sorts. This is for a bounty hunter I know.”
In recent years -a few decades now- there’d been groups of Alphas that began flying around the galaxy together, being dubbed flocks with how often they flew, going around trying to bully Omega into a mating bond and even causing trouble in local cantinas doing so. It wasn’t like that sort of thing was unusual for an Alpha to do, your designation had a tendency to be showy bastards and bossy as hell, but you hated being lumped in with all of it.
The flocks weren’t even gender specific, plenty of Alpha women and non-binary Alphas were in these groups being just as brazen and pushy as the males, and while it was true that there were Omega out there who liked partners like that… none of that was you.
“You might want to consider something colorful then, walking around with your head low has eyes on you, people think you’re an Omega.” The advice made you look up and look around the market slowly, making sure it looked like you were just perusing the stalls, and you realized that she was right. Several others were watching you from afar, all of them donning some vibrant article of clothing like a tunic or a jacket.
It was instinctual, the desire to be noticed, something you struggled with because in your line of work -bounty hunting and protecting the baby- that was the exact opposite of helpful. You’d managed a compromise in the beginning with a woven string bracelet that had vivid teal strands mixed in the soft tan linen, made by Winta on Sorgan, but it’d been destroyed a few planets back.
All you could really do was sigh, motioning to the sheets of durasilk she had on the shelf behind her, and the Omega studied you before choosing the one that was a vibrant red shade after holding a few different colors up and comparing them. The material was smooth and soft, light but also durable, with the very faint embroidering of lines that made you think of sand dunes.
After folding the long length of material into a triangle you simply wrapped the ends around your neck and tucked them under the front so that it was draped almost like a loose bandana. A tight knot would give an opponent something to grab on to, to restrain you with, so you kept the ends loose.
Once the rest of your purchases were sent off to your hauler, the small floating cargo speeder being watched over by the owner, you decided that you were done and followed it back to the Crest. You took a pitstop top grab some fresh food, before you had to live off rations again, and made sure to grab more than enough for all three of you,
 The eyes that had been on you disappeared, adjusting your body language to present as more confident and aggressive than usual to be safe; Mando was sitting inside the ship when you got there, the ramp was open and he was cleaning one of his many blasters. The sand had gotten into it, you could see the coarse grains being swept away by the light breeze from speeders and haulers moving throughout the shipyard.
“Finished already? I wouldn’t have lingered in the market so long if I’d known, sorry.”
After paying the second half of the holding fee for the hauler you began unloading the boxes, seeing the door to the cot was closed -and likely where the baby was being hidden- you made quick work of dismissing the droid and the Beta in charge of the service. One quick inventory list slapped onto the crates, setting the soap sheets and hair oils into the fresher cabinet, you then went to get the baby so you could give him the roasted nuna you’d bought for him.
His eyes were wide open when you opened the door, your body blocking his form from view, and the excited grab for the roasted meat when you pulled it out of the insulted bag made you smile fondly. For such a curious, trouble-making, little pollywog he was damn adorable and his ears twitched as he tried to shove a whole one into his mouth.
“Small bites, don’t shovel it all in, come on now.”
Sure he’d eaten whole birds and whole mudjumpers before, with no consequences, but teaching him manners was something you were trying to work on. Soup was something he had down, he could sip bowls of soup easily, but whole meals? Rations? It was a work in progress. The ramp began closing and Mando’s steps across the hull were your warning that he planned to take off, your free hand going to the bag on your shoulder.
“I got you something too, Mando, I’ll feed the baby down here so you can eat up in the cockpit. I think one fresh meal after weeks of soup and rations will be good for you.”
You held out the takeaway container in his general direction, if you even looked away from the pollywog he’d scarf the rest of his food down, and you felt the weight of it leave your hand before there was a light touch at the red fabric around your neck. Now you did turn your head, seeing Mando’s helmet tilted as he took you in, and you realized he was probably confused by the sudden vibrancy in your wardrobe.
“There were Alphas watching me at the market, they thought I was an Omega, so I figured this would keep them off my back. Should have expected it, since it’s happened a few times now.” You shrugged off your discomfort at being so bad of an Alpha that you could be confused for an Omega in a crowd, the idea that all Alphas were showy and aggressive wasn’t wrong but it wasn’t difficult to suppress the more aggressive aspects of your designation, which made you think it had to be just you.
Mando’s reply was interrupted when the baby took an accidental bite out of your hand, the sharp sting making you yelp as the pollywog took advantage of your relaxed grip on the food to devour it in one gulp as you inspected the imprint of little teeth in your skin.
“Little bugger, that was mean, you need to be more polite.” The baby looked up at you like you were in the wrong, and of course he would think that since you were slowing down dinner time by insisting he take small bites. Mando seemed to choose retreat since you heard him ascending the ladder to the cockpit, reminding you -yet again- that you were kind of a shitty Alpha traveling with someone who had to be the most prime Omega specimen in the galaxy.
The Crest began take-off so you seated the baby in his pod, to prevent him from flying all over the hull, and settled into your hammock as you waited for the ship to exit atmosphere and enter hyperspace. Eating now while you were still dealing with the slight turbulence of exiting a planet’s gravity was a recipe for disaster.
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He had to get it together.
Din scrubbed his hands down his face in the fresher, you’d already showered so the faint musk of your pheromones was7 still present in the air, and it was making his body react very enthusiastically to the unintentional dosing of scent. He had been completely thrown when you’d returned, glancing up only to immediately lower his gaze at the addition to your wardrobe, the vivid red was so eye catching and it looked good on you.
Every instinct to rip his helmet off and scent you had been very thoroughly tamped down as he gathered himself, up until you began feeding the kid; the care you displayed for the baby was like a shot right to his designation’s very nature. When you’d begun feeding the kid it practically purred Alpha cares in his ear, making his heart speed up, and then when you’d so calmly shoved food in his direction too?
Alpha provides had practically echoed in his head on repeat.
As an Omega he was very used to the usual flaunting and preening and prancing that Alphas were known for, independent clients were quick to try and play to his instincts for any sort of discount they could try and get from him. You’d never outright thrown your designation in his face, challenged him when he gave you orders, or even remotely tried to use any sort of pheromone manipulation tactics on him.
Respect was something that always made him take notice and the respect you showed him, by treating him like he was just a person instead of just a potential mate, had created this horribly confusing infatuation that Din had no idea how to handle. He wanted to drag you onto his uncomfortable sheet of barely-there padding so you could cover him in your scent, so he could shut the door to the cot and blacken the space and you could sink those teeth of yours right into his scent gland.
He inhaled heavily to catch the traces of your scent in the thick steam and wrapped his hand around his cock, he was hard and leaking at the very idea of your teeth breaking through his skin as you leaked with his spend. Din couldn’t help but create this fantasy of you taking care of him during his heat, riding him until you were sore and needing his mouth to soothe the ache between your thighs as you used your hand and mouth to soothe the insatiable need to fuck right out of him.
Just the thought of squeezing your plush hips, of your bare skin against his, as his knot locked the two of you in place made him spill all over the wall.
He stared at the ribbons of his seed being washed away by the splash of the water, remorseful that it was dripping down the fresher stall and not your thighs, but Din wasn’t sure how to go about asking. He could just go out there and tell you that he wanted you to scent him, that he wanted you to claim him, but he’d seen the way you always shied away from attention.
Other Omega noticed your calmer, subdued, nature despite being an Alpha and flocked whenever you strut through a town at his side; not-so-subtly trying to entice you to join them for some fun. Offers you never seemed interested in taking up, not that there was an issue with that, and he sighed as he turned the water off to get dry. He knew you weren’t against sex, that you weren’t disgusted or put off by it, you’d confessed to having lovers in the past when your rut would hit.
As he slipped on a new pair of underclothes Din paused at the sight of the very vivid bottles in the cabinet, inspecting the labels and swallowing thickly as a new wave of affection ripped through him. The scent was subtle, not heavily perfumed, which was always an issue with products like this because of the helmet trapping scent or the lining holding the smells; and he set his razor down on the sink and decided to use your gift.
The shave cream created a smoother glide and even his skin felt better, softer, once he rinsed everything off. The oil for the hair he kept wasn’t going to act instantly of course but he wondered if it would soften the patchy beard he kept, the idea that you’d bought this to feel his face rub against yours sent pleasant chills down his spine as Din put everything away and dried his hair before he slipped his helmet back on.
He left his dirty flight suit in the sonic scrubber and as he stepped out to clean his armor he felt his throat catch, you were sleeping in your hammock but had to have shifted around because your undershirt had ridden up and your blanket was half hanging on the floor. One bare leg was thrown over the edge of the fabric and he caught a glimpse of the scant material hidden under what little blanket remained, his eyes shooting to his cot where the kid was also sleeping in his hammock.
Carefully, so he didn’t wake you, Din brought your leg back up into the hammock so you didn’t accidentally roll out; he caught your blanket before it could fall completely and draped it back over you, tugging your shirt down and running a bare hand along your cheek. You crooned and purred softly as you nuzzled into his hand, comfortable with his presence, and Din spotted the red fabric piled on top of your clothes for tomorrow.
He glanced at you, almost afraid you’d wake up, before lifting his helmet and lifting the fabric to his nose; it was so strongly covered in your scent already, enough to make him squeeze his eyes shut and return it so he could retreat to sleep before he did something else even more embarrassing.
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You couldn’t be happier that you’d gotten the red shemagh as you draped the fabric over your head and the bottom of your face, the durasilk helping to protect your skin from the heat of the twin suns, and your tech goggles helped obscure the rest of you while giving you a few advanced HUD options to ensure you didn’t lose visual clarity. Mando was on another hunt, he’d taken the baby with him again, while you were off to catch the other quarry in the opposite direction.
Having two quarry on the same planet wasn’t unusual and it was easier to split up like this, though you’d noticed Mando had been a little reluctant to do so today, you chalked his nerves up to the fact that your prey was an Imperial. He knew your history with the Imps, that your little hometown had been victim to raids for years before they decided to wipe it off the galactic maps, that you’d been the one to lead the children away from the destruction and get them to safety while all your parents had died in the assault.
Omega were protective of those they cared for, that was a well known fact, so having any proof of him caring for you even if it was something like this made your heart skip in your chest.
Flipping through your vision options, dimming the glare of the sun and enhancing your view, it was easier to see the start of the small town far ahead in the distance and you could have breathed a sigh of relief. While you had some mild regret for not renting a speeder, seeing as it took most of the morning to walk here and you’d likely have to trek back dragging your unconscious quarry, it was better this way.
Mando’s hunt was a much further distance so he needed the Crest, and when he was done, he’d come find you at the rendezvous location or be waiting there for you. Keeping your face covered as you approached, making sure your posture was tall and commanding as you kept one hand on your blaster, the townsfolk that were out and about all peered at you before returning to what they were doing.
Omegas, all of them, you couldn’t smell a single Alpha in the area and your eyes narrowed behind your goggles since the Imp you were after was an Alpha. Either he was suppressing his scent with pheromone inhibitors or he had moved on and your intel hadn’t been enough up to date, the idea that the little creep at the outpost lied to protect the quarry also presented a possibility.
Seeing as Karga didn’t have a damn tracker for this one, just a puck to your annoyance, and then triggered your natural show-off instincts by challenging your abilities right in front of Mando it was a wonder your mood wasn’t worse.
“Well, hello stranger.” You turned and felt your face warm under your cover as the Omega sent you a flirty wink, the line of her cleavage was very prominently on display and instead of hiding from the sun she had a lot of skin open to sunburns. Instead of remarking on that, like some kind of fucking creep, you cleared your throat and tipped your head in greeting.
The surprised look on her face melted to something pleased as she reached out to play with the end of the durasilk where it draped slightly over your chest.
“You’re a sweet Alpha, I’ve never had one like that, most that come here are bossy. You looking to show a girl a good time?”
“I’m hunting, actually, has another Alpha come through recently?” Using any sort of pheromone or tone shifts against an Omega was something you hated doing but in this case you had little choice, she was too close to her heat and would definitely lose focus if you didn’t, the stern tone and the way you stood up straighter snapped her right out of that syrupy haze of pleasure seeking for now.
“Yea, we got one, he isn’t kind.”
You pulled out the puck to show her the face, earning a nod, and followed her gaze to the unassuming door behind her. You should have guessed he’d find and hole up in a brothel, probably expecting any Alphas that came after him to get distracted by the Omega pheromones within, and you slipped a few credits into the woman’s hand in thanks before reaching under your scarf to slide your respirator filter over your mouth and nose.
Omega pheromones typically elicited the same instinctual responses in Alphas, but every person -Alpha, Beta, or Omega- had their own natural scent that helped create a unique chemical cocktail for others to pick up on. The sleek mask allowed you to breathe but had a unique pheromone filter to make sure you didn’t accidentally trigger a rut, since pheromone exposure was the leading cause of off-season rut incidents.
A few people looked at you as you walked in, no doubt taking in the oversized goggles and mask obscuring your face, but the owner looked relieved and you slid the bounty puck across the table to show her the image of your quarry. With crimes off assaulting Omega, in particular one bonded to an enforcer of the Hutt Cartel, you weren’t surprised that she was willing to give him up as she led you toward the room.
Punching the door switch and walking in on the Alpha choking out the young man he’d paid for, making your blood simmer in outrage, you used a tranq shot and watched the effect kick in immediately.
“I’ll be taking him off your hands, anything he owns is yours.”
Watching the owner fuss over the young man as you dressed and restrained the Imp, tossing him over your shoulder since it’d be easier than dragging the bastard, the young man let out a whine that drew your attention.
“Thank you. I’d like- could I offer you a good time as gratitude for saving me?”
“No, it’s not necessary, you should rest instead.” He looked surprised at your refusal, you knew that you carried no trace scent to indicate you had a mate, but then he smiled and nodded in response. Leaving the brothel, and the town, was easy to a point; you did not count on the Imp having friends though.
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When he didn’t see you at the rendezvous point Din kept the Crest moving toward the coordinates you’d gotten for your hunt, you would have left some indicator that you’d arrived and there wasn’t one to be seen, it would be easier anyway. There was something burning in him, a feeling that something was wrong, and the kid had been very cranky out of the blue; if there was one thing Din knew for certain it was that the baby had a connection with you that transcended distance, the crankiness was a bad sign.
As the sand dunes passed by he finally noticed what looked like shapes moving in the distance, seeing you in a full-on fist fight when he got close enough, and Din snarled as he whipped the Crest around to land. The kid shut himself into the bunk and the second the ramp was down he was firing at two of the idiots that turned their attention on him, the sound of your furious snarls as you bared your fangs at the Alpha you had pinned sent a sharp thrill down his spine but Din shoved that reaction down fast.
The quarry was bound, unconscious, and Din suspected you’d dosed him with a tranq -maybe even twice- to keep him from escaping. He could see you’d taken out at least six of them on your own with how many bodies lay bleeding out in the sand, he grabbed your arm to pull you up after saying your name but he didn’t expect your fist to swing and slam into his chest plate. The sharp impact and the crunch of bone -your hand now broken from the impact- elicited a howl of rage that made Din realize you’d been pushed into a rut. He had never actually seen you like this before, this aggressive angry thing that saw anything as a challenge, and the Alpha below you snarled before Din put a shot through his head and wrapped you in his arms as you continued to try and fight him.
“It’s me!” He tipped his head up so that his neck was bared a little more, so that his pheromones could pierce through the veil of your rage, he needed you to calm down so he could get a bacta shot into you and heal your hand. The moment the scent registered he felt you begin to calm, the growls and snarls softening, but Din knew that wasn’t going to be the end of it. He hated doing it but he brought his helmet down hard, head meeting yours, and knocking you out cold with the hit; after stripping the valuables off your assailants and putting the bounty in carbonite Din set you down in the bunk and moved the kid to the cockpit.
The bacta shot was a half dose, since there was bone to mend, and he secured your wrists to be safe since he didn’t know what sort of temperament you’d have when you woke up. Bacta was a lose-lose situation with any Alpha, its healing properties be damned, some Alpha woke up enraged and pushed into a more extreme version of a rut while others woke up beyond starving as their bodies worked double time to burn calories and get the healing agent to wear off faster.
He took the Crest to the nearest town for a supply grab after fetching your broken filter mask from the sand, knowing that if you were the latter you would eat through at least two weeks of rations on your own, and realized that you’d been here. Your scent was soaked into the sand and adobe buildings, the brothel -an Omega establishment- reeked of heat and sex and your scent was mingling with it.
“So, she did have an Omega.” One of the women looked him over, the prominent display of skin and cleavage pretty indicative of being tasked to lure people to the brothel. The food stall owner stacked another box of rations -your favorites, even if they were a little pricier- onto the two boxes he already had.
“The bounty hunter, the Alpha, she refused all of us even after saving us from that Imp and being offered a freebie. She was sweet, most of us were sad to see her go, I figured she had an Omega waiting for her.” The fact that you’d refused the others sent a shot of sharp victory and possessiveness through him, you hadn’t even entertained any other Omega despite being in a place that most Alpha would lose themselves to, and even though you had on your respirator and goggles Din knew that if you wanted to you could and would have stayed.
The fact that you hadn’t chosen them, even if you technically hadn’t said you chose him, made his blood sing; he was the Omega you spent your time with, he was the Omega that got to see you feel safe enough to sleep and provide you food and a little home in his ship.
“We’re not… we aren’t.”
“You should probably tell her that you want to be, honey, Alpha like her -that actually respect Omega like us- are far and few between. Not that I think any old Alpha would be able to take you on without a serious fight on their hands, but if she’s what you want you should make it clear before someone else does. Alpha and Omega stereotypes? None of that matters when you really care about someone.”
The woman let him be after that, though she tossed a cheeky ‘you can always tell her she has a fan club here and we’ll treat her right, too, honey’ over her shoulder, and Din paid for the rations before heading back to the Crest with his heart thundering with the knowledge that she was right. Who cared if he initiated things first, who cared if he was the one asked you to claim him, why did he have to wait for you to show interest?
Luckily the kid had not snuck down while he was gone, allowing Din to set down and add the rations to the inventory list before heading up to get the ship into hyperspace, you’d need to be changed and cleaned up anyway and that would be easier without the baby trying to heal you or fuss at you to wake up. Once Din got the Crest into atmosphere, he heard the kid grumble and sighed at the kid’s attitude, placing a hand on his head gently.
“I need you to stay up here a little longer, once we get to hyperspace, and don’t touch anything. I have to clean her up and get her into comfortable clothes.”
He was glad the kid just closed his pod, pouting, and Din’s own growl earned a smaller one in reply; it was kind of cute, honestly, and he began to suspect that the baby -if his species had a secondary nature- was more Alpha than he thought.
You were still sleeping when Din climbed down the ladder, removing his cloak and armor to make it easier to maneuver you and not take up as much space, and he did his best to be respectful as he laid you down on the supply crates and fetched a rag and bucket of water with some soap sheets rather than try to shower with you. The red scarf was tossed with the rest of your clothes into the sonic cleaner, with additional time tacked on for blood removal, and he couldn’t help but run his hands down your skin just to feel you beneath his fingers before getting to work on cleaning you up.
He slipped one of his spare under shirts onto you when he was done, along with fresh undergarments, and part of him preened at the sight of you in the material; knowing you were blanketed with his scent. Sliding you back into his bunk, forgoing any pants because you never slept with them on anyway, Din kept the door open and decided to sleep nearby so he didn’t have to restrain you again.
If you woke up aggressive, he would handle it. “Come on, kid, let’s get some sleep.”
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You slept for two days straight, the brace he’d made for your hand to make sure it healed properly had worked according to the basic x-ray he ran, and Din nearly jumped out of his skin when you finally stirred; he’d slept sitting up against the wall while the baby stayed in his pod nearby and your soft whine of discomfort was cut off by the fierce growl in your stomach. The kid woke up to the sound, eager to make sure you were okay, and Din tipped his head up as you rolled and peered down at him. He watched you take in your place in his bunk, his place sitting on the floor without the rest of his armor on and the top half of his flight suit missing, and the baby’s frantic grabby hands.
“What happened after you pulled me off that Alpha and knocked me out?”
“You remember that? Being in a rut, I mean?”
Din knew that it wasn’t fair to assume all the Alpha stereotypes were right, especially since Omega stereotypes were only partially true, but you’d seemed so out of it when he found you. He got up to get one of the ration packs and nearly tripped over his boots when you brought the collar of his shirt up and sniffed it, your eyes lifting to look at him, and then a shy smile bloomed across your face that made his heart race.
“I always remember them, at this point I don’t know if I’m just an outlier but when I do get into a rut, I know exactly what I’m doing. There are things I can’t stop, like when I punched your chest plate, but I’m consciously aware of it happening.”
Din watched you inspect your hand, flexing your fingers and checking for any residual ache, and when he handed you the ration pack he watched your eyes take in the packaging. You rarely purchased anything expensive or indulgent, with how often the two of you ruined everything there was little point, but he wanted to give you this at the very least.
You leveled him with a look but nodded, activating the heating element and letting it warm the meal inside as Din got the baby’s meal ready, and he watched as you pulled your legs up and patted the flimsy cushion for him to sit before relenting. The warmth of your arm pressed into his as he sat right next to you, pulling the kid in his lap to feed him, and he kept a careful eye on you as he fed the baby.
After a moment of silence, just a calm between you, he was ready to talk but you beat him to it.
“How would scenting work, with your helmet I mean.”
Scenting was sort of like courting, an old custom that had been started among people being betrothed or engaged, it was a way to tell others that a person had someone who they wanted to mate with already. To ward off unwanted advances, typically romantic; although some Omega women would have platonic Alpha friends scent them before going out to party as a way to ward off unwanted attention.
It required unhindered access to the scent glands right below the ears. The very thought of your skin against his there sent his heart into overdrive, he knew he was releasing strong pheromones when your grip on the utensils tightened enough that he could see the strain in your knuckles.
“A blindfold.”
You nodded at his answer and shoveled food into your mouth, he hoped you were asking because you were interested, and Din sighed again when the baby began to mimic your pace eating. You would need more than one pack though, after all of that, and he could tell you were still very hungry when you finished the first meal off. He gave you a second one and put the baby in his pod since the little one was now trying to snatch at your meal, and Din felt you lean into his side a little more as the two of you sat there together.
His mouth opened, to ask, but he just couldn’t right now. You were recovering from your reaction to the bacta, the kid was right here, and if he started that conversation, he wasn’t sure he could stop it from going too far if you gave him a positive response.
After you finished off the second ration pack he wasn’t surprised when you got up, the shirt long enough on you that you didn’t even need pants, and Din watched as you picked up a bottle of water too before chugging the entire thing. He’d expected you to be ravenous so he simply began cleaning up behind you, setting your cleaned clothes out in case you wanted to change, and you reached for him when he went to get the kid up into the cockpit before the little one decided to join you in decimating the food supply.
You hugged him, making Din shiver as every hair on his body stood on edge, and he cupped the back of your head before pressing his forehead much gentler to yours.
“Is this- is this okay?” He angled your face toward his neck without actually pushing you, the scent of your pheromones teasing him as they slipped under his helmet, and he swore he felt you shiver as he offered you the bare side of his neck. Everything felt still as he waited for your answer, the racing of his heart and harshness of his breathing felt so much more intense, like some sort of pivotal decision was being made.
“Yes, Mando.”
Your breath coated his skin before you closed the distance on your own, accepting his request as you bathed his skin in your scent, the touch of your scent gland and the wash of your pheromones making his head spin. He heard the low coo from the kid, reminding himself that there was an audience, and it was so much more difficult to let you pull away with you wearing his shirt and laying your claim on him.
He wanted to build you a nest, to make somewhere small and dark and comfortable where he could feel every part of your skin against his, the warmth of acceptance making him giddy. Your hold on his suspenders was firm, keeping him still as you moved to the other side of his neck, and Din’s stupid knees began to go weak as you got more confident with your touch.
“Cyare, I- we need to find someone to watch the kid.”
“I know, and we will. I can’t- my hand is still a little sore and I’m still starving so this is just so I know that people are aware you’re mine.”
The possessive growl in your voice made his cock go hard in an instant, and he knew you felt it when you hummed softly, and Din hissed when your teeth teased him gently. “Soon, Mando.”
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You had one last job before it was time to turn in the slabbed bounties to Karga, Mando was refusing to allow you to help while you recovered, and you knew that it made sense for you to stay with the baby; your body was finally starting to recover from the bacta dosing, you’d easily decimated a month’s worth of rations in a week as your system recovered from expending so much energy to burn off the medicine.
While you weren’t exactly a liability you knew that Din’s worry was amplified by his feelings for you and by his instincts.
The armored Omega had been firm in keeping you comfortable -as comfortable as one could be on the shitty cushion he called a mattress- and you let him fuss over you, the man naturally cared for those he was close to but his instincts were likely going haywire over you needing to rest up. He had removed your hammock, despite your complaints about how uncomfortable his thin cushion of a bunk was, but you didn’t mind the compromise.
You had not expected for him to strip down to only his undershirt and compression leggings and join you in the bunk, laying on the pad and having you lay on him, and when he’d closed the door so that the space was black he had removed his helmet. The pneumatic hiss was deafening in the space as his modulated breaths softened, as he gave you all of him the only way he could right now.
Never, in a thousand years, would you forget the feeling of his hands holding you against him as he pressed his cheek to yours for the first time. His facial hair was softer that what you expected, it smelled like the oil you’d bought him, and the fact that he used it made you preen that your gift was well-received.
You hadn’t thought about how he kept the kid out of the bunk initially, letting him fall asleep in his pod and sealing him in, but now it made sense. Mando had soaked you with his pheromones and you’d done the same, hands pressed to his pectorals to grip the shirt fabric when he finally kissed you after making your head swim from how strong his scent was and how good it felt to be wrapped in it.
“Din, my name is Din Djarin and I’d like you to use it, Cyare.”
Avoiding the use of his name had been intentional, he himself had never told it to you, so you had firmly pretended not to hear Moff Gideon use it. Having his permission to do so made you smile against his lips; it was really all you needed to know that this man had truly chosen you out of every other Alpha in the galaxy. You breathed the single syllable name out in a sigh when he pressed your core against the hard line of his cock, when he rocked his hips up and captured your mouth again, and he shushed the rumbling growl that formed in your chest when he nipped at your neck.
“Want to- want to have your first time with me in a nest, would you be okay with that? Waiting until I can make a nest for us?” The idea of him making a nest for you to share sent liquid heat right through you, making your cunt throb as you began to leak into your underwear, you had only ever dreamed of being wrapped up in a nest with this man and to know that he thought about it too?
How could any Alpha get this lucky?
“I’m- I can wait, Din.” Your voice was breathy with desire and he groaned, slotting his mouth to yours as he planted his feet to grind against you, it was heady and overwhelming in the best way as you rolled your hips to meet his thrusts; you didn’t care that he wasn’t going to fill you tonight, that he was going to make you cum from just rubbing himself against you like this because you knew that when he made that nest you weren’t going to be leaving for a long time.
A sharp mewl escaped you when you felt the swell at the base of his shaft, felt the heft of his knot forming, and it made you rock down harder as his pheromones sharpened and his grip tightened and you felt the liquid warmth as he let out a strangled growl right into your mouth; you nearly screamed when one of his hands pulled the gusset of your underwear out of the way to slide two fingers into you as his thumb slid up through your folds to stroke your clit.
He swallowed down your sharp snarl of his name as your clamped down on his fingers, as your slick soaked his hand, and Din shivered beneath you as you nuzzled him and carded your hands through his hair to shower him with affection to temper your urge to sink your teeth into his skin. Din chuckled and you nearly yelped when he rolled you onto your side, so he could curl his broad body behind yours.
“We’ll clean up in the morning, Cyare.”
When you woke up, to him nuzzling you and whispering your name, Din kissed you deeply before putting his helmet back on to open the door of the bunk. The kid was still asleep at least, since it was early enough, so you were able to get into the fresher and wash up before sending the broad Omega in after you; Din’s chuckle when he emerged made you wink, since you’d flooded the steamy fresher with pheromones when you’d finished up.
As you handed him a ration pack to eat, expecting him to take it up into the cockpit, you didn’t expect him to take your shemagh and wrap it over itself several times before holding it out to you without a word. You realized it was meant to be a blindfold and you closed your eyes before turning around, letting him tie the red fabric over your face, and the hiss of his helmet was softened by the space of the hull before your felt him pressing his cheek to yours.
“Shouldn’t take too long.”
“Not with the best bounty hunter in the parsec on the loser’s tail.”
Din preened at your praise, even if it was Karga’s chosen moniker for him, and only when he was thoroughly drenched in your scent did he pull back to sit with his back to yours so you could eat together. The baby wasn’t due to wake up for another hour -you’d managed to get the little pollywog on a sleeping schedule at long last- so neither one of you rushed to eat.
“Keep the ground security protocols engaged, don’t leave the Crest while I’m gone, this area isn’t safe.”
“I’ll keep my blaster on me too, then, just in case.”
“If you could stay up in the cockpit that’d be great, this one is a Devaronian so I don’t want you or the kid in the line of fire if something happens.”
“Din, like hell I’m going to stay up here knowing you could get hurt. I’ll keep the kid up in the cockpit when I know you’re coming back and I’ll stay near the weapon’s locker since you’re going to bring him up the ramp, that way I can tranq him if he breaks your hold somehow.”
“I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Well, I don’t like that you’re going out there without me to back you up, how am I supposed to make sure you don’t get hurt if you go alone? Do you know how hard it is for me to sit back and let you go while I stay here?”
You felt him pause as your voice exploded out of you, the difficulty of warring with your instincts and respecting Din’s skill was hard, and you dropped your head before setting your food aside to hug your knees to your chest. Din’s arms circled you gently and he pulled you against him after he turned around.
“Hey, no, talk to me Cyare. Don’t hide what you’re feeling, please.” His voice without the modulator was a lovely baritone that made you want nothing more than to just curl up against him in a pile of blankets, to have him whisper praise and affection in your ear. Instead, he was crooning and purring, trying to get you to tell him what was going on in your head after your temper flared.
“Just because I have a better hold of my instincts doesn’t mean they aren’t there, Din. You’ve chosen me to be your Alpha, I’m supposed to be the one that goes out and gets hurt so you -my Omega- can stay here and keep our home safe, keep our young one safe. I’m willing to compromise and stay here but you cannot expect me to stay where I can’t help you if something goes wrong.”
 “Cyare, I’m sorry. I hadn’t thought about how you’d feel with me asking you to stay out of the way, my desire to make sure you’re safe doesn’t excuse me from ignoring your instincts and feelings. Thank you for compromising and thank you for respecting me and what I’m capable of, I will try not to forget again.” If it were anyone else you would think it was mildly condescending but you knew that Din meant every word sincerely, that he was learning you just as much as you were learning him, and you huffed softly.
“Thank you, Din.”
A low grumble from the pod made Din let go of you, turning around fast and sliding his helmet on right as the baby let himself out, and you smiled as the little one reached for you when he spotted the rations open. Din got up with his half-finished meal, opening a new pack on the way over, and you finished eating as the Mandalorian fed the baby. As soon as you were done you took over for him and shooed Din away to finish his own meal, watching him slip out of sight into the bunk and poking the pollywog on his little nose when he tried to peer around you.
Din pressed a hand to your lower back after he emerged, his helmet resting against your cheek as he used his free hand to pat the baby gently on the head, and you watched him step away before starting to pull his armor on. You paid attention so you could get an idea of how to take it all off him later, if the need ever arose, and when he noticed your attention on him the Mandalorian slowed his hands and began explaining the steps. After he was armored up, the scent of you still so noticeable on him, you waited at the ramp as he armed himself and smiled when he slid his pulse rifle onto his back as a final touch. He paused beside you as the ramp lowered and you weren’t surprised when Din leaned his head down, forehead tapping yours gently, before leaving to get the last bounty. As soon as he was out of sight you closed the ship to activate ground security protocols, taking the baby up to the cockpit so that you could continue to try and work on talking with him.
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He knew his mood was foul as he dragged the Devaronian back to the Crest, the bastard had put him on a chase for two days longer than Din had accounted for and all he wanted was to get back to you and the kid. The entire way back the bastard kept making remarks about you, calling you a shit Alpha for allowing your Omega to do the dangerous work, and it was taking all of his self-control not to put a bolt of plasma through the quarry’s head. Especially since you battled with insecurities about your temperament already, he didn’t want you being brought down by some bail jumper.
It appeared he was lucky, given the late hour, because he got the prey into the ship and slabbed without any sign of you or the baby; climbing up out of the hull and spotting you sleeping with the kid nestled against your chest in the co-pilot chair. He imagined you expected to wake up to the disturbance, and you should have since the bastard hadn’t been quiet, but it appeared the cockpit doors had muffled enough of the sound that you hadn’t noticed.
Din smiled, sitting down and getting the Crest prepped for take-off, and resisted the urge to chuckle when you inhaled deeply at the rapid button presses and switches being flipped; he heard you murmur his name and the baby didn’t even stir when you put him into his pod and closed the door. But Din couldn’t contain the croon he let out when you crawled your way into his lap, pressing your head right under the chin of his helmet, your legs folding over the arms of the seat so you could press yourself as close to him as possible.
He used one hand to hold your lower back, wishing that the plates of his armor weren’t so cold since he could feel your faint shiver, and you answered his croon with a warbly little noise before drifting back off to sleep. Once he had the auto-pilot engaged, the ship into hyperspace, he slipped his arms under your legs and stood up before setting you down and shaking you gently.
“Come on, Cyare, you should be in the bunk.”
“No way, ‘s uncomfortable. Dunno how you do it.”
As he steered you down the ladder, with the baby’s pod following you both, he sighed softly; more at himself, since he slept in his armor it was easier to ignore the pain from such a thin cushion. He made a mental note to get new padding for the bunk, his delight at having you share his sleeping space didn’t mean he could place his comfort above your own. Din joined you in the bunk after stripping down, the hull darkened enough that it was plenty safe, and he slipped his helmet off once you were settled mostly on his chest.
He could feel it now, without any of the armor plates in the way, just how thin and ragged the bed actually was and the way the bars were definitely digging into his back.
“I’ll make sure it’s more comfortable, promise.” He whispered that against the crown of your head as you got comfortable, the low hum you answered with fading into a light snore, and Din couldn’t help but think about the ship’s layout and how he might be able to make it easier for both of you if he just… got the work done. It would take time but Din wanted to be able to have you all to himself for a little while so it would be a win-win, he’d be able to take his time with you and the kid could spend time with other kids on Nevaro while the shipyard worked on his surprise.
With that rough idea mapped out Din closed his eyes to sleep and smiled, wondering what your reaction would be when you did get back to work after the Crest was finished, and he imagined you’d like it.
Once the mechanics gave him a rough time frame, a week and a half total, for the modifications Din gave them half the payment up front and let them get to work; he’d already handled lodging, Karga had given him shit for wearing your scent but seemed pretty pleased for the result. He’d been directed to the entrance that once led to his people’s home, Din hadn’t expected much to happen to the area once the covert was gone but Karga had surprised him, having it cleaned up and actually making something out of it.
You followed after him and looked around, he knew you’d seen the covert in shambles along with Karga and Dune, it was so different now. The walls had been carefully treated with a gloss so they could be tiled with a soft golden white mosaic of tiles, it looked almost upscale, and the nooks used for sleeping rooms had been turned into proper bedrooms with scent and sound blockers; some of the rooms were made to connect to the one beside it, though he had opted against that since Karga was going to keep an eye on the kid for the week.
The space was specifically to appease nesting Omega, being underground it offered somewhere quiet and insulated, the added scent and sound blockers guaranteed privacy. It didn’t really have a name yet, though Karga had mentioned Navaro’s Nests and The Nesting Grounds as choices, but it was functional. As he opened the door to the room Karga had given him Din looked around carefully, checking for any type of cameras or audio bugs, and when the room turned up clear he nodded at you.
The room size, and layout, were about the same except for a few key differences. The walls had also been treated with a gloss to stop falling dust and debris, the bathroom was through a door now rather than just an open walkway, and there didn’t appear to be a bed anywhere. The sleeping nook that had once been carved out of the stone wall had been turned into a seat with a table that folded out of the wall, the cold box and cooktop were across the way.
Din looked around the space and stumbled when the floor shifted under him, your hand on the button that opened the wooden cover on the floor to reveal that the mattress was set into the floor itself and he got down to inspect that area for possible problems like pests or technological bugs. You watched him as he tested the mattress itself, it felt pretty soft, and when he nodded you didn’t hesitate to grab the laundered sheets from the sealed bag the Beta at the entrance had provided you to put them on the bed.
As he stood up he watched you finish the task of making the bed, the octagonal shape was unique though and Din’s fingers flexed when he watched you get up again.
“Is there- I’d like some time to myself here for a little bit.”
“Of course, Din. Trust me, I’ve got some things I’d like to do as well.”
As you left he could only stare at the mattress before nodding to himself and locking the door behind him, steps fast as he headed right for the market, he’d need the spare blankets anyway by the time the work on the Crest was done so this was a win-win situation. A few people balked when he approached their stalls to inspect the things they had for sale, the satins and silks felt smooth under his fingers but he needed them to be perfect.
A new type of excitement sent him reeling on a hunt unlike any other he’d been on, testing the give of pillows and how smooth blankets were, and he ignored all the stares as he leaned heavily into his Omega instincts to nest. The thought of how your eyes would shine in delight when you saw what he made, the desire to see you laying on only the best materials after putting up his with ship for so long, it spurred him on through the market as he practically vibrated with excitement.
Din chose colors he knew you liked, the color scheme coming together by making a few things accents rather than full splashes, and he avoided anything with patterns; he wanted it to be soft and demure, he didn’t want some jagged chevron or whatever it was called drawing the eye among the solid shades. In his head he knew that some of the purchases were frivolous, like the two knit blankets that were an ombre of colors made of soft yarn, but Din couldn’t remember a time he’d ever indulged and if anyone was worth indulging for it was you.
As he got back to the room Din used the sonic cleaner to give everything a good sanitation first, including the sleep clothes he’d bought for himself, and as he waited he inspected the lights and tested just how dark the room could go. He didn’t want you in a blindfold if you didn’t have to be and he purred at the way the room went black when the lights were all off and the door was shut tight. The darkness and the small space made him croon before he began removing his armor and setting it aside for its own sanitation, his flight suit following, and the warrior gave himself a sonic shower before starting the task of making his nest once the cleaning cycle ended.
His helmet and armor went through the cleaner as he worked, a long and thick curtain of black fabric hung in front of the door just in case you returned while he was doing this or if someone tried to get in while you both were sleeping, and the mess of pillows were dropped onto the mattress before he started to place them where he wanted them. Din started by grouping them according to their color and arranging them around the edges to soften the corners, shaking his head at the outcome and mixing the colors up into a random hodgepodge before growling and sighing.
He wasn’t really an artist, not like you were, so it felt a little hopeless as he tried to come up with something that looked right.
Abandoning the pillow arrangement for now turned into layering the blankets, making the already soft mattress a dream, the thick and luxurious tauntaun pelt was unbelievably soft and would be a dream to lay on; the durasilk comforter over that was full of varacytl down, making it fluffy and warm with a soft surface to lay on or under. The knit blankets were folded and draped over two sides of the octagonal ledges just in case, that way if you didn’t want to sleep under the comforter you could choose something lighter, and Din went back to arranging the pillows.
He almost dropped his cloak onto the pile, since it was bathed in his scent, but the scratchy and worn material wasn’t what he wanted you to lay on or with. Instead he turned the lights lower and laid down on the bed, thinking about you coming back to the room, and for the first time in a long time he let himself flood the space with his scent. Din kept his helmet in reach, to be safe, but he laid there bare and thought about your reaction to his nest.
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It was almost nightfall and you made your way back to the nest with a skip in your step, you’d gone through and purchased a handful of new things you needed to replace -mostly just socks and compression leggings- as well as a few things you’d just wanted. Tisai had greeted you warmly when you went into her boutique and, after a lot of catching up, she’d begun fitting you few a few specialty lingerie pieces that she ran through the sonic for you so that you could put them on right away.
The tailor was a very dear friend of yours, allowing you to work at her shop to supplement your income when you’d first started out bounty hunting, who also knew that you’d always had eyes for Din ever since you first caught his scent. On top of leggings, socks, and lingerie she’d also given you a flight suit made to your measurements with durasteel plating between the thick layers that were fit to add some extra protection but allow for movement.
You thought about dropping your purchases off at the Crest but decided against it, whatever work was being done to it was definitely big since you’d watched Din change the lock on the weapons locker and key it to his helmet if someone even tried to jimmy the thing open. You hadn’t even seen him do that when Peli was doing work on the ship, which spoke volumes for how in depth the repairs were going to be.
With each step closer to where Din was waiting for you it was like your stomach began to fill with glow flies, you had no real reason to be nervous about what was going to happen but you kind of were, and when you waved at the Beta you earned a soft giggle of a response and a ‘you two are so cute’ called down the hall.
You clicked the comm device on your wrist twice to warn Din that you were outside, not sure of what he could be doing, and yours clicked once to indicate it was safe before you opened the door. The black sheet of fabric in the way made you pause but Din’s voice, modulated, was warm with affection behind it even with the helmet muting his tone.
“Welcome back, that’s an added precaution, it’s safe.”
You stepped around the fabric and closed the door, locking it before turning and staring at the sight of Din on the bed; he was naked except for the helmet, the multitudes of pillows and the plush looking blankets were all in colors you loved and looked so inviting with the fluffy looking comforter hiding his legs from view. The fact that he’d tailored this nest to you made your whole body explode with a soft noise escaping you, the bags you’d been carrying thumping on the floor as you tried not to cry.
“Din this is- it looks so comfortable. You picked all my favorite colors? You really made this for me?” When an Omega tailored their nest to an Alpha’s preferences it was -supposedly- the trust sign of affection on an instinctual level, a way to show that they weren’t just nesting to satisfy their own instincts but doing so to ensure their chosen Alpha felt as invited and wanted as possible.
The reality of how well Din knew you came when he, instead of making fun of you, sat up and reached for you instead.
“I did, Cyare. Will you come here, please?”
“Hang on I- I need to, hold on.”
He tilted his head as you scampered toward the bathroom and you could have kissed Tisai for thinking to pre-wash your purchases and put them in boxes meant to retain that sanitary state. A quick sonic shower had to be done, you were covered in the volcanic dust from Nevaro’s market after all, and you felt your body begin to buzz with desire knowing he was there waiting for you.
The leather corset was designed to rest just under your bust with a ring that looped into the top closure with three straps were attached, the center strap had a leather band that buckled closed to circle your throat while the two straps on the side looped over your shoulders to the rings on the back.
Technically it was designed to be worn over an undershirt because the straps were meant to be used as a place to fasten additional ammunition cannisters, but without the added frills you’d seen the potential for this and asked for Tisai to include the band with the collar as a customization option. You wore it over the teal strapless bra and underwear set that you’d gotten, the fabric contrasting the brown leather and adding the color you’d so desperately wanted to find, the lacy fabric hiding everything and nothing all at once.
Feminine yet as flirty for a Mandalorian as any lingerie would ever get.
You grabbed the blindfold you’d bought and tied it in place, making sure it was nice and tight, before stepping out into the main space. You wanted him to see it without his helmet in the way, the matching teal blindfold was one of many you’d bought -all matching different lingerie sets- and meant to be a way to show him you were never going to disrespect his creed in any way.
“I might have bought some things too, Din.”
The sharp intake of breath followed by the low rumbling whine made your lips tip up, glad that he liked what he was seeing, and you heard the pneumatic hiss of air as he slipped his helmet off before you felt his hands take yours gently. Din guided you into the nest and you let yourself fall onto the pile of fabrics and pillows, moaning at how soft it was and how good it felt on your back compared to the bunk in the Crest.
“This is perfect, can we take this to the Crest? That bunk is a nightmare, I would like to sleep in something this soft forever.” While you were teasing him, he knew you hated the Crest’s bunk because you weren’t going to let him forget it, you also were admiring how good this felt from how soft and fluffy the blankets were to how warm they felt under you. Din’s fingers skirted across your skin, touching the feeling the sturdy leather first.
“Cyare, is this what you occupied yourself with while I made you this nest? Buying things for me to enjoy?”
“So, what if I did, you going to argue with your Alpha?”
“Maker no.”
Din’s reply was more of words mingled with an exhale as he continued to trail his fingers over your body, taking in the sight of you without his helmet on most likely, and you felt him playing with the soft lace fabric at your hips before he cupped your breasts and moaned when he felt your nipples start to stiffen because of his attention to them with his thumbs. His mouth met yours and you smiled into the kiss, luxuriating at the soft fabric below you and the firm weight of him as Din braced himself over you carefully, the long line of bare skin textured from scars as you ran your hands over his bare sides.
It was unhurried, the way he licked into your mouth as you rubbed one of your legs along the bare skin of his hip and thigh, and you scratched at his scalp with one hand while you used your free hand to cup his cheek and angle him the way you wanted his face to go so that you could deepen the already intense kiss.
“Since you bought these for me-” you grinned as he pulled himself from your mouth, he sounded wrecked and you loved it. “-may I ruin them?” His fingers tugged at the lace and you nodded only to whimper when you felt him drag the leaking head of his cock against the fabric. Purposefully smearing precum onto the fabric as he rocked against you.
“You want to cum on my pretty lingerie? Want to paint it with your scent and stain it with your mark?” Din groaned as his forehead dropped to your collar, the hand in his hair tightened to a firm grip that made him throb, and you hooked your leg over his hip to rock up against him as his hips bore down against yours.
“Cyare, ‘m gonna cum.”
“Good, cum for your Alpha, Din; be a good Omega and let me feel you.”
Din practically ripped himself off you to grab his cock, you felt where his cum hit your inner thighs and where it warmed the crotch of your underwear, and his harsh breathing made you wiggle your hips before you nearly jumped when he pressed against your clit through the fabric with firm pressure as he watched you. Your hips rocked against his hand and you gripped the blanket tightly now that you didn’t have anything to hold on to, a moan of his name when Din pressed against your opening and pressed the fabric of your underwear into you as he panted over you.
“Fuck, you’re so wet, you smell so fucking good.” His voice was more growl than actual tone and you felt where he pressed his forehead against the skin just above your underwear, his deep inhale making your pheromones flood the room and his tongue pressed into the skin on your inner thigh where your scent glad was before he sank his teeth into it with a firm bite. It wouldn’t break skin but the idea of him marking you there and claiming you, where only he knew it existed, pushed you over the edge as your slick soaked into the fabric on his fingers.
Din pulled the fabric away and moaned at the sight of your wet lips, his teeth sinking into the fabric of the lace as he used his now free hand to spread you open to look, and your chest heaved when he pressed his nose and face against you to inhale greedily. His pheromones spiked and you caught the hand reaching for yours, rocking your hips against the curve of his nose, and Din pulled the underwear off of you before shoving the wadded up fabric into your mouth and kissing the tip of your nose.
“Hold that for me, Alpha.”
His purr was soft and affectionate, as if he hadn’t just used your cum soaked underwear as a gag, and you practically melted when his tongue licked a flat stripe through your folds. Your strangled -wordless- moan, muffled by the wad of fabric, made him rumble a growl into your cunt that had more of your slick begin to gather at your opening as Din wedged his shoulders between your legs and used his thumbs to hold you open after letting go of your hand.
The feeling of added wetness made you shiver as he let his saliva drip onto your clit, watching it drip down your folds as you trembled for him, and then he sealed his mouth over you to lick up all up before it could fall onto the blankets.
“Di-“ The muffled attempt at his name had your Omega purring, no doubt satisfied as he swirled the tip of his tongue in a way that had your thighs shaking from the attention to your clit, and you felt his hands grip tighter as one of your hands found his hair and grabbed the strands for leverage as you lifted your hips to change where his tongue focused its attention.
“That’s right, Alpha, use me. Teach your Omega where you need him.” Din’s command sent liquid heat through you, he was both taking control and giving it to you, with each place you shifted your hips you knew he was paying attention. Learning where you preferred the flat long strokes of his tongue and where you liked the more focused, intense, tip of his tongue to circle; his messy slurping as your body leaked for him, coating his chin and mouth, was so loud that you almost couldn’t hear your own muffled cries of his name when your toed curled and your muscles locked down as you came hard.
He lapped at you until you were pulling his hair to get him away, when you were so sensitive and trembling and trying to uncurl your muscles, and the lace was pulled out of your mouth before Din kissed you again. His nose, his lips, his chin were all wet with you and he preened when you rolled him onto his back and loomed over him. You knew that he’d prove how much he’d paid attention to eating you out later, the man was one hell of a determined student when he liked the subject, but right now you needed him to fill you.
Din’s strangled attempt at your name as you sunk down on his cock, welcoming the burning stretch from his size, made you preen knowing that you were the one he’d feel from now on; that pride at bringing him pleasure so intense he couldn’t even say your name spurred you on, rocking your hips carefully at first, and the second you had a solid rhythm you planted your hands on his pectorals and lifted yourself off just enough before sinking back down while keeping that rhythm of your hips.
His hands held your wrists tight and even though you couldn’t see him beneath you there was no mistaking the tension in his chest and ab muscles, the way his thighs felt so damn sturdy each time you sank down against him, and his breathing was harsh as he squirmed beneath your body. Like this he hit deep, his cock dragging through your cunt and hitting areas of you that you were sure none of your past lovers had ever touched, and you were leaking a mess of wetness down his shaft and balls.
The slick sounds and harsh breathing, the way he whimpered for you, it made you move your hands to tug the cups of your bra down.
“Going to just ignore my breasts after I dressed up so pretty for you, Din?”
His needy whine as he sat up, using one of his hands to brace himself while the other held your side, it made you dizzy with delight that you did that; his mouth closed around your nipple before letting it fall out of his mouth with a pop, circling it with the tip of his nose, and then bringing it back into his mouth as you adjusted to the new angle of his body. He must have noticed the way you fluttered around him and Din nipped at the stiff tip before the hand on your side moved to take over where his mouth had just been as he moved to give your other breast the same attention.
“My Alpha likes it when I play with her nipples? Yeah, you do.”
Din crooned when his words made you clench down on him and you could feel another orgasm right there, the way his teeth set into your skin and the way he pinched your other nipple and tugged was like a line right to your cunt and your orgasm was a frantic and powerful thing as you felt where you were smearing every bit of your release along his shaft where the swell of his knot was growing.
“Knot me, Din, lemme- lemme feel it.”
Your plea made him snarl as he planted his feet and bounced you on him, the hand on your breast moving to pull you down after each thrust as he fucked into you with the sheer purpose of filling your body with his knot. A sharp whine escaped you when he thrust up once, the bulge of it making you breathe heavily against the size of it, but your Omega wasn’t going to be deterred now that you asked for it and Din pressed his mouth to yours as his knot caught and swelled with his orgasm. You rocked down against his hips, against his knot, as Din licked into your mouth and trembled while he trembled and panted at the feeling of you clamped around him.
“So good to me, feel so good, Din.”
“Wanna- wanna fuck you so full Cyare.”
“Yeah?” His syrupy, soft, answer made you smile and Din clicked the lights off before pulling you down and laying so that most of his weight was on top of you; he couldn’t exactly pull out without it possibly hurting anyway and you didn’t mind the arrangement at all.
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He was sweltering, the room felt unbearable, and Din blinked awake through the darkness before getting up to go to the bathroom; he turned the fresher light on after closing the door and stared at his reflection, washing his face and marveling a little at how his back didn’t hurt for once. He kind of understood now why you complained a lot, the fact that there’d be a proper bed in the Crest was starting to look like a bigger plus than before. He cleaned up and stared at your sleeping form in the doorway, the warmth returning the second he smelled your pheromones, and Din felt a little like an idiot.
Suppressing heats wasn’t unusual but the longer you went without one often led to more intense heats, he usually timed his heats with times he came back to Nevaro for extended periods like basic repairs so he could shut himself away and the others of the covert could make sure he was safe. After the covert was exposed though he’d been forced to suppress it for when you kept the baby with you on hunts and he could shut himself away in the Crest, you’d offered after he explained it when he asked for the extended alone time and Din had appreciated your respect for him by just doing what he asked.
Most other Alphas would insist to stay and help.
Din knew he’d fallen in love with you before then but that moment, when you’d accepted his right to privacy, had been what finally pushed him to accept that truth. Din felt the stirring of his heat and smiled knowing that this time you’d be here, and willing, and he sank back into the blankets to nose at your cheek after making sure the room was darkened again.
You murmured a reply, adorable in your sleepy state, and he nipped at the shell of your ear. He could tell the moment you realized what was happening, your body shifting, and you captured his face in your hands to kiss him deeply.
“Mmm, your heat is here, you want me to roll over?”
He felt your lips curl up before you were pulling away to shift to your stomach, sliding your knees under you, and Din couldn’t help but bury his face into your wet folds first where the taste of you and him was mixed together. He grabbed you and held you in place, his thumbs pressing into the skin of your thighs as he pulled to hold you open for him, and you were trembling as he not only cleaned up the remains of before but worked to get you nice and wet. It was always intense in the beginning, during his heats, and he’d spent so long handling them alone that he didn’t know how to let an Alpha take care of him just yet.
But you? You were willing to let him use you, to submit to him, and that was what he didn’t understand but also fucking adored about you. It was easy with you and as your release smeared along his tongue after your orgasm Din couldn’t give you recovery time, he just couldn’t, his cock was so hard it hurt and you were fluttering around him from your orgasm as he sank into your wet heat.
The feeling of you clamping down on him was so intense and he draped himself over your back, forcing you to drop your face into the mattress as he pressed his hands over the back of yours and making you arch your spine as he drew back and fucked into you. It was the high pitched, sharp, sound of his name on your lips that ripped through all conscious thought; the scent of your pheromones dizzying as they changed in response to his, and he couldn’t stay still any longer if he tried.
The wet sounds where he slid into you again and again weren’t nearly as loud as his breathing, as the mewling of your voice each time his hips met yours, it was so much but it wasn’t enough and he nearly lost his mind when your back arched just a little more. His mind blanked at the way your mouth stayed open, the way he could see where you were drooling because he was fucking you so good, and Din’s blood roared as he felt his knot starting to swell.
“Fuck- fuck Din, gonna cum-“ The sharp whine and the way you clamped around him ripped his own orgasm out of him, his knot catching and locking into place, but he couldn’t stop from thrusting harder into you; from grabbing the front of your thighs and pulling you as he imagined fucking his seed right into your womb. The idea of you swollen with his children, bringing new life to the covert, made Din see stars as a second orgasm followed almost immediately after the first.
One of his hands moved to run his thumb along your lips, wet with drool, and he groaned when your tongue darted out to lick his finger before he let you suck it into your mouth.
“Fucking perfect, Cyare, my Alpha.”
He felt the way you fluttered at his praise and even though it was a little bit of maneuvering, without pulling out, he managed to help you get on top of him. What he hadn’t expected was that you truly meant you’d take care of him, the second his knot was small enough that he could slide out of you and his blood started to heat up again your hips rocked and you shifted to face him before grinning.
“Don’t worry, my Omega, I’ll take care of you.”
He almost wheezed when you began to ride him like he hadn’t reduced you to a trembling, drooling, mess and Din was lost to the rush of his heat as you leaned down to lick his ear. “Maybe, when we’re ready to retire, I can take out my implant.”
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If Karga suspected what happened he didn’t say anything, just handing you the baby and letting you be on your way as Din finished up paying the mechanics at the shipyard, and you knew the little one had missed you by the way he was clinging to you instead of riding in his pod. You thought about the way Din had promised that the moment he got in touch with his covert again, wherever they were, he would make sure they knew he had chosen an Alpha -and been chosen in return- so that you’d be allowed to see him.
For now you just had a surplus of blindfolds, all of which Din had eagerly asked you to wear throughout the course of his heat, and you couldn’t remember a time you’d felt this pleasantly relaxed as you spotted the Crest come into view. There was an ache between your legs that wasn’t at all unpleasant, it was in fact a very pleasant reminder, and when you spotted one of the human mechanics leaning your eyes narrowed as you approached.
“You sure I can’t do anything else for you?”
“We’re sure.”
Your voice was sharp, a snarl of warning, and the guy turned to look at you before losing all the color in his face at the sight of the kid in your arms and the scowl on your face. No doubt realizing that it was your scent that was clinging so heavily to Din’s body.
“Right, uh- I think I hear my name being called.”
He wisely ran, moving faster when he watched you hand the baby to Din, and when he was back in the safety of the city walls Din chuckled as he pressed the forehead of his helmet to the side of your face.
“I like that you’re possessive.”
“Damn right I am, you’re mine.”
Din purred at your declaration and followed you into the Crest, you pressed the button to open the bunk before staring at the space that had been turned into a tiny room with a little bed specifically for the baby. When you looked at Din he simply hummed and began heading up to the cockpit, the ramp closing, so you left your belongings that you’d packed on the hull floor and followed him up to strap in.
But he stopped and pointed to the space that had once been storage for live captures before he slabbed them, or if they had to be returned outside carbonite, and when you opened the door your eyes widened as you took in the bed that was now there. The plating was different and when Din closed the door you realized he’d gotten plating the dampened exterior sound, specifically for to the reactor room right behind the wall, but it was an actual room and a bed.
“This is our room, figured I couldn’t let my Alpha be miserable with our sleeping arrangements.” He even had a space for his armor, a nook for his helmet to sit in right by the bed, and clothes storage space; you turned to look at him and hummed softly, tugging his helmet so you could tap your forehead to it gently.
“Thank you, Din.”
“You’re welcome, Cyare.”
As he went to the cockpit to take off, since he had a possible lead on the Jedi after a comm from Peli came through, you went down and collected your clothes to put them away. You went to sit in the co-pilot seat as Din finished prep for take-off but he tugged you into his lap and you went willingly, taking over some of the work for him, and Din held you close as the Crest began to lift off.
“Ready to find the Jedi?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be, let’s hunt down a space sorcerer.”
“You’re adorable, Cyare.”
“Damn right I am!”
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All Fics Taglist: @haylzcyon @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @tauralmie @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry @all-the-way-down-here @xoxabs88xox
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @aynsleywalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80 @emiemiemiii @harriedandharassed
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bobafetts-princess · 2 years
Kinktober Day 5- Breeding
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Pairings: Alpha!Paz x AFAB!Omega!Reader (I don’t think there’s anything specifying a female reader, just an AFAB one. If you catch one let me know!)
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, some Alpha’s are jerks, fingering, knotting, Paz is soft for his Omega
Word count:2k
Summary: Your heat hits early and Paz helps you take care of it
You’re walking through the halls of the compound, heading to speak to the Armorer about making new weapons for the foundlings when the camp’s Alpha’s start acting weird. They’re shooting you sidelong glances and inhaling deeply. You can only assume they smell your desperation for your own Alpha, Paz Vizsla, and they’re itching to take advantage. He’s been gone for over a week, two months after you bonded during his rut.
An Alpha approaches you, a new one to the compound, and asks about where Paz is but you brush him off. Everyone in the compound knows that he went on a scouting mission, trying to find more food and weapons for the clan. He snarls, you can hear it from under the helmet, as he sniffs at you and grabs you by the arm.
“I asked you where your Alpha is, Omega,” he snaps, fingers digging into the softness of your inner arm. The way he says ‘omega’, like it’s some kind of insult instead of a biological term pisses you off.
“Fuck you, where my Alpha is at is none of your business,” you snarl at him, wrenching your arm out of his grasp. You can smell him, rage and arrogance rolling off his frame in waves. “We don’t put hands on our Omegas here. Omegas are highly respected in this compound and if you mistreat one, especially one that’s already bonded, you’ll be out on your ass in a heartbeat,” you say, trying to send out a scent signal that you weren’t to be messed with.
“You should learn how to hold your tongue, Omega, it’ll get you into trouble. If you were my mate-“ he starts but a strong and familiar scent washes over you, relaxing you. It’s your own Alpha, back from his mission, and your own scent immediately mixes with his. His big strong hand wraps around your waist, pulling you against his armored chest.
“She’ll never be your mate, so it doesn’t matter what you think a mate should be,” he snaps, his scent as sharp as his tone and a tiny cramp hits your stomach. The other Alpha is helmeted, so you can’t read his expression, but you can smell it. He’s annoyed, angry, and defensive. He’s disrespected the clans head Alpha and his mate, he’s expecting a fight. Normally Paz would challenge him, he doesn’t allow newcomers to disrespect the clan, omegas specifically and definitely not his own bonded omega. You’re sure he’s getting ready issue a challenge when another cramp hits your belly. Paz smells your distress first, head snapping over as he looks at you. He sniffs again, a deeper sniff as he tries to decipher the other scent. He must find what he’s sniffing for because a low growl comes from deep in his chest and his scent turns red hot with anger.
It’s about the same time you realize what’s happening, because a third cramp hits your stomach and you realize what kind of cramps these are. Your heat is two weeks early and it explains the way some of the Alpha’s have been acting around you today. You try to rack your brain to figure out why it would be so early but you come up blank as the first waves of desire hit your core. Your oncoming heat is probably the reason this Alpha decided to try and strong arm you as well.
“I’ll deal with you later,” he growls and you can feel the anger in his voice. Another cramp hits your belly, stronger than the last three, and it almost doubles you over. Paz’s strong arms wrap around your waist and ushers you down the hall, back to your shared quarters. You pass Din Djarin on the way and vaguely hear Paz mumble something to him, but another cramp hits and you don’t hear what it is.
The two of them have formed an unlikely friendship since Paz started courting you and they’ve gotten closer since the two of you bonded. Later you’ll realize it had something to do with the Alpha who threatened you, but the first waves of desire are hitting your system and all you can think about is getting back your room. The scent of your heat must be getting stronger because Paz has to tell several other clan members to back off before you finally make it to your room.
As soon as the door shuts behind your bodies, you’re on him, clawing at his armor and his helmet while he chuckles and moves your hands so he can do it himself. The cramps have gotten worse and you take to rubbing your face on any part of him you can reach until he gets his helmet and undershirt off and he thrusts the cloth material at you. You inhale deeply, taking in the scent of your bonded mate as he fully undresses. It’s a brief reprieve from the pain as you soak in the scent of your Alpha. You’re mewling, a whimpering sound that shoots straight to Paz’s cock as he finishes undressing. Once he’s finished he works at your clothes, doing his best to get them in fewer motions than usual.
Finally, Paz has you both fully undressed and he’s on you immediately, scenting you and providing some relief to the ache in your belly. The waves of desire take over your body and you grind on his thick thigh to get some friction against your clit.
“My little Omega,” he groans, his full lips pressing against the mark he’d placed months ago, “you smell so good.” You sigh, pressing yourself against him as he works your shirt and pants off. One hand slips between your legs, large middle finger stroking your clit and you nearly collapse with relief.
“Alpha. Paz,” you cry out as he continues to stroke, “why is my heat early?” You cry, nearly sobbing with relief when he slips two fingers inside you. The relief is so intense that it brings you to the cusp of an orgasm immediately.
“It’s your first heat since we’ve been bonded,” he explains. “It makes sense that your heat would come early,” he drags some of your wetness around your clit with two fingers and you come undone, clutching to his shoulders as you come.
“I need more Alpha, please I need your knot,” you beg, grinding yourself on his thigh again. His chuckle reverberates through your body as he pushes you to the bed, grabbing some of your favorite blankets as he goes. He tosses them on the bed as he gives you an order.
“Present, Omega,” he commands, allowing the Alpha to drip into his voice. You scramble to obey, on your elbows and knees on the bed, back arched for him to see the slick between your legs. “Good Omega,” he purrs, sliding his fingers along the backs of your thighs and over the round of your ass. You preen at the praise, spreading further for him so he can dip two fingers inside you.
“Anything for my Alpha,” you croon, the submission in your voice prevalent. His fingers work your pussy, smearing the slick all over your clit as he preps you for him. Paz isn’t a small man and he wants to make sure he won’t hurt you as he slides home but your heat is hitting hard and you don’t want to wait.
“Alpha, please. Want your knot. Need it,” you plead, wiggling your hips and making your ass shake. You hear him start to protest but you whine, deep and needy in your chest. Whining for your Alpha to take you, fill you with his knot and his pups and his need for you takes over.
“I’ll be gentle, precious Omega,” he promises but you don’t care. You just want him to mount you, fill you, knot you. You whine again, pressing back against him as his hands grab your hips and his cock nudges at your pussy. “Tell me if it hurts,” he says, pressing the head into your slick-soaked entrance. You mewl, just the one small motion giving you intense relief and you press back, needing more. Paz growls, your need pressing primal desires deep in his chest as he pushes forwards.
“Pussy feels good, mesh’la,” he groans once he’s fully inside you, fingers digging into the soft flesh of your hips. He drags himself back out, slow and steady, the head of his cock catching as he pushes back in. His pace is steady but it’s not enough for you, deep in the need of your heat. Your hips start moving, pressing back against him, fucking yourself on his cock. You’re panting, the word Alpha rolling off your tongue with the punch of his cock into you. You’re close again, pussy clenching on your Alpha and his heavy breaths let you know he’s close too. His fingers slip around to your front, wet from his mouth as he strokes your clit and begs you to come.
“Come for me, my pretty Omega, so I can give you my knot. Fill you with my seed, breed you full with my pups,” his words are like electric shocks to your clit as he strokes but he doesn’t let up. “Wanna see your breasts heavy with milk, see my younglings nursing from you with another heavy in your belly,” the idea of being full of his pups, his offspring, sends you over the edge. Your pussy clamps down, milking your Alpha as he reaches his own end. He groans your name, not Omega your actual name, as his knot swells and pops and locks the two of you together. He collapses on you for only the briefest moment before he rolls, pulling you into him as he spoons you, cock still buried deep inside you.
“I hope this takes, my precious Omega, I’d love to see your belly swollen with my pups,” he muses, hands stroking your belly softly. You mewl, hands and face searching out for your soft blankets that smell like your Alpha. Paz grabs them, covering your bodies with the softest and warmest blankets he can reach while still being connected to you. You rub your face over his arm while it’s tucked under your head, scenting him as much as you can from your position.
“Sleep my precious Omega, you’ll need your rest for the next few days. Your heat will be stronger since we are bonded now,” Paz explains, curling his body around you. You nod, eye closing with exhaustion as you dream of the future with your Alpha.
You wake in the morning, alone in your bed but surrounded your favorite blankets, with one of Paz’s shirts tucked right up against your face. Desire is the first emotion you feel, exhaustion from the night before is the second. The third you feel is love because when you raise up to find your Alpha, you realize that he built your nest for you in the middle of the night, finding the softest and best smelling items in your small home to surround you with. It’s not perfect but that doesn’t matter because your big, strong, scary Alpha built a nest for his Omega in the middle of the night. He comes in a half second later as tears fill your eyes at the sweet gesture.
“What’s the matter, my Omega?” He asks, dropping the caf and breakfast on the side table.
“You made my nest?” You sniffle and he chuckles.
“Of course, my sweet,” he offers,” our pups will want a nest and I need to know how to build one just in case.” He’s so kind and thoughtful and it makes you cry and forget about your heat for a moment. “Are these good tears?” He asks, a little hesitantly. You nod, digging your face into his neck and knowing that there’s no better Alpha out there in the world for you.
Tags: @darkhairedmenrule @starlitnotes @rexandechosandwich @lacroix-qblog @grinningnexu @firstofficerwiggles @too-manyfandomstocount
235 notes · View notes
absurdthirst · 2 years
The Mandalorian MasterList
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**All ratings are individual to each story. Read warnings and tags at the top of the stories.
Requested Scenarios 
Hidden Desires Series MasterList
Frozen Series MasterList
Riduurok Series MasterList
Stress Relief
Midnight Excursions
Muffled Sounds
Just Pleasure
Chemical Feelings - Sex Pollen
Body Heat
Gut Wrenching - Sex Pollen
Secrets - Virgin!Mando
The Cave
In The Darkness
Unusual Situation {Mando x F!Reader x Ezra}
The Box - F!Mando!Reader
The View
Bred - Alpha!Mando
Me’dinuir {Mando x F!Reader x Paz Vizsla}
The Deal {Mando x F!Reader x Cobb Vanth}
The Hot Springs
Close Quarters
Heavy Is The Head That Wears The Beskar
The Face Beneath The Beskar
Bittersweet Goodbye
The Path (Soulmate AU) (3000 Follower Give Away Fic)
The Throne - King!Din
Cantina Copulation
Le Trio de Fleur - Sex Pollen {Mando x F!Reader x Paz Vizsla}
Beskar Bordello
Dreams vs. Reality
Blue Crush - Sex Pollen
Do It Now
The Mand’alor - F!Mando!Reader
Carbonite Cyar’ika {Mando x F!Reader x Poe Dameron}
The Mand’alor’s Riduur - F!Mando!Reader
The Return of the Mandalorian
Dosed - Sex Pollen
Bacta Bonding
Winning Stakes
All Access Card
One Night on Tatooine
Simply Din Djarin
Driven By Power
The Covert Cantina
The Future of Mandalore
Vivid - Sex Pollen
Unexpectedly Mated {Alpha!Mando x F!Omega!Reader}
2K notes · View notes
mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Instinct, Part 11
Summary: Omegas were rare. Some even thought them extinct. So when Boba contacts Din saying he has a gift Din can’t refuse, the last thing he expects to find is an omega in need of an alpha. Din has to make the hard decision, but what else was he really doing anyways? But naturally, there’s more to this omega than meets the eye.
Pairing: Din Djarin x female!reader
Warnings: Injuries, blood, PTSD, some light medical stuff, The Empire, A/B/O
A/N: Uhhh yeah, it's been a minute with this one. I probably shouldn't say I had most of this one written up already, but I couldn't decide where I wanted to take the story. Well, I've decided now so I can confidently finish this one up.
< Previous | Next > | MASTERLIST | OC Version
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It doesn’t hurt. 
You’ve felt a lot of pain in your lifetime, but the stab wound is almost nothing. Or maybe you’ve just gone numb. You had practically seen the shift in Din as he’d stood there, staring at the red on your fingers, the red staining your shirt. 
You're not sure when exactly he’d stabbed you. You hadn’t felt it in the haze of adrenaline. You're not sure where the knife is either. 
Din had approached you, taking one look at the wound before lifting you into his arms. You could sense the change in him, the detachment. He had one instinct in that moment and that was to get you help. You feel dizzy, vision in and out as you stare up at the sky. It’s blue, very blue. 
The blue fades to white as he enters the medical center. Your arms and legs have begun to tingle. Were you going to pass out? You're bleeding a lot. You can feel it. You squint up at the ceiling as Din lays you on the hard exam table. He’s scared, you can scent it under the tang of blood. 
You blink as your vision fades in and out, someone coming to stand over you. You don't recognize them...no. You do.
“No...no...please!” You struggle, but your limbs are restrained. 
“It’s alright.” He speaks quietly, leaning down closer to you. “Everything will be alright.” A bright light in your eyes. You feel far away, like your body is floating right out into space. 
“No!” You cry, weakly fighting the urge to sleep. “No!” 
“Everything’s going to be just fine.” 
His hands are shaking. 
He had felt the shift in his brain, his mind shutting down as soon as he saw the red on your fingers. He had acted purely on instinct, moving to catch you before you fell. He had held you up, analyzing the wound oozing thick red liquid for half a second before scooping you into his arms. He’d walked out the front door, uncaring of the police droids making their way down the street. 
He’d been totally numb as he carried you to the nearest medical facility. He could have taken you back to the Crest, but it was too far, and he wasn’t sure a simple bacta patch would work fast enough. The wound was deep and clean, the straight edge of the vibroblade meant to make the wound bleed and bleed. 
You had been awake the whole time, though your gaze had been hazy. He’d been rushed back into a room, the Nautolan doctor jumping right in to try and help. 
That was when everything had gone wrong. 
You had started fighting, struggling against the doctor and nurses. You had been screaming, eyes far away like you were seeing something else. He had managed to get you calm enough for them to administer a sedative. He had held you until you were unconscious and limp, the bloody smear on the front of his chestplate as you’d reached out for him. 
His hands are still shaking, the event playing over and over in his head. He’d never seen you like that before. He had been scared of you possibly losing control and your omega coming out, but it seemed you were somewhere else entirely. You had never spoken about anything like that, nor had Boba mentioned any aversion to medical centers or doctors. 
Maybe it had been deeply buried far below, repressed by years of suppressants. 
He’s worried. Whatever you had been seeing, it had been bad enough for you to call out for your parents. You never talked about them, never mentioned them beyond the night you’d told him how you got off Mandalore. They likely hadn’t made it, like so many others. That was a harsh reality to face, one he knew well. 
He stares at your peaceful face. You're still unconscious, the bacta working quickly to heal the stab wound. He feels guilty. You were here because of him. He had failed to consider that they might have known about him, about his quest. You had gotten hurt because of him, because of his mistake. 
He wants to call it quits, wants to load you onto the ship and fly back to Tatooine, but he knows he can’t. If you wanted to continue, he would, even if it was a bad decision. 
You have a lot to discuss when you wake up. He stares down at the smear on his chestplate. Just what exactly was that outburst? What had happened to you that had caused that kind of reaction? 
“Hello. My name is Doctor Ellezac. I am the chief scientist on this vessel. I will be overseeing you.” You flinch away from the hands that reach for your face. “How are you feeling?” 
“Where am I? Where is my buir?” You ask, voice thin sounding from the dryness in your throat. 
“You are on a transport vessel heading for a research base.” He pries your mouth open, looking inside. “Don’t worry. You will be well cared for.” 
You jerk your head away, glaring at him. “Where are the others?” You remembered the transport taking them to Concordia. The four omegas, the last four to make it off Mandalore alive. 
“Don’t worry. They’re being looked after.” He turns, grabbing something off a table. “It’s very fascinating to me, your kind. The ‘second gender’ Mandalorians utilize. All beings carry the ability, but the mechanics of it have been lost to most of us for centuries. Except for the Mandalorians.” He turns back to you, a syringe in hand. “The ‘instincts’ as you call them, are incredible. Heightened senses, increased strength, enhanced regeneration, among many other benefits.” 
You struggle against the restraints holding you to the bed as he sinks the syringe into your arm. He draws your blood, pulling from you until you begin to feel dizzy. 
“You’re going to be a great help to us.” He says, looking down at you. “You’ll be a great help to the Empire.” 
You jolt as you wake, hands gripping the blankets tightly. You're wrapped tightly in blankets and a cloak, buried deep in Din’s scent. The whirring of the engines and the subtle shake of the ship tells you you're in the Crest. 
It takes you a moment, but you remember everything. You had been hunting their next targets, when everything had gone wrong. You’d been stabbed and Din had taken you to a medical facility. 
You had seen him. 
In truth, you had forgotten it entirely in the haze of memories before awakening from suppressants. It seemed like a long time ago, because it had been a long time ago. You couldn’t have guessed you’d react in such a way. You hadn’t reacted like that on Tatooine when the medical droid had looked over you. You hadn’t reacted that way any of the times Boba’s medical droid had treated you. 
Maybe simply because you didn’t remember. 
You remember now. You remember everything. 
You manage to free yourself from the cocoon of blankets, keeping Din’s cloak around you. It smells like him. It smells safe. You stand, stretching your side a bit. Your fingers slip under your shirt, feeling the smooth skin underneath. Not even a mark. 
You climb up the ladder, knowing Din is in the cockpit. He’ll have questions, and you’ll answer them. It’s dark in the cockpit, the Crest drifting through space. Din is seated in the pilot’s chair, back to you as you enter. You sit in one of the passenger seats, bundling yourself in his cloak. 
“We need to talk about it.” He says, keeping his gaze forward. 
“I know.” You say. “First I need you to know, I didn’t remember. I didn’t remember any of it until now.” 
“You were screaming. Calling out for your parents.” He says, voice pinched. “As soon as you saw the doctor it was like you’d lost your mind.” 
“I wasn’t there. I was somewhere else. Somewhere worse. I didn’t know it wasn’t happening again.” You swallow the lump in your throat. “I’m sorry if I caused a scene. I’m sorry if I made things difficult, but please don’t be mad, I really didn’t remember exactly-” 
“I’m not mad.” He says, finally turning around. “I just want to know what you saw that caused a reaction like that.” 
You nod, taking a shaky breath, trying to calm the nerves that had built up. “To start, we have to go back to the Purge. There were four of us on the last ship that left the omega temple before it was hit. Four omegas and the droid pilot with coordinates to Concordia. Only we didn’t get that far. As soon as we left the atmosphere, something was waiting. Something pulled us in.” 
Din nods. He knew most of this already from what you’d told him. The small bit you’d remembered after the suppressants. 
“It wasn’t pirates or smugglers. It was the Empire. I don’t know if it was your luck, or somehow they knew where we were heading...they pulled us in. I remember them breaking through the hatch. Stormtroopers flooding the hull. I don’t remember much after that. I woke up sometime later in what looked like a medical facility. There was a man there. His name was Doctor Ellezac. He was the head scientist for some division of the Empire. He knew a lot about us, about omegas and alphas. Too much to be coincidence.” 
Din shifts in his seat, hands closing into fists. The thought that it was the Empire that took the last of the omegas...it makes him angry. 
“They took us to some facility. They ran tests on us. They wanted to know how our instincts worked, how our abilities manifested, how they were controlled.” You wipe a tear from your cheek. “I don’t know how long we were there, but I remember when the Empire fell. They tried to get off world, tried to evacuate us somewhere else, but that’s when the pirates arrived. They thought it had been abandoned, but we were still there. The Empire took ten omegas. There were only three of us by the time the pirates came.” 
“They knew what you were.” Din says, trying to calm his raging alpha. 
You nod. “They knew what we were worth too. That’s when it started. The suppressants, being traded across the galaxy.” You shake your head. “If I had known...I wouldn’t have-” 
“I’m glad you did.” Din says. “Even if we’ve only killed seven of them, even if we can’t finish, I’m glad we at least gave some of them what they deserve.” 
You wipe another tear from your cheek. “I don’t know if we should continue. I-I mean...we could wind up in something bigger than just the two of us. If there’s remnants out there, if they find out...I don’t know if they’ll come for me again. I don’t want to put you in danger like that.” 
He leans forward, pulling you up from the passenger seat. “I made a promise when I mated you that I wouldn’t let anything happen to you. That I would protect you and our pack. If that means fighting off the Empire again, then I would do it.” 
You climb into his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I don’t want you to have to fight the Empire. I-If something happened to you...” 
“Nothing is going to happen to me.” He says. “I think we should take a break.” 
You look up at his helmet, looking at the visor. “What?” 
“We’ll take a break. Find somewhere to lay low for a while. I know you’re stressed, and this new development is concerning.” He spins you back around, keeping you in his lap as he begins hitting buttons on the console. “I already found us a place.”  
“You’ve put a lot of thought into this.” You murmur. 
“You were asleep for a while.” He puts a hand on your back as the Crest hums to life, preparing to jump into hyperspace. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while too. You’re not as accustomed to this as I am, and it’s not your nature to run around the galaxy non-stop. We have enough credits for now. We can worry about what’s next later.” 
You press your nose into his neck, breathing him in for a moment. You can’t sense what he’s feeling, the beskar and his flightsuit blocking you from reaching his neck. You don't move to remove his helmet, not feeling like you’re in a good enough place to do something so bold. 
“Din...” You murmur after a few moments, the blue of hyperspace flashing around you. “I’m sorry.” 
He tightens his hold on you, the hand that had been on your back sliding up to the back of your neck. “Don’t.” 
Tears spring into your eyes, your body pressing closer to his out of pure instinct. He lets go of you for a moment to pull his helmet off, letting it clunk to the floor. You immediately press your face against his throat, breathing him in. He’s not angry, not at you. His scent is thick with worry and the sharp edge of protectiveness alphas projected when their clans were in danger. 
“I shouldn’t have put you in that position. I never wanted you to get hurt.” He says, pressing his face into the top of your head. 
“You couldn’t have known.” You murmur against his neck. “It was always a risk.” 
He tightens his hold on you for a moment. “I should have done more. I should have tried harder.” 
“I was the one that asked to do this.” You say, pulling back to look in his eyes. There’s tears in them. “Maybe...maybe we need this break. Like you said...we can worry about what happens next later.” 
He pulls you back in, holding you until the ship drops from hyperspace. 
**** A Few Weeks Later ****
The warm breeze feels good against your skin. The sand is warm against your bare feet, your toes digging in, enjoying the feel. It’s not like the sand on Tatooine. This place couldn’t be more different than Tatooine. 
Blue water stretches as far as you can see in front of you. It’s bluer than you’ve ever seen. Behind you stretches a line of trees, only broken by the small shack you had been staying in. There’s no one on the small island but you, most of the inhabitants on the larger island a short boat ride to the South. 
You’re very much in love with this planet. You could stay here forever, basking in the warm sunlight on the beach. When Din had first landed here, it had been in the midst of a storm and you had been skeptical. By the time you woke up the next day, the storm had cleared and left a bright blue sky behind. Storms were rare here, according to the locals. There hadn’t been one since the day you arrived. It had been nothing but beautiful weather, and you had been soaking up every minute of it you could. 
Arms wrap around your middle, pulling you back against the warm chest. You lean your head back against his shoulder, relaxing against him. “I could stay here forever.” 
“I know.” He says, kissing the top of your head. His bare hands trail up your arms, brushing along the sun-warmed skin. “Eventually we’ll need credits.” 
You pout. “I’m sure you could find a job doing something for the locals.” 
“I doubt they have much use for bounty hunters out here.” He says, turning you back towards the shack. 
“I wasn’t talking about bounty hunting.” You say. “You could be a fisherman.” 
He opens the door to the shack, giving you a look. 
You shrug. “What? You could! You’re good with repairs, I’m sure they could use a repairman or something.” 
“Don’t get any ideas.” He says, lifting you up and dropping you on the bed. 
“I know.” You sigh, pulling him down with you. “Boba might never forgive us if we moved to a planet like this without him.” 
He leans down, kissing you softly. You kiss him back, wrapping your arms around him. “We need to get more supplies soon.” He murmurs against your lips, running his hand along your back. 
“Tomorrow.” You sigh, pressing closer to him. 
He shifts his body on top of yours, your thighs parting to welcome him. You tug at his shirt, pulling it over his head. It was a miracle you got him out of his armor, but after their confirmed solitude on the island, he loosened up. 
“I love you.” You murmur against his lips, drawing his body closer. 
“Kar'taylir darasuum.” He breathes, losing himself in you. 
“Do you ever miss it?” You ask as you sit on the porch of the shack. The sun is setting, painting the sky in oranges and pinks. 
“What?” He asks, pulling you closer against his side. 
“Being with the covert?” 
He stiffens a bit at your question. You hadn’t talked much about it, beyond him telling you about his exile. You know it’s a sensitive topic to him, but that’s what you had been doing during this break. Digging up all the ugly things, talking about them and working through them. 
“Sometimes.” He says honestly. “It was what I was raised in. Being in exile, hiding away...it’s not the way Mandalorians are supposed to live.” 
“Would you ever want to go back?” You ask. 
He’s quiet for a few moments, his fingers tracing patterns along your bare arm. The touch sends shivers through your body. “It would be impossible.” He says. “Mandalore is cursed. Going there to try and bathe in the Waters...it would be impossible.” 
You squeeze his side, offering him comfort. “I’d go with you, if you ever wanted to try.” 
He sighs, leaning his head on yours. “It would be too much of a risk.” 
Silence settles between you as you watch the sun set, turning the sky purple then grey as night begins to settle in. 
“What would you do, if nothing was standing in our way?” He asks you, breaking the silence. 
You chew your lip for a moment, thinking it through before sighing. “I’d get through my next heat. Then maybe decide what I want.” You shift just slightly in his arms. “It’s coming, in the next couple days.” 
“I know.” He says. “I can smell it.” 
“Do you want to leave?” You ask. 
“No.” He shakes his head. “We’ll ride it out here. Then like you said, we’ll decide what to do.” 
You rest your head back on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. It smells good, mixed with the salty air of the sea. You wish you could just stay here, but you know that’s not an option. 
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@donttamethebeasts, @unicorntrooper, @spacecluster, @hugmedin, @hungrhay, @fic-for-readers, @jaydiann, @tonystank3, @lokigirlszendaya, @6oceansofmoons, @star-trekker-0013, @bobaprint
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notsentimentalll · 9 days
Paz Viszla Masterlist
I've been reading for a while and I want to keep track of the best things I've read, while also sharing-so, I will be upgrading this constantly!
Paz with a pregnant riduur by sprout-fics
Just a big boy being all happy and protective over his wife, while she's pregnant. 
Warning: Possessive, protective, mentions of pregnancy, f!reader.
Welcome home by outercrasis
Your husband finally comes home after 3 weeks. Surely you're going to welcome him home with open arms?
Warnings: Western!AU, Paz & Reader are married & both are hot heads/combative (but they love each other v much), size kink, oral sex (m receiving), penetrative sex, v light amount of spanking, more or less make-up sex, canon divergent Paz's physical appearance. 
Reacting to your lingerie by sprout-fics
A Mandalorian being soft and horny for their S/O in lingerie is something that can be so personal
Warnings: allusions to sex, Paz Vizsla x reader. Boba Fett x reader. Din Djarin x reader.
What if by maybege
Your clan is involved in the reclaiming of Mandalore. To ease the clan dynamics, an age-old tradition is brought back to life and you get assigned to an alpha that fate already has plans for.
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, canon divergent. Alpha!Paz x Omega!F!Reader. Tags vary.
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grogusmum · 5 months
Hi Hazel! What’s a fic you didn’t expect to write this year?
Hello m'dear! Thank you for you ask! 💚
Well, I did not do very much writing this year, sadly!
But I do think I can answer your question.
If someone had told me I was going to try my hand at an a/b/o fic last year? I would have laughed myself silly. Not because I dislike them, I do , against my will I do!! But I would have (and have said) I leave those tropes in better hands than mine!
But I got this idea in my head, and it would not let me alone, nor would it let me write the WIPs I was desperately trying to finish!!
What if Din was an Alpha and didn't know it? What if he was born from an a/b/o society on Aq Vetina, and that society was all but lost in the Separatist battle during the Clone Wars, making a/b/o very rare in the galaxy... not only that, but he is raised in the cloistered society of the Children of the Watch?
And this is what resulted
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(alpha!Din Djarin x omega!f!Reader)
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rise-my-angel · 1 year
Shadows of Mandalore Prequel
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Pairing: Din Djarin x Female Reader
Length: 22.5k
Warnings: a/b/o (alpha beta omega dynamics), omega reader, traumatic flashbacks, mentions of slavery and kidnapping, smut, handjobs, oral (f receiving), p in v, heat/ruts, knotting
Notes: Prequel to the original Shadows of Mandalore, Takes place over the span of episodes 6, 7, and 8 of The Mandalorian season 2
Stories about your kind could feel so safe and otherworldly as a child. Your home was cold and dark most of the time and with little access anywhere off world. Tales of what used to be, and the vast numbers of your kind that reached one edge of the system to the other. Gripping words painting the scenes in your mind of great battles of a space you never saw, and the technology that seemed but a myth.
Your father had told you much of those tales. Your people in small numbers spread amongst tiny pockets on the blazing cold planet saw him as a nuisance however. Nights gathered by the brightest of fires, he told you that you used to be of great importance. A birthright that bounded you with only the strongest and honourable of people, a treasure of sorts that held such people in high regards to be protected.
The others in your tiny home scolded him for filling your head with fantasies. Your grandmother on many occasions tried to scare you out of believing them. Claims that the entire system is just as much of a wasteland as your home now, that this was the only place your kind existed now. A great technological purge destroyed the worlds and wiped out much of your kind. Forcing the remains to scatter across the galaxy.
Your home was the only land that saw the truth, and it’s why what was left of cities now sat decayed and abolished. “Their technology brought about the end of our kind, it was no place here.” You once asked your father why if other alphas spread to other worlds, why didn’t they come back for the rest of your kind.
Leaned across the table, he peeked out to the outside to the others still cooking by the fire. “They don’t know we’re here, bug. Omegas are so rare now that people like your grandmother believe that keeping you away from the galaxy is the only way to keep you safe. If no one knows where we are, then nothing bad can happen to us again.”
Cold wind blew through the open seal of the door frame, sending a shiver down your spine that made your yearn for the warmth of the fire. Hands tapping against each other, your brow deepened with a frown. “If the galaxy is so bad, why did elder Gorma say only Imperial medicine could save mama?”
Your fathers eyes sunk with a deep sadness that your child mind didn’t quite see, but his brows narrowed much like yours. “Where did you hear that?”
Wide eyes, you slunk your head down into the thick fabric of your coat. “I was spying on him after we set mama sail.”
You didn’t get an answer, not then at least. The group had come inside finally, sealing the growing storm outside for the night and both you and your father shared a silent agreement to speak of this only when alone once more. An instance that never came.
They came in the middle of the night. Awakening to the sounds of booms and cracks of ice led you outside in the calming storm that caught everyone elses attention. A ship rose over the mountain cliff by the edge of your home felt like it rose tall as a giant.
It’s mechanics whirled and lights flashed so bright you had to shield your eyes from it’s shine in the pitch black. A door must have opened, because then the men followed.
They yelled in a language you did not speak, but you could hear your grandmother say something about there being no omegas here. You could see the storm had settled, but now the air was filled with some kind of weapon that shot deadly light from their hands. Running and screams filled the night air and in the chaos you were grabbed.
It was a painful whiplash, seeing the true nature of the off world. Ships and planets all around and filled with people. The advancements your home was so hateful towards just existed in daily life and your tiny mind had been greatly confused to learn droids were not a species, but just a fancy collection of technology that spoke and thought.
For a long time, you were passed place to place, being poked and stabbed at in by those who barley looked at you like a person. As you grew older, you given medicine under strict order to take it exactly when dictated.
In the present, you understood they were suppressants and blockers. Your home was right about one thing, and it was that your kind was rare. Owners not wanting to advertise they owned an Omega and with few Alphas around, allowing you to experience any kind of a heat would just be a nuisance.
As it turned out, being passed from money hungry owner to owner, no one quite knew what to do with an Omega other then sell you for money. The only alphas around were rare and never allowed near you for fear of “damaging property”, so eventually you became almost like any other slave. Choiceless work for another until you found yourself in Navarro.
“Do they all need to be custom made?”
Your voice drew back Din out of whatever thought you watched him get lost in. You both currently sat on the floor with the array of his weapons sat out in a semi circle around you. Each one he had you pick up, explain what made it different from the other nearly identical ones and then guided your grip before moving on.
Dins legs crossed and his hands rested on his knees, nodding at each weapon to inspect next before he had trailed off somewhere. The slight turn of his head just putting you out of the centre of is vision telling you his silence was accidental. Looking back, he watched you put it back into place.
“No, but weapons should be personal to it’s owner. The better tailored to you it is,” A gloved hand gently picking up one of the smaller blasters you’d already looked at. “The more it will work with you, instead of against you. Here,”
Passing it over, you watched as he tilted down to your hand specifically. Reaching to you and stretching your fingers around the base as much as you could until he knew you felt the strain. “This intensity of this one would more be suited for you, but the base isn’t. You should be able to hold it steady without straining your grip.”
Flexing them in the air you pulled your arm back to your lap. “Which means I’d throw my aim off more trying to compensate?”
Chest filling with a guilty pride at Din’s nod yes. He had been insistent you understand every weapon he owns and make sure you know how to use them for any reason. A good teacher, patient, quiet, and only guiding your touch or grip when he needed to step in. Spending the better part of multiple hours in this position, something both of you weren’t acknowledging was dreadfully quiet.
There had been a growing tension between you and Din but you couldn’t quite put your finger on it. A call to him from deep within your omega which threatened to consume you. No other alphas had ever drawn you to them like a magnet.
You had been too young when you were taken, whatever plans your father had to discuss how mates amongst your kind worked never occurred. Your passing slavers didn’t know much either, but Din? He knows something but he isn’t telling you and he isn’t the only one. Twice now you had encountered Dins people, or ones like him.
The Armourer picked you out right away. Calling to you by your presentation and asking where you were born. There was a silence when you answered, “Werda.” Both she and Din looked at one another for a long beat.
Nodding she finally spoke, calmly as ever, “On the outer rim of the Mandalore system. A place not many go anymore.” You could feel Din circling passed you but the woman held both an air of authority and likely, the calling respect of an alpha. “They have effectively cut themselves off from the galaxy have they not?”
Another nod, and the Armourer begun moving to finish crafting an object too small to see from where you stood. “The elders thought that technology is what destroyed our kind. Where better to hide what’s left then an ice planet that rarely experiences daylight. Can’t kill what they can’t find.” You didn’t really sound confident in your voice. Many stories of what you thought omegas and alphas were felt far more complicated in the world outside your blizzard ridden home world.
But she just looked at you. The cold stare of black that was a Mandalorian visor did nothing to intimidate you anymore, and though you would never know it, it typically surprised their people that you consistently found their eyeline on the first try.
“This is the way.”
She had given Din something that day, but they kept it secret. It wasn’t your business, not really. A stolen omega from a barren planet of snow and darkness. One that lied to you about how important they were. Your home was not the last true beacon of hope for your kind, and you didn’t come from a great people. These people did.
Now you three travelled to what Ahsoka Tano called the seeing stone, and if you knew little about omegas and alphas, or Mandalorians, you knew even less about the Jedi. You thought their kind had been wiped out, but then again many thought the same of Omegas. You’re only save this time being that Din knew little about them as well.
There was however, one problem. There was little in the way of suppressants around and you knew the amount you had left would not supply you through a heat. A heat you’ve never experienced before without them.
Din had longer, but your heat would come soon and you had never been through one without suppression. It would hit hard, and no doubt even on suppressants the strength of it would send Din into an early rut. A scenario neither of you were brave enough to broach, even before it became a possibility. You got as far as coming off the blockers.
Something Din wanted from the beginning. “People like that didn’t put you on these for your own good, cyra’ika. It’s just hurting you.”
You had stammered, not used to the fierceness of an alpha and the overwhelming scent that arose with his emotions. “I just figured you wouldn’t want me stinking up the ship.”
His gloved hand holding the container you had could have squeezed it into pieces were he to let himself out of control. His shoulders sagged, letting his arm fall to his side and taking steps closer. Forcing your head to tilt up to match his more imposing height. “What I want, is to not lose you in a crowd because you smell like every other beta. I can’t have that, and your omega wouldn’t either.”
Omera had to be the one to talk it out with you more. Din was worked up and angry at how much of your life your owners shoved blockers onto you, keeping your rich and addictive scent dull and muted to the world. That you thought he’d ever want to get rid of such a sweet scent.
She was the first Omega outside of your home you’d ever met. She was kind and recognized you right away. Not like the way the Mandalorians all did though, no she pulled you away with her as if lost siblings. Telling you that omegas were rare, that she was an anomaly, likely why none else here were omegas. Born from two betas and could only sit and wait to know if her daughter Winta would too.
“They don’t just mute the world to you, it keeps you locked away as well. Did you know your Mandalorian was even an alpha until you travelled with him?” You shook your head no, and she sighed softly. “He’s angry because none of us deserve to be treated like an inconvenience. Being an Omega isn’t a condition that needs managing. It’s who we are. Some of us are just better at showing that feeling the others.” Nodding out of her home where you knew he was.
“Alphas are very protective of omegas, and when they find the right one? Mistreatment can just make them angry.” You didn’t know what she meant by the right one, but you suspected others did. He was his own person but they all called him your Mandalorian, or to him you were ‘his omega’.
You had more to learn from her, but the kid’s life was more important and so you left only understanding your kind a tiny bit better.
It was easier now. So much time spent with Din and Grogu that he was much more at ease with you or doing things for you. Taking quiet moments at night, listening to your innocent requests that he talk about himself. Learning that he was not born a Mandalorian, but was a foundling.
Foundlings were of the upmost importance to his kind, and that many of them who presented as alphas swore the creed. Using their presentation as part of their honour, just as he did. Watching those they care for with the honour and respect that an alpha should uphold. A sentiment not many in the galaxy quite agreed with.
Some could see it in Din, a watchful eye on you and Grogu that would pull you just slightly more into his side on a busy planet, or gentle praise that he’d never bother for anyone else. All you did was ask him a simple question about his armoury, and now two hours later he had unloaded his entire arsenal to show you.
“We should sleep.” Eyes darting up to him, Din was leaned closer to you as his arm slowly grabbed the blaster from your lap. “I don’t know what’s going to happen when we get to there tomorrow, so we should rest while we can.”
He also started doing that recently. Say we instead of you, all three of you as a unit instead of keeping apart. Without realizing, you started to bite the inside of your cheek. Eyes trained on Din methodically putting everything back into place before outstretching his hand to help you up onto your feet. You bit down harder at the jump in your heart, you stood now so close to Din but he was as still as stone. You dropped is hand quickly and nodded. Turning away from him before he could pick up on the strangeness in your pulse.
Only bothering to take off your boots, your eyes ended up glancing to watch Din take off the beskar covering him. Your head popping up at a coo above, only to see Grogu lean over his hammock, watching Din and then reaching out to you. Your finger gripped in his tiny hand he made a deep purr like noise. Only letting go when Din approached, looking up to him now just in helmet and flight suit with those wide black eyes.
Heart beating faster, Din finally pulling his gloves off, stroking gently along Grogu’s ear before you blinked and turned away suddenly. Little room was in the bunk and that small space grew even more cramped each passing day.
The routine now was standard. You lay down first, turned to face the closest wall as your limbs curled in as much as you could. Grogu above would shuffle around until a tiny huff was heard and he’d be asleep in an instant after. The door was shut, tucking the light away from your eyes and Din’s warmth would curl against your back.
You had considered offering to cover your eyes with something before so he could sleep unobstructed since you were at the most risk to seeing him in this space but you were never sure if he would take it as an insult. That he’d even want to take it off even if you were completely blind. So you just felt the coolness of his helmet rest gently against the back of your head as the final stage set in.
Din ignoring the rising emotions pouring off of you as he pulls you into his chest with no shame. One hand resting over your hip that it would eventually drift more to pull you in my your stomach almost greedily some point in the night.
Tonight was like every other, no words exchanged, just a slumbering baby above and the rise and fall of your chests in tandem. A thought desperate to be heard singing how you and him felt like you fit together kept getting shoved away. He was an alpha, raised as a true Mandalorian and you were just an omega born to nobodies tucked away on an isolated rock of snow.
It worked out so horrifically for you and so perfectly for them, that it almost seemed like some kind of trap or set up. The three of you at this seeing stone in the middle of nowhere, and just when you thought it was am ambush, the true one snuck up behind you.
The glowing lights surrounding Grogu may as well have been magic. Not knowing if it was the kid who summoned the lights or whomever had found him brought lights to him something had clearly happened. If part of you were to be brutally honest, you wondered if really was someone else who found Grogu themselves.
Din had to gently coax Grogu into it, and even with that? Standing beside one another you could feel the anxieties of regret. This was his mission, this was the right thing to do. So why did every time you come close to handing the kid over to a Jedi, did a heavy weight sit in the pits of your hearts? Whatever the force was, it took too much from the kid’s tiny body.
A ship appeared in the sky, almost like it had been summoned from the lights but there were no Jedi following suit. No, it was much more likely these were people who followed you for very different reasons. One person put it best though, it was far more like you and Din had seen ghosts not people.
The figure stood cloaked in black, a presence that no doubt intimidated many and an essence that you could not misinterpret as anything other then an alpha. His voice was deep like Dins, but husky like it had been scratched at by something fierce that left it all the more commanding. “I don't want your armour. I want my armour that you got from Cobb Vanth back on Tatooine. It belongs to me.”
You weren’t as sharp or keen as Din beside you, his aim far more poignant then the likelihood of your own outstretched aim missing. But what you lacked in skill, you did however hold in curiosity. “Are you Mandalorian?”
The strangers answer satisfied neither of you. “I’m a simple man making his way through the galaxy. Like my father before me.”
“Did you take the creed?” Briefly you thought of the other Mandalorians that ultimately are the reason you wound up in this place. They held no honour, only backing Din into a corner until he had no choice but to do more for them then they would offer him. The man before you didn’t exude the same prideful condescension, but did have you yearning to be threatening like they were.
“I give my allegiance to no one.”
Din held the same distrust. Listening to this unknown claim ownership of what Din had rightfully reclaimed what was looted and sold around the sandy plains of Tatooine. “What's to stop me from dropping you right where you stand?”
“Because I have a sharpshooter up on that ridge with a locked scope that will unload by the time my body hits the ground.” Maybe these people figured they could threaten just anyone, but you’ve watched Din with far more odds stacked against him.
“I'm the one wearing beskar. As soon as I see that muzzle flash, you're both dead.”
The stranger was calm, almost casual in his words yet it sent you into a spiral, and your heart could feel something far too similar flowing out from Din’s. “I didn't mean she was going to shoot you. My friend's locked onto that little companion of yours up on the hinge.”
Your first ghost was also Din’s. “And if you remember, I don’t miss.”
Toro Calican left Fennec Shand for dead in the Dune Sea. Shooting her only so he could double cross his so called partners, and rack up a shiny profit for a hunted child instead. Yet there was no mistake in her voice and only confirmed to Din’s own shock.
“You point that gun away from the kid or I'll drop you both where you stand.” They went back and forth, anger threats escalating from Din until you all relented. His hand reaching over to your forearm, lowing it just slightly and followed with it’s touch as you put it away on your person.
His touch didn’t leave you as she dead rose in front of your eyes. “You look like you’ve just seen a ghost.” His grip on your arm was tight as the waves radiating from within him spoke of shock. Din gripped you as if something about your touch kept him rooted in place. Or maybe that is simply what you wished.
“The armour was given to my father, Jango, by your forebears. In exchange, I guarantee the safety of the Child, as well as your own. The bounty on your little friend has risen significantly. You can buy ten suits of armour for the price on its head.” It truly felt as if fate doomed your little trio to repeat it’s misfortunes again and again.
Those unlike the Mandalorians Din belonged too forcing his hand into complying with little reward but the promise of living. Or Grogu’s life in this case, a deal with felt that much more ill. Din has risked almost everything to protect him, and yet the world kept slamming it back in your faces that a baby’s life meant as much as any other nobodies of the galaxy.
“I'd say we're offering a fair deal under the circumstances.” For a moment, the man glanced to you. His eyes narrowing as a minuscule wave of something poked at the blood in your veins. As if seeking your presentation by calling out to it, unable to sense your omega from so far away by sight or smell.
Whatever ambush you and Din thought this was, truly, meant nothing. This was a place that was nowhere, followed by mercenaries who sought out what you couldn’t trust belonged to them. It wasn’t them that felt like a trap, but the ships that approached and the blaster fire that followed.
It didn’t matter to Din though, what had just transpired. He still offered Fennec the chance to escape under his cove. No malice for her actions nor a grudge to the bounty Din seeked her out for as she didn’t leave.
Two skilled fighters surrounded by storm troopers mindlessly following the orders of the man who told them to kidnap a baby. Yet what use did you provide? A shot or two. One collapsing to the ground and the other shot down enough that a better shot finished him. But you were not the third party to help them, just a choking fear of a life you should be used to by now.
The man however, was a force to be reckoned with that no one suspected. His name not cluing in until you could see him there dressed in his armour. The second ghost. But unlike Fennec, Boba Fett had been dead for much longer.
Internal mind begging and angry that you were of no help, you didn’t have the abilities they did and you couldn’t protect the child like an omega should be duty bound for. Instead, you watched them take him from both of you, and the hope of following blown to pieces before your own eyes as well. Nothing but ash and scraps left of the Crest.
The only thing that mattered, a small metal ball held tenderly in Din’s hand. Did Grogu actually perish here in the black ashes of what became his home? Because looking at the only image left of him in Din’s hand amongst the rubble certainly made the terror feel like grief.
Your arm brushed his as you stood next to him. Words nor shared, looks not passed, but for the first true time you reached for the other. Entangling omega and alpha in a bond that locked together. It was something you’d never experienced. Your heart’s felt one another, and the bile in your throat burned in his too.
His feet dragged yours. Wanting to be a pace behind wasn’t granted, Din reaching for your lower back and pushing you just in front of him. The threat of malice in Fett’s eyes beforehand was nowhere to be seen this time. “I want you to look at something.”
Arm raising, an orange glow flashed up, strings of symbols that looked to be words in a different language. “My chain code has been encoded in this armour for years. You see, this is me. Boba Fett.”
Pointing to another, “This is my father, Jango Fett.”
It was a name that dinged a bell of familiarity but not forming an image of clarity in your memory that it did for Din. “Your father was a foundling.”
“Yes. He even fought in the Mandalorian Civil Wars.”
Voices almost muffled, head sinking underwater as a ringing took their places. Grogu’s face in your eyes but pulled away. Leaving splashes of mockery at how you did nothing. A true omega protected their child. If Grogu felt so much like your own as he and Din were to each other, why did you fail him? It wasn’t a wonder why other Mandalorians you’ve met barley spoke to you.
The omegas of their people were brave, defending foundlings above all else and giving their life to such a duty. You were a nobody from a frozen backwater planet that spun you tales of greatness that never applied to you. You were like these people. But not their kind. Someone of Dins kind wouldn’t have let it happen.
Din protected you, and protected even a woman who once was hunted by him and all for what? For the omega he travelled with to stand beside him and not his child. Useless.
Your name pulled you out of the water. Looking up Din now stood in front of you, visor looking right into your eyes as you blinked away the ringing as well. His voice was deep, tough and restrained. “We’re going to get him back.”
Something tried tugging at your omega but you pushed it away from you just as forcefully. Din didn’t accept your nod, and trying to reach out to only be shoved away forced him to nudge your chin up with his hand to look at him proper. “We are getting him back, okay? We are not losing him.”
Grip on your chin tightened a tinge until you nodded. The world didn’t need blockers to mute around you, but you wondered if Din was wrong. That maybe you’d just be better off shutting out your omega entirely. She was around three alphas, and did nothing to help or prove yourself their worth.
You didn’t know what to do with yourself on Fett’s ship. You didn’t know the layout and you didn’t want to touch anything not knowing if you shouldn’t or not. Group on it’s way to pick up Mayfield, most of the plan put on pause until he gave what you needed to know. Needing Moff Gideions cruiser coordinates wouldn’t come easy and you struggled to see how you fit in here.
With just Din and Grogu it was different. Silent backup, keeping the kid out of the worst of it and much to Peli’s annoyance, learning how internal ship repair works. Or as she put it, “You’re doing for free what I getting paid a nice bargain for.” But you felt useful.
Slowly learning how to stand on you own two feet off the back of Din. But it felt different in this crowd now. Your back to a wall with your knees bent so you could rest your forearms over them you on your best day didn’t match one percent of how dangerous or proficient they were.
A dream of belonging when you walked beside their clan of two, but add more skilled and important people to the mix? Well your shortcomings didn’t exactly make much sense.
In your sorrow you heard the distinct clinking of metal, your mind able to match each click with how fast his steps were. You glanced to the side to see his bottom half approaching you, but diverted attention away. Trained on your fidgeting fingers and a jaw clenching enough you’d no doubt feel it later.
Din joined you on the floor, copying your position and no doubt also that dark visor trained directly on you. “You can’t lie to me.”
Eyebrow raising, you turned your head slightly. Enough that more silver glinted in your eyes but not brave enough to face him. Unsure of yourself, your voice dragged out the words in hesitation. “Okay..”
Flickering up to the rest of the room, no one appeared to be around at least. “I’m going to ask you something, and you can’t lie to me about it.” Something uncomfortable itched in your throat, clinging to your oesophagus after swallowing. A single nod was enough. “Why are you blaming yourself?”
Now that got you to move, head whipping to fully look at him but he still sat casual. Visor trained on you unmoving but closer then you wanted. Din knew whatever was about to come out of your mouth was a lie and beat you to the punch. “What did I just say?”
Your eyes widened a bit, a flash of shame filling the void only to refuse his gaze. Looking back at your twisting fingers once more. The shame spilt from your eyes back down into the rest of your body, feeling heavier then ever. Shrugging one shoulder, your voice was quiet and rusty from silence. “I didn’t do anything back there. I’m an omega, I’m supposed to protect him like a real omega would protect her child and I did nothing. I’m still doing that.”
Din sighed deeply beside you, his hand hovered over your back, but pulled away at how rigid you sat and he wasn’t even sure by now if you knew you were pushing his alpha away. You let him in so much and now it felt worse then when you two had first met. “Mesh’la-”
Were he a beta, you might have yelled at him honestly. But the raise of your tone barley tipped past upset. “Where do I even fit in with this plan, Mando?” If you could look into his mind in that second, you would have seen a burst of bright colours and need for you at the sheer fact of how easily you switched. You two were alone and you knew he wanted you to use his real name, but you’d never even consider breaching that trust on a ship of other people. Not even in this room alone.
But you couldn’t see into his mind, just the things you didn’t do. “Fennec, Cara, Fett, hell even Mayfield is more useful than I am. I can’t fight, I can barley shoot a blaster. I couldn’t even protect the one thing we both swore to protect. I’m just a liability.”
Din wanted to pull you into his chest, keep your back against him until you relaxed and remembered how much you fit together. How were as much a part of his clan as Grogu is, and his alpha was angry that he couldn’t do more than that. But you were shoving all of it out. Keeping your omega locked away and were you on the Crest he’d be tempted to go searching to make sure you didn’t hide any blockers.
But it wasn’t that, which means you pushed him out but still felt all the pain. You weren’t numb and Din’s hands flexed in tension at the thought that you might be distressed enough to go back. He hated them, but he hated seeing you like this too.
“If I didn’t think you were a liability before, I’m not going to start thinking it now after everything you’ve learned.” He kept pushing, even if you turned his alpha away that didn’t mean Din didn’t have his words to get through to you. “You alone aren’t the difference between our clan being together and ships of storm troopers outnumbering four of us. They were going to take him no matter what and if that’s on you it’s double on me.”
Mouth slightly open with your teeth gritted you didn’t have the energy to just let the words slip off your tongue. You should ream him out for even suggesting he’s to blame at all. But he had other ideas it seemed. “Besides, not sure I’d call two perfect shots, one a killing shot, not being able to fire a blaster.”
Alright maybe you could admit you cracked half a tiny smirk. Over your shoulder his warmth inched a bit closer, not enough to feel pressure but were your sleeves bare, you’d feel the cool press of his beskar. “Still doesn’t mean I have anything to offer here. Between Mandalorians, mercenaries, whatever Cara’s up to these days, I’d just get in the way.” Back straightening as you breathed deeply your hands dropped down into your lap. “We’re all here to recuse Grogu, I just can’t see myself having any way of helping that.”
The air between you both was quiet for a moment, leaving your mind just stagnant enough to jump at the gentle press of Din’s hand on your lower back. Just his fingertips as they tapped their way up your spine. Din reached your shoulder blades with hesitation before moving down again. Pattern repeating.
“I didn’t ask you to come with me that night because I thought you’d be useful.” Your heart jumped but was caught in his gloved hands. “I wanted you to leave Navarro with me, because I just wanted you with me, with us in general. I just wanted you around and you being useful was just a bonus.”
Your eyes flickered to a meaningless spot on the floor when shivers spun under your skin with a silent stuttered gasp. Din’s hand finally breached your shoulder blades before his large hand smoothed up and firmly held the back of your neck. Not squeezing, not guiding, not anything. Just keeping it there as you're presentation screamed at you to do whatever he wanted.
He used his grip to guide you to look up at him properly. Sometimes making you wonder if you should wish you could see his face, knowing he had features under his visor that you could feel calling to your heart. But you never did. His helmet was apart of him, like never seeing his face was accepted even if he gave you everything else. Din got to look as much as he wanted at you, and oh did he ever take advantage of the fact that you wouldn’t be able to tell he was staring.
His touch was a cheat. A shortcut to slashing through the put up walls and gently graze over your heart like a bond. For the moment, you think you were okay with that. “Better hope you’re right. Going to take a lot of odd jobs to afford a new Razor Crest.”
Just one more bit to add to Din’s collection of evidence. Didn’t even question what kind of ship he’d consider looking into. You never judged the Crest either, it was home to you as much as it was to him and Grogu. Din’s thumb started stroking over the back of your neck gently, not thinking about it. “It’s fine. I can always guilt Peli into finding me one for cheap.”
You smiled at that, head dropping back into the wall without sacrificing his touch. “Likely. You’re good at that.” It was easy to feel Din raising his eyebrows at you. “At getting people to do things for you. In a good way, I mean.”
Steps suddenly descended the room, but Din didn’t bother pulling away as quickly as you tried to jump back. Only turning to see the approaching Fett did he stand up, offering the same hand to you. “We all set?”
Fett nodded, his own helmet’s modulator warbling his own voice made you wonder if Din’s sounded as smooth if you heard him totally bare. “Dune’s heading out now. Shouldn’t take her long, droid security systems aren’t exactly top notch.”
Din turned to you, “Head out there first, he probably won’t recognize you from far away.”
Fett’s head tilted in question slightly, his gaze turning to you as you explained. “Last time he saw Mando might have left an impression.” Which was putting it lightly. The cockiness of Mayfield’s attitude last time was almost as unbearable as Xi’an herself, but if he was your best shot then at least dragging him over before he spots Din lessens the chance he runs.
Heading out, you weren’t quite aware of it nor did you think twice about the small encounter but something deep was brewing in Din’s alpha instincts. Fett had gestured for you to head out first, but you had stopped to look at him for a moment.
A genuine look on your face as your eyes glanced innocently over his armour. “Something on your mind?” His voice almost in a bit of mocking, but you either didn’t notice or ignored him because you never bothered to wait for his response once you spoke.
“Sorry, no just,” Your chin jutted out to the armour before making eye contact once more. “It looks good like this. Your armour.” You had no clue of the thoughts flying in Dins mind trying to recall how you reacted to his new armour that day. If you were just as impressed, or in what Din knew was a very alpha presenting possessive feeling, hoping your omega was more then impressed.
Fett watched you for a moment, “Thank you.” Hard to tell, knowing the man for so little time but you wondered if the tone he sounded like was surprise. Like he didn’t get innocent compliments on things like his armour that way.
Joining Fennec you finally formed a little smirk with a shrug. “No insult to the Marshal, but it looks far better on you then it did on Vanth.” He chuckled deep beside you as you three walked out. The camp tossed with junk and scrap but you could only figure at least it had open sky and air unlike what you knew their cells looked like.
“Beskar belongs to Mandalorians for a reason, we simply wear it better.” That got a chuckle from both you and Fennec. The three of you now watching Dune approach with the man himself. You were not to say you were intimidating in the slightest, but it did feel far better on the other side of a threat then when he had been near you last.
It felt even better when for a brief second, Mayfield saw you beside a Mandalorian and almost flinched back, but relax. Laughing off the mistaken identity to only pale at the sight of tall silver walking down the ramp.
You had to give it to Mayfield, he cooperated pretty easily and without being as insufferable as he was the last time around. He and Din had little to nothing to say to each other initially, both of them too on the air of stubborn for pleasantries.
The two of you had shared more then one uncomfortable stare downs, first of which occurred when explaining the problem. Cara gestured over to where you and Din stood together, “They have their kid.”
You were completely unsure if the wave of tingling warmth, flooding your throat with some overwhelming emotion you couldn’t place was you or not. Objectively, it was from both of you, hearing someone so casually refer to Grogu as both of yours, and Mayfield’s instant response like he didn’t have to take a minute to figure out who. “The little green guy?”
For a second he caught your eye considering there was little chance he would attempt that with a black visor, he defaulted to you. Only you were far less unsure of yourself. Arms crossed over your chest wit eyes wide and sharp gauging how much you trusted him.
You could remember clear as day, the condescending tone of his voice calling Grogu a pet and the quick second he pretended to drop the baby to the ground. All to just get a rise out of Mando. He held more genuinity this time but it was a task to determine if it was real or just because this was better then labour.
Possibly getting your answer as you all landed down on Morak, sneaking an overhead look of the Imps mining hub. He kept peeking over at you and it just snapped at your already increasing anxiety. “What, Mayfield?”
Almost taken back at your tone, his head flinched back and shook like nothing was wrong. “Just, you know, you seem different then last time.”
A push at something inside you, not the time. How you felt wasn’t important you wanted Din to focus on any and everything but you. “Maybe because I’m not working with a bunch of backstabbing scugholes.”
Din’s head turned just the slightest from his place just ahead of you, not enough to make any kind of eye contact but yours flickered up to him just enough that both of your chests fluttered in reach. His old crew wasn’t kind to you and standing up for yourself was far more of a new thing. A new thing build off the confidence he’s guided you too.
Also, possibly having a blaster at your side might be a contributing factor.
Kneeling on one of the rocks, you couldn’t shake off the inevitable that Din was going to tell you that you weren’t going in with him. Someone had to scan themselves into an ISB terminal and having your face both in and around Imps and showing up in a New Republic register likely was low on the list of things Din wanted to put you into.
“We don't have time. Fennec will go.” Just as you predicted, last time you had no choice but to be left alone with his crew and yet now that the backup was people he trusted? After already opening up about your insecurities, he still was going to side line you.
“No, I'm wanted by the ISB. I'll trip the alarm, too.”
“Let’s just say they might recognize my face.”
Oh isn’t he the comedian all the sudden. You turned around to look up at Din and for the first time you felt truly compelled to obey some silent order. Your omega bound by duty turning back in silence as they discussed behind you. You’re not even sure what they said, you couldn’t move past it.
Din just used his presentation to compel you to obey his alpha. He knew you were ready to turn to him and volunteer, your reputation clean and unknown but he denied you of your own kind. You don’t think he’s ever done it before, not to you at least.
You stood behind, looking at Din going back and forth quietly with Mayfield unable to move. You weren’t just accidentally useless right now, he didn’t want you to make yourself of use here, but maybe, it had to be him. Grogu is his, his son, and regardless if you were here or not, Din would do all of it and more to recuse his own.
It was hard to figure out, neither of you had time to speak before they both had to leave. It was now or never to get those coordinates, but now it left you with the company behind. Your mind spinning with the same thoughts and more as your trek back to the ship was silent.
Fennec and Cara it seemed found endless things to talk about, two very different kinds of ideology with one on the side of the law and the other working outside it’s boundaries. Fennec was happy to sling as much back at the woman as Cara gave her grief for.
You hadn’t even considered how lost you looked until just outside the ramp of his ship did Fett stop to seriously consider you. His built entirely different then Din’s yet it stood just as tall and imposing as your own Mandalorian.
Something about his gaze unnerved you though, like he saw right through you without needing to dig his way into your mind first. You tried nodding and moving past him, but he had other ideas. “It’s been a long time since I’ve met an omega.”
Feet stopping in place as did, for a second, your heart. Skipping a beat and your mouth ran dry you turned your head just enough to show you were listening.
Fett was much closer now, his presence behind you felt overwhelmingly powerful compared to your own presentation. Something you only had fleeting brushes with, on another. A gloved hand trailed over the back of your neck and fluttered down to the faintest mark on your jaw.
Something no one else saw anymore but two others. Chills brushed down your spine as he traced over the remnants. “How about we talk in private? I have more than a few questions about an omega trying to hide a slave brand on her own neck.”
Fett nudged you forward with a hand on your lower back. It felt different then when Din did it. It wasn’t fear or worry that you felt beside him, but something about such a familiar touch only tore at your omega’s heart. An open wound which wanted to be healed from by the same touch that so soothingly grasped the back of your neck just hours before.
Watching him was almost fascinating. Din’s covert was much like him. Abided by the same creed and beliefs but firm in their extremism. Never occurring to you that it may stand out to others negatively until you met others who disagreed. On one end there was Din people and on the other there were those like Bo Katan who you couldn’t say left a good taste in your mouth.
Boba Fett was an odd one though. You knew of him by name as a bounty hunter but little else until days ago. Already striking you as different. Bo Katan and her crew only wore their helmets in use of battle and little else, but while Fett had taken it off a few times in the confines of his own ship you still had seen him wear it more often then not.
Leaned up against a wall, you crossed your arms around your stomach as he fussed with some controls to the side. “Were you born into it?” Your brows narrowed in question as he pointed to your neck, moving quickly you covered it with your hand instinctively. “The mark. You’ve done a good job at hiding it but I’ve been around the galaxy more then enough time to recognize that kind of brand.”
Your heart going just a tad bit faster, your hand dropped again to cross your other arm. Shaking your head slightly as a no, a faint hum passed just loud enough through his modulator. Luckily enough he seemed fine with running what felt like this interrogation.
“I assume Mando knows.” It wasn’t a question, but you nodded anyways. Fett still wasn’t looking right at you. Still occupying himself at the console. “He the one who freed you from it?”
Head shook no, but somewhere in the back of your throat you found a voice. “No it was- he met me just after. I was working for the man who did when we met.”
Deep chuckling filled the space between you as he finally turned to face you. “Mandalorians aren’t known for showing mercy to those who harm their omegas.”
Flickering over to the empty room, it gave no distraction. “I’m not-”
“You’re from Werda aren’t you?” You wanted Din here. Coaxing what he wanted to know quietly and gently whereas Fett is blunt and to the point with no chance to breathe in between. “You’re also part of his clan. I wager a man like him would leave a substantial trail of bodies to get you out of that world.”
What did- your hands dropped to your thighs, running your palms flat up and down their sides before creeping back up to cross once more. “He didn’t- it wasn’t like that. Isn’t like that.”
This must how Din’s bounties feel. That cold penetrative stare as you run down your ever failing list of escape options. Once again, he jumped around to an earlier question almost knocking you off finding your balance. “You don’t behave like someone from Werda.” Your eyes narrowed at him but he waved his arm to gesture to your blaster and the ship you stood in.
Slow steps pacing around the room as he spoke. “You run with a bounty hunter, you use a blaster, and you travel galaxies and star systems with the knowledge of how to fly and fix them.” A thud hit the inside of your head at the idea of Din telling him you knew how to fly a ship. Correction, you knew how to fly the Razor Crest and only in emergency situations. Not quite the skills of a pilot. But Fett continued.
“Little is known of what’s left on Werda, but I can say one thing. Your people are paranoid, isolated and violently opposed to technology thinking that could ever protect an omega alone. But here you are, on the other side of the galaxy searching for a foundling with two alphas who also happen to be Mandalorians.”
His stare was blank and despite being a few feet from you, stood still and unmoving. “I-” Head dropping your eyes shut briefly as you sighed out. “I was taken as a child, they just showed up one night and..I don’t know, that was that.”
“Who is they.”
Finding the strength to open your eyes, but not the will power to look at him. Eyes fixating on a meaningless glow of a light on the wall opposite to you. “I don’t know. Pirates probably, a few of the elders were taken but they separated us until we got planet side and I got sold off. Maybe one sniffed out an omega and realized I’d be worth a few extra credits. And so did everyone else apparently.”
Whirs of the ship surrounded both of you, plucking at your nails mindlessly you contemplated why it was that every Mandalorian you’d met had such a keen interest in your status as an omega. It didn’t make sense to you. “Why does this matter?”
Fett barley giving you an indicator he heard other then a slight tilt of his head, but you had enough experience from another quiet of his kind to know that was a request you elaborate. “All of you want to know about it. Like, I’m from some barley populated planet that doesn’t care about outsiders. Maker, the only person who even told me anything was my dad but that only because I would ask about our star system. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t even know about Mandalore or alphas, or anything.”
You both stared at one another for an uncomfortable amount of time, and much like Din, with no hint of what was brewing behind the mind in front of you. “People of Werda blame Mandalore for the extinction of our kind. Alphas spread across the galaxy to flee and omegas died without them.”
Crossing the small space between you both, Fett was slow and his voice was uniquely concise. “If you’re home was the last of the omegas, hidden away from the galaxy to protect them from the Mandalorians they see as responsible for a genocide.” Air between you charged with a strange buzz as he found himself now face to face. Leaning just slightly down over you as his large figure took up your senses inside. “Why would they hide on a planet that sits at the very edge of the Mandalore system if it’s people were to blame?”
Unsure if he even expected an answer, approaching footsteps saved the situation. Fennec and a slightly disgruntled Cara approached. Fennec and Fett immediately making way to the other, going over things like picking up where a conversation just left off.
Both of them turned slightly to the side enough to make sure you could follow it properly, but looking over at Cara poked something in your chest. Something that you couldn’t be sure even Din would agree with upon his return. Her eyes narrowed in question at you while you bit the inside of your cheek, arms crossed. “What?”
Deep breath, your shoulders squared as you found the courage to just voice your doubt. “You really just going to send him back like nothing happened?”
Cara, much like most of the people in the group was taller and larger then you. Save for Fennec, but she more then made up for height in impressive skill. Looking up at Cara though, you felt smaller then normal as she already looked annoyed. “He’s a prisoner, it’s where he belongs-”
“But he’s not in prison is he?” It wasn’t just her that was taken back. Fett had turned to look at you with a hidden away expression, whereas Fennec raised an eyebrow that sat above an interested but amused look in her eye. “You lied to get him out.”
Your jaw clenched but you didn’t back away as she took a step too much into your space. “I broke the law to help Mando, and you, to find your kid. Something I thought you’d be grateful for. And when he and Mando gets back, he’s going right back where he belongs, maybe a few extra privileges for doing what he’s told.”
“But he didn’t just do what he was told.” The last memory of Mayfield was someone who had nothing good to provide but threats and disrespect even towards someone he used to work with. But there remained something inside your chest that wondered how much punishment is worthy of the crime. A funny thing to wonder for someone who travels with a bounty hunter.
Cara opened her mouth to speak, but closed it. Matching your stance and crossing her arms she waited for you to get it all out. “Look, he didn’t have to help. He very well could have just turned the other way and serve out his sentence. But he didn’t. Before he couldn’t care less about Grogu but for whatever reason, he looked like he actually cared in some way.”
You could see a tick in her jaw, “What are you asking me?” When you didn’t answer right away, she got louder. “I have a duty to uphold the law now and you think, what? I should just let a criminal walk?”
She could get loud, but you didn’t knowing she’d hear you either way. “Weren’t you considered the criminal five years ago?” A growing tension in the air couldn’t be broken, and neither of the other two intervened.
Cara’s eyes were darker, much angrier that made your heart speed much faster. “I think maybe you’re letting your omega make decisions for you a little too much.”
Strikes at your heart, bravery and confrontation weren’t the life you chose, even with Din. “And I think maybe risking his own life just to help two people he has full right to hate should mean something.”
It was hard to pin down where this came from, but you were stuck at the genuine look on his face at being told Grogu was taken by the Imps. The glance he gave you and Din and a surprise in his voice that felt different.
Mayfield was still the same arrogant man, but he didn’t direct it to either of you this time around even though anyone else on that crew would have, tenfold. Getting Din to those coordinates isn’t a nothing job. Cara might not see it that way, but you did, and you hoped you knew Din in your heart enough to think he would agree.
The pair had trouble getting out though, interrupting your strange defence in an escape going wrong vert quick. Both women in place, and you finding yourself in a copilots seat of Fett’s ship as Din and Mayfield needed out fast as possible.
It wouldn’t occur to you personally that Fett had given orders to you that you didn’t even think about being able to do. His control console was very different, but functioned not unlike the Razor Crest in many ways. An old ship that was made for fire power and bulk that you, in emergency, seemed to grasp the basics of. Which wasn’t exactly the first time.
It was after Sorgan. The three of you found yourself being tracked by someone looking for Grogu and it like now, escalated quickly. You sat in the copilots seat, and despite their shots blasting the ship and the panic racing in your heart and throat? You just seemed to know what Din was doing, and what on the controls did what. He had begun not long after that, teaching you more of how the Crest worked directly.
Later Fett would mention it to him, and there was little mistaking the raging pride in Din’s chest at the comment. Pride that fought against the grumpy annoyance he also felt at how quick Fett was to point it out. Din grappled enough with how he wanted to treat you versus the possessive alpha within him towards you. He didn’t need another alpha pointing it out.
Seeing Din in their uniform felt uncomfortable, but something else was charged in the air. None of the irritated or combative words between he and Mayfield existed once they both got back. Just a quiet Mayfield giving a silent nod to him, and Din back as they both separated to get the hell out of Imperial armour.
Whatever that difference was, Din wanted to keep you inside of it. Calling you to him despite the very privacy being provided. In a silent room, you turned away completely without question. Listening to the slow sounds of Din tossing one aside to put on his proper helmet before saying your name.
The deep soothing nature of his voice flooding you with a reassured warmth once more. Turning he was just in his flight suit and helmet, slowly putting on some of his beskar already as he tilted his head up to look at you. “Want to give me a hand?”
The speed in which you perked up should have been embarrassing. You nodded yes and very delicately knelt down to start from the bottom up for him. For someone who was usually quiet, Din was now naturally so. Muscles tense and stiff each time you gently grasped at him to secure part of his armour in place with slow careful movements.
Gently grabbing his chest plate, you looked up at him from your knelt position. A push through your walls gently brushed against your omega that flooded you. Yearning to treat him with care and do this just for him. Slowly standing up, Din’s hand hovered over your waist. Gloved hand flexing as he then dropped it back down with a sigh so deep it seeped through the modulator.
Your head looked up to him, wide eyes and worried in your veins at what happened. He had gotten Moff Gideon's coordinates, but something else entirely was eating at him. You swallowed hard, trying to keep down the urge to ask what he wasn’t ready to tell. Both your hands holding his chest plate you raised an eyebrow.
Din nodded once and watched once more in silence as you treated his armour with the same care only he or the armourer had given it. He kept quiet as he let you finish. Your eyes sharp and focused to make sure it was all in place and properly set. Thumbs running over his shoulders you smiled lightly at him.
His fingers reaching out to finally hold your waist, you couldn’t even dream of hiding how much your heart jumped. Glancing up you didn’t feel quite as brave to return his touch. Question on your tongue, Din beat you to your words.
“He’s seen my face.” Mouth dropping slightly, you felt cold all of the sudden. “The only way to get the coordinates was to remove my helmet and Mayfield saw. Along with everyone else in that room.”
What could you possibly say, this wasn’t your world but it was his. Something that meant so deeply to him and that’s how it happened? You reached out, hands pressing against the chest plate you just put on him, with Din’s other hand resting on your hip as you stepped an inch forward. You wanted to reach up, stroke the side of his helmet like it was him underneath, but no. Why dare touching it for any need now of all times. “Your-”
This sigh was lighter, but still audible in your closeness. “There wasn’t anything I could do without risking losing everything.” His voice weaker, “I was just sitting there,” Din’s voice broke in away you never heard.
A crack that wavered and his hands on you tightened. Heart breaking you didn’t even try to stop this time. Your hand sliding up his chest, gently tracing the cowl on his neck before your fingertips reaching up onto his helmet. He didn’t tense though, not with you, not at your touch. Standing more on your toes, you finally curved around as if to rake your hand through his hair and pulled him down.
His hands impossibly tight as the coolness of his beskar rested against your forehead. You think he said something in Mando’a, but it was so under his breath you likely only heard it due to how close you were to him. “Din,”
Oh the way his heart reached out and wrapped around yours at the sound of his name on your lips. Like a lifeline that he still refused to let slip away. “Can you tell me what happened?” Moments ticked by while he collected whatever stormed inside of him all as his alpha held you to him both in your heart and by his touch.
Nodding, he quietly talked you through it. The conversation with Mayfield, standing in front of the terminal with Grogu’s life in his hands and the terror that overtook him at the prospect of losing him overriding the fear of someone seeing his face. “It shouldn’t be about me, if Gideon gets away I’d never be able to find him, I’d never see him again. It was the only thing I could do.”
Not once did he let you leave him, going as much as to pull you closer when your body wavered back unconsciously. He never let go of you, and you kept his forehead against yours. The other hand still resting halfway on his chest plate, the other toying with the material underneath. “Mayfield’s why they went on alert.”
No doubt Din could see your face twist in confusion. “He,” A sigh left him while the sensation of pulling grazed your waist. “He shot the officer, which started a firefight in the whole room until it was just the two of us left.” Your shirt pulled up the perfect space for Din’s hand to slip underneath. His grip much tighter now that he could hold the plush skin he found. “Everyone who saw me.”
Questions danced, but were kept behind the fence. Let Din get there in his own way. Telling you how he gave back the helmet he had removed, eyes kept off of him until it was back in place. Mayfield trying to assure him that he never saw his face.
His thumb rubbed back and forth over you. “It doesn’t work that way, but..he didn’t have to do any of that.” Hand on your hip curled to your back to pull you into his chest more. Making your hand slide elsewhere, cupping where the skin of his neck would be were it not hidden away. “Could have let us walk out quietly, but he didn’t. Everyone in the room who saw me, except for him.”
“But he tried to respect your creed the only way he knew.” Your whispers hit his visor but your eyes slipped shut. Allowing his touch to overtake you, leaning fully into him as there wasn’t a restrained distance anymore. Just a warm comfort of the others arms.
More quiet passed between you until he spoke once more. “I’m sorry.”
Your brows narrowed and tried pulling away, his beskar leaving your forehead but his hands refusing with much more pressure to keep you pressed to him. “For what?”
“For all of it. First we lose Grogu then I don’t even let you try to help.” Vaugley you could feel his other hand also slipping under the bottom of your shirt. “I removed my helmet, and the person who lived to remember it wasn’t Grogu or even you.”
Heart swirling in your chest, you looked at the darkness behind his visor with emotions akin of anger without fully committing to such an intensity. “Okay first of all, please don’t apologize to me for Mayfield being the one to see your face and not me. That is not why I’m here Din.”
Both of your hands cupped the sides of his helmet where his cheeks would be. “This is as much you as whats underneath. Sure sometimes in the dead of night I’m curious, but it’s not who got to see it that matters. It’s that anyone seeing it at all matters to you.”
Your chest compressed tightly, was it your own pain or that of Din’s begging for support before he crumbles under the weight of his greatest fears. “Din, if he told you what might happen why didn’t you just let me go for you?”
Suddenly that support transformed itself into something threatening to spark ablaze. “I was not about to let you walk into an Imperial base and have them, or the new republic, know what you look like.” It wasn’t just that though, both of you knew so much more sat behind his reasoning.
“And it needed to be me. Grogu- he’s done enough for me. So if that’s what needed to be sacrificed to rescue him, fine.” One of his hands lifted up, making your hands drop down to his waist as he cupped your cheek the way you mimicked for his sake. “Putting you in danger so we can save him isn’t right, Cyra’ika. Being a Mandalorian isn’t just about identity. Grogu’s my foundling, and we put foundlings above all else.”
Each time to tried to give him space, he rejected it. Keeping you against him as his thumb ran over your cheek, down to your chin and tracing over the fainted mark that had earlier been the source of your interrogation. “So what happens now. With your creed? There’s a way to fix it right?”
From what you understood of his people, the creed wasn’t just a word or bond it was their belief, their livelihood. As much of a religion as their culture was. “There are. Mandalorians are stronger together, but I’ll need to be honest. At some point, she’ll ask, and I’ll have to answer to it.”
She being The Armourer. “But there is a way to prevent you from being kicked out?”
Din nodded as the painful waver begun to settle in his voice., “Yes. But it won’t be easy, Cyra’ika. Do you remember what I told you about Mandalore?” Nodding once, your lungs tightened at what might be to come. “Then you know how dangerous it will be. But not until we get Grogu back.”
Hear reaching out to him, you looked hopeful. “We get him back, and then we do this together. All three of us.” It was Din’s turn to nod at you. Leaning in to your face as if wanting to see past whatever his helmet displayed and look into your eyes.
It felt odd rolling so quietly off your tongue, but the need rushing through your veins spoke of hope that it didn’t sound as stupid to Din. Understanding exactly what he was telling you. “This is the way.”
“This is the way.”
Landing down to pick up Fennec and Cara, you felt somewhat annoyed while seeing the calm understanding between Din and Mayfield. It wasn’t your place to speak on it in front of them, but as the three of you stepped off the ramp it hung in front of your face.
“Well, looks like it’s back to the scrap heap.”
You watched Cara and she watched you back. The offended standoff she felt earlier seemed to have melted down somewhat. You could hear Din thanking Mayfield for helping, but you and her looked at each other the entire duration until he spoke.
“All right, Officer. Take me back.”
Cara managed to tear her eyes away from you, face softer then before as she looked at him. An expression that reminded you of your time on Sorgan. The version of her more carefree and having forgotten the world is harsh enough. “That was some nice shooting back there.”
Standing adjacent to Din, you felt both of your hearts once again wrap around each other. What it meant for both of you in the future could be nothing, but even feet apart in silence? You loved being able to let yourself feel him, and let your omega fantasize of what the warmth of an alpha could be.
“You know, it’s too bad Mayfield didn’t make it out alive back there.”
Eyes set and narrowed, you met a glance from Cara before she turned to Din. “Yeah, too bad.” So maybe it wasn’t just the weakness of an omega wanting to give sympathy. Din may have not agreed before, but he did now, and you know why.
“Looked to me like prisoner number three-four-six-six-seven died in the refinery explosion on Morak.”
Biting you cheek, you could have laughed at the confused look on the mans face that switched almost instantly to a shocked glee. “Does that mean I can go? ‘Cause I will.” Between the pair of them, he got the message you hoped Cara had previously gotten.
“Alright..okay.” Mayfield moving to leave, looked at you first.
Perhaps it was the thankful shine behind your eyes that said something or maybe, he just understood it was different this time. He had done enough, and you too, were eternally thankful. Mayfield could be a condescending loud mouth, but maybe something inside his soul had humbled.
Neither of you three felt like a goodbye was in order, but left with a respect which wouldn’t be forgotten.
Once again on your own, the next question was where and what to do next. Jumping right to Moff Gideon could be a mistake as you were now. It could be done, but just maybe there was another kind of help that would benefit from taking over his light cruiser.
It wasn’t going to be easy though. Not for you, not for anyone. She was a Mandalorian, she knew Moff Gideon and had reason to go after him. But if Mayfield had become a strange sort of ally to your group, Bo Katan was far more an adversarial participant. You didn’t like her and neither did Din.
The first words that came out of her mouth was to call Din’s people a cult, act like they were the crazy ones for how they followed the way of the Mandalore. On top of that, all you and Din had asked of her is to help them find a Jedi. Give you a name or a path and go your separate ways. But she didn’t even have that much honour.
Forcing Din into helping their own cause, changing the terms of the deal on a whim and having no respect for how little honour she showed him. You also didn’t like the way she looked at you.
“You’re an omega,” she had made to step towards you only to have your body pulled more behind Din as he leaned threateningly over her. He had no patience for her at that point and kept asking questions no matter how often you both turned it down.
“Where did you come from” or “Who was your family?” As if she knew anything or cared about it. The asking made you uncomfortable in a way not even Fett’s later vague ones made you, but they just angered Din.
One point telling her, “She’s not part of the deal, got it? No more questions.”
The look the woman had given you was smug, and it turned every part of your omega onto a skin crawling alert. Like she knew something you didn’t, but unlike what that felt like with The Armourer, Bo Katan had joy in your unknowing.
It was only the three of you who sought her out. Din, Fett and yourself tracking her down to some planet where she sat in a cantina with the other Mandalorian you met back then. Koska. She didn’t ring an alarm in your head the way her leader had, but there was some level of animosity that bloomed from the existing one above her.
Her sitting there, both of them without their helmets as you walked beside two others who kept theirs on. Even though Fett didn’t seem to adhere to the same code of Mandalorians that Din does, he wore his more often then he didn’t even now.
Bo Katan bragged that her armour had been in her family for generations, stating her name and clan like it should mean the reverence she expected. You heard no such bragging from either men you travelled with now. Too much spun in your mind to make way of what you even had been trying to tell yourself but it sat uncomfortably in your stomach.
She didn’t start well either. Managing to only tell her they need her help and she already looked smug dismissive. Pretending she yielded such a higher then you demeanour that you suspected she demanded from the likes of Koska and others who followed her. “Not all Mandalorians are bounty hunters. Some of us serve a higher purpose.”
You felt Din’s alpha reaching for you, trying to put out what flame erupted no doubt the moment the woman came into sight. He spoke before you had the chance to lose patience with her. “They took the child.”
Only for a second did she look sympathetic to his plight. “Who?” Only for it to dash the moment Din told her Moff Gideon. Her face slithered into something darker, twisting her eyes into a hate that ran through her blood as she turned away from you. “You’ll never find him.”
Did Din grab your wrist to stop you from reacting or for himself?
Fett was also, not a fan of her. Leaving his history more vague without leaving out his disdain for her and the kind of superiority he said was pathetic. “We don’t need these two. Let’s get out of here.”
So keen on having the last word, Bo Katan turned in her seat. Disgust all over her face like the sound of his voice triggered something gross and hateful inside. “You are not a Mandalorian.”
You had to give it to the man, he just looked back at her with the tone of a parent lecturing a child of the obvious. “Never said I was.”
Koska was the instigator this time, unlike Bo Katan. Who was perfectly content to sit and talk down to a man who had already done far more to help your plight then her and let someone else defend her. “I didn’t know sidekicks were allowed to talk.”
He turned fully to her this time. His deep chuckle vibrating in your bones as he slowly moved towards Koska rising to her own feet. “Well, if that isn't the Quacta calling the Stifling slimy.” Koskas own face narrow and threatening as she stood tall somehow did nothing compared to the calmness in which Fett stood in front of her.
Difficult to say if it was an alpha thing, or just a trait both him and Din just so happened to share. A feeling still had yet to leave you though, this superiority that you hated just as much last time permeated now as you stood here asking them to help you both rescue Grogu. Instead both of the women were content with insults and mid slinging.
Din’s hold on you had his thumb pressing against your pulse with more force. His presentation trying to pull yours with him. Your emotions and senses were becoming harder and harder to contain, and it wasn’t Din alone who was feeling your omega more and more. Your muscles were tense watching the three of them.
In the same instance, Din’s thumb pressed down harder on your pulse, filling you with the same feeling that had been given when he has holding the back of your neck as Fett turned to you slightly. Enough to the side you could find his attention as another similar sense blew into you like a wind, “Easy there, little one.”
Din’s thumb rubbed back and forth over your wrist now, like an obey of calm you were unable to fight between the both of them. Keeping you on two feet once more you looked to Bo Katan, already watching you. Finding the strength to respond to her own dismissal seconds before. “We already have. We have his coordinates.”
She didn’t care about Grogu, she perked up at only that. “You can bring me to Moff Gideon?”
Let him speak for you this time. Din was calmer in situations like this. No one’s life was at stake in this very moment, so his voice of negotiation could pander to the subject cleaner. “The Moff has a light cruiser. It could be helpful in your effort to reclaim Mandalore.”
Your mouth upturned in a slight smirk the same instance Fett turned to him in question. “You got to be kidding me. The Empire turned that planet to glass.”
And just like that, the goodwill being worked up to was dashed at Fett simply speaking or existing in front of her it seemed. “You are a disgrace to your armour.”
His voice was much more threatening, Bo Katan having struck a cord which held no shame of being exploited. “This armour belonged to my father.”
“Don’t you mean your donor?” If her voice was disgusted, then her face was moreso. Not having the knowledge these people all did, certain dots didn’t connect on details right away but there was a hate in her soul that sat heavy inside your chest. “You are a clone, I’ve heard your voice thousands of times.”
Fett stayed calm, but just like Din was more threatening the more low and still he spoke. “Mine might be the last one you hear.”
The fight that broke out was in Bo Katan’s name it seemed. Koska attacked not her. Brief seconds did she have the upper hand only to be taken away. Months with Din beside you made you anything but a fool. Fett was holding back, and you had already seen the man himself in action to show this hardly even quantified as trying.
Din pulled you into him with a yank. Turning his body to face the two as his hand held you halfway behind him with a tight grip. It didn’t last long as the mighty leader came to her senses. “Enough, both of you. If we had shown half that spine to the Empire we would've never lost our planet.”
However, you found Din unwilling to move you out from his protection. You turned with him as she finally took a stance. “We will help you. In exchange, we will keep that ship to retake Mandalore. If you should manage to finish your quest, I would have you reconsider joining our efforts. Mandalorians have been in exile from our home world for far too long.”
“Fair enough.”
Not done yet, she had even more of a request which didn’t just mean nothing to you, but do Din this time as well. “One more thing,”
If you could only have one word to describe what swam in her eyes, it would be greed. The virtue of altruism fading away for the facade that it was and wanting only for herself. “Gideon has a weapon that once belonged to me. It is an ancient weapon that can cut through anything, almost anything. It cannot cut through pure beskar. I will kill the Moff and retake what is rightfully mine. With the Darksaber restored to me, Mandalore will finally be within reach.”
As if thoughts could be shared between two people, both you and Din felt within the other that essentially none of that made any sense to you, nor did either of you are. Her problems weren’t shared with the two of you. “Help me rescue the Child and you can have whatever you want. He is my only priority.”
The first time you ever shot anyone was for Din. Navarro was chaos, guild members and Mandalorians were all over the place and it all was for two people. One of which you had barley even met mind you.
He had shown up with a child. A small thing, only a baby with large green ears and bright black eyes that looked around the streets in awe. You didn’t speak to them at that point, but you knew both saw you.
Rumours that Mando took on a dangerous job that paid handsomely for how lucrative it was, but you had assumed this little creature had been either left behind or found not the target itself. Less so that he initially was to be brought in dead. You finally spoke to Din once he came inside properly.
Dented red now replaced with shining silver that had your breathe caught in your throat. His gaze more then once seemed to find yours as you were filled with a contrast. Something about him always stood out to you, but the intimidating confidence in which he walked in with from the spoils of his talent had your blood rushing and gaze trapped.
Called away for someone and then working your sights right back on him until you knew for sure he was returning it. Swallowing hard your heart sped up as you looked up to him leaning over for a better look at you. Stammering over your words as much as your hands trembled around the glass you held. “Mando, you..” You swallowed again at his unmoving watchful gaze only for a compliment far less planned to slip past your lips. “The armour, it’s beautiful.”
Head tilting to the side, he hesitated clearly not expecting it either. “Thank you.” Without even thinking, he had reached over the bar, fingers grazing the mark on your neck much more red than it was in the present. “Looks like it’s healing well. The bacta help?”
Nodding you felt small in his touch, but not scared or humiliated like so many others wanted to do when so close. “It did. Thank you, I know you didn’t have much at the time. I can-”
His gloved hands still brushing your neck before your pause had him pulling away quickly. You didn’t know if he meant it, but a tad bit of humiliation set in regardless at the speed of his touches retreat. “I can repay you, not uh, not now I mean. Or right now, but I’ll pay you back next time your on world.”
Shaking his head no, he leaned away slightly. “No need, I bought them for you to use.”
Your goodbyes weren’t exceptional or anything, not knowing your talk could have been the last time you spoke in a long time. You called out to him, your eyes looking around either side as if looking for something. But you didn’t know what to say or how to say it. Something felt odd about it, but you didn’t know.
A world on blockers didn’t lend itself to intuition. You had wanted to ask about the child not being there, but you couldn’t figure out why. At that moment, he was happy you didn’t. Because the entire time on Navarro, he wasn’t sure if he made the right choice all the way up until he flew out of the Razor Crests pilot chair and took off to get him.
It was likely your omega who recognized the feeling. The pull of an alpha that resounded stronger as it begged for a bond unable to be provided by just anyone. But you didn’t realize he was an alpha yet, nor were you even aware of your omega begging to be listened to until she broke through the barrier enough to move.
Mando had taken the child back. The child was the bounty and he rescued him, or at least that's how you were looking at it. No one in the guild agreed, not even Karga the man who helped you find freedom. They hunted him, surrounded him and you stood helpless to watch until a sea of Mandalorians in numbers flew into the site. Gave him the time to get to his ship where you, for reasons hard to understand, went after him.
The child cradled in a blanket in his arms, he barley got to the ramp of his ship when someone came up behind him. He turned to the sound of footsteps but found a blaster shooting a hole into the man’s chest. Collapsing onto the ground, the view of you behind leaning against a surface as you looked wide eyed at not what you had done, but them.
He had risked everything to save the child then, and now was no different. The odds were stacked against him on Navarro but he had the numbers on his side from the beginning this time around. What they wanted with Grogu neither of you cared, he went to get him and as long as he was alive that was all that mattered.
Bo Katan stood quite proud of herself at the controls of the light cruiser. The once again smugness all over her very being as she revealed in the riches of something she didn’t gain on her own accord. You currently had been stood with your knees bent back, hands pressed against a bar facing the middle of the room sparing glances with Fennec.
You were better with a blaster then you gave yourself credit for according to her. Giving Din the promise to keep you at her side, but you didn’t hold her back. She was more skilled then you, all of them were but it wasn’t a hindrance. “Your aim was good, you took cover when it wasn’t and you backed us up.” A smirk formed when you both had stood by the doors. “You don’t have to be like me or Mando to be impressive. You’re doing just fine. For an omega.”
Passing by her with a flat expression you lightly nudged her shoulder with yours. Your eye roll held a playfulness as did her chuckle. Quite a life you went from. Trapped by the bonds of the slavers trade to standing beside mercenaries and Mandalorians unafraid of their danger.
You could only stand and wait. Din went to face Gideon alone, it was his quest. When the doors finally opened however, it should have been a time for celebration, but it only kept getting worse in ways neither you or Din knew.
In one arm, much like that day on Navarro, was Grogu. Tucked away in Din’s arms in one with the other holding what looked like a sword, but it buzzed and glowed a black colour menacingly. Holding it out he walked a now cuffed Moff Gideon who looked rather annoyed. An interesting emotion for just being captured.
He must be exhausted, Grogu. You saw him catch your gaze and only a small noise came out of his mouth before a little mumble of noises purred out of him. Stepping over to them as Din moved Gideon into Cara's hold, he pulled the blade back as if it were some strange morphed version of a lightsaber.
Bo Katan had turned to see them come in, only to have her prideful resolve shatter within an instant and now with the smugness transferred over to Moff Gideon now sat out on the steps. “What happened?”
You think Cara said something, but you didn’t even hear it. Your body now on the other side of Grogu you felt Din reaching out to you like before. Your hand grazed Grogu’s ears, rubbing back and forth as a little purr came out. Snuggling more into Din’s hold but his little hand reached out to you.
Grasping your finger as it came close, you stepped further into them and moved your touch to stroke gently over his head. Only it was Moff Gideon’s voice that pulled you back.
“That’s not what she’s talking about.” He looked from Din to Bo Katan, his look towards her less like the genuine one before and now taking a great glee in the sudden stiff and unreadable expression on her face. “Why don’t you kill him now and take it? It’s yours.”
He kept switching attention from Din to Bo Katan, but you had a feeling it had little to do with him and more to do with taunting her. Din asking beside you, “What is?”
“The Darksaber. It belongs to you.”
The weapon she mentioned wanting that Gideon had. You looked up to Din for a moment before he relented whatever this battle of wits was trying to brew. Holding it out to her, “Now it belongs to her.”
She couldn’t even look at him. Her head barley able to look at what he was offering as the Gideon’s enjoyment of whatever suffering this was to her grew. “She can’t take it. It must be won in battle.”
Neither you or Din wanted to play this game of power she kept insisting on then, and he certainly didn’t care now. He had what he came here to do in his arms. “I yield, it’s yours.”
Gideon though, chuckled and the hold between you and Din tightened at your matching and mounting frustrations. “Oh no, it doesn't work that way. The Darksaber doesn't have power. The story does. Without that blade, she's a pretender to the throne.”
Not all of what occurred clued in for a while. But in the quiet silence of the night days later did the pieces move into their spots. The Darksaber signified who held the power to rule Mandalore, but it could only be truly won in battle.
Gideon had it, Din fought and defeated him and now its his. Bo Katan wouldn’t just take it, the thing she wanted more than Mandalore itself waved in her face that the trade of owners wasn’t to her. In all likelihood, the man planned it.
Din mentioned he attacked him without provocation. Ensuring Gideon he only wanted the child, and even after letting him do so, still attacked. If he knew Bo Katan was on the ship, what was the chance he knew escaping without being apprehended was impossible? That he’d be captured and that he provoked Din knowing he couldn’t overpower such a fighter ensuring it would go into the hands of anyone but her.
Just another pull of this ongoing game that neither Din or you cared to be involved in.
If you were being honest with yourself in this quiet night, you didn’t want to think or talk about it. What happened next. It was a loss that slammed both you and Din with a painful loneliness despite still having the other.
You and Din left that cruiser that day without a home, without Grogu, and left only a relic of power status that Din neither wanted or cared for. What did happen though, was what led you to right now.
When Grogu had first been taken, you and Din were both aware that you were running out of suppressants and a heat would follow. One that a life on those very suppressants and blockers had never allowed for before.
Emotion however, when strong could kick start an omegas heat in the presence of a trusted or bonded alpha. You and Din never discussed what to do if that were to happen before, it just occurred and Din had to be the one to take the reigns and figure out what to do.
You were travelling with Fett, Fennec and Din when your insides felt like they were twisting. In the back of your mind this had been brewing for days but the more you discussed where you and Din would go the stronger it became until it felt like it was in your throat.
The ship plunging into a fire drenched ocean as you begun to sweat, lungs burned from the hot air that only existed to you. You think somewhere Din called for you, but could barley hear past the overwhelming scent that invaded your senses as he turned attention to you.
Legs failing, you found yourself crouched down to the floor breathing heavier and heavier as the burning started to feel like a need. Begging to never cool down less you perish from such a freezing agony.
“Mesh’la?” You weren’t even aware that you made a sound, but it came out like a mix of a cry and a whimper turned down to almost mute. The scent grew so strong until Din’s broad frame knelt down to your level.
A hand hovered wanting to sooth you, but Fett warned “Gentle, Mando. She’s overwhelmed, even a light touch could set her off more.”
Din nodded once as you looked up to him. Hidden behind beskar, you felt just as soothed as anyone would seeing his face. Finally he reached out taking your chin into his gloved hand as you shook in his touch. His hand burning hotter, but now it was craved.
Like his touch wasn’t anywhere close to enough, your omega begging you for more but unable to lose control through you. Breathing scattered, you tried looking him in the eye as he spoke. “Mesh’la I need you to tell me what you need.”
You shook your head as much as you could in his hold, trying to say you didn’t know but he was clear with you. “Fett will take us somewhere safe, but I need you to tell me if you want my help.” You looked as confused as you felt. “I’ll watch over you, make sure you’re okay and let you ride this on your own if that’s what you decide, but if you want me to help you I need you to tell me-”
“Yes, please. Please help, please don’t go-” You think you started babbling because a rush of command flew through you enough to catch your words mid sound.
“Omega. Look at me.” The hand on your chin slid up to brush this thumb over your cheek. “Say it clearly for me. If you want me to take care of you, omega you need to say it.”
It felt like a marathon trying to catch your breath enough, but you nodded. Looking at him, and a shaky hand gently holding onto the wrist near your face. “I want you with me.”
Din said something in the back of his throat you couldn’t catch. Either because the need in your head grew too loud or it was in Mando’a but he twisted his upper half to speak to Fett. At that point Fennec offered to handle the piloting.
Telling Fett that you might feel more comfortable with less alphas around her, and to her own amusement, claiming that maybe a female alpha was too much for her first heat.
Fett approached Din, who now was just keeping a hand on you, stroking your cheek or the back of your hair with gentle words. His own amusement on his face, knowing the man could read it through both of their helmets. “Not too late to take up my offer.”
Din grunted at him, and Fett chuckled deeply. Two low toned sounds that reverberated through your veins down into your core and had you clenching your thighs so much you could feel the tension in your stomach muscles. Fett didn’t touch you, but the tone taken was just like Dins.
Quiet and low, echoing the commands of an alpha to keep you calm. “Deep breaths, little one. The first is always the scariest.”
“For her or for me?”
It wasn’t easy for Din either. His alpha calling out to you, watching you first in pain and then in a desperate need that you’d been deprived of for a lifetime and now? Now you trusted him with your well being and it started to burn on his own inside in a different way.
He was more in control though. He’d been through ruts many times over, and now he had you to take care of. His alpha would know what to do, but consciously Din was terrified of doing you harm. “If you were going to hurt her you would have done so already.”
Din’s head turning to him slightly, “I know what I’m like during a rut. She doesn’t.”
“She’s an omega, Mando. Consciously she doesn’t know what she’s getting herself into, sure. But her presentation knows what to expect, and she’s going to need it too.”
His touch was a little less frighteningly warm now, but you couldn’t handle having Din leave your side. A little digging would later help you understand that a first heat Omega would sometimes reach out to a specific alpha to take care of them. One with a connection that they trusted with their lives, and it would often send that Alpha into a rut. The specific scent coming off you unknowingly designed for Din specifically, luring him in with it’s sweetness. The main reason why Din was struggling to keep himself under control, whereas Fett could push it down more.
That and neither men were vile animals who used their presentation as excuses.
You actually weren’t sure how aware of everything you were for a while. Whatever the location it was they were headed either was quite close, or you’re sense of time was a bit warped because it felt like you arrived there in minutes.
At some point, Din had gotten you to sit properly on the floor, back leaned up against something as your knees pulled into your chest. “Stay right here for me.” You had no energy to call him back despite the panic of losing his warmth encasing your chest. Your head lulled to the side to watch, Din and Fett standing in front of the other exchanging something in their hands.
Din tucking whatever it was away before shaking hands. Another wave of need flushing your system had your head dropping into your arms draped across your knees. His voice was quiet and soothing as he spoke almost directly into your ear. “Time to stand up, Omega.”
Looking up at him, your heart softened at the same time as your thighs clenched. His broad frame intimidating and alluring but it was as if you could see him beyond the helmet. His soft tone was so easy to imagine the gentle face behind it. Nodding, you tried pushing yourself up with a palm on the ground only to be swept up in Din’s hands.
Keeping you steady and tucked almost in front of him with one of his arms wrapped around and pressing his gloved palm into your front. If you were honest you had no idea what your surroundings looked like as you leaned back into Din entering what looked like a fortified kind of safe house but without any attempt at making it look homey or approachable.
Two main buildings, the smaller of which attached to the side that you later would find out housed a speeder bike. Then just thick grey and black material that had no windows. Apparently it wasn’t uncommon for places like this to be scattered around the galaxy, safe places for your kind. Typically now only used by alpha’s to run out their rut alone but worked perfectly for what you needed.
The insides were mostly rudimentary. A distinct lack of advanced amenities likely to help in keeping it easy to sustain. The light inside was soft and low throughout. Just one big room, and a small room for the refresher tucked away in the corner. Sitting you down on the bed, Din immediately knelt in front of you.
Gently pulling your hair away from your face, sticking to it from sweat. Reaching up, you took hold of his hand and just kept it in yours. Your small hands both barley able to fully encompass one of his own, but the quiet closeness now buzzed pleasurably in your veins with less panic.
Letting you keep one in your lap, he once again used the other to cup the side of your neck, tilting you to properly look at him. “If at any point you don’t want my help anymore, just tell me.” Shaking your head no, Din tightened his hold on you. “No, mesh’la look at me. Promise me you’ll say something if you change your mind.”
You think you nodded slightly yes, but you pouted looking up at him. His voice was far more tense then before, and his body stiff. No doubt being totally alone was cracking his gentle resolve. “Your rut-”
Trailing his thumb down, he brushed it over your bottom lip knowing you were unaware of how much he was staring at it. “This isn’t my first rut, but it’s your first heat. Doesn’t matter how far along we are, I’ll still be in control understand?”
Your eyes narrowed but you nodded. “I understand, alpha.” The gloves prevented you from really feeling the shiver travelling through his bones.
“There's one more thing. I can keep it on, but this will be a lot easier for you if I take the helmet off.” An idea clearly wrapping his brain but you had the idea.
Looking over to one of the wall lights, you kept your eyes on them while your hold on his hand grew tighter. “So, we do this...in the dark?”
“No.” The ferocity and volume should have scared you, but all it did was fill you with more need which in turn did the very same to Din. “No, I want- I need to see you. The lights stay on. “
The longer you sat there the warmer you felt, and the more uncomfortable your layers stuck to your skin. “So what do we do?” Your voice was basically a raspy whisper, but Din didn’t reply. Just lifted his hand up your face until his palm covered your eyes. Mouthing an ‘oh’, your breathing grew heavier at the idea.
“Tell me it’s okay.” You didn’t answer right away, so Din took his hand out of yours and trailed it to dance underneath the edge of your shirt. “Yes or no, omega. You going to let me blind fold you?”
“Yes, yes, anything.” His hand dropped instantly, and pulled away completely. A smug pride filling his chest at how desperately you reached out to him as he stood up.
“First thing’s first. Undress me, omega.”
Slinking off the bed you sat on your knees before him. Taking great care even in your state to slowly and respectfully take off each piece of his armour, setting it aside and moving up. Left only in his flight suit, gloves, and helmet, you let your fingers hover over the bottom of your own shirt. Din however didn’t have the same idea.
Grabbing your hands sitting them either side of his waist. “What did I say?” Moving to trace his hand over your jaw once more he brushed this thumb over your bottom lip only this time pulled it down. Just enough to have you gasp faintly in surprise, letting him slid just the top of this thumb inside your mouth waiting for your answer.
Muffed slightly against the leather you only felt more uncomfortable in how much you had on. “You first, alpha.”
He tilted his head down to you and you felt another shiver at what he wanted you to do. Gently biting down he pulled his hand free of the glove, and impatiently throwing off the other. His hands were just as large with them off.
The sliver of skin you’d seen before looked now just how you remembered, slightly dark almost like a bronze that were rough and calloused from a lifetime of harshness. How they would feel on your own skin consumed you and how much you just wanted him to get to it.
Din yanked the other glove from your mouth and tossed it aside as well. Filling in the space between you, it was his turn to hesitate. Hovering over you, he settled them smoothly on your shoulders as if not ready to feel your touch on his own bare hands in this sensitive of a state.
Heart pounding your fingers unconsciously tightened in your hold of his waist as he finally slid up. His fingertips only brushing the sides of your neck making you both lean closer to the other before finally he cupped both of your cheeks. Pulling you to look up at him, he strokes his thumbs over your skin as he muttered lowly. “I want to see you unobstructed, mesh’la. You going to be good for me while I blindfold you?”
Nodding, you didn’t trust yourself with words. The heat between your legs only would dominate your begging to not take his time with you, but you knew Din would never listen to that here. Sliding your eyes shut your hands slipped away as he moved around you to grab something.
You felt something soft covering your eyes as Din tied it behind your head snug. Maybe he should have asked something to ensure you couldn’t see anything, but he trusted you. You were being good for him, if you could see you’d tell him right away.
Fingers tensing at your side you couldn’t quite tell where he was until the coolness of his beskar gently met your forehead. He whispered something in Mando’a you couldn’t quite pick up before he pulled away. The hiss of his helmet the only sound until the light plunk of it joining the rest.
Inside you felt each other, but without any idea of what Din was doing until you gasped. Feeling hands grab the ends of your shirt as you felt what seemed like facial hair scratch against your cheek. Soft lips brushed your ear and Din’s free voice, so much more smooth and full of bass. “Arms up.”
You think he pulled your chest band off with it, the force of the tug to get them off in one swoop letting them bounce and the cold air making your nipples stand out. Your pants and underwear were next, also pulled down at once but this time he stayed near your bottom half for longer.
His breath warm on your mound and unable to tell that his eyes were dark and greedily staring at how you were so wet he could see it on your thighs and underwear. You whimpered when he didn’t come right back to you, but by the sounds of more fabric he was taking the rest of himself.
You tensed up, his hand on your hip followed by the other gently caressing your neck as he pulled you into him. His nose traced your cheek and your hands instinctively grabbed at his chest. Din let out a restrained moan and if you weren’t aware of his cock between his thighs before, the way it twitched and pressed even more against you did it now.
Running his nose down the length of yours finally you felt what you always thought of what he was this close. You could feel his breath hitting your skin as he was just centimetres from your lips. “Tell me you’re mine.”
Din sounded needy, not like a prideful alpha staking claim, but more the man you know. Desperate to know this isn’t your omega asking for him, but you. Just you and Din. So you nodded. “I’m yours. For how long you want me.”
Din grumbled in his chest before losing his calm will power. Pressing his lips against yours, you were almost thrown back into the bed by the force. His lips were soft but treated you so roughly. Always pushing and pulling, deepening the kiss and refusing to let either of you pull away. Harsh breaths only panting on one another as he allowed regardless if you felt lightheaded in his kiss.
It was as if the fire inside of you found it’s way into the open air and now burned bright between both of your hearts. Your hands ran up and down his chest, feeling out the scars and marks on them. Trying to map in your head which one it was or if you even knew about it. His shoulders were just as broad without the beskar, strong and large leading down to a softer stomach that twitched under your fingertips.
Din’s hands were far more greedy, running up and down your body as he wished and grabbing large handfuls of the softest skin you could give him. One of his hands grabbed your jaw, turning it away pulling your mouth from his. Not wasting time Din immediately pressed his lips to your neck.
Back arching with a gasp, you grabbed his shoulders with your nails digging in at the wet kiss he would cutter you up with only to drag his teeth up and down your neck as his facial hair burned to finish. You wondered if it was just a beard, or perhaps a moustache too but he blindfolded you for a reason.
He wanted you to feel him, not pretend as if you could see him. Trailing your hands up behind his neck and felt such soft thick hair at the ends of it. One slid up, running through what felt like curls but just as you scratched your nails into his scalp, Din bit down hard onto your neck moaning into the imprint he left.
If you could hear the things Din’s alpha was screaming at him, to just sink a little deeper and keep you all to himself for the rest of time. But he couldn’t, nor did his waking mind want too. You trusted him and he refused to take advantage of that. Doing or telling you certain things would only make Din feel as if he’s manipulated you into it.
Your heart raced so much it could have scared you if your need to be taken by him wasn’t the stronger feeling. Din grabbed the other side of your neck, leaving harsh kisses against it as he made his way to your ear. “I said I’d take care of you, mesh’la. Lay out on the bed for me.”
Reaching back you felt the cool sheets just behind your knees, carefully pulling away to kneel back on the bed. You weren’t sure which way was which after climbing up, so you sat obediently, knees tucked under you with your hands in your lap as your chest heaved in need.
The bed to the side of you dipped as Din joined, after a second grabbing your body and turning to make you lay down head relaxed against the pillows. There wasn’t much for two people, after all typically lone alphas would come to places like this but Din grabbed what food was stored. He couldn’t remember the last time you ate, and he wasn’t about to fuck you more than once without food in your system.
One hand held your outer thigh and pushed it just enough to let one of his legs slide up and press against your soaked core. Din’s nostrils flared at how wet you already were, the other hand of his fisting the sheets beside your head just long enough to control himself.
Your hands ran over his back as he ran his nose over your neck. “Din, please. Why won’t you just do it, please?”
A hum vibrated against you as he slid his body down, his hands grasping at your chest and groping with little shame. Kissing down the middle of your breasts he looked up to look at you. Mouth slightly parted and hair already damp with swear as you both ran hot. “Omegas are precious to Mandalorians, and I’m not making your first heat all about me.” His lips found one of your nipples, sucking enough to make it hard and then biting down on it. Your chest just arching into his mouth more before he dragged off.
The saliva between his mouth and your nipple made his cock throb that much harder. “Let me open you up first.” Looking down the string broke as he pushed both your legs wider. “Gonna take a lot more to fit my knot, omega.”
Din could be unpredictable at the best of times, and now was dialed up to eleven. Your legs burned not from the stretch of how far he held them, but from an aching need to either press them together to alleviate the fire inside or from how long he kept you on the edge. You jumped when you felt him press his lips to your mound slowly kissing a path down.
Pleasure clawed at your neck once Din’s lips pressed against your clit. So wet he didn’t even need to do anything to build up, Din sucked and licked at you with more vigour then he did your nipple. As if that was just a warm up. Your hands rose above your head and dug into the pillow as you moaned.
Din however, was not pleased. Pulling away Din hauled himself up your body to grab at one of your hands and sunk it into his hair, and slunk back down to pick up where he left off. The feeling of your nails scratching against his scalp making him groan into your pussy and cock grind into the sheets.
Licking inside you had him realizing just how much he could live there. It didn’t matter that he physically had never done it before, that would require him to trust any kind of physical partner to keep their eyes covered. A trust he only ever found with you. But he had thought and dreamt of you just like this for months. A scene that consumed him at night back on the Razor Crest, your back tucked into his chest he would close his eyes and dream of what this taste could be like.
But his cock throbbed more, and he had to control himself. He wasn’t going to waste this anywhere but deep inside you, not right now. Sitting up more, Din rubbed two fingers against your clit before sliding down inside you. You moaned his name out, and Din groaned at how soaking wet you were that he was met with no resistance.
You think Din was speaking to you in some mix of Basic and Mando’a. Sliding a third finger right inside as well he hissed at how tight you were around him. Not even four would truly prepare you but he couldn’t hold out for so long.
Your orgasm came to you fast, overwhelming your body and heating you up until the flame flashed outward and spread across your every nerve. “Please, fuck, I need you inside, please Din,”
There was no hiding the smirk in dripping in his voice as he kept thrusting his fingers inside of you, his thumb rubbing over your clit making you jump with sparks of pleasure. “I am inside you, cyra’ika.”
Your hands flew up, covering your face in a whine as he chuckled. Pulling one back to rest it beside your head wrapping his fingers with yours. “One more, okay? One more than we’ll fuck.”
Despite the filth, he gently leaned down to kiss you. Barley a peck and a brush of his tongue against yours before kissing your nose and cheek. Faster he thrusted them into you despite somehow keeping a slow pace rubbing your clit. The sounds around you were embarrassing you could hear your wetness just in his fingers.
Was this orgasm sooner then the last or longer? All you could feel was Din’s touch and your hand round the back of his neck under the flames of how overstimulated you felt. Just he had felt you clench around his fingers, Din slipped a fourth in just to push you over the edge.
You cried out only to have his lips and tongue keep it all to himself. Letting go of your hand to pull you up into his chest by your lower back as he fucked you through it until you shook around him. Pulling them out was just as cruel as it was necessary.
He didn’t bother to even try and keep you or himself clean, his soaked hand reaching behind your head and gripping your hair just enough to pull you up into his kiss as he sat back. On his knees with you in his lap his cock leaked precum and his own body running far too hot. He needed it, but he also needed you to be okay with it.
Keeping you on his lap your hands roamed the other as he barley let you go. Trying to pull back you weakly called his name, “Can I feel you? Please?” He nodded against you, unsure if his silence was purposeful or not. His large hand took yours and placed it on his chest.
Dragging down until you felt the coarse hair surrounding the base of his cock. You gently tip toed your fingers along the length that already was slick with his own precum but it felt like it kept going. He was long, longer than you you would have thought and your chest started to heave as your breathing and heart raced.
Trying to wrap your hand around it just mocked you, was your hand that small or his cock that thick? It felt warm in your hand, warmer so as his large hand covered yours. Tightening your grip and his own hand covering what you couldn’t reach. “Fuck, Din. Will it-”
“It’ll fit.”
Your body shivered, as your head dropped into his shoulder. He guided your hand up and down, feeling like your hand was just stretched out and it went on forever. Another aspect you didn’t know if it was an alpha trait, or if Din was just designed to drive you out of your mind.
If it were possible for his cock to get harder you think it did so right under your touch. His hand suddenly grasping the back of your neck like before in the ship. Pulling you to so he could see your face and kept his hold there. “Have you done this before, cyra’ika?”
You didn’t know what answer he expected, or if this response was the possessiveness of an alpha but as you shyly nodded your head yes Din practically growled. Pulled your hand off him and turning you in his arms. Pressing your back against his chest. “I- alpha I’m sorry,”
His teeth gritted and breathing heavily through his nostrils as he looked over your shoulder down the length of your body. His mouth next to your ear his voice was rasping and harsh shushing your apology away, “It’s alright, omega. Just means I need to fuck them out of your head for good.”
Moving you around you felt his cock slip between your thighs. Dragging it along your soaked entrance you clung your nails into the arm wrapped about your stomach. “Make me yours. Please,”
Were he not in a rut, Din perhaps would have been more gentle, but in one go he thrusted his cock deep inside of you. Dragged along the sensitive spots inside of you, you leaned back into him with a crying moan. He once again gently shushed you in your ear, keeping you calm if just to not cum inside you right away. His knot would be locked into you for a while and he was not doing that until he’s properly fucked you.
“Fuck, don’t-don’t clench around me like that, sweet girl. You feel so fucking good, give me a minute, okay?” What would you even say otherwise you were at his mercy. Your senses felt like they were underwater and the only thing keeping you alive was Din’s touch.
You didn’t even try not to clench around him, there was no such focus left within you. Your cunt full and stretched so wide around him it made you want to cry. Behind the blindfold it was entirely possible you already were. All you could do was wait for him, let Din pant into your neck and bruise your skin with how tight his grip was.
Muffled against you, Din all but growled. “You’re fucking killing me, sweet girl. Gonna fuck you dumb, bounce this tight cunt on my cock, fill you up until it takes,” You gasped out as he bit down on your neck the same instance he thrusted properly into you.
Barley letting himself get halfway out before you cried out his name like leaving anymore would end you. Your other hand reached the back of his neck as he fucked you. His cock dragging along your walls with little to no room.
His cock so thick it was made to only fill you. The arms round your waist moved to roughly grab one of your breasts, the sensitivity sparking you like electricity as his cock never gave you a second to catch your breathe. Each time he pulled out you gasped for air and it all left once more the second he pushed back in.
Rough, not quick but far faster then he intended for your first heat but you pleaded Din’s name like a prayer and it just made him pound you harder. The slickness between your legs was far more obscene then when it only surrounded his fingers. Each hard thrust had you just soak him even more as his own precum made the mess worse.
You couldn’t see, but Din could. That each time he pulled his cock out he was wet and already stained white and he hadn’t even cum yet. Each time he pushed back in you whined higher and higher and he could feel your entire body straining and tense.
Two hand suddenly took hold of your hips, and just as Din would pull out, he lifted you up, and slammed you down onto his cock as he trusted up. The slap of your thighs against his as well as the soaking wet sound as he fucks into you? No one knows which one of you lost your minds more to such a melody of sounds.
You felt your tits bouncing as Din himself bounced you up and down his thick cock. Your hands both clawing at the other as he left burns from his facial hair along your neck and jaw never settling a place to bite and kiss. “Feel that, mesh’la? How you were made just for me?”
You whined and nodded but he kept going. “My sweet, perfect, tight little omega. Exists just for me to fuck, don’t you? You’d be lost without your alpha here to fill you over and over again.” Your skin slapping together had Din gritting his teeth, once again looking down to watch your tits bounce and his cock slip inside you like nothing.
One of his hands suddenly slapped down against your clit. Jumping in his arms with a cry, he did it again. Each slap he pressed hard into your clit for a moment before repeating the process just one more time and keeping his hand there.
While you had your words stolen from you, Din had nothing but endless things to spit out. You could get him to admit anything with you on his cock if only you knew you held such a power over him. “I feel you, sweet girl. Want to come on my cock this time? Like my good, little omega?”
Nodding furiously you felt the tears push past your blindfold this time and the pleasure mounting inside of you. You were so close, but maybe you never even truly left. The coil inside of you burned white hot and the second you felt Din’s hand move from your clit to your throat it snapped.
Your entire body filling with pleasure and everywhere his hand touch burned so good. You clenched so much around him Din had to pound harder just to fill you to the brim each time. Your limbs felt like they tingled and your lungs tightened to nothing as you came around him still.
But there was something you wanted more then what he already gave you, “Din, cum in me. Please, please, cum in me. I’ll be good, alpha, I promise.”
Maker you wanted this man dead. The hand on your throat tightened as he tilted up and pressed his lips against you. No longer bouncing you on his cock, Din just pounded up into you with no rhythm or mean except rough and fast.
Your kiss was messy, saliva and tongue all mixing together as if needing as much of him inside you as possible. Memories of how often he had stood in the shower, palm against the tile and hand on his cock stroking rough and fast just like this thinking it was your mouth.
Only now that he had you, painting your throat with his cum was a dream to Din, but a waste to the alpha inside. Instead his tongue brushing inside your mouth had to do, and far too many times in this very room, also inside your pussy he couldn’t get enough taste of.
You moaned in short stutters into his mouth as Din’s orgasm snuck up and slammed him in the face out of nowhere. The burn inside you radiated as he stretched you further, his knot growing to keep himself tucked as deep as he could inside of you and just as a wave of pleasure swarmed you from it?
Din finally tipped over that edge. A hand slamming into your lower pelvis and pushing you back into his hips more as he came inside you. His cum warm and thick as it filled you, making you spark more like a zap. Barley given a chance to come down before he locked inside of you.
You leaned back into him and Din hid his face in your neck moaning loud both your name and babbles of Mando’a. Whatever you expected it wasn’t this but your omega was on cloud nine. His cum never ending it felt, like it spilled in you until you had nothing left but him.
You don’t know at what point he stopped, but your head was in the sky the more your thighs and cunt burned from the stretch. Din never let go of you or loosened his grip the entire time and you may have cried if he tried otherwise.
It was a while later your position was similar but far more intimate. Now tucked into the sheets, you lay back against Din. Your hand gently following his wrist as he fed you. Grumbling when you tried to convince him to eat more then a quarter of what was there.
His hands roamed you much more gentle. The bruises and marks on you stood out from how rough he was but it was far too noisy in his possessive mind to feel bad quite yet. The sweat coating both your bodies now cooling you just right before it inevitably burned bright once more.
“Din?” He hummed into your hair as answer. “What...what about after this? I mean is this just, only for your ruts?”
Large hands gripped yours. Unable to see the narrow bowed fallen expression that filled him with a hurt. He considered many options, but truly he was a man that didn’t beat around the bush. “I’ve wanted you just like this long before I even thought about my rut or your heats.”
Your chest filled with hope that felt almost childish considering how covered you were in his cum by that point. “So this- you want this more then just for ruts?” Din not that you could see, smiled at you.
Tipping your chin back slightly he pressed a gentle kiss to your lips. “I told you, cyra’ika. Mandalorians treasure their omegas for life. Especially ones like you.”
You both had much more to discuss, but it wouldn’t happen for another two days. Where to go, how to get there, what any plan was until you both agreed seeking the covert was the smartest move. Din knew things that to come out in the open at some point and no matter what the road to atonement ahead looked like it started with his people.
Din knew he had you, but what was too painful to talk about was how much he wished Grogu could be apart of this as well. But for now, there was plenty to get used to with each other in a whole new light.
The man couldn’t help but think that it spoke rather negatively of the palace’s former rulers, with what some of these people thought they could get away with. Boba Fett could admit he knew far less regarding the details of Bib Fortuna’s reign but from appearance it functioned much like the previous but without the influence or hold of substantial power.
The Elomin before him seemed to think they would be able to sway him first through bargaining only to resort to threats of violence when he had nothing of substance to offer in return of trade. Asking for protection and in return he would provide Fett with the promise of riches. “We offer a fair trade, and you turn your back on our history?”
There was little in the way of people around, making the modulator on his helmet sound like his voice echoed across the walls. His body turned halfway up the stairs to face the now irate looking visitor. “We don’t have a history. Whatever arrangement you had with Fortuna, ended with him.”
If it were possible for the creature’s red scale like skin to get even more red from fury, it would have. “I made a deal with Jabba, not him. But at least he had the honour to uphold that deal unlike you.”
Turning away, Boba Fett contemplated either just killing the man himself to spare from this complete waste of his time or have him thrown into the sand by force just for the humiliation. He had enough on his plate with the growing escalation with the Pykes. Petty greivences were on the bottom of his priorities.
“If I were anything like my predecessors, you would have been in the stomach of a rancor already for this disrespect.” The lack of reaction he was giving, likely only added fuel to the Elomin’s anger but he wasn’t one to fold. “If you want to be treated with the same respect, earn it. Otherwise you stay at the bottom like all the others who’ve tried me.”
For an empty space, there was a distinct lack of noise being made in the approach. Footsteps quiet and careful as they navigated to the source of the voice being sought out. The only ones passed paying them no mind, to them nothing stuck out about the individual. They typically never did to betas.
The Elomin had almost made it out of the room, a few paces up the stairs before he turned on the spot to look at the armoured back of the man. “Maybe this little war of yours will teach you what happens when you turn your back on your allies, Fett. Or I could just do it for them.”
Despite the hand on his blaster, Boba Fett seemed to move a second too slowly. A blaster shot fired out along with a staggered groan that muted into nothing. His body turning in an instant, weapon drawn, he saw the shocked bulging eyes of the Elomin.
His own blaster in his hand dropping as the life drained and a burning hole in his chest that quickly put the flame out inside them. Clearly intending to shoot him as if to prove some point. Slumping over onto the stairs and part of the wall, Fett could see Fennec come in from a hallway her own weapon drawn.
Lowering his blaster slightly, the Elomin suddenly pushed forward and flopped down onto the bottom of the ground. Following up from his body was a boot knocking it out of their path as they descended down the bottom few steps.
You had little on you but an over the shoulder bag and a blaster in your dominant hand. All three of you putting your weapons away, it was always hard to tell what Fett was thinking. Though judging by the knowing yet proud smirk slinking onto Fennec’s face you not only did them a favour.
But whatever the opposite of violent and unwelcome is, your presence was far beyond that for both.
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ladyxskywalker · 2 years
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OCT 2022 (part two)
fandoms featured on this list: triple frontier, pedro pascal characters, misc./multi. fandom
* coffee fund *
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✨ new authors & characters added for the first time !
✨ some authors are mentioned more than once throughout the list, check to see if your works are there !
✨ Commandante Veracruz
Kinktober, Mirror Sex by @flightlessangelwings (f!reader) **
✨ Ezra (Prospect)
Kinktober, Outdoor Sex by @flightlessangelwings (f!reader) **
Overstimulation Kink by @magpie-to-the-morning (f!reader) **
✨ Jack ‘Agent Whiskey’ Daniels
Howdy, Pumpkin by @magpie-to-the-morning (f!reader) **
✨ Javi Gutierrez
Breath Play by @chaoticgeminate (f!reader) **
✨ Javier Peña
Size Difference by @autumnleaves1991-blog (f!reader) **
✨ Joel Miller (The Last of Us)
Kinktober, Morning Sex by @flightlessangelwings (f!reader) **
✨ Oberyn Martell
First Time by @autumnleaves1991-blog (f!reader) **
The Light in Your Eyes by @lightsinthedistancee *
Worth the Risk by @the-blind-assassin-12 (cw: blood, injuries, pain, angst)
✨ Pero Tovar
Body Worship by @clydesducktape (f!reader) **
Stripping by @clydesducktape (magical au) (witch!f!reader) **
The Halloween Hit by @absurdthirst & @storiesofthefandomlovers (cw: violence, infidelity, divorce, pregnancy, major character death) (f!reader) **
✨ Max Phillips
Guardian Vampire by @absurdthirst & @storiesofthefandomlovers (cw: vampirism, drugging, alcohol) (f!reader) **
✨ Misc. Pedro Pascal Characters
Pedrotober by @imtryingmybeskar (silva, a strange way of life, marcus pike, ezra, prospect, marcus moreno, pero tovar, zach wellison, javi g, jack daniels, frankie morales, din djarin, & more) (gn!reader)
Winktober by @oonajaeadira (soft kinktober) *
✨ Benny Miller
Dry Humping by @clydesducktape (monster au) (f!reader) **
Kinktober, Floor Sex by @flightlessangelwings (afab!reader) **
✨ Frankie Catfish Morales
a/b/o by @clydesducktape (a/b/o dynamics) (alpha!frankie) (omega!gn!reader) **
Drunk Sex by @clydesducktape (monster au) (vampire!frankie) (f!reader) **
Love Bites/Marks by @clydesducktape (‘omega’!frankie) (assassin!f!reader) **
Thigh Riding by @autumnleaves1991-blog (f!reader) **
Witchy Woman by @movievillainess721 (plus size!f!reader) *
✨ Santiago Pope Garcia
Carving Contest by @dailyreverie
✨ Will Ironhead Miller
Breeding Kink by @clydesducktape (bodyguard au) (f!reader) **
Captain and the Siren by @rayslittlekitten (dad!will) (wife!f!reader) **
Making it Out Alive by @artemiseamoon (f!reader) *
✨ The Amazing Spider Man (Andrew Garfield, Peter Parker)
Don’t Leave Me by @softtdaisy
✨ The Batman (Alfred Pennyworth)
Coming Up Roses by @saradika (f!reader) **
Slip into Your Skin by @stargirlfics (black!f!reader) **
✨ Bridgerton (Benedict Bridgerton)
Gentle Stroking of Cheeks While Kissing by @starryeyedstories
✨ Charlie Hunnam Characters
Jax Teller
Not All Leaves Turn in Autumn by @rayslittlekitten (ofc)
King Arthur: Legend of the Sword
Dirty Talk by @autumnleaves1991-blog (wife!f!reader) **
✨ Interview with the Vampire
like the bonfire that burns (that all words in the fight fell to) by dragonlqrd on ao3 (lestat x louis) **
like a heathen clung to the homily by dragonlqrd on ao3 (lestat x louis) **
the blood is rare and sweet by dragonlqrd on ao3 (lestat x f!reader) **
✨ Marvel (Valkyrie)
Toys by @flightlessangelwings (f!reader) **
✨️ The Originals / The Vampire Diaries
An Act That Brought You Joy (series) by Merontheshore on ao3 (elena gilbert x the originals) **
Bienvenue (series) by @Merontheshore on ao3 (klaus mikaelson x doppelganger ofc) **
Labyrinth: A Bonnie Bennett x Klaus Centric Universe (series) by @artemiseamoon (bonnie bennett x klaus mikaelson) *
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** be sure to check out part one for more monthly fic recs including star wars, rogue one / andor, & moon knight
** if you are able, please donate to my little coffee fund link at the top of page ^^
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silver-pieces · 2 years
din djarin masterlist
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All Din Djarin fanfics. 18+ only.
Divider ❊ Guidelines ❊ Masterlist ❊ Taglist
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Mandalorian’s Mercy - incomplete ~ latest update 12/12/22 ~ You are an omega, captured by the Mandalorian for your bounty. (alpha!Din x (afab) omega!fem!reader)
Oneshots & Drabbles
Warm Season - 28/03/22 ~ Din knows how to wash out blood stains, which is good, because your period has come early. (Din x (afab) gn!reader)
In Charge - 18/08/21 ~ Restraining and teasing your alpha while he’s in a rut seemed like a good idea at the time. (alpha!Din x (afab) omega!fem!reader)
Safe and Sound - 12/07/21 ~ Din returns from the hunt, ready to try again for a family. (alpha!Din x (afab) omega!fem!reader)
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ladykatakuri · 1 year
Stardust Reblog Challange December Part 2
Think You Can Handle Me? 1/2 - Crosshair x AFAB!Reader by: @zoeykallus NSFW
The Last Mission - Jedi OC and Clone OC by: @arctrooper69 SFW
Dincember, December 1 - Gift by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day, Day 1 - Cody x Reader Tree Decorating by: @ladysongmaster SFW
25 Days of Lifeday 2 - Hot Cocoa and Fire Place Cuddles with Rex - Rex x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
The Toothpick Incident - Crosshair x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
Gar Cyare Chapter 8 - Alpha 17 x F!Reader by: @wanderinginksplot SFW
Dincember: December 2 - Snow by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day - Hot Cocoa and Fireplace Cuddles - Rex x Reader by: @ladysongmaster SFW
In Time - Tup x Reader by: @kaminocasey NSFW
25 Days of Life Day 3 - Sledding with Gregor by: @kaminocasey SFW
Echo x F!Reader by: @twistedstitcher27 NSFW
Eya Episode VIII - Eya ( and several OCs )by: @galacticgraffiti SFW
Take My Memory: Bonsoir Ch. 7 - Gregor x F!OC Cassia Nu by: @kaminocasey SFW
Meeting the Prodigal Daughter - Count Dooku and Y/N Jinn ( Reader ) by: @monako-jinn-stories SFW
25 Days of Life Day 3 - Soup, Sandwiches and Snow - Gregor x Reader by: @ladysongmaster SFW
Dincember: December 3 - Gloves by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Caught Ya - Wrecker x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFWish
25 Days of Life Day 4: Decorating the House with Wolffe - Wolffe x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Snowy Retreat - Hunter x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus SFW
Holding On - Hunter x F!Reader by: @nahoney22 SFW
25 Days of Life Day 4 : The Light of the Season - Wolffe x Reader by: @ladysongmaster SFW
Dincember: December 4 - Fire by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 5: Iceskating with Hunter and Omega by: @kaminocasey SFW
Captain Gregor x Physician F!Reader by: @twistedstitcher27 NSFW
I Will Always Wait for You 15 - Frankie Morales x F!Reader by: @musings-of-a-rose Mature
Inspiration - ARC Trooper Echo x F!Reader by: @wild-karrde NSFW
Walk Me Home Ch.7 - Wolffe x F!OC Cherise by: @cyarbika SFW
Dincember: December 5 - Cold by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Security - Honor(Interlude) - Din Djarin x F!OC Astra by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Cheeky Flashing - TBB x F!Reader by: @nahoney22 Suggestive
Snow, Gifts, Sweets and Life Day - TBB & Rex & Fives x F!Reader HC`s by: @zoeykallus SFW
25 Days of Life Day 6- Making Fudge with Tech - Tech x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
About Strange Turn Ons and Love Boners - TBB x Reader HCs by: @zoeykallus Suggestive
Permission to Dance - Tech x F!Reader by: @nahoney22 SFW
Dincember: December 6 Hot Chocolate - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 7 - Life Day Lights Display with Echo - Echo x Reader by : @kaminocasey SFW
The Cover of Night - Marc Spector/Steven Grant x F!Reader by: @interstellarwraith SFW
The Gym Membership 15 : Echo - Echo x F!OC by: @imabeautifulbutterfly SFW
Dincember: December 7 Blanket - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
25 Days of Life Day 8 - Decorating Gingerbread Houses with Wrecker - Wrecker x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW
Dealing with their kids broken hearts - TBB HCs by: @zoeykallus SFW
Seeing Blue (AU) - Cad Bane x GN!Reader by: @nahoney22 SFW
Dincember: December 8 Candle - Din Djarin x Reader by: @dindjarindiaries SFW
Accidently Inflicted Pains - TBB & Cody x F!Reader by: @zoeykallus NSFW
25 Days of Life Day 9 - Decorating Firepuncher as a Joke for Crosshair - Crosshair x Reader by: @kaminocasey SFW ( suggestive language )
Sun and Rain: Age of the Empire Ch10 - The Crash - Hunter x F!OC Kimber by: @photogirl894 SFW

Taglist: @imabeautifulbutterfly@chaoticvampirejedi@hellothere-generalangsty@cyroku@reluctant-mandalore@uponrightful@zinzinina@saradika@galacticgraffiti@ashotofspotchka@dindjarindiaries@dinbeskarbaby@djarrex@djarinsbeskar@rowansparrow@photogirl894@rigelmoonshine@rigel-the-moonstrider@nahoney22@loth-wolffe@neon-junkie@bobafetts-princess@cyarbika@charnelhouse@zoeykallus@kin-rokku@jgvfhl@honestly-shite@here-comes-the-moose@dindjarindiaries@firstofficerwiggles@fictional-men-ruin-lives @ladysongmaster @lozalot @moonstrider9904@lorjukka@m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @rain-on-kamino @monako-jinn-stories @middimidoris @wild-karrde @cross-my-heartt
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