#aloy ; fictive memories
alois-tranxy · 3 months
On a more toxic sort of topic I also find myself missing Claude.
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heavenlymemoir · 2 years
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Aloy Memories
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I was aromantic and asexual. I didn’t experience romantic or sexual attraction to anyone; although many people have confessed their feelings to me. Relationships confused me.
I didn’t want to be tied to a relationship while I was traveling. It made me extremely anxious and queasy. I would politely tell people this, and although some were a little upset, most understood and told me to not let their feelings get in the way of my journey.
I knew Avad had feelings for me. When he proclaimed his love for me, I called him out on his bullshit. He was grieving for Ersa, Olin’s sister. It made me extremely angry at the fact that he loved me while grieving his lover. But…I don’t know. I felt conflicted.
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I was autistic. I don’t know if it stems from the fact I’m a clone of Elisabet, or what, but I definitely was autistic. My mind was most likely the sort that has no time for artifice or interest in smalltalk. I’d like to say my manner of speech was actually very deliberate and very appropriate.
I loved to use my Focus to look at older archival records of the world before the Faro Plague. How things functioned, what machinery they had, how society was, and music. Music was one of my special interests.
Music back then (meaning our current time, as in 2022) was…interesting, to say the least. It’s different from my era of music when I was born, and I fell in love with classical / instrumental music. Pianos, violins, and everything else you could think of. I craved the emotional aspects of the music world; the way that songs would speed up when a very tense moment happened, the way they slowed nearly to a halt when something sad or troubling happened, the way the musicians seemed to effortlessly weave stories in and out of these simple songs. The stories were left to be told to those that listened and were expected to be passed on to those that wanted to listen. Stories that would ache, inspire, reach out, and hold someone. Stories that could shape and change people, hell, maybe even the world.
Machinery was also another special interest. How did they have these things called “cars”, “phones”, and “games”? Before the Faro Plague, the world was vastly technological. Now, it’s primitive. We all hunt for ourselves and our tribe and have essentially reverted to a primitive state. But that was expected after humanity was essentially wiped.
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I had transferred GAIA to my focus, so she would often speak to me during my troubles. I had fought depression for some time after Rost’s death, and GAIA helped me. She would be quick to notice when I’d go quiet or start to dissociate, and would bring me back to reality by talking to me about simple things. About the machine I was hunting, specific parts and their uses, their dietary needs, anything to help me feel okay. I really was close to her and saw her as a parental-figure, although not on the same level as I saw Rost.
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I loved to sleep outside in nature. Whenever I’d stay in a village or tribal area, people would offer their rooms or beds. I kindly refused and insisted that I sleep outside, for it’s more comforting and natural for me. I loved to stare at the stars and listen to the animals during the night. GAIA would often show me constellations or star clusters and give me info based on the old archival records that we had. My favorite constellations were Canes Venatici, Circinus, Columba, Corvus, Horologium, Lupus, Lynx, Orion, Ursa Major / Minor, and Vulpecula. Orion was by far my most favorite though.
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I was fine being motherless. I came to terms with being an artificial human, one made by machine. It made me question myself and my existence, and identity, as a whole. I knew why I was “born”. I knew what Elisabet and GAIA were doing. I knew that I was “destined” to save the world. But, it still…hurt. It hurt in the sense that I was “artificial”. That I could classify as being machine-made. That I wasn’t entirely human. But, through time and a lot of thinking, I came to terms with it.
I knew this world was going to die, just as it did before. I had to be the one to save it. There was no other way.
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While traveling through the west, and while I was in Utaru territory, the land-gods were a common sight. After Zo and I rebooted them, they sang. Nobody could tell what the singing meant, but it was a new beginning. It was beautiful, to say the least. With the Chorus singing along with the land-gods, you could hear it from a mile away. I stayed for a while and listened.
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When the Far Zeniths were defeated, we all headed back to base. As the game portrayed, Zo went back to gather the Utaru and tell them of NEMESIS, Kotallo went back to his home to do the same, and so did Alva and Erend. Beta and I stayed with Gaia at the base.
I had asked her to come to my room privately, and asked Gaia if she could not listen in on our conversation. Beta and I talked about a lot. Rost. Tilda. Our differences. A lot of tears were shed and a lot of hugs were given.
Beta ended up being so damn tired after that, that she just fell asleep in my room. I went to go sleep in one of the spare rooms when he sleepily grabbed my hands and muttered if I could stay. I smiled and just laid back down in bed.
Beta, of course, is a very anxious and nervous person. Constantly overthinking, on the verge of panic, etc. So when I got in bed, she just snuggled right up to me. I was laying on my side facing her and she was buried in my chest, happily peaceful and sleeping. We fell asleep that way until we woke up.
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fictionkinfessions · 10 months
season 4 of black butler is coming out and im so certain i wont be featured because everyone sees me as a throwaway side story. i want to see my relationship with ciel and his servants grow. i have so few memories of my life before this one. please give me content so i can feel like i'm real. -alois trancy
(tag as fictive)
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Hello. I am a fictive of o!Ciel from Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. I go by Ciel/Astre. Whichever is fine, I don't have a preference, so it entirely depends on who I'm interacting with. Both the body and I am a minor, so adults interact with caution. Anyone can interact but I prefer no doubles (of me not of others), though I do have a preference for Alois (who in my source memories I had romantic feelings for), r!Ciel, and Lizzie.
I can be contacted through here (https://www.tumblr.com/astrolab0s) or my discord: Ventussaidbabeyrights #1167 . - C
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findthebae · 11 months
Trying this again while the fandom is alive bc of the season 4 announcement. I am a fictive of o!Ciel from Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. I go by Ciel/Astre. Whichever is fine, I don't have a preference, so it entirely depends on who I'm interacting with. Both the body and I am a minor, so adults interact with caution. Anyone can interact bc I am looking for literally anyone I need sourcemates but I prefer no doubles (of me not of others), though I do have a preference for Alois (who in my source memories I had romantic feelings for), r!Ciel (I miss my brother), Sebastian, and Lizzie.
I can be contacted through here (https://www.tumblr.com/astrolab0s) or my discord: Ventussaidbabeyrights #1167 . - C
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queerautism · 2 years
Sorry to like. Rant at you and whatever. But I'm real mad about this and it involves ableism and victim blaming and stuff. So.
Tw for like, mentions of CSA, victim blaming, ableism. Yeah.
So I'm like. A fictive right. And I'm so fuckin mad about how my fandom treats this one character. (Not to mention that we have a fictive of him which means he's family so I'm even more protective.)
He's canonically a CSA victim. That's how we're first introduced to him in the series. We know this.
He seeks attention from people, flirts with people, etc. He wants people to pay attention to him, to care about him and love him, but the only way he really knows how to get that is sexually. Which is because of what he's gone through.
What does the fandom do? Call him a slut. No shit. I have seen people call him a dirty, disgusting slut with their full chest. And I am, rightfully, mad about it. Especially as someone who's also a CSA victim (at least in my memories - my backstory hasn't been revealed yet).
And I know that, for a good chunk, it's because he's not some meek, scared little kid. The other character who's implied to have gone through similar things responded with nightmares, touch aversion, and drawing away. They don't do anything to him. But the moment a character steps outside of their carefully constructed view of what a victim should act like, well. Hah.
And you know what? I'd be willing to bet actual money that a chunk of those people call him that not because of how he acts after the fact, but because he went through CSA period. Because he's a victim. God, I fucking hate this fandom.
And you know what the icing on the cake is?
Y'know what the other most common insult for him is, because he seeks people's attention and is generally a very expressive, emotional character? One who goes through mood swings at times?
That's the other most common insult. Calling him bipolar. Once again, god, I fucking hate this fandom. I'm so angry. I'm so fucking angry and I can't do anything because he's a fictional character and I'm one person, with a limited following and without the support of having most of the fandom agree with me. At least it doesn't fucking feel like they're on my side.
Not to mention how common transphobia used to be (and still is, to a lesser degree) in the fandom. Classic excuses of "it's accurate to the time period/they refer to her as a man in the original Japanese" (even though she calls herself a woman and expresses a desire to be seen as such) are still around. There's still a non-zero group of people that won't accept that hey, she might be trans, heck, it's likely.
Anyway, justice for Alois Trancy and Grell Sutcliff (the two characters I'm talking about, Grell is the trans woman). This fandom fucking sucks, and they deserve better.
I'm sorry that sounds like such bullshit to deal with, i hate that shit
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straydogkins · 4 months
Hello 👋!! i just found your blog, and love your edits, but I wanted to do some questions! 🤔 (also, if this isn't the right place to ask, i apologize!! no need to answer!!!)
Is it ok for people who do not have past live kins to interact with your posts/request? Also, are past live kins exclusive for systems or anyone can have it? 🤔
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It's no problem anon! You can ask as many questions as you want, we love talking about anything and everything.
Yeah, it's fine to interact if you don't have past lives or kin. Like, our blog is kin based but we're open for people who just like characters, have comfort characters, ect. Although I will say that delusional attachment's are not something we would like to edit for due to discomforts with the term and community.
And yes! Anyone can kin, it is NOT system exclusive. The system exclusive is known as being a 'introject' and that is an alter who could be based off a fictional character (also known as a fictive), an irl person (also known as a factive), an object (also known as an [object]ive depending on what they formed from), ect.
So explaining kinning may take a while, so I'm going to limit myself to fictional characters because otherkin (when you kin an animal) is harder to explain as there's more terms ect.
So a 'kin' has a lot of meanings depending on who you ask. We break it down into three main categories:
Kin for fun (KFF): when you find a character you like, relate to them, and just kinda. Yeah that's me. But not seriously and it's not a core part of your identity. An example for us is Apple Cookie (CR) where we're just kinda 'hehehe cookie run and is apple', so while we relate to her it's not impacting my life. (As a heads up there's issues with this term in the community, but so long as you're respectful we don't care about KFF interacting ect).
Psychological kin: This is when you relate to a character for any reason (ie they share a similar personality trait to you, have trauma similar to one you went through, ect) and because of that you identify as them- whatever that means for you. It is more serious then 'for fun' and does impact your life and identity. However you do not believe you were them in a past life and/or have memories of living their life. (Ie for us an example is Alois Trancy from Black butler. While I wasn't him in a past life I relate heavily to his behavior and have similar trauma so He is Me if that makes sense?)
Spiritual or past life kin: It's a spiritual belief that you were [character] in a past life or another universe. A good example for us is Chuuya Nakahara (BSD) where I have memories of being him and living his life, although it's not the same as 'canon'. From what I know this belief is where the term 'kin' originated from, so please be respectful and understanding about this as a lot of people still believe in it.
(If I got any info here wrong please lmk! We have memory problems so get words mixed up sometimes)
I hope this makes sense! If you need anything else explaining lmk!!
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findinyourkin · 1 year
Hello. I am a fictive of o!Ciel from Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji. I go by Ciel/Astre. Whichever is fine, I don't have a preference, so it entirely depends on who I'm interacting with. Both the body and I am a minor, so adults interact with caution. Anyone can interact but I prefer no doubles (of me not of others), though I do have a preference for Alois (who in my source memories I had romantic feelings for), r!Ciel, and Lizzie. I can be contacted through here (https://www.tumblr.com/astrolab0s) or my discord: Ventussaidbabeyrights #1167 . - C
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kincalling · 2 years
Hello, I’m a fictive of Ciel Phantomhive. I’m looking for everyone except Alois, and mainly Sebastian. The body is 18+ so please do not interact with this post if you are under 18. I’d prefer if memories and such were discussed privately. You can interact with this post and I’ll contact you, or you can add me through Discord (balsa#4757).
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alois-tranxy · 2 years
This is sort of a negative memory, it’s about my little brother Luka.
I miss Luka, I remember the night that the village had burned. I remember being so scared and calling out for Luka. I didn’t want to be alone, and he was the only thing I cared about, I cared about him more than my own life.
The path that I had found him on, it was one that we often ran down together. It was one we walked when we were bored and needed to get away from the pain of living out on the streets.
I could have never hoped to give him what he wanted, and I’m sure if we didn’t insist that we stick together some family would have picked him up. He was cuter and younger than me, but I didn’t want to be alone. And he didn’t either.
For the next few months before I was taken I would go back to where his body was and talk about everything and anything that happened. I’d leave flowers I got and some of the food I had stolen even if I didn’t get a lot. Death is a harsh concept for a child, I don’t think I really accepted he was dead until much later on. Once I was away from that village.
I’m surprised we were not skin and bones, but to be fair we went through so much just to make sure we wouldn’t go hungry.
I miss him, and it’s not fair that the world took my little brother away from me. Sometimes I wonder how different Id be if he didn’t die…
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thegalaxysyst3m · 3 years
hey, i noticed something you(&) sent to @/plural-culture-is, about wanting a word for fanwork-canon fictives! we have some of the same, including myself, and were wondering if you’d like us to coin something? —@/nonysystemcoining
Ooh hey! I love that! I'd love to hear your& thoughts and ideas! Actually, Doc and I did some digging of our own and kinda came up with either "Allitive" or "Aloitive".
Both Alli and Aloi come from the Latin and French bases Alligare and Aloier. It also stems from the word alloy; which is a substance made of both a metal and a nonmetal. -A
My favourite reason behind the term is - if you search it up- the archaic definition! It states that an alloy is "a metal mixed with a more valuable metal to give durability or some other desired quality."
Emphasis on 'more valuable' because, to me, the memories, feelings, and experiences that I have from the story everyone came up with are not only part of me but they are important to me as well. They're large peices of my life that are separate from the show's canon - they're not something I can or want to ignore. They hold an importance that has to be stated.
🌌🌌 -The Doctor
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adhd-mess · 4 years
How do you think ciel and Sebastian (and any other kuro characters you think of) would react to meeting a kin/fictive based off of them?
I like this question! I hope did an okay job if i wrote something offensive tell me what and I’ll fix it!
Sebastian would be curious and ask many, many questions and do so much reading. Asking if you have memories, if so what do you remember. After a while of reading about it he’d start talking your ear off. Complaining or just telling you random stuff since he feels unjudged by you
Like Sebastian curious but would keep his questions to himself until he feels confident enough to ask. He’d love hearing about your memories seeing if they lined up with his own. You would soon become someone he could talk to.
Well Alois is Alois. So he’d probably be offended that someone claimed to have been him. When he calms down he thinks, and thinks. He figures out that you understand him. So he often invites you over just to vent or to talk about the past. Because it’s kind of like talking to himself in a way. He feels safe.
She would love you. Adore you. Of course she’d be apprehensive at first but then when your memories line up with hers, even if they don’t. She dresses you up like her, all in red. When you remember the life before being a Reaper she cries and hugs you.
Seeing the natural curiosity these characters have and not to mention the trauma I feel like this how they’d react!
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inlustris-ask-blog · 4 years
Our Headmates!! In alphabetical order!! All available to ask questions! Dont be shy! (Also, if you ask, we can show the references of them, because we cant fit all of them here -Haylei)
Aadya: She/Her, vampire, bisexual. She's an emotion holder, she can protect us from feeling things if the situation calls for it.
Aaron; He/Him, werewolf, straight. Aphmau fictive.
Aerglo; they/them, star celestial, pansexual
Alex; he/him, internet sensation (self declared), bisexual, factive of Imallexx
Amber; she/her, fox, bisexual, protector
Aquaria; she/her, koi-mermaid, lesbian
Alois; he/they, brat, questioning, fictive of Black Butler
Aziraphale; he/they, angel, the big gay, fictive of Good Omens
Bandit; ze/zeir, we don't know what bandit is nor do we know zeir sexuality, our emotional shutdown
Beetlejuice; he/him, demon, polyamorous, Beetlejuice fictive
Beezlebub; xir/xem, demon, bisexual, fictive of Good Omens
Benny; they/them, human, little (12)
Bubbles; he/him, triceritops, no sexuality, internal comforter
Bucky; he/him, human, bisexual, fictive of Bucky Barnes post-winter soldier
Charles; he/him, wolf animagus, gay, memory holder
Ciri; she/her, human, sexuality unknown but she's experimenting, fictive from The Witcher
Cole; he/him, ghost, bisexual, fictive from Ninjago
Cynthia; she/her, snake, bisexual, protector
Dakota; they/them, human, pansexual
Darcy; she/her, deaf alter, human, lesbian, protector
Dave; he/him, human, gay, fictive from Umbrella Academy
Deceit/Declan; he/him, snake, gay, fictive from Sanders Sides
Dewei; he/him, fox, little (5)
Diego; he/him, human, bisexual, fictive from Umbrella Academy
Draco; he/him, wizard/human, gay, fictive from Harry Potter
Eddie; he/him, dragon, little (2)
Ein; he/him, werewolf, bisexual, fictive from Aphmau
Emile; he/him, human, gay, internal caretaker, fictive from Cartoon Therapy
Esma; she/her, Elvish Fae, lesbian, role unsure
Five; he/him, human? Angry man, AceAro. Fictive from Umbrella academy
Freya; She/Her, human, AceAro, germaphobe
Gabriel; he/them, angel, demonfucker, fictive from Good Omens
Gemini; she/her, cockatiel borb, straight
Geralt; he/him, werewolf, bisexual, protector
Haylei; she/her, werewolf, lesbian, caregiver
Inky; she/her, squid, sexuality unknown, caregiver
Ivan; he/them, demon, bisexual, trauma holder
Jan; they/them, witchy-human, bisexual, mixed fictive of Yennefer and Jaskier from The Witcher
Jason 'JD' Dean; he/him, human, straight, fictive of Heathers, vengeful alter I guess?
Jasper; he/him, Vampire eboy, gay
Jolyn; they/them, human, bisexual, factive of Joan and Talyn
Katniss; she/her, human, straight, fictive of Hunger Games
King C; he/him, human? Gay, mixed fictive of Roman and Remus from Sanders Sides
Kleo; she/her, umbreon, bisexual, holds some of our ADHD
Lilac; she/her, cat girl, bisexual
Lily; she/her, little (12), human
Lunara; she/her, lynx, lesbian, persecutor
Markiel; he/him, human, pansexual, fictive of Hetalia (2p!Denmark), sexual protector
Nate; He/Him, Demon, gay, persecutor
Patch; she/her, cat girl, straight
Patton; he/him, human, gay
Perci; they/them, god knows what they are- bisexual, secondary trauma holder
Primrose; she/her, human, bisexual, internal self-helper, fictive from Hunger Games
Rebecca; she/her, human, straight, factive of ourself with the use of our deadname. No role given yet.
Sam; he/him, human, bisexual, fictive from Marvel
Sebastian; he/him, human, bisexual, factive of Sebastian Stan
Solice; She/Her, angel, Panromantic Asexual, primary protector, host
St@t!c; zhey/zhem, unsure what zhey are or zheir sexuality, internal self-helper
Skipper; they/them, ocelot, no sexuality, protector
Uralarius; he/them, fae, AroAce,
Vanya; She/Her, Human, lesbian, fictive from Umbrella Academy
Vermillion; He/Him, mouse, gay
Violet; She/Her, catgirl, bisexual
Virgil; he/him, spider, gay, fictive from Sanders Sides
Waluigi; he/him, species and sexuality is wah, fictive from Mario
Xavier; he/him, demon, bisexual, persecutor
Xemi; they/them, human, g a y, protector
Zenix; they/them, human, pansexual
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Hello. I am Sebastian Michaelis, from Kuroshitsuji (black butler). I believe I sent in a call a while back but my sense of who I am has changed so I am sending again.
I am looking for almost everyone, bar Claude currently (though I don't mind interacting if our base accounts have already interacted closely). I was in a romantic relationship with my Ciel, and I still very much love him. I also have memories of both r!C and Alois, so there is some type of cross here.
Rather than being strictly kin I am a fictive, and an age slider though only from adult to older teen, most of the time. Our body is a teen but most of our members are adults, but we prefer sfw interactions. Apologies to the mods if fictive calls aren't allowed, as this is a kin-centric blog, I simply didn't know where else to send this.
I have many timelines. One of them followed the human! Sebastian theory (aka the theory that I was human before becoming a demon). If you remember a redhead woman who went by Claire, and specifically whom I referred to as my elder sister, we likely share a timeline.
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findthebae · 5 months
kind of a long shot... but i'm a fictive of beta from horizon forbidden west looking for any of the gaia gang (is that the official name?), especially aloy and varl. (no doubles, please.) i don't have any memories of my time with the zeniths, but i have everything else, and it's all relatively canon compliant/compatible. if you want i, can dm you our discord.
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queerautism · 2 years
Apologies for venting sorta but I feel like you'd understand this more than some people (since it's introject related) andnsjsj.
So like, I'm a fictive, yeah. And my character's past hasn't really been gone into in canon. And I want it to be, I want the Sebastian Backstory Reveal as much as anyone else, but.
I went through a lot in my past, and have a bit of exotrauma because of it. And while I really do want my backstory to be revealed, I'm also sort of nervous about it. Because depending on how close my memories are to what the creator writes, everything I went through is just going to be... Out there. And while I don't really mind that in concept, again, I want the backstory chapter as much as anyone else does, I'm worried about how the fandom will react. A good chunk of the fandom really hates me, and considering what they did to the other character who was shown to go through what I did and not end up as a meek, scared kid who flinches at every noise... Haha. I'm not looking forward to that.
(the other character is Alois Trancy. He's a csa victim. And unlike Ciel, who is implied to have gone through similar things and responded by closing up and pulling away from people, Alois seeks attention. He wants someone to love him and care about him. And the fandom treats him horribly for it.)
Aha yeah. I'm not exactly not looking forward to a backstory chapter, but I'm definitely nervous about it.
I'm sorry, that does sound like a stressful situation, especially not knowing exactly what's going to happen and how a fandom will react
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