#alma 39-42
mirzablogg · 2 months
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SORDULAR :İmam ı Ali'yi bu kadar sevmenizin nedeni nedir ?
Söyleyeyim :
Peygamberimiz buyurdu :
1. ( Kıyamette müminlerin amel defterinin ilk cümlesi ALİ sevgisidir )
2. ( Aliden başka yiğit , zülfikardan başka kılıç yoktur.)
3. ( Dünya ve ahirette bayrağımı taşıyan Ali'dir)
4. ( Rabbim bana emretti ; Alinin kapısı dışında bütün kapıları kapat)
5. ( Hakiki doğrular üç kişidir : Yâsin ailesinin mümini, Firavun ailesinin mümini , ve Ali. Ali bunların en üstün olanıdır.)
6. ( Benim gibi yaşayıp benim gibi ölmek isteyenler ,benden sonra Ali'ye bağlansın.)
7. ( Cebrail kıyamet günü nida edecek : ya Muhammed baban İbrahim ne güzel baba, kardeşin Ali ne güzel bir kardeştir.)
8. ( Bütün peygamberlerin bir vasisi vardır. Benim vasim ise Ali’dir.)
9. ( Allahım Alinin yüzünü son kez görmeden canımı alma.)
10. ( Ben ve Ali aynı ağaçtan yaratıldık)
11. ( Benden sonra ümmetin en alimi Ali’dir.)
12. ( Meclislerinizi Alinin zikri ile süsleyin.)
13. ( Ümmetimin en iyi hüküm vereni Ali’dir.)
14. ( Ateşten kurtulmanın mühürü Ali’dedir.)
15. ( Ben kimin mevlası isem Ali de onun mevlasıdır.)
16. ( Allah eğer Ali’yi yaratmasaydı , fatimaya denk bir eş bulınmazdı)
17. Bana iman edip beni kabul edenlere vasiyetim Ali’ye bağlanmalarıdır.)
18. ( Kıyamet günü yanıma ilk gelecek olan , bana ilk iman eden Alidir)
19. ( Sırat köprüsünden geçiş , ancak Ali’den berat mührü ile gerçekleşir)
20. ( Ezelden ebede en taş kalpli insan , Alinin katilidir.)
21. ( Ben uyarıcıyım. Benden sonra hidayet eden Ali’dir)
22. ( En büyük sıddık ( Doğru sözlü ) Alidir)
23. ( Hak ile bâtılı birbirinden ayıran faruk ,Alidir.)
24. ( Benim elim ve Ali’nin eli , adalette eşittir)
25. ( Ali dünya ve ahirette kardeşimdir)
26. ( Ali insanların en hayırlısıdır, bunu inkar eden dinden çıkar)
27. ( Ali kurtuluş kapısıdır, her kim o kağıdan girerse mümindir)
28. ( Ali iyilerin imamıdır, fâcirlerin katilidir, ona yardım edene yardım edilir ,onu yalnız bırakan yalnız kalır)
29. ( Ali takvalıların imamıdır,müminlerin emiridir,alnı nurlu olanların imamıdır.)
30. ( Ali benim yanımda tıpkı Musanın yanındaki Harun gibidir,yalnız benden sonra peygamber yoktur)
31. ( Alinin bu ümmet üzerindeki hakkı , babanın evlat üzerindeki hakkı gibidir)
32. ( Ali Kur’an iledir, Kur’an da Ali ile )
33. ( Ali ve şiileri kurtulanlardır )
34. ( Ali ilmimin kapısıdır , ümmetime benim mesajımı açıklayandır,)
35. ( Alinin sevgisi iman , ona buğz etmek ise küfürdür)
36. ( Ali cennet ile cehennemi bölendir)
37 . ( Alinin bu ümmet içindeki yeri Kuranda ihlas suresi gibidir)
38. ( Ali iki halil arasındaki habiptir. Ben ve İbrahim arasında)
39. ( Aliden ayrılan benden ayrılır , benden ayrılan Allah’tan ayrılmıştır )
40. ( Ali benden ben de Ali’denim , o benden sonra bütün müminlerin velisidir)
41. ( Allah ve resulünün en çok sevdiği şahıs Ali’dir)
42. ( Aliyi sevmek sevaptır , günahlar ona zarar veremez.)
43. ( Aliyi zikretmek ibadettir. Onun yüzüne bakmak ibadettir)
44. ( Ali Kâbe gibidir)
45. ( Ali benim yanımda bedenimdeki başım gibidir)
46. ( Ben ilmin şehriyim Ali de onun kapısıdır )
Allahın selamı sana olsun ey müminlerin emiri ey yetimler babası.
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arroyomarquez · 10 months
+40 Razones por las que te amo.
1.- Te amo porque no me as fallado.
2.- Te amo porque me as aceptado como soy
3.- Te amo porque te muestras como eres.
4.- Te amo por como nos completamos.
5.- Te amo por los sueños compartidos.
6.- Te amo porque aunque nos peleemos los dos ponemos de nuestra parte para solucionar los problemas.
7.- Te amo por que me encanta escuchar tu voz.
8.- Te amo por me as mostrado que eres una persona auténtica.
9.- Te amo por que confías en mi.
10.- Te amo por que me respetas .
11.- Te amo por que te preocupas por mi y mi bienestar.
12.- Te amo por que te admiro.
13.- Te amo por lo que me haces sentir a tu lado.
14.- Te amo porque tus besos me hacen sentir algo fuerte.
15.- Te amo por nuestra relación íntima.
16.- Te amo por que cada día me sorprendes.
17.- Te amo porque me sacas sonrisas y risas.
18.- Te amo por que no importa todo lo malo que me paso en el día solo con escucharte o verte haces que todos esos problemas se vallan.
19.- Te amo por la forma en que me miras.
20.- Te amo por la forma en que nos acoplados en cualquier cosa.
21.- Te amo por como me pones caliente, como me satisfacer en la intimidad y no es la cantidad es la calidad que me das en la cama.
22.- Te amo por esas platicas que luego tenemos cuando estamos solos tu y yo.
23.- Te amo por que entiendes como me siento.
24.- Te amo por como me abrazas y me pierdo en ti.
25.- Te amo por que piensas en mi aun cuando yo no lo hago.
26.- Te amo por que me apoyas cuando paso un mal momento.
27.- Te amo por que a tu lado me siento capas de lograr muchas más cosas.
28.- Te amo porque me ayudas a mejorar con tus criticas constructivas.
29.- Te amo por que me valoras tanto que me cuentas tus secretos.
30.- Te amo por que me dejas soñar sin cortarme las alas.
31.- Te amo por que me traes paz y tranquilidad.
32.- Te amo por que nadie sabes escuchar como tu lo haces.
33.- Te amo por que siempre luchas por lo que quieres.
34.- Te amo porque me llenas de orgullo.
35.- Te amo porque eres una chica tan genuina y especial.
36.- Te amo porque no solo dices que me amas si no que lo demuestra.
37.- Te amo porque TU me inspiras.
38.- Te amo por tu alma tan pura.
39.- Te amo por la belleza que irradias.
40.- Te amo por como disfrutas hacer lo que te gusta.
41.- Te amo por lo generosa que eres con tu familia.
42.- Te amo porque eres tan perfecta.
43.- Te amo por toda tu belleza.
44.- Te amo por que ves a futuro.
45.- Te amo por las canciones que me as dedicado.
46.- Te amo porque no hay quien se compare a ti.
47.- Te amo ... te amo simplemente por que eres una mujer tan completa y compleja que me ipnotisas con tu presencia.
Razones por las que te amo ❤️
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chaospenelope · 9 months
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A little project I started using OCs from me and a few of my friends on Discord.
 In my head they were gathered to torment the people who sent atticofthing‘s Kalemn to prison. Feel free to speculate movesets and team names in reblogs.
Credits: Owners of each square, I’ll add character names if I remember them.
Mine* - Captain GoldEye #4, Aurora #12, DollyDreadful #14, PrimRose #15, Francois #16, Claudia #17, Siren #21, Shiva #25, Radio HeartBeat #29, Lynard #31, Various Worms #32, Princess Plush #33, Dahlia #40, Pur Parfait Wolf #43, The Ravaged #48, SignalRot #50
@atticofthings - Neil #1, Maikol #7, #18, Henry and Stanley #30, Bandit #35
@sharkbyt3drawsstuff - Betty #9, Batsy #37, #44, #49 
@notgoingbacktomystage - Buoy #5, Chichi #6, Bella #19, OnLine Freddy and Meme #28, Dirt #46
@raydoodles - HeartStrings #10, Alfred #13, Rosco #22, Veno #23, FrigidTerror #24, Alma #38, Mica #39
@diabolical-purple-devil - Squeaks #34
Music-Bear42 - Buddy #2, Mary #3, #20, Pierrot #41, Skippy #42 on Deviantart
@toonfanstars - #8, #11, #26, #36, Molten Candy #47, 
@lobie5 - PJ #27
nothing-but-void-and-blood - CandyDrop #45
*=Creation Credits for each of my characters-
4, 21, 25 = floresdeserti-x
12, 14, 31, 32, 40*, 50 = @atticofthings
29, 33, = Sunstone-Adopts on Deviantart 
48 = DownLight on Deviantart 
16, 17 = brannahgirl  
43 = CLAWMACH1NE  on Deviantart
15 = Ask-AllFNAF on Deviantart 
(*=40 is a design based on #25 so some credit to his creator)
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gravedangerahead · 1 year
1. Mel, a minha vira-lata caramelo
2. A Urna Eletrônica
3. Capitu (Doma Casmurro e Capitu)
4. Emília (Sítio do Pica-pau Amarelo)
5. Cuca (separo Sítio e Cidade Invisível?)
6. Mula sem cabeça
7. A Compadecida (Fernanda Montenegro)
8. Geni (e o Zepelim)
9. Lisbela (e o Prisioneiro)
10. Iara
11. Vovó Juju (Irmão do Jorel)
12. Morgana (castelo ra tim bum)
13. Carminha (Avenida Brasil)
14. Naraze Tedesco (Senhora do Destino)
15. Jezebel (Chocolate com Pimenta)
16. Matinta Pereira
17. Loira do banheiro
18. Olga (Chocolate com Pimenta)
19. Flora e Donatella (A Favorita)
20. Lu da Magalu
21. Fátima e Sueli (Entre Tapas e Beijos)
22. Cabeleira Negra (Turma da Mônica)
23. Morgana (Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum)
24. Seleste (Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum)
25. Jade (O Clone)
26. Dra. Carolina Alencar (Sob Pressão)
27. Aninha (Chocolate com Pimenta)
28. Catarina (O Cravo e a Rosa)
29. Penha (Cheias de Charme)
30. Vani (Os Normais)
31. Ellen (Cobras e Lagartos)
32. Dona Flor (Sona Flor e Seus Dois Maridos)
33. Bebel (Paraiso Tropical)
34. Aurélia Camargo (Senhora de José de Alencar)
35. Tainá (Uma Aventura na Amazônia)
36. Mônica (Turma da Mônica)
37. Xica da Silva
38. Dona Jura (O Clone)
39. Dona Etelvina Mãe do Beiçola (A Grande Família)
40. Dona Hermínia (Minha Mãe é uma Peça)
41. Caipora (Castelo Rá-Tim-Bum)
42. Sarah, a Sandy (Acquaria)
43. Dona Benta (Sítio do Pica-pau Amarelo)
44. Tia Nastácia (Sítio do Pica-pau Amarelo)
45. Ana Júlia (da música Ana Julia)
46. Jennifer (da música)
47. Magda (Sai de Baixo)
48. Nenê (A Grande Família)
49. Cristina (Alma Gêmea)
50. Magali (Turma da Mônica Jovem)
51. Mônica (Turma da Mônica Jovem)
52. Eva (da música minha pequena Eva)
53. A moça do leite moça
54. Polca (de ilha ra Tim bum)
55. Nhã nhã nhã (Ilha ra Tim bum)
56. Chayenne de Cheias de Charme
57. Sol (Malhação: Sonhos)
58. As Empreguetes
59. Juma (Pantanal)
60. Josiane de (A Dona do Pedaço)
61. Escrava Isaura
62. Cachorra Baleia
63. Xabel (Turma da Mônica)
64. Tina (Turma da Mônica)
65. A Cartomante (A Cartomante)
66. Duda (Tromba Trem)
67. Chanel (Gui e Estopa)
68. Lilica Repilica
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trevlad-sounds · 2 months
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INTRO 00:00 Lying Cat-…a soft demon 00:33
Personal Bandana-Radiolarm 04:01
Vic Mars-English Comprehension 07:32
Metamono-Birth of a Flower 09:23
Bravo Tounky-L'école des Arbres 14:09
Ginger Root-Tank! (from Cowboy Bebop) 19:42
Philippe Brown-Inauguration du Stade Brian Brown 21:16
The Twelve Hour Foundation-Fun With Origami 24:09
Jaakko Eino Kalevi, Alma Jodorowsky-L'horizon 26:39
I Signori Della Galassia-Proxima Centauri 30:14
Rieux-It Lusts 38:28
Alexis Lumière-From Yubiwa Pipe To My VL-Tone 42:38
Virgo-Ancient Architects 44:37
Frederic & Olivier-Soleil froid 49:45
The Twelve Hour Foundation-Ballade Imaginaire 56:33
roleATL/Jamie XX-Malibu beach house 59:18 OUTRO 1:02:14
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andresnewyork212 · 1 year
1. Ana suena mucho mejor que estar GORDA
2. Serás perfect@
3. Serás Gord@ si comes hoy.
4. Tener hambre es control, y nos gusta el control!
5. Te verás mas bonit@
6. Los chicos te buscarán
7. No necesitas comida.
8. No comer es un excelente ejemplo de tener poder.
9. La gente te recordará como la chica hermosa.
10. La gente verá tus hermosos huesos.11. Solo la gente delgada es agradable.
12. Correrás más rápido.
13. La gente que come es egoísta e irreal.
14. Tu tendrás ambos: belleza interior y exterior.
15. La gente GORDA no cabe en todas partes
16. Si tu comes, lucirás como esa gente GORDA Y DESAGRADABLE.
17. La gente GORDA es ENORME y la gente hace como si no existiera.
18. Los huesos son limpios y puros.
19. La grasa es sucia, se aferra en ti como un parásito.
20. La gente delgada luce bien en toda la ropa.
21. La gente GORDA muere más pronto.
22. Bailarina o saco de fréjoles?
23. Anorexica Hambrienta o Fea con mezcla de GORDA?
24. Un minuto en los labios una vida en las caderas.
25. La gente te felicitará por todos los kilos que has perdido.
26. Usaras menos jabón en el baño y ahorrarás dinero.
27. La gente no pensará “vaca gorda” cuando te vea.
28. La gente delgada tiene mejores trabajos.
29. La gente GORDA no lidera.
30. Tener hambre funciona, las dietas no.
31. La comida te hace gorda.
32. Los gordos no pueden ser amados.
33. Te sentirás más energética.
34. La gente ama a las Anas
35. Ahorrarás dinero en las cuentas del supermercado.36. Piensa en la Anorexia como tu arma secreta.
37. Cuando estas GORDA es como si fueras invisible.
38. Lucirás perfecta por afuera.
39. Te sentirás más feliz.
40. Ser delgada siempre está de moda.
41. Nada se siente mejor como estar delgada se siente.
42. Serás libre sin la grasa,
43. Todos los demás te tendrán envidia.
44. Cuerpo perfecto =  Alma perfecta.
45. Has visto que alguien no note una chica delgada?
46. Te podrás poner mini faldas sin tener piernas horribles.
47. Los amigos envidiarán tu cuerpo y te admirarán
48. Quieres ser la persona más gorda del lugar?
49. Quieres tener obesidad mórbida?
50. Te quedarán las vestimentas hermosas
51. Las modelos son anorexicas también.
52. Te morirías siendo hermosa.
53. Un gordo es una persona FLOJA, ser Ana es control.
54. No te mereces comida!55. Te verás genial en las fotos.
56. Te sentirás orgullosa de vestir un bikini.
57. La gente GORDA es FEA!
58. Las calorías te hacen GORDA, LA COMIDA TIENE CALORÍAS.
59. Ahorrarás tiempo si no comes.
60. La palabra GORDA solo será usada en modo sarcástico.
61. Los gordos son asquerosos.
62. Los Gordos son personas solitarias porque nadie los quiere ver.
63. Es la comida mas importante que la felicidad?
64. La comida es mezquina y chismosa. Cada mordida te hace FEA Y GORDA 
65. Te verás como tu modelo favorita.
66. La grasa te hace flácida.
67.  Celulitis o perfección?
68. La gente te podrá cargar.
69. Sera limpia y pura.
70. Quieres que tu piel luzca como si fuera a explotar por estar gorda?
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leregirenga · 6 months
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Un gran recordatorio ❤️: A los 23 años, Tina Fey trabajaba en una YMCA. A los 23 años, Oprah fue despedida de su primer trabajo como reportera. A los 24 años, Stephen King trabajaba como conserje y vivía en una caravana. A los 27 años, Vincent Van Gogh fracasó como misionero y decidió ir a la escuela de arte. A los 28 años, J.K. Rowling era una madre soltera que vivía de la asistencia social y que estaba clínicamente deprimida y en ocasiones había pensado en suicidarse. A los 28 años, Wayne Coyne (de The Flaming Lips) era cocinero. A los 30 años, Harrison Ford era carpintero. A los 30 años, Martha Stewart era corredora de bolsa. A los 37 años, Ang Lee era un padre que se quedaba en casa y trabajaba en trabajos ocasionales. Julia Child publicó su primer libro de cocina a los 39 años y consiguió su propio programa de cocina a los 51 años. Vera Wang no logró formar parte del equipo olímpico de patinaje artístico, no consiguió el puesto de editora jefe en Vogue y diseñó su primer vestido a los 40 años. Stan Lee no publicó su primer cómic importante hasta los 40 años. Alan Rickman abandonó su carrera de diseño gráfico para dedicarse a la actuación a los 42 años. Samuel L. Jackson no consiguió su primer papel importante en una película hasta los 40 años. Morgan Freeman consiguió su primer papel importante en una película a los 52 años. Kathryn Bigelow sólo alcanzó el éxito internacional cuando hizo The Hurt Locker a los 57 años. La abuela Moses no comenzó su carrera como pintora hasta los 76 años. Louise Bourgeois no se convirtió en una artista famosa hasta los 78 años. Cualquiera que sea tu sueño, no es demasiado tarde para lograrlo. No eres un fracaso porque no has encontrado fama y fortuna a los 21 años. Demonios, está bien si ni siquiera sabes cuál es tu sueño todavía. Incluso si hoy estás preparando hamburguesas, sirviendo mesas o contestando teléfonos, nunca sabes dónde terminarás mañana. Nunca te digas que eres demasiado mayor para lograrlo. Nunca te digas que perdiste tu oportunidad. Nunca te digas a ti mismo que no eres lo suficientemente bueno. Puedes hacerlo. Lo que sea que encienda tu alma. Fuente: Mundo Alucinante
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uwuinator · 1 year
alright jrwi fans i had motivation out of nowhere so i decided to compile a list and see which character gets used in thumbnails most often from the riptide campaign
i did not count the players as the characters (except for 53 because they were all dressed up and it would be funny) so they were exempt from this list
these are in order from most used to least used, including those that are guest characters!
it's a long list (will be under the cut) and of course will quickly be outdated lmao
jay: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 29, 34, 39, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 53, 61, origins, 65, 72, 81, 83, 85, 87 (31/88)
gill: 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 32, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 53, 57, 66, 71, 73, 82, 86 (28/88)
chip: 1, 2, 4, 7. 9, 10, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35, 40, 41, 44, 47, 58, 59, 64, origins, 74, 84 (27/88)
la alma: 33, 34, 35, 38 (4/88)
clorton: 12, 13, 14 (3/88)
goobleck: 75, 79 (2/88)
random shark dudes: 13 (1/88)
malice: 24 (1/88)
pretzel: 30 (1/88)
lizzie: 31 (1/88)
barron: 37 (1/88)
ollie: 41 (1/88)
warforged (not alfonse): 46 (1/88)
tastrius: 54 (1/88)
ezme: 55 (1/88)
niklaus: 56 (1/88)
reuben: 60 (1/88)
edyn: 62 (1/88)
earl: 63 (1/88)
grimm: 67 (1/88)
ichabod: 68 (1/88)
random ass goblin: 68 pt.2 (1/88)
felipe: 76 (1/88)
puppeteer: 77 (1/88)
doctor: 80 (1/88)
apple: 83 (1/88)
a shock to absolutely NO ONE, jay is number 1. didn't think chip and gill were as close as they were! i thought gill had a good few more than chip but guess not
as you can see, 7-26 are all tied for 7th but tumblr is stupid and won't let me number them all 7
so they're there in order of appearance
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nightsidewrestling · 4 months
D.U.D.E Bios: Neifion Rhydderch
The Hunter Prince of C.R.C Neifion Rhydderch (2020)
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Kirby's cousin, Hywel's nephew and Yorath's son, Neifion. An Irish-Catholic living in Wales and a hardworking and tough but caring father. He took over Vaughan's duties until his release from prison.
"Every day we train until we can no longer climb in a ring without getting tired."
Full Legal Name: Neifion Dáithí Mordred Lommán Rhydderch
First Name: Neifion
Meaning: Welsh form of 'Neptune', from the Latin 'Neptunus', which is of unknown meaning, possibly related to the Indo-European root 'Nebh-' 'Wet, Damp, Clouds'.
Pronunciation: NAY-vyon
Origin: Welsh
Middle Name(s): Dáithí, Mordred, Lommán
Meaning(s): Dáithí: Means 'Swiftness, Nimbleness' in Irish. Mordred: From Welsh 'Medraut', possibly from Latin 'Moderatus' meaning 'Controlled, Moderated'. Lommán: Means 'Little bare one', derived from Old Irish 'Lomm' 'Bare' combined with a diminutive suffix.
Pronunciation(s): DA-hee. MAW-druhd. LO-mun.
Origin(s): Irish. Welsh Mythology, Arthurian Romance. Old Irish
Surname: Rhydderch
Meaning: From the given name 'Rhydderch', from the Old Welsh name 'Riderch', derived from 'Ri' 'King' and 'Derch' 'Exalted'
Pronunciation: HRUDH-ehrkh
Origin: Welsh
Alias: Hunter Prince, Neifion Rhydderch
Reason: This is Neifion's ring name
Nicknames: Fion, Dái
Titles: Mr
Age: 38
Gender: Male. He/Him Pronouns
Race: Human
Nationality: Welsh. Irish-Welsh Mix. Dual Citizenship ROI-UK
Ethnicity: White
Birth Date: June 21st 1982
Symbols: Bows, Arrows, Swords. Crowns
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Irish-Catholic
Native Language: Welsh
Spoken Languages: Welsh, Irish, Scottish (Scots Gaelic), English, French
Relationship Status: Married
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Theme Song: 'Another Brick In The Wall' - Pink Floyd (2000-)
Voice Actor: Killian Scott
Geographical Characteristics
Birthplace: Tullahought, Kilkenny, Ireland
Current Location: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Hometown: Llanfaethlu, Anglesey, Wales
Height: 6'5" / 195 cm
Weight: 200 lbs / 90 kg
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Blond
Hair Dye: None
Body Hair: Hairy
Facial Hair: Moustache
Tattoos: (As of Jan 2020) 5
Piercings: Ear Lobe (Both), Septum
Scars: None
Health and Fitness
Allergies: None
Alcoholic, Smoker, Drug User: Smoker, Social Drinker
Illnesses/Disorders: None Diagnosed
Medications: None
Any Specific Diet: None
Allies: (As of Jan 2020) The Rhydderch Clan
Enemies: (As of Jan 2020) None
Friends: Jarlath Rhydderch, Patrick Rhydderch, Lochlainn Rhydderch, Fionn Rhydderch, Uilliam Rhydderch, Ivor Rhydderch, Sean Rhydderch, Wyn Rhydderch, Vaughan Rhydderch, Roderick Rhydderch, Fergus Rhydderch, Flann Rhydderch, Ulysses May, Vasco Romero, Desmond Grady
Colleagues: The C.R.C Locker Rooms / Too Many To List
Rivals: None
Closest Confidant: Beatrix Rhydderch
Mentor: Yorath Rhydderch
Significant Other: Beatrix Rhydderch (39, Wife, Née Patenaude)
Previous Partners: None of Note
Parents: Yorath Rhydderch (71, Father), Deryn Rhydderch (72, Mother, Née Heffernan)
Parents-In-Law: Moray Patenaude (69, Father-In-Law), Eilwen Patenaude (70, Mother-In-Law, Née Mag Eochadha)
Siblings: Vaughan Rhydderch (41, Brother), Olwen McDermott (35, Sister, Née Rhydderch), Gwen McCracken (32, Sister, Née Rhydderch)
Siblings-In-Law: Maeve Rhydderch (42, Vaughan's Wife, Née Pelletier), Caden McDermott (36, Olwen's Husband), Caderyn McCracken (33, Gwen's Husband), Venyamin Patenaude (36, Beatrix's Brother), Adara Patenaude (37, Venyamin's Wife, Née Jonckers), Tsiuri Jonkheer (33, Beatrix's Sister, Née Patenaude), Vitaly Jonkheer (34, Tsiuri's Husband), Aliyah Lucassen (30, Beatrix's Sister, Née Patenaude), Zinovy Lucassen (31, Aliyah's Husband), Vlasi Patenaude (27, Beatrix's Brother), Beracha Patenaude (28, Vlasi's Wife, Née Meeuwsen), Wassily Patenaude (24, Beatrix's Brother), Chanah Patenaude (25, Wassily's Wife, Née Michiels), Alma Muyskens (21, Beatrix's Sister, Née Patenaude), Cailean Muyskens (22, Alma's Husband), Yermolai Patenaude (18, Beatrix's Brother), Atarah Patenaude (15, Beatrix's Sister), Yevgeny Patenaude (12, Beatrix's Brother), Aviya Patenaude (9, Beatrix's Sister), Yuli Patenaude (6, Beatrix's Brother), Ayala Patenaude (3, Beatrix's Sister)
Nieces & Nephews: Abigail MacChruim (21, Niece, Née Rhydderch), Mungo MacChruim (22, Abigail's Husband), Zechariah Rhydderch (18, Nephew), York Rhydderch (15, Nephew), Xaviera Rhydderch (12, Niece), Wendy Rhydderch (9, Niece), Varg Rhydderch (6, Nephew), Ulf Rhydderch (3, Nephew), Nash McDermott (15, Nephew), Mack McDermott (12, Nephew), Lark McDermott (9, Niece), Kaylyn McDermott (6, Niece), Jameson McDermott (3, Nephew), Ian McCracken (12, Nephew), Halcyon McCracken (9, Niece), Genesis McCracken (6, Niece), Farley McDermott (3, Nephew), Vilen Patenaude (16, Nephew), Adva Patenaude (13, Niece), Vitali Patenaude (10, Nephew), Ahava Patenaude (7, Niece), Vladilen Patenaude (4, Nephew), Ahuva Patenaude (1, Niece), Vladlen Jonkheer (13, Nephew), Aliza Jonkheer (10, Niece), Yemelyan Jonkheer (7, Nephew), Atara Jonkheer (4, Niece), Yevgeni Jonkheer (1, Nephew), Ayla Lucassen (10, Niece), Coinneach Lucassen (7, Nephew), Dalia Lucassen (4, Niece), Eachann Lucassen (1, Nephew), Dalit Patenaude (7, Niece), Fearchar Patenaude (4, Nephew), Dalya Patenaude (1, Niece), Fionnlagh Patenaude (4, Nephew), Derorit Patenaude (1, Niece), Gilleasbuig Muyskens (1, Nephew)
Children: Tallulah Rhydderch (18, Daughter), Saffron Rhydderch (15, Daughter), Rafferty Rhydderch (12, Son), Quasimodo Rhydderch (9, Son), Pallas Rhydderch (6, Daughter), Olivia Rhydderch (3, Daughter)
Children-In-Law: None
Grandkids: None
Great Grandkids: None
Billed From: Kilkenny, Ireland
Trainer: The C.R.C Wrestling School, Yorath Rhydderch
Managers: Beatrix Rhydderch
Wrestlers Managed: Beatrix Rhydderch
Debut: 2000
Debut Match: Neifion Rhydderch VS Yorath Rhydderch. Neifion won via submission
Retired: N/A
Retirement Match: N/A
Wrestling Style: Technician
Stables: The Rhydderch Clan (2000-)
Teams: No Team Names
Regular Moves: Knife-Edged Chop, Back Suplex, Delayed Vertical Suplex, Atomic Drop, Inverted Atomic Drop, Bridging Belly To Belly Suplex, Dropkick, Top Rope Dropkick, Indian Deathlock, Sleeper Hold, Snapmare, Swinging Knee Lift
Finishers: Diving Knee Drop, Figure-Four Leglock, Fisherman's Suplex
Refers To Fans As: The Fans, The Family
Backstory: Neifion Rhydderch of the C.R.C (Welsh Wrestling League / Cynghrair Reslo Cymru) owning Rhydderch family. When Yorath dies Neifion will have a 1/32th ownership of the promotion. Neifion is a 'Hunter Style' (Technician) trainer. He's Half-Welsh and Half-Irish.
Trivia: Mothing of Note
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1. ¿Cuál es tu nombre completo?
2. ¿Dónde y cuándo has nacido?
3. ¿Quiénes son o eran tus padres? (nombres, profesiones, personalidad...)
4. ¿Tienes hermanos? ¿Cómo son?
5. ¿Dónde vive ahora y con quién?
6. ¿A qué te dedicas ahora?
7. ¿Escribe una descripción completa sobre ti. Debes considerar altura, peso, raza, color de pelo, ojos y tatuajes, cicatrices o cualquier otra marca que te diferencie.
8. ¿A qué clase social perteneces?
9. ¿Tienes alergias, enfermedades u otras debilidades físicas?
10. ¿Eres diestro o zurdo?
11. ¿Cómo suena tu voz?
12. ¿Qué frases o palabras usas con frecuencia?
13. ¿Qué llevas en los bolsillos?
14. ¿Tienes tics, manías, hábitos extraños u otras características que te definan?
15. ¿Cómo describirías tu infancia en general?
16. ¿Cuál es tu recuerdo más temprano?
17. ¿Qué estudios tienes?
18. ¿Lo pasabas bien en la escuela?
19. ¿Dónde has aprendido tus habilidades?
20. ¿Has tenido modelos a los que seguir en tu infancia o adolescencia? Descríbelos.
21. Al crecer... ¿Qué tipo de relación mantenías con los miembros de tu familia?
22. Cuando eras pequeño/a, ¿Qué querías ser de mayor?
23. ¿Cuáles eran tus actividades favoritas de pequeño? Trepar árboles y correr
24. ¿Qué rasgos de personalidad tenías cuando eras niño?
25. ¿Eras popular de niño? ¿Quiénes eran tus amigos y cómo eran?
26. ¿Cuándo y cómo fue tu primer beso?
27. ¿Eres virgen? Si no lo eres, ¿cuándo y con quién perdiste la virginidad?
28. Si eres un ser sobrenatural (por ej. mago, hombre lobo, vampiro), cuenta la historia de como te has convertido o has aprendido tus propias habilidades. Si eres un humano normal, describe cualquier influencia que te haya llevado a hacer lo que haces hoy.
29. ¿Cuál ha sido el evento más importante de tu vida hasta ahora?
30. ¿Quién ha tenido la mayor influencia sobre ti?
31. ¿Cuál consideras tu más grande logro? 32. ¿Cuál es tu mayor arrepentimiento?
33. ¿Qué es lo peor que has hecho?
34. ¿Tienes algún antecedente criminal?
35. ¿Cuál fue el momento en que más te asustaste o pasaste miedo?
36. ¿Cuál es la cosa más embarazosa que has hecho?
37. Si pudieras cambiar una cosa de tu pasado, ¿Cuál seria, y por qué?
38. ¿Cuál es tu mejor recuerdo?
39. ¿Cuál es tu peor recuerdo?
40. ¿Eres optimista o pesimista?
41. ¿Cuál es tu mayor temor?
42. ¿Cuáles son tus puntos de vista sobre la religión?
43. ¿Cuáles son tus puntos de vista sobre la política?
44. ¿Cuáles son tus puntos de vista sobre el sexo?
45. ¿Podrías matar? ¿Bajo qué circunstancias encontrarías el matar algo aceptable o inaceptable?
46. En tu opinión, ¿qué es lo peor que alguien puede hacer?
47. ¿Crees en la existencia de las "almas gemelas" o el amor verdadero?
48. ¿Qué crees que hace a una vida exitosa?
49. ¿Eres honesto/a a tus sentimientos y pensamientos(por ej. ¿Escondes tu verdadera forma de ser de los otros? ¿De qué forma?)?
50. ¿Discriminas o tienes prejuicios?
51. ¿Hay algo que te niegas a hacer bajo cualquier circunstancia? ¿Por qué?
52. ¿Por qué o quién, si es que hay, morirías (o harías otras cosas extremas)?
53. En general, ¿Cómo tratas a los otros (Atentamente, de forma ruda, manteniéndolos a distancia, etc.)?
54. ¿Quién es la persona más importante en tu vida y por qué?
55. ¿A quién respetas más y por qué?
56. ¿Quiénes son tus amigos/as? tienes un/a mejor amigo/a? Describe a esa gente.
57. ¿Tienes pareja o persona de afecto? Si es así, describe a esa persona.
58. ¿Te has enamorado alguna vez? Si es así, describe lo sucedido.
59. ¿Qué buscas en un/a potencial amante?
60. ¿Eres cercano/a a tu familia ?
61. ¿Has iniciado tu propia familia? Descríbela, si no tienes, ¿te gustaría? ¿Por qué, o por qué no?
62. ¿Cómo reaccionarias si estuvieras desesperad/a por ayuda?
63. ¿Confías en alguien para protegerte? ¿Quién, por qué?
64. Si murieras o te extraviaras, ¿quién te extrañaría?
65. ¿Quién es la persona a la que más desprecias y por qué?
66. ¿Tiendes a discutir con las personas, o a evitar conflictos?
67. ¿Tiendes a tomar el rol de liderazgo en situaciones sociales?
68. ¿Te gusta interactuar con grandes grupos de gente? por qué o por qué no?
69. ¿Te importa lo que los demás piensen de ti?
70. ¿Cuál es o son tu/s hobbie/s o pasatiempo/s favorito/s?
71. ¿Cuál es tu posesión más valiosa?
72. ¿Cuál es tu color favorito?
73. ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
74. Si lees, ¿Qué te gusta leer?
75. ¿Cuál es tu idea de buen entretenimiento?
76. ¿Fumas, bebes, o usas drogas? Si es así, ¿Por qué? ¿Quieres dejarlo/s?
77. ¿Qué haces en tu típica noche del sábado?
78. ¿Qué te hace reír?
79. ¿Qué te impacta u ofende?
80. ¿Qué harías si tuvieras insomnio y debieras encontrar algo para relajarte?
81. ¿Te estresas con facilidad?
82. ¿Eres espontáneo/a, o siempre necesitas planear?
83. ��Qué te hace enfadar?
84. Describe la rutina de un día normal para ti. ¿Cómo te sientes cuando esa rutina se ve interrumpida?
85. ¿Cuál es tu más grande fortaleza como persona?
86. ¿Cuál es tu mayor debilidad?
87. Si pudieras cambiar algo de ti mismo/a, ¿qué sería?
88. Generalmente, ¿Eres introvertido/a o extrovertido/a?
89. Generalmente, ¿Eres ordenado/a o desordenado/a?
90. Nombra tres cosas en las que te consideres muy bueno/a, y tres en las que te consideres muy malo/a.
91. ¿Te gusta como eres?
92. ¿Cuáles son tus razones para ser un/a aventurero/a? Las razones reales por las que lo haces, ¿difieren de las que dices en publico? (Si es así, detalla ambos grupos de razones)
93. ¿Cuál es la meta que más deseas cumplir en tu vida?
94. ¿Dónde te ves dentro de 5 años?
95. Si pudieras elegirlo, ¿Cómo te gustaría morir?
96. Sabes que vas a morir en 24 horas, nombra tres cosas que harías antes de que se te acabe el tiempo.
97. ¿Qué te gustaría que recordasen después de tu muerte?
98. ¿Qué tres palabras describen mejor tu personalidad?
99. ¿Qué tres palabras usarían los otros para describirte?
100. (pregunta para el escritor) Si pudieras, ¿Qué consejo le darías tú a tu personaje ?
Perdón si deje alguna de mis respuestas ahí, esta ficha no la hize yo, la encontré un un sitio web pero no lo volví a encontrar
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jartitameteneis · 1 year
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"65 pautas para domar tu ego y purificar tu Alma"
1.-No conviertas un dolor en sufrimiento: déjalo venir, déjalo pasar, no te aferres a él…
2.-Sé lo que eres en el presente, no cargues culpas.
3.-Elimina toda ansiedad por el futuro.
4.-Prepárate a trabajar por tu evolución hasta el último instante de tu vida…
5.-No le rindas cuentas a nadie: sé tu propio juez.
6.-Aprende a felicitarte a ti mism@.
7.-Cada noche, antes de dormir, repasa tu día y juzga tus acciones con objetividad…
8.-Si quieres triunfar, aprende a fracasar.
9.-No te definas por lo que posees…
10.-Nunca conviertas una actividad u otro ser en el motivo de tu existencia: entrégate a tu propia vida, no delegues tu poder.
11.-Cuando hables con alguien no lo interrumpas hasta que haya expresado su idea. Mientras lo escuchas no lo contradigas o apruebes mentalmente: óyelo sin tener opiniones. Cuando se calle, tú, libremente, considera lo que ha dicho y reacciona siempre positivamente como tu conciencia te lo dicte.
12.-No te comprometas con ideas en las que no crees, ni siquiera por necesidad de obtener un trabajo…
13.-No des consejos sin advertir antes: “Según lo que yo creo y hasta donde yo sé, arriesgando equivocarme”.
14.-Nunca afirmes algo sin decir al final “Hasta cierto punto, en tal fecha y en tal sitio”…
15.-Nunca hables de ti sin concederte la posibilidad de cambiar.
16.-Nunca hables de ti como si fueras un ente limitado, siempre que actúes piensa que no existes individualmente, que lo que haces se hace impulsado por fuerzas colectivas…
17.-Sólo aceptando que nada es tuyo serás dueñ@ de todo. (Desapego)
18.-Conviértete en una total ofrenda…
19.-Cesa de hablar mal de los otros o del mundo: cuando te pregunten tu opinión sobre algo o alguien di sólo sus cualidades. Si no le encuentras cualidades, calla…
20.-Haz lo más frecuente posible actos positivos para el otro y el mundo en forma gratuita y anónima…
21.-Cuando te enfermes, en lugar de odiar ese mal, considéralo tu Maestro…
22.-Acepta sin envidia los valores del otro…
23.-No hables haciendo resonar tu voz en la cabeza o en la nariz o en tu garganta, hazla resonar en tu pecho: usa la voz del corazón…
24.-No toques el cuerpo del otro para tomarle algo o para rebajarlo: tócalo para acompañarlo…
25.-No mires con disimulo, mira siempre directo…
26.-Da, pero no obligues a recibir…
27.-No hagas sentir culpable a nadie y acepta que eres cómplice de todo lo que te sucede…
28.-No olvides a tus muertos queridos, pero dales un sitio limitado que les impidan invadir toda tu vida.
29.-En el lugar donde habitas consagra un pequeño sitio a lo sagrado… 30.-Que nunca en tu cocina haya suciedad o desorden…
31.-Cuando rindas un servicio no te quejes ni hagas resaltar tus esfuerzos: si decides ayudar o trabajar para otro, hazlo con placer sin esperar agradecimientos…
32.-Si prometes, cumple…
33.-Si dudas entre hacer o no hacer, arriésgate a hacer, aceptando la posibilidad de fracasar…
34.-No definas a alguien ni por su raza, ni por su sexo, ni por su profesión, ni por sus ideas, simplemente no lo definas…
35.-No imites ni copies, absorbe y transforma…
36.-Deja de pedir y comienza a agradecer…
37.-No trates de ser todo para alguien: concédele la libertad de buscar en otr@s lo que tú no puedes darle. Otórgate a ti mism@ ese derecho…
38.-Cuando te hagan una pregunta no te obligues a dar una respuesta: puedes callar, hacer un gesto, o reemplazar la respuesta por otra pregunta… 39.-Para obtener algo, desea de verdad obtenerlo…
40.-Trata al otro como quisieras que te trataran a ti…
41.-Si no quieres cometer errores, nunca lograrás la perfección…
42.-Si no tienes la fe y la quieres obtener, imítala…
43.-Cuando alguien esté triunfante delante de un público no vayas a su territorio para contradecirlo con el objeto de robarle ese público.
44.-Crea tu propio sitio y tu propio público…
45.-En casa ajena come con moderación.
46.-A donde te han invitado, llega siempre con un regalo…
47.-Vive de un dinero ganado por ti mismo con placer…
48.-No te adornes con ideas ajenas.
49.-No te fotografíes junto a personajes famosos.
50.-No te jactes de aventuras amorosas…
51.-Abandona tus hábitos físicos, sexuales, emocionales y mentales, busca constantemente el cambio…
52.-No te vanaglories con simpatía de tus debilidades…
53.-Nunca veas a alguien sólo para llenar tu tiempo…
54.-En las conversaciones trata de no hablar de ti y ni de acontecimientos temporarios, habla de temas…
55.-Por lo menos una vez al día siéntate inmóvil, deteniendo tus palabras, tus emociones y deseos: observa tu acontecer interior como si estuvieras sentado en una orilla viendo pasar un río…
56.-No impidas que tus hij@s vayan más lejos que tú, acepta el camino que ell@s elijan.
57.-Nunca les critiques a sus seres amados.
58.-Déjal@s crecer como y hacia donde ell@s quieran…
59.-No te disfraces con personalidades falsas para que te admiren…
60.-Actúa por el placer de actuar y no por lo que esta acción puede hacerte ganar…
61.-Obtiene para repartir…
62.-Si alguien te dice que has cometido una falta y tiene razón, no le discutas y reconoce de inmediato esa falla… 63.-Nunca des un regalo preocupándote después de lo que el que lo recibió hizo de él…
64.-Si hablas con personas de las que desconfías, no respires por la boca. Tenla cerrada e inhala sólo por la nariz.
65.-No le respondas “No es verdad”, dile mejor “Yo creo otra cosa”.
~Gabriel Vallejo~
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renatarenatah · 2 years
Eu li todos livros que Rory leu!
Por acaso, eu leio muito rápido e terminei esses livros por dias e semanas. Amei esses livros! Rory é estudiosa, tem boas escolhas para ler.
Listona com os 339 livros que Rory leu em ‘Gilmore Girls’:
1. 1 984 – George Orwell
2. As Aventuras de Huckleberry Finn – Mark Twain
3. Alice no País das Maravilhas – Lewis Carroll
4. As Incríveis Aventuras de Kavalier & Clay – Michael Chabon
5. Uma Tragédia Americana – Theodore Dreiser
6. As Cinzas de Ângela – Frank McCourt
7. Anna Karenina – Leon Tolstoy
8. O Diário de Anne Frank – Anne Frank
9. The Archidamian War – Donald Kagan
10. A Arte da Ficção – Henry James
11. A Arte da Guerra – Sun Tzu
12. Enquanto Agonizo – William Faulkner
13. Reparação – Ian McEwan
14. Autobiography of a Face – Lucy Grealy
15. The Awakening – Kate Chopin
16. Babe – Dick King-Smith
17. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women – Susan Faludi
18. Balzac e a Costureirinha Chinesa – Dai Sijie
19. Bel Canto – Ann Patchett
20. A Redoma de Vidro – Sylvia Plath
21. Amada – Toni Morrison
22. Beowulf: A New Verse Translation – Seamus Heaney
23. Bagavadguitá
24. Os Irmãos Bielski – Peter Duffy
25. Bitch in Praise of Difficult Women – Elizabeth Wurtzel
26. A Bolt from the Blue and Other Essays – Mary McCarthy
27. Admirável Mundo Novo – Aldous Huxley
28. Um Lugar Chamado Brick Lane – Monica Ali
29. Brigadoon – Alan Jay Lerner
30. Cândido – Voltaire
31. Os Cantos de Cantuária – Chaucer
32. Carrie, A Estranha – Stephen King
33. Ardil 22 – Joseph Heller
34. O Apanhador no Campo de Centeio – J. D. Salinger
35. A Teia de Charlotte – E. B. White
36. The Children’s Hour – Lillian Hellman
37. Christine – Stephen King
38. Um Conto de Natal – Charles Dickens
39. Laranja Mecânica – Anthony Burgess
40. The Code of the Woosters – P.G. Wodehouse
41. The Collected Stories – Eudora Welty
42. A Comédia dos Erros – William Shakespeare
43. Complete Novels – Dawn Powell
44. The Complete Poems – Anne Sexton
45. Complete Stories – Dorothy Parker
46. Uma Confraria de Tolos – John Kennedy Toole
47. O Conde de Monte Cristo – Alexandre Dumas
48. A Vingança de Bette – Honoré de Balzac
49. Crime e Castigo – Fiodor Dostoievski
50. Pétala Escarlate, Flor Branca – Michel Faber
51. As Bruxas de Salém – Arthur Miller
52. Cão Raivoso – Stephen King
53. O Estranho Caso do Cão Morto – Mark Haddon
54. Filha da Fortuna – Isabel Allende
55. David e Lisa – Dr Theodore Issac Rubin M.D
56. David Copperfield – Charles Dickens
57. O Código da Vinci – Dan Brown
58. Almas Mortas – Nikolai Gogol
59. Os Demônios – Fiodor Dostoievski
60. A Morte de Um Caixeiro-Viajante – Arthur Miller
61. Deenie – Judy Blume
62. The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America – Erik Larson
63. The Dirt: Confessions of the World’s Most Notorious Rock Band – Tommy Lee, Vince Neil, Mick Mars e Nikki Sixx
64. A Divina Comédia – Dante Alighieri
65. Divinos Segredos – Rebecca Wells
66. Dom Quixote de La Mancha – Miguel Cervantes
67. Conduzindo Miss Daisy – Alfred Uhry
68. O Médico e o Monstro – Robert Louis Stevenson
69. Edgar Allan Poe: Complete Tales & Poems – Edgar Allan Poe
70. Eleanor Roosevelt – Blanche Wiesen Cook
71. O Teste do Ácido do Refresco Elétrico – Tom Wolfe
72. Ella Minnow Pea: A Novel in Letters – Mark Dunn
73. Eloise – Kay Thompson
74. Emily, the Strange: Os Dias Perdidos – Roger Reger
75. Emma – Jane Austen
76. Empire Falls – Richard Russo
77. Encyclopedia Brown: Boy Detective – Donald J. Sobol
78. Ethan Frome – Edith Wharton
79. Ética – Spinoza
80. Europe through the Back Door, 2003 – Rick Steves
81. Eva Luna – Isabel Allende
82. Tudo se Ilumina – Jonathan Safran Foer
83. Extravagance – Gary Krist
84. Fahrenheit 451 – Ray Bradbury
85. Fahrenheit 9/11 – Michael Moore
86. The Fall of the Athenian Empire – Donald Kagan
87. Fat Land: How Americans Became the Fattest People in the World – Greg Critser
88. Medo e Delírio em Las Vegas – Hunter S. Thompson
89. A Sociedade do Anel – J. R. R. Tolkien
90. Um Violinista no Telhado – Joseph Stein
91. As Cinco Pessoas que Você Encontra no Céu – Mitch Albom
92. Finnegan’s Wake – James Joyce
93. Fletch Venceu – Gregory McDonald
94. Flowers for Algernon – Daniel Keyes
95. The Fortress of Solitude – Jonathan Lethem
96. A Nascente – Ayn Rand
97. Frankenstein – Mary Shelley
98. Franny e Zooey – J. D. Salinger
99. Sexta-Feira Muito Louca – Mary Rodgers
100. Galápagos – Kurt Vonnegut
101. Gender Trouble – Judith Butler
102. George W. Bushism: The Slate Book of the Accidental Wit and Wisdom of our 43rd President – Jacob Weisberg
103. Gidget – Frederick Kohner
104. Garota, Interrompida – Susanna Kaysen
105. Os Evangelhos Gnósticos – Elaine Pagels
106. O Poderoso Chefão: Livro 1 – Mario Puzo
107. O Deus das Pequenas Coisas – Arundhati Roy
108. Cachinhos Dourados e os Três Ursos – Alvin Granowsky
109. E o Vento Levou – Margaret Mitchell
110. O Bom Soldado – Ford Maddox Ford
111. The Gospel According to Judy Bloom – Judy Bloom
112. A Primeira Noite de um Homem – Charles Webb
113. As Vinhas da Ira – John Steinbeck
114. O Grande Gatsby – F. Scott Fitzgerald
115. Grandes Esperanças – Charles Dickens
116. O Grupo – Mary McCarthy
117. Hamlet – William Shakespeare
118. Harry Potter e o C��lice de Fogo – J. K. Rowling
119. Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal – J. K. Rowling
120. A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius – Dave Eggers
121. O Coração das Trevas – Joseph Conrad
122. Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders – Vincent Bugliosi e Curt Gentry
123. Henry IV, parte I – William Shakespeare
124. Henry IV, parte II – William Shakespeare
125. Henry V – William Shakespeare
126. Alta Fidelidade – Nick Hornby
127. A História do Declínio e Queda do Império Romano – Edward Gibbon
128. Holidays on Ice: Stories – David Sedaris
129. The Holy Barbarians – Lawrence Lipton
130. Casa de Areia e Névoa – Andre Dubus III
131. A Casa dos Espíritos – Isabel Allende
132. Como Respirar Debaixo D’Água – Julie Orringer
133. Como o Grinch Roubou o Natal – Dr. Seuss
134. How the Light Gets In – M. J. Hyland
135. Uivo – Allen Ginsberg
136. O Corcunda de Notre Dame – Victor Hugo
137. A Ilíada – Homero
138. Confissões de uma Groupie: I’m With the Band – Pamela des Barres
139. A Sangue Frio – Truman Capote
140. Inferno – Dante Alighieri
141. O Vento Será tua Herança – Jerome Lawrence e Robert E. Lee
142. Ironweed – William J. Kennedy
143. It Takes a Village – Hillary Rodham Clinton
144. Jane Eyre – Charlotte Bronte
145. O Clube da Sorte da Alegria – Amy Tan
146. Júlio César – William Shakespeare
147. A Célebre Rã Saltadora do Condado de Cavaleras – Mark Twain
148. A Selva – Upton Sinclair
149. Just a Couple of Days – Tony Vigorito
150. Os Últimos Dias dos Romanov – Robert Alexander
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recomendandburn · 9 months
Adressing the removal of Cocooned by GamerBearMira from my recommendations
The following types of ficts will never EVER appear in this blog as i don't agree with the writers attitudes and/or opinions, just flat out don't enjoy the tropes/ships used in them or (in the case of number 36) left the fadom for good and refuse to dip my toes into it again for reasons i will not elaborate on:
Ficts containing Severus Snape bashing or just writen by someone who hates him.
2. Fics containing Sirius Black bashing or just writen by someone who hates him (though i may make an exception for a particular Prince Chaser fic)
3. Fics containing Remus Lupin bashing or just writen by someone who hates him
4. magical Dudley Dursley and/or magical Petunia Dursley fics
5. Albus Dumbledore centric fics
6. Ron Weasley centric fics
7. Peter Pettigrew centric fics
8. Petunia Dursley centric fics
9. Reader insert fics
10. Fics were Regulus Black is in a monogamous relationship with a girl or a woman or in a polyamourus relationship where they don't just share the other man
11. Fics where Albus Dumbledore is shipped with anyone besides Grindelwald
12. Fics that have Romione as its main or sole ship
13. Fics That contain spanking
14. Fics that contain piss or belly kink
15. Fics where sentient animal characters from Disney get turned into humans just so that the author can make human ocs to be their kids
16. Fics were Rubeus Hagrid is shipped with anyone besides Madame Maxine
17. Rubeus Hagrid centric fics
18. desi, Black or Indian Potter Family, Harry Potter and/or James Potter (sorry but i headcanon James and by proxy Harry as being half Japanese from Euphemia's side so i can't picture either of them as having dark skin)
19. Black Hermione granger ( i can agree with her being mixed race due to her parents' ancestry but i personally don't think either her or her either parents as being black themselves)
20. Mal Bertha bashing fics or fics wrote by someone who hates her
21. Fics containing monogamus Jaylos as its main or sole ship (sorry but a spanish fic ruined them for me)
22. Fics containing monogamous Benlos as its main or sole ship
23. Alma Madrigal centric fics
24. Fics under the tag Extremely underage and/or shotacon
25. Fics where Petunia is shipped with anyone from Lily Evans Potter's imediate social cicle (ie Severus Snape or any of the marauders) or with anyone born during the golden trio era
26. Fics with Julieta Madrigal/Agustín Madrigal as it's main or sole ship
27. Fics where Antonio Madrigal is shipped with Pumped Up Juancho or anyone older than him
28. Fics containing parent/incest being shown in a positive light
29. Fics where Harry Potter is a Elf or a naga
30. Fics centered on non pagan religions of any kind, have those religions as vital plot points or reference the holy texts of those religions
31. Fics with Bad Spelling and/or grammar
32. Fics where cisgender male characters are feminized forcebly or not
33. Fics with monogamous Bal as its main or sole ship
34. Fics with Devie as its main or sole ship
35. Fics about or featuring Bellamione as an endgame ship
36. Fics from the Total Drama and/or Total Dramarama fandoms
37. Fics about or featuring Ronarry
38. Fics about or featuring Harmony
39. Fics about or featuring Neville Longbottom /Harry Potter
40. Fics about or featuring Ginny Weasley/Draco Malfoy
41. Fics about or featuring Draco Malfoy/Lord Voldemort as an endgame ship
42. Fics about or featuring Gruvia as its endgame ship
43. Fics about or featuring monogamus Style as it's endgame ship
44. Wendy Testaburguer centric fics
45. Fics where Wendy Testaburguer is shipped with anyone besides Bebe
46. Fics where the relationship between Max and David (from camp camp) is more than platonic
47. Fics where the relationship between Minerva McGonagall and any of her students is more than platonic
48. Fics where Alastor Moody is shipped with anyone (though i will make an exception for a particular Jamione fic)
49. Fics where Amelia Bones is shipped with any canonically established character besides Minerva.
50. Fics where Kingsley Shacklebolt is shipped with any canonically established character
51. Fics where Dobby is shipped with any human character
52. Fics about or featuring creatures, cargo or animals being shipped with any human characters
53. Fics about or featuring Harry Potter being paired with either Susan or Amelia Bones
54. Fics about or featuring not one-sided Colin Creevey/Harry Potter
55. Bella Swan centric fics
56. Philosophy centric fics
57. Juvia lockser centric fics
58. Molly Weasley centric fics
59. Fics were Peter Pettigrew is shipped with Lucius Malfoy, Regulus Black, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Barty crouch Jr, Severus Snape or any of the people the rat animagus canonically betrayed.
60. Fics about or featuring Klaine as its endgame ship
61. Fics about or featuring Druna (sorry but even if i was a fan, AVPS would have ruined them for me)
62. Fics where Amelia Bonee is paired with any of The Marauders or Severus Snape
63. Fics about or featuring Drinny.
64. Fics where Sirius Black identifies as Genderfluid or in any way partially with female oriented genders (i'm sorry but he is one of those characters that i picture as either identifying themselves as 100% female or not female at all. No in between)
65. Ficts were every single character is Aroace or the author just plans for everyone to die single (look, its fine if you want your fict to no be centered on the romance but at least add in some mention of romance for God's sake. Don't be like corncarrotpineappletuna who oh so desperately NEEDS you to remember that at least in their fics, NOT A SIGLE NEXT GEN CHARACTER WILL BE BORN cause they made it a point to sigle handedly destroy every single canonically established couple without presenting us with new ones. Cause their ficts are NOT ROMANCE Centric)
66.Fics writen by Antis
... And if you go to my other blog (@sendandburn) and check the list of Encanto Antis to block/follow you'll see that GamerBearMira appears on it so their fics will NEVER under any circumstances be recommended by me ever again.
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poeta-do-caos23 · 1 year
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Eu postei 17.685 vezes em 2022
Foram 17.685 posts a mais do que em 2021!
155 posts criados (1%)
17.530 posts reblogados (99%)
Blogs que você mais reblogou:
Eu marquei 93 posts meus em 2022
#poetadocaos - 90 posts
#poetas do tumblr - 47 posts
#lardepoetas - 24 posts
#poesia - 22 posts
#autorais - 14 posts
#lardepoesias - 2 posts
#thank you - 2 posts
#tumblr milestone - 2 posts
#500 likes - 2 posts
#liberdadepoetica - 1 post
Maior tag: 20 caracteres
Meus principais posts em 2022:
20 tumblrs favoritos
@controlaria @butecodobrasil @seu-bobo-da-corte @brutamente-meiga @afogar @abismoadois @um-cartao @melhorsoziinhoo @dark-side-the-sun @da-cor-do-ceu @mulherfeitadecaos @umcontodefalhass @mybelamoon @adoidecer @sue-apenas @zero-treze @girlmoon0 @meninalibriana2 @i-ncomum @juliane-molina @keymoony @lardepoetas @outunos @viajantesemtempo
37 notas - publicadas em 6 de julho de 2022
Vá na lanchonete sozinho, vá no cinema sozinho, vá no show sozinho. Faça da sua própria companhia, a sua melhor companhia. Faça coisas gostosas, aprecie o céu, aprecie o sol. Olhe para o espelho e aprecie cada detalhe lindo e gostoso que você tem.
38 notas - publicadas em 29 de abril de 2022
Esse papo que tem que se preparar 100% pra uma conversa decisiva, pra uma possível perda, ou simplesmente pra um novo desafio, é furada. Até porque ninguém consegue estar preparado 100% pra nenhum desafio. A ansiedade, os pensamentos e toda intensidade são fortes. Porém, podemos usar o nosso melhor pra conseguir se sair bem em uma conversa, pra lidar com a perda, pra estar em novo ambiente de trabalho, ou pra ir em uma nova lutas por novos objetivos. Muitas vezes não estamos nem 80% preparados pelo o que vem pela frente, mas no meio do caminho conseguimos combustível de uma maneira incrível, e vamos aprendendo de mil formas. Vamos morrer aprendendo. Mas, a melhor forma é levar a vida, aprendendo, crescendo, colocando em prática isso, e ter a nossa consciência limpa. E que se foda quem criticar a forma como você chegou.
39 notas - publicadas em 12 de maio de 2022
Talvez essa intensidade tem um motivo, uma causa, uma loucura. Eu quero mais, eu sempre quero mais. Talvez esse meu lado chato tenha um motivo, tenha um propósito, tenha uma raiz. Eu quero a coisa certo, eu quero a alegria, eu quero a alma. Talvez essa cobrança tem um motivo, um objetivo, uma esperança. Eu quero amor, eu quero mais, eu quero muito mais.
42 notas - publicadas em 8 de junho de 2022
Meu post nº 1 de 2022
Dificilmente essas pessoas vão entender os seus sonhos, os seus objetivos, as suas vontades, e o seu caminho. Mas, elas não precisam entender. Elas não precisam entender o seu propósito. Basta você apenas sorrir e continuar a caminhar da forma que precisa caminhar. Consciência limpa, magia no olhar, fé em si mesmo, e uma alma feita de sonhos. Olhe para o seu passado e sorria. Olhe pra essas pessoas que não te entendem e sorria. Expresse mesmo a sua confiança e a sua arte de viver. Você é sensacional, e não tem que ficar se torturando pra se justificar pra essas pessoas, e nem se culpar pelo fato de elas não entenderem. Cada um tem o seu caminho. Cada um tem a sua magia. Continue caminhando, continue vivendo do jeito que você acha que é melhor.
126 notas - publicadas em 19 de maio de 2022
Veja a sua Retrospectiva 2022 →
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kimyager · 1 year
yaşım yirmi bir oldu bu güne kadar hayattan çıkarttığım dersleri yazıyorum buraya bunlar benim kırmızı çizgilerim.
1. Yaşamak için çalışan herkese saygı duy.
İşleri ne olursa olsun
2. İnsanlarla konuşurken gözlerinin içine bak.
3. Banyoda şarkı söyle.
4. Güzel bir ses sistemi edin.
5. Kavga anında ilk sen vur ve güçlü vur.
6. Sır tut.
7. Kimseden vazgeçme, hergün bir mucize oluyor.
8. Uzatılan bir eli, tokalaşmadan bırakma
9. Cesur ol, değilsen bile taklit et. Kimse farkı anlayamaz.
10. Islık çal.
11. Alaycı biri olma.
*12. Eşini düzgün seç, bu mutluluğunu %90 etkileyecek.
13. İyi şeyleri alışkanlık haline getir.
14. Bir daha görmek istemediğin kitapları ödünç olarak ver.
15. Çocuklarla oynadığında, bırak onlar kazansın.
16. İkinci şansı tanı, ama üçüncüyü asla.
17. romantik ol.
18. Tanıdığın neşeli ve içten insan olmaya çalış.
19. Rahatla, rahat takıl.
20. Telefonunun önemli anlarını bölmesine izin verme telefonun senin kullanman için orada. Onun seni değil.
*21. Kaybedince, adabınla kaybet.
22. Kazanınca adabınla kazan.
23. Arkadaşına ağır sır söyleyeceğin zaman, iki kere düşün çünkü bu onun taşıyacağı bir yük olacaktır.
24. Mütevazi büyüklerine saygı duy. Küçüklerine sevgi duy.
25. Kaybedecek hiçbirşeyi olamayan birine karşı dikkatli davran.
26. köprüleri hemen yıkma. O köprülerin daha ne kadar gerektiğini bilmiyorsun.
27. Hayatı keşke demeden yaşa.
28. Saygı ve sevgi duy. Onlar açken sen tok
29. Güvenilir ol. Hayatta geriye doğru bakınca kendinle gurur
duyacak biri ol.
*30. Hiçbir zaman birine seni seviyorum deme fırsatını kaçırma.
31. Bil ki, kimse tek başına başarılı olmuyor, sana yardım edenlere karşı kalbini yumuşak tut, onları hiçbir zaman unutma.
32. Davranışlarını sorgula, Onlara dikkat et. Başkalarının
davranışlarını seçmesine izin verme.
33. Telefonu açtığında enerjik ve mutlu ol.
34. Hep bir not defteri tut, aklına gelen milyonluk fikirlerin uçup
gitmesine izin verme.
35. Başkalarının dedikleriyle hareket etme.
*36. Sevdiğin herkese çiçek yolla, sebebini sonra düşün.
37. Birinin kahramanı ol.
*38. Sadece bir kere evlen.
39. Sahip oldukların için şükret ve
40. Birinin evinde misafirken, yemeklerine her zaman iltifat et.
41. Kendine kötü sözler söyleme.
42. Okula giden bir servis gördüğünde el salla.
43. Hiçbir zaman umutsuz olma, her karanlık gecenin aydınlık bir sabahı vardır.
44. Sana güvenen insanları ne olursa olsun aldatma.
45. Unutma ki, bir işte başarın %80 insanlarla nasıl ilişkin olduğudur.
46. Yüreğini temiz tut.
47. Hayatın adaletli davranmasını bekleme.
48. Yalan söyleme.
49. Kimsenin kalbini kırmamaya çalış.
50. Bir hevesle birşey satın alma.
51. Gereksiz şeyleri aklında tutma.
52. Aşırıya kaçma.
53. Zamanın kiymetini bil.
54. Problemleri görmezden gelme.
55. Sınırlarını belirle ve herkese açma.
56. Değerini kendin belirle.
57. Erken kalk.
58. spor yap.
59. Her Gün kitap oku.
60. Amaç edin, hedefler koy.
*61. Hayır demeyi bil.
62. Sağlıklı beslen.
63. Sevildiğin yere sık sık gitme itibarin zedelenir.
*64. Bir insanla çok zaman geçirme tahammül sınırın azalır ve
birbirinizi kırabilirsiniz.
65. Eğer suçsuz olduğunu kanıtlayamıyorsan sende kurbanmış gibi görün.
66.Bir şarkın olsun. Senin olsun. Hayatına her giren insana "bu benim şarkım bak" diye dinlet. Bir gün o kişinin hayatından çıktığında bir radyoda denk gelirse, seni hatırlasın.
67. Tek bir parfümün olsun. Özdeşleşmek iyidir. Dünya bu illa ki bir tek sen kullanmayacaksın. Öyle bir sana ait olsun ki, bir yabancıda bile duysa "acaba burda mi" diye kokuyu duyanın gözü seni arasın.
68. Bir tane en yakın arkadaşın olsun. Sadece kötü günde değil, iyi günde de aradığın ilk kişi olsun. Birlikte düşün, birlikte kalkın. Birbirinizi toparlayın. Yaralarınızı sarın. Herkes gittiğinde "şanssızlığınıza" biraz gülün, biraz ağlayın.
69. Bir tane çok büyük aşkın olsun. Rakıya bahane olsun. Bir dönem çok sevmiş ol, bi dönem nefret etmiş. Her şey küllendikten sonra tebessümle hatırla. Biraz da bi yanin acıyarak. "O olsaydı nasıl olurdu acaba hayatım?" diye sorgulayarak. Artık bir şey hissetmesen de "başına bir şey gelse yine de ilk ben koşarım" diyecek kadar. Unutma, masallar mutlu sonla, efsaneler kavuşamamakla biter.
70. Bir evlat edin. Bir kedi olur, bir köpek de. Ama olsun. Kapılarını aç. Senden olmayan ama senin ilgine bakımına muhtaç bir kalbin atışlarını ellerinde hisset. Bir canlının hayatını değiştirmek acayip bir şey. Birinin kahramanı olmak istersen bundan büyük fırsat olamaz. Sevmek çok güzel. Hele bir de her koşulda sevilmek.
71- Bol bol kitap oku biri seni derinden etkileyene kadar oku. Onu bulduğunda kimseyle paylaşma. O hikaye senin. Beğenmediğin sayfayı yırt sevdiğin yerleri yıldızlarla donat. Başucunda dursun. Belki bir gün biri gizlice o sayfaları keşfeder. Seni daha iyi tanıma imkanı olur.
72. Salaş bir restaurant edin. Patronundan garsonuna kadar tanı. Kafan mı bozuk, mekan dolu mu, sana yer açacakları kadar müdavimi ol. Bir masan olsun hep oturduğun. Bir başına gitsen bile başına bir şey gelmeyeceğini bil. Bir gün belki kapanır ya da yıkılır. Ama sen önünden her geçtiğinde "burda eskiden hep bi yerim vardı" dersin. Bir hobin olsun. Kaçmak için. Hiçbir şey düşünmediğin. Dünyadan uzaklaşabildiğin. Onunla övün. En iyi yaptığın şey olsun. Insanlar şaşırsın. Senin icin çocuk oyuncağı olsun.
73. Bir şey iste. İmkansız olsun. Peşinden koş. Yorul. Defalarca vazgeç. Defalarca dene. Susmanın çaresizliğini de yaşa bağırmanın da. Uykuların kaçsın. Düşündükçe saç diplerin bile uyuşsun. Her ne ise bu istediğin, aşk da olur iş de. Bağrına taş bas gerekirse. Yeter ki gece yatağına yattığında "ben elimden geleni yaptım" de. Bazen kazanamamış olsan da, yapabileceklerinin ya da bir şeyi delice istemenin limitini görmek de zaferdir.
74. Vakit ayırdığın bir ailen olsun. Yarın kaybettiğinde keşke daha çok zaman ayırsaydım demeyeceğin. Pişmanlık kötüdür. Bir daha geri getirmeye gücünün yetmedikleri içinse, iskence. Kıymetini bil. Yarin ne olacağı belli degil. Kalp krizi dediğin bir kaç saniye. Kalp kırma. Sınırların olsun aşılamayacak. Duvarların olsun yıkılamayacak. Herkes bilsin. Ona göre davransın.
75. Bir alanın olsun metre karesi dert değil. Kapısını kapattığında gercek sen olabildiğin. Dört duvardan birinin dibine Çöküp ağlayabildiğin. Güçsüzlüğünü yaşayabildiğin. Sonra daha güçlü kalkabildiğin. Kaldığın yerden devam edebildiğin. İnsan en Çok kendini özlüyor çünkü.
76. Bir sevdiğin olsun tabi. Belki hayallerindeki gibi olmaz koşullar ama bir şeyleri birlikte var etmenin tadı bi başka. Para amaç değil araç olsun mutluluğuna. Olmadığı zaman da elindekini cömertçe paylaşabil. En çok onla gül. Saatlerce muhabbet edebil. Birbirinize ulaşamadığınızda, "başka biriyle mi acaba" diye değil "başına bir şey mi geldi" diye endişelen. İlişkini başkalarıyla kıyaslama. Biri sevdiğini çok söyler, biri daha çok gösterir. Sen de biri eksikse bu seni daha az seviyor demek değildir.Telefon karıştırmakla ömür geçmez. Bir insan bir şey yapmak isterse yapar. Kalbin temizse, sen araştırmadan da karşına çıkar korkma. Sonuna kadar güven. Bir gün kırılırsa kalp yenisini inşa eder.
77. Kalbini temiz tut. Çevreni de. Unutma yaptığın her iyilik bir gün sana geri döner.
78. Hangi yaşta olursan ol bir kadına karşı bi tık alfâ takıl;
"olmadı, tamam canın sağolsun ben sana karşı güzel hisler besledim bundan sonra da sana rahatsızlık vermem tabiiki." Diyip arkanı dönüp gitmek her zaman daha taşaklıdır böyle derken sen yine sev yine küçük dokunuşlar yap.
79. geçmeyecek yaralara ağlanmaz. öğretmediler mi sana?
80. bazı kapılar bir kez çalınır, açan olmazsa eve dönülür
81. geçilmez tekrar o sokaktan. o kapının numarası unutulur. yüzümüze kapanan kapılara çaba gösterilmez çiçek kızım...
82. Öyle horozlar vardır ki, öttükleri için güneşin doğduğunu sanırlar.
83. Hayat ne gideni geri getirir, ne de kaybettiğin zamanı geri çevirir. Ya yaşaman gerekenleri zamanında yaşayacaksın, ya da yaşamadım diye ağlamayacaksın.
84. Bozuk para insanın cebini deler, bozuk insan da kalbini. Bu yüzden harcayın ikisini de gitsin.
85. İnsanı bedenen ameliyat etmek için uyutmak, ruhen ameliyat etmek için ise uyandırmak gerekir.
86. Herkes insanlığın kötüye gittiğini kabul eder ama, hiç kimse kendisinin kötüye gittiğini kabul etmez. Herkes insanlığı değiştirmeyi düşünür ama, hiç kimse önce kendini değiştirmeyi düşünmez.
87. Varlığı bir şey kazandırmayan insanların, yokluğu hiçbir şey kaybettirmez.
88. Ne diye şeytana kızarsın? Bir iyilik yap da, o sana kızsın.
89. Bil ki, yaşadıklarınla değil yaşattıklarınla anılırsın. Ve Unutma; ne yaşattıysan elbet bir gün onu yaşarsın.
90. Bir insanı bulunduğu mevkiyle değil, göz koyduğu mevkiyle ölçmek gerekir.
91. En güçlü iki savaşçı sabır ve zamandır.
92. Bir insan acı duyuyorsa canlıdır. Başkasının acısını duyuyorsa insandır.
93. İnsanın gerçek gücü sıçrayışta değil, sarsılmaz duruştadır.
94. Kendi mutluluğundan başka hedefi olmayan insan kötüdür.
95. İnsanların çoğu onu yapıyor diye yanlış, yanlış olmaktan çıkmaz.
96. Kimse, kimseyi küçümseyecek kadar büyük değildir, bilmelisin. Küçümsediğin her şey için gün gelir, önemsediğin bir bedel ödersin.
97. Birine çamur atmadan önce iyi düşün ve sakın unutma, önce senin ellerin kirlenecek.
98. Başkalarının hayatından ders alın. İnsan, bütün hataları kendisi yapacak kadar uzun yaşamıyor.
99. Çok sıkıldığında kaçabilecek alanlar yarat kendine.
100. Anne ve ya babana anlatamayacağın şeyler hiçbir zaman doğru değildir
101. Popüler kültüre aldanma.
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sea-owl · 1 year
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I posted 903 times in 2022
That's 29 more posts than 2021!
510 posts created (56%)
393 posts reblogged (44%)
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I tagged 528 of my posts in 2022
Only 42% of my posts had no tags
#bridgerton - 201 posts
#polin - 136 posts
#penelope featherington - 125 posts
#colin bridgerton - 76 posts
#phillip crane - 46 posts
#philoise - 43 posts
#sakura haruno - 41 posts
#kathony - 39 posts
#naruto - 38 posts
#benophie - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#haruka is also biased and unreliable narrator while her version is probably the most truthful of that night it's still not completely true
My Top Posts in 2022:
I'm just imagining an Encanto AU where everything is still the same but Julieta is the one who can see the future and Bruno heals with food.
Just picture it with me.
Julieta's gift of healing with food kind of made her into the ultimate powerhouse maternal figure. Especially in most latino/hispanic cultures (from what I have observed) it is considered a "woman's role" to take care of others with things like cooking and repairing what has been broken.
Now imagine a Julieta, who is still a maternal powerhouse but instead of healing she tries to use her visions as cautionary tales or teaching lessons.
The village is still scared of her, still believes she is a source of bad luck.
But Julieta still has Augustin, who didn't believe she made the future happen. He was accident prone before meeting her. Just now she uses quick glimps to warn Augustin of his potential injuries and advise her brother how much extra food he'll need to make for her accident prone husband. They both chase Agustin around with the magic food She still gives birth to her three daughters who she loves more than anything. She is still the triplet that speaks against her mother to defend her family.
Bruno who is now the golden child of the triplets, and the most useful, is still socially awkward, and superstitious. His sister's can tell when the food choice is something on the saltier side. While his gift is useful he's only really approached for healing food and he's been doing that since he was five. He's overworked and is constantly in the kitchen. Making food in case of emergencies. He's still the rat man with rat children.
Mirabel's failed gift ceremony happens and Alma begs Julieta to look into the future. After comforting her daughter to sleep Julieta walks down into her vision cave where she sits on the end of a peninsula of an underground lake.
In her hands sits a blue tablet showing her youngest daughter. One side has casita whole, the other full of cracks.
Julieta is terrified for her daughter, Alma will demand to see the vision. Julieta knows from experince that once Alma knows it will end horribly for her daughter.
Julieta will do anything for her daughters.
Augustin goes to find his wife but only finds an empty cave and a smashed vision.
For 10 years no one talks about Julieta. Her door has stopped glowing. Augustin took the spare bed in Bruno's room, the two growing closer as Bruno helps with raising the girls. It's Bruno's involvement with helping raise his nieces that Augustin has not followed through on his threat to take his daughters and leave Casa Madrigal.
Augustin is more quick tempered with Alma, more ready to defend his daughters.
Isabela resents Mirabel even more, blaming her for their mother's disappearance.
Luisa doesn't blame Mirabel, if anything she's probably more protective of her than in canon. She does hold a secret resentment towards the town though. She believes they pushed her mother over the edge. Especially when she hears what people whisper from Dolores and by her own ears.
Well one of those girls had to be bad luck like their mother.
Julieta should've stopped after one. She got lucky to have a perfect daughter like Isabela.
Yeah she should've counted her graces that only one is a fuck up like her.
Mirabel wished someone talked about Julieta Madrigal. Actually talked about her, what she was like, how she looked, how she spunded. Did she prefer sweet or spicy foods? What was her favorite shade of blue? Did she love her youngest daughter? Mirabel has no memories, or very vauge ones. She has no idea who her mother truly is. The only comfort Mirable can bring herself is that sometimes it feels like Casita is trying to minic what she thinks is Julieta's voice. Giving Mirabel words of encouragement, praise, and love. Despite this attempt Mirabel might hate herself a little bit more, after all she was such an embarrassment that she drove her mother away.
Julieta does a better job at hidding in the walls than Bruno. She sneaks out a back door from her place in the walls before anyone wakes up and returns when she knows Dolores goes to sleep. She adds to her brother's herbs that she has spent all day collecting. Then wonders upstairs. Checking on each of her daughters, leaving them gifts before going back into the walls.
Julieta patches the walls for years. Taking notice of the pattern of when Mirabel is stressed or in pain the cracks show more. Casita has more than once woken Julieta up to one of her daughters having a nightmare. No matter how old they are she holds them close singing them back to a peaceful sleep.
Her brother's rats keep her entertained, always performing Bruno's latest telenovela for her. They help her sometimes by bringing things when she mistimed her coming back and can't make much noise in the walls.
She never expected one of her visions to be something they would bring her. Or that she would be reunited with her youngest daughter five minutes later after ten long years.
Bruno's rats led Julieta to one of the holes in the floor.
Julieta let out a gasp when she saw who was dangling by one of the floorboards. "Mija!"
Mirabel stared at a face simliar to her own as she gets pulled up. "Mama?"
Julieta checks her daughter over for injuries before pulling her into a tight hug. "Mi amor what are you doing back here?"
"What am I? What are you?" Mirabel spluttered, just examining her missing mother who was apparently never actually left! Mirabel glances over, loosing steam as she takes in all the repaired cracks. "Have you been patching these?"
Julieta sadly traces over the cracks, they match so well with her vision. "No matter how much I love our family, I won't let even them hurt my daughters. When Mama wanted that vision of you ten years ago I knew I could never let her see it. Even if there was a possibility of it turning out well she would only believe the worst outcome. Just like she and the village believe of me."
See the full post
377 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
I need to get me a partner like the Haddock men.
Stoick the Vast, that man, that chief of vikings, sees his wife and mother of his child after 20 years of separation. He finds out that she isn't dead like he believed, eaten by a dragon, she has been living and rescuing dragons. Who keep in mind was his enemy and the bane of his existence until 5 years before this moment when their son changed his mind.
Stoick has been kinda through it too. He has been leading a village, raising Hiccup on his own, and lets be honest Hiccup was definitely not an easy kid to raise, and combating the constant dragon raids on their home. All the while he has mourned the loss of his wife who should have been one of, if not his biggest, supports.
Realistically Stoick should have remarried if nothing more than an agreed marriage of convenience, but no he's loyal to the memory of his wife. He even has part of her armor made into a helmet to keep her close.
And after 20 years, after tracking down his wayward son, she's standing before him. Stoick is stunned, because it's a memory come back to life.
Valka is the one shouting begging and fully expecting Stoick to be angry, and to a degree he has a right to be. If this was five years earlier, back when Stoick confronted Hiccup after the disaster with the Monstrous Nightmare he probably would have shouted, probably would have let his anger take over.
But it's been five years since that fight with Hiccup. Stoick has learned, has grown, he has ridden and trained two of his own dragons. He has done what Valka thought he never could.
And you know what the first thing Stoick says to her after 20 years? "You're as beautiful as the day I lost you."
Oh gods Hiccup got his romantic nature from Stoick!
Now onto the younger Haddock.
Hiccup and Astrid are a better version of Stoick and Valka because they leaned to do the one thing that separated the older Haddock couple.
They learned to communicate.
Now this wasn't an easy road as we've been shown to us throughout the series. They have kept secrets from one another that has blown up in their faces. Hell their first lesson in communicating happened because Hiccup kidnapped Astrid.
But they are so much better for learning this lesson early. They are each other's biggest supports, if one is down to do some shit the other ain't that far behind. They don't hold each other back, if one fails the other one is right there by their side.
Their love is a nartual thing that is as easy and hard as breathing.
It's all so beautiful! The Haddock men are such romantics!
417 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
Man I'm replaying Awakening again and just like the chrobin family route is some straight up telenovela shit. Like I expect Bruno Madrigal's rats to be performing.
All the drama chrobin plot adds to an already dramatic plot.
On a basic level we got tradgey, zombies, betrayal, attempted/actual murder, talks of genocide, suicide, religious cults, bodies being possessed by a god, and don't forget those time traveling babies. Oh and got some romance drama happening on the side too.
We got some funny moments from chrobins supports and then Awakening just lets us wreck this poor man. Loyal to a fault Chrom is betrayed by his wife, queen, and mother of his children. He loved his family more than anything and it got him killed.
Poor Lucina's life just becomes more chaotic too when Robin is her mother. Lucina went back in time fully ready to avenge her father and strike down his killer. Then she finds out it's her mother. Her mother, who Lucina believed to be dead but no really knew what happened to her, they just found Chrom's body. Her mother was the new host to Grima. The same woman who was the Queen of Ylisse, who gave birth to her, and supposedly loved her family destroyed Lucina's life.
Lucina holds her promise, she will avenge her father, and Robin stands there ready to let Lucina drive Falchion into her heart. But Lucina can't make herself do it. She is still that little girl that just wants her parents and at least this version of her mother loves her.
This doesn't even add Morgan into the equation either. Lucina finds her brother again after who knows how long, and he's got amnesia. The boy who has been missing or the traitor who served Grima now has amnesia and he looks at his family with stars in his eyes.
That poor boy must be so confused too. It's highly suspected that Robin gave birth to Morgan shortly before she became Grima or she was still pregnant when the Fell dragon took over. So Grima as his mother is all Morgan knows, and let's be honest lowkey wasn't the best mom. Robin's gentler ways towards her children probably gave Morgan whiplash. It's also hinted that this is the first time Morgan got to really bond with Lucina too.
All that happens an you're gonna tell me that isn't a plot to a telenovela? Someone call Bruno so we can watch the rat version of Fire Emblem Awakening.
439 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
I'm tired of seeing that trope of Fugaku despising Sakura and trying to break up her relationship with Sasuke.
New trope! Fugaku likes Sakura better than his own sons sometimes and was rooting silently for sasusaku to happen. They are the platonic grumpy and sunshine trope.
Not one Uchiha knows how she did it, but Sakura won over her future father in-law to the point where he'll ask Sasuke if he's bringing Sakura to Clan gatherings. And this was before they got together.
Itachi and Sasuke are both impressed and flabbergasted. That infamous Uchiha stoicism broke the first time they saw little genin Sakura talk Fugaku's ear off. Their father did not react how they expected at all. All Fugaku did was nod and added his own comment every now and again.
During Sakura's training with Tsunade when Fugaku had to make reports to the Hokage he would visit Sakura. And when Sakura was stuck on something she would visit Fugaku if he had time. His quietness while she talked out her problems helps her think and 9 times out of 10 she solves it herself. Fugaku may have also slipped one or two older Uchiha medical/posion techniques in with her notes when she wasn't looking. He almost got caught when Kaname gave him that old scroll to give to Sakura.
When sasusaku did happen and they were getting close to marrying age Fugaku started hinting that Sasuke should teach Sakura the fireball jutsu. Sasuke was surprised his dad didn't push it earlier.
Unknown to him Fugaku knew Sasuke would teach Sakura that jutsu since their genin days. It was just after the Forest of Death and Orochimaru's attack on team 7. Fugaku was pissed that the snake man bit his son and infected him with the curse seal.
Anbu and the Uchiha Police were working together on this, after all Orochimaru not only made it into the village but he attacked rookie genins, one of them being an Uchiha.
Fugaku had gotten statements from Naruto and Sasuke. Both told him of Orochimaru's attack, how he sent a giant snake after Naruto and tried to impersonate the boy, the bite on Sasuke, and the group of Sound ninja sent after he finished his attack.
Naruto knew nothing of that last part, Sasuke began to shake every time he thought about it, a deep shame glazing over his eyes.
This lead to Fugaku talking to Asuma's and Gai's teams who had witnessed bits and pieces of the fight from the three Sound nin.
It didn't take long for Fugaku to realize he needed to talk to Sakura, the only one who was present and conscious from start to finish.
To be honest Fugaku didn't think much of the girl at first. She was civilian born, and a fangirl of his son. She won't amount to much unlike her teammates. She probably would retire early when she became a mother or go into the reserves.
Sasuke was at the station dropping something off from Mikoto when Sakura came in. And oh, Fugaku knew that soft look Sasuke was sending her. The statements of Sakura calming him down in the Forest began to make sense. His eyes fixtated on the girl's newly cut hair. The girl had cut it to free herself and defend her teammates.
Sakura spotted Sasuke when directed towards Fugaku. And Fugaku knew that look too, Sakura was afraid of his son.
Before the two teammates could say something to one another Fugaku called for the girl's attention. "Haruno, let's get your statement."
Sakura nodded and followed Fugaku to an empty room with a desk and two chairs.
"Tell me what happened."
Sakura retold the tale filling in the gaps of her dragging the boys away, and trying to cool down Sasuke's fever. Her setting up traps, and how the fight with the Sound nin went.
"Sasuke-kun woke up then, but. . ." Sakura began to shake. "The power that seal gave him was monstrous."
Fugaku's eyes narrowed. "You think my son is a monster?"
Sakura's head shot up. "No-"
"He defended you did he not when he woke up?"
"Yes but-"
"You're afraid of him."
Sakura slammed her fist on the table, Fugaku pretended not to notice the small cracks.
"That wasn't Sasuke-kun! That seal Orochimaru forced on him was poisoning him! He's not bloodthirsty, and he was shaking when the seal receded!" Sakura took a breath. "I hugged him, begging him to stop, and that's when the seal released him."
Fugaku could see it now, what Sakura was shouting at him. She wasn't afraid of Sasuke, she was afraid for him. Fugaku could see past that fear now in her eyes.
That's the moment Fugaku knew Sakura would one day join the clan, after all no one loved like the Uchiha. They are sometimes born with a different family name though.
645 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Bruce orphaned by a man with a gun Wayne meets Clark bullet proof Kent
883 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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