#all debute albums all self titled lol
bakedbakermom · 9 months
please reblog and put in the tags what the first cd you ever got was
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just-rogi · 9 months
“seems the only one who doesn’t see your beauty, is the face in the mirror lookin back at you”
can actually be so important to the perfect eldest daughters who grew up way too fast moved out and have done so much healing work, for whom love was all she wanted, but can’t escape the fact that as she gets older she look more and more like their mother every single day.
that’s your mothers face and eyes and hair and blood and flesh and skin. that’s the way your mother folds laundry and takes her coffee and laughs and that’s your mothers playlists and your mothers books - you stole them from your childhood home they still have her annotations in the margin.
you can love yourself as much as you want and have your life together and be so smart and kind and well spoken and be the little golden girl who grew up and impressed everyone who sees her, all tied together with a smile, but you have her eyes and will never be enough for the face in the mirror lookin back at you.
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planetsandthefates · 2 years
starting to think i may in fact be a reputation stan bc i love this album so much but also i love all of taylor’s albums so much how can i really choose lol
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goblingirlgratitude · 8 months
30 day song challenge (here)
day 13: a song you like from the 70s
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candymay · 2 months
My crazy roman empire is Lana and Armie's work and life parallel like in that it's always sunny in philadelphia conspiracy theory meme way
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2010: Lana's debut studio album as Lana Del Ray, a.k.a Lizzy Grant // Armie's breakout role in The Social Network. Fun fact: one of the songs is titled "Put Me In A Movie." Armie also tied the knot that year.
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2012-2013: Marked Lana's major-label debut with "Born To Die," a divisive album that jumpstarted her career but also faced enduring criticism from media and critics. // Armie experienced his first "flop" with big studio films in "Mirror Mirror" and "The Lone Ranger," but the real ones know they're actually golden lol.
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2017: marked a pivotal moment for both Lana and Armie. Lana unveiled her first SMILE on her album titled LUST FOR LIFE (the antithesis of her pessimistic Born To Die), sounds like a stupid insignificant detail yet it resonated deeply with the fans, marking a departure from her "sad girl" persona. It's her summer bop album. Very Timothee's Elio. // Obvi, Armie delivered his standout summer love performance in CMBYN, solidifying his position in Hollywood. It was a momentous occasion for Lana, particularly with the release of her song "Get Free" — you literally just had to be there it changed her history forever lol. Finally, I'm crossing the threshold From the ordinary world To the reveal of my heart I never really noticed that I had to decide To play someone's game or to live my own life But now I do I want to move Out of the black Into the blue
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2020-2021: Lana faced major backlash for her infamous Instagram post "Question for the Culture" and later for wearing a mesh-looking mask during COVID. // Armie's divorce and scandal lol. Interestingly, the year before, Lana released the masterpiece "Norman Fucking Rockwell!" featuring the song "The Greatest." And I'm wasted Don't leave, I just need a wake-up call I'm facin' the greatest The greatest loss of them all The culture is lit and I had a ball I guess I'm signin' off after all
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2023: Lana Del Rey released a diaristic masterpiece with "Did You Know That There's a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd," transitioning from her self-indulgent, character-driven songwriting to a more personal and introspective exploration of her family and personal life. // After a period of silence, Armie's interview was published in AirMail as a full-length article. One of the songs, "Kintsugi," reflects on the recent deaths of three of her relatives, including her grandmother. Similarly, Armie had recently experienced loss; his father, his grandmother, and Florence.
Daddy, I miss them I'm in the mountains Probably running away, I've been meaning to say That there's nothing to do except know that this is How the light gets in Like cracking, the light gets in Then you're golden Just another folk song, but anyway I try so hard, but that's okay It's how the light gets in Armie opened up about his experience of sexual abuse by his youth pastor, marking the first time he publicly discussed it. Lana addressed a similar theme for the first time in her Grammy-nominated song "A&W". If I told you that I was raped Do you really think that anybody would think I didn't ask for it? I didn't ask for it I won't testify, I already fucked up my story On top of this, so many other things you can't believe
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2024: Both are now living their best sober lives, with Lana having been sober for 20 years after her early struggles with alcohol and Armie has been sober for three years. They are now thriving, embracing new habits like vaping (lol), learning more about spirituality, and hanging with their family, and it seems like it's only up, up, up from here.
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mackmp3 · 1 month
okay i'm gonna answer this cos i was listening to joan earlier SO (and no i dont know why this is in greentext format just roll with it i'm so sorry) (this is uhh veeeeery very long too)
>some scruffy loser calling himself bob dylan shows up in new york with a guitar and pretty much cosplays as woody guthrie for a bit
>joan baez, who is the same age, made her debut self-titled album at nineteen years old and is well liked by everyone, her music is generally appreciated by everyone on the scene, she has a beautiful voice and strong vibrato and really good at guitar, involved in activism stuff, played with lost of older respected musicians, the whole folksinger package
>but she doesnt really write her own stuff
>bob dylan write copious volumes of material but his performance is uhhhh less than amazing and technical ability has uhm room for improvement
>his debut self titled album flops hard
>scene is pretty small so they inevitably meet
>joan is like lol look at this loser isnt he cute hehe--his songs are pretty good too huh
>she invites him to play with her, they do a bunch of shows together etc and eventually get romantically involved. joan introduces him to civil rights stuff & anti-war stuff & anti nuclear and all that stuff
>bobs stuff was already political but in a sort of abstract way, his work gets a lot more specifically activist-ey in a very powerful way
>they're still doing a lot of shows together-bob is pretty famous on the folk scene at this point, largely because of joan endorsing him pretty much lol, still romantically involved. music press starts paying attention to bob dylan and he releases quite a few albums with famous songs on them. people kinda shit on him for his voice its a whole thing but i really like his voice so whateverr
>but by 1965 music is starting to get Weird, beatles are happening etc, lots of new styles of music, new youth culture, drugs are also happening
>bob releases bringing it all back home - some of these songs have electric band backing, where previous All Bar One of his songs were solo acoustic guitar, vocals, maybe some harmonica. some people are vaguely put out by this but i think most people find it pretty cool
>20th july 1965 bob releases Like A Rolling Stone, arguably his most famous song. it is very electric and a banger and much Much more rock (it was pop then but yknow) than folk. young people go YAY YIPPEE
>newport folk festival 25th 1965 (five days later) bob plays with an electric band (later to be known as The Band) to Outrage from folk purists who thought he was their god etc. someone shouts 'judas' at the stage implying he was betraying folk music by going electric and that guy must absolutely shit himself every time he remember that he did that because goddamn. pretentious twenty-somethings who hadnt even liked folk music before bob dylan get mad at him, old folk singers are mad at him, popular myth says the famously pacifist pete seeger threatened to cut the power cable with an axe. everyone is Big Mad except like a rolling stone goes hard and people who care a bit less about Proper Folk Music think its a banger
>highway 61 revisted comes out and bob dylan is now a major sensation amongst music enjoyer everywhere, like his stuff is really really cool, new and exciting, also decidely Not Folk but like really very cool. bob also starts smoking weed and taking speed b/c ofc he does & if you look him up he looks like twelfth doctor with the sunglasses and the hair and i'm right on that
>joan is still doing traditional folk music mostly. she is less than amused at bob going electric but iirc mostly polite about it. later that year she released 'farewell, angelina' an album of covers of bob's songs. a lot of them are Very Good, all sung with much more skill than bob could ever hope for sorry bob. which is like. Damn Okay Joan Thats A Move but it was probably finished before newport.... idk..........
>england is suddenly like OMG BOB DYLAN????????? at around 1964/65 but it takes a long time for music to get over there b/c the british music industry had a thing about only selling uk artists so american records were special import it's a whole thing. so people are just getting his famous folk stuff riiiight as he changes his mind about that and starts doing rock music instead, though still with a very poetic bent
>on a related note uk albums were often released differenet in north america to 'appeal to american audiences'?? so the version of the beatles rubber soul that inspired bob dylan and like lou reed and Everyone is kinda of.... wrong...... its weird
>bob n joan's relationship is kinda strained at this point, due to musical differences and yknow relationship stuff, not helped by the fact that bob could be a bit of a prick and was also quickly accumulating A Legend around him. not helped by his insanely cryptic and often nonsensical interview responses.
>at some point in the middle of all this bob marries Sara Lownds in secret. no one knows. he doesnt tell joan. he's not With with joan anymore but she didnt know he was literally marrying someone else. apparently sara wasnt really a music person and didnt know exactly why he was so famous.
>1966 uk tour (this is filmed in d.a. pennebaker's DONT LOOK BACK (no apostrophe. cos dont & look & back all have four letters so it fits on a poster and the apostrophe would muck up teh symmetry also they were all really fuckin pretentious)). bob is playing mostly electric sets with The Band (known then as the Hawkes) which was A Choice To Be Sure
>some people love it but all the folk purists think he's awful and bad and terrible boo him offstage etc which is pretty terrible
>he starts taking a lot of drugs. music gets Weirder. he's kinda not doing too good
>joan shows up partway through the tour and its......awkward....... to say the least. he'd kind-of-not-really-ish broken up with her & then got married to someone else but she just inserted herself in there. idk why. the whole of dont look back he's kinda dismissive of/rude to her ngl
>meanwhile his Mythos has built to uncontrollable levels. he doesnt exactly help this b/c he's very clever with words so people would obvious find meaning in his lyrics, and when he spit nonsense in interviews people would often find a method in the madnes yknow?? like he's smart. he's also really weird. but people have started reading WAYYYYYYYYYYYYY too much into EVerything he says and does. like everything. like idek what a modern comparison would be. gaylors have nothing on this shit. understandably he gets pissed off at people asking stupid questions
>joan has a girlfriend at this point also. like yeah in a lesbian way. she says she's straight but she did have a girlfriend her name was kimmy
>blonde on blonde comes out in '66. its his most......... 60s album if you know what i mean. like its lots of drugs and lots of instruments and plays on words and its very good, big double album, he's looking super hip on the cover, songs rumoured to be about edie sedgwick, the whole shebang. the lyrics are inspiration for batshit insane theories for decades to come even though a lot of it likely is just in there cos it sounds cool and rhymes.
>includes the song 'sad eyed lady of the lowlands', which is about sara. joan thinks its about her and says so. bit awkward. its a beautiful song and bob never plays it live, it was recored at like three in the morning and the band didnt know how long it was gonna be etc etc lots of myth
>in november 1966 bob dylan has a motorcycle acciedent near his home in woodstock new york state and is in hospital. music enjoyers everywhere Very concerned. he's okay, and after this more or less disapears from public life for a bit. has a bunch of kids. just chilling in the countryside. does a bunch of jamming with The Band, lives of royalities etc. tries to avoid people mostly. this mysterious disapearance combined with blonde on blonde fuels a lot of theorising by fans which he thinks is stupid
>in just five years bob did more musical innovation than most muscians could ever hope to, and he Never WOuld Have been Famou s WIthout Joan.
>joan is getting even more involved in activist work as the vietman war drags on and on. still doing folk music. she has electric instruments in her stuff eventually but still in a definitively Folk Style. she plays at the Woodstock Festival in 1969, she got married too, doing lots of activism stuff, everyone still really likes her music. 1969 bob relases his country album which most people (bob included) think is kinda trash
>1972 joan releases 'to bobby' (she called him bobby a looooong time after everyone just called him bob). which is. Wow. its uhmmm. well. it's a song beseeching bob to come out of retirement and help out with the anti-war cause. lots of musicians though that is he wrote a good new anti-war song it would really help the cause like he used to in the early sixties. bob was pissed at this like relaly annoyed he though she was being far too presumptuous and i really gotta agree with him there like dude's been through enough.
>1975, bob's been back touring for a year -ish. he decide's he gonna put together the ROLLING THUNDER REVUE which is pretty much him & all his friends who are also folk.country.rock whatever you wanna call it musicians and they go arund a whole bunch of little venues and generally have a good time. lineup includes joni mitchell robbie robertson roger mcguinn emmylou harris, a very cool violin player called scarlett (i think) allen ginsberg the poet who had a gay crush on dylan in the sixties, the blonde guitarist from ziggy stardust AND JOAN BAEZ :D there are like ten people on the stage at once and loads of guitars and various string instruments etc and they redo all these dylan songs in new and exciting ways.
>they film some of it to make this move called Renaldo and Clara. i havent seen it (yet) but its like a semi-fiction semi-documentary film about the tour and also some sort of plotline they string together from somewhere idk. joan is in this film too. from what ive seen there are some uhh. some fairly OUGH scenes, on top of bob n joan singing together on stage all the time. there s clip of bob saying that he n joan could sing together in their sleep. she is still a wayyyy better singer than him but his voice is really good these years and they way they do the songs together is veeeeryyyyy cool. theres a scene in the film where bob says (and i quote) 'it really displeases me that you went off and got married' (OUT OF NOWHERE MIGHT I ADD) and joan says 'you went off and got married first and didnt tell me' and he doesnt really have an answer to that. like GODDAMNIT BOY
>there another scene where there was a bit of a script but joan went off and said something like 'do you know why we never couldve got married?' and bob was apparently bad at improv so he wasnt saying anything and so joan just kept talking going through all the reasons why they never got married and all the issues between them. On Camera. like damn.
>also in 1975 joan's album Diamonds & Rust comes out. the title track is one joan wrote herself and it is Very Clearly about bob and its uhhh a little bit scathing. also very very good. generally regarded as one of her best songs. awkward as you can imagine. 'my poetry was lousy you said' 'we both know what memories can bring / they bring diamonds and rust' 'you burst on the scene already a legend'
Now you're telling me You're not nostalgic Then give me another word for it You who are so good with words And at keeping things vague 'Cause I need some of that vagueness now It's all come back too clearly Yes, I loved you dearly And if you're offering me diamonds and rust I've already paid
>bob gets divorced from sara in 1976? 77? idk that happens too. i think joan gets a divorce too but not sure.
>theres a bit gap in my knowledge here idk what happens to them specifically after that. like i know a bunch about bob but nothing relevant rn. hes christian for a bit. makes some albums that suck and some that are good. joan still does folk music & mostly covers.
>in 2003 bob releases a memoir called Chronicles Vol. I (supposedly of three but theres only one lol). he talks about joan a bit, how could he not, describes how he was so envious of her when he was 21 and saysing 'she looked like a religious icon, like somebody you'd sacrifice yourself for'. super normal thing to say about your ex ahaha.
>2022 the rolling thunder revue film comes out (its a netflix film but also. internet archive) and they're both interviewed for it. some iconic moments. i think most interviewers sort of stopped asking joan about bob out of politness after a while but obviously she talks about him there thats what the films about. yeagh.
>joan baez like hangs out with lana del ray n stuff now & has books out or her little drawings. she also paints. and bob still tours at 82 (almost 83) years old. and still relreases new stuff. yeagh
ANYWAYS the concise history of Joan Baez and Bob Dylan. sources: dude trust me ahahah no but the source is the 2022 rolling thunder film, dylan's chronicles and around a year of being obsessed with bob dylan. he was my real life old guy blorbo fr.
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sug4rsweet · 6 months
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4 months after her TOP TEN debut, AVEX is pleased to announce the first HEADLINING WORLD TOUR of our artist, KAORI. scheduled to begin in june, KAORI will visit multiple cities across 3 continents, including TOKYO, OSAKA, SEOUL, JAKARTA, LONDON, PARIS, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, and many more.
get your tickets now. we can’t wait to see you there ♡
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girl she looked PHENOMENAL !
there was y2k inspiration all over the damn place !
kaori wanted to show that she was fun and fashionable but still strong, so there was a lot of military elements and a lot of pants BSNDMDSJ she’s a bit of a tomboy
ofc, the theme of the self title era was literally just her ! so there was a lot of personal elements like rhinestones, fingerless gloves, highlights in her hair, etc !
the costume design for this tour was a lil simple, but ofc, it was only her first so they couldn’t go too hard lol
there was a LOT of inspo taken from early namie amuro, ayumi hamasaki, girls’ generation, 90s christina aguilera, and britney during her oops i did it again tour !
the vision board for the costumes was insane and ofc kaori was behind most of it SKMSJKWJ
her costume changes were so cool btw ! there was one instance where she ripped off one costume to reveal another in between songs it was just insane sjsjwukd
also yes she did have different versions of her military uniform for practically every show lol
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the second that those tour dates dropped the demand was INSANE !
originally, avex had booked smaller venues since kaori was a rookie artist ofc, but then the demand started rolling in
it was so huge that adding more seats wasn’t enough, they had to change venues ENTIRELY !
like she literally sold out arenas,, she sold out both the tokyo metropolitan gymnasium and the jamsil arena,, the way her fanbase exploded within just a few months was actually crazy
she even managed to sell out the wembley arena ! like girl her appeal was insane !
anyways getting to the actual tour, it was a great one ! the sponsors for the tour were shiseido and dsquared2 (!!), who actually made most of kaori’s costumes
she also collaborated with colourpop in the us to sell themed makeup specifically for the tour ! there were these cute booths all over the venues, but unfortunately, they were only sold in the us </3
now onto the actual shows !
the openings were SO cool ! at first it started out with just her dancers on this raised platform, and she practically appeared out of nowhere and went straight into “treat me”
the crowd went batshit like girl that song was EVERYWHERE when it dropped
and ofc she was wearing that military uniform !
the setlist was essentially the entirety of her album + some covers, but it was all so fun ofc
like there was this one instance where kaori started the second half of the show in a ballgown and started singing a piano rendition of “sakura no hi,” and everyone was so sad like they thought the concert was over skhdjwjsj
but then she just. rips the skirt off and goes right into “try me” ?? insane !
and girl when i tell you that EVERYONE knew the lyrics to “try me,” i’m not kidding BSMSJMDNS
like kaori has SO much fun performing it too ! there was this moment during her tokyo finale where she let the crowd scream the “oto o tatete” (make some noise !) that she usually does before the song’s breakdown, and girl you could hear it from OUTSIDE !
crowd favorites were definitely “treat me,” “orite no shake it,” “try me,” “get up,” and “yeah-oh” skhdjdkwks like pretty much the entire crowd knew the words to ALL of those songs
and omg let me tell y’all abt those covers
she literally covered britney, christina, and janet all in one show !
first was “…baby one more time” and kaori was wearing her classic school uni, but then that got removed to reveal a white two piece and then we got “come on over baby”
and everyone thought she was done but then that turned into a black two piece and we got “black cat” !
like that medley was truly crazy
before we get to the encore, there was this one time during kaori’s los angeles show where she caught a water bottle with one hand, and the crowd lost it SWJSJSBSN
and she was so confused like all she did was catch a water bottle 😭
it’s her female fans y’all WJHSJD
anyways, the encore was amazing like,, the staff pushed her around in those portable stages (wth are they even called girl BSWUHJ) and she waved at so many of her fans
usually this would be a safety hazard, but she did ask a fan to throw a bouquet onto the stage !
the encore during the tour’s finale in tokyo was so sad though ! like kaori rarely cries but she was damn near sobbing at the end
she did not expect so many people to show up like she was just so touched y’all
also ! her call and response chant was coined during this tour !
it happened during her first show in tokyo, where kaori said “kao kao” and the crowd responded with “rin rin”,, it was just too cute
also, side note, but during this era netizens LOVED calling kaori a weak singer, but then this tour happened and she sounded INCREDIBLE live
like you could tell that she had been training girl !
and the choreography ?? insane ! like kaori was dancing her ass off during literally every show
anyways, there were meet ‘n greets held before each concert, and there were SO many people who wanted to meet kaori that she was actually thrown for a loop SMNSKJWJSJ
there was also some after each concert for fans who had backstage passes, but girl there was this ONE time,,
it was after kaori’s finale in tokyo and ofc a bunch of her friends came ! but after she finished greeting them her mom walks in !
and ofc she starts crying like that’s her mama !
but then girl he DAD walks in not even a second later and kaori just starts crying harder, sobbing, full on bawling,, like the whole 9 yards
atp she hadn’t seen her dad in 9 YEARS
getting to hug him again after years truly meant sm to her mhm
at the end of the year, a docuseries covering the tour was released onto youtube (even though kaori alr vlogged half of it 😭) ! and on the tour’s 1st anniversary in 2013, avex released a full concert film of her finale in tokyo,, girl it broke RECORDS in japan, and she even visited fans during the premiere !
anyways ! all in all, such a phenomenal tour ! ofc it was kaori’s first one and it was a bit hard to adjust to, but it was so fun ! everyone loved it ♡
like people were literally comparing her to namie, ayumi, and 2000s era britney y’all like it was serious WMSDJWJS
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rivetgoth · 9 months
I got tagged by @captainspaulding to list my 10 favorite songs of the month so far :D I feel kinda stupid because I don’t completely get what that means/how to rank or categorize them so I’m just gonna list 10 songs that’ve stuck out a bunch to me this September so far in no order!
Idk who to tag uhh… @lysistra @maldoror-est-mort @ourladyofomega @omegaverse @theonlycure @john--adreams @testure-1988 @blackchantilly No pressure of course, just if you want to :) And TY Mason for the tag!!
1.) Portishead— Sour Times
This month started out really cool and cloudy and it felt soooo exciting having September begin and early fall weather and pumpkin spice and Halloween things going up in stores. I love listening to trip hop in that kind of weather and I’ve listened to a lot of Portishead’s “Dummy” in particular the last week or so.
2.) Sneaker Pimps— 6 Underground
Ditto but even more so because I heard this at a birthday party last night. Birthday girl was playing a trip hop playlist and I was sooooo excited lol. Hearing this one encouraged me to revisit Sneaker Pimps’ debut for the first time in a hot second.
3.) Oingo Boingo— On the Outside
Polar opposite to trip hop, I’ve also been listening to Oingy Boingy with October and Halloween coming up. It’s the right vibe for this time of year ykwim. Not much else to say… it’s fun it’s spooky etc.
4.) Shock Doctrine— Blood Copy
I saw Shock Doctrine live last weekend and they were cool so I checked out their studio albums and they blew me awayyyyy. They’re extremely talented and fun and I’ve been listening to both of their EPs a ton.
5.) Shock Doctrine— Compound Eye
Ditto. Another really good track of theirs off of their other EP.
6.) Murder, Inc.— Uninvited Guest
I LOVE Murder, Inc.’s self-titled album and think it’s grossly underrated and totally horrible how obscure it is nowadays. Shock Doctrine kinda reminds me of ‘em so I’ve been revisiting them lately. Love love love this one but I could list anything off the album tbqh.
7.) Tricky— Christiansands
Fuck it, more trip hop. I’ve been listening to a lot ov it. This is one of my very favorites of the genre, it’s so cool and so atmospheric and so psychedelic. Never gets old.
8.) PIG— Cult of Chaos
September 5th was the anniversary of seeing PIG live for the first time! 2023 is also the 5 year anniversary of Pig’s album “Risen” which came out that same year, and which blew my fucking miiiiiiind when it first came out. I listened to it nearly daily for basically the rest of the year. So it’s been on my mind. I’ve been listening through the whole album but this one is one of my very favorites lol.
9.) Vision Video— Cruelty Commodity
Again, colder drearier weather (and more stress recently, tbqh, what with new jobs and all 😭🙏) has me listening to different music, right now alongside the trip hop there’s also been more classic gothy music on rotation and I finally caught up with Vision Video’s new releases. I LOVE this song. Such classic goth rock, reminds me a lot of Southern Death Cult. Really really really fantastic song.
10.) The Bellwether Syndicate— Dystopian Mirror
Along the same vein I also revisited The Bellwether Syndicate whose work I super enjoy, and I’m still blown away by this song after it dropped last year. It’s SO good. Gets me so pumped up. Omg. I think these guys are crazy underappreciated to be honest.
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theemporium · 7 months
Off the top of my head ~
Debut/Fearless girlies are Daniel girls (also CALM)
Speak Now/Red girlies are Charles girls (also Fine Line)
1989/Lover girlies are Lando girls (also Harry self-titled)
Reputation girlies are Seb girls (also Youngblood)
Folklore/Evermore girlies are Max girls (also SGFG)
Midnights girlies are Carlos girls (also Harry’s House and 5SOS5)
Feel free to tell me I’m wrong on any of these (and yes I recognize that all of the Carlos albums came out last year, that wasn’t on purpose lol)
I MOSTLY AGREE!! but I would say lando gives more sfgf vibes and hs1 is more max coded👀
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hoes4hoseok · 1 year
txt as taylor swift
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disclaimer: i am referring to taylor swift's self-titled debut album! to see the other albums' versions, head over to my masterlist. also...oh my goodness! for once, the album order lined up with their age order! love it 🤧🫶🏽 && thanks to @lethekoo! i missed having you help me with these.
yeonjun as tim mcgraw
"i was right there beside him all summer long, & then the time we woke up to find that summer gone"
yeonjun would give you one hell of a summer if you had a fling (in a good way LOL)
i gave him the way i loved you in my fearless post but i think this is kind of a different healthier version of that
i can just picture him having such a pure relationship of fun & happiness with you for that summer
but it obviously had to end because that's not what real life is 🤧 but he'd always remember you when he heard your favorite artist on the radio 🤧 & all the good times you had together 🤧
oh man 🤧 i need to write a fic about this
soobin as a place in this world
"even though i'm not the only one who feels the way i do, i'm alone on my own, & that's all i know"
i see soobin as very gentle-hearted
obviously, he doesn't fit this song in every way (he probably knows his place in this world by now lmfao) but
"got the radio on, my old blue jeans, & i'm wearing my heart on my sleeve" that's so clearly soobin ✋
also he's not alone
but debut soobin give me debut taylor energy what can i say?
beomgyu as the outside
"so, how can i ever try to be better? nobody ever lets me in"
beomgyu is not on the outside (he's on the outside of the hyung line though LMFAO ✋🙄)
i just think he matches this song's enthusiasm really well! it's very silly & was kind of a reach 😞 let me know if you have a better idea!
taehyun as should’ve said no
"i can't resist, before you go tell me this...was it worth it? was she worth this?"
taehyun gives me a similar energy to the one this song emits: passion! in this case, in the form of anger 👊🙄
when i picture it, i don't think he'd cheat on you, i think you'd cheat on him (no offense)
so naturally if you cheated he'd be pissed as hell but what really gets me about this song is the bridge (i love it)
above all, it conveys that he wishes that you didn't. it's an earlier stage in moving on than picture to burn, for example, because he's still grieving the relationship
man this song is so good & it makes me miss my senior year of high school :) (i didn't get cheated on, i didn't even have a boyfriend, i just played this song on loop anyways)
hueningkai as mary’s song (oh my my my)
"take me home where we met so many years before, we'll rock our babies on that very front porch, after all this time, you & i"
the amount of sheer childhood friends to lovers energy this man holds is incredible (it might be me typecasting him at this point but i'm completely oblivious to it so let me know lmfao)
hueningkai would totally catch feelings for you while the two of you were growing up & it would just unfold so naturally because, obviously, you caught feelings too 🫶🏽
&& at a certain point, you would be certain that you'd spend your life with him. after hitting every roadblock in the past, after loving each other for so long, it would be easy. 🤧😭
also side note this one's for my 04's 🤌 "I'll be 87, you'll be 89" mhm mhm 😊 (or the 00's? that could technically also work)
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enhypen version ☆ 1989 version ☆ masterlist
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newyorkkiss · 10 months
135, 119, 100 :D
100: whats your most listened to playlist?
my general listening diary which i've been curating since i was 16 lol
135: what’s a music pet peeve of yours?
hm. intentional record crackling on a track. awful stuff, especially if it actually runs throughout and you can hear it. really can't stand it. there's defs other ones but that one just seems to be the one on my mind rn
119: What music did you grow up on?
putting this last bc i wnna put a post cut here cuz im just gonna go on awhile SORRY this one means a bit.
i'm putting * next to my all time albums here
for the first 13 years of my life, i would say it's 70/80s chart hits through my parents, and modern pop radio on my own. mostly the latter. the first song i ever became aware of was nelly furtado's maneater when i was 5. most of what i really did grow up around was pop radio like your generic local station shit. then my parents got cable when i was 7 which introduced me to more... curated things? i'm gonna speak in australian pay tv networks and artists here i'm sorry i hate speaking like this. but [v] (may it rest in peace for its shuttering is easily one of the worst losses i've ever experienced) was like my slow awakening to my more "alternative" tastes than the general packaged pop i'd been so used to at that point, in the way it was mostly just 2008-12 peak era (imo) triple j buzz bands and that kind of thing. artists i really remember getting into that time because of that were the presets – who'd just released apocalypso* at this point – and ladyhawke* – who had just released her self titled debut (another all timer.) very related is that modular (the label that issued these albums, and of tame impala fame) genuinely had some fucking top tier albums out in 2008, like van she's v and another all timer and pitchfork best new album in ghost colours* by cut copy. insane year for them, but back to me. i was really getting into listening to the weekly top 40 on radio around this time too. my local station was mostly syndicated programming from 2day from a certain hour. like their usual weekdaily thing was their morning show which i have never heard for some reason, then it was just local in house selected garbage that i have permanently seered into my mind now until 3 when they started the pre-record syndicated stuff like hamish and andy or kyle and jackie o. which after 5pm is when The Fucking Goods happened and you got the ill-fated hot 30 which was pretty much became a ritual thing for me when i was 9 until it was canceled when i was 11. on weekends i would listen to my beloved take 40 which i continued doing up until i was 12 and gained a proper internet connection. when i think back on this time period it it's kinda crazy how much music i was listening to and the fact it was just something i did and didn't know anybody else who was like crazy deep in music like this. but it did give me my extensive knowledge of 2000s/early 2010s popular music which i've been curating in a playlist since i was 15 that was just a comfort list turned mutant.
but the turning point in my taste came when i was 12 and got an non-poor person internet connection aka wifi, an ipad and a dream. at this point i was slowly moving away from charts and into full albums – something i never really did. one of the first albums i owned was rogue trader's here comes the drums* and that until katy perry's teenage dream were like the only albums i'd heard back to back. first album i brought in 2013 was ellie goulding's halcyon* and i pretty much burnt it to my pc and listened to it and it only for like 6 months of the year, before buying calvin harris' 18 months* on itunes when they did that u have 3 singles from this album u can buy the rest for $6 thing. by this time i was starting to get on socials and drift into fandom. one of the first ones was dan & phil who are big fans of muse and spoke about how origin of symmetry* is their fave album by them and i was like, damn i gotta check this out. from that point onwards for another like 6 months was the only album and first discogs ever sought out and listened to. through being in that fandom i started getting into music circles which happened right at the biggest turning point of my life. by mid 2014 i'd started to venture into the 2014 tumblr-core stuff; sky ferreira, vampire weekend, the strokes, grimes and twigs, and my first super hyperfixated musical act, foster the people. i was on indie twitter by this point and consumed by it and had completely stopped and refused to listen to top 40 radio which i still don't do. by 2015 i'd basically crafted my alternative taste and begun collecting vinyl. here's my top artists from my old last.fm to illustrate where i am as a 14 year old:
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it pretty much stayed like this for somewhat unchanged until 2017 when i got a spotify subscription and started listening to radiohead a fair bit lol. by early 2018 i was starting to listen to fantano-core stuff and by extension got into post-punk, iceage-ajacent bands which led me to posh isolation and started my interest in noise/ambient stuff. late 2019 i started listening to the brixton windmill-ajacent bands like black midi and bc,nr and started using rateyourmusic and just discovering things over time.
im sorry that this is so long and i dont expect anybody to read this lmao 😭
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pheeby-deeby · 2 years
Midnights Musings
Okay! Here we go. My thoughts on Midnights below!
First, here's a breakdown of my thoughts, song by song:
Lavender Haze—This could be on reputation easily. Or Lover. reminds me a little of “I think he knows” just in the chorus. Clearly about Joe.
Maroon—“Your roommate's cheap ass screw top rose—that's how” is gonna be a MEME I can feel it. Also “The mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones/The lips I used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon” LYRICS QUEEN. “Carnations you had thought were roses, that's us” ADKGJAGLK
Anti-Hero—oh! YES!!! I FOUND A DRARRY SONG!!!! MUAHAHAHAHA. I ADORE THIS. But. What is that "sexy baby" line???? Taylor??? Also “Hi it’s me, hi, Im the problem it’s me” is going to be another meme LOL.
Snow On The Beach—“Life is emotionally abusive” mood lol. “Stars by the pocketful” WAS MADEEEE FOR A FIC TITLE. Overall, beautiful! Lyrically and sonically. (I will say I spent much of this song still thinking about the "sexy baby" line LOL).
Midnight Rain—Interesting!! Giving me reputation vibes. “I broke his heart cause he was nice” is this about Tom Hiddleston? It is. I’m basically sure it is.
Question…?——I loooove this. Very boppy.
Bejeweled—Oh interesting is this about Jake? “never needy, ever-lovely jewel” from ATW vs the lyrics of this song? Anyway—BOPPPPP!!!! So so so fun.
Labryinth—this feels kinda like Lavender Haze, sonically and lyrically. This is suuuuch a Harry song early in Drarry’s relationship.
Karma—I had my doubts when I saw the leaked lyrics, but I dont mind this! NICE “fuck Scooter” vibes. And just general “I'm HAPPY and fuck the world”
Sweet Nothing—AWWWWW I WAS NOT EXPECTING THIS TO BE LIKE THIS BUT OMG!!! I’m like 95% sure this is about her Mom.
Mastermind—Lovely song. Sounds like another song about getting to be with Joe, which Im not mad about. It’s a bop. I like it.
That said, here are my thoughts on the album itself.
I'll be honest, guys. While I liked most of the individual songs, I was a little bit disappointed because I'd expected something so different. I thought it was going to be 13 individual sleepless nights, but it doesn't feel that way. Some of them don't feel all that distinct, thematically or sonically. The album art and promo stuff were so melancholy-seeming? And the songs were pretty much all boppy, reputation/1989/lover vibes—which is great! But just not what I expected.
That said, I would listen to all of the songs again. I will continue to celebrate them and the album and the era! But there were times I couldn't hear her singing over the instrumentals.
My top songs:
You're On Your Own Kid
Vigilante Shit
From a Drarry standpoint. I see potential in Anti-Hero, Labyrinth, Maroon, and maybe Snow On The Beach.
Tell me your thoughts!
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amiharana · 1 year
BTS BOTW AU OMG WHAT??? pls share with the class immediately
LMFAODJFNKD it's honestly not even that interesting
back in 2019, i was writing for taegi week and the last day was a free day, and at the time i was still in my baby revalinker phase so i decided i wanted to write the most self-indulgent bts x botw au in which bts members took the places of botw characters. i actually had a tumblr post drafted to talk about this, but i guess we'll talk about it here now! in the case you are familiar with bts while also being a botw player, this could be of some interest to you.
i never actually got very far in writing it out (because i was 15 and school was beating my ass), but after reviewing the two unfinished drafts and the conceptual outlining style i do on every post, i remembered that i planned to rewrite the mount lanayru-calamity awakening memory with bts members as well as putting the revalink dynamic in there
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please don't laugh i was 15 when i wrote this LMFAODJFKFJKD i don't plan on showing you what the unfinished drafts look like because like i said, i never got very far in writing them so there's nothing of interest to really note in either of those
as you can from the pic, i wrote V/taehyung as revali and SUGA/yoongi as link. looking back on it now, i probably would not have chosen yoongi as link and i should have written taehyung as link and yoongi as revali because that makes more sense regarding their personalities, but i guess 15-year-old me was really set on that dynamic. other characters included:
RM/kim namjoon as princess zelda
park jimin as mipha
jeon jungkook as baby sidon LOL
j-hope/jung hoseok as daruk
jin/kim seokjin as urbosa
and *drumroll*
bang pd as king rhoam bosphoramus hyrule ✋😩
i'm going to assume most of my mutuals and followers are probably not familiar with bts, so i'll try to give you a quick rundown!
V (or kim taehyung) is one of the group's vocalists and is one of my biases, or favorite member :> he's been my bias since 2018 when i became a bts fan! (the other one is jungkook he's the one in my pfp KJDHFHJKD) he has this show recently called 'jinny's kitchen' but i haven't watched it yet because i've been busy with school 😭 but from the clips i've seen that shit is funnyyy. SUGA (or min yoongi) is one of the rappers and he's coming out with a new album called 'D-DAY' soon + just released a song called 'people pt 2' ft. iu! the first part of 'people' on his last album was a fawking banger.
revalink had to be taehyung and yoongi because this au was originally intended to be uploaded for taehyung and yoongi (taegi)'s ship week. i definitely didn't place them as revali and link correctly, but i think know why i made it that way? there used to be this huge stereotype against yoongi that he was really mean and cold-hearted, and i was and always have been against that stereotype because bro really isn't like that. he's a soft sweet and sensitive tangerine boy fr! and making yoongi as revali wouldn't help that cause so i did what had to be done. i do think that taehyung still a relatively good fit for revali though; they be dramatic gays fr
RM (or kim namjoon) is the leader of bts, one of the rappers, and is a really smart guy. bro has an IQ of 148 and was also once one of the top 1% of students in south korea. so naturally, i made him zelda, the figurehead of the champions and the representation of the triforce of wisdom. but i was thinking about this connection more the other day when i first was writing out the post to talk about this, and i think namjoon and botw zelda actually have quite a few parallels. if anyone is interested in hearing more, please send an ask or a dm or something because i don't wanna make this post longer 😭
jimin is one of the group's vocalists and is also an incredible dancer. he had a solo debut recently with the album 'face' and title track 'like crazy' which you guys should all check out! :) but the reason why i put jimin as mipha is because he studied contemporary dance in high school and his personal style of dance tends to be very fluid and graceful, and like. do y'all see the connection lmao. mipha, being a zora in a watery domain? thus also being very fluid and graceful in her movements? TEEHEE
jungkook is the youngest member of the group another one of the vocalists and dancers, is my boyfriend and is Thee Golden Boy of K-pop and also the world. sidon being a baby pre-calamity and also everyone in general both in-game and online being obsessed with how boyfriend sidon is, as well as how polite and goofy jungkook is... i think the connection between jungkook and sidon is very clearly there LOL i also just didn't know how to include him in the story because i felt that jungkook just didn't fit into the personality of the other champions. if i had the chance to rewrite this au, i would have had jungkook as link because jungkook is so Main Character Vibes, and then taekook (taehyung and jungkook) would literally be revalink
back then, i remember having a difficult time trying to place who would be daruk and urbosa, but i think i made the right call with hoseok and jin. j-hope (or jung hoseok) is one of bts's rappers and is known as the sunshine of the group because he's just so energetic and positive, and i think that definitely matches with daruk's jovial and encouraging disposition. jin (kim seokjin) is one of the vocalists and is the eldest in the group, and as the kind of like "older brother" figure, he takes care of everyone in the group in a way that's different from how namjoon is as the leader y'know? i think urbosa fills that role for the champions because i personally think she might be the oldest of the group (daruk gives man in his 50s lowkey so i'm like hmmm) and takes care of them in a way that isn't the same as leading.
as for king rhoam bosphoramus hyrule... bang pd (or producer bang sihyuk) is the founder of the company bts is under and is the chairman of the label that bts eventually created. he is, in that sense, the "guy who made bts." he kind of has this fatherly relationship to the rest of bts, but that's where the similarities between him and king rhoam end LOL because rhoam is kind of an asshole who puts too much pressure on zelda and assembles the champions as his own tools to save the country, while bang pd is just this super chill guy who unlike other kpop ceos tends to stay out of the limelight and really just has a passion for making good music. but i thought it would be funny to emphasize a fatherly relationship between namjoon and bang pd KDJHFDKF
there's so many implied dynamics that could go here between the bts members as champions. like for one, taehyung and jimin are regarded as soulmate-besties in the bts fandom, so the implication that revali (taehyung) and mipha (jimin) are soulmate-besties is Feeding tf out of my brainworms like hell yeah. daruk and urbosa shenanigans are gonna line up perfectly with hoseok and jin's dynamic. NAMJOON (zelda) HAVING FEELINGS FOR YOONGI (link)? also lines up, these hoes have been living together for 10+ years and namjoon was practically proposing to yoongi in that one 'respect' performance.
idk.... maybe i'll come back to this, workshop it, and actually write it one day haha!
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jlf23tumble · 2 years
hi jen~ whats your thoughts on the recent Louis interview with Jojo?
It was good? I actually found the 98.9 interview wildly more entertaining (not least because Louis himself was struggling, this guy was not the best interviewer), but in both cases, we learned some things, and that's always fun! I would argue you learn WAY more in the 98.9 one, Jojo is mostly repetitive fluff/filler, but I feel like UAs were really selective with both options. Anyway, since you asked specifically about Jojo, here's a recap, I haven't done one of THOSE in a minute!
Unrelated takes from me: 1) Jojo's hair, wow!! 2) How is Louis hotter every time he's on this show? 3) All the prework Louis did for this rollout is truly fascinating, even the "live" pieces
And now some momentsTM that I liked from the interview:
Louis spent the first half of COVID doing nothing but putting his feet up (lol, I would reckon he actually HAD it at least once, too, but whatever), then in the second half, doing this record
He's doing "gewd, a LI'TLE bit tired"
Damn, he's into that dude from Stone (note to self: would I call Stone punk???), and I love how he says he's pretty judgmental when it comes to music, so he's figuring it's on him to bridge the taste gap with his fans and introduce a lot of stuff he thinks they're gonna love (me: yeah, because they ONLY listen to 4 guys, literally ever, that lens has room for growth, my friend)
FITF is a distinct different from Walls in that it was a) designed to stand up at a live show ("Every song," says Jojo, "YES, every single song," says Louis, "Bullshit," says me, "those late-era Streets weepy cryalongs work for one song, tops!") and b) it's "hopeful, there's no emotional weight" (says the dude who wrote Chicago)
Louis wrote 40 songs for this album, recorded 25, then picked 16, 17, and he won't go back and unvault them, so don't ask :(
There isn't a track with the title in it, he tried at least twice (two sets of writers), but it's quite 'ard to capture it down in words, cut to the feeling! (paraphrasing)
He HATES being in the room for a listening party or to debut some tracks: "You feel like a bit of dick, just sat there, nodding your head along to your own tunes." (his voice during this bit, uncapturable in text) He wants people to have their own opinion, and, "If I'm sat there, they won't say it's shit if it's dead eggy, no offense to people who do that," with a cheeky smile
Louis's drummer is also his musical director???
He goes into the pit at the end during KMM because it's the same energy he gets when he first walks out on stage, only x10, which sure is some feedback, if you're looking for it!
In answer to whether he has an alias for hotels, he does, but he can't remember the ones from 10 years ago and is pretty sure it's the same one today anyway (okay, stoner!), but regardless, it's obviously a fake name, which is annoying when hotel staff want ID during the many times he's locked himself out (always the hotel keys! free idea for Oli, maybe just create a fake ID for this pseud, McLovin style)
Only Louis can say he never wants to come across as arrogant or wanky, and because of that, it stopped him from looking at how important he is ("dare I say it!") or his songs are for people in some moments ("it's us as a collective") and not have it sound like garbage
His take on the video for Bigger Than Me was that because it's a big-sounding song, you need a nice-looking place, and you have to have a bit of narrative beyond just walking around, so he's building a fire: "maybe it represents GROWTH...maybe it's just a fire" (his voiceeee in all of this bit, too, sarcastically hilarious)
The best and worst moments in past performances are captured elsewhere (long pause for the classic Freddie in the crowd story, puking after too many vodka red bull top-ups on stage story, respectively), but the drinking on stage got me because I think it has been pretty well established that they DID drink on stage, that it wasn't rare, so maybe this was the first time??? Anyway, it WAS just after Zayn left, so could be lots more going on...I keep thinking of those water bottle reaction shots, plus Liam Payne's own casual descriptions
He moved away from anything too dance-y on Walls because he had already done it with Steve and Bebe but acknowledges he was close-minded and overthinking it on that album, hence he's embracing the dahnce here
Louder, for people in the back, he's different than he was 10 years ago, he feels he's constantly evolving as a person and as an artist, it's a moving puzzle
Jojo's obsessed with the paranormal, and Louis's a cynic (hello, new X Files one-shot), so Louis's happy to stay in whatever spooky room someone wants to assign him to and report back (bonus points if you know the special word that'll get the ghosts to talk to him, he's down for it)
I wanna know more about the time Louis had sleep paralysis and thought someone was sitting on his chest, but it was probably just sleep deprivation, not a hag (!!!)
The tattoo discussion gave the rather obvious reveal that Louis's main point in exchanging tats with Jojo was to mildly embarrass him, so he's owed some sort of retribution for covering up the shit emoji (typo in FITF sees like an odd choice, but I'm not in the know on "shaming radio DJs")
Disguises are silly because even on Louis's first ski trip after he was famous, he was covered head to toe, you could only see his eyes, and people still spotted him and wanted photos. Jojo figures someone must have told them, and Louis thinks it's because of Harry being equally famous the person who he was with, but Jojo points out that Harry this person would have been covered up, too, which really gets Louis thinking, lmao. I loved the bit with Jojo staring into Louis's eyes (Louis: "Yeah, you get it now")
Old friends are super British about Louis's fame and aren't that bothered ("in the nicest way"), so once a year (!!), they'll give him a well done ("I know--at least I hope--that they're proud of me, we don't talk about it," what, not even Stan? ouch)
Louis DOES have a special relationship with Chicago, this affiliation, so the goings on in the song are half theoretical/imaginative and half based on real events (OOHHHHHH????)
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angelofdarknessmp3 · 1 year
@lipid tagged me to do this ty moni!
Nicknames: pedrinho is the only one I accept lol
Sign: virgo sun, gemini moon, taurus rising
Height: 1,70m or 5'7"
Last thing googled: 'qbittorrent why not many peers connect'
Song stuck in my head: Beyoncé - Drunk In Love Remix (ft. Jay-Z & Kanye West)
Follower count: 2385
Amount of sleep: 7-8h
Lucky number: 2
Dream job: librarian (maybe doing restoration work) or museologist
Wearing: ....only my underwear and a bonnet
Movies and/or books that summarize me: alice in wonderland, coraline, donnie darko, mysterious skin, saw
Favorite song: of all time? no idea.. lately Ive been obsessed with bullet for my valentine's album fever and beyoncé's debut album dangerously in love and her self titled album
Favorite instrument: violin, though realistically I really want to learn to play the bass
'Aesthetic': most obviously emo and scenecore, but also old web stuff, early 2010s tumblr gothic imagery and elegant maximalistic fashion and architecture
Favorite author: Idk sorry .... T.T
Favorite animal noise: meoww
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seravph · 2 years
u collect vinyl??! what are ur favorite records?
idk abt the term collector but I just get what I like or if I find something cheap I want to try out I get it!!!!
My FAVORITE records that I have:
FUNKADELIC - MAGGOT BRAIN ‼️‼️‼️‼️ I screamed when I saw this in store and spent an exuberant amount of money on it IDC I love it so much 😭😭😭
THE ORIGINAL WEST END RECORDINGS OF LES MIS …. Holy fuck I cannot believe I have this never in my life did I think I wld ever find this n be able to buy it for a reasonable amount of money but low and behold …..
LDRs unreleased AKA Lizzy grant (it’s just a bootleg but still crazy that I have this yet I don’t have her more popular released LOL)
Jesus Christ superstar soundtrack that I found for $1 in Palm Springs ????????
Tracy chapmans self titled album SCREAM
Prince & The Revolution - Parade ☺️☺️☺️
Scott Pilgrim vs. the world soundtrack, which I LOVE bc it has my favorite song of all time on it (anthems for a seventeen year old girl)
Michael Jackson - music & me, which he made when he was a little boy it’s such a good album
Whitney Houston’s debut album ahhhhh
Simon & Garfunkels greatest hits
10th anniversary edition of born this way by lady Gaga
Modern English - I melt with you (single)
An vintage pressing of the Beatles sgt. peppers lonely hearts club band
And then I have most of my favorite albums of all time, like in the aeroplane over the sea by neutral milk hotel, pet sounds by The Beach Boys, Magdalene by FKA twigs
I rlly want LDRs discography on vinyl, plus childish gambinos Awaken My Love, also broken social scene’s You Forgot It In People, and my last favorite album of all time, old world underground where are you now, by metric <3<3
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