#alfonso vi of leon
docpiplup · 9 months
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The Bastard Kings and their families
This is series of posts are complementary to this historical parallels post from the JON SNOW FORTNIGHT EVENT, and it's purpouse to discover the lives of medieval bastard kings, and the following posts are meant to collect portraits of those kings and their close relatives.
In many cases it's difficult to find contemporary art of their period, so some of the portrayals are subsequent.
1) Ramiro I of Aragon (1006/7- 1063), son of Sancho III of Pamplona and Sancha de Aybar; with his son Sancho I of Aragon & V of Pamplona (1043-1094)
2) His wife, Ermesinda of Foix (1015 - 1049), mother of Sancho I of Aragon. Daughter of Bernard Roger de Foix and his wife Garsenda de Bigorra; and Sancha of Aragon (1045-1097), daughter of Ramiro I and Ermesinda
3) His father, Sancho III of Pamplona (992/96-1035), son of García II of Pamplona and Jimena Fernández
4) His brother, García III of Pamplona (1012-1054), son of Sancho III of Pamplona and his wife Muniadona of Castile
5) His nephew, Sancho IV of Pamplona (1039- 1076), son of García III of Pamplona and his wife Placencia of Normandy
6) His brother, Ferdinand I of Leon (1016- 1065), son of Sancho III of Pamplona and his wife Muniadona of Castile
7) His niece, Urraca of Zamora (1033-1101), daughter of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
8) His niece, Elvira of Toro (1038-1099), daughter of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
9) Sancho II of Castile (1038/1039-1072), son of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
10) Alfonso VI of Leon (1040/1041-1109), son of Ferdinand I of Leon and Sancha of Leon
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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2/7. Favorite CHARACTER :
• Palashka (Pelageya) // Вольная грамота | Manumission Paper | Life of a Mistress (2018) • Alfonso VI de León // El Cid (2020–) • Elisabeth Beaugrand // Le Retour du héros | Return of the Hero (2018)
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medievalart · 2 years
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Theresa, Countess of Portugal (1080-1130)
* Illegitimate daughter of Alfonso VI of Leon and Castile. Mother of king Afonso I of Portugal
* Countess of Portugal 1095/96 - 1128.
* Queen of Portugal 1117-1130 (disputed title, but recognized by the Pope Paschcal II)
attribution: AnonymousUnknown author, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
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little-strawberry100 · 5 months
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fedelando · 3 months
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Attesa per la 15esima edizione inserita nel Campionato Turistico Nazionale e Regionale.
Prossimo evento del Vespa Club di Alvignano “La Maialata”
ALVIGNANO – La quindicesima edizione del Vespagiro di Alvignano si terrà il finesettimana del 2 giugno. Non il 9 giugno, dunque, così come da tradizione (il raduno normalmente si svolge la seconda domenica di Giugno) e come già precedentemente annunciato, a causa dell’appuntamento elettorale delle Europee. Ad annunciarlo il direttivo del Vespa Club, direttivo tra l’altro che lo scorso 18 dicembre ha provveduto con Assemblea Straordinaria al rinnovo del Consiglio. Un passo importante nella storia di un’Associazione che ormai da anni, nel piccolo centro dell’Alto Casertano, anima la comunità con una serie di eventi, primo fra tutti il Vespagiro. Confermato presidente del sodalizio Sergio Civitella, nominati vicepresidente Stefano Giannetti, segretario Alfonso Valentino, tesoriere Alberico Pacelli, consiglieri Gianluigi Barbiero, Giovani Zullo, Antonio Di Leone, Vincenzo Reveglia, Mario Mastroianni e Federica Landolfi.
Nel corso della stessa sede è stata anche approvata la proposta di modifica del dettato statutario, facendo seguito al Decreto legislativo n. 36/2021 (c.d. “Riforma dello Sport”) modificato da ultimo con D.lgs. n. 120/2023, decreto che contiene importanti disposizioni in materia di statuti degli enti sportivi dilettantistici. E’ stato specificato infatti che la mancata conformità dello Statuto ai criteri di legge rende inammissibile la richiesta di iscrizione al Registro delle attività sportive dilettantistiche (c.d. “RAS”) istituito presso il Dipartimento per lo Sport - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri e, per le ASD che vi sono già iscritti, comporta la cancellazione d’ufficio dallo stesso. A tal fine, la Federazione Nazionale e gli Enti di Promozione hanno approvato le modifiche al testo dello Statuto Tipo che, ai sensi della normativa vigente e delle disposizioni federali, l’ASD di Alvignano ha deciso di adottare.
Modifiche e approvazioni formali che lasciano il passo all’organizzazione di prossimi appuntamenti conviviali, in ordine di tempo domenica 25 febbraio la Maialata (ospitato dal Ristorante – Pizzeria La Gardenia di Alvignano) e a giugno l’attesissimo raduno di vespe più partecipato e condiviso del Matesino. Il nuovo direttivo, e dunque gli organizzatori di quella che si preannuncia una 15esima edizione, tappa inserita nel Campionato Turistico Nazionale e Regionale, ricca di novità e di ospiti, assicurano impegno ed energia ma soprattutto voglia di stare insieme e di diffondere il valore della amicizia e della famiglia, tutto questo con il comune denominatore rappresentato dalla passione per la Vespa, icona del design italiano, un mezzo che ha contribuito a rimettere in moto il nostro Paese uscito martoriato dalla guerra e “che, ogni anno, ci spinge a metterci in sella, ci fa divertire – conclude all’unisono il Vespa Club di Alvignano - e ci regala lo spettacolo di paesaggi incontaminati e tipici dei nostri territori".
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iamainhoa · 8 months
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Carlos Múgica y Pérez
Doña Urraca, 1857 Óleo sobre lienzo, 222,4 x 138,5 cm
Reina de Castilla y León (1109-1126). Sucedió a Alfonso VI y precedió a Alfonso VII.
En el lienzo, la reina desciende del trono flanqueado por leones y camina hacia el espectador. Viste cuerpo blanco ceñido y falda azul apenas visible bajo el manto rojo; sobre la cabeza cubierta porta la corona y el cetro con su mano izquierda.
📍 Congreso de los Diputados, Madrid, Spain.
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jasmineplays · 1 year
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The Crusade rages on and we capture quite a few territories through sieges. However, finally the Muslims attack our Christian forces at the Battle of Az-Zarqa and we are evenly matched!
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King Fernando's brother Infante Osorio (the Count of Albarracin) following in the footsteps of his late father King Alfonso, has gotten himself involved in an extra-marital affair with Countess Elvira and also impregnated her at the same time. Oh my, what a scandal!
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The Battle of Az-Zarqa was a closely fought battle, with both sides losing almost the same amount of men - the Christians lost 9687 men while the Muslims lost 10406 men. However, at the end of the day the Christians managed to eke out a victory and secured 49% war score from the battle.
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Meanwhile, in the middle of all the fighting, King Fernando's 3rd daughter Infanta Catalina birthed her 3rd child and 2nd daughter, Leonor Catalinez Jimena, who is Beautiful.
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Infante Osorio is caught in yet another extramarital affair, this time with the Countess Varela 'the Impaler' of Monterrei. Looks like he indeed takes after his father King Alfonso VI.
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We are involved in yet another decisive battle, the Battle of Ghazza, in which Leon's army and the Pope's defended against the Muslims, and we were victorious.
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Finally we won the war led by Pope Victor III against Caliph Hakam ibn Abu Mansur al-Nizar of the Fatimid Sultanate. King Fernando's Score in the war chest share was 2529 (20% contribution).
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At the same time, King Fernando's 2nd son was awarded the lands of Jerusalem, becoming King Alfonso Fernandez of Jerusalem at the age of 19 and gained the trait Crusader King which gives him a ton of bonuses. From the screenshots, you can see that his wife has become Queen Adelaida of Jerusalem. They are both missing their crowns because I set their headwear in Barbershop to "no headwear" option, but I forgot to turn them back to "default" before both of them became independent rulers which barred me from editing them again in Barbershop.
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As a side note, House Jimena and Jimena Dynasty has grown to acquire a couple of modifiers such as "Ardent Dynasty".
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Descendants of William the Conqueror
(3 Generations)
(Legitimate descendants only)
William Basseville I ' the Conqueror ', King of England 1066 - 1087, Duke of Normandy 1035 - 1087 as William II, the illegitimate son of Robert I 'the Devil' or alternately 'the Magnificent, and his mistress Arletta of Falaise (Harlette, Herleve), the daughter of Fulbert, a tanner of Falaise, and his wife Duxia. Arletta later married Herluin, Viscount of Conteville.
(b. 1027, Falaise Castle, Calvados, Normandy
d. Sept 9, 1087, Priory of St Gervais, Rouen, Normandy of wounds received at the battle of Mantes)
Buried in the Abbey of St Stephen, Caen, Normandy
married c1050, Cathedral of Notre Dame, Eu, Normandy
Matilda Basseville of Flanders, the only daughter of Baldwin Basseville V, Count of Flanders, and his wife Adela Capet, Princess of France, widow of Richard III, Duke of Normandy, and daughter of Robert II 'the Pious', King of France 992 - 1031.
(b. 1032, Lille, Flanders - d. Nov 2, 1083, Caen, Normandy)
Buried in the Abbey of the Holy Trinity (Abbaye aux Dames), Caen.
Their Children
Generation 1
1. Adelaide Basseville of Normandy
(b. c1051, Rouen, Normandy - d. before Jan 6, 1066, Rouen)
Buried (probably) the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Caen, Normandy
2. Robert Basseville II ' Curthose ', Duke of Normandy 1087 - 1106, deposed by his brother Henry I after being defeated at the Battle of Tinchebrai, he was imprisoned for the rest of his life.
(b. c1053, Rouen, Normandy - d. Feb 10, 1134, Cardiff Castle)
Buried in Gloucester Cathedral.
married 1100, Apulia, Sicily
Sibylla of Conversano, the daughter of Geoffrey, Count of Conversano
(b. c1081 - d. Feb or March, 1103, Rouen, Normandy, in childbirth)
Buried in the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Caen, Normandy
For their children see Generation 2 - 1
3. Richard Basseville of England, Duke of Bernay, Normandy
(b. c1055, Rouen, Normandy
d. 1081, in the New Forest, Hampshire, England, being gored to death by a stag whilst hunting there.
Buried in Winchester Cathedral, Southampton, near London
4. Adeliza Basseville of England
(b. c1056, Rouen, Normandy - d. between 1107 and June 12, 1112, Caen, Normandy)
Buried (probably) in the Abbey of Holy Trinity, Caen.
Betrothed to Herbert III, Count of Maine 1062 - 1063, after his death she took religious vows (though not necessarily becoming a nun) at the Abbey of St Leger, Preaux, Berry, France.
5. Cecilia Basseville of England
b. c1058, Rouen, Normandy
d. July 30, 1127, Caen, Normandy.
Buried in the Abbey of Holy Trinity, Caen.
She was dedicated as a nun in childhood (1075) and was Benedictine abbess of the Holy Trinity, Caen, Normandy 1112 - 1127.
6. William Basseville II ' Rufus ', King of England 1087 - 1100, he held Normandy in pledge from 1096 - 1100, but was never recognized officially as duke.
(b. c1059, Rouen, Normandy - d. Aug 2, 1100, New Forest, Hampshire, England, being killed whilst hunting)
His death was certainly murder.
Buried in Winchester Cathedral, Southampton, near London
7. Matilda Basseville of England
(b. c1061, Rouen, Normandy - d. before June 12, 1112)
Buried in the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Caen, Normandy
8. Agatha Basseville of England
(b. c1063, Rouen, Normandy - d. before May 1, 1079, Bayeux, Normandy)
buried in the Cathedral church of St Mary the Perpetual Virgin, Bayeux, Normandy.
married (his second) after June 6,1078, Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Caen, Normandy (proxy).
Alfonso VI Fernandez ' the Brave ', King of Castile and Leon 1072 - 1109, the son of Ferdinando I ' the Great', King of Castile, and his wife Sanchia, daughter of Alfonso V Vermudez, King of Leon.
(b. before June, 1040 - d. June 29, 1109, Toledo, near Madrid, Castile)
Buried in the Abbey of Sahagun.
9. Adela Basseville
(b. c1064, Rouen, Normandy
d. March 8, 1138, a Cluniac nun (c1122) at the Abbey of Marcigny-sur-Loire, Autun, Burgundy)
Buried in the Abbey of the Holy Trinity, Caen, Normandy.
married 1080, Breteuil, Normandy
Stephen III (Etienne Henri), Count of Blois-Chartres 1089 - 1102, and Count of Sancerre and Meaux, the son of Theobald III (Thibaut), Count of Blois-Chartres, and his second wife Gundrada N.
(b. 1046, Blois, Orleanais, France
d. May 19, 1102, Ramleh, Palestine, being killed in the Battle of Ascalon whilst on crusade)
Buried in Palestine.
For their children see Generation 2 - 2
10. Constance Basseville of England
(b. 1065, Rouen, Normandy - d. Aug 13, 1090, perhaps poisoned by her servants)
Buried in the Church of St Melans, near Rhedon, Brittany.
married 1086 (his first), Caen, Normandy
Alan IV ' Fergeant ', Duke of Brittany 1084 - 1112, abdicated to become a monk, the son of Hoel III, Duke of Brittany, Count of Cornuailles and Nantes, and his wife Hawise (Havoise), Countess of Rennes, the sister and heiress of Conan II, Duke of Brittany.
(b. c1057 - d. Oct 13, 1119, Rhedon, Brittany)
Buried in the Abbey of Rhedon.
11. Henry Basseville I ' Beauclerk ', King of England 1100 - 1135, Duke of Normandy 1106 - 1135, after he deposed and imprisoned his elder brother Robert II.
(b. Sept, 1068, Selby, Yorkshire, England
d. Dec 1, 1135, at the Priory of St Denis le Fermont, Angers, near Rouen, Normandy, of food poisoning)
Buried in Reading Abbey, Berkshire, England.
married (1) Nov 11, 1100, Westminster Abbey, London
Matilda of Scotland (called Edith before marriage), the elder daughter of Malcolm III ' Canmore ', King of Scotland, and his second wife St Margaret, the daughter of Edward the Aetheling, Anglo-Saxon prince, the grandson of King Aethelred II 979 - 1016.
(b. 1079, Edinburgh Castle, Scotland - d. May 1, 1118, Westminster Palace, London)
Buried in Westminster Abbey, London
For their children see Generation 2 - 3
married (2) Jan 29, 1121, Chapel Royal, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, England
Adeliza of Louvain, the daughter of Godfrey I 'the Bearded' of Louvain, Duke of Lower Lorraine, and his first wife Ida, Countess of Namur and Chiny, the daughter and heiress of Albert III, Count of Namur. Adeliza remarried (2) (1136) William d'Albini, 1st Earl of Arundel (c1102 - 1176) by whom she left many children.
(b. 1102 - d. March 23, 1151, a nun at Abbey of Afflighem, near Alost, Brabant)
Buried in the Abbey of Afflighem.
Generation 2
(2 - 1)
1. William Basseville IV ' Clito ', Duke of Normandy 1120 - 1128, succeeded his cousin William III, the son of Henry I. Count of Flanders 1127 - 1128.
(b. 1101, Rouen, Normandy
d. July 27, 1128, Abbey of St Bertin, St Omer, Flanders, from wound received at the Battle of Alost)
married (1) 1122 (her first). Divorced 1124.
Sybilla of Anjou, the daughter of Fulk V of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, and his first wife Eremburga, the daughter of Elias I of La Fleche, Count of Maine. Sybilla remarried (1134) to Thierry of Alsace, Count of Flanders (c1097 - 1168).
(b. 1112, Angers, Anjou - d. before Dec 31, 1165, nun at the Abbey of St Lazarus, Bethlehem, Palestine)
Buried in Abbey of St Lazarus, Bethlehem, Palestine
married (2) Jan, 1128 (her first)
Giovanna of Montferrat (also called Adeliza), the daughter of Rainer, Marquis of Montferrat, and his wife Gisela of Burgundy, the widow of Umberto II, Count of Maurienne, and the daughter of William I ' Tete-Hardi ', Count of Burgundy. Her elder half-sister Adelaide of Maurienne became the wife (1115) of Louis VI, King of France (1108 - 1137).
(b. 1107 - d. 1191)
2. Henry Basseville of Normandy
(b. 1102, Rouen, Normandy
d. before Nov 25, 1120, New Forest, Hampshire, England, being killed whilst hunting)
(2 - 2)
1. Humbert of Blois-Chartres, Count of Vertus, Champagne
(b. 1081, Blois, Orleanais - d. before May 19, 1102)
2. William of Blois-Champagne (Guillaume), Count of Chartres, then Sire of Sully, Orleanais. He was disinherited in favour of his younger brother Theobald because of idiocy.
(b. 1082, Blois, Orleanais - d. before1150)
married 1104
Agnes of Sully, the daughter of Gilon I, Seigneur of Sully, and his wife Ildeburga, the daughter of Geoffrey IV, Count of Bourges.
(b. c1088, Sully, Orleanais - d. before 1150)
For their children see Generation 3 - 1
3. Theobald IV, Count of Blois-Chartres 1102 - 1152, Champagne, and Troyes
(b. 1085, Blois, Orleanais - d. Oct 8, 1152)
married 1123, Ligny-en-Barrois, near Bar-le-Duc, Lorraine
Matilda of Carinthia, the daughter of Engelbert II, Duke of Carinthia, and his wife Uta, who was the daughter of Ulrich ' the Rich ', Count of Passau.
(b. c1105 - d. Dec 13, 1161, a nun at Abbey of St Marie, Fontevrault, Maine)
Buried at Abbey of Fontevrault.
For their children see Generation 3 - 2
4. Adela of Blois-Chartres
(b. c1090, Blois-Orleanais - d. before March 8, 1138)
married c1110. Annulled 1113 by order of St Ivo, Bishop of Chartres, on the grounds of consanguinity.
Milo II of Montlhery and Bray, Viscount of Troyes, the younger son of Milo I ' the Great', of Montlhery, Viscount of Troyes, and his wife Lithuise, the daughter of William II, Count d'Eu
(b. c1065 - d. 1118)
For their children see Generation 3 - 3
Note - Adela is called Lithuise or Lituise in some sources, but this appears to be a confusion with her mother-in-law.
5. Agnes of Blois-Chartres
(b. c1092, Blois, Orleanais - d. before 1129)
married c1112
Hugh III de Le Puiset, Viscount of Chartres 1108 - 1128, the son of Evrard III, Seigneur de Le Puiset, and his wife Alice, the daughter of Bouchard de Montlhery, Count of Corbeuil.
(b. c1091 - d. 1141, Palestine)
For their children see Generation 3 - 4
6. Matilda of Blois-Chartres (Lucia)
(b. c1095, Blois, Orleanais, France
d. Nov 25, 1120, near Barfleur, Normandy, being drowned aboard the 'White Ship' in the English Channel)
married c1114
Richard d'Avranches, 2nd Earl of Chester, the son of Hugh d'Avranches, 1st Earl of Chester, and his wife Ermentrude, the daughter of Hugh of Clermont, Count of Beauvais.
(b. 1094, Chester, England - d. Nov 25, 1120, being drowned with his wife. Their bodies were never recovered)
7. Stephen of Blois-Chartres, King of England 1135 - 1154, in contest with his cousin the empress Matilda, only surviving child of Henry I. Eventually, after twenty years of destructive civil war, it was agreed in 1153 that Matilda's son Henry II should succeed Stephen as King of England, and a peaceful dynastic change ensued.
(b. 1097, Blois, Orleanais, France - d. Oct 25, 1154, Dover, Kent, England)
Buried in Faversham Abbey, Kent.
married c1116
Matilda, Countess of Boulogne 1125 - 1152, the only child and heiress of Eustace III, Count of Bouogne, and his wife Mary, the younger daughter of Malcolm III ' Canmore ', King of Scotland
(b. c1103, Boulogne, Picardy, France - d. May 2, 1152, Hedingham Castle, Essex, England)
Buried in Faversham Abbey, Kent
For their children see Generation 3 - 5
8. Henry of Blois-Chartres
(b. 1099, Winchester, Southampton, near London, England - d. July 1, 1171, Winchester)
Buried in Winchester Cathedral, Southampton.
Bishop of Winchester, England 1129 - 1171.
9. Eudes of Blois-Chartres (Odo)
(b. 1100, Blois, Orleanais - d. after 1107)
(2 - 3)
1. Euphemia of England
(b. July/August, 1101, Winchester Castle, Southampton, near London - d. before Dec 31, 1101)
2. Matilda of England, Queen regnant ' Lady of the English ', April 7 - Nov 1, 1141, the throne taken from her by her cousin Stephen of Blois. Originally named Adelaide, renamed Matilda prior to her first marriage.
(b. Feb 7, 1102, Winchester Castle, Southampton, near London
d. Sept 10, 1167, at the Abbey of Notre Dame des Pres, near Rouen, Normandy
Buried in Rouen Cathedral, Normandy
married (1) Jan 7, 1114, Mainz, Germany
Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor 1106 - 1125, the son of Emperor Henry IV, and his first wife Bertha, the daughter of Otto I, Count of Maurienne.
(b. Jan 8, 1081 - d. May 23, 1125, Utrecht)
Buried in the Cathedral of Speyer, Swabia.
married (2) June 17, 1128, at Le Mans Cathedral, Anjou
Geoffrey V ' Plantagenet ', Count of Anjou 1128 - 1151, the son of Fulk V of Anjou, King of Jerusalem, and his first wife Eremburga, the daughter of Elias I of La Fleche, Count of Maine.
(b. Nov 24, 1113, Angers, Anjou - d. Sept 7, 1151, at Chateau d'Eure, Le Mans, Sarthe, Anjou)
Buried at Le Mans Cathedral, Sarthe, Anjou.
For their children see Generation 3 - 6
3. William III, Duke of Normandy in 1120
(b. before Aug 5, 1103, Winchester Castle, Southampton, near London
d. Nov 25, 1120, near Barfleur, Normandy, being drowned aboard the 'White Ship' in the English Channel. His body was never recovered)
married June, 1119, Lisieux, Normandy
Matilda of Anjou (called Alice before marriage), the daughter of Fulk V of Anjou, king of Jerusalem, and his wife wife Eremburga, the daughter of Elias I of La Fleche, Count of Maine. Became a nun at Fontevrault (c1121) and was later appointed abbess 1148 - 1154.
(b. c1110 - d. 1154, Abbey of Sainte-Marie, Fontevrault, Maine)
Buried at Fontevrault.
4. Richard of England
(b. c1105, Winchester Castle, Southampton, near London
d. Nov 25, 1120, near Barfleur, Normandy, being drowned in the wreck of the ' White Ship ' with his elder brother William. His body was never recovered)
5. Robert of England
(b. c1107, Winchester Castle, Southampton, near London - d. young before June, 1119)
Generation 3
(3 - 1)
1. Elisabeth of Champagne-Sully
(b. 1105 - d. July, 1128, Caen, Normandy)
Abbess of the Holy Trinity, Caen, Normandy
Buried there.
2. Eleanore of Champagne-Sully
(b. c1107 - d. after 1148)
married c1121 (his first). Divorced 1142.
Raoul I, Count of Vermandois 1102 - 1152, the son of Hugh I Capet, Count of Vermandois (brother of King Philip I) and his wife Adelaide, Countess of Vermandois, the daughter of Herbert IV, Count of Vermandois, Vexin and Valois.
(b. 1090 - d. Oct 8, 1152)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
3. Eudes Archambaud III, Sire de Sully
(b. c1110 - d. after 1162)
married c1130
Matilda de Beaugency, the daughter of Raoul I, Seigneur de Beaugency, and his wife Matilda, daughter of Hugh I Capet, Count of Vermandois.
(b. c1115, Beaugency, Orleanais - d. before 1162)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
4. Raoul of Champagne-Sully (Rather, Rudolf)
(b. c1112 - d. Sept 21, 1176)
Prior of La Charite-sur-Loire, Abbot of Cluny, Burgundy
Buried in Abbey of Notre Dame, La Charite-sur-Loire.
5. Margeurite of Champagne-Sully
(b. c1114 - d. Dec 14, 1145)
married c1130 (his third)
Henry I, Count d' Eu, the son of William II, Count d'Eu, and his first wife Beatrice de Builly.
(. c1070 - d. July 12, 1140)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
6. Henry of Champagne-Sully
(b. c1119 - d. 1187)
Abbot of Fecamp, Normandy 1138 - 1187.
(3 - 2)
1. Henry I ' le Liberal ', Count of Champagne and Brie 1152 - 1181
(b. 1123 - d. March 17, 1181, Troyes, Champagne)
married 1164, Paris
Marie Capet, Princess of France, Regent of Champagne 1181 - 1197, the elder daughter of Louis VII, King of France, and his first wife Eleanor (later Queen of England), the daughter of William X, Duke of Aquitaine.
(b. April/May, 1145, Palace of Ile de Cite, Paris - d. March 11, 1198)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
2. Theobald V ' le Bon ', Count of Blois-Champagne 1152 - 1191
(b. 1125 - d. 1191, Acre, Palestine, whilst on crusade)
married (1) c1150
Sibylle de Chateau-Renard, daughter of Renaud, Seigneur de Chateau-Renard, Orleanais (Loiret)
(b. c1135 - d. before 1164)
married (2) 1165
Alix Capet (Alice), Princess of France, daughter of Louis VII, King of France, and his first wife Eleanor, daughter of William X, Duke of Aquitaine.
(b. summer of 1150, Palace of Ile de Cite, Paris - d. 1183)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
Note - some sources claim that Alix was still living in 1195, but this is a confusion with her daugher of similar name, who was Abbess of Fontevrault from 1190. All biographies of Eleanor of Aquitaine state that this daughter predeceased her by some twenty years.
3. Marie of Blois-Champagne
(b. 1126 - d. 1190, she was Abbess of Sainte-Marie, Fontevrault, Maine 1174 - 1190)
married 1145
Eudes II ' Borel ', Duke of Burgundy, the son of Hugh II, Duke of Burgundy, and his wife Matilda, daughter of Raymond I, Viscount of Turenne.
(b. c1118 - d. Sept 27, 1162)
Buried in the Abbey of Citeaux, Burgundy
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
4. Stephen I of Blois-Champagne (Etienne), Count of Sancerre 1152 - 1191
(b. c1128 - d. 1191, Acre, Palestine, whilst on crusade)
married (1)1153
Ermesinde de Donzy (Alix, Adelaide), daughter of Geoffrey III de Donzy, Seigneur of Gien, St-Aignan, Cosne, and Chatel-Censoir, and his wife N Le Manceau.
(b. c1137 - d. c1174)
married (2) c1176
Matilda N(b. c1159 - d. c1188)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
5. Elisabeth Basseville of Blois-Champagne (Isabelle)
(b. 1130, Blois, Orleanais - d. after 1155)
married (1) 1140
Roger II of Hauteville, Duke of Apulia and Sicily 1135 - 1149, the son of Roger I, King of Sicily, and his first wife Elvira, the daughter of Pedro de Leoni.
(b. 1119 - d. 1149)
married (2) c1150 - 1155
Guillaume Gouet IV, Seigneur de Montmirail, Baron de Perche-Gouet, the son of Guillaume Gouet III, Seigneur de Montmirail, and his wife N Fitzroy, an illegitimate daughter of Henry I, King of England
(b. c1110 - d. 1170)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
6. Guillaume Basseville of Blois-Champagne (William)
(b. c1133 - d. Sept 7, 1202)
Bishop of Chalons 1164 - 1176, Archbishop of Sens and Rheims 1176 - 1202
7. Hugh of Blois-Champagne
Abbot of Citeaux, Burgundy
(b. c1137 - d. after 1155)
8. Agnes of Blois-Champagne
(b. c1139 - d. Aug 7, 1207)
married 1155
Rainald II, Count of Bar 1150 - 1170, the son of Rainald I, Count of Bar-le-Duc and Mousson, and his first wife Gisela, daughter of Gerhard I, Count of Vaudement.
(b. c1115 - d. July 25, 1170)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
9. Margaret Basseville of Blois-Champagne
(b. c1141 - d. after Dec, 1161)
Nun at Abbey of Sainte-Marie, Fontevrault, Maine
10. Matilda of Blois-Champagne
(b. c1142 - d. before 1191)
married c1158
Rotrou II, Count of Perche, the son of Rotrou I ' the Great ', Count of Perche (Rotrou II of Mortagne), and his second wife Hawise de Salisbury, later second wife of Robert I Capet, Count of Dreux.
(b. c1132 - d. July 13, 1191)
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
11. Adela Basseville of Blois-Champagne, Queen Regent of France 1190 - 1191
(b. 1144, Blois, Orleanais - d. June 4, 1206, Paris)
Buried in the Abbey of Pontigny
married Nov 13, 1160 (his third)
Louis VII, King of France 1137 - 1180, the son of Louis VI, King of France, and his second wife Adelaide, daughter of Umbert II, Count of Maurienne.
(b. 1120, Paris - d. Sept 18, 1180, Paris)
Buried in the Abbey of Notre Dame de Barbeau, near Fontainebleau.
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
(3 - 3)
1. Milo Basseville III de Montlhery, Viscount of Troyes
(b. c1111 - assasinated c1166)
2. Renaud de Montlhery
(b. c1112 - d. after 1166)
Bishop of Troyes.
(3 - 4)
1. Evrard III de Le Puiset, Viscount of Chartres 1128 - 1190
(b. c1116 - d. 1189)
married (1) Marie N
married (2) Helvisa N
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
2. Bouchard de Le Puiset
(d. after 1128)
3. Hugh de Le Puiset
Bishop of Durham, England 1153 - 1195.
(b. c1125 - d. 1195)
He left illegitimate issue who are beyond the scope of this work
(3 - 5)
1. Baldwin Basseville of Blois, Prince of England
(b. c1126 - d. before Dec 2, 1138, Tower of London)
Buried in the Priory of the Holy Trinity, Aldgate, London.
2. Eustace Basseville of Blois, joint King of England 1152 - 1153 with his father, Duke of Normandy, Count of Boulogne 1146 - 1153 as Eustace IV.
(b. c1128 - d. Aug 10, 1153, at Bury St Edmund's, Suffolk)
Buried in Faversham Abbey, Kent
married Feb, 1140, Paris, France (her first)
Constance Capet, Princess of France, the daughter of Louis VI, king of France, and his second wife Adelaide, the daughter of Umbert II, Count of Maurienne. Queen Constance remarried (2) 1154, Raymond V, Count of Toulouse (c1125 - 1194) by whom she left children.
(b. 1124 - d. Aug 16, 1176, Palace of Rheims, Marne, near Paris)
Eustace left illegitimate issue which are beyond the scope of this work
3. Matilda Basseville of Blois, Princess of England
(b. 1133 - d. 1138, Tower of London)
Buried in the Priory of the Holy Trinity, Aldgate, London.
married Easter, 1136 (his first)
Waleran Basseville de Beaumont, Count of Meulan, Earl of Worcester, the son of Robert de Beaumont, 1st earl of Leicester, and his wife Elisabeth, daughter of Hugh I Capet, Count of Vermandois (later wife of William de Warenne, 2nd Earl of Surrey
(b. 1104 - d. April 10, 1166)
4. William Basseville II, Count of Boulogne 1153 - 1159, Count of Mortain 1154 - 1159, Earl of Surrey 1149 - 1159
(b. 1134 - d. Oct 11, 1159, being killed at the siege of Toulouse, France)
Buried in the Hospital of Montmorillon, Poitou.
married 1149 (her first)
Isabel de Warenne, Countess of Surrey, the daughter and heiress of William de Warenne, 3rd Earl of Surrey, who remarried (1164) Hamelin Plantagenet, the illegitimate son of Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou, and half-brother to Henry II.
(b. c1137 - d. July 13, 1203)
Buried in the Chapter House of Lewes Priory, Sussex.
5. Mary of Blois, Countess of Boulogne 1159 - 1169, formerly Abbess of Romsey, Hampshire c1155 - 1160. Abducted and forcibly married because of dynastic considerations. Appointed Abbess of St Austreberte, near Montreuil in 1169, after the legitimacy of her children was assured.
(b. 1136, Blois, Orleanais (Loiret) - d. July 25, 1182, Abbey of St Austreberte, Montreuil, Picardy)
Buried there.
married 1160 (his first), annulled 1169.
Matthew I of Alsace, Count of Boulogne 1160 - 1173 (in her right), the son of Thierry II of Alsace, Count of Flanders, and his second wife Sibylla, the daughter of Fulk V of Anjou, King of Jerusalem.
(b. c1135 - d. July 25, 1173, being kiled at the siege of Driancourt)
Buried at the Abbey of Josse.
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
(3 - 6)
1. Henry II Basseville ' FitzEmpress ' and ' Curtmantle ', King of England 1154 - 1189
(b. March 5, 1133, Le Mans, Sarthe, Anjou, France - d. July 6, 1189, Chinon Castle, Normandy, France)
Buried in the Abbey of Sainte Marie, Fontevrault, Maine
married May 18, 1152, Bordeaux Cathedral, Gascony (her second)
Eleanor of Aquitaine, divorced first wife of Louis VII, King of France, and daughter of William X, Duke of Aquitaine, and his wife Aenor, daughter of aimery I, Viscount of Chatellerault.
(b. 1122, Ombriere Palace, Bordeaux, or Belin Castle, Guienne
d. April 1, 1204, Abbey of Sainte Marie, Fontevrault, Maine)
Buried there.
Their children are beyond the scope of this work
2. Geoffrey of Anjou, Count of Nantes 1151 - 1158
(b. June 1, 1134, Argentan, Normandy - d. July 26, 1158, Nantes, Brittany)
Buried there
3. William of Anjou, Count of Poitou 1151 - 1163
(b. July 21, 1136, Argentan, Normandy - d. Jan 30, 1163, Rouen)
Buried in Rouen Cathedral
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regkerlon · 2 years
Mermaid hand mirror
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Assona Iniguez de Navarre Musa ibn Fortun 0717 Fortun ibn Qasi 0725 Aisha bint Abdul 0690 Cassius Abd-al- Aziz ibn Musa ~0695 Egilon de Visigoths 0660 - 0718 Musa Ben Nuseir 58 58 Conqueror of Spaindied in prison in DamascusNote: Al-Walid ibn Abd al-Malik, Caliph of Damascus (705-715), fearing Musa's military success and popularity, recalled Musa to Damascus, where Musa died in prison three years later. In some places, De Castro appears to have this Diego Lainez confused with the brother of his ancestor Fernan Lainez, who bears the same name. Mugawwan ibn Nahur Nahur ibn Yarub Yarub ibn Yashjub Yashjub ibn Nabet Nabet ibn Ishmael Amra Sasaa 0575 Alkama al- Kinaniyya 0602 Mu'Awiya Ben-Al- Mughira ~0820 - 0908 Fortun Garces 88 /1060 - 1115 Jimena Diaz ~0815 Aria Munia 0772 - 0816 Sancho de Gascony 44 44 ~0775 de Aragon ~0681 Loup de Gascony ~0734 Numabela de Cantabria ~0750 - ~0839 Aznar Galindez 89 89 Loup ibn Musa Ayab al- Bulatya Musa ibn Musa Father of "El Cid". Rodrigo Diaz "El Cid" de Vivar, leading the army of Al-Mutamin of Zaragoza, defeats a combined army of the kings of Valencia (Al-Mundhir), Lerida (Al-Hayib), Aragon (Sancho Ramirez) and the Count of Barcelona (Berenguer Ramon II - who is captured).1084The Muslim army of Zaragoza under El Cid defeats the Aragonese. Rodrigo Diaz, defeats the Emir Abd Allah of Granada, who was helped by the Castilian Count Garcia Ordonez.1082Battle of Almenar (Menendez, 1934). Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar manages to encourage both King and army, and leads them in a new attack the following morning.1079Battle of Cabra. The battle starts at dawn and after a hard fight the Castilians are driven from the field. Sancho II of Castile defeats his brother, Alfonso VI of Leon over the Carrion River (9 miles south of the city of Santa maria de Carrion - the capital of the Beni-Gomez - Christian counts of Saldana, Liebana, Carrion, and Zamora). The Castilians under Sancho II and Rodriego Diaz defeat the Leonese and Alfonso flees.1072Battle of Golpejera (early Jan) (Menendez, 1934). The siege is lifted after Emir Al-Muqtadir pays a large ransom and promises tribute.1068The Battle of Llantada was arranged to be fought on 19 July by the banks of the Pisuerga River on the boundary between Leon and Castile (Menendez, 1934). The opposing armies meet and after a protracted struggle Ramiro I is killed and the Aragonese flee (8 May).1067The Castilian army under Sancho II and the Alferez Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar - already known as "El Cid" by this time - besiege Zaragoza (Menendez, 1934). Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar (later known as "El Cid") is probably in the Castilian contingent. The Emir Al-Muktadir of Zaragoza leads his army north accompanied by a Castilian contingent under Prince Sancho (the future Sancho II). During the spring Ramiro I of Aragon besieges Muslim Graus in Zaragozan territory. After taking Valencia in 1094, he passed into legend as "El Cid", interestingly an Arabic title, Sid, "lord, master."1063Battle of Graus (Menendez, 1934). Rodrigo came to fall out of favor and in 1081 became a mercenary, fighting for both Christians and Moslems. Udad ibn Mugawwan 1049 - 1099 Rodrigo Diez de Vivar 50 50 When Alfonso, deposed by his brother, Sancho II of Castile, returned to power in Castile as well Leon, he took on many of Sancho's retainers, including one Rodrigo Diaz (d. "Beyond `Adnan none but the Lord knows and thegenealogists lie". ABT 2643 BC Sekhemkhet (3rd Dynasty - abt 2649-43 BC) ~1020 Sancho Fortun de Maranon sn de Maranon ABT 0610/0620 - >0716 Theodo von Bayern ~0602 Gleisnod b? Salzburg, Austria ~0002 Ilyas ibn Mudar Abt 0002 BC/0010 AD Layla bani Khindif Codhaite 0031 BC Mudar ibn Nizar 0040 BC Al- Hanfa al Riyab Nizar ibn Ma'add Ma'add ibn Adnan Adnan ibn Udad Note: Muhammad the Prophet never traced his ancestors farther than`Adnan, anddeclared that all who went back further were guilty offabrication andfalsehood. ABT 2637 BC Khaba # NSFX: (3rd Dynasty - abt 2643-37 BC) D. ? Raqashi al- Naqimiya Bakr 0335 Murra ibn Ka'b Hind 0305 Kab ibn Luayy ~0320 Makhshiya Lu'ayy ibn Ghalib ~0280 Mawiya Ghalib ibn Fihr ABT 0225/0240 Atika Salma binte-Umro- bin-Rabia ~1010 - 1054 Garcia Sanchez 44 44 King of Pamplona ~0215 Fihr ibn Malik ~0215 Layla 17622 bint Adwan 0948 Foucher de Chartres Qays al-Nadr ibn Kinama Ikrisha bint Adwan ~0662 - 0725 Tassilo von Bayern 63 63 ~0930 Hughes de Chartres D. see for information on how tocorrectly configure a web server for svg files. PLEASE NOTE: If you do not see a GRAPHIC IMAGE of a family tree here but are seeing this textinstead then it is most probably because the web server is not correctly configured to serve svgpages correctly.
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docpiplup · 1 year
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demolina · 2 years
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→ history + close siblings  
requested by anonymous
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isadomna · 1 year
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Alicia Sanz and Jaime Olías as Urraca of Zamora and Alfonso VI of León in "El Cid 2020"
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indisden · 2 years
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Jaime Olías as Alfonso (El Cid)
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quietparanoiac · 2 years
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Espero verte pronto.
El Cid (2020–), 2x05
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nanshe-of-nina · 2 years
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Favorite History Books || The Kingdom of León-Castilla under King Alfonso VI, 1065-1109 by Bernard F. Reilly ★★★★☆
Clearly Alfonso VI was the beneficiary of the collapse of the caliphate at Cordoba after 1008 and the continuing political disarray of Spanish Islam. For reasons that are quite obscure at any but the most superficial levels, and will probably continue to be so, Muslim Spain never staged a sustained recovery from that crisis even at the price of subjection politically to the Murabit and to North African Islam. Even so, just as obviously, Spanish Islam was materially and economically far more advanced than the adversary to which it was to fall prey, could it have found the organization to harness and direct those resources.
It was at the military level that León-Castilla enjoyed the great advantages that Alfonso VI exploited so well. Tactically it seems clear that the Muslim never developed an adequate answer to the superiority of the Christian heavy, shock cavalry in the open field. In both major battles of which we have some account, albeit sketchy, the Christian forces obviously enjoyed the initiative and the Muslims won by employing rather the techniques of a numerically superior force, envelopment from the flanks and rear. Despite the fact that both Zalaca in 1086 and Uclés in 1108 resulted in clear victories for Islam, the cumulative record of more than two decades of warfare seems to indicate that the northern forces ordinarily enjoyed tactical control in the open field. Time and time again they struck deep into Islamic territories, but no such initiative is recorded for the latter after the first decade of the century.  
... No one of them even considered passing from a consideration of Alfonso the king to a separate consideration of Alfonso the man. I am reluctant to do so myself for that process is hazardous and, to some extent, artificial.
Clearly Alfonso possessed a remarkable physical constitution to have withstood the years of constant travel and the rigors of campaigning and yet survived to the ripe age of seventy-two. Just as remarkable was his unflagging steadfastness of purpose, but. did the latter derive from an exalted sense of duty or an overwhelming personal ambition? He could be ruthless, imprisoning his younger brother Garcia for life and exiling in turn the Cid and the companion of his youth, Pedro Ansurez. But does that calculated severity flow from personal vindictiveness and mean jealousy or rather from a clear conviction as to the political necessities of the realm? With respect to his relationship with his sister Urraca, his six wives, and his two concubines, shall we posit an almost pathological uxoriousness or a devotion to the safety of the dynasty that halted before no extreme?
The simple fact is that we have no information adequate to permit a decision in such matters. Inasmuch as Alfonso shared our own nature we may suspect that he was subject to the meaner motives as well as the nobler ones. The proportions of each remain a mystery.
In any event what matters most is the public record. By any measure of it Alfonso VI of León-Castilla was a great king. If, like ourselves, he was able only imperfectly to master the living forces of his times or to foresee fully even the effects of his own actions, that is the human condition after all. If, like ourselves, he found himself old finally, afflicted by the premature death of his only son, unsure of the future of the work to which he had devoted all of the years of his mature life, that too is the human condition. Like ourselves he worked in the hope but never the certainty that what he effected would perdure. In the last analysis, then, the ultimate measure of the man is that he died at the age of seventy-two, in the city he had reconquered, still pursuing his dream.
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gifshistorical · 3 years
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But you’re a woman. Oh, yes. Poor me. I’m such a weak, fragile and helpless being.
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