#alex kaizo
alharringtonfan · 1 month
How I sleep at night knowing I've never participated in a clear smear campaign which stained a creator's reputation for the rest of their online existence and mindlessly believed some God's mistake's unsubstantiated claims of "manipulative behaviour" and "pedophilia" because I didn't want to face some bit of backlash from sad twitter freaks for not speaking up right away right this instant.
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fl4ky-sc3nek1d · 20 days
my thoughtz abt teh drama now
remember iz juzt my opinion plz don't harazz me over it
well I find thiz drama waz very zhitty,I thought alex waz problematic,groomer n' pedophile bc I believed on doc I don't actually read it in grain of zalt alzo my friend zaid 2 me it that iz not fake n' I believed her,but I zaw teh ppl debunking teh doc that might 2 be fake I became neutral until alex rezponzez teh doc
i could like 2 apologize 4 jumping teh gun before alex rezponzez it waz zhitty on my part n' I zhouldn't 2 believed that doc n' that my friend zaid it
tbh I think alex iz innocent,not fully bc in fact he waz bad partner n' irrezponzible 2 their fanz I'm glad he take accountability of it but he iz ztill innocent
i think teh rezponze waz good rezponze I'm glad he takez accountability of that he did n' teh mozt thingz of teh doc waz fake
if r zaying "that abt teh other docz?" alex don't have 2 review all of them alzo theze r debunked by kirby_PPG on twitter
how I hated ven did that bullzhit doc he went tranzmizogyniztic n' ableizt on that doc n' mizuzed teh word "groomer" n' "parazzocial" damn he did that doc juzt bc they got butt hurted by alex,abt teh relationzhip needz 2 be rezolved IN PRIVATE NOT IN PUBLIC,damn I agree thiz lookz like a high zchool drama 💀 alzo thiz iz other reazon why dating on internet don't alwayz workz
alzo I hate that alex got harazzed n' doxxed,calling him with tranz zlur thiz iz dizguzting,zame if teh doc iz 100% u zhouldn't 2 do that u r putting him n' hiz family in rizk,doxxing iz not n' never will be juztifiable of it I'm glad that dumbazz who doxxed alex got taken down on Twitter but unfortunately teh commentz from hiz yt pozt not...
I'm zad that martin (iz very dizappointing bc I am teh walten filez fan),chezzkidz,teh modz who waz working on TMC FNF modz,blackMEZ,alex kaizo n' etc jumped teh gun before alex rezponzez n' zided teh "victimz" (they ztill zidez with them) n' they literally actz like immature kidz,which thiz iz very unprofezzional tbh (mainly on chezzkidz) I find thiz iz very upzetting
alzo I think mozt VAz (except thorne ig) left iz bc they want 2 zave their azzez from harazzment,doxxing n' zhit,ppl thinkz if u r neutral which meanz u r horrible perzon
i feel bad of alex he don't dezervez that...
twitter iz a huge zhitty platform which everyone hatez each other,harazz ppl n' doxx them too,tell ppl 2 kill themzelvez n' alot of zhit alzo cancel culture iz a huge cancer tho
alzo I might get hated of thiz,but I will zupport alex bc she lozt almozt everything like friendz,employeez,fanz n' etc...I hope they recoverz that...
i hope everything will be fine n' move on teh drama thiz waz very wild...
n' again don't harazz me bc of my opinion iz very zhitty 2 do
n' don't harazz alex,"victimz" n' anyone they never dezerve that.
TLDR;teh drama iz very zhit,I thought alex waz a problematic bc of doc,but after I zaw ppl debunking teh doc I became neutral until alex rezponzez,I think alex iz innocent,not fully but ztill that ven did iz terrible,iz dizguzting that he got doxxed n' harazzed i'm zad that internet horror creatorz that ztill ziding teh victimz,i think mozt of VAz left bc they don't want 2 be attacked twitter zuckz n' I will zupport alex bc of that he zuffered.
alzo I'm zorry that my Englizh iz zhitty,bc iz not my firzt language
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truekaizo · 9 months
hello alex kaizo alexkaizo welcome to tumblr
thank you i have no idea how this works
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corelex · 9 months
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rubyfire777 · 7 months
personal update 9.16.23 🌻💕🐹
good things that happened this week:
finally got my wife some suspicious stew limited edition minecraft pringles. she had been disappointed to not be able to find them anywhere in the area but my work suddenly had them months late! she said they were pretty good :)
movie night with lilith ❤ (we watched creep 2!)
i made a big dinner i was really happy with from scratch. i made wayyy too much but it was so good and i felt so proud of myself
movie night with quint! pretty short mellow one but we watched style wars
halloween decoration thrifting with lilith! i took her to a really good st vinnies and a weird little goodwill she hadnt been to before and found sooo many cute things to decorate with, some new mugs for her collection, a toaster (shes been dying for one forever but we hadnt gotten around to it), a baseball cap with a ladybug holding a pride flag that says "produce pride" (probably an event but we cant dig anything up?), and a beautiful crystal splendor barbie (for $20!!!). we also saw plenty more cute and goofy mugs, the fattest coca cola bear plush, some prints of a teens digital anime girl fanart, and a turtle build-a-bear in a ninja costume with a clearly homemade orange tmnt bandana that we didnt take home but still enjoyed seeing. it was such a good day
bowling night with darren and lily! it really was a lovely time this week
had the first really good bagel ive had in a minute since we have a toaster now 😭 plus some strawberries. felt awesome
cel really thoughtfully sent me one of my favorite mellow albums (fief ii) when she knew i was feeling anxious which really made me smile
lilith went and picked us up a yummy dinner from beergarden :) she got the chicken sandwich shes been craving and i got garlic shrimp
decorating for halloween!! <33
some other household tidying. im not done and will continue the rest of this week but i feel good about it
new art experiences:
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eyes on you (lolica tonica, 2017)
future ghouls (xxhardbit3s & slippymudman, 2022)
clock tower (raito, 2022)
virgin in (dj technorch, 2011)
class of 1992 (glowstyx, 2007)
headz gone west (nia archives, 2021)
kaizo slumber found dead in miami (kaizo slumber, 2023)
ghost1 (omnipony, 2020)
akuma ii (alex & tokyo rose, 2019)
creep 2 (dir. patrick brice, 2017)
style wars (dir. tony silver, 1983)
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dankqueef · 7 months
I ended up at mohos house. I was feeling down and just popped in. Mostly was talking with his mom. Was really nice actually, if a bit awkward. I chatted with his sister and mom. His sister had gotten married, new last name was like, DeMonto or something. An awkward moment where I clarified that she had gotten married. Pretty realistic chatting for a dream. I told a story or two about moho. Eventually conversation just kind of died off and I just chilled. Jody at one point asks me if I'm just gonna sit there; or something to that effect. I say well maybe. Kind of just. Idk. Chilling. Existing. Then a bunch of their friends showed up and sat down at the table to eat food, and a few went to the tv to play smash. I walked over to the kitchen to grab a water cuz I figured it would make Jody happy. Their Dad comes thru and gives me a weird fist bump thing. Like a secret handshake but all fist. Also definitely not their dad but I thought it was in the dream. They kept all of their glasses in the cabinet prefilled with water and ice, which was weird. I walked past the table and Terf Alex was there and froze while eating as we made eye contact. She said something like "Let me eat first" and then I just walked away. I pulled out my gameboy advance and wasplayomg on their couch. Judy started playing custom Kaizo mario levels on the tv. My music kept going on for some reason. I think someone asked what I was playing and I responded "pokemon Scarlet" on the gameboy I guess. Everyone kind of disappears after a bit long of mulling around and I'm about to leave. One guy is asking me where the bathroom is. I point him behind the stairs where theres two actually. I get kind of lost in their house for a moment before making it back to the living room to say goodbye. The furniture has been like pushed aside. And noone is out there so I just kind of stand there confused. Apparently there are a few bathrooms attached to that room and everyone had gone into them. I see Alex and who I'm guessing was her boyfriend come out of one, naked. I dont really know what to do so I just stand there. Then everyone does the same. And I surrounded by naked people. The boyfriend asks me if I'm staying and I say no I was just gonna chill for a hit longer then head out. I turn around to the kitchen not really caring that Alex didnt get a chance to yell at me or whatever. Or that everyone took a shower in their like 10 bathrooms. And theres a bunch of naked people behind me too. I start walking past then when one girl says
"It's an orgy."
And I feel real embarrassed. I start walking out and a shitload of people are pouring in. I walk past a bunch of people I know and just dont make eye contact. Thinking about how this'll be a funny story I leave. I get stopped by a bouncer because apparently I need to sign out. The front of their house has turned into a makeshift entryway.
I'm getting tired again so I'm gonna wrap this up. I just talked to them for a bit. The end.
Ok later the only part of the dream I remember is my dad talking about how he was getting into 8chan.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 years
Roxy, playing Kaizo Mario: wat do u thnk i shuld do??
Dave: i think you need to just kinda like
Dave: bop him and land right in that little goochy
Roxy: can u defien a goochi
Dave: its the space between two munchers
Dave: the goochy
Dave: unless you can get on the other side?
Roxy: *laughign*
Dave: can you get through the tallways goochy
Roxy: *pauses gaem*
Roxy: i jsut want
Roxy: the guchiy????
Dave: get back in there
Roxy: just i wnat u to reeevaulate wat u jst said
Dave: the goochy
Roxy: n than u sed TALL goocchiy!
Dave: the tallways goochy get in there
Dave: ill show you
Roxy: *DIES lauhgigng*
Roxy: waht the fcuk???
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spikeramos · 7 years
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Another Kaizo Mario Run!
Day 11 of Inktober is Run!   Jirard @thatonevideojirard and Alex @alexfaciane AKA The Super Beard Bros. doing another Kaizo Mario Run!!!
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alharringtonfan · 1 month
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gremlingirlsmell · 3 years
I’m live on twitch.tv/jead94 !! Trying out some kaizo mario puzzles by Alex in Hourglass Twist!
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truekaizo · 4 months
Hi do you perhaps have tiktok because I happened to come across an account that looked like it could be yours? Maybe
yes i do! this is the official alex kaizo tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@alex.kaizo
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thunderjolt · 4 years
alex kidd in miracle world
alex kidd in miracle world... more like it's a miracle anyone likes this game!
but seriously, going into a game held up by so many as a classic, i'm pretty underwhelmed.
structurally, alex kidd in miracle world is a pretty normal action platformer. outside of a shop and currency system which is really just a different way of doing power-ups (there's no RPG mechanics here, thank the lord) you're left with a game that i don't really need to explain much. now, let's dig into the problems
first: this game's physics are weeeird. almost inscrutable. there are a few ways to do a platformer - mario and sonic are about momentum. as you move faster on the ground, you jump further in the air. this works, because both characters accelerate in some way; mario through a run button, and sonic just naturally. castlevania has no acceleration or momentum and a (usually mostly) fixed jump arc so after a point you always know where you're going to end up. mega man has no acceleration or momentum, but extremely high air manuverability and variable jump height. alex kidd, meanwhile, has something like mega man's ground movement and mario's air movement plus a LOT less traction on the ground. this odd set of traits often makes platforming feel like a crapshoot - in mario, how fast you're moving on the ground serves as an indicator of how far you'll jump. you develop a pretty good sense for this as you play. but since alex kidd moves at a fixed speed, you'll very often jump way further than you intend, since you have no indicator of how far you'll be sent. as if it wasn't bad enough, your low traction means that precision platforming on single tile blocks, a common occurrence in this game, will very often send you to your death. it's all pretty unwieldy and hard to get a grip on, and i never got used to it in my time with the game.
the next issue is alex's attack. in mario, you, by default, jump on heads to attack. in mega man, you have a long ranged shot. in general, most action platformers give you at least some kind of attack that reaches about a character length in front of you, or is simple and flexible. alex kidd's punch, meanwhile, is pitiful. i could describe it to you, but really, this video i posted on twitter tells you everything you need to know. having such an unreliable standard attack makes combat, in addition to platforming, feel like a crapshoot. while there is a power-up that gives alex a projectile, making everything much more bearable, it's not always available to you, as most levels don't have shops or ? blocks containing power-ups.
and oh god, the ? blocks. this really ties into the biggest issue, which is that it's cheap. you know how some people who clearly don't play retro games talk about how they're all filled with exclusively cheap deaths and blatant trial and error bullshit? alex kidd in miracle world is, most of the time, a decent challenge but not tremendously hard. it is, however, filled with a ton of frustrating kaizo shit that, while not overall spiking the difficulty THAT much, makes everything feel less pleasant. you know the poison mushrooms in super mario bros. 2 (jp)? imagine if more blocks contained those than regular mushrooms, and also they're like phantos from super mario bros. 2 (us). you're ultimately left with a choice: never touch ? blocks, or always touch them and memorize which ones will kill you. the former is far more appealing if you don't want to game over. this is definitely a decision, but it isn't really an interesting decision: if, invariably, a mechanic meant to force a decision results in the player simply not engaging with it, it's probably not a good mechanic.
and finally, we have the big one. the janken battles. in case you're one of the very few people following me who isn't enough of a weeb to know, jan ken pon is the japanese name for rock paper scissors. these fights are basically the epitome of cruel bullshit in this game. get to the end of a level, play rock paper scissors with a boss. if you lose, you replay the level. to a player without any sort of guide, this is losing progress to randomness. to a player with a guide (or looking at the screen border on the SEGA AGES release), this is extremely easy and dull, as there is set sequence of moves that will always be made. i get that this is a charming part of the game that's fondly remembered by its fans, but it also sucks major ass and shouldn't be there. no fun for anyone.
overall, alex kidd in miracle world is a very frustrating platformer. it has some fun moments, but it's too bogged down by bad decisions for me to recommend it. the SEGA AGES release is really good though, featuring a brand new FM soundtrack for the game and a rewind feature to help alleviate some of the bullshit factor, if you're into that.
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fuckmatpat · 5 years
I can actually provide a bit more evidence towards the "ghost writing." I forget what game, what episode, and what series, but in Super Beard Bros., Alex Facciane (Jirard's co host) made an offhanded callout saying "Smartest show in gaming, yet I wrote it." I think it might have been a Kaizo Mario playthrough.
I remember him saying that actually! I think it was Kaizo Mario World 2. Another instance of him having ghostwriters is Inside A Mind’s “I Almost Worked for Game Theory” video. Well, he does now but that’s basically proof that MatPat uses ghost writers
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kriscynical · 6 years
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Yes hello so I have several pictures I’m going to post from Retropalooza this past weekend but this one is my favorite so I’m posting it now, k. 
Alex Faciane and Jirard Khalil of Super Beard Bros and The Completionist are some of the nicest, most chill guys you will ever meet in your life. Bree and I love getting to talk to them every year at Retropalooza and their panels are always a blast. This year my mom came along on Sunday to go to the Beard Bros panel and meet them since I got her into Beard Bros over the summer, Kaizo I and II specifically (we haven’t finished III yet). 
(I’m the chick in the middle with the “Straight Outta Hyrule” shirt since last time I posted a pic of Bree and I there was some question as to who was who.)
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