#ain't doing nothing right
egoschwank · 1 year
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #1142
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first posted in facebook january 11, 2023
amoako boafo -- "hands up" (2018)
"i paint to show what i am" ... amoako boafo
"'hands up' (2018) presents a complex message. his subject's hand gesture suggest she's striking a pose, expressing joy, or maybe even dancing. at the same time, her positioning could be defensive stance, with the title directly referencing the 'hands up, don't shoot' phrase and gesture brought about by the injustice, trauma, and death faced by black people interacting with police" ... victoria l. valentine
"and i am doing nothing wrong riding in your car your radio playing we sing up to the eighth floor" ... pj harvey
"and i ain't doing nothing right hiding in a bar the jukebox playing i sing down in the basement" ... al janik
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rebouks · 5 months
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Bruno: Long time, no see… Darien: Mhm. Bruno: I didn’t know you’d come back to San My. Darien: A while ago, yeah. What’re you up to these days? Bruno: Landscaping, I guess. Darien: Fun-.. don’t suppose you fancy something stronger than a coffee? Bruno: Well… Darien: Ah.. I forgot, sorry. Bruno: It’s fine-.. yeah, why not. … [refrigerator humming] Darien: You’re bored too, aren’t you? Bruno: Apparently. Darien: I suppose it’s not quite the same. [Bruno stared into the depths of his glass, shaking his head] Darien: Do you miss it? Bruno: What kinda question is that? Darien: An honest one. I do, sometimes.. I think I miss feeling slightly invincible. [Bruno took a moment to gauge Darien’s sincerity, topping his glass off with a hefty glug of scotch; it was expensive] Bruno: You’re clearly not wanting for cash. Darien: I never needed them for that-.. then again, neither did you. You’re not a materialistic man. [Bruno tilted his glass in lieu of a shrug, that he was not] Darien: So, what’re you wanting for? Bruno: I don’t know. [Darien grinned over the brim of his glass; his stubbled chin distorted by the liquid within, or maybe Bruno was drunk] Bruno: I oughta get going, I should’ve been home-.. yesterday. Darien: Ivan..? Bruno: Uh-huh. Darien: Good for you. Bruno: He deserves better. [Darien shrugged, it wasn’t his place to tell Bruno what he was or wasn’t worth, or Ivan for that matter] Darien: Whatever you say. [Bruno stuffed his hands in his pockets, hesitating just long enough for Darien to read his mind] Darien: You know I wouldn’t tell you. Bruno: Hmph-.. Kian will be released soon. Darien: Yep. Bruno: What do you think he’ll do? Try n’ find him-.. you? Darien: I’ve no idea, but one of us is easier to find than the other. Bruno: Hm. Darien: It was good seeing you again. Bruno: Yeah, see you around…
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humming-fly · 1 month
hey, not sure if you know this, but alt text is an accessibility feature and it's used for image descriptions, not for writing your thoughts in ^.^ hope this doesn't seem rude sorry
ah yeah i've wondered if this was going to come up - the way I use alt text is actually just a continuation of the way I've always used image captions - in the old tumblr setup image captions were short and just would show up under the image when you clicked on them so I got in the habit of putting little bonus jokes/easter eggs in there for my own amusement and for the amusement of folks that happen to click the images, but then when tumblr redid the post editor they got rid of that option and replaced it wholecloth with the alt text, but I still like making the little jokes so for now that's where I've stuck 'em
I do totally get that it's meant as an accessibility feature and that some folks don't jive with how I'm using it, which is totally fine! That said I do plan to keep making my little jokes in the alt text since I really am just making these dumb little shitposts for myself, so if the alt text issue is something you're worried about please do just block me! It's never an insult, catering your dash is 100% personal and I take no offense whatsoever, just the same way that the way i format my shitposts is 100% personal to my own tastes
thanks for reaching out!
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indiiglow · 7 months
House doesn't wear the white coat because autism
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gardenianoire · 16 days
and thank you jeremy allen white for rubbing ayo edebiri's back because the sydcarmy tag was in shambles and I needed the girlies to buck up
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magnusbae · 1 year
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—That is probably not true. —It is true.
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itspileofgoodthings · 10 months
a few months ago I ran into one of the students from my very first year of teaching and he was talking about the first day and how he was like "damn you just made us start reading right away no get to know you game or nothing" and the gentle outrage in his cadence made me SCREAM-laugh
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sage-hendricks · 1 month
Rationally I know that 32 is comparatively young and that many people find happiness in their lives at a much higher age than I am now
But boy does it sound an awful lot like a clock is ticking and I am making absolutely no progress towards anything meaningful
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bigboobshaunt · 6 months
Apparently one of our guppies was a lady guppy and she is visibly pregnant... I'm finding out I'm gonna be a grandpa while at work at 3am... be patient with me on the following days.
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stormlit · 16 hours
a summary of BIANCA SOLDERINI, since I feel like she's pretty unknown and i don't have a full bio yet. very much placing her within iwtv's interpretation of the books.
human. a noblewoman in 1490s venice, bianca is a woman of means, famed for the salons she hosts and the way that her house is always full of artists and philosophers; her door is open to all, entry bought through talents, poetry or music, art or deep conversation. she hosts the best parties. she is beloved. she's intelligent, strong, insightful, and incredibly beautiful. she's also under the control of her kinsmen, a murderess for them, poisoning those she is told to by her cousins, or else they will poison her. she does it to survive. they are moneylenders, dispatching those who renege on their debts. and when they are killed by her protector marius, she gains freedom and finances she could never have imagined.
she becomes a close friend, confidante, and lover of amadeo (aka the future vampire armand) both before and after he is turned, as well as of marius, his maker; she loves them both, and they eventually become a trio of lovers, bianca the sole human. things are good, until they're not. until 1499, when a vampire cult with a grudge burns marius' house with her inside, kidnaps amadeo, and nearly kills marius. she survives.
and she willingly chooses to be made a vampire so that she might help save marius' life, long aware of the truth of what he was, and aware too that he'd never have turned her if not for his own need.
vampire. for two hundred years, bianca is the only one there for marius, looking after him as he slowly heals, taking on a role of protector of Those Who Must Be Kept, the vampire king & queen, living in a tomb for them. she feeds on the ancient ones, and grows stronger. she and marius have only each other...until he abandons her in a forgotten castle and then immediately returns, begging her forgiveness. until he lies to her, until he is willing to forsake her the second he sees a long-lost love, until she realises how dependent he has made her on him, how deceptive he is, and how strong she is now. she leaves him. she doesn't need him any longer.
her life is hers to live.
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im-a-goat-in-disguise · 5 months
do you have any idea how evil it is telling a trans woman she has to vote for people who want to kill her?
It seems there's overall a bit of confusion about what the guidance is and what "Labour supports if" exactly means. Beyond one short sky interview in which I couldn't pinpoint a certain answer divulging labours support for the guidance, there's not a whole lot to be found.
This guidance is not something labour was able to vote on, influence in any way, or affect the outcome of. It was released by the Department of Education, not a special committee or parliament itself. It comes from the Executive branch, which is currently the Tories, instead of the Legislative branch, which is the mix of parliament.
I'm not sure how "Labour didn't vote against something that wasn't their choice and they had no way to prevent" translates to "Labour wants to kill me and is equally as bad as the Tories, therefore we shouldn't vote at all", but the position is generally misinformed and seems to have taken the worst possible interpretation of events. Maybe surpassed only by "Labour is now planning a total genocide of all LGBT+ people", which I've seen in a few YouTube comments.
I wish there was an easier way to efficiently communicate the fact that Labour is not as bad as every online leftist will have you proclaim. The Tories are endlessly worse, but because that's taken for granted, you never really notice just how bad they are. I mean, they're the ones who wrote the damn guidance! But the guidance existing is somehow therefore evidence labour is equally bad.
UK government is confusing, sometimes deliberately it seems, and without really getting into the nitty gritty of it you can easily derive a conclusion that completely overlooks all the actual intentions of the participants. The Tories are looking to try and shore up any goddamn support they can in the running up to the election, and Labour (with a decent lead in the polls) is trying not to say anything that pushes away the voters giving them a decent lead in the polls. I don't think they should be this placid, but I don't really see what Labour can actually do at this point regarding the guidance. They can't revoke it or vote against it, they never could. Maybe they could get a special committee to review it but overall, saying "Labour is letting this slide therefore they want to kill trans people!" Is just over the top.
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eclaire-went-bam · 15 days
left side of my body is useless. nearsighted in left eye. need hearing aid in left ear. hurts to move my fingers in certain ways on my left hand. constantly falling over to my left side. left eye opens veeeery slightly less than my right. constant spasms/tics/twitches/WHATEVER they are on the left side of my neck down to my left hand. tremours usually just on the left side of my body (but there are exceptions to this one 🤩)
like cmon
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amorremanet · 7 months
Man, I realize demanding that someone execute their own brother is pretty fucked up, but He Xuan asking that of Shi Qingxuan still gave them more respect than Shi Qingxuan ever got from Shi Wudu [gave them the ability to make their own choice after finally being given the full story and enough context to actually have the capacity for informed consent, something that Shi Wudu spent centuries denying to Shi Qingxuan] and also, He Xuan did nothing wrong and should be allowed to do all the atrocities he wants, thank you for your time
#this bitch told me shi wudu loves his brother more than anything; i said 'bitch where'#she said 'under all his bluster and overbearing bullshit'; i said 'BITCH *WHERE*'#like………all tea all shade: shi wudu is actually the person who jiang cheng antis think they are hating#selfish? check. never listens? check. disrespects everyone's agency? check. no self-reflection on atrocities? check. learns nothing? CHECK.#i wish all jiang cheng antis a very 'please read tgcf so you can at least meet a character who actually does all the things you're saying'#literally every decision he made was fundamentally fucking selfish & he just gaslit himself into believing#that he did it—all of it—out of love for shi qingxuan#like how do you look at shi qingxuan—finally in the loop after centuries of being denied that chance—telling their gege#'no please let's pick the first option i would rather be a piteous wretch driven to madness by my own suffering than#live in a world where you died unnecessarily; we can make things right with he xuan AND both live; a miserable life is better than DEATH'#and shi wudu going 'lmao denied stop being a whiny little bitch and come chop my head off already you'll thank me for this later'#and walk away from that genuinely believing that this is a man who loves his brother. it's pretty clear to me that he does not.#love looks like a lot of different things and as far as i'm concerned this ain't one of them#also he xuan should be allowed to do all the atrocities he pleases thank u#kassie hush#mine: text#opinions for ts#wank for ts#idk? maybe? i'm being a hater so it probably counts
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keylovesstuff · 4 days
Key!!!!! Hope you're doing well~ 😊
Idk if you've seen this yet, but one of the in-game TTYD emails has this funny little bit re: Toadsworth and when i saw it i was like 'i gotta show this to key' so here it is, lmao
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The pet-name is what gets me the most, I think 🤭
Ahhhhh!!!! Mrs.Luigi thank you so much for thinking about me enough to share this!! I love this!! 🥰🥰🥰🫂🫂🫂 Toadsworth lovers look at this lolol!!
Toadsworth out here having the time of his life!!! I ain't even mad at him who wouldn't be charmed by this guy? His rizz is immaculate 👌🏾. I never played the original and haven't bought the remake either, so it must be hilarious to see it while playing it personally (buys the game for this reason only)
I remember seeing this bit on GameXplain's video on Toadsworth, actually 🤭 and a little fun fact in reference to this video, in my most recent chapter of "Little Events" the mahjong bit related to him being one of the most difficult CPUs in that spinoff game hehe.
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poke-poke-poke · 1 year
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Maybe it would be better to have it on Do not disturb...  
  ...but what if you miss Something?
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firebirdsdaughter · 12 days
I respect your right…
… To interpret this honestly incredibly vague character writing/story telling in this way. I respect it.
You're wrong, but I respect it.
#Firebird Randomness#not gonna tag the game bc I ain't kicking THAT hornet nest#but listen I am team Adam did nothing wrong#well no okay I am team Adam is a person who has failings and whose entirely life has been trying do well w/ massive consequences#Raven was already predisposed to obsessive behaviour we have no evidence either way that he 'used' her#she was clearly struggling w/ the truth anyway#and if he could just control the other Naytiba why not steer them off Eve more he wanted her to live#he's clearly panicking when she falls in the fight w/ Tachy#but basically it's literally a stalker behaviour to become obsessive about someone who was even perceived as being mildly kind to you#and then convincing yourself they're sending secret messages when they're not hell even fandoms do it we know who I mean#I think Adam's failure there was just not realising how messed up Raven had become possibly bc he was absorbed in research#he was willing to sacrifice himself or this not send proxies to fight like a certain AI#he makes it clear he means no harm to Lily by giving her the hyper cell to help Xion regardless of what happens#like yes in the actual game/writing there's way too much left ambiguous#it's a she said he said when there should be some evidence one way or the other if they wanted to go that way#so I respect your right#I respect your right to not thinking critically about anything and take it all at face value#which is exactly what the evil satellite would want#oh my gods full circle you are not immune to propaganda
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