#aiko fubuki
rnujigae · 9 months
i wasnt gonna post these anywhere other than discord but this fandom seems to love textpost memes so here u go
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raincode-archives · 5 months
Chapter 3 Character Profile Descriptions
Yuma Kokohead A Trainee Detective with amnesia. His small build is unsuitable for physical confrontation. A lack of self-confidence results in a tendency to frequently complain. However, he posses a strong sense of justice and selflessly tries to help anyone in need.
After solving the Aetheria Academy case, he took the true culprits' lives, deeming it necessary for the truth. He decided to continue trying to be the heroic detective, believing the truth could save more lives.
Desuhiko Thunderbolt A Master Detective dispatched to the Nocturnal Detective Agency by the World Detective Organization. His goal is to become famous as a mystery-solving superstar detective. He's an optimistic ladies' man whose "investigations" usually entail trying to pick up girls around the city. These attempts are rarely successful due to his goofball nature, though he doesn't mind. Uncomfortable around blood and corpses, he prefers undercover investigations to those involving murder.
After providing him the opportunity to sneak around Aetheria Academy, he began referring to Yuma as "my man."
His Forte is Disguise, the ability to change his voice, appearance, and build, visually and mentally masquerading as the targeted person. The backpack he always carries is required to use this ability.
Fubuki Clockford A Master Detective dispatched to the Nocturnal Detective Agency by the World Detective Organization. Although she's a beauty with outstanding style, her airheaded tendencies can frustrate the people she talks to.
She ran away from her pampered life as a lady of the world-famous Clockford family to seek adventure. Her Forte is Time Leap, the ability to rewind time and redo things. However, if time has been turned back once, it cannot be turned back beyond that point.
Yomi Hellsmile The director of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers. Despite having the face of a handsome young ma, he is cold-hearted and cruel, finding joy in the misfortune of others, especially from miseries he devised himself. He holds great power within Amaterasu and treats his underlings like expendable tools.
He can't stand Makoto, but doesn't seem to directly antagonize him.
Martina Electro The vice director of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers. A tall, elegant, intelligent, bespectacled woman who ruthlessly crushes the opposition and has no mercy for those who defy her. She's obedient only to Yomi.
As punishment for being outwitted by the detectives during the Aetheria Academy case, the Peacekeepers took her away to be crushed in a presser.
Makoto Kagutsuchi The enigmatic Masked Man that lives on the top floor of Kanai Tower. His tendency to speak in riddles make it difficult to ascertain his true nature, but he seems to have ulterior motives.
Makoto Kagutsuchi The always-masked CEO of Amaterasu Corporation. He lives on the top floor of Kanai Tower. While Yomi is ostensibly his employee, the two are always at each other's throats. His tendency to speak in riddles make it difficult to ascertain his true nature, but he seems to have ulterior motives.
Dominic Fulltank Second-in-command of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers Counterterrorism Squad. A big, burly man capable of tearing a person limb from limb with his bare hands. He's not overly astute, and leaves the thinking to Guillaume, though complex orders may be difficult for him to follow.
Guillaume Hall Leader of the Amaterasu Corporation Peacekeepers Counterterrorism Squad. A boisterous, fast-talking woman who tackles her work with enthusiasm and vigor. She has a gift for telling fortunes, but as they always foretell bloodshed and horror, the recipient is invariably left shaken. Not adept at fighting, she leaves the rough stuff to her partner, Dominic.
Kurumi Wendy A student at Aetheria Academy. Hungry for knowledge, she seeks out anything she wants to know with unwavering tenacity. Thanks to her cheerful demeanor and excellent communication skills, she's quick to get along with people she meets. Having a lifelong fascination with detectives, she couldn't pass up an opportunity to talk with one and shadowed Yuma.
She was about to be arrested for the theater club murder, but was released after Yuma revealed the truth.
She holds deep trust in her rescuer, Yuma.
Aiko Kurumi's friend and a member of the theater club at Aetheria Academy who died six months ago. The Peacekeepers declared she committed suicide by jumping off the roof, but she was actually murdered by Karen.
Yoshiko A member of the theater club at Aetheria Academy. A beauty whose maturity makes it difficult to think of her as a high school student. She's popular in the theater club and is on par with Waruna and Karen in terms of acting ability. Mild-mannered and quiet, she values the team more than the individual.
She was once close friends with Waruna, Kurane, and Aiko, but after Karen murdered Aiko, she plotted revenge with her two remaining friends and killed Karen onstage during a performance.
With the Mystery Labyrinth solved, her soul was reaped by Shinigami, resulting in her death.
Waruna A member of the theater club at Aetheria Academy. She puts on the flashiest and trendiest makeup, which further accents her aggressive personality. Although she intimidates everyone around her, she has no desire to overshadow anyone. She genuinely enjoys acting and being on stage, innately capable of playing any role.
She was once close friends with Yoshiko, Kurane, and Aiko, but after Karen murdered Aiko, she plotted revenge with her two remaining friends and killed Karen onstage during a performance.
With the Mystery Labyrinth solved, her soul was reaped by Shinigami, resulting in her death.
Kurane A member of the theater club at Aetheria Academy. She doesn't talk much and prefers to spend time alone. Because it's difficult for her to express her emotions, no one really knows what she's thinking. But her acting skills place her among the best in the club.
She was once close friends with Yoshiko, Waruna, and Aiko, but after Karen murdered Aiko, she plotted revenge with her two remaining friends and killed Karen onstage during a performance.
With the Mystery Labyrinth solved, her soul was reaped by Shinigami, resulting in her death.
Karen A member of the theater club at Aetheria Academy. She has long, beautiful hair and the elegant aura typical of a lady. She's enthusiastic about acting, possessing a stoic philosophy about it. However, because of that, she tends to be uncooperative and rarely interacts with the other students.
Six months ago, after quarreling with Aiko over the lead role, she murdered Aiko and made it seem like a suicide. Yoshiko, Waruna, and Kurane enacted revenge by poisoning and killing her on stage.
Shachi The leader of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. His outstanding leadership skills and charisma draw people to him. He believes that ruthless measures are necessary to defeat Amaterasu.
He was found dead on the roof of the Resistance hideout. There was a gunshot wound in the side of his head.
Servan A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. Though short in stature and physically weak, his mechanical expertise puts the best Amaterasu engineers to shame. He completely loses himself in tinkering though, forgetting to eat and sleep.
Icardi A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. Her has the slim, muscular build of an excellent swimmer. He works as a courier for the Resistance. He doesn't seem very interested in people and, for better or worse, doesn't involve himself with others.
Iruka A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. Despite her dour and gloomy exterior, she cares deeply for her comrades. Highly skilled with weapons and guns in particular, she's in charge of procuring arms for the Resistance.
Margulaw A member of the Resistance looking to overthrow Amaterasu Corporation. He is a former Amaterasu employee fronting as an antique art dealer. Having lost his family to Amaterasu's treachery, he harbors a bitter hatred for his former employer. He puts his accounting prowess to good use by managing the Resistance's funds.
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brightstarblogs · 4 months
RainCode Honorifics!
First let me preface this by saying I'm not Japanese so there may be a few mistakes in this post.
I haven't seen anyone else make a post on this so I figured I'd do it myself. I've always found honorifics interesting in Japanese media and often include them in my fics. RainCode is a little different however because all characters go by their first names instead of surnames which most Japanese media typically use (since most surnames are westernized/wacky). This interested me so I wanted to do a little research!
But yeah, if you want to use honorifics in your own fics or just find Japanese linguistics interesting, I hope you enjoy this post! It has taken me 3-4 months to compile this list.
Spoilers ahead!
Yuma: Typically Yuma uses -san when referring to other characters. However there are a few exceptions to this. Yuma uses -chan to refer to Shinigami (because she asked him too) and with Kurumi. He also changes to using -kun for Desuhiko after they arrive at Aetheria Academy in chapter 2/Gum shoe gab 2 to show they're friends (but this could be to reciprocate the fact Desuhiko changed from using Rookie to My man). He does not use any honorifics for the peacekeepers (Yomi, Martina, etc) to show he doesn't respect them and Makoto (Although he will use -san when talking to Makoto). He also doesn't use honorifics on Aiko, Karen, Waruna, Yoshiko and Kurane, although he does use -san when speaking to other students in the investigation.
Shinigami: She tends to not use any honorifics and instead uses nicknames. Most notably Akuma-chan for Halara (Hellara in the dub). When she does use a character's name it is with no honorific. I did notice she uses -dono in the gum shoe gabs when saying Yuma's bond with a character has deepened. -dono is often used in writing letters/emails, but also is used in a lot of fantasy media/JRPGs. Shinigami does reference Dragon Quest in the dub so perhaps this is just her being a nerd (Special thanks too @/rararazaquato for pointing this out). If you want to know more about the nicknames she gives the NDA in Japanese, please look at this post!
Halara: They use no honorifics for any character. The only time I heard them use one was in their DLC when they use -san for their client (They do not use Tetra's name though. They say Ojo-san).
Desuhiko: He also doesn't tend use honorifics. Unlike Halara though he uses nicknames. He refers to Fubuki as Ojou, which translates as Young lady/princess. He uses -chan for Shinigami and Kurumi but also when referring to female characters like Guillaume and NPCs where he'll say neko-chan. He also calls Yuma Rookie until they arrive at Aetheria Academy, where he changes to My man for the rest of the game.
Fubuki: Uses -san for every character.
Vivia: Uses -kun for most characters. He doesn't use honorifics for Yomi or Makoto, and uses -chan for Kurumi
Yakou: Like Halara and Desuhiko, Yakou tends not to use honorifics but there are a few exceptions. He uses -chan for Fubuki and Kurumi. He also calls Seth -sensei when he was trying to deescalate the situation in chapter 1. He uses -san for Tetra, so I think he uses honorifics with clients. I don't know for certain but that's my theory.
Kurumi: Now, Kurumi tends to use -san for most characters. She used -san with Yuma when they first meet, but switches to -chan when he is in disguise in the school to help blend in. She then uses -kun from chapter 3 onwards (and once in chapter 2 when she's held by a peacekeeper, but Yuma doesn't hear her). She doesn't use honorifics with Akio, Karen, Waruna, Yoshiko, Kurane and Shachi.
Makoto: He uses a variety of honorifics. He tends not to use any for Yuma, but also does say -kun. He also uses -kun for both Yomi and Martina/Suwaro. He also uses -chan for Kurumi.
Now onto minor characters where it gets a little difficult due to screen time.
Pucci: Uses -san for Zange so maybe uses -san for other cast members.
Melami: I didn't hear her use any honorifics as she doesn't refer to others by name and tends to use nicknames.
Zange: He didn't call any character by their name so I have no idea unfortunately.
Aphex: Used nicknames so again, I am not sure.
Zilch(?)/Hitman: In chapter 1 he uses -kun for both Yuma and Aphex. He did not address the rest of the cast by name so I have no idea if he'd use -san or -kun for Pucci or Melami. Even then I don't know if that was an act as he is an imposter. He uses -sama however for Yomi in chapter 5 when you find him as a zombie.
Martina: Fun fact, she is actually called Suwaro/Swallow in the Japanese sub! I don't know why her name is changed but this was a fun surprise. She uses -sama for both Yomi and Makoto. She doesn't use names for the NDA.
Swank: He didn't use any names, but I included him because like Martina, his name was changed. Originally he was called Spank in the Japanese sub.
Yomi: Only ever called Martina by her name with no honorific.
Seth: Like most peacekeepers he calls Yomi by -sama.
Guillaume: She tends to refer to Dominic by just his name, along with Shachi. She however does use -sama for Yomi like the other peacekeepers.
Priest: Uses -san for the clock-maker
Teacher: Although this is Desuhiko, in disguise he calls Kurumi by -san.
Yoshiko: No honorifics
Kurane: No honorifics
Waruna: No honorifics
Shachi: No honorifics
Iruka: Uses -san for Yuma but no honorifics for Shachi.
Servan: Doesn't use honorifics for other resistant members, but uses -kun for Yuma
Icardi: No honorifics
Margulaw: No honorifics
Ramen man: Uses -chan for Kurumi. Not sure what he'd use for other characters.
Enyne: Before she reveals her identity she uses -san for Desuhiko
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seth-burroughs · 10 months
MDA:RC character birthdays
Makoto Kagutsuchi - january 6
Shachi - february 6
Swank Catsonell - february 9
Priest - february 22
Dominic Fulltank - march 4
Yoshiko - march 18
Pucci Lavmin - march 25
Vivia Twilight - april 4
Nun - april 9
Aiko & Icardi - april 15
Jiei Colan - april 27
Servan & Iruka - may 4
Yakou Furio - may 21
Yuma Kokohead - may 22
Martina Electro - june 1
Worshipper - june 5
Seth Burroughs - june 6
Fubuki Clockford - june 10
Zange Eraser - june 14
Margulaw - june 22
Desuhiko Thunderbolt - july 8
Servant - july 12
Dr. Huesca - july 28
Waruna - august 7
Guillaume Hall - august 8
Kei Colan - august 24
Fake Zilch Alexander - august 25
Melami Goldmine - september 28
Halara Nightmare - october 1
Zilch Alexander - october 4
Yomi Hellsmile - october 11
Kurane - november 6
Number One - november 11
Karen - november 12
Kurumi Wendy - november 30
Aphex Logan - december 21
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kanai-ward-census · 7 months
And thus, we have reached the end of the 1st Raincode Tournament.
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Our crowned winner is our cutie patootie amnesiac detective....
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Even though he did not receive as many actual votes as others, he's still number 1 since he made it through the bracket.
Thank you to everyone who participated. This was a lot of fun! I'm definitely going to do this again. Not till sometime in 2024, though!
Here is my collection of celebratory doodles so far.
1. "My Man" FT. Yuma, Desuhiko
2. "Marketable plushies" FT. Yuma, Shinigami
3. "Yomi's failed plan" FT. Yomi, Huesca, Makoto
4. "Yomi's Supporter" FT. Yomi, Zilch, Martina
5. "Tuckered Out" FT. Vivia, Halara, Fubuki
Anyways, below is the ranking via how many votes each character received. (Spoiler: Yuma did not win this one but that's okay)
Raincode Ranking!
This was calculated via adding all their percentages from the polls they were in.
Vivia Twilight, 456.147 Votes
Makoto Kagutsuchi, 316.043 Votes
Yakou Furio, 297.969 Votes
Kurumi Wendy, 277.832 Votes
Yuma Kokohead, 234.941 Votes (is still considered our winner!!!)
Aiko, 185.957 Votes
Fubuki Clockford, 184.015 Votes
Kurane, 183.027. Votes
Zilch Alexander, 178.974 Votes
Ramen Stand Owner, 176.012 Votes
Yoshiko, 159.806 Votes
Waruna, 158.043 Votes
Pucci Lavmin, 151.97 Votes
Shinigami, 128.1461 Votes
Iruka, 107.003 Votes
Nun, 96.044 Votes
Margulaw, 95.03 Votes
Shachi, 94.027 Votes
Halara Nightmare, 69.012 Votes
Number One, 65.028 Votes
Melami Goldmine, 46.008 Votes
Aphex Logan + Yakou Furio's Wife, 35.966 Votes (each)
Desuhiko Thunderbolt, 35.96 Votes
Martina Electro, 34.034 Votes
Fink the Slaughter Artist, 32.032 Votes
Yomi Hellsmile, 30.832 Votes
Zange Eraser, 28.987 Votes
Servant, 25.992 Votes
Servan, 24.96 Votes
Karen, 21.021 Votes
Guillaume Hall, 20.944 Votes
Worshipper, 19.005 Votes
Icardi, 17.978 Votes
Seth Burroughs, 17.03 Votes
Dominic Fulltank, 15.984 Votes
Priest, 14.03 Votes
Swank Catsonell, 8.091 Votes
Dr. Huesca, 7.98 Votes
Akira, 4.029 Votes
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iiemeii · 6 months
got any raincode lgbtqia+ headcanons,,
AYO FIX MY DAMN WALL!!! honestly smh... that cost a lot y'know, ROLLS EYES /j
Anyway (I will absolutely forget some people, so if I forgot someone then I'M SORRY!!! Just assume they're gay, cause most people in this game are)
First of all I'm gonna start off with like sexuality headcanons, then afterwards we'll move onto gender ones
THE GAME IS JUST FULL OF BISEXUALS, LIKE DESUHIKO, MARTINA, YAKOU!! Yomi I can also see being bisexual except I also believe he is aromantic (or at least somewhere along those lines) since he said he doesn't love people
Yuma is pan, along with Halara and maybe Shinigami too (I mean did you see how her and fubuki got I'm just saying enemies to lovers arc??) I can also see Vivia except he'd be more on the asexual side of things, like romantically he loves any gender but he doesn't want anything further than that
The lesbians are Guillaume, Fubuki, literally all of Aetheria Academy except for Kurumi and Karen (I can only see those two as straight)
The gays are Seth and Zilch (or well the hitman anyway)
Before moving onto gender, I would like to add that Waruna, Yoshiko, Aiko and Kurane were in a poly relationship.
In terms of gender, I haven't thought too much about it, though Halara is 100% non binary (and that's not even a headcanon)
I feel like Seth would be agender, probably with he/they/it pronouns kinda thing. The same can also be said for Makoto probably too.
I saw this post ages ago (I have no clue who made it though) but they said Yuma has all pronouns and is genderfluid AND I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!
Shinigami and Kurumi would be demi-girls, Guillaume would be a trans girl, Yomi just always gives me massive trans energy for some reason so I feel like he would be a trans guy
As for the rest I am not sure though (also this post is far too long I AM SO SORRY I LIKE TO RAMBLE!!!)
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
This is it. The final story of Rain Code: Chapter Yakou.
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AND IT'S POST-GAME OKAY LET'S GO. We're not here to tell a story about Yakou. We're here to tell a story about Feral Yakou.
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Hold up, is Yakou's wife here?
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When was she murdered? Was it before or after the Blank Week? Huesca and Yomi were doing their espionage for five years, and the Blank Week was three years ago. So it could go either way.
Oh man. I hope she's here. Yakou and his wife can form a hunting duo and spend the rest of their feral days (eternity or however long until a cure can be devised) hunting Huesca and murdering him together over and over again.
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We get to control his shambling. This is great. Wonder if we'll get to hang out with any of the other ferals?
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Yakou's being psychologically attacked by Yuma's recent visit. What is going through his head? Something is happening to him physiologically; You can tell because his body started smoking from this memory.
I hope he's healing. If Yakou can recover from being feral then that will mean there's hope for the others. Most importantly the Theater Girls + Aiko.
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A memory from before he went feral! He still has his memories! Which. I suppose. Was obvious from the way he had enough presence of mind to hand that disc off to Yuma. But still!
Also, LOL Desuhiko. You died first.
I mean, you didn't. Nobody died. It was fake. But Makoto ran the numbers with his genius super-brain and the order he came up with for how things would have gone was, "Desuhiko lasts five seconds. Because obviously." And he was right.
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Are all of these glimpses from the side stories? Because Fubuki never interacted with Yakou during hers, so she might get snubbed here. We should probably--
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--watch where we're going instead of musing about Halara and Fubuki. Look, stairs are hard when you're barely even conscious.
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Deeper into Umbrella Labs we go. Now that I think about it, Yakou's wife might not be a homunculus. She could just as easily be a ghost. If she did die before the Blank Week, she would have died in this lab, not the decoy Restricted Area that Makoto tried to pass off as this place.
Of course, if she was a ghost, you'd think she'd seek out the company of the human Yakou's ghost, rather than his homunculus. I dunno.
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Aww, there's Bestie. This was from his final moments.
Oh wow, check out that detail on her choker. It's a set of VCR buttons. That's amazing. I never noticed that before.
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Yakou. Yakou. You need to return to full sentience. Your best pal needs you. Yakou!
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There she is! The woman from the photo! I don't remember if we know her name or not but it's her! The second-most important relationship Yakou has, after Vivia!
...to me, I mean. Important to me. I am invested in exactly two relationships in Yakou's life, and this is one of them.
So what's the verdict, lady? Ghost, homunculus, or feral hallucination?
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Not an answer! In what form are you waiting? I want to know!
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Man, I don't even know what this chapter is going to be like. How do you wring an entire chapter of story out of this? Is she here to provide Yakou solace in his feral time? To heal him? What is plot?
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OH APPARENTLY THAT'S HOW. We're in for a full-on examination of Yakou and his wife's history, I guess.
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Oh wow, Yakou does not look good in broad daylight. Bright light brings out the dazed bewilderment in his resting expression.
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Is the WDO not writing their checks? This is two years before Kanai Ward became an isolated city-state.
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The sad thing is, people actually believe stuff like that. There's this weird trust that some people have for corporations like Disney or Walmart. It's a product of hierarchical ways of thinking.
There is an idea that's been around for the whole of human history, that some people are simply better than us and that a society led by its superior humans will surely prosper. This idea of naturally gifted ubermensch is responsible for the Divine Right of Kings. It's responsible for a lot of gross ethnic philosophies. It thrives in our media through Chosen One narratives and the romanticization of monarchy, both of which date back thousands of years.
It's specifically what the climax of Rain Code centers on, with Makoto insisting that if he, the Greatest Intelligence, can't solve this problem then no one can. And Yuma coming in with, "Maybe you should stop being so infatuated with the idea of being the Savior Ubermensch and realize that other people's opinions and beliefs have value too."
And it emerges in the relationship that some people have with capitalism. There is an idea that the capitalists should rule because their ability to amass wealth is evidence of a superior intelligence. They hustled harder and smarter than us all because they are the Superior Man, and if we simply surrender control to them, they will use their supreme intelligence to lead us into a prosperous future.
What it amounts to in practice is clinging to the surcoat of a billionaire hoping to catch a coin that falls from his overstuffed pockets.
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Man, it is wild to see Yakou as the one being talked down to for trying to do detective shit.
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I wonder what ever happened to Colleague Detective. Do you think he's the Peacekeeper that Halara drowned in front of the office-sub? I'm gonna imagine he is.
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Dammit, Yakou. When you're being shaken down by the mob, don't vocalize things that sound like "I'm physically vulnerable so now would be a good time!"
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HEY! Not cool!
Yakou might be a heteronormative tool but he's our heteronormative tool. I was going to make a joke that I hope you were one of the guys Fubuki drowned but actually, no. I hope you used your mob connections to dodge Amaterasu's blood "tests".
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The nerve on this man, to politely request a payment extension from a mob boss that is actively beating the shit out of him. Yakou has no self-preservation instinct at all.
This is the face of a man bold enough to put out a hit on himself so no one would know that he poisoned himself to death. The bruised and bloody face of such a man.
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cheesecakemermaid1048 · 8 months
Surprised I haven't seen"Rain Code but the wheel decides their fate yet" post yet.So here I go
Spoilers ahead for all of the game
Chapter 0 killer-Zilch
chapter 0 victims-fake number one,zange,Fubuki,and halara
chapter 0 peacekeeper-Seth
head of peace keepers-Also Seth
Chief and other detectives-Yuma,Aphex,Pucci,Desuhiko,and Melami
chapter 1 killer(s)-the nun and The Priest
chapter 1 detective-Aphex
chapter 1 peacekeeper-Yomi
Chapter 2 victim-Waruna
chapter 2 killer/victim-Kurumi
Chapter sidekick/friend-Aiko
chapter 2 killers-Karen,Yoshiko,and Kurane
chapter 2 detective-Desuhiko (I am sorry I dont know why the wheel landed on him again)
chapter 2 peacekeeper-Guillaume and Dominic
chapter 3 victim/leader and followers-Icardi,shachi,Servan,Margulaw,,and Iruka
chapter 3 killer-Margulaw
chapter 3 detective-pucci
chapter 3 peacekeeper-Martina
chapter 4 victim-Yuma
Chapter 4 detective-Melami
chapter 4 peacekeeper-swank
chief's partner/relative-Makoto(obviously playing as Yuma;s twin brother)
Mastermind/homunculus-Shinigami (I came with this concept without the wheel since I need put Shinigami somewhere.It was pretty funny concept,to me least)
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plaindangan · 4 months
February Update
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"Happy February, the month of love~ Fun fact: Feb 1st, marks the creation of the Plain Dangan blog, so feeling sort of proud for how far this has come. Didn't quite expect it to last an entire year, but I am glad for it! It has been truly fun and I've met many great people!! Here's hoping I can make it another year!
"For this month decided to make a few special asks for people to send in:
Cupid - A certain bunny woman has decided to be cupid for the month…problem is that Human Usami sucks at her job. [Cupid][Muse x Muse] to see your pairing of choice get up to some lewd hijinks from this bunny.
Chocolate Creme - [CC][Muse] - Miu has decided to make some chocolates with quite a bit of aphrodisiacs in them. Ask for a muse to get how they’ll act after eating such a thing.
Headcanon - [VD HC] [Muse] - ask for a muse and I’ll tell you the lewd adventures they’ll have on Valentine’s Day/leading up to it.
"Here's also the muses I'm interested for the time being. Mainline Muses: Mukuro, Hina, Toko/Genocide Jill, Hiyoko, Mikan, Akane, Kanon, Fujiko, Chihaya, Older Kotoko, Seiko, Miaya, Ruruka, Kirumi, Tsumugi, Maki, Tenko, Miu."
"Misc Muses: Fubuki, Iruka, Guillaume, Ryo, Mekuru, Ikue, Misaki, Rei, Aiko, Tsubasa, Karen, Natsumi, Sato, and, a new muse adding based upon @vergilsama922's work on her: Yori Fuchisaki/Monomaid."
"For now, that's that! Wish everyone the best and hope the month goes great for all!
EDIT - "Also, added a few visual references to some of my muses in the 'Muses' section so you get a general idea of what they look like instead of canon. Such as non-buff Sakura or the older WOH girls. Just to help make things clearer."
EDIT 2: "Also, if you want to see my blog for other fandoms go here."
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snowboyclarkov · 1 year
Beyblade Burst -> Corpse Party
A random thought, if the Beyblade Burst peeps were in a Corpse Party style situation, who from that series would they most be like. This contains every blader/non-blader I can think of from Burst, and the Corpse Party variant of a couple of my OCs. It is based on MBTI and Enneagram. Each Corpse Party person is the one that each blader is the closest to (or the same typing as) in these aspects. 44-51 is just based on vibes or something. Some of each verse won't be included.
Kristina Kuroda -> Azusa Takai
Rashad Goodman -> Kuon Niwa
Hidetaro Shinoda -> Yui Shishido
Naru Akabane -> Naomi Nakashima
Kana Akabane -> Yoshie Shinozaki
Ken Midori -> Sachiko Shinozaki
Ichika Kindo -> Mayu Suzumoto
Toko Aoi -> Yuki Kanno
Shasa Guten -> Tokiko Tsuji
Valt Aoi -> Sayaka Ooue
Dante Koryu -> Seiko Shinohara
Laban Vanot -> Satsuki Mizuhara
Bashara Suiro -> Souichiro Shimoda
Shu Kurenai -> Naho Saenoki
Gwyn Reynolds -> Clarkov Furutani (Main OC)
Hanna Suiro -> Shougo Taguchi
Aiger Akabane -> Miku Shirayume
Kyle Hakim -> Kai Shimada
Hoji Konda -> Tohko Kirisaki
Yugo Nansui -> Masato Fukuroi
Lain Valhalla -> Magari Mizuki
Lui Shirosagi -> Nari Amatoya
Boa Alcazaba -> Yoshiki Kishinuma
Taiga Akabane -> Mitsuki Yamamoto
Ange Lopez -> Kensuke Kurosaki
Gabe Brunai -> Nana Ogasawara
Ukyo Ibuki -> Chihaya Yamase
Ben Azuki -> Yoshikazu Yanagihori
Hae-Jin Oh -> Yuka Mochida
Ghasem Madal -> Ryou Yoshizawa
Gumita -> Tsukasa Mikuni
Nika Aoi -> Ran Kobayashi
Akira Yamatoga -> Emi Urabe
Arthur Peregrine -> Misuto Kiriya
Daigo Kurogami -> Ayumi Shinozaki
Phelix Payne -> Hinoe Shinozaki
Naoki Minamo -> Sakutaro Morishige
Phi -> Aiko Niwa
Free de la Hoya -> Kou Kibiki
Delta Zakuro -> Yuuya Kizami
Tango Koryu -> Satoshi Mochida
Quon Limon -> Ryoka Iwami
Fubuki Sumiye -> Mikio Tsubota
Cuza Ackermann -> Tomohiro Ohkawa
Alexander Shakadera -> Yuu Shinohara
Evel Oxford -> Galatea Furutani (Main OC's mum/mentor)
Joshua Burns -> Haruyuki Inumaru
Hyde -> Sachi Shinozaki
Arman Kusaba -> Hajime Yamazaki
Kurt Baratier -> Takamine Yanagihori
Zachary Kaneguro -> Ryosuke Katayama
8 notes · View notes
vergilsama922 · 6 months
Another class steps on the scene!!! Class 74-B!
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(人◕ω◕) Ahhh. Heaven of Despair~ That's right everyone. This class has kinda been on the back burner for a bit. But in my defense, I didn't expect Alan Wake 2 to be so damn good. That and of course, I been working and watching anime. But outside that, we have another class and this time shoutouts to @pyropsychiccollector for helping make FIVE Bios! Kisumi, Yumi, Saori, Rika and Natalie!
Well regardless, Makoto is a VERY lucky guy. But also with a new batch that means more interactions and bonding~ Also like always expect a class orgy picture in the near future ;D
Anyways, Enjoy Class 74-B and give them a warm welcome!
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(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) And now time for Bios below~
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Aiko Fubuki - Ultimate Lucky Student
In the neon-veined heart of Tokyo, where hidden narratives pulse beneath a surface of ordered chaos, Aiko Fubuki's tale unfolded, marked by whispers of enigma and echoes of a destiny disrupted. The child of brilliance, her life was meant to be inscribed in the annals of academic legends, nurtured by the genius of her parents—pioneering researchers entrapped by the grandiose Bible Plan of Hope's Peak Academy's Steering Committee. Yet, their light was snuffed out in a cruel twist, leaving behind only darkness and the shattered remnants of a family.
Aiko's parents had dared to dance with the devils of knowledge, weaving narratives that could bend wills and shape destinies. Their intellect was their sin, and their creation—a system designed to inspire hope—became their demise. The Steering Committee, fearing the power they had unwittingly unleashed, chose to extinguish the threat. In the cold calculus of power, Aiko's parents were mere variables to be nullified. Their end was swift—a shadowy eradication disguised as an unsolved tragedy, leaving young Aiko orphaned and adrift in a merciless world.
Her luck, an aberration birthed from the chaos of her life's tragedy, was as violent as it was fortuitous. It manifested not in the mere turn of cards or the fall of dice but in the visceral reality of survival. It was a tempestuous ally, capricious and unruly, its whims dictating the rise and fall of those around her. Where blood was spilled, Aiko emerged unscathed; where guns were drawn, they misfired or were turned by a sudden shift of allegiance. Her presence was an omen—her luck, a force that commanded both fear and reverence.
The Yakuza, with their intricate knowledge of the streets and their intimate dance with danger, recognized the raw potential in Aiko's unpredictable fortune. They saw not a child to be comforted but a talisman to be wielded—a living charm against their enemies. To them, she was a vessel of chaos, a bearer of serendipitous upheaval that could tip the scales of power in their shadowy world. In their guardianship, Aiko was to be honed into an instrument of silent warfare, her chaotic luck their clandestine weapon.
Yet, the Yakuza's embrace was no act of altruism; it was an investment in the unpredictable currency of luck. Aiko's very existence among them was a gambit, a play in the high-stakes game of underground supremacy. As she grew under their aegis, her enigmatic aura deepened, her name whispered in reverence and dread. And amidst this maelstrom of fate and fury, Aiko's spirit remained undaunted. For within her burned a fire of vengeance and truth—a relentless drive to unravel the tangled skein of her parents' demise and to bring the unseen machinations of the unbeknownst to her Steering Committee to light.
Raised in the labyrinthine alleys of Tokyo's red-light district, Aiko Fubuki found herself nestled in the paradoxical embrace of the Yakuza—a life of opulent danger where every whispered secret held the weight of a life. The streets became her classroom, the clash of steel and the silent whispers her lullabies. She learned the language of the shadows, the art of reading intentions hidden behind veiled threats, and the grace of moving through a world that was perpetually balanced on the edge of a knife.
Her talent, a quirk of fate that she'd inherited like a cursed heirloom, revealed itself in the most harrowing of circumstances. It was during a clandestine exchange gone awry when Aiko's luck first truly unveiled its vicious splendor. Bullets flew, a deadly choreography aimed with lethal intent, yet each one veered off course, finding targets other than the intended. Men twice her size, thrice her strength, fell to the chaotic dance of her fortune, while Aiko, at the epicenter, emerged unscathed, her wide eyes the only evidence of the maelstrom that swirled around her.
The realization of her talent brought no joy, only a deeper sense of isolation. If her luck was a shield, it was also a barrier, repelling genuine connections, leaving a trail of distrust and fear. Yet it forged her personality as surely as a smith shapes steel. Aiko's demeanor hardened; she became distant, defensive, a lone wolf navigating a world where every hand extended in friendship could just as easily wield a dagger. She became a punk-ish enigma, the girl who walked alone, who responded to the world's cruelty with a short temper and a fierce independence.
Her relationship with the Yakuza evolved as they came to understand the nature of her luck. It was a wild, untamable force that demanded respect. They ceased to see her as a mere mascot and began to acknowledge her as a player in their games of power—a silent assassin who didn't need a blade to cut down her enemies. They taught her their ways, but Aiko was no one's puppet. She absorbed their lessons but refused to be confined by their expectations. She did things her way, regardless of what others thought, driven by an internal compass that pointed toward a justice only she could define. Aiko's luck was her armor, but it was also her challenge to master. She learned to walk the fine line between letting it loose like a tempest and reigning it in, a barely leashed beast. Her life became a study in control, in harnessing the chaos that bubbled beneath her calm exterior. The Yakuza watched with a mix of pride and apprehension as the girl with no talent grew into a force of nature whose very presence could turn the tides of their underworld wars.
The Yakuza, always cunning in their machinations, saw in Aiko's insatiable hunger for the truth a tool they could use to bind her to their cause. They fed her scraps of information, just enough to keep the flames of her vengeance burning bright, but never enough to let her see the full picture. Each morsel was calculated, a breadcrumb trail leading her deeper into the heart of their world, and further under their influence. They needed her, her unpredictable luck, her ferocity, her unwavering sense of purpose.
Aiko, for all her fiery spirit, understood the game they played. She knew that these titbits about her parents' demise and the Steering Committee's dark undertakings were doled out with the same precision as the slices of a well-honed blade. They meant to use her, yes, but Aiko was no fool. She took their offerings, turned them over in her mind, and stored them away. Each fact, each rumor, was a piece of the puzzle she was determined to solve.
But the Yakuza underestimated the ferocity of Aiko's resolve. She wasn't content with the role of a pawn, a silent specter dancing to their tune. No, Aiko was playing a longer, more dangerous game—one of her own making. With every piece of the puzzle they provided, she moved closer to her goal, a goal that extended far beyond the Yakuza's aspirations of power and control. Aiko's life with the Yakuza was a double-edged sword, much like her luck. They offered her a semblance of family, a place in a world where she had none, and a promise of vengeance for her lost parents. But in the shadowy corners of her heart, where the flames of her anger kept her warm at night, Aiko plotted. She plotted not just against the Steering Committee but against any and all who would try to use her as a weapon.
And that even applied to the Yakuza which they soon found out much later….
In the dense urban labyrinth of Tokyo, where every shadow could be a friend or foe, Aiko Fubuki and Sahiru Amakawa found their fates entangled. Sahiru, whose fortune seemed to bloom on the misfortune of others, was a jinx in human form, a walking catastrophe for those around her. The Yakuza, with their superstitious hearts and calculating minds, were naturally wary of such a figure. To them, Sahiru was an unpredictable variable, a wild card that could as easily spell their doom as usher in a windfall. And yet, it was Aiko who insisted on drawing Sahiru into her sphere, an audacious move that unsettled the seasoned criminals.
Aiko, with her innate ability to harness the chaos of her luck, saw Sahiru not as a threat but as an asset. In her eyes, Sahiru's disastrous aura was a tool to be wielded with precision. Aiko applied pressure, a mixture of veiled threats and promises of grandeur, manipulating Sahiru into an alliance of mayhem. Together, they tore through the city's underbelly like a typhoon, leaving a wake of chaos that was both a message and a warning to those who would dare to control Aiko.
Their collaboration was a symphony of disaster, a partnership where Aiko's anarchic luck met Sahiru's calamitous touch. Each venture was a gamble, each outcome a testament to their combined potential to upend the established order. The Yakuza watched, half in awe, half in horror, as their carefully curated world was shaken to the core by the very force they sought to chain to their will.
But amidst the upheaval, Aiko's true intentions simmered. The tumult was but a means to an end, the first step in her grand design to sever the puppet strings that the Yakuza had sought to bind her with. Her heart, fuelled by a silent inferno of revenge and an unquenchable thirst for the truth, was set on a collision course with destiny. And in the end, it would be the Yakuza who would learn the hard way that luck, especially Aiko's, could not be tamed.
The pursuit of those responsible for her parents' untimely deaths, and as Aiko would find out the Yakuza's role in the grand tapestry of betrayal and power plays orchestrated by the Steering Committee of Hope's Peak Academy. It was a truth that festered deep within Aiko, a smoldering ember that Sahiru's presence had inadvertently fanned into a roaring blaze. The Yakuza had been mentors, guardians, and even a semblance of family, but they had also kept her leashed with half-truths and scraps of information, using her uncanny luck as a shield against their enemies while holding the keys to her past just out of reach.
The boiling point arrived shrouded in the guise of a routine gathering, a meeting cloaked in the familiarity of strategy and camaraderie. But as the Yakuza lords discussed their latest exploits and conquests, Aiko's sharpened senses caught the slip of a tongue, the mention of a past operation—one that bore haunting similarities to the fateful event that had orphaned her.
The operation in question, as it turned out, was not a random act of violence but a calculated move in a larger scheme, a dark orchestration by the Steering Committee of Hope's Peak, with the Yakuza acting as the unwilling hand that carried out the grim task. Aiko's parents, researchers too close to unveiling secrets the Committee wished to keep buried, had become liabilities that needed to be silenced. The Yakuza, bound by twisted loyalties and blackmailed with threats to their own, had been forced into compliance.
Aiko's discovery that fateful evening was no mere coincidence. The Yakuza had found her that day on the streets, not by luck, but by following the orders of their puppeteers. They were to monitor the orphaned child of the researchers, to keep her close, to control her, lest she grow up to seek vengeance or, worse, stumble upon the truth herself. They had never anticipated the latent power within her, the chaotic luck that could one day turn against them.
As Aiko stood among the men who had been her guardians, protectors, and teachers, a cold realization washed over her. Her life had been orchestrated, her path manipulated. The supposed sanctuary they offered was a gilded cage, her safety an illusion. The truth was a corrosive acid, eating away at any semblance of trust and warmth that had existed between them.
The truth spilled forth in a torrent of confessions, half-hearted apologies, and attempts at justification. But the words fell on deaf ears; Aiko's heart was hardened, her vision clear. The Yakuza, who had once taught her the art of survival and strength, had been using her all along as a chess piece in a game played in the shadows of power and deceit.
The room, once filled with the smug comfort of schemers atop their imagined throne, now bristled with palpable fear. Aiko's revelation had struck a chord of terror in the hearts of the Yakuza. They had seen her luck's unpredictable outcomes, and now they were about to witness its destructive potential, directed squarely at them. The Yakuza leaders exchanged tense glances, their usual confidence faltering under the weight of Aiko's steely gaze. It was a silent consensus, born of the primal instinct to survive, that led them to act. If Aiko's chaotic fortune was a powder keg ready to detonate, they would attempt to snuff out the fuse before it could ignite.
With the swiftness of a serpent's strike, they attacked. The Yakuza, masters of ambush and deceit, lunged at Aiko with the intent to incapacitate, to overwhelm her before her luck could turn the tide. But Aiko, with the reflexes of one who had danced with danger all her life, responded not with panic but with the grace of chaos itself. Aiko’s movements were a blur, a dance of dodges and weaves so instinctive that each attempt to grasp her seemed only to slide off, as if luck itself was guiding her form. The Yakuza, with all their might and experience, found themselves faltering, struck by their own ricocheting intentions, as if fate had twisted their actions back upon themselves.
It was a spectacle that would be whispered about in the underworld for years to come; the night the girl with no talent, who wielded luck like a blade, carved her way out of the Yakuza’s clutches, leaving behind a trail of disarray and wounded pride. The storm of Aiko’s making had been unleashed, and it raged through their ranks with a fury that spoke of the chaos they had so foolishly courted.
In the end, Aiko stood alone amidst the disheveled room, the Yakuza subdued not by her hand, but by their own hubris and the invisible, capricious hand of luck that had always been on her side. With a cold, final look at the men who had lied to her, she stepped out into the night, free from the strings that had puppeteered her life. However, the night Aiko Fubuki declared her independence from the Yakuza was the night her tale TRULY began. Unbeknownst to her, her actions had long been observed by those with vested interests in talents, both known and unknown. Koichi Kizakura, the keen-eyed scout of Hope's Peak Academy, had been quietly tracking her progress, compiling reports that were as much about her deeds as they were about the unpredictable sway of her luck. His interest had been piqued not just by her talent, but by the iron-clad resolve and unyielding spirit she demonstrated. And also her parents connection to the deep rumored Bible plan.
Jin Kirigiri, the headmaster of the academy, had been receiving these reports with a growing sense of anticipation. Discussions about Aiko often filled the quiet corners of his office, where he pondered the potential she held and the role she could play within the esteemed halls of Hope's Peak and if she knew anything about the bible plan. His thoughts on the matter were aided by the intelligence provided by Damon Gant, the formidable yet righteous force within the Tokyo Police Department. Gant, who had a reputation for never leaving a stone unturned, had been feeding Jin and Koichi with insights into Aiko's life, drawn from his deep well of contacts and informants.
It was after all Gant's meticulous attention to detail that allowed Koichi to approach Aiko with a proposal she found herself intrigued by. Hope's Peak Academy was a place where her luck could be studied, honed, and perhaps even understood. It was an opportunity to step out of the shadows and into a world where her talent could be acknowledged and embraced. And to uncover what exactly the bible plan was and what happened to those who "disappeared" that fateful night who worked on it.
Aiko's initial meeting with Koichi Kizakura was far from the cordial exchanges of academia; it was a tense standoff in a dimly lit alley, a fitting backdrop for two individuals whose lives were anything but ordinary. She met his black and white invitation with a hardened gaze, her body language taut as a coiled spring, ready to strike. The emblem of Hope's Peak was a symbol she associated with the institution that had upended her life, and her hostility was palpable.
"You come here, to my turf, bearing the mark of those who killed my parents," Aiko spat out, her voice a low growl. "What makes you think I'd step foot in that place?"
Koichi, no stranger to tense situations, remained calm. He understood her distrust, her pain. "Hope's Peak is not the enemy you know," he said evenly. "It's a place where you can control your luck, not be controlled by it. And maybe, just maybe, find the closure you need."
Her eyes, which had been narrowed slits of suspicion, widened a fraction. Closure. That word resonated with her, echoing the deepest desires of her heart. Aiko was smart enough to know when to play her hand and when to fold. Koichi's offer, dangerous and rife with uncertainty though it might be, was a chance to step onto a larger stage, to turn her luck into a tool for uncovering the truth.
Gradually, the tension in her posture eased. "If I find out you're lying, or using me…" she warned, leaving the threat hanging in the air.
Koichi just tipped his hat, a silent promise that he was on her side.
With the invitation in hand, Aiko found herself facing a crossroads. The next step she took could lead her closer to the truth or further into a web of deceit. The decision weighed heavily on her, but the promise of understanding her parents' fate, of peeling back the layers of secrecy that surrounded the Bible Plan, was too potent to ignore.
Her meeting with Jin Kirigiri and Damon Gant was set in a nondescript room that spoke of confidential matters and discreet conversations. The headmaster of Hope's Peak and the esteemed officer from the Tokyo Police Department presented a united front, yet their demeanor was not one of authority, but of alliance.
Gant began, his voice firm yet infused with an undercurrent of understanding. "Aiko Fubuki, you've had to fend for yourself in ways most can't imagine," he acknowledged, his eyes meeting hers with a certain respect. "Your past actions, while they may not have always been within the confines of the law, they were about survival. I understand it more than most would. I'm here to offer you a clean slate."
Jin followed, his tone echoing the sincerity of his counterpart. "We're not here to coerce or manipulate you, Aiko. The academy wants to offer you a chance to understand your luck, to use it to help us uncover truths that have been buried in darkness for far too long."
Aiko, still wary, let their words sink in. A full pardon was more than she could have hoped for, a freedom she hadn't tasted since before the Yakuza. And Jin's offer to work with her, not as a subject, but as a partner, struck a chord deep within her.
"If I join you, it's as an equal," she stated, her tone brooking no argument. "I want access to all you have on the Bible Plan, on the Steering Committee. And I want your word that my luck won't be exploited."
Jin nodded, a gesture of affirmation. "You have my word. Our goal is shared, Aiko. The tragedies borne from the Steering Committee's machinations have cost too many lives. It's time we brought them to light."
The partnership was formed that day, an alliance of necessity and mutual respect. Aiko Fubuki, the girl whose life had been defined by the capricious whims of luck, stepped into a new role. With Hope's Peak Academy and the Tokyo Police Department at her back, she was poised to confront her past and shape her destiny, no longer a pawn in the games of power but a key player in the search for justice.
As Aiko left the meeting, the weight of her new path settled upon her shoulders. The journey ahead would be fraught with challenges, but for the first time in a long time, she faced them not as a weapon of fate, but as a wielder of her own future.
A future she would use to destroy the steering committee and their allies at any cost.
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Kisumi Musashi - Ultimate Movie Director
Kisumi Musashi. The Ultimate Movie Director. This fierce, independent young woman has helped crank out one box office smash right after the other. Genre doesn’t matter. Whether the series has been around for a while and she’s just now dipping into it doesn’t matter. Whether it barely got approved to be produced doesn’t matter. Kisumi will take any title and make something amazing out of it. This is done through her tireless research, keen intuition and masterful direction, and relentless devotion and dedication to the entertainment industry. But who is Kisumi Musashi? Where does this superstar of a director come from? What are her dreams and ambitions?
When she was young, Kisumi’s parents died in an overseas plane crash. As a result, she went to live with her Uncle’s family – her Uncle being the CEO of a company called Natsuki Corporation. Her cousin, Tohru, came to be like a brother to her. And her Uncle Goro is more or less the father she’s always known, she wouldn’t trade him for the world… Even if it would have been nice to know her birth parents. Kisumi’s early childhood was peaceful and happy, attending a normal elementary school as opposed to one of the elite or being homeschooled; Uncle Goro believed in giving his kids perspective, to learn that despite their wealth they are not above the “common man.” The sooner they acquainted with and became friends with their classmates, the sooner they would learn about the struggles and pains that less well off families suffer through… And thus, they can strive to alleviate that suffering and create a better society through acts of kindness and generosity.
But it wasn’t long before Kisumi yearned for the silver screen. Or more accurately… The more she listened to Uncle Goro talk about what her parents did for a living, being a director and assistant director, and how they traveled the world to film movies… Kisumi just wanted to explore why her parents loved the entertainment industry. Wanted to understand them. If Uncle Goro went and saved a company from total collapse and turned it around so that the company helped so many people all around the world… and yet her parents settled for making movies… What made them passionate about something so selfish? Well. Kisumi thought they were selfish… After all, movie stars were often caught up in scandals, and there was so much dirt on other aspects of the industry… But Uncle Goro didn’t see it that way at all. He never criticized his brother when talking about “the good old days.” He encouraged Kisumi to have an open mind, that there was just as much value in creating and directing movies. People need entertainment to take their minds off of this cruel world.
So Uncle Goro supported Kisumi by sending her to study overseas. It was worlds apart from the normalcy she experienced up until then, and she had to learn English before going… But Kisumi did everything she needed to, listened to everything Uncle Goro had to say about her overseas studies. Not only did she want to learn what made her parents tick, why moviemaking was so important to them; Kisumi didn’t want to disappoint her Uncle or her cousin, who were both rooting for her. Kisumi would go on to complete her studies at a plucky young thirteen years old, having taken to the career of directing like a duck to water. During her time overseas, she was already helping to produce short films and documentaries with her classmates, and through her direction made the films very easy and pleasant on the eyes and ears. While she can never be sure that she knows for a fact how her parents felt while making movies, Kisumi did come to fall in love with the moviemaking process itself. Because… there’s an art to the whole thing.
The stories you want to tell, the lessons you want to impart… The actors that get picked, the location of filming, the budgets you have for props, costumes, and so many other things… Kisumi learned to make due with what they had, and still make stellar productions out of them that make more than enough money to compensate all the effort. Because just like the BBC’s sci-fi classic Doctor Who, you never truly know how big of a splash something can make until you release it. Something with humble beginnings can turn into something grandiose, so long as you pour all the love and attention you can into the production over time… Even if the studio itself is opposed or reluctant to what you’re making. Kisumi learned so much about various movie trends, about how to make productions marketable, and tips and tricks with how to handle the bigwigs who ultimately make the final call on whether or not you’re making the movies you propose.
In the end, Kisumi was told in her classes that she probably wouldn’t start out as a director. She’d probably be a production assistant or something way down the ladder like that… But Kisumi beat out all those expectations with her creative ingenuity and artistic direction. And above all her sheer force of will to become a director as soon as possible. Not because that’s what her parents became, not because of any family pride or arrogance on her part… But because she wanted to produce movies for her Uncle and cousin to view, back home. … Apparently Uncle Goro had fallen ill, and wasn’t able to take her calls halfway through her overseas studies; for the latter half, she only spoke with Tohru and confided in him about feeling a little homesick… But both of them felt that Kisumi needed to see this to the end, and Tohru just knew she would make Uncle Goro proud. At age thirteen, Kisumi returned home to Japan, and cranked up her moviemaking career to the max. Didn’t matter that she still had “regular school” to still complete, Kisumi had her dream job and wasn’t going to give it up for anything. Life at home with Tohru was… different. For some reason Uncle Goro was working longer hours at the office, and she never got to see him anymore. Tohru promised that his father was fine… that Kisumi didn’t need to worry.
They would both make the Old Man proud in their own ways; Tohru was set to succeed his father as the next CEO, and Kisumi became an esteemed movie director that was just getting started. Despite Tohru’s reassurances, Kisumi did worry about her Uncle… She wasn’t even allowed to see the Old Man’s bedroom anymore, or his study. She felt uneasy about it, like Tohru was hiding something… But she decided to put her faith in her brother-in-all-but-blood, and she poured all her efforts into what she studied her butt off for.
And two years later, when she entered high school… She had produced easily forty five different movies, short films, and documentaries. All of them were phenomenal, and the public loved them to bits. Kizakura noticed, of course, and extended the invite to Hope’s Peak. Kisumi was ecstatic to be recognized as the best director at her tender young age! … Tohru didn’t seem as… enthused, however. He was rather aloof when Kizakura came around to the house, and never removed that smiling mask that he wore out in public the past couple of years. Kizakura was rather curious about Tohru, something about the boy ringing vaguely familiar… But in the end, Tohru wouldn’t give Kizakura the time of day, and just urged Kisumi to pursue the path that she saw as fit for her dreams. Hope’s Peak was an institution like no other, yeah? Then Kisumi should just go for it if she was so inclined.
Baffled by Tohru’s cold shoulder, but otherwise happy to take up Kizakura’s invitation, Kisumi joined Hope’s Peak’s 74th Class. Her new classmates were rather eccentric, but still pretty impressive individuals overall. Sure, Kisumi was one of the more level-headed among them… But she could appreciate the passion they had in their respective careers. Upon graduating, Kisumi would continue successfully cranking out hit after hit, and she came to have pride as the “best” movie director… Because she worked hard for this dream. And she owed so much to Uncle Goro and Tohru…
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Maemi Miyo - Ultimate Kendo Practitioner
In the tranquil dojo halls where the sound of clashing bamboo swords echoes like ancient war drums, Maemi Miyo stands almost invisible, her presence as silent as the falling snow. Yet, to underestimate her based on her delicate frame is to challenge the storm that brews beneath the calm surface. She is the whisper in the wind, the specter that haunts the dreams of seasoned kendo practitioners—she is the Ultimate Kendo Practitioner.
Maemi's journey began not with the roar of the crowd, but with the hushed reverence of those who bore witness to her talent. As a child, she was often overlooked, her small stature rendering her invisible among her more boisterous peers. But within the dojo, she was a force unrivaled, her shinai an extension of her will, her reflexes a blur to the naked eye. Opponents learned quickly that to dismiss her was to accept their swift defeat; her counterstrikes were as inevitable as they were imperceptible. But how exactly did she become the Ultimate Kendo Practitioner?
Under the eaves of an old, weathered dojo tucked away in a forgotten corner of Kyoto, Maemi Miyo found her first sanctuary. Her upbringing was unconventional; she was the only child of a lineage steeped in the art of the sword, but it was a lineage that had faded from public memory, its legacy confined to the dusty annals of history and the silent testament of ancient trophies lining the walls of their home.
Her father, a man of few words and disciplined action, was her first sensei. His teaching was strict, yet it flowed with the tenderness of a hidden stream. He saw in Maemi not just a daughter but the heir to a fading tradition, a living vessel for the resurgence of their family's honor. Her mother, equally skilled and even more enigmatic, wove tales of legendary samurai and kendo masters into the fabric of Maemi's childhood, her stories as much a part of Maemi's education as the katas she practiced from dawn until dusk.
Maemi's training began with the dawn, under the watchful gaze of her father, who was both sensei and mentor. In the still, chilly air of the dojo, where the scent of old tatami mats mingled with the crispness of the morning, she learned the ancient ways of the sword. Her father's methods were unorthodox, emphasizing not just the physical aspects of kendo but the mental and spiritual disciplines that underpinned them. He taught her to see the space between breaths, to find the silence amidst the noise, and to strike not when the moment presented itself, but to create the moment herself.
Her mother, meanwhile, taught her the history and soul of the blade. Every evening, as the dojo's lanterns cast long shadows on the wooden floor, Maemi would sit at her mother's feet, absorbing tales of legendary swordsmen and women whose spirits were said to live on in the blades they once wielded. Her mother's voice was soft but clear, weaving stories that were equal parts history and mythology, teaching Maemi that the essence of kendo was not in victory, but in the purity of every strike and defense, in the art of movement and stillness alike.
However It was during a local tournament that Maemi's talent truly unfolded before an audience. She was but a child, no more than ten, her stature diminutive, her presence almost negligible amidst the bustle of competitors. Her opponent was a local champion, a boy nearly twice her age and size, his confidence as conspicuous as Maemi's quietude. The match began, and the crowd's murmurs hushed in anticipation.
From the first strike, it was clear that Maemi was different. Her shinai seemed to whisper through the air, her steps a silent dance that anticipated her opponent's every move. The boy's strikes were powerful but predictable, and Maemi's counterattacks were whispers of wind that found their mark with a precision that seemed to bend the very air. The match was over in minutes, but the echo of her shinai's strikes rang much longer in the ears of those who witnessed her victory.
In the hushed circles of martial arts aficionados, Maemi's victory was not merely a win; it was the blooming of a legend. The small girl with the unassuming air and the piercing eyes had toppled a colossus with the ease of a seasoned master, her every move a poem written in the language of kendo. The word of her prowess traveled from the local dojo to regional competitions, and each retelling added to her mystique. She was the wraith of the kendo world, known to many by reputation, but truly understood by few.
As her renown in the kendo circles grew, so too did the audiences at her matches. They came not for the spectacle of violence, but to witness the elegance of her form, the serene composure with which she wielded her shinai, and the almost preternatural intuition that seemed to guide her movements. Yet, amidst this burgeoning fame within her discipline, Maemi's daily life remained untouched by her growing legend.
At school, Maemi was a wisp of a presence, her small frame and quiet demeanor rendering her all but invisible in the boisterous corridors and crowded classrooms. She drifted through the academic routine like a ghost, observed by few, her mind often elsewhere, lost in the strategies and philosophies of her next training session. Her peers, unaware of the fierce spirit that lay behind her passive exterior, seldom engaged her, and she, in turn, made no move to dispel the veil of obscurity that shrouded her school days.
To Maemi, the dichotomy between her life in the dojo and at school was stark but comfortable. In the world of kendo, she was a revered figure, a prodigy who spoke through her actions rather than her words. In school, she was just another face in the crowd, one more student in a sea of uniforms and youthful ambition. This anonymity afforded her a certain peace, a sanctuary from the pressures of her talent and the expectations that came with it.
Yet, even within the tranquility of her dual existence, there was an undercurrent of conflict that Maemi could not ignore. As she grew older, the disparity between her silent school life and her celebrated kendo persona began to chafe. There was a part of her that yearned to merge these two halves of her life, to be seen and known for who she truly was, not just in the dojo, but in every aspect of her existence.
The conflict came to a head during a regional kendo championship, where Maemi, as always, had silently cut her way through the competition. It was there, amidst the thunderous applause of the crowd, that she caught sight of her classmates in the audience. Their eyes wide with surprise and admiration, they finally saw the 'myth' in their midst, the 'ghost' of their classrooms wielding her shinai with a master's grace.
The revelation was a catalyst for Maemi. The following school days were marked by a subtle shift. Her classmates, now aware of her talent, approached her with a mixture of curiosity and awe. They asked questions, they whispered about her matches, they no longer passed her by without a second glance. For Maemi, this new attention was both uncomfortable and exhilarating. She found herself at a crossroads, unsure of how to reconcile her newfound visibility with her love for the solitude and anonymity she had always known.
As the days passed, Maemi's internal struggle did not go unnoticed by her mother, who had always been a quiet source of strength and wisdom. Her mother, a woman of poise and understanding, had watched her daughter tread the fine line between anonymity and acclaim with a knowing eye. She knew all too well the Hoshina clan's teachings—pride in one's skills, yes, but never a boastful display for mere attention. They were a family that found honor in the shadows, their achievements whispered like legends, never shouted for the world to hear.
One evening, as the afterglow of sunset bathed their traditional home in a warm light, her mother spoke. "Maemi, your heart is like the river—it seeks its own path, sometimes quiet and hidden, sometimes wide and open for all to see," she said, her voice as gentle as the breeze that rustled the leaves in their garden.
Maemi listened, her eyes reflecting the turmoil that had been her constant companion of late.
"In the dojo, you are the myth, the master whose actions speak her legacy. In school, you are the ghost, content to watch and observe. But remember, both are you, and both have their place," her mother continued, reaching out to tuck a stray lock of hair behind Maemi's ear.
"But, mother, isn't it the Hoshina way to remain humble, to shun the spotlight?" Maemi asked, seeking clarity.
Her mother smiled, a soft curve of understanding. "True humility is knowing your worth without proclaiming it. It is not about hiding your light—it's about shining it where it will guide and inspire. You come from a lineage of warriors who knew when to step into the light and when to blend with the night. Your struggle, my child, is the same as theirs. The same struggle I once had and I made a choice that…..had consequences. But I would make theat same choice again in a heartbeat."
Those words struck a chord within Maemi. She realized then that her legacy was not a chain but a tapestry, a rich history of choices and chances. Her mother's words gave her a new perspective, one that allowed her to see her talent not as a burden to be hidden or a trophy to be flaunted, but as a gift to be used wisely.
As Maemi's confidence grew and her talents continued to flourish, the whispers of her prowess in the kendo world began to reach further than the dojo's walls. Her skill with the shinai had always been remarkable, but now there was a newfound resolve in her eyes, a determination that spoke of a deeper understanding and acceptance of her dual nature. It was during the national kendo championships, a tournament watched not just by enthusiasts but by talent scouts from various disciplines, that Maemi truly shone.
During the finals, Maemi faced an opponent known for his aggressive tactics and daunting presence. As the match commenced, the crowd expected a swift defeat for the small, unassuming girl before them. However, Maemi stood her ground with an unshakeable calm. Each attack from her opponent was not only deftly countered, but used as a stepping stone, guiding her to the next strike. Her movements were a blur, each step and swing carried out with a precision that seemed almost preternatural. The match ended with Maemi's victory, her shinai poised gracefully as her opponent's bamboo sword clattered to the floor, his ambitions alongside it.
The crowd erupted into applause, the sound filling the arena with an intensity that mirrored the shock and awe written across the faces of all who had witnessed the upset. But among the audience was Koichi Kizakura, whose knowing smile was tinged with excitement. He had been following Maemi's journey, intrigued by the tales of the 'ghost' who could best any challenger with her almost supernatural reflexes. He saw in her not just a master of kendo, but the embodiment of potential that Hope's Peak Academy sought—the potential to inspire, to lead, and to redefine what it meant to be a practitioner of the ancient art.
Koichi approached Maemi after the tournament, his trademark hat tipped in respect. "Maemi Miyo, your skill is the talk of the town, and your spirit, the inspiration of many," he began, his eyes gleaming with the prospect of having discovered a rare talent. "Hope's Peak Academy would be honored to have you walk its halls as the Ultimate Kendo Practitioner."
Maemi, taken aback by the sudden offer, hesitated. The academy was a place of prestige, but also one that had seemed distant, almost untouchable. Yet, here was an invitation, an acknowledgment of her skill and her dedication to her craft.
"What would I do there?" Maemi inquired, her voice barely above a whisper but clear in the silent moment that followed her question.
Koichi leaned forward slightly, understanding the weight of her question. "At Hope's Peak, you'd be more than just a student. You'd be a living testament to the art of kendo," he said earnestly. "You would train, yes, but also inspire. You could research the depths of martial arts, delve into its history and philosophy, and perhaps even instruct those willing to learn from the best."
Maemi's gaze held steady, considering the depth of what Koichi was offering. The prospect of furthering her understanding of kendo, of exploring its roots and imparting its essence to others, was more than just an educational opportunity—it was a calling.
"And it's not just about kendo," Koichi added, sensing her interest. "It's about finding where your talent takes you, about pushing the boundaries of what you know. You'll meet others with talents as unique and profound as yours, engage with minds that challenge and complement your own."
Maemi felt a spark ignite within her, a flame fanned by the promise of new challenges and the pursuit of knowledge. Hope's Peak Academy was offering her a path she had never contemplated, a chance to step out from the silent echoes of her dojo and into a world where her talent could truly flourish.
"I will accept your invitation," Maemi finally said, her voice still quiet but imbued with a new strength. "I wish to see where this journey leads, to understand the true potential of my talent."
Koichi's smile broadened, "Welcome to Hope's Peak, Maemi Miyo. Your journey is just beginning, and I have a feeling it will be one for the history books."
With her acceptance, Maemi Miyo prepared to enter a new stage of her life, one filled with the promise of growth and the allure of the unknown. As she walked away from the dojo that day, with the invitation from Hope's Peak Academy in hand, she felt the quiet strength of her resolve settle around her like armor. She was ready to face whatever came next.
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Momoka Saitou - Ultimate Secretary
In the veiled corridors of power where decisions are made with a whisper and a nod, Momoka Saitou mastered the art of influence. As the Ultimate Secretary, she became the custodian of secrets, the silent engine behind the thrones of authority. But to understand her ascension to this pivotal role, one must trace the roots back to her upbringing—a tapestry of discipline, observation, and the subtle art of discretion.
Momoka's childhood was steeped in the tradition of service and support. Born to a family of dedicated civil servants, she was brought up with the ethos that the greatest impact is often wrought from the shadows. While other children played boisterously, Momoka observed. She listened. She learned. Her parents, working within the intricate bureaucracy of government, taught her the value of information—how it could be both shield and sword.
Her home was a revolving door of dignitaries and officials, each carrying the burden of their office. Momoka watched her mother, a paragon of a secretary, manage this world with an effortless grace. She saw how her mother's gentle suggestions could alter the course of discussions, how her careful arrangements could set the stage for successful negotiations, and how her discreet whispers could defuse the ticking time bombs of political intrigue.
Under her mother's tutelage, Momoka became adept at reading the room, understanding the unspoken needs of those she served. She became a young apprentice in the art of facilitation, honing skills that would define her future. Her parents instilled in her the belief that true power does not roar; it whispers. Yet, the very skills that made her indispensable in the halls of power also cast a widening gap between her and her peers. In the boisterous anarchy of school life, Momoka's reserved and observational nature made her a target. The bullying was subtle at first, a nudge here, a whisper there, but it grew bolder with each passing day.
However, Momoka was her mother's daughter, not just in skill but in spirit. She observed the bullies as she would any political adversary—studying their habits, their motivations, their allies. Armed with this knowledge, she began to apply her craft, using her wits and words to sow discord among them, turning their alliances inside out without a single raised voice or accusation. Her methods were a testament to her training: a rumor planted here, a schedule altered there, a misplaced item that only she could gracefully recover. She became a ghost in the system, orchestrating a silent campaign that disarmed her aggressors one by one. To the bullies, it seemed as if their own shadows turned against them, their confidence eroding with every step that backfired, every plan that unraveled.
In the end, the bullies found themselves isolated, their schemes undone by an invisible hand. They couldn't pinpoint how or when the tide had turned, but they felt the unmistakable presence of Momoka's influence in every misstep they took. The corridors they once prowled with impunity now whispered with the echoes of their faltered reign. They were afraid, not of retribution or confrontation, but of the silent sentinel that was Momoka—the girl who spoke softly and needed no stick. At least not yet.
However In the world of secretarial arts, Momoka Saitou's name resonated with a quiet power. Her skills were not merely about organization and efficiency; they were about intuition and the subtle art of influence. Her rise to prominence began with the cultural exchange project, but that was only the opening act of what would become a storied journey through the annals of administration. Momoka's projects were as varied as they were challenging. She coordinated international conferences, where she bridged the gaps between cultures with a grace that belied her years. She orchestrated charity galas, turning potential disasters into evenings of splendor and success. She even managed political campaigns for student council elections, turning underdogs into leaders with her strategic planning and insightful advice.
Her methods were a blend of modern efficiency and old-world diplomacy. She utilized technology to track progress and communicate, but it was her personal touch that ensured the success of her endeavors. Momoka had an uncanny ability to remember details about people, from their favorite drinks to their children's birthdays, and she used this knowledge to foster relationships and build networks of loyalty and respect. Her prominence as a secretary was marked by her unique approach to problem-solving. She never tackled issues head-on but rather worked from the shadows, moving pieces into place with such subtlety that solutions seemed to arise naturally. People began to speak of problems disappearing "the Momoka way"—a phrase that denoted an issue resolved so smoothly that it was as if it had never existed.
One of her most notable successes was the revitalization of an ailing student organization. The group had been floundering, its members disengaged, and its purpose unclear. Momoka stepped in as an advisor, and within months, the organization was not only thriving but had become a cornerstone of the school's extracurricular activities. She achieved this by carefully restructuring the organization, empowering members to take on meaningful roles, and aligning their activities with their passions and the school's goals. Her achievements as a secretary did not go unnoticed. As her reputation grew, so did the opportunities presented to her. She was sought after by the highest echelons of the school's administration, her advice and expertise valued by teachers and students alike. Momoka had become an indispensable asset to her school, her signature blend of quiet confidence and decisive action becoming the hallmark of her storied career.
However It was during the preparations for an international student symposium that Momoka's skills caught the eye of Hope's Peak Academy. The event was a massive undertaking, involving delegates from schools across the globe, and the smooth execution of the symposium was nothing short of a miracle. Momoka's behind-the-scenes work ensured that every detail was accounted for, every contingency planned for, and every participant felt heard and valued. Koichi Kizakura, in attendance to scout for potential talents, was astounded by the seamless flow of the event. He recognized the hallmarks of an exceptional secretary—the ability to predict problems before they arose, the capacity to communicate across barriers, and the foresight to weave a safety net so tight that nothing could fall through.
Kizakura with his knack for spotting the extraordinary in the sea of the mundane, approached her with an offer cloaked in the promise of potential and growth. "At Hope's Peak," he explained, "you'll find challenges worthy of your skills and a community that will value your unique capabilities. You're not just a mediator or a problem solver, Momoka—you're a visionary in your field."
Momoka's reaction was one of measured contemplation. She was no stranger to accolades or recognition, but this was an offer of a different caliber. It spoke not just to her abilities, but to her aspirations, her latent desire to expand her horizons beyond the familiar walls of her current life. Her parents, ever supportive, noticed the flicker of excitement in Momoka's usually impassive demeanor. "Momoka," her father said with a gentle firmness, "this could be the path to realizing your dreams, to broadening the scope of your talents." Her mother added, "We've always known that your potential was bound for greater stages. Hope's Peak could be that stage."
The notion of dreams was something Momoka rarely dwelled on, her focus always on the task at hand. Yet, deep down, she harbored visions of orchestrating events on a grander scale, of being the unseen hand that guided the course of crucial conversations and decisions. Perhaps even of the government of Japan itself. Hope's Peak, with its myriad of talents and its pulsating heart of opportunity, was a place where dreams didn't just whisper—they sang.
With the full support of her parents and the promise of a new horizon ahead, Momoka accepted the invitation from Hope's Peak Academy. Her acceptance was not a loud declaration of ambition, but a quiet acknowledgment of the new journey she was about to embark on. She understood that the academy was not just a stepping stone, but a place that could transform the whispers of her dreams into the actions of change.
As she walked through the imposing gates of Hope's Peak, a soft determination settled within her. Here, within these walls, she would not only apply her skills but refine them. She would navigate the complex web of interpersonal relations, cement her role as a master mediator and secretary, and perhaps, in the process, discover new facets of her own identity.
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Natalie Murasaki - Ultimate Sheriff
Natalie Murasaki. The Ultimate Sheriff. This feisty, spunky young woman sports the highest arrest rate for any female police officer in western Japan. … And the interesting tidbit? Aside from a few particularly tricky cases involving multiple criminals or yakuza, Natalie is known for bringing in the perpetrators on her own merits. Her own efforts. This has led this remarkable young woman to be a particularly skilled combatant, insofar as neutralizing crooks without killing them. For Natalie Murasaki, ensuring that everyone follows the law is of the highest importance; she HATES injustice and tragedies… Still, this is what everyone knows about Natalie Murasaki these days. Who is she, really? Where does she come from? What are her dreams and ambitions?
Natalie was born and raised in Kobe, Japan. The mountain ranges framing the harbor of Osaka Bay; Ikuta Shrine; the outdoor hotsprings of Arima Onsen; and even the antiquated cable cars that take people up to Mt. Rokko for a panoramic view of the port… All these things and many more became areas that Natalie knew like the back of her hand. Marble steak is her favorite grub, and she fell in love with her hometown and all the people in it.
Her parents were a part of Kobe’s police department… Albeit they were on the lower rungs of the ladder, usually handling smalltime affairs and paperwork. Because they worked so often, Natalie was more or less raised by her older brother, Yu. He had about ten years on her in age, and still he was Natalie’s best friend. From early on, Natalie recognized he was as tough as nails, but the biggest part about him was his heart. After he skipped a couple grades in high school, he got on a fast track for becoming a teacher… And Natalie was just in awe of how passionate and fulfilled he seemed, living his dream. Yu believed that his students loved him just as much as he loved them, that they all had bright futures…
Unfortunately for Yu, teaching wasn’t meant to last. A few years into his career, a particularly nasty instance of bullying occurred under his watch. Yu was idealistic, he thought that it was just kids being kids, that it was just horseplay; after all, he had a kid sister that meant the world to him. Kids could be misguided, but they knew not to go too far. … But it wasn’t horseplay. Not this time. Several students in his homeroom bullied a boy enough that he eventually leaped off the school’s roof. A girl in his homeroom warned Yu what was going on, chastised him for being so blind… And he didn’t realize until that boy jumped off the roof and ended up in a coma. Yu was then dismissed from teaching, on account of being made a scapegoat so that the school would survive past this incident. Yu didn’t try to fight it; he was wracked with guilt and bitterness for failing his students, and he was left not knowing what to do in the aftermath. Where to go from there… Though he seemed to find SOMETHING, because soon enough he was coming home a lot less to take care of Natalie… And he wouldn't open up about his new career, especially not about why he seemed so exhausted coming home at nights…
Natalie was devastated about what happened to her brother. Not only because of all the unjust court proceedings that framed him as a callous, heartless monster… But the act of bullying itself. That it had gotten that bad. Her brother’s students betrayed him, and she began fostering a deep resentment for bullies in general… What was the point of picking on someone weaker than you? No. She had that backwards. Because the bullies had to act as a unified unit to bully that one boy, just to feel good about themselves or whatever it might be… THEY were lesser than that one boy. Was it an inferiority complex?
Natalie honestly stopped caring about the why’s. Yu got screwed over because of something so stupid, so cruel, and she wanted to keep something like this from ever happening again. So shortly after her eleventh birthday… Natalie began doing her own research into nefarious activity around Kobe with all of her newfound free time. The thing about having an awesome older brother like Yu is that Natalie was learning to spar with him from an early age; it was more of a free style, but the base of it is Southern Kung Fu. Yu wouldn’t teach her everything that he knew, but he did want Natalie to be able to stand on her own and defend herself.
…And well. Natalie decided defending herself just wasn’t good enough. She needed to defend everyone that she could. So trailing the traitorous, bullying students, Natalie began learning about yakuza connections, the filthy “underground” of Kobe. Natalie wasn’t strong enough to make the courts decide to give her brother his teaching position back, but she could force these traitors and yakuza to face justice. So after beating them up and WINNING, miraculously enough, Natalie turned the whole bunch of crooks over to the Kobe police department…
Naturally, her parents were appalled, aghast that their daughter had done something so dangerous… They were on the verge of giving both her and Yu a serious tongue lashing – Yu was just as floored that Natalie had taken the initiative like that, having to come home early from his new job to get lectured about leaving Natalie out of his sight. But soon after those perpetrators were hauled into the station, the Chief of Police, a distant acquaintance of Damon Gant, stopped her parents from punishing Natalie too harshly for what she did… Yes, it was reckless. And they would rather leave this dangerous business to the professionals… But this Chief had known Damon from long ago. Knew how he started out. He could see that same fire and resolve in Natalie, and didn’t feel it was worth snuffing out that potential.
From that day on, Natalie was drafted into the police training program, under the Chief’s careful guidance. And she defied all expectations, not only managing to breeze through the training but also wrangle more crooks on the streets while she was at it, and still attend school to boot. Natalie was a go-getter, and over the next four years she both rose through the ranks and arrested quite a few perpetrators with her own two hands. To the point of earning the highest arrest rate… at her tender young age, no less!
Around the time Natalie was breezing through the academy, Yu expressed concern that his little sister was going way too fast. Their parents might not be able to object too much because she has the Chief's backing, but Yu knows the sorts of vile people Natalie's pursuing at the risk of her young life. Yu also knew that just talking to her would result in butting heads with her, and showing off more of his techniques through subsequent spars that would ensue. He knew his sister like the back of his hand, stubborn as one of those bulls she loved to watch in those cheesy Western flicks…
So Yu formulated a plan to make Natalie back down. Through connections at his new workplace, Yu hired a small group of masked men to ambush him and Natalie while they went out to see a movie; Yu knew how tough these men were because he had trained this security team personally. They all worked for the same corporation, after all. One ambush later, with Yu purposely throwing the "fight" to get taken "hostage" - leading to an ultimatum for Natalie to back down and quit the police lifestyle. It was Yu's hope that by overwhelming Natalie in quantity as well as quality, she would just go back to a normal, carefree life…
…Unfortunately, Yu underestimated Natalie's tenacity. He should have known better… Because he had the same unwavering justice, lurking deep inside. Through clever use of her environment, Natalie distracted the "hostage-taker" before KOing him brutally, followed by taking out the whole security team. By the end, Natalie was exhausted, barely standing straight, but she managed to beat the seemingly insurmountable odds.
Yu had to face facts. Whether he liked it or not, his sister had grown up. She had used his pain, his anguish, his guilt, his self-loathing… And Natalie used that to give her purpose. Even though she was just a kid, even though he'd grown more distant because of his new career as part security guard, part handyman for this rival corporation that was going toe-to-toe with the Togami conglomerate, and even the Kamukura's couldn't take them lightly… Yu had been spending all this time using this corporation's resources and personnel to dish out justice in his own way… Even if it entered some gray territories of the law… All to address the issue of bullies.
And in having such tunnel vision… Yu missed out on the effect his pain was having on Natalie. How it was fueling her to be such a strong, independent girl. … She didn't need to go so far for him. Yu was used to cleaning up his own messes as the dependable older brother… Still, Natalie had come this far. And she was going through more proper channels to deal with bullies, as opposed to his… methods. Yu was so close to going through with some really illegal crap, the planning was nearly done, but now that he's seen his baby sister take out a whole security team that HE trained… Yu can't keep pretending his imouto is completely removed from this crappy side of life. Seeing the worst parts of humanity… She's way too young to be dealing with this, but Yu can't deny she's capable.
So Yu took her home, after tuckering herself out. He carried her piggyback style like he had years ago, and they had a heart-to-heart. Natalie whined about needing to haul in the masked men, but Yu consoled her and promised he'd handle it. There was no need too shatter her rosy-glasses view of him, so he kept the fact that they were just his coworkers, that the whole thing was staged to make her back down… he kept that to himself. Natalie could just take pride in the fact that she had protected him, and had earned a good rest. Yu isn't sure what he'll do moving forward… Maybe draw up new plans. Because… if he carried on like he wanted to, Yu knew that Natalie might have to bring him in one day. … And he didn't want to shred her heart to pieces like that.
He couldn't give up on his ambitions either, however. Whatever the future held… He had powerful allies and unwavering justice in his veins. Yu wouldn't cause his baby sister grief over his life decisions, but he would still do things his own way. So after dropping her off at home, Yu left her a note. Through it, he told her that he wouldn't be coming home for a while… His new job was pretty important, and he could tell that Natalie was making great progress without him as a crutch. He told her not to worry about him, that she had already avenged him by arresting those bullies from his old homeroom… Natalie should live her own life. And if that led to a pursuit of justice… Well, Yu would respect her choice. Just be happy, and only take risks if she's SURE that she can pull through. Yu is proud of her… That's never in question.
Natalie woke up to find that note, and would go on to continue her training, gaining notoriety with her high arrest rate. And citizens all over Kobe and neighboring towns would come to love and respect her as the youngest police officer in the nation. Naturally, the Chief passed along to Damon the new rookie that had amazing potential, and Damon kept a pretty sharp eye on her progress. Eventually, Natalie was recognized as one of the Chief of Kobe PD’s best operatives, nearly second-in-command to him. Despite being a kid, she had authority as an officer of the law, and never abused it despite how recklessly she chases after criminals… Natalie knows the law by heart, but when it comes to the pursuit of justice, she will run off on her own to ensure justice is carried out. She has the training from both the police and Yu under her belt, and she quickly learned how to look out for criminal activity… Natalie might be taking big gambles, but she was a ”Sheriff” in her own right.
Hence, when she reached high school, she got approached by Damon and Kizakura to invite her to Hope’s Peak, where she could accelerate her potential as an officer of the law even more. Natalie was ecstatic, and Yu was happy enough for his little sister, hearing about her acceptance to that prestigious academy… even if he did constantly stress over her biting off more than she can chew.
But she’s Natalie Murasaki~… And she’ll be fine. As worried as he might feel at times, Yu believes in her. Always.
Personality wise though, Natalie is a girl that can't sit still. When she personally witnesses bullying or other crimes, she's the first to leap into action. She won't always tackle the problems head-on, but that's her preferred approach as opposed to waiting for "permission". Natalie is the type to hate protocol if it prolongs suffering and injustice, hence her rebellious streak when jumping into the fray. … Although Natalie does despise paperwork and leaves that to her coworkers whenever possible.
When it comes to stuff besides police work… Natalie enjoys westerns, shootout flicks, Kobe's marble steak specialty, and learning and using cowgirl lingo in her everyday language. She also regularly dresses up as a cowgirl sheriff - hat, ascot, suspenders… She even has a sheriff's badge, which she received for her efforts in arresting criminals.
Of course… Natalie's deep sense of justice does distance herself from her schoolmates because of how passionate she is and how clearly she beats up bullies at their elementary/middle school growing up. Natalie herself wants to make friends with everyone, but they aren't eager to reciprocate with how easily she can beat them up at the drop of a hat, for just about any reason she wants. Of course, Natalie only ever attacks bullies… But there's nothing to say that'll never change. Aside from her ability to never lose a scrap, her Western-centric habits and fashion also put people off.
This isn't to say Natalie doesn't have any friends… She's just not very popular. … Even though she deals with bullies and speaks out against them, when the rest of them won't because of basic society etiquette. The friends she does have, they value her standing up for the meek and helpless. … Though they wish she'd be more careful. They also know of her older brother, and how kind he is to everyone; how Natalie picks up most of her Western aesthetic/tastes from Yu, and learned how to fight from him.
Still… It's not until Hope's Peak where Natalie finds people just as eccentric as her. And even fellow officer types, such as Ikue. … Not that Natalie and Ikue's ideologies line up very cleanly. (人◕ω◕);;;
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Rika Hinami - Ultimate Engineer
Rika Hinami. The Ultimate Engineer. This down-to-earth, level-headed woman is famous for developing a heater technology that is both efficient and eco-friendly. But that single invention is hardly the extent of her talents; it’s simply what she’s known far and wide for. Rika-san is annoyed that her brilliance isn’t better recognized by society… But perhaps her cavalier attitude towards others, her “laziness” as some people may define it, plays into her subdued notoriety. But who is Rika Hinami? Where does she come from? What are her dreams and ambitions?
Rika was born to a pair of corporate executives in the Fuji Bank chain, which is the successor to the Yasuda zaibatsu. They deal largely in recruitment and management, which helped shape Rika’s personality. Because… Rika would ditch school whenever she could. And where would she go? She would tail her parents to their workplace and secretly watch them throughout the day, conducting interviews, performance reviews, and so much more. To any other child, this would have been the most boring, most anticlimactic thing to do with free time… But to Rika? A pencil-pushing management desk job was heaven. You got to sit around for most of your shift, some menial work here and there, and boss others around. What’s not to love about an easygoing life like that?! As the daughter to not one, but TWO executives of Fuji Bank, it’s not as if any of the employees would ever snitch if they caught her ghosting her parents’ workplace. She was essentially “royalty”. Still, despite her admiration of such a job… Rika-chan knew that to get there, she would have to go through A LOT of schooling and putting in effort that she wasn’t necessarily willing to give… Because after all, like most kids, who LIKED going to school to learn? It’s not an issue of understanding the material.
Not for Rika-chan. School came TOO easily for her; she completed the semester’s assignments way ahead of time, and then only went to class for tests. … Because apparently the secret deals she was making with teachers to let her escape classes couldn’t cover those. Annoying, but Rika-chan vaguely understood (even at her young age) there was limits to how much she could cheat the system. So after a year or two of watching her parents and coming to the crushing understanding that she would have to APPLY herself to get to where they were… Rika-chan gave up her dreams on a corporate management position. Because screw effort~…
That left Rika-chan with an awful lot of free time, though. Sure, while brainstorming ideas for killing time, Rika-chan wound up effortlessly completing classwork a couple years ahead of her current studies. The work wasn’t that hard; she was beginning to understand the general flow of education in most subjects. Anything she didn’t immediately get, she just accessed the internet to fill those gaps. Before long, she had an Associate’s Degree’s worth of education under her belt at the age of ten. Not bad, but such a degree would only get her basic jobs where she’d have to work… So Rika-chan dabbled in a few different things until she found that, subconsciously, she developed a fascination with engineering. Tinkering with machines… Applying her imagination and knowledge to designs, improving on already existing designs…
One day, a schoolmate who was curious about why she was rarely in school approached her at home, and Rika-chan was discovered installing a sublevel to her parent’s garage. … Because Rika just knew that they wouldn’t be too happy if she used their garage as a workshop. So she rigged up some machines to dig below the earth below the garage and get it all re-cemented before her parents got home that evening. Rika barely had to do a thing. Her schoolmate was in awe of what she was doing, and asked how this was all achieved; the poor girl was overwhelmed as Rika launched into a droll explanation of how her digging machines operated, where she acquired the parts (mostly from junkyards, because she refused to use her parents’ money, and she refused to work for her own money unless absolutely necessary), how many weeks it took to put this all together… By the end, the schoolmate’s head was spinning, and Rika-chan was just standing there nonchalantly like it was no big deal. … Because it wasn’t. Rika had this much free time, and furthered her studies to such an extent. Still, the fact Rika was this amazing with inventing, it gave the schoolmate hope that maybe Rika could help fix her bike, which was pretty banged up . Rika wasn’t exactly thrilled to be asked to do something… But with how crestfallen her schoolmate seemed at Rika’s initial refusal of the request… Rika grudgingly agreed that her machines could continue their work without much fuss, and she had the time to look at the bike… even if she knew crap all about them. Right away, the young prodigy could tell what the problems were with the bike, despite that lack of knowledge. After some quick research into bike maintenance and repair, Rika determined it would be more cost effective to just purchase a new bike… Unfortunately, the schoolmate’s family had a low income, and they just weren’t in a position for that, hence the schoolmate was hoping it could be fixed instead. Rika still wasn’t thrilled about the hoops she’d have to jump through to get this bike repaired… But if it’d stop the girl from bawling like a baby, Rika would do it. She’d whine, but she’d do it.
A couple days later, Rika had the schoolmate come down to her new workshop, which her parents still didn’t know about, and had the schoolmate try out her newly modified bike. Not only could it go much faster, but it was easier to brake and steer the thing. The schoolmate was in awe, and thanked Rika over and over, but Rika just waved her off. It wasn’t that hard, and she even liked improving on the bike’s design after overcoming the initial repairs.
After that single request, Rika’s name started getting passed around at school. To her ire, more schoolmates came over to ask her to take a look at and repair certain things in or around their homes… Toasters, TV’s, showers, video game consoles, A/C units, heating units… Rika couldn’t fix EVERYTHING, some stuff fell under the purview of plumbers and electricians. Still, she got exposed to a variety of everyday appliances, and now she was getting PAID for these jobs… Most of the time, anyway. Whenever they weren’t lower income like that first “client”. It annoyed Rika to be approached so often, but she was slowly and surely becoming known as a “handyman” around her school and neighborhood. As stupid as all the new work was to her, it still allowed her to flex her engineering muscles and expand her knowledge base. By age thirteen, she finally developed her own patented heating system. … Because winters were cold around where she lived, and she wanted her damn house to not be so frigid. Her parents rarely kicked oo the heating because they were concerned about affecting the environment… Well, Rika worked around those concerns, and gave all three of them a toasty home to be in, and it wouldn’t even add that much to their bills. It didn’t take long for Rika’s heater to be discovered by her schoolmates, however; enough of them came around and asked why it felt so NICE inside Rika’s home… And to her chagrin, word got around to a few heating companies in Japan, and they began clamoring for her designs. … She didn’t like selling out to the greedy sonuvabitches… But then, they did offer her a fair chunk of money. And she saw no reason why she couldn’t sell to multiple companies to get that much more money for herself. Sure, that meant having to tweak her designs to make new and yet still eco-friendly designs… But Rika did it. Several times over.
Rika skated by in middle school, taking on various jobs as the “handyman” of Yokohama. School was a non-issue, and she was learning plenty through her budding engineer side business. Eventually, Koichi Kizakura came calling when he caught wind of her brilliance. … Though he was quite frank with her: Despite some people talking about her, Rika really wasn’t as famous as she believed she was. Rika was frankly a rare find for Kizakura; a kid that kept her head low and just took whatever jobs came her way. In fact, because of her lack of presence at school, Kizakura almost missed her altogether as he pored through various school rosters. Rika didn’t care very much if she was renowned or not; her ultimate dream was still to take it easy and work as little as possible… She pretty much turned down the Hope’s Peak gig, because she just didn’t have the DRIVE to be the best… Hope’s Peak would just heap more and more expectations on her shoulders, and Rika wanted to stay FAR away from that…
But Kizakura isn’t a quitter. He knows untapped talent when he sees it, and despite resonating with her in terms of taking it easy… The man appealed to Rika’s love for her craft. If she attended Hope’s Peak, she wouldn’t have to sift through and pilfer junkyards for supplies. She’d have access to top-of-the-line materials and equipment, at no cost to her. Hope’s Peak basically cut blank checks to all of its students, all in the pursuit of the study of talent. … Rika didn’t like Kizakura going for the jugular like that, but if she could cut out the middleman that was the smelly junkyards… Well, she grudgingly accepted the invitation. Not before forcing Kizakura through an unnecessary “interview” to confirm some things about attending Hope’s Peak… Still, by the end, Rika just went with the flow, and got set up with a new workshop on campus.
To Rika’s irritation, she got dragged into attending classes and doing activities with schoolmates.. But she made sure to hit them up with “interviews” and “performance reviews” whenever they really got on her nerves. Never let it be said that Rika Hinami can’t hold a grudge~… She’s very petty. And gets very sore if you force her to work too much~… She would rather be left alone to her workshop in peace, and get paid for jobs, than attend class. Because high school education isn’t something she needs; she’s already got a Master’s Degree in Engineering worth of education by the time she got invited to Hope’s Peak. … Too bad her schoolmates don’t see it that way…
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Saori Aisaka - Ultimate Cheerleader
Saori Aisaka. The Ultimate Cheerleader. Her family's motto is, "Anything is possible for an Aisaka!" It's a saying that has empowered Saori through many hardships in her cheerleading career… Because as much as people like to assume it's all sunshine and rainbows, cheerleading is pretty similar to pop idols in how girls can be cruel and cutthroat. Do anything to get ahead. … But this has never been Saori's style. In her eyes, if you stoop so low to sabotage to compete, you've already lost the battle. Because you can't handle your rivals at their best, and that just means you don't believe in the team you're cheering for. This idealistic mindset of hers has inspired many girls, both on her cheerleading squads and even girls all over the nation.
This positivity has even led Saori's teams to conquer national championships several times… Her middle school were undefeated champions in cheerleading with Saori's leadership and guidance, and she's gone on to raise up several cheerleading squads from Hope's Peak, and once she graduated she went on to lead college and university cheer squads… She goes from one university to the next each semester to stir up friendly competitive spirit and make each team feel like they can do anything. Still, as capable as this phenomenal young woman is, who is Saori Aisaka? Where does she come from? What are her dreams and ambitions?
Saori was born to a pair of researchers that work for the curious Natsuki Corporation. A few years before Saori was born, the company was saved from declaring bankruptcy, and has since risen up to become an entity that can go toe-to-toe with the Togami's, the Kamukura's, and other such big superpowers. But Natsuki won't sell out to those rival corporations, will not kneel to them or bend to their whims; Natsuki Corp has this mysterious ironclad will behind it that even the EOS Institute has been forced to recognize in recent years. Natsuki appears to have an interest in making a number of products that make everyday life more convenient and fulfilling. From cars, to clothes dryers, to remote--controlled robots that can entertain the kids, to miracle drugs… To so much more. Natsuki Corp covers a lot of bases. Saori's parents are a part of separate research teams, but they seem to have the time every morning and evening to spend time as a family with Saori. Whether it's just one or both of them.
Saori loves her family a lot, as such… As well as Natsuki Corp. Because it's a company unlike almost any other - it's a company that values the employees and their families. After a thorough interview and screening process, they determine if the families applying to work for them are healthy or if there's abuse or any other underlying issues lurking beneath the surface. If there IS abuse, Natsuki spares money and resources to provide counseling to improve the quality of those families' lives. That's why Saori's family's situation isn't so special; Natsuki values ALL of its employees. Her parents making time to be with her is just a sign that the company's interests and values are working. Treat the employees well, as the people they are, and you'll inspire loyalty. Saori and her parents have had no reason to doubt Natsuki Corp; it's like a dream company to work for.
Because of how well her life is at home, Saori has been a rather positive, upbeat, likeable individual ever since she was young. She's not EVERYONE'S friend, but she can be ANYONE'S friend if they're willing. Of course… With how "perfect" she seems on the surface, Saori has garnered a number of people that dislike her outright and suspect she has a darker side, spreading vicious rumors about her and her family… Saori was never the type to attack people in return or even just confront them about the pervasive rumors… No, in Saori's mind all she can do is prove the rumors wrong. To be the best person she can be, even on her bad or off days… And so, the best way she found to do that is to take up cheerleading. Because cheering isn't for her sake; it's to show school spirit and support her friends. And even support the people spreading rumors about her.
Saori first joined the cheer squad at eight years old. Elementary school didn't give her much exposure to how "savage" cheerleading could get, how cruel girls could be… But it was a good time to be introduced to the after school hobby, to begin to learn the routines and learn the value of teamwork and building one another up. Because of this bright and shiny beginning, Saori carried this idealism over into middle school where things started to get more fierce. Their upperclassmen began fostering a competitive edge into Saori's friends, but the aggressiveness never stuck with Saori. So when one of her best friends began disparaging a rival school, Saori had a heart-to-heart with her about it, right out in the open in front of everyone. She managed to convince her friend that it wasn't worth putting down the other school; they were better off devoting their energy to cheering for their team and believing they can win. And even if they lose, it's not the end of the world. They can just try harder next time.
Of course… Saori making her opinions public like that, a few older girls took offense to how naive and "stupid" she was being. They "challenged" Saori for the position of cheer squad captain, knowing full well that first-years weren't allowed to try for that position. Their goal was to get Saori in trouble with the teacher overseeing the team… But Saori accepted the challenge, not knowing the risks involved… And in the end, the teacher took Saori's side when she explained everything later, how it was the other girls' idea but Saori was willing to leave the team or accept any punishment if that smoothed over feathers. Saori had never given the teacher or anyone a reason to be harsh with her; she was always just striving to be the best she could be… And so, for the first time in their school's history a first-year was made the cheer squad captain.
And it turned out amazing. Saori led her team to national championships for the first time that year. Her cheerful nature, her stalwart beliefs in her friends and school, the synergy she developed with the cheer squad, and the charisma she began developing… It all contributed to her school becoming the national champions for the first time in its history, through sheer effort and positivity.
Saori would go on to make her middle school cheer squad a well-oiled machine in the coming years. They would have their ups and downs, but everyone had faith that so long as Saori was here to lead them, they'd pull through. Her motto of "Anything is possible for an Aisaka!" became a motto for the students in general; not as a condescending statement, but more of a can-do attitude. A simple sentiment, but Saori's friends loved how uplifting it is.
As high school rolled around… Kizakura came calling, and while Saori didn't like parting with her friends, the scout won her over with the idea that as the Ultimate Cheerleader, she could go around to various high schools and help them become better, more wholesome teams. Saori loves that idea a lot, and so she agreed to come to HPA. And once she graduated, she went on to support both high schools and universities, changing cutthroat attitudes to more honorable ones. Honoring the competition, inspiring everyone to be the best they can be.
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Yumi Yano - Ultimate Announcer
Yumi Yano. The Ultimate Announcer. This plucky young lass is known nationwide for commentating at sports arenas, idol shows, gameshows, presenting the news, weather, music… She's presented sensational promotional events, and she's a regular on the radio. Her enthusiasm is infectious, and she's favored by citizens all over Japan because she can cheer people up just by the mere sound of her voice. But who is Yumi Yano? Where does she come from? What are her dreams and ambitions?
Yumi was born to a TV news anchor and his wife, who worked in a cubicle all day. Essentially… They were middle class, and it's not as if they were living paycheck to paycheck… However, her parents were so used to the daily grind that they were left pretty joyless. Having Yumi was one of the happiest moments of their lives, but it's not as if they could put off work forever and raise her and be a family. Bills needed to be paid, and they wanted to give Yumi a good future. Get her into a good university, go for a good paying career…
Yumi saw how hard her parents worked, and felt terrible for being a burden. Of course they never called her that; they even assured her many times that she wasn't a burden… But that's just how Yumi felt. They were so absorbed in the daily grind they rarely had the time to sit down and be a family. Go for fun outings… There was just never time for any of that.
But it wasn't just her life at home. Yumi also suffered at school, somewhat. She was never bullied, never hated, but her friends had their own lives. They tried being there whenever possible, but often club activities, family business, hobbies and interests, and other friends would take higher priority over Yumi. She gave it her all to be supportive, but in the end it left her feeling lonely and at the worst of times abandoned.
One day, though… Yumi was allowed to visit her dad at work. She didn't have anything going on at school, so she agreed to "ditch" for the day and get to tour a television studio. It turned out really well for her - while her dad handled a daytime program, one of the other programs ongoing at the time needed an emergency substitute announcer, and no one else seemed to be available immediately. They were going to delay the broadcast, but Yumi, so sweet and innocent, convinced the camera crew to let her try and help. Her dad was a news anchor, how tough could this be?
They were just going to humor her, continue to delay the broadcast and let the kid think she was on TV…. But to their amazement, she understood the script just fine, and even injected her own unique energy and ad-libs - stuff that only a kid could imagine. They ended up broadcasting Yumi, and it was her first successful show. Her dad didn't even find out until weeks later, when Yumi got called in for more gigs. At just mine years old, Yumi proved to be a natural at television, and viewers just ate her up.
For several months, Yumi had to learn to analyze and commentate sports matches, gameshows, and so much more. But like she was born for this, Yumi took to announcing like a duck to water. She was helping her dad's TV studio, and all the staff were being so nice to her, even paying her…! She felt accepted, and her appearances on TV even earned attention from her schoolmates who suddenly wanted to prioritize her and get to know her. Yumi wasn't an idiot; she knew her newfound popularity was only because she was becoming a rising TV and radio sensation, but even so… Yumi didn't begrudge them. If they wanted to be friends, Yumi was happy to oblige. And all that money she got for being a part-time announcer, she helped pay her parents' bills and this in turn awoke her parents to what they were unwittingly allowing to happen. It wasn't their intention for Yumi to grow up so fast… So they tried to do a 180 and be a family for Yumi's sake. … Too little too late, however. Yumi was happy to have her family and friends… But she connects this to her success as an announcer. If she were to go back to how things were, she would return to loneliness and misery. She doesn't resent anyone for pushing her to this lifestyle; but she wants to keep what she has. Yumi can't let the pain show, so she resolves to keep smiling and laughing. Keep everyone's spirits up, including her own. She wants to keep helping the TV studio, and she's considering the other studios and stations offering her gigs because of her talent.
So despite her parents' worries… Yumi keeps growing as an announcer. Through her work, she's met and commentated on Chiemi, Chou, Satsuki, Hitomi, Hana, Honoka, Mitsuba, Stella, Hiyoko, Ibuki, Junko, Kotoko, Sayaka, Emma, Kanade and Hibiki, and Tsumugi… Just to name a "few" of the talented people she's encountered in her prolific career. Each celebrity she meets just makes Yumi's popularity and notoriety grow, but the way she sees it is that Yumi helps these amazing people gain traction and affection from their fantasies, because she endorses and supports each and every one of them. She makes sure society knows why these people are amazing, and why they should be admired.
When Kizakura inevitably came knocking, Yumi all too gladly accepted the invitation, to her parents' chagrin. Her career was pretty up there already, but HPA clearly sees her as the best. … And they're proud of her, but her parents do regret that she grew up too fast. That they drove her to think this career is all that matters. It's not like they can hold her back anymore… But they hope that HPA can give her the friends that see past her public image and just want to be her friends. … Because she needs that no-strings-attached friendship, after feeling lonely for so long.
And she would get that special friendship years later, when Makoto arrives at HPA~…
Whew. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) If you made it this far, as a treat Class 73 is fully finished and just needs bios. They will be released definitely before Christmas week and I'm going to work very hard at getting them all ready very soon.
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octoxen · 2 years
as for that-
Im making a lil book manga project with @octomelodytunes and @not-baconn 's OCs!
(eh the progress of the chapters will be slow because i. am the expert at procastinating and school is burning me down)
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I've planned this with Mel many months ago on wattpad and i should do the manga but i figured out that i should go practice drawing some more and build my own manga artstyle before finally making the chapters and everything.
Mel's OC:
Aiko/Mel Soyatama (The pink dressed girl with choker)
The Main Character, the one in the middle, Tsuki
So like just a little description about the story if some of you are curious what its about-
When a Shooting star-looking space Capsule from the Moon/Space falls into the world with a huge Shockwave, Two siblings, Aiko and Rin Soyatama who lost their parents from the impact meet a young man named Tsuki who was inside of the Capsule, then knowing that the three of them had Three Legendary Wolf Beast Spirits inside their bodies granting them the ability to use different Elemental abilities, and to protect themselves from getting the beasts extracted by an Evil Organization, who hunts powerful Spirit Animal beasts for their evil schemes, the trio protects themselves with also the help of an Organization called "SPIRIT", who consists of having Different Elemental users with Spirit Animal Beasts too.
these are Guardians who ascended and took form of Animals, they possess or choose a mortal who they relate to or find worthy to use their own elements for good.
The 7 Legendary beast spirits and their holders:
1st: Tentai Ryujin/Celestial Dragon, a Dragon who controls every element, and the one who has absorbed the celestial principles, making it a Godlike Spirit Beast. (which it already is since its believed to have created the World)
Holder: Antagonist
Zetsubou Ōkami (Core Vanquisher, Corrupted Wolf) [The one who ravaged the village where Tsuki and his father lived, Forcing Kazuki (Tsuki's father) to transfer Mekakushi onto his son and got him to leave the Moon for safety.]
Holder: Antagonist
Mekakushi Tsuki Ōkami (Blinding Moon, Blood Moon wolf) [The guardian who protected the moon village, currently protecting Tsuki, his former holder's son.]
Holder: Protagonist
Bara Amaterasu (Protector of Nature, maintain love on people who have relationships.)
Holder: Deuteragonist [Aiko]
Mō Fubuki Ōkami (The Wolfbeast who controls blizzards, snowstorms or cold temperatures, it has a conjoined Twin [on the tail] who is called "Nariko Ōkami" and it is the one who controls lightning and raging seas.)
Holder: Tritagonist [Rin/Xin]
6: Tsuru (A white Crane who controls the flow of life, gravity and is connected to the Spirit realm.)
Holder: Side Character [Hanako Kagura, President of SPIRIT organization]
7: Kitsune Shi (A black and white Fox who guides the lost spirits of deceased people to the Spirit Realm, Can control the athmosphere and also works with Tsuru.)
Holder: Side Character, mostly only seen on the background [Hisako Kagura, Hanako's sister and the Undercover assasin of SPIRIT Organization.]
basically- thats all-
Ill maybe upload the Chapter 1 panels over here once i finish making them.
-Xen out! have a great dayyyy
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raincode-archives · 7 months
Character Birthdays and Zodiac Signs
Including Guillaume's Lucky Fortune Telling! Loading Screen Trivia
ARIES (March 21 - April 20) "Guillaume's Lucky Item of the Day! For all the Aries out there, big trouble if you don't carry around a used disposable camera exposed to light!"
Pucci Lavmin - March 25 Vivia Twilight - April 4 Nun - April 9 Aiko - April 15 Icardi - April 15
TAURUS (April 21 - May 20)
"Guillaume's Lucky Spot of the Day! For all the Tauruses out there, if you don't repent on the roof of an abandoned building, you'll die!"
Jiei Colan - April 27 Servan - May 4 Iruka - May 4
GEMINI (May 21 - June 20) "Guillaume's Lucky Place of the Day! For all the Geminis out there, a trip into an alternate dimension will bring you that much closer to achieving your goals!"
Yakou Furio - May 21 Yuma Kokohead - May 22 Martina Electro - June 1 Worshipper - June 5 Seth Burroughs - June 6 Fubuki Clockford - June 10 Zange Eraser - June 14
CANCER (June 21 - July 22) "Guillaume's Lucky Life of the Day! For all the Cancers out there, just give up! Better luck next life!"
Margulaw - June 22 Desuhiko Thunderbolt - July 8 Servant - July 12
LEO (July 23 - August 22)
"Guillaume's Lucky Goods of the Day! For all the Leos out there, wearing some lion fur might be the key to avoiding a tragic fate!"
Dr. Huesca - July 28 Waruna - August 7 Guillaume Hall - August 8
VIRGO (August 23 - September 22) "Guillaume's Lucky Jewel of the Day! For all the Virgos out there, get your hands on a cursed diamond! Deal with the curse yourself!"
Boy/Kei Colan - August 24 Hitman/Fake Zilch - August 25
LIBRA (September 23 - October 22) "Guillaume's Lucky Scale of the Day! For all the Libras out there, carry one hundred 100-gram weights around for potential bliss!"
Melami Goldmine - September 28 Halara Nightmare - October 1 Zilch Alexander - October 4 Yomi Hellsmile - October 11
SCORPIO (October 23 - November 22) "Guillaume's Lucky Hero of the Day! For all the Scorpios out there, watch your head! Get trampled and become a star!"
Kurane - November 6 Number One - November 11 Karen - November 12
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) "Guillaume's Lucky Gourmet of the Day! For all the Sagittariuses out there, sea turtle soup is the chef's choice! Get to a restaurant and slurp some up later!"
Kurumi Wendy - November 30 Aphex Logan - December 21
CAPRICORN (December 22 - January 19) "Guillaume's Lucky Weather of the Day! For all the Capricorns out there, you'll have better luck when the weather clears up! But Kanai Ward is rainy all the time!"
Makoto Kagutsuchi - January 6
AQUARIUS (January 20 - February 19) "Guillaume's Lucky Jar of the Day! For all the Aquariuses out there, buy this jar for good luck! It's a steal at five million shien, for a limited time only!"
Shachi - February 6 Swank Catsonell - February 9
PISCES (February 20 - March 20) "Guillaume's Lucky Fight of the Day! For all the Pisces out there, pick a fight with a shop owner, then jump into the sea! A lovely encounter awaits!"
Priest - February 22 Dominic Fulltank - March 4 Yoshiko - March 18
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utsuroyuki · 5 months
Pls send me some dares, just specify which oc u want to dare and here is the available ones that I am willing to do
- Fubuki Yujitsuma
-Hikari Yujitsuma
- Ryoma Yujitsuma
- Kokoro Maitsuno
- Daimon
- Kalos Katsunawa
- Natsumi Katsunawa
- Yuki Shujin
- Zetsubo Shujin
- Utsuro Shujin
- Aiko Shujin
- Eden Shujin
- Kotaro Maitsuno
- Saitsuki Saijikawa
- Azriel Toriyomi
(Have fun with these dares, be creative, and overall, I think yall can make some creative dares)
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seth-burroughs · 10 months
MDA:RC Character likes, dislikes and abilities
Yuma Kokohead - likes detective novels & peace and happiness for everyone, dislikes amnesia and war. Forte: Coalescence.
Shinigami - likes Yuma, dislikes boredom. Ability: Mystery Labirynth interactions.
Pucci Lavmin - likes classical music, dislikes loud people. Forte: Audial Aptitude.
Melami Goldmine - likes beautiful, heartwarming clothes, dislikes ugly, non-heartwarming clothes. Forte: Spiritism.
Zange Eraser - likes whisky, dislikes modern cellphones. Forte: Thoughtography.
Aphex Logan - likes basketball, dislikes rogues with no sense of justice. Forte: Life Detection.
Zilch Alexander - likes animals, dislikes destruction of nature. Forte: Animal Investigation.
Fake Zilch Alexander - likes destroying nature, dislikes animals. Ability: impersonations.
Swank Catsonell - likes fatty sirloin steak, dislikes fish. Ability: speed eating.
Yakou Furio - likes Kamasaki District meat buns, dislikes debt. Ability: flair for negotiation.
Number One - likes cigars, dislikes sweets. Ability: running away.
Halara Nightmare - likes cats and dogs, dislikes cruel con artists. Forte: Postcognition.
Kei Colan - likes baseball, dislikes loneliness. Ability: foot racing.
Jiei Colan - likes his son, dislikes wasting time. Ability: fixing clocks and watches.
Seth Burroughs - likes wind instruments, dislikes untuned instruments. Ability: chess.
Priest - likes faith, dislikes atheists. Ability: making speeches.
Worshipper - likes urban legends, dislikes a world filled with happiness. Ability: knowledge of the occult.
Nun - likes death metal, dislikes people who can't get into music. Ability: price negotiations.
Servant - likes anime figures, dislikes violence. Ability: video games.
Yomi Hellsmile - likes handmade torture tools, dislikes foolish humans who defy him. Ability: torture.
Martina Electro - likes Yomi's photo / impartial justice, dislikes stalkerish underlings / self-serving people. Ability: interrogation.
Desuhiko Thunderbolt - likes all cute girls, dislikes popular guys. Forte: Disguise.
Kurumi Wendy - likes cameras, dislikes information manipulation. Ability: tailing suspects.
Aiko - likes acting, dislikes fighting. Ability: acting.
Yoshiko - likes teddy bears, dislikes syringes. Ability: sewing.
Waruna - likes trendy makeup, dislikes sympathy. Ability: makeup.
Kurane - likes romance novels, dislikes electronic gadgets. Ability: memorizing the script.
Makoto Kagutsuchi - likes raw ham & peace and happiness for everyone, dislikes olives and his original self. Ability: cat's-cradle, Forte: Coalescence.
Fubuki Clockford - likes exciting adventures, dislikes unexciting adventures. Forte: Time Leap.
Shachi - likes resistance comrades, dislikes Amaterasu Corporation. Ability: fishing.
Iruka - likes firearms, dislikes lip service. Ability: sniping.
Margulaw - likes antiques, dislikes Amaterasu products. Ability: accounting.
Servan - likes complex machinery, dislikes bullies. Ability: mechanical repair.
Icardi - likes swimming, dislikes losing. Ability: swimming.
Guillaume Hall - likes happy, joyful killing, dislikes boring prey. Ability: fortune telling.
Dominic Fulltank - likes sleeping lazily, dislikes thinking. Ability: arm wrestling.
Vivia Twilight - likes fluffy pillows, dislikes hard pillows and living. Forte: Spectral Projection.
Dr. Huesca - likes research, dislikes people who disturb his research. Ability: mental arithmetic.
Fink the Slaughter Artist - likes knives, dislikes large crowds. Ability: murder.
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heavennozetsubou · 4 years
Up next in a UDR:HoD's redesign is Aiko Fubuki!
Her outfit got a number of tweaks, keeping what works and changing what doesn't, and overall improving her appearance. I say I'm quite satisfied with how she looks now after a tune-up.
However, keep in mind that what you see here can be subjected to change later on if the situation calls for so, thus you might see some addition and/or adjustment that you might have not seen here in the later final product.
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