#again repeeeat!
ask-serendipity-sky · 9 months
Face anon again,
next time I’m just using my name cause this is odd, but I feel shy now haha.
I haven’t shown her the Like Crazy performance. I haven’t shown her any performance since the Fake Love Jimin fancam cause she says it’s “too much for her”
she’s trying her best not to fall too deep into the Jimin effect and become like me 😂 cause it’s a constant fight ngl
She was absolutely mesmerized by the fancam, was afraid of the feeling and so landed on comfortable ground with Tae. She knows absolutely nothing about anything but still gets to have army fun and just scream “you’re so cute Tae”, have her tata key ring and vibe.
Sometimes I wish I didn’t bias Jimin cause once you Jim-in you really can’t Jim-out.
I watch my JK and Tae biased army friends not know one thing about streaming, sabotage or even their personalities and I’m like how does it feel to live in blissful ignorance haha. Lol I’ve bought at least 3 albums now, streamed the song on 5 accounts, bought all his songs, researched the music industry, left messages on weverse, and currently now writing a post on tumblr because of my respect for this man’s music & personality.
I also have to delete my socials sometimes , set time limits, limit watching vlives and fancams to curb the Jimin effect while they just live peacefully haha.
Must be nice not being absolutely biaswrecked over and over.
Hello face anon,
Don't be shy! We all know each other here.
Tell her to just embrace it. Soon she will be one of us.
One of us! One of us!
And yes!
It's hard work to be a fan of Jimin! Most days we are like this:😰😭😡🤬😱🤡😡😴🤬🤡🤨🤬
Then Jimin appears: 🥰😍💓🏵💓💞🧁☺🌸💗🥰🧁❤💕🌺🎂💘💞💓😍🥰❣🌸💗💖❤💌😍
So worth it!
Tell her to come to this side, we have Jimins!
Thanks for sharing!
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oinkawater · 5 years
your writing popped up on my feed and a girl is now hydrated in all forms. i’ve been listening to frank ocean’s song ivy on repeeeat and would like to request an angstyish scenario w akaashi where you’ve confessed your feelings, and he just pops up with “i thought i was dreaming when you said you loved me” all pretty setter-like, with a side of fluff. THANK YOUUUU
i’ve been waiting for somebody to request akaashi bc ngl he’s one of the prettiest setters EVER and i love him with my life
i’m also glad that you’re hydrated. i hOpE THIS HYDRATES YOU LIKE IT DID WITH ME
wow i listened to the song it’s a ceritfied bop heck yea i-
You linger by the entrance of the gymnasium, box of chocolates in your shaking hands. You’d prepared this long speech the night before so how come you’ve completely forgotten what you were planning to say?
“Keiji, it’s okay if you don’t love me back,” you whisper to yourself, trying your best to remember what you memorised. So far, this is the only line you can remember. “Keiji, it’s okay. It’s okay.”
The pain in your chest brings you back to reality and tears prick your eyes. You close your eyes at the sudden intrusion of your tears. “It’s not okay. I love you so much. I want you to love me back.”
This entire time, you thought that everyone was already inside since practice had started. You thought there was nothing to worry about. Until a presence made itself known. “(y/n), why don’t you go inside? You know coach doesn’t mind your presence.”
“Bokuto-san.” You quickly recompose yourself and take a step back to bow couteously at him. “I’m sorry for the sudden interruption of your practice.”
His eyes take notice of the box. “Is that for Akaashi? Do you want me to go get him for you?” He offers, moving towards the entrance slightly.
“No,” your hand reaches out to stop him from walking away. “I…”
“Is something wrong?” Bokuto is the sole reason you and Akaashi are even together in the first place. He’d found out about his crush on you, and quickly got to matchmaking. Alas, you were in a great relationship.
You didn’t want to waste all his effort, but it seems that you have when you uttered those words a few days ago. You haven’t talked or seen Akaashi since then.
“I… I can talk to you, right?”
“Sure, about anything.” Bokuto’s voice is calm. It sort of freaked you out not seeing him jumping around, but you appreciated it. He guides you to a nearby bench.
“Well, it doesn’t have to be now. You’re going to be late for practice.”
Sure, he’d get an ass kicking if he comes in even later. But you’re a friend. “That’s okay. They’ll understand.” You take your places on the bench and he crosses his legs. “What’s wrong?”
You sigh. “I told Akaashi that I love him a few days ago.”
“That’s great!” He cheers, throwing his arms up in the air. You could have sworn that his eyes are sparkling at your confession. At your sad face, he pipes down again. “Then what’s the reason for that frown on your face?”
“I haven’t talked to him since I uttered it to him on the phone.” Your voice is shaky. You sound cautious; scared. “Did I just ruin my relationship? Was it wrong that I avoided him?”
“Nonsense,” Bokuto scoffed, getting up from the bench. “I’ll get Akaashi. You wait right here, alright? Don’t go anywhere!”
Before you could protest, Bokuto’s already ran off into the gymnasium. You were still at the brink of bawling your eyes out but you couldn’t help but giggle when you heard his trademark scream for the setter.
In the next few seconds, Akaashi’s towering over you. “(y/n), it’s nice to see you. You’ve been avoiding me for the past 3 days.”
“Has it been that long?” You frown, dropping your head back down in disappointment. “I’m sorry. I got scared.”
“Scared? What for?” Akaashi takes the empty spot next to you and quickly wipes away the sweat on his face with his towel. “You said you loved me and hung up.”
“I didn’t hang up immediately,” you whisper, turning your head away to avoid his stare. “You were silent for a really long time and I got scared that…” You look up to the sky because the tears in your eyes are back. “I was scared that…”
“That I didn’t feel the same, is that it?” Akaashi moves slightly to get a better look at you. When you continue to avoid his gaze, he finally grabs your face and forcefully turns it to face him. “It’s not that I didn’t feel the same.”
“Then what?”
“I thought that I was dreaming when you said you loved me,” he mutters even softer than you were at the moment. His cheeks are a deep red now and he’s the one turned away from you. “I wasn’t sure if it was real.”
You press your lips together into a thin line and place the box on Akaashi’s lap. “These are a peace offering because I avoided you for 3 days.”
“(y/n),” he says in a soft sigh, placing his hand over yours. “Don’t worry so much. I love you too.” You stay silent, making him turn his head to you. “Hey, say something.”
“Pinch me so I know I’m not dreaming.” Your arm goes right in front of his face, making him flinch back at the sudden movement. “Quick.”
“I’m not going to do that.”
“Keiji, do it.”
“I will not.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t wanna hurt you,” he laughs, putting your hand down. He turns to face you and he grabs your shoulders to make you face him. “There is nothing to worry about, okay? I love you too.”
“Okay,” you smile. “I love you.”
“Now, to make sure you’re not still dreaming.” 
To you, it felt like it was part of some movie. It all happened in slow motion – the way he leaned in to you, how his lips slowly landed onto yours to the way his hand came up to reel you in. 
When he decided to pull away, you were suddenly left with the feeling that you wanted more. You stay inches away from his face and frown when he suddenly gets up. “Wanna watch me practice? I’ll walk you home tonight.”
“You can’t just kiss me like that and leave,” you frown, taking his offered hand to help you up. “But, okay. Let’s get some dinner too while we’re at it.”
feel free to request!
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