inkly-heart · 1 year
sooooooo sorry to ask many question but in the dark bottom of my mind , i was think .. "mimic look like a crash test dummies =o=" , so, what's if someone call him like that ?
It's ok^^
I do apologize that it's taking time from me to reply to asks:oo I'm not ignoring them. I do read them all, I just haven't got right spot to reply to them and since thinking what to write also takes time.
-But if someone calls him that Mimic wouldn't get upset about it. He would pretty much just shrug it off. (But even though he is fine with his new look he does miss his old one sometimes.)
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inkly-heart · 1 year
If my little stalker baby, Lawrence, was in love for Damon and steal his bee plushie for being notice .. what would be the reaction of Damon ??
Damon would be upset/angry first when he notices that his bee plushie has been stolen but when he finds out that this was just to get his notice and when he gets it back, the anger will vanish pretty quickly. Blushing he would tell him that he didn't need to do all of this just to get his notice. Just coming at him and asking him out would have been just fine but he would forgive him and then ask him on a date.
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inkly-heart · 1 year
i don't know if someone allraedy asked you or if i already asked you that, but did we have autorisation for making our own Broken color story (with respecting every characters and with credit of course) ?
Yeah 👍 I'm fine with it^^ (and again I want to mention this to everyone that you need to be an adult. No minors.)
And of course if you are wondering something about specific character you can send asks or dm me^^ I will do my best to answer.
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inkly-heart · 3 years
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/More asks under the cut!!/
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He would. Though at first he would have some difficulties but he would learn quickly. He would gladly be a dad.
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yeh I have heard that songxDD and that would be funnyxDD
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Do delivery guys deliver babies?? I don’t know.xDD But no he has never delivered a baby.
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DG-”She’s my mom!”
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Helen is calm and curious but she did have the violent side to her however she doesn’t like fighting. The place where she originally lived (an abandoned house) she knew she would die if she didn’t fight. She learned this from people who came there, sometimes just to hang out and drink but also murdered people. She knew she needed to get out of there but since she can’t move far due to the  symbol she needed a puppet/carrier to get out of there so she created DG (It did take time until she managed to do this) but as she created him she also gave him her violent side. Because she needs someone to protect her, but DG wasn’t that violent at first. He started to get more violent when they moved to the place where they live nowadays because of how others treated him. And since Helen doesn’t have much experience interacting with others she's only grown bond with DG and Stalker/Damon so she only cares about them. So even though she is kind and lovable but if she doesn’t feel any kind of likedness/bond towards you she doesn’t mind if DG kills you.
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Maaaybe 👀
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You can read them here-^^ https://toyhou.se/BlasticHeart/characters/folder:2384904
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Thank you❤️ I try not to take too much pressure but..well..It’s me xDD But I appreciate these asks. These are good reminder that I shouldn’t take too much pressure with posting. But I want to say this that I’m very thankful and I really appreciate it you guys being patient with me.
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inkly-heart · 3 years
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He did🤭 Stalker-blushes and clears his throat-”That’s a lie..” //More asks under the cut!//
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Angel-”About Venni? Has something happened to him??”
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Close. He’s 26.
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Stalker-smiles happily when he sees you coming back-”My favorite flowers?? I really like roses! and uhh..This is tough one because I do like both of them..Can I say both? hehe..”-blushes-”Dance together?...I would love to dance with you! I actually know this one place where we could go.”
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Snack boi who wants to be your man~
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Stalker would feel very happy and excited and will do everything to find the person who left those for him! Delivery guy would react quite neutral way but would be interested to meet them. But Venni boi would feel unsure and think is this just a joke and are the muffins poisoned. (because of bad experiences.)
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It’s sad:c Outlast is still one of my fav games.
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Stalker would gladly accept bouquet!^^ It would make him very happy.
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here you go^^ https://www.deviantart.com/blasticheart/journal/Commission-closed-570118930
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Stalker-hugs you tight-”If someone hurts you I will bite their face off and suffocate them on their own blood...”
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inkly-heart · 3 years
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Naaah it’s ok.xDD He’s fine with cuddles and he loves horror movies but don’t get surprised if he starts to laugh because he thinks horror movies are funny. (More asks under the cut. I thought since I have received quite many asks I should do this so I won’t spam people with ask repliesxDD)
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Hello! And I will say things has been going up and down but at the moment I feel quite ok except summer has been so hot that I have difficulties to draw sometimes because my hands are sweating like crazy and my brains feels like they are about to melt out. but other than that I’m ok. I hope you’re been doing well too!
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He does know about it and they are quite close because they do all kind of things together xDD But they are just friends. 
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Yes and no. He’s only immortal long as his mother is alive but if she dies Delivery guy can’t born again. And he keeps all his memories.
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Angel-  Aishite Aishite Aishite【JubyPhonic】 Venni- Costee Catherine- Lady Gaga Sal- MrBallen (youtuber) Stalker- This is the Best - USS (Ubiquitous Synergy Seeker) Delivery guy- Rauski from Laeppavika (youtuber) Gunther- He sounds like Markiplier but with russian accent xDD Milla- Billie Eilish MC- I want to give people free hands to think what they would sound like. Myself I imagine male version of mc would sound bit like Caddicarus (youtuber)
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Angel- Pansexual Venni- Bisexual Catherine- Bisexual Sal- Demisexual Stalker- Pansexual Delivery guy-  Pansexual Gunther- Bicurious Milla- Asexual MC- You have free hands to decide their sexuality
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https://blasticheart-moved.tumblr.com/ Here you go^^ And awww<3 I could draw him more but like always my ideas been quite low xDD
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Header? you mean the gif what I use on my blog?
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That’s good^^ I also apologize if I don’t always reply. Sometimes inbox eats asks and sometimes I’m just empty head and have no idea what to write but if I receive asks and inbox haven’t eaten them I do always read them and I really appreciate them<3 It’s fun to read all the asks what you guys send me.
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inkly-heart · 3 years
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It’s totally ok;3 And they are pink! /More asks under the cut/
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Well, DG (Delivery guy) has some what you can call wrong.xDD And awww~ Stalker boi getting some love. He likes it. (Also thank youuu!! and it’s totally ok to send asks so no worries!^^)
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Stalker does have a name. His real name is Damon but because his past he’s been used to hear him being called Stalker so he has kind of accepted that as his new name. But DG’s mom let him to choose his name and DG decided to call himself as Delivery guy but shortly DG.(Yeeeh, he wasn’t that creative) but depends on his mood he could accept a new name/nickname but only if he likes it.
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He would react something like this- “Yes” - He course gets very excited and happy that he would even cry of happiness. “No” - It depends on how you say it. If you say it rude/aggressive way he would get upset and even angry. But if you say no polite way he gets upset of course but not angry, he would give you space but won’t give up and keeps on trying hoping you would eventually say yes. “I’m not ready” - He understands and gives you time but since you said you’re not ready he has his hopes up that you will one day say yes what keeps him on trying to win your heart.
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I have never really thought about thisxDD I need to think about it but I admit the idea that it’s located in Finland is interesting and funny.  And about the art school. I have never been one, I’m self taught^^ So sadly I’m not sure what kind of lockers they have there.xDD And hey heyy! It’s ok^^ There’s no need to apologize. It’s fun to reply asks even though I’m not that good at itxDD
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You’re welcome!!;))))
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He would get angry and kill them.
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Awww he wants to hug, cuddle and kiss you too;3
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She loves him even though she doesn’t show much of emotions but she do care about him and DG has never been a child. She is also kind to him and even helps him sometimes.
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He doesn’t have age if you can say it like that but I could say he’s around 25-28. (And it’s ok^^-thumbs up-)
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inkly-heart · 3 years
Hey Stalky-Stalker , what color are you'r roses in you'r garden ?
Stalker-"Red. It's my favorite color but I can grow different colored roses too if you want. What is your favorite color?"
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inkly-heart · 3 years
Anw don't be jealous stalky boi, you may found someone one day, maybe venni who know's ^^''
Stalker-"My friend doesn't really like Venni so.. but maybe you're right.. Even though I have few crushes but I'm still trying to find the right one but when I do.. We'll be together..forever."
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inkly-heart · 3 years
Hey =3, what is the reaction of stalker or Deli. mom's when they learn about Deli. and Zed realationship ?
Stalker boi would feel bit jealous because he wants to find a partner too. Delivery guy would also keep his mom as a secret because he doesn't want anyone to know about her.🙊 Though Stalker do knows but Delivery guy told him about her.
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inkly-heart · 3 years
best people are weird huh ? yeah i guess so, but i'm not sure about your friend, stalker, stalking people is really to weird
Delivery guy-"Oh come on! It's not that weird. He just wants to get to know them better, that's all."
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inkly-heart · 3 years
Hello, I asked if i can take the background of Delivery guy, but you never answer or see it, i just take it for training myself at colorizing, i never repost it (exept if you are oky with that, with credits obviously , i'm not a thief) ; Well, i just wanted to know what are the bag behind the sofa, i think it was a mail bag but i'm not sure ^^' maybe Deli. put his trash bag there ^^'
Hello Also sorry, I never received a notification about your question:oo But I'm ok with it long as you give me credit^^ And the bag behind the sofa is garbage bag but there's no garbage in it. There are just some stuff in it like clothes and stuff. And the smaller bag what is closer the door is just a shopping bag.
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inkly-heart · 3 years
Gosh , you'r creepy but cute Delivery =3=
Delivery guy-"Creepy?? I'm not creepy. Maybe bit weird but best people are weird."
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inkly-heart · 3 years
i take the risk for asking if i can ship my "little" lawrence with Stalker <.<'
If they are adult then it's ok👍
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inkly-heart · 3 years
hey, sorry, me again, i justed wanted to ask..c-can i ship Deli. with my little Zed* ? (*◕ᴗ◕*)
*the character of my icon
Yeah!👍 That's totally ok^^
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