fantasyresident · 4 years
Shipping Wars Disgust Me.
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I saw this beautiful, gorgeous, lovely-ass picture and couldn’t help myself to it because I’m 100% into Clerith. ❤♥😍♥❤ However, I realized that other people who are into either Cloud/Aerith or Cloud/Tifa seem to have an exceptionally narrow mindset. Far too many times I’ve seen absurd shipping wars between those who love Cloud X Aerith and those who love Cloud X Tifa as if loving one or the other locks you into this linear position of supporting/acknowledging only one. I for one (and probably the only one) accept both Clerith and Cloud X Tifa because FF7 itself makes a point to bring both couples into the spotlight and to give each their own meaning and significance. This isn’t about who you like more, or whose boobs are bigger, or how close the two stand together. Aerith and Tifa represent two separate things in Cloud’s life. Aerith represents the self-forgiveness that is vital for Cloud to move on while Tifa resembles the aspect of building a family. Both of these aspects play a critical role in Cloud’s life and he expresses feelings of love for both of these characters. For those who bash Clerith, loving Aerith isn’t just a way for Cloud to carry on Zack’s legacy, even if that is the reason their relationship started. It evolved into so much more when Aerith began to have real impacts on Cloud and supported him through the game. 
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As for those who bash Cloud X Tifa, just because Aerith is more open and stands closer to Cloud sometimes doesn’t make the shyer more introvert Tifa less of a lover to Cloud than Aerith. Something I love about the Aerith/Tifa dynamic is the expectations fans have of their personality versus their actual personalities in the game, We expect Aerith to be the shy and keep to herself while expecting Tifa to be more outspoken and playful. However, these roles are switched and it comes a s a surprise when you experience it for the first time. Point being, neither character’s relationship with Cloud is any less valid than the other. Cloud/Aerith and Cloud/Tifa are meant to be equals, a choice that the player can make inside their own mind and heart respective to what aspect of a relationship is most dear to them. I personally prefer Cloud and Aerith, but I’ve never seen the point in participating in this discussion of which one is “right” or “wrong” because there isn’t an answer. In these situations I think it’s a good time to realize that not everything has an answer cut out for us, we have to think and feel for ourselves. So before you lay out the “facts” of your case and bash the other fanbase or try to build a narrative against them, remember that. Hopefully this foolish shipping war is put to bed after the FF7 Remake (God forbid it ever gets worse).
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skialdi · 5 years
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FFVII - chibi icons
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nadiaaisyah · 4 years
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🌸Cloud & Aerith🌸
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silcojinx · 5 years
Aerith may have Nephophobia
Aerith tells us in Crisis Core that she is “afraid of the sky” while she never fully elaborates on this people with Casadastraphobia are afraid of “falling into the sky” or “falling up” and are terrified of losing gravity and even feel it at times. They feel as if the wide open sky is going to “suck them in.” This phobia is very real and goes hand in hand with Nephophobia or “fear of the clouds” This is VERY symbolic in the way she unconsciously impresses her memories of Zack onto Cloud. Think about it a cloud can be any shape you want it and I think morphing Cloud into Zack was less scary for her (an maybe she was STILL denying his early death) Zack actually did “fall into the sky” which i think in FF7 was representing death ie when you die you “fall into the sky” I dont think she meant to but Aerith was a HUGE factor in confusing Cloud about who he was.
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joyouart · 5 years
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Pledge now for your favorite Final Fantasy VII characters! If the pin designs you want are not unlocked yet pledge anyway! 
I have high hopes they will all get funded so in the end you’ll be able to choose the one you want, & if not you can always back out before you are charged. I will do my best to keep everyone constantly updated on what designs are unlocked! 
You can cancel/change your pledge at anytime before the campaign ends! Pledging will help these pins get produced, and all additional stock will go into my online Etsy shop soon after the Kickstarter is over! By pledging, backers get a discounted price, as well as freebies! 
This is my first Kickstarter and I really hope it won’t be my last! Even if you aren’t interested in my pins, reblogging and/or sharing to help spread word would help tremendously! Thanks, everyone!
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halchron · 5 years
@aeristheancient ♡’ed
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❝ hey, those are some pretty flowers you got there ! who’re they for ? ❞
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overtxure · 5 years
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outofchara; So I know I have to right to be upset or anxious about this, considering I keep disappearing when I say I won’t, but where is Autumn? @aeristheancient
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aerinorty · 5 years
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Ok I’m not a fan of Aerith x Cloud now, but when I was a child yesssss I was! 😭
Do you prefer TifaxCloud, AerithxCloud or AerithxZack(❤️)?
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dawnblxde · 5 years
@aeristheancient - [PLOTTED]
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“Uh, hey..” There was a pause as the King starred at her. He knew what his world was capable of but he had yet to see it in action. Yet it had happened. This woman had died on her world who knows how long ago and now she had been reborn here as if that death never happened. She couldn’t return home though. He’d have to explain. He’d carried her back to the palace and left her on his couch. Just been patiently waiting for her to wake up. Now we’re all caught up. “Are you alright? How are you feeling?”
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amepcrdue · 5 years
❛ it was all a lie, wasn’t it ? ❜
ANASTASIA ( 1997 ) SENTENCE STARTERS. | accepting [ ⚔ ]
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          there was a slight smile, lips curling ever-so-slightly as she seemed to realize he hadn’t been entirely truthful with her before. it wasn’t a lie made maliciously, of course, but he had to keep his true identity hidden while still in the kingdom, especially as they had approached the city, but her realization had amused him. “ you must understand , my dear , that some lies are made out of necessity . though i am truly lord raphael dumas , i was not born with that name and if they others knew who you traveled with , they would surely slay us both . ”
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joyfeign · 5 years
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'I'm afraid I have to ask you to wait in here' Ash replies whilst looking out of the window. The assholes are still out there and he won't be able to leave without having them notice him. Slowly, he turns around to look at her. Doesn't matter if this is her place or if she just works here. 'Looks like your shop needs to remain open for just a little longer.' They never stick longer at a spot than perhabs twenty minutes. Then, he should be able to sneak off. Usually, he'd simply face them but with a huge collection of cops guarding some demonstration three streets ahead of here, he prefers not to.
* @aeristheancient    /    liked for an ash starter.
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skialdi · 5 years
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For @aeristheancient
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nadiaaisyah · 4 years
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divine-identite · 5 years
/ i'm not even gonna lie, i've been sitting on your blog for like an hour or something just for the purposes of listening to the music on your page. i lovE SKYRIM AND THIS MUSIC HELPS ME WRITE REPLIES I FIGURED OUT, SO THANKS
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Oh, you are welcome, and also welcome to visit my page for its creativity. I though this ask was just too pure in its explanation lol.
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angstgremlins-r-us · 5 years
//continued for @aeristheancient
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“I know.” Cloud nodded, well aware of how serious the Cetra was about caring for her flowers. “Where’d you need ‘em?”
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overtxure · 5 years
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   The aroma of damp earth engulfed the rosette’s senses, stirring her from her slumber. Pallid digits curled deep into the soil, as her eyes fluttered open, taking in her sights--familiar, and comforting. Azure oculus took in the breathtaking sight before her--yellow, green and white--the colours so vivid, almost blinding. Whether she gazed upon them from a distance, or right before her eyes, the soldier never grew tired of their beauty.
   Whilst attempting to sit upright, the pinkette’s gander came to rest upon another hue, standing out from all the rest. Her pink dress and pink bow were a stunning contrast to the rest of the chromas that danced around them; her dark brown locks framing her delicate features. Only one as divine as the flower maiden could grow such exquisite plants, but their beauty had always paled in comparison to her own. 
   A smile upturned the soldier’s countenance, her elation evident as she greeted her old friend; alleviated to see she had not changed after all these years. “--Aerith,” she breathed. “It’s good to see you.”
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