monriatitans · 1 year
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WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH QUOTE 14 OF 15 Wednesday, April 26, 2023
"Think of it: a disability is usually defined in terms of what is missing. … But autism … is as much about what is abundant as what is missing, an over-expression of the very traits that make our species unique." - Paul Collins, Not Even Wrong: Adventures in Autism
Check out Different Brains for educational resources! The image was made with and, initially, shared via the Quotes Creator App to Instagram; check it out here! Interested in seeing where the quote came from? If so, click here!
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Adventures in Autism:
Many things have happened recently that make me want to scream/cry/hit pillows/stress eat. 
What are they? Well Munchkin was suspended because of behavior. First time this year. Had to have a ‘re-entry‘ meeting before she starts school again... Which is crap. Anyways, Munchkin threatened to cut off fingers and toes, threatened to kill her assistant, threatened to kill the teacher, all while in computer. The assistant couldn’t restrain her so she grabbed her by the wrists... which even further agitated an already enraged child. Emergency IEP is coming up at my request to discuss behavior plan and make sure it’s encompassing everything. 
New diagnosis! Munchkin and I both were diagnosed with a genetic mutation that is known as ARVC/D... Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy/Dysplasia (ARVC/D) is an inherited condition that causes abnormal heart rhythms.http://heart.arizona.edu/research/arvc-d/ So.... My Dad died of a heart attack, my Mom has had one and is in heart failure.... Munchkin has already had her echo and ekg (on suspension day, we made the most of it!). She is being sent to Vanderbilt to get a baseline on her ventricle function so we can keep watch on it. This will be an every year thing I believe. EKG and partial every year but the third year is a full echo. Every year a heart MRI and Vanderbilt. Her heart has small holes in it, looked good and her murmur sounded good. She has been seeing a cardiologist for almost 6 years now. We love him! 
I go on April 12th, which is a meeting at school I can’t miss... So I have to choose. Heart or Transition meeting??? Fingers crossed an appointment opens sooner than later. 
Munchkin has started vomiting daily, multiple times. Her Botox from October isn’t working and she is throwing up after she eats as she has stomach paralysis. Called GI and told them, their response? Sent a letter to school saying not to send her home. Bish, that’s not what I wanted! Munchkin is over due on her EGD because the NP wanted 6 months instead of 3, which is what we have been doing! I’m livid. 
I’m just so done and stressed it’s not even funny. As soon as I think we catch a break? BAM! Life sucks again. Did I mention that ABA discharged Munchkin? Why? Munchkin is pulling her teeth out and self injurious behaviors... They can’t ethically treat that so the discharged us and referred us to someone else... too bad NO ONE in our area will take her and her behaviors. Apparently Munchkin is the only one with self injurious behaviors. 
I need a break. I need a break without medical problems or school. 
Where is summer!!!
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