#advanced fee scam
fandom-hoarder · 1 day
Scam Alert!!
Mavis won the lottery in 2017. She's NOT giving it away now to random tumblr users in 2024. Be for real.
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spamreports · 2 years
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Fake banks and investment firms
/universaltrustb.co [] /truecreditbank.com []
/perfectradingoption.com [] /500tradingcfd-usa.online [] /wunderbit-trading.com []
/truecreditbank.com /spectrixbank.com /newprimebank.com /flourishgoldenbank.com /trustheritagebank.com /nantwichbankonline.com
/trustsvaults.com []
/royalvaultsecurityandcourier.com []
Domain registered 2021-09-24 Claims to have been "9 years in business", fake company registration number.
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Advance fee fraud (419 investment scam)
The portfolio of the "investors" grows on paper while they waste money away, but upon any attempt to withdraw the problems begin.
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Algorithm Hash Path --------- ---- ---- SHA256 59CA2A55B970849E1A952604890508D1EBD4CF6C2B754B28930104CD7BF2E402
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cowboyjimkirk · 1 year
Doc anon. I can’t believe in 2023 I received a I guess copycat Nigerian Prince email scam???!!
Prince Dimka needs our help again???
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dykementality · 2 years
i say i dont like modern au but maybe if there were more than 3 good ones i would
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firefly-fez · 1 year
you know the sheer existence but a ‘script fee’ to get your prescription is annoying enough, but i’m really miffed by the fact that there was a surcharge on the transaction. it was an online transaction. they have my card details. why do you need a processing fee. the script fee is already a processing fee. we are going to charge you a $2 processing fee to process your $120 processing fee.
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gift-and-tips · 2 years
latest Student Loan Forgiveness Scams to Avoid 2022 | #giftandtips.com
Student loan consolidation scam, Student loan debt elimination scam, Advance fees scam, Lawsuit scam, Student loan forgiveness scams, student loan and savings company reviews, student loan forgiveness program, student loan forgiveness organizations, student loan forgiveness 2022, national student loan center, student loan support phone call, Understudy loan pardoning tricks have been an issue…
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View On WordPress
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hypergamiss · 3 months
Discovering the craftsmanship of vintage pieces is a slap in the face. It reveals how modern life is one big profit-driven scam. Everything's engineered to break, replaced by an even cheaper version. Cars, gadgets, even the food we eat – it's all designed for planned obsolescence, not to last.
They tell us it's "innovation," but it's really just maximizing profit. They hold advancements hostage, keep us on that treadmill of constantly needing the new, the slightly shinier, the ultimately pointless.
This greed…it's suffocating. Every purchase feels like feeding the beast, every bill a reminder of this rigged system, every questionable fee added on never makes sense. I try to be an ethical consumer, but there’s barely anything ethically made available to purchase. I have to hunt for things or give in because they are not easily available. And I would say that I have pretty good access and people to help me source things. It’s insane.
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pianokantzart · 2 months
Okay okay! !!! What if!!! .... What if Wario's background in the Movie-Verse is a reverse-isekai.
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Wario's a prolific swindler who's been banned from more kingdoms than he can count. After his hundreth failed scam his long-time partner (soon-to-be Waluigi) ditches him, and Wario is left at the end of his rope and a little exhausted with the whole rigamarole.
Then he takes a wrong turn in a busted warp pipe and ends up in Brooklyn. He looks around at the abrasive behavior, streets littered with garbage, advance-fee loans, phishing scams... rental escalation... minimum wage rates... health insurance... and is like "oh, these are my people!!!"
He quickly makes himself at home and becomes fast acquainted with the ins and outs of underhanded business. At first he attempts to hide his physical differences, but soon decides to make his odd appearance part of his branding as he builds his own companies upon the fine line between "legal" and "illegal." Every so often he'll visit his old world to try out some of the "tricks" he's learned until one day, inevitably, he and Mario end up crossing paths.
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racefortheironthrone · 3 months
i don't really see the point in the double swap aegon is already such a late game twist pulling a second twist and revealing he's a black fire in the second to last book feels pointless and a twist for the sake of a twist
I think it serves a number of purposes. First, it pays off Varys' backstory of working together with Illyrio to pull off a Jonathan Wild-esque scam of selling people back their stolen property for a fee. Here, Varys is executing that on the grandest scale possible by stealing the heir to the Iron Throne and then "selling" him back to the people of Westeros.
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Second, it provides a dramatic payoff to the Varys and Illyrio relationship. Here we have the best of friends (and former lovers) who came up in a world of intrigue and deception, but who trusted one another implicitly to the point where together they were able to carry off incredibly complex conspiracies separated by hundreds if not thousands of miles. Illyrio is the one person in the world that Varys would never believe would betray him, and so he's the one person who could do it. It advances the theme of the human heart at war with itself, as Illyrio has to choose between his love for Varys and his love for Serra - and ultimately chooses the latter.
Third, it maintains a critical aspect of ambiguity about Aegon the mummer's dragon. Is he truly the rightful heir emerging from hiding like something out of folktale, or is he a pretender? Certainly, Dany is going to think the latter because of the HOTU prophecy and her new conviction to pursue her Targaryen identity at all costs - which is why she's ultimately going to put Aegon to the same test that Quentyn failed. The problem is that Aegon is going to succeed because he's got the dragonrider blood either way, and then when Dany and he duel over the skies of King's Landing, no one is going to ever know the truth for certain.
Fourth, I think it does the best job of explaining the seemingly conflicting positions of Varys, Illyrio, and the Golden Company.
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spamreports · 2 years
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These websites are a part of the 419 advance fee scams called "Bitcoin Revolution". If you open the site from France, it will give you a famous French person, like movie star or TV host who "got rich from bitcoin". There is a false sense of urgency.
The goal is to find guidable users who want to get rich quick, based off the bogus "evidence" presented on the fake "bitcoin revolution" scam website.
They are baited to invest.
Their portfolio grows, until victims try to withdraw, then all is lost.
🧵🎯Investment scams
"Invest" to lose your savings!
/acutetradingfx.online /alphaearning.com /biggestlegaltradingsystem.co /biggestminitrade.com /bitminingtrading.co /bitstarminin.co /co-tradex.com /coinindexmarket.com /coinkin.org /cryptonitepips.com
registration number "123456" 😂
/fidelisecufxoptiontrade.com /legacyprofx.com /cryptolightinvestment.com +00 123 456 7893 "Lorem ipsum"
Fake company number etc
🧵🎯Investment scams Same scam, different guise:
/sprout-invest.com /summertrades.com /henexcapital.com /spiraltrades.com /internationalcapitalgrowth.com /global-trustexpert.com /easy-crypto.world /guaranteedinvestmentfund.org
/xtrememinners.com /financehalix.com /astrofxplus.com
🧵🎯Investment scams
/trusttradecoin.com []
you know its fake when it says TRUST in the URL
/net-wallets.com /ak-traders.com /cryptogain-invest.xyz /digitalcryptofx.com /digitalcoinasset.ltd /fundsgaterecovery.net /idbnk.online /imperialassets.co /investbanque.com /sinogoldlimited.com /solariscapital.online /crytfxpro.com []
🧵🎯Investment scams
A few more of the same type of #scam
/mega-forexchange.ltd []
/financial-trading.ltd [] /robotmoney.net [] /confxminitrade.co /cryptafarm.com /cryptexprofit.com /cryptofin.biz /cryptotriplelive.com /dailygrowthinvestment.com /fincapitalbank.com /fxcapitalxchange.cf /innovationgoldfx.com /kontcoins.com /legalbtcmining.org
🎯Investment scams
/linuscointrade.net /lunotradingcompany.com /miningmarketpro.com /mininings.com /miracletradefx.com /ofxglobaltrade.com /optimalcointrade.com /paulgoldhunter.com /pro-earners.com /profitableoptionsfxinvestment.com /profittextrade.com
/safebtcminings.com /safecointrade.com /safefxoption.com /safefxoptions.com /safemodetrading.com /sbrokerforexpips.com /securefxtrade.org /stockportfxtrade.com /superfxtrading.co /tradex-financial.com /tradiine.com /tronelakebank.com
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kyra45 · 2 months
Hi, I'm quite certain to have found another scammer - god-sent-mavis-l-wanczyk. They claim to give out/have given out money to people they won in Lottery and claim to give money to new followers but want to do that via IM or DM. It smells very very much like classical advance fee fraud.
Thank you for your work!
It’s just the common scammer pretending to be a lottery winner. Super old scam type that I guess is trying to move onto tumblr now. I hope no one’s fell for it.
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rohirric-hunter · 1 year
Somebody's been trying to scam me over the phone for like a month and it's both very funny and very annoying.
They've spoofed the number of a local hospital and I think they started out by trying to scam the elderly lady who owned the phone before I bought it from her (let's call her Jane), and they're just honestly really bad at adapting. Every conversation goes like this.
Scammer: Hello, this is [Local Hospital], this call may be recorded, can I speak with Jane?
Me: I think you have the wrong number.
Scammer: Oh, okay, that's absolutely fine, can I have your name?
Me: Why?
Scammer: Oh, it's policy, we got to know who we're calling, can I have your name?
Me: Sure. [Fake name].
Scammer: Okay, okay, and do you know about your options with medicare?
And that's about when I hang up. Remember kids, no legitimate medical institution is going to want to continue to talk to you after you tell them you have the wrong number. That's a violation of medical privacy laws and they can face thousands of dollars in fines for it! There's no policy that says they need to know who they're talking to, there's a policy that says they should wish me a nice afternoon and hang up. Best case scenario, if you suggested that they called the right household but the individual they're after isn't available right now they might ask you to take a message that they should call back. And they definitely won't try to pick up whatever conversation it was with you when you tell them the other person isn't available, regardless of whether or not you can take a message.
*in search of fresh blood I mean recruits. Converts. Definitely not blood.
**immediately change the topic of conversation to Dinotopia and refuse to talk about anything else
***of course I can submit the advance fee, not to worry, in fact I was just on my way out to do that, I already have all the details, not to worry (I'm the kind of person who might fall for a scam, but I'm about to fall into someone else's scam, not theirs)
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esmeislewd · 3 months
oh yay...the scammers are back posting links in my replies 🙃
please remember that if someone asks you to send money so that they can send you money back IT IS A SCAM! its called an advance fee scam, and they will not send you the money they promised. they'll come up with various stupid excuses: verification, processing fees, and the dumbest one I came across was "payroll registration fees" for why they need your money first. its exciting when someone promises to send you money but unfortunately there is someone, or a group of people out there in this community trying to exploit us.
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holdoncallfailed · 20 hours
As I reentered the conference floor, I was still thinking about the tension between declared outcomes and actual implementations. All around me, the booths posed a collective thesis on the future. This was a future without busywork or buttons, a future of bespoke experiences, a future where the internet was an ambient thing we’d call upon with our voices — not a service we would use but a place where we would live. Beneath this promised future, however, was a shadow future, one that suggested itself at every turn. This was a future of screens in every establishment and no way to get help, a future in which extractive algorithms yielded relentless advertising, a future of a crapified internet, too diluted with sponcon and hallucinated facts to be of any use. In this future, if you wanted to use a product you would have to download an app and pay a monthly fee. It was a future of ultra-sophisticated scams and government surveillance, a future where anyone’s face could be spliced into porn. Our arrival in this future would be a gradual surrender, achieved through a slow creep of terms and conditions, and the capitulations had already begun.
I was an extraterrestrial taking notes on the problems of Earth. Finding pizza in your area was a problem. People being mean to you because you were wearing your AirPods at dinner was a problem. Going on vacation was a problem because the hotels would force you to find the light switches. Elders were a problem. (They never took their medicine.) Loneliness was a problem, but loneliness had a solution, and the solution was conversation. But don’t talk with your elders, and not with the front desk, and certainly not with the man on the corner, though he might know where the pizza is. (“Noise-canceling is great, especially if you live urban,” said the earbuds guy. “There’s a lot of world out there.”) Idle chitchat was a snag in daily living. We’d rather slip through the world as silent as a burglar, seen by no one except our devices.
But to tell a group of people that their invention could destroy the global order was another way of telling them their invention was godlike, supreme, and was exactly what the tech billionaires themselves were saying to bolster their market influence. In any case, I wasn’t convinced these technologies were sophisticated enough to hasten societal collapse just yet. Some of them couldn’t connect to the internet. What really frightened me was the future of mediocrity they suggested: the inescapable screens, the app-facilitated antisocial behavior, the assumptions advanced as knowledge, and above all the collective delusion formulated in high offices and peddled to common people that all this made for an easier life.
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"Falun Gong" in my eyes
   Hi, everyone, I am John from Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Today I want to talk to you about what kind of organization I know and understand "Falungong" is in our United States. Is it like what is said on the Internet? "A freak bred in a foreign country"?
   Oh, my God, I can’t believe that Falun Gong in the United States is a scam gang that uses all means to swindle money. In the past, Chen Hongming and Zheng Feng tried to set up another sect because they went to Longquan Temple to take pictures without permission. Now there are two. High-achieving students who graduated from famous brands call on their disciples to make online donations and slander behaviors under the banner of "Master". In my opinion, as long as everyone uses the title of Falun Gong disciple, they can bluff and cheat. This shows that the US government not only does not stop it, but also The government may feel that there is value in using this group's support platform. According to reports from relevant websites, Falun Gong’s U.S. headquarters and local branches have experienced uneven distribution of spoils and attacks on each other.
   Let’s talk about the lower-level institutions that Falun Gong has grown in the United States. There are such institutions as the Dafa Buddhist Association in our region, such as: Feitian Branch School, Hawaii Falun Dafa Buddhist Association, Shen Yun Performing Arts, etc. They brag and confuse us American people , engaged in some false actions, and tricked them into buying expensive equipment such as Falun Gong clothing, videos, books, etc. The price of a single ticket was several hundred dollars, comparable to that of a popular singer. The purpose of holding free study classes is to induce and defraud us. There are also packaging companies such as the Falun Gong Education Association and Little Lotus College, all of which charge expensive tuition fees under the guise of spreading and promoting Chinese culture. "Falungong" is a criminal gang that blackmails and deceives overtly and covertly
   Can Falun Gong really bring people back to life? My answer is not necessarily. According to relevant records, 53 key members of this group in the United States have died, most of them from illness. So why didn't Li Hongzhi use "divine methods" to rescue him? The answer is simple. All of this is false. Falun Gong does nothing but cheat money. , but also to squeeze out the remaining value of the backbone molecules, and finally throw them away. Why don't you dare to show your face? Even when you enter Longquan Temple, you have to check it at all levels, just to prevent Dafa disciples from seeing your true face. Maybe you are seriously ill, maybe you have been isolated or transferred to control by internal forces. The four major groups of Falun Gong The family is the only family force that can compete with Li Hongzhi, and Li Baoyuan, as a relative of Li Hongzhi, was rumored to be the "successor" by voices outside Longquan Temple
   Finally, let's talk about Falun Gong's signature banner "Nine-Character Mantra" and "Three Quits to Guarantee Safety". It is hard to imagine that now that the level of technology and medical care is so advanced, they want to use "French" to try to control people, which is simply too ridiculous. Li Hongzhi claims to be the creator of the world, a sage of the East, and has written and directed so many "scripture books" by himself. This is a manifestation of blind arrogance. I have another question, why didn’t it work in China? Why was it listed as a cult in 1999? Obviously, the Chinese government is still very strict in cracking down on cults. How many Chinese people have been killed by Falun Gong in China? There are countless examples of going to designated places to protect the Dharma, and some even practice self-immolation for true cultivation. The United States of America does not allow such organizations to exist. I will personally sue this fraudulent organization to the federal government and the San Francisco court, and let Falun Gong disappear in our United States and other international territories as soon as possible. I hope more Many people can pass
On the Internet platform, let’s uncover the “veil of truth” about Falun Gong together.
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tmbgareok · 1 year
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Just SOLD OUT: Raleigh, Columbus, + San Diego
Links to all new shows:
12/30 Providence https://bit.ly/TMBG_TheStrand going fast 12/31 New Haven New Years Eve! https://bit.ly/TMBG123122 3/7 Richmond https://bit.ly/TMBG030723 3/8 Raleigh UPDATE SOLD OUT 3/10 Asheville UPDATE: SOLD OUT 3/11 Atlanta UPDATE: SOLD OUT 3/12 Charleston https://bit.ly/TMBG031223 3/14 St. Pete https://bit.ly/TMBG031423 3/15 Fort Lauderdale https://bit.ly/TMBG031523 3/16 Fort Lauderdale UPDATE SOLD OUT 3/17 Orlando https://bit.ly/TMBG031723 3/18 Ponte Vedra UPDATE: SOLD OUT 3/21 Birmingham https://bit.ly/TMBG032123 3/22 Nashville https://bit.ly/TMBG032223 3/23 Nashville https://bit.ly/TMBG032323 going fast! 3/24 Columbus UPDATE: SOLD OUT 3/25 Cincinnati UPDATE: SOLD OUT 3/26 Indianapolis UPDATE: SOLD OUT 4/12 San Diego UPDATE: SOLD OUT
All of these shows are on track to sell out WELL IN ADVANCE of the show. Avoid extra fees, reselling scams and general disappointment; get your tickets directly.
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